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April 11, 2024 23 mins

Tabloids have been speculating for years that Tori is struggling financially.  Today, she begins to address that issue.

Tori takes us inside the storage facility where her belongings are about to go up for auction. Thanks to a friend, she has a chance to save some of her most prized possessions. If only she could remember which unit holds all the good stuff!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:08):
Misspelling with Tory spelling and iHeartRadio podcast. Okay, so I'm
here at my public storage that I have four units
at because I have a long history of stuff. I mean,
I have stuff in these units. I'm not a order

I'm a collector. That's my story and sticking to it.
But I have stuff here from literally from my childhood,
my stuff from my dad. I have memorabilia from nine
to two to zero. I have wardrobe from the nineties,
like everything you were recreating. I have the og stuff here,

and I have all my kids memories. I have everything
from like my eighteen year marriage, everything until well, I
guess a year ago when we had to like escape
the house with mold and everything was put into storage.
But anyway, didn't have the money to pay for the units,

so they actually what happens is I never knew this
before because I chose not to know it. My brain
wouldn't accept the knowledge that if you don't pay, it
like goes into lean and then they cut your locks
off put their own locks on, then you can't get
back into it, and then eventually it goes up for auction.

So a very kind human stopped it from going up
for auction. Months before last and now, yeah, I have
friends helping me to get back into some of the
units right now. So I want to give a special
thank you to my friend Amy Sugarman for stepping up.

And I don't know, I always say like it it
pays off eventually to be a good person, and eventually
good people get helped, you know, when they need it.
And she's a really amazing human for stepping in, and
she paid for two of the units to help me
get my stuff out. But here we are. So we

got a locksmith to come out here and we're like, okay,
we have to do this quick. Didn't anticipate that, and
he said I can be here in twenty months. He
was here in twenty minutes. He came up and had
to By the time we pulled up, he was back
in his car and we're like, hey, what's going on.
He's like, oh, I just had the wrong tool. I

will be back. I was like, oh, okay, I think
all these locks are the same with public storage, if
you know, you know. But anyway, my producer Lorraine went
down to find him and he was gone, car's gone.
We can't find him. So she called the company and
the company said I'm really sorry. He's a great locksmith,

but he got sorry sorry, what is the wording? He
doesn't work well in crowds. He doesn't work well with
a crowd. In front of a crowd, people watching. So uh,
there's three of us here, and it's like, wait, they're
just like helping me get stuff out and everything. Okay,
So I mean, hey, you know, performance anxiety comes in

many forms. We know that he got like lock fright.
You know us actors get stage fright. He got lock fright. Anyway,
he's gone. So we had all these plans, and when
you're in tories world, nothing is easy. You get you
get roadblocks, and then you move on. So we're sitting

in it's very cold, right, it's very cold. You guys
look for their heads up. Last time I was here,
there was a cockroach. It was the size of a
small dog. Oh I'm not kidding. I was like, good
for you that you've kept yourself alive and found some
stuff in here, probably from my unit. Who knows there's
probably fucking old food in there. Yeah, so here we are.

We plan to do this podcast inside the unit. Were
going through. Someone's here, Okay, someone's coming, so hold please Wow.

Speaker 2 (04:25):
I told him that's what I had to do over
the phone. I just he was already there.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
He just had to finish. Well, sometimes when you have
a foreman anxiety, I can't finish, so you know, these
things happen. Wow. So the owner of the company just came,
very nice man, he apologized. So, I guess what do
you say his name was? We'll just call him Bob
for the sake of privacy, Bob Aari had it drilled.

He just got nervous in front of all three of us.
And uh, anyway, Jeremy, Jeremy just came and picked the
and got a sence. So we're in.

Speaker 3 (05:01):
Here we go.

Speaker 1 (05:05):
Mother. I knew this was going to be the case.
So here's the thing. It was a crap. Shoot you guys.
There's four units. Didn't know what was in any of them.
We can only do two right now because Amy helped
me out with two. Shoot, you guys. I don't think
this is anything that I actually need. Oh a travel

bad good. Don't need that. It's all dean stuff. You guys.
We fucked up, you guys. Wrong unit, wrong unit, wrong unit,
great nothing, Oh my god. No, there's some artwork of

mine in a mirror here that I love. Yeah, I
think this is most of dean stuff. I'm not gonna lie.
I'm so sad right now. I just wanted to get
like my memorabilia and my kids stuff, and this is
nothing that we need.

Speaker 2 (06:07):
For fucking shit. Oh my god, talk about getting screwed,
Like what the fuck? I still sort up a box
of screws you guys.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
I'm sorry. Oh good h professional spot and stain remover.
So thanks my friend Amy. We paid for two units,

but yeah, those two units again will come up if
we don't clear them out, and if I don't pay
for the other two units. I mean literally, our whole
lives are in these units, and I don't know. I
gotta be honest, like, for a long time Dean wanted
to clear these out and he was right, and he said,

we got to pare down and we don't need all
this stuff. And sometimes stuff is just stuff. But for me,
it wasn't just stuff, even small things. It was a
part of it was my story, it was my journey,
every little thing. He would say, I put too much
emotional attachment on inanimate objects, but I I don't know.

It's hard to let go of stuff that you work
so hard to create, like I created this life, I
really did, and they're all memories. And to just get
rid of everything just felt like it was it was.
It felt to me like part of me didn't exist.

I was just erasing something, and so I couldn't let go.
But now I'm ready to let go of a lot
of stuff. Well because I do, because I can't pay
for it. But since since Dean and I split, and
since my life has changed so radically, it is a
whole fresh start, and I do there's a lot of

things I want to hold on to. And when I
go through this, my best friend justices this with me
a lot, and she'll be like, do you need this?
Do this? Do you want it? And I was like, no,
I'll keep that. I'll keep that. And then she's like,
you don't need it, and I was like, okay, fine,
it's left in my own devices. I will keep everything
because everything has a place. I'm holding on to my past.

I mean, we're finding crap right now in this one.
There's four units and there's some things here, but a
lot of it. This sounds so silly, like it's really silly,
but it like that mirror back there, like it's probably
worth nothing now, but like at the time, it was
really expensive and it was from Europe, and it was

just I worked really hard and I made my own
way and made my own money, and it was a
representation of this life I lead that people still in comments, right, oh,
you know, get a job, Like get a job. I
have fifty Like I'm fucking struggling, man, Like I have

five kids to pay for in LA And a part
of me is like, you know, I was raised a
certain way and I can't forget that, and it's what
I knew, and it's like I don't even know what
I would like in it too, But like you are
raised a certain way and then all of a sudden,
it's like, oh but just as I don't know acclimate,

here's your new life and it's very radically different, and
just go for it. So there's some things that are
still ingrained in me. You know, I lived in a
fifty six thousand square foot house. You guys, it's it's
all relative. I understand. I don't want sympathy, but it's

like I was taught, or wasn't taught how to function
in the real world. You know, that's the reality. And
I'm doing the best I can. It was fight or flight,
like I got out there, and then, you know, I
went from my parents having this huge life to Nino
two ono and I, you know, my dad gave me
that life, and I'm grateful, but I created that life

beyond that, you know, And it just shows them in
your hand at something you just then it's what you
make of it. And I made something big of it,
and I went for it, and I created ten years
of an amazing character with that show, and then went
on to do a lot of hard work and create
a lot of things. And I think people don't even

I don't want credit. I've never wanted fucking credit. But
people don't acknowledge that. And I read in comments all
the time people are like, get job, you know, and
and people will even write, oh, she's doing a project.
Oh did her dad make that? I'm like, my dad
passed away seventeen years ago. No, this project is mine.

I created it, I produced it, I'm making it. I
want to tell you something that's not going to be shocking.
I'm not good with money. I suck with money. I
didn't even know how to write a check till I
was in my forties. I had never been inside a
bank till I was in my forties. I just saw

them in movies. I love a good heist film. In
my twenties, you know, and I've written about it in
my books. You know, I had an endless stream of money.
I worked my butt off for it. You know. I worked,
you know, five days a week. We would film seventeen
hour days sometimes, but I would spend it as soon

as it came in. I would spend it. And I
didn't understand. And I remember, like Ian Searing telling me, like,
what do you doing? You got to invest, like you
need to buy a house. You're making all this money,
how come no investment. I didn't understand what it meant.
All my co stars in Nintima were making investments, they
were buying properties, they were being smart about it, and

I didn't know. And I had no guidance at all.
I had no guidance. So I was really good at
collecting beanie babies though they're in here somewhere. Yeah, I
have like every single one, even slother super rare. So
this is the first step. May first we lose all
of this again. So I gotta get all of this

out of here. Because again I'll just lose it again. So, yeah,
I'm a hoarder. You guys. Hi, my name's Torrian. I'm
a hoarder. There I said it real. I always tell
people I'm not a hoarder. I'm a collector. You know
what was interesting is, for the first time in forever,

when we left the house that had mold, we had
to go to an Airbnb and it's all clean and
it's all beautiful, and I was like, oh my god,
I can breathe. And I was like, why can I breathe?
I can breathe because I don't have oh my shit
falling on top of me like it's you know, I
walk into other people's houses and they're pristine, and I'm

just make a joke like, oh, you're a neat freak.
Oh I'm like the opposite. I'm messy. But I'm not
just messy. I'm cluttered. I'm cluttered. I'd lead a very
cluttered life. Hey, they say creatives are often very cluttered
and they thrive not just in chaos and clutter. But hey,

I can turn over a new leaf because I can't
afford a new locker here. So I would like to change.
I would like to start to paar, damn. I would
like to clean up my life for my kids because
they deserve better. What I got the worst dress list?

Do I seem faith? Oh in touch cool Tori spelling
slash worst cool. This crop top and low slung pants
looks like something she would wear out shopping. Not on
a red carpet. Well it was a yellow carpet. But
I mean, okay, so here's what happened. We the current

airbnb we are in because we are not in a
permanent house since mold, we've gone from airbnb to airbnb,
not an RB Airbnb. I said, m A clear, McLear?
Uh And and yeah, we don't know how, but somebody

like literally put our address out in the press, which
you know, everyone's like, oh, what's the big deal? And
by the way, not paying fifteen thousand dollars a month,
just saying that, I want to make that clear. But whatever
they picked up what that house usually runs for? Lovely
house by the way, anyway, love the house. It's great house.

But the addresses out there, it's right in the street.
Everybody drives by it. There's press sitting on the street.
Twenty four to seven. The kids and I have to
like literally creep into the car to get somewhere because
they followed my kids and I to school and everything,
and it's just it's not ideal. So when the news
was breaking of the divorce, I didn't want the kids

to have to, on top of everything else, go through
news cruise and stuff sitting on the street. So we
left the house and when stayed at the Warners Center
maryon Woodland Hills, which shout out to them. They've always
been amazing when we're going through mole during last summer
we stayed there. Anyway, I had my out there that

was amazing and styled and it was going to be
such I was going to crush that yellow carpet like
I was going to get not just best dressed like
I was. I was going to win the night. And
it was white. It was symbolic of like new beginnings
and rebirth and I was so proud. And anyway, got

to the Roosevelt Hotel to do glam and that's where
everyone from my heart was staying and getting ready, and
walked across the street to the awards and doing glam.
Everything's on point. I should have known something was going
to go wrong because in my life when I plan,
it doesn't happen. I'm a last minute person and if

I don't do it last minute, it's just how I thrive.
It never works out. And then I was glammed. I
was already hair on point, makeup on point, yeah. And
then all of a sudden, we were like, okay, let's
get the outfit out and looked through the bags because
we had moved everything from the Marriott that morning, and
the only bag that didn't make it was the bag

with my outfit and my jewelbery. So the outfit was
just gone and I had nothing else. I literally was
in sweats, and immediately I was like, I don't know
what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna have to borrow an outfit.
And I looked at my hairstylist, Kim, and I was

like your pants. I love your pants and she was like,
oh my god, really okay, And I said I'm so sorry,
I need to take your pants right now, and she's like,
I don't have underwear on and I was like nothing,
I haven't seen before. We got to take him off,
and then I was like, okay, what top am I
putting with this? And literally my daughter Stella was like
anything I have, mom, you can borrow. So it took

her like tank top, brawlt off her, put it on myself,
put it on the pants, and we had it out
the door, and there, folks, you have I guess I
guess what one would call worse dress. I call it
how to make something work in a pinch. Literally, My
producer went next door and Rachel from you know, from Scandabal,

she offered an outfit, which I was like, oh my god,
she's a really kind human. So see there's two storre
wait so see, there's two sides, three sides, many sides
to every story and scandal. There you go. But unfortunately
I was like, oh my god, okay, sounds good, and
she was like I think I have a pants suit

in the car, but then she didn't, So yeah, I
was like, okay, anyone, everyone here, we are in my room.
Who's offering me their outfit? And I literally took off
my hairstylist kin's pants, my daughter Sella's tank top, put
it all on, headed out the door without a moment
to even think about it. And I'm not bummed at

the outfit. The outfit was super cute? Is it was? It?
Red carpet. Well, iheart's yellow carpet worthy. No, but and
that's the only thing is I was like, Okay, I
know when I step onto this carpet tonight, everyone's gonna
be like, oh wait. But there's like a great story
and I always have a fun story. But it wasn't
the moment to tell it. But here I am. You know,

so it all worked out and tell it on my
podcast There It Is, Land It Down.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
Litlberty told me that you weren't super five thousand percent
invested in the outfit. I don't think you've sabotaged it
on purpose, But do you think there's something inside of
you that didn't want to wear it and was like,
we're going to make this go awry?

Speaker 1 (19:38):
No? I actually do not think that because while at
first so anyway, I'm a fashionista, I can call myself
that whatever, h I One thing I know is fashion,
and like stylus, over the years, I always had input
and they're like, I've had a stylist say to me once.
It was someone I used to be friends with, so

he could have said it. It wasn't like talking out of school,
and he said, you know, all my other clients just
let me dress them, and I was like, because I
have good taste and I have input, Like that's weird,
and you know, I just love fashion. It's something I'm into.
It's a big part of my life and my amazing

iHeart team. We were all kind of on it together,
like picking my outfit and like, this is a new beginning.
We want something very amy kep referencing Jennifer Aniston and
I was like, okay, okay, And then literally the day
before I was like, I gotta be honest with you.
I love Jennifer Aniston with all my heart and soul,

but I think her style is plain Jane. I don't
want to be vanilla like I like to make a statement.
But we compromised, and actually the outfit I fell in
love with, and I was not just on board with it.
I was like, you know what, my iHeart family. They
made a great call, like it was kind of very me. Well,

I'm not going to tell you about it because you're
gonna see it. I'm gonna wear it again. We're holding
on to that sucker because we have it. But it
was white and it was lacy, and it was very
Donna Martin meets Tory present day. By the way, I
never wear white. I gotta tell you one time in
my twenties, I was smoking weed and I got paranoid

and I had white overalls on. And I'll never forget
this because there used to be it was called Nancy's,
and I think it was like a do you guys
remember this. It was in the valley, and it was
like everything was like diet it was before, like it
was before everyone was like gluten free. It was like
one of those gluten free restaurants. But this is like

in literally the late nineties didn't exist. And we went
there and my friend and I were like, oh, it's
so funny, like let's order one of everything because it's
all fat free, like it doesn't matter. And we were
super high and I got paranoid and while he was ordering,
I was like, Ooh, the room's spinning. Something's happening. And
I went into the bathroom and they had to call him. Uh.

He came in and I was on the ground hugging
the toilet and I just remember saying, Oh my god,
please don't let me die in these white overalls because
I'm sure I've dirtied them now, and like that's gonna
look terrible. I'm like in like soiled like overalls, I'm
on a dirty floor and he was like tea and
I was like, hey, I'm gonna die. He's like, You're

not gonna die, You're just high. And sure enough, I
was just high. From that moment on, I never wore
white again in public, So maybe maybe that's why I
somehow self sabotaged it. Clearly, there's more here than meets
the eye. I mean literally, you guys fine, I've said it,
I'm on record saying it. I'm a order and and

I'm going to change though. People don't change right now.
I love great expectations the movie That's why I named
my son Finn. Gwyneth Paltrow says people don't change
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