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July 8, 2024 • 64 mins
Roadrunners Director of Hockey Operations Jake Wagman joins "Voice fo the Roadrunners" Adrian Denny for a round of Rapid Fire coming off of a big week of players being signed to NHL/AHL Two-Way Contracts and re-signing with the Roadrunners before the two go back and forth on their favorite cheesecakes. We then introduce you to who might become a new 24-25 Roadrunners fan favorite and the latest to star on the team from Finland in Miko Mattika. Then, rookie Will Gavin joins the podcast from Prospect and Development Camp after finishing up his college career at the Air Force Academy.
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Episode Transcript

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When you want more Roadrunners, We'vegot more Roadrunners. This is the Tucson
Roadrunners Insider Podcast. Hey everybody,welcome to this week's edition of your two
Son Roadrunners Insider podcast. Adrian Dennywith you. We're gonna lead things off
today with Roadrunners Director of Hockey OperationsJake Wagman, as we come off of

a Prospect and Development camp that alsocoincided with Week one of free agency.
A lot of HL contracts signed.If you listen to the podcast last week,
me and Kim gave you some sneakpeeks. We've got more this week.
Podcast signings on the podcast before they'reofficially announced. Two way contracts NHL

AHL deals players that could be aside of the Roadrunners that you'll know from
playing in Tucson and around the AHL. We'll get to those with Jake.
Coming up, We've got a newprospect to introduce you to and we'll tell
you why we're so excited about MikoMatika. Saw him at Prospect and Development

camp, talked to him out ofFinland, signed a three year entry level
contract and he've been following the Roadrunnersover the last couple of years. Guys
from Finland Mattias Paicelli, Akuatu pullsome good guys out of that country.
The latest is going to be MikoMatika out of the University of Denver,

winning a national championship before that,playing the last two seasons in the USHL
six' three to one. We'llhear from Miko. Coming up. Will
Gavin is gonna join us, aplayer that the Roadrunners have signed to a
HL contract. He joined us lastyear after college at air Force. Just
got kind of an onboarding session beforehe went back for his finals. We'll

talk to Will from Prospects and developmentcamp coming up. So we'll run down
the list for the Roadrunners players ontwo way contracts that have been re signed
that you'll know, Kurtis Douglas,Bil s Kelleman, Travis Barron, and
last week I told you about Fladkoy Chonik, Ben McCartney, Patrick Koch,
Matt vlalta AHL contract sign by theRoadrunners. He told you last week,

Cameron Hebek Hunter, Drew Astba Gansky. Add to that, Dylan Wells
Well Gavin and we're talking to comingup a prospect of development camp, Sam
Lipkin, who made his pro debutwith the Roadrunners last year, was with
us. We heard from him lastweek. Jake and I are also gonna
give you another big tease. Aroadrunner from a couple of years ago played

two seasons with US. A reallyproductive defenseman signed to an HL contract hasn't
been announced yet. We'll announce iton the podcast. Plus some new faces,
but we've seen him around the AHL. Andrew Agazino, Kevin Cannaton signed
a two way contracts could be yournext in our favorites at a big trade.
Yan Yanique going to the Ottawa organizationfor Igor soakol Off. We'll tell

you why we're so excited about Egor. He is Belleville's all time leading score
nineteen goals or more in three straightseasons, all time leader in games,
played, a big character guy.We've heard a lot about him, and
you know, a locker room favorite, a fan favorite. Is what it

sounds like for Egor on a twoway contract as yan Yanique goes to Audawa.
So that's what we got coming up. We're going to do a rapid
fire with Jake talking about all ofthose guys that have been re signed,
resigned a two way contracts, signed, the two way contracts, traded.
Everything really getting rolling here in Julywith the start of free agency, coming

out of Prospect and Development Camp.So let's get to our first guest,
Runners Director of Hockey Operations Jake Wagman, coming up here on the podcast two
Sun Broadrunners Director of Hockey Operations JakeWagman leading us off today on the podcast,
Jake, welcome back. How areyou doing. I'm fantastic, Thank

you for having me again. It'sbeen a busy week with HL contracts that
have been signed, we haven't announcedthem all yet, some two way contracts
with some returning guys, and sometwo way contracts of some guys that we
know around the league, and anotherguy we think is going to be a
really good fit. Plus a surpriseof a guy coming back that we had

a few years ago. So whatdo you say we run through it all
right here with an edition of RoadrunnersRapid Fire love it all right? Here
we go. Let's start with returningtwo way contracts, then we'll go into
our HL contracts, and then we'lldo the you two way contracts. How's
that sounds perfect? Unbelievable? Okay, here we go, Jake, one

word, one sentence on the belowguys Curtis Douglas. Dougie is just about
as tough as it gets, andhe's a really positive person, really getting
the room. Kind of a funny, quirky guy that at six foot nine

is hard to miss. So Ithink him, along with Hunter Drew,
which we'll touch on probably in alittle bit, and Travis Barron, we're
probably one of the best, ifnot the best fourth lines in the AHL
last year towards the end of theseason. So he's going to be a
big part of what we have goingforward. Curtis on a one year,

two way contract. No need tostay in order, let's go. Let's
just go in our order. HunterDrew, Yeah, Drewsy just kind of
fought through not being in the lineup right away. He was in and
out throughout the first half of theseason, and then when he got his
opportunity cashed in seemed like every othertime, Like I think for a while

he was almost half a goal pergame, and uh, you know,
obviously he brings a unique element withhis ability to produce and you know,
create some space for other forwards onthe ice with his physicality. And then
another just great human being who fitsinto our group really well, and then

Travis Barron, Yeah, Bears isthe consummate pro, another glue guy in
the room. And you know,centerment are really tough to to get in
this league, and and ones whocan play in all situations too, and
he can do just that. He'suh, he's a good face off guy,

and he's proven that he's able toplay with some of the more elite
players on our team and and doesn'tmiss a beat. So he's another guy
not afraid to drop the gloves andstick up for his teammates. So just
an incredibly valuable piece for US.Milos Calman, Yeah, just he's the

horse, lugs the puck and isable to create offense and simple ways by
just driving to the net. He'sgot a heck of a shot. And
another guy that's just fun to bearound off the ice and has a great
attitude. Yeah, well, we'llsee what the year has for Coley.

Uh what's in store? But justthe hardest worker that I think I've ever
seen, and that's saying a lot. He is one of those guys that
you have to try to rip offthe ice because he never wants to get
off and he actually had He wentthrough a lot last year he had an

injury I think in November with theNHL club, came back and obviously did
a heck of a job rehabbing,and then got a call up at the
end of the year and played Ithink some of his best hockey with the
big club during that span. Sohe's another guy that you know will be
a leader for us when he keepshis game simple. He's one of the

most effective defensemen in the HL.So hopefully he can build on a great
end to last year stay with thed Let's do Patrick Kotch. Yeah,
this guy, I don't think alot of people knew who he was coming
into last year, and he wasanother guy that took a little while to

crack the lineup, and then assoon as he did and he got a
foothold, he was known by almosteverybody pretty quickly. Like it's tough to
miss him because he hits harder thananybody in our league and he's just an
honest player, probably one of thenicest human beings you'll ever meet off the

ice and is a is a greatfamily man. But his physicality and his
ruggedness, uh really stood out,and he's he's not a secret anymore.
Everybody knows exactly who Patrick patches.Ben McCartney salt of the Earth. Just
a hard working guy and somebody that'sI think got the opportunity to really take

a big step forward this year.As you know, he was a young
player on his entry level contract figuringout the league, and you know he
was signed a few weeks ago.But he has a great opportunity to galvanize
the troops in a leadership role.Obviously with being an assistant captain to this,

we expect he's gonna drag us intothe fight and you know, hopefully
UH continue to to build on someimportant stepping stones. But he he's got
all the tools. He plays anextremely rugged game, and you know,

I think he's a He's a bigpart of our identity. He's just a
hard working guy that's physical and we'regonna need players like him to help grind
opponents down throughout the long year.Matt Waltah just our everything. Honestly,
we probably not had the best goaltendingsince my tenure started here, and Maddy

cured that pretty quickly. He hemade us look a lot better than we
could have. Some nights, madesome of the best saves that I've seen
in the American League. There's acouple that stand out. I think one
of our last games in San Diego, he made like three point blank saves.

One was on his butt and helooked down and out and just stole
points for us. He's such agifted natural athlete obviously as unbelievable flexibility and
and and that coordination, and youknow, he's he's a really easy going
guy. And it's amazing because nothingflusters him. Like he played a million

games last year and uh, youknow, anytime we had a question for
him whether he wanted to go ornot, there was no hesitation. He
always wanted to get put in.So just a great team player and you
know, somebody that really provides alot of stability for us. Dylan Wells
just a pleasant surprise came in andI think around Thanksgiving and whenever Matty V

wasn't in net, Wellsy got anopportunity to help us get so much needed
points. And I can honestly saythat we wouldn't have come in second place
without Wellsi he he you know,it was really just immediately apparent that he
was a good person and he fitinto our room really well, and then

had a few nights where he wasyou know, I think up in the
thirty forty save range and it wasan important part of what we accomplished last
year. So looking forward to seeingwhat he could do for us this year.
Austin Paganski just one of the bestleaders that you'll see and you'll meet.

He was a workhorse on the iceand off the ice. He was
able to really show some of theyounger guys the way and provide you know,
a Swiss Army knife type of UHplay on a on a nightly basis.
He was probably our most consistent forwardthroughout the year, and as everybody

else, went from a a PTOto an American League contract midway through the
year and then turned it into anice UH two year American League deal with
a with a good race. Sohe's earned everything he's gotten and you know,
incredibly happy to see him return.Let's do the guys with us in

dev camp. Let's do UH stayingwith the goalies, Ants and Thornton.
Yeah, thoughts Uh hasn't played awhole lot of hockey in the last little
while, So excited for him tobe healthy and UH, you know,
see him develop wherever he's playing.Uh. As long as he gets his

reps in, he's He's got sucha natural gift that we believe that as
long as he's consistently you know,healthy, he's gonna turn into quite the
prospect for US. So another reallyjust good human being off the ice,
such a polite, polite, nicekid, and I think there's great things

in the store for him. Anothergoalie that we had in development camp this
week. We saw him a coupleof years ago with US and then he's
been been back playing in Finland.Rasmus Corjonen. Yeah, Rasmus Uh.
You know, he kind of firstcame on to my radar. This was
two three years ago, three yearsago when he played a handful of games

for US. I remember he cameon a trip to Rockford, which was
quite an eventful trip and he gota nice introduction to what the American League
was. So I think that wasa valuable experience for him. And he'll
be playing in Sweden this year.And just another guy that is incredibly talented

and has a really good opportunity togrow as he gets more and more reps.
Sam Lipkin was you know, anational champion in the n C Double
A and and Uh another really goodkid. You know, seventh round pick.
Uh signed with US at the endof last year and was able to

provide some some needed injection of energy. Got his uh first point in his
first game against San Diego, areally nice assist on a play to Cameron
Ebig who finished off a great play. And you know, there's gonna be
competition with with Lepper, but he'sanother guy that has all the tools to

be a successful hockey player at theAHL level and he's he's gonna be a
big part of what we have goingforward. Coming up next on the podcast,
it's Will Gavin. Yeah, honestly, for him, I know he
can rip it and he did itconsistently in college. Probably one of the

more impressive human beings that you'll comeacross on our team because Air Force is
not an easy place to to be, an easy place to get to and
obviously not only the possibility of servingyour country, but it's pretty impressive that
he's able to do that and bea pro hockey player to boot. So

just a very impressive kid, andyou know, I think it's gonna be
he got a taste of what wewere like. He came down for a
week last season, and we didn'tget to see him in game action,
but it'll be really good for himobviously being here in our development camp and
then you know, going through atraining camp with Tucson. He's going to

be huge for him. And youknow, a bit of a bit of
a mystery box, but it certainlylooks like he has all the tools to
succeed. All right, let's dothe new guys on two way contracts that
we know Andrew Agazino, Yeah,this will be a really important veteran for
us. Came up, you know, I think he started off on an

American League deal with the Cleveland Monstersand he was in Colorado system. We
we saw him the last couple ofyears with San Jose and the San Diego
last year. Just a really consistentpoint producer, creative playmaker, and a

guy he's got great vision and andhas a little bit of finish to him
too. I think he's going tocompliment our top six really well. And
he's he's going to be the lynchpinwith with losing Justin Kirkland, He's going
to fill that role, uh andhopefully be a a high producer for us.

Yeah, I just I don't knowhim personally, but anecdotally have heard
that he's an unbelievable leader and anda really good person. Obviously plays a
really consistent game. Uh logs aton of minutes on the back end,
and he's going to be our leaderfor defenseman. Really excited to have some

stability there too. On a ona two year deal, and I think
he's just going to be an excellentcharacter guy for our team and somebody that's
going to be really counted on tohelp the young guys come along. And
then another new one, a newname for us, but I don't think

a new identity in how he plays. Igor Sokolov. Yeah, really excited
about this guy. Have heard reallyreally positive things about him off the ice,
and then he's a player that we'velooked at for a little while.
On the ice. His his giftsare quite apparent. He's a big body

that has a really heavy shot,and you know he's he's a he's a
winger, and he's pretty hard toplay against, especially on the wall and
in the corners. So you gotto kind of like having him and Peganski
on the same team. I feellike that's a mis a ble matchup for

a lot of defensemen in the PacificDivision coming their ways, so he Yeah,
so clov is going to be exactlyhopefully what we need. And I'm
really excited to see how he adjustedTucson because he's been in Ottawa for for

his pro career so far and maybegot pushed down the list just because of
different circumstances. But this is aguy that I think has some untapped potential,
So really excited to see him.Okay, here's a surprise fans don't
know about this one, Robbie Russo, Yeah, it's funny. I I

we had him as a client whenI worked for an NHL agent and I
never I never met him, butI heard really good things. Obviously you're
a little bit biased when he's whenyou're clients, but yeah, this guy,
you might know him better than me, Adrian, but apparently is just

another I know, I sound likea broken record, but apparently he's just
really good in the room and agreat guy to be around. So he's
another VET for us, and youknow, I can never have too many,
right chat defenseman. He's going tobe a guy who's going to be

counted on to produce from the backend and you know, I think he
does everything well. He's a bitof a Swiss armyife as well, So
that that was a really important piecefor us to get because it'll insulate our
younger guys back there a little bit, especially on the right side. So
really excited to finally meet Robbie andhave him be a part of the Roadrunners.

So he was with us for twoseasons twenty eighteen, nineteen twenty,
nineteen twenty twenty. Those were tworeally really good Roadrunners teams that he was
part of. Back on the powerplay, this plus minus has always stood
out to me because you watch himand he's so offensively skilled. You may

think, oh, he's a dman that maybe you know, is going
to look to make that that opportunisticplay, but he doesn't sacrifice anything in
the process. Yeah, that's that'sthe most important thing. I mean,
he he's gonna have to take careof the defensive zone, and you know,

I think that obviously with him beingcounted on to make some plays back
there, we want to encourage hiscreativity. But you know, defensively,
it's going to be important for himto to make sure that he doesn't sacrifice
anything in his own zone. Sowe've heard and seen that he can do
that and again, just another greatexample for our young players to be able

to fallow. And that's a moveI don't think you're making unless Steve Potman
and John Slaney, who were withhim for two years is as coaches with
the road Runners, would one hundredpercent be be on board and wanting him
to come bring what he brought twoyears ago. Absolutely, the familiarity there

is is huge for them, anduh, you know, it's always nice
to to have guys that kind ofknow, you know, the landscape a
little bit, but you know,another just character player that that we're really
excited about. So we've gone througheverybody, Jake to take us behind the
scenes the first week of free agencyand leading up to it of what what

you guys have been up to.Yeah, we we've kind of covered a
lot of ground. There's uh,there's a lot of planning and prep that
goes into a really short period oftime. You know. Obviously, Uh,
with this year, all the rapidfire changes that have been thrown our

way, it's been it's been prettyunique. Spent a lot of time preparing
for this development camp. Uh ina place that personally I've never been to
and I know we're talking offline.Utah looks like an unbelievable place and it's

just so exciting to be here.The the environment is electric and you can
feel the excitement. It's uh,it's something that's refreshing and it's new.
You walk around and everybody you knowsees your shirt and your logo and it
is always really polite and has alot of questions for you, and that's

something that's due and something that's that'sa pretty cool feeling. So yeah,
throughout the last little bit, youknow, just doing our due diligence on
on players and you know you're atthe mercy of of what transpires during free
agency, but especially our talking toour pro scouts, everybody felt really prepared,

and you know, it's kind ofnice with with July one being behind
us and having a few days ofthe step camp to get to kind of
just enjoy seeing the prospects and it'sa little bit less stressful than than the
build up prior. So you know, just looking around, we've got some

really big kids. That's one thingthat stands out, and that's something that
got built upon from last year.But yeah, and also just trying to
plan for the season coming up.Schedule should be released pretty soon, but
we've gotten to peek ats and thingsand just trying to negotiate, you know,

what we look like, and variousagreements that we have in place to
make us the best team possible.And I won't pour you with the legal
side of that, but yeah,there's a lot of it that's been going
on behind the scenes, and we'vecertainly been busy. But I think I
speak for everybody when I say thatwe're extremely excited for this year, you

know, as you you put everythingtogether with the two way contracts and the
returning guys, like I don't wantto say it's uncommon, but to be
in a situation where you're bringing backa Cameron he Big for his fifth year
and a Travis Barron for his fourthyear, like those are just invaluable pieces
that that you have the opportunity tojust put right back onto the whiteboard.

Yeah. I think particularly with withbig Ee, he's just such a good
role model for our guys. Hehe you know, started really at the
bottom of the totem pole and anddidn't have anything handed to him, and
he worked his way, you know, into being a consistent ahl or and

a guy who, if you lookat his numbers five on five, was
right up there with our other forwardsproduction wise too. So he's such a
good skater. He goes to everyarea and all the difficult areas on the
ice fearlessly, and he's able toplay in all situations. And it's funny

because I know it sounds like I'vesaid that about a number of guys on
our team, but I could Icould say exactly the same thing about Travis
Barron. It's it's a little bitdifferent stylistically, U Biggie skating is probably
what separates him from a lot ofthe guys on our team in the league.
But you know, much like Biggie, Bear is able to play in

all situations, and you know,Bear, what he might lack in a
little bit speed makes up in physicalityand his brain and his characters. So
both those guys are really identity playersfor us, because you know, we're
gonna have to out work teams thisyear, and we have no doubt that

both those guys can do it.So we've talked a lot about the returning
guys, the two way guys we'veseen around the league, but this might
be a record year for guys atdevelopment camp that we see make that step
to pro hockey into the AHL.We're at a point where all of these
draft picks that we've had for thelast couple of years are starting to get

to that level where it's time forthem to make that transition to pro.
Last year was was maybe just theearly beginning, and in the next two,
three, four years, we're reallygoing to get a lot of big
prospects. Yeah, and you knowthat process is still fluid, but you're
right, Uh, there's a lotof guys, especially guys coming at a

at a college. I mean,actually, to be honest, they're they're
coming from everywhere. We've got alot of interesting younger players that you know,
I don't know if they'll necessarily beenTucson, they probably will. But
the most important thing for us isjust injecting good character into our group and
all these kids. You know,Utah Hockey Club formerly the Coyotes, have

done a fantastic job on the hockeyoperation side of vetting these kids and making
sure that they're high character people,and uh, you know, they're a
nice place speaks for itself. Butwhat's nice is you know, we really
don't have to worry about injecting guysinto Tucson because they come in and we

already have a solid background, usuallya few years out that that they're great
people and they usually fit into ourculture instantly. So I think it's it's
always a bit of a guessing gamewhen you bring new blood in. But
with our ability to have seen theseguys in development camps and how they develop

in either junior or or college priorto bring them in, we already kind
of know that, you know,we know that they're going to be great
when they're when they're finally added toour group. And so far we haven't
had a lot of misses. It'sbeen it's been really fun to see all
right. Rest of the summer.First things first, the wedding you and

doctor Jessica. Yes, extremely excitedabout that. We're kind of not August
eleventh in Kingston, Ontario. Forthose of you that don't know where Kingston
is, it's the home of theOhl Kingston Front Next Teens and it's about

two and a half hours east ofToronto, so yeah, you just kind
of drive along lake. We bothwent to school there and we've been dating
for a bajillion years, so it'sabout time that I stepped up. And
it's a nice spot on the lakethat we're doing it. So I'm incredibly
excited about that honeymoon. Honeymoon ofcourse, yes, it's gonna be a

bit of a mini moon with everythingthat's going on. But we're going to
go to France, so hit Paris, Provence and Bordeaux. I hear the
wine is terrible there, so I'mnot looking forward to that at all.
Jake. Before we get to ourdraft, do you have any questions for

me? I don't. I thinkyou know. I like the fact that
we've talked at length. I justwant to thank you for everything that you
do. I know it probably hasn'tbeen easy to last a little while,
but you are a true professional andI'm just really excited to have the year

with you again. I think it'sgoing to be a fun one. It'll
be different as it always is.But no, I'm just looking forward to
the future. I can't wait,can't wait. It's what we do.
Absolutely, this is it all right? Jake? Do you want to draft?
Dipping sauces, arena concession items,breakfast candy, cheesecake factory, items

or cheesecake factory cheesecake. Oh,let's go. Let's go right for the
actual cheesecake. I think that's that'shigh on my list. I'll be honest,
though, I haven't been to acheesecake factory in a little while,
but I'm willing to hear your opinionon the best flavors. I've got some
staples myself, but yeah, I'mpretty open ended. So let's let's see

what you got, Okay. I'mgonna go with the one that I get
the most of all Jake, andthat is the skinny cheesecake that has half
the calories and it tastes exactly thesame as a regular piece of cheesecake.

So that is what I'm getting.I will get it every time without feeling
bad. So I'm gonna take thatone, so it's off the board.
And then we'll get fun fair enough. That's a that's a good one.
I go for two staples. Igot blueberry, which I just you know,

I think it's it's the perfect combination. I'm big blueberry guys, so
that one's an easy one for me. And then anything with Oreos cookies and
cream type thing. I think you'reyou're a psychopath if you don't like that
combination. But yeah, just forme, nothing too crazy, like a

nice New York, New York stylecheesecake with a little bit of either blueberry
or oreos on it. And I'ma happy guy. Let's take gosh,
you you could take any of theseand be be happy. How about the
name brand Reese's Peanut Butter chocolate cakecheesecake that is for cheat day? Absolutely,

yeah, that's a no brainer forme, and I actually I think
my favorite combination of flavors or chocolateand peanut butter, so that doesn't just
surround cheesecake. I I love likeuh most mostly whether it's like gelato or

ice cream. That's the chocolate peanutbutter. That's a big weakness for me,
and especially with the wedding coming up, I'm specifically trying to avoid that
entire situation. Maybe after I'll diveback into it. But yeah, that's
a dangerous one because I absolutely noself control, and you know, I

really I don't know that much ofa sweet tooth, but like cheesecake and
ice cream in particular is a bigweakness for me. I will always have
to get a scoop of ice creamwith any kind of dessert, no matter
what it is. If it comeswith whipped cream, that's great. I
still need a scoop of ice cream, cheesecake, pie cake cup ease,

it's gotta have ice cream. I'mright there with you. I think my
ice cream is probably ice cream andcheesecake are my top two desserts. When
I was younger, I was abig candy guy. Like I would be
the kid that would go out onHalloween and then try to collected King's Ransom
and my parents usually weren't too pleasedwhen I would go through half of it

in the first night. And youknow, I have a lot of memories
of waking up delirious on my couchafter going through like twenty twenty five Reese's
peanut butter cups as a eight andnine year old. So yeah, like
I said, absolutely no self control. I'll wrap it up with salted caramel.

Salted caramel. Anything salted caramel cheesecakeis amazing. I used to be
a salted caramel guy, and Ithink now I've actually moved over to pistachio.
I don't know what it is,and I think the weird part is

you get whether it's I've had pistachiocheesecake, I've had pistachio ice cream.
I've had a rye any of pistachiodesserts. And something about pistachio is,
no matter where you get it,it's always different. It always tastes a
little bit weird. It even looks. I mean some places it's like,
you know, that kind of Idon't know if it's artificial green, but

there's that, and then sometimes it'swhite. We were actually in where we're
in Coachella last year and I wehad a few hours. I drove down
to Lakita and there's an ice creamplace there that was one of those like

it was not dry ice, butthe the one with the like they pour
it in. It's like the liquidice where the fog just like comes right
off it. And I had anunbelievable pistachio ice cream there that was kind
of my my. I think itmight have been like a pre game,
so probably not the healthiest thing.But like I said, on the sucker

for that, yeah, for me, once a week, once a week
for the dessert. That's that's whereI have to draw the line, because
if you have it two nights ina row, it becomes three nights in
a row, and it's a it'san extra meal for seven straight days.
Then that's good help. I feellike it's a slippery slope for me.
If I do it once a week, then it's gonna end up going to

two and three and four pretty quickly. But I think you'll see me after,
after the damn breaks, after thewedding. I think you'll find me
in a few different ice cream shopson the road. We'll enjoy it,
and uh, thanks for joining us, really really informational on on the wrapped

fire and and all of our guys, and I know the folks enjoyed it.
And busy, busy week, busytime July. That's why you're getting
married in August, right, becauseyou're smart, you're strategic. August.
August is kind of a one monthin hockey where you feel like you have
a chance maybe just to take aday for a second. That's the idea,

and it's Yeah, it's just beensuch a crazy I guess spring and
summer that I haven't quite had asmuch downtime as i'd like. So yeah,
hoping to cool off a little bitand recharge the batteries and then you
know, get after it for astrong season. Well, can't wait,

Jake, thanks for coming on.Enjoy, enjoy the rest of July.
I'm sure there's a few more thingsthat we'll need to announce for the folks
that that you're working on, andthen onto the wedding and on to France.
Thank you very much for having me. Yeah, it's always a pleasure.
I was telling you more about MikoMatika as we open the podcast.

And player that was drafted third roundtwenty two again six foot three, two
of one out of Finland, thirtythree points in four forty three games,
twenty goals last year at the Universityof Denver Is they won the national championship.
It signed to a three year entrylevel contract. Might be one of
your new Roadrunners favorites ready to makehis professional debut. Miko coming in.

He's twenty years old. He'll betwenty one coming up on October twenty six.
But another player out of Finland.You know, we talked about Aku
Ratu, the great season that hehad last year for the Roadrunners, really
coming along forty four points in fiftyfive games, re memory edge just two
points in his first ten games.So if you look at it. Forty

two points in his last forty fivegames. One point in his NHL debut
came in the last game of theregular season, so we've seen what Aku
has been able to do. MattiasMitchelli just tore it up with the Roadrunners
fifth seven points in forty seven gamesin the twenty one twenty two season before
being called up and haven't seen himsince. At forty nine points in twenty

two to twenty three in sixty fourgames on a goal thirty eight assists,
fifty seven points in all eighty twogames played last year, seventeen goals,
forty assists, So another finish.Fenop is on his way to the desert.
You figure he'll start the season inthe AHL with the road Runners.

Let's hear from Attika his third prospectand development camp last week, and I
asked him how he's grown, youknow, throughout the process here as he
signs that NHL contract last week andgets ready for his pro debuty. I
mean, the guys here are probablysome of the best in the NFL,
and it's been a huge honor anda pleasure working with those guys, and

it's been a massive help in mydevelopment. You can. I can feel
it, and I all those guyssee it too. Since since the first
dev camp, to hear, it'sbeen a huge leaps, and uh,
I'm trying to trying to get morebetter and better every day and just ask
help from these guys and U Iknow they want the best for me,
and I'm trying to suckers much outof his second he's a big kid,

six three two oh one. Iasked him, is there anybody you've you've
modeled your game after you've watched you'vebeen my someone maybe not perils me by
Aveschkin obviously, Righty the European guy. It's a he's he's one of the
guys that I've always watched and uhobviously all the finish finished guys from UH
from Hence and UH all those guysthat uh trying to take some of their

good things to my game and justtrying to learn and ask him questions as
I uh practice with them all summer. So it's uh, those guys help
me help me a lot, andI really appreciate it. Let's hear from
Lee Stepbian, director of player development, who's watched Miko come through the process.
Here again, United States, HockeyLeague after being drafted, a year
of college at Denver, his thirdprospect and development camp, and now we're

to make the jump to the program. He's made huge strides. You know,
he's always had the big shot anda powerful skater, and I think
at times he sort of relied onthat too much, especially in the USHL,
and as he got to Denver,he's a totally different player for me
from where he started the year atDenver. You know, he had the
shot and was getting his chances,but he added another layer to his game

where he was able to be youknow, in the NCAA tournament, he
was one of their guys that wasout there winning their buck paddles, winning
the board battles, trusted defensively inkey situations. He's just finding a way
to add to his game, becausethat's the biggest thing is being able to
be trusted by your coaches when youturn pro. So having that versatility where
you can you can be trusted bythe coach to get on the ice and
that allows you then to use yourshot, to use your offensive instinct.

So he's made a tremendous strides.Really excited so of all the players we
saw last week at Prospect and DevelopmentCamp. Miko is one that was in
the news signing that three year entrylevel contract. Ought to be a good
time to introduce you to him.Let's introduce you to Will Gavin right now.
Rookie was with this last year endof the year, did not play

in any games, but just kindof had that that onboarding session with the
Roadrunners, went back to Air Force, finished up his work there, and
now ready to make his professional debutcoming up this season. Here he is
well Gavin as promised as teased forthe first half of this podcast and last

week's podcast, Will, how's itgoing good? How are you enjoying Prospect
and Development Camp? Yeah, it'sbeen awesome. It's been a fun week
so far. It's kind of like, uh, kind of like a summer
camp as a kid, Like youcome away for a week, your days
are planned, you get food,you got to have a good time,
soccer game tonight. Yeah, it'sjust uh, you know, it's a

more fun uh camp. Food's alittle bit better and you get your own
rooms, so not too bad.You get your own root. We have
a pretty spoiled this trip, sothat's incredible. Where was this when I
I was fourteen. That takes awaymy question. Who's your rub? Yeah?
Not just me? So all right, let's start off with an addition
of Roadrunners trap fire. I'm gonnagive you a word. You're gonna give

me the first thing that comes toyour head, could be a word,
can be a sentence, and seehow it goes. Do it. You
can say pass if you don't likeany of a week at dev camp.
Great experience, been awesome so far. Favorite part of a hockey practice the
flow drills at the start, justgetting your feet going. Colorado Springs,
Colorado Mountains. The Air Force Academylack of sleep, biggest rival for the

Air Force Academy Hockey team Army,without a doubt. Favorite subject. You're
happy you no longer have to studyastronautical engineering. That almost got me.
Roadrunners the Bird, best mascot inthe American League. Roadrunners the team,
great group of guys, cheat Meal, hard to be just a big Mac,
just a big Mac and McDonald's fries. Dream car nothing, nothing too

fancy, just a nice truck,maybe just like an F one to fifty
something like that. Practical. Well, you know, it takes everything for
me to stop myself from commenting onall of this stuff. But it's rappid
fires. We gotta we gotta keepit moving. If you weren't a pro
hockey player, what sport would youplay professionally? Golf? Favorite sports to
watch Football, Steve Potman, jacked, Zach Stortini, intimidating Tucson, great

weather, favorite vacation spot, SteamboatSprings, Colorado. Morning Person or night
Owl Morning person by default? NowCardio or waits? Oh wait a yeah,
favorite kind of music, alternative ofour country, favorite podcast, Missing
Curfew. That's rapid fire. Allright, now I'm gonna comment. Okay,

you're the second guy in a monththat is called Steve Potman jacked.
Ye, in between you and AntonThornton calling him jack. We had Steve
on the podcast total about that.He's Anson's going to get an extra start
this year for calling him for callinghim jacked. Morning Person is the Air
Force? What time you wake up? It kind of depends on the day,
but usually right on six six fifteenevery day, So pretty really,

And the subjects you told me thatyou are happy no longer have study out
of astronautical engineering. You know,I don't really know what it is either.
I passed it and that's all Icare about. But yeah, basically
satellite and just different constellations and whatnot. Yeah, like I said, I
don't know a ton about it,but gotta see. So tell us about

you know, I know you getasked every time you do an interview,
but tell me about the Air ForceAcademy and just the daily routine. Like
having watched lots of college football,they always sit on the fact that that's
have to wake up at six amand yeah, go to work, but
just tell me about yeah, mylife. I know. I could give

you typical days. So you're upusually six six fifteen. We have this
thing called morning accountability formation, sobasically brief in the morning just about what's
going on later that day or maybetraining that's going on that week, So
you have that in the morning.I usually had to breakfast around seven classes
at seven thirty, So seven thirtyto around eleven, you're going to class.

You get a giant formation, sothe whole school will march to lunch
together. So at around eleven thirty, year all and you know, basically
groups up one hundred the best wayI can describe it, and you're all
marching to lunch. Together, sothat's about another twenty thirty minute ordeal after
lunch offshore development times so it's fortyfive minutes after lunch usually, and then

after that's kind of your typical collegehockey routine, going down video, lift
practiced, and you know, getup around six seven o'clock, a couple
hours of homework and then rinse andrepeat. I guess. So, before
you went to the Air Force Academy, were you a morning person? Absolutely
not, No, I was,you know, getting up at seven am.

That that was really for me.But after going to school, it's
you know, seven am doesn't soundso bad anymore to get up. So
what was it about the Air ForceAcademy that made it the right choice for
you? The perfect fit to gohave your your college, your college academics,
your your training and play hockey.Yeah. I mean a big thing

for me is military service, bothmy grandparents' service, so something I was
pretty passionate about. But no,besides that, I mean, Air Force
hockey has had some unbelievable years inthe past. They've had some great teams,
a lot of success, so Iknow there's a great winning culture there
that I want to be a partof. And beside hockey. It's it's
an unbelievable institution academically, and Ijust wanted a place where I knew I
could set myself up afterwards, youknow, for whatever I want to do,

whether I was militarily or you know, in the business world. So
I thought it was kind of ano brainer. It's the best of all
worlds. And yeah, that's whyI decided to go there. Is there
any time? Right? Like peoplealways say, like, what do you
like? I was telling Sam Liptonlast week we worked twenty four seven,
like hockey, Yeah, whatever you'redoing? Like life now, is you

work twenty four seven? I'm sureat the Air Force Academy it's thirty seven,
right, Yeah? Is there anytime to get out and enjoy Colorado
Springs? Because you got all themountains there, it's a destination spot.
Yeah. So, I mean yourfreshman year you're pretty locked down for the
most part with training and whatnot.But yeah, after that freshman year,
you get a decent amount of time. Some weekends will be training weekends,

which you're out in the field doingyou know, different various military activities,
but most weekends you'll get to yourself. So a lot of people go up
to Aspen or Breckenridge and whatnot,or Pike's Peak and hike or ski.
So there is a decent amount oftime after that freshman year we get to
explore. So what what was yourspecialty at the Air Force Academy? You
know, distounding as dumb as youpossibly can pile it. Yeah, so

I actually had two jobs. Butthe job that I'll be doing after professional
hockey would be Space Force acquisitions.So I can't tell you exactly what it
is. I know that just ofit. But yeah, we'll see down
the road with that's all about.Describe your game. We had you with
us at the end of last season, then you went back to finish everything

at the academy. But just describeyour game and what do you think about
it? Attracted the roadrunners come comeget you? Yeah, I mean I
think the biggest thing. I hada pretty good record with scoring in college.
I like to think that I'm athreat anywhere from the top of the
circles down, So I think thatwas probably the biggest thing. But other
than that, I just like tothink as myself as like a two way

winger. I try and take pridein the things that aren't as glamorous.
So no, it's that's something thatI think they they saw and hopefully the
fans next year we'll appreciate. How'dyou get connected with John and Jake?
And Yeah, so unfortunately we lostin the first round of playoffs this past
season, but right after that,Yeah, they reached out to my agent,
and it's actually the first team Iheard heard from, and you know,

I talked over with him and hejust talked about just then amazing track
record this team has had with developingplayers and getting players to the next level.
So I thought it was no brain. I was super excited for the
opportunity. First impression, you comein, You join us in Santa's Day,
right, Were you there for theoff day practice on the Friday or
did you get in that night?I think I I'm trying to think.
I think I got in really lateFriday night? Yeah, gotcha, gotcha?

It was Saturday Sunday, right,Yeah, I went into game action.
First impression of being on the icewith our players and staff playing pro
hockey, Yeah, I just kindaI was there obviously pretty late in the
year, but it's just pretty surprisinghow welcoming everyone was. Just such a
tight knit group. But you know, it felt like everyone was coming up
to me introducing yourself. There's players, staff, yourself, So it just

felt like a really just a familyatmosphere when I got there, which you
don't, you know, necessarily getthat with every team you're part of.
So did you know anybody before fromNo, I actually didn't know, So
I didn't know anyone on the team. But I feel like I know just
about everyone now. So it's areally cool experience to be there for that
week. And no, it couldn'tbe more excited for next year. Some
familiar faith is here at development camp. Uh Anson. I don't think Anson

was with us though when when youwere there? Uh, But Sam Lipkin
was. I think she got thereright after I went back to school.
So no, but I just methim and yeah, he's another He's a
great guy as well, super superoutgoing, so yeah he was. He
was fun. I had fun withthem last week. This is your first
NHL Development camp, Yeah, myfirst one. So no, it's been
an awesome experience. And you knowit's yeah, it's been a gym packed

week. But it's busy. It'sbusy, man, it is like it's
late afternoon, like this is theone chance of the day I get to
grab guys to come on the podcast. What have you What have you enjoyed?
You know, it's there's a lotof skill work, a lot of
skating. But but the way Idescribe it to people is, you know,

it's it's literally kind of like anonboarding to the to the organization,
learning, learning how things operate,nutrition, hearing from the head coach,
and yeah, taking care of yourselfand introduction to to being a pro athlete.
Yeah. No, it's it's justbeen such a wealth and knowledge.
You can tell how invested all thesecoaches are in development, and you know,

there's so much it's cool. Youknow, I've played hockey for twenty
years now, but there's so many, you know, things that I've never
thought about. And you know,I'm getting to see the game through a
different lens, whether like you said, nutrition or on ice or off ice
or in the classroom. There's there'sso many different avenues where you can learn
from not just you know, likeI said, on the ice, but
off the ice as well. Soit's been it's been a great experience.
What do you think you've learned?What's one thing that, you know,

be it March April, being onthe ice with our staff or here at
development campus week. One thing thatyou've taken and you're like, I can
apply this to hockey to life.Yeah. I think the biggest thing so
far talking with some of the guysis just the skating, like the power
skating we've been doing. You know, obviously I've done power skating my whole
life, but just a it's sucha different perspective on it here and it's

you know, so many things I'venever thought about when skating, so super
useful and it's something I'm definitely gonnatry and work on over the summer.
Yeah, there's people that you know, have been with the organization for a
while and large EPSO or skating coaches. Is one of those guys. I
think this is going into his seventhseason working at all levels NHL HL with

with prospects. What makes him agood skating coach? Do you think?
I just think he looks at itfrom such a different angle. You know,
I've done a ton of power skating, but you know, a lot
of it is just how strong youare, how fast you moving your feed,
or just being in a straight line, like I think he attacks skating
from a just such a different perspective. Like, you know, one thing
is I think I mentioned the straightline skating like he was kind of trying

to teach us where you're getting moremomentum, kind of shifting your your blade
side to side, more of likean oval shape than a straight line.
So that was one thing that youknow, I never thought about, but
it's super interesting and something I wantto continue to work on the summer.
When you were in Tucson, howhow many nights were you there? Because
he joined us on the trip andbeen we had, you know, like
for ten days, and I thinkwe were on the road for four or

five of them. So what wereyou there like a Monday through Sunday or
Yeah, I think I was inTucson for probably four or five nights.
Ye, staying downtown, Yeah,the hotel attached to the ranks a couple
three. Did you get a chanceto walk around at night or yeah,
take taking any of the the sites, the restaurants or yeah. So I
checked out the U of A thefirst. It was kind of it was

cool. I mean, it's sucha you know, different experience at the
Air Force Academy. So it's coolto just get a glimpse out of you
know what a normal could you imaginenormal schooline going to school there? Yeah,
I I you know, I didnot get introduced to living in the
sunshine twenty four to seven, threesixty five. So I came to the

Roadrunners and first night there, I'mstaying on that campus and I wake up
and like, these kids, Holycow, are they smart for coming here?
Yeah, I might have done itall wrong. Another life, I'll
go to the U of A.You know, it's it's amazing how many
how many kids come down from fromPhoenix and as us another another thing,

but yeah, always always kind ofenvious the kids growing up in cities like
that where you can wear shorts toschool, Like you can wear shorts to
school. But you know, Riley, we did it was snowing. Yeah,
didn't feel any better. Any activitiesin Tucson outdoors that on an off
day you'd like to take advantage of. Yeah, I'm a I'm a pretty

big golfer, So excited. I'veheard the boys were talking about a lot
of the courses around there, somepretty nice tracks, So I'm excited to
you know, maybe after a hardpractice one day, jump out on the
on the the links and yeah,whack the ball around a little bit.
It'll be awesome. Any questions forme before we get to our draft.
Yeah, I mean, I thinkwe talked about a little bit. But
what's I guess what's the vibe andTucson about the team stand for all the

all the home games. Everybody isstoked, everybody's everybody's excited, everybody loves
the Roadrunners. It's Tucson's teams,two sons pro team. I'm excited.
We added another year onto our onour lease. So it's uh, oh
yeah, gonna I'm gonna keep itthat way. It's just a it's just

a great market, a great,great community, and we're really happy to
be there. And it's a it'sa great uh, it's a great HL
market. And it's got an airportthat can get you anywhere. Yeah,
you need to be whether it's adirect flight up to Salt Lake or a
direct flight to another another NHL market. So great spot. Yeah, I'm

not looking forward to to be inthere. All right, you want to
do this draft here, let's doit. I gave you some choices,
Yes, did you have any thatjumped out at you. Yeah, let's
go. Let's go with the icecream flavors. Okay, let's do ice
cream flavors, go first. Cookyou know is my favorite, So I
gotta throw that at one. That'sgood. I'll take a peanut butter chocolate

okay, probably just playing vanilla.I think you can't really go wrong with
that. I'm going to stay alongthe same lines. I'm gonna say,
uh, the apolitan okay, whichis vanilla chocolate strawberry. This might I
don't know, this might be alittle controversial, but mint chocolate chips one
of my favorites, so it's agood one. I'm gonna say cookie dough
okay, strawberry strawberry. Have youever when I was a kid, me

and my cousin would go to Basketand Robins and we would just go nuts
dare ice and I could still tasteit as a as an ice cream flavor.
I'm going to take it for beforeyou still will the dak or ice
at be in ours? One more? Uh? I'll kind of follow your
footsteps there. I love coldstone.I think I want to say it's called

confetti. I think the flavor birthdaycake is that what it is? Okay,
bay cake. Yeah unreal. Yeah, you stole my birthday cake as
I went to the uh the dakriice. All right, final one for
me. I'm gonna take cheesecake icecream. So there we go. There's
our draft, folks. We'll takecookie dough, vanilla, mint, chocolate

chip, strawberry confetti. I takepeanut butter, chocolate, Neapolitan cookie dough,
dak or ice, and cheesecake.Wait a minute, I took cookie
dough and you took cookie dough.Did we take the same Well, we
have a first time here. Goodthing. I document all of the stuff.
My my third picks disqualify. Yougotta pass me out. Yeah,

man, did you notice that?No? I didn't even notice that first
time ever. Holy yeah, I'mtaking this stuff down, folks. I
don't know. That's what happens whenI host this podcast all about myself.
We talked about it last week.Have no idea where Johnny is. Kim
is out of town a ten dayvacation. July fourth used to just be
one day. She leaves for tendays. So it's just just me.

I'm not handling this well. Sothanks for doing the draft with me.
Yeah, that was fun. Thanksfor stopping by the podcast. Excited to
go to the soccer game tonight.Yeah, you know what, I've never
been to a professional soccer game,so to be a cool experience for sure.
Yeah, I think you'll You'll enjoyit and see some more of the
mountains and have fun with the guysand I'm sure they'll just take more first

class five star care of Yeah.Yeah, no, it's it's been amazing
so far. So I can't thankI can't thank the organization enough for this
week. Well, thanks for stoppingby the podcast. Enjoy the rest of
camp and we'll see you back inback in the desert real sound sounds good,
looking forward to it. Thanks Adrian. Thanks so there's an action packed
podcast of hockey for you, talkingabout the signings, the guys returning,

the new guys, prospect and developmentcamp, who to watch for. We
appreciate you tuning in and we'll beback next week. Other edition of your
Roadrunners Insider podcast, Let's take youout. We head back home, back
to Tucson after a prospect and developmentcap during the first week of free agency,

heading home for more and we'll seethose lights are tuesome, Gotta see
the lights of Tucson. You gottaback, don't get a move on.
Gotta see the lights of Tucson andcoming back. We get a just been

my little there sity candid, listenwith the kid, But Tucson. My
heart is a yuning, like bronzing. My wheels are tuned in. Can't
we be there with her in theCatalinas lights of too sun shining? Illo

be alone well never a soona heit desert reaching this guy. You gotta
see the lions of Tucson. Igot it back. Come on, get
a mom, gotta see the lionsof Tucson coming back. We get a

move Bom. You gotta see thelights are too soon. Got back to
the moon, get the moon.Gotta see the lights too soon? Be
coming back? Will you got aroom at tost
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