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March 5, 2024 • 11 mins

We have a caller who lets us know the benefits of drinking chocolate milk after a workout

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
What would you talk about on your on your podcast fine.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Els Morning Show?

Speaker 1 (00:15):
There's a fifteen minute morning show a podcast. Who knows
where we're going with this one? Nothing is planned? Hi,
Danielle Scotty Bees in the serial Killers podcast booth, and
there's uh straight innate. Gandhi is here.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
They're Scary and I see Garrett. I don't know you know, Gandhi.
I don't want you to stop doing it. But should
I start regulating the number of d ms I send you.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Up on Instagram?

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Absolutely not? Please, don't. I love it. I think it's
a love language, sending.

Speaker 5 (00:42):
People things on Instagram because it just makes me think, Oh,
you thought about me, and I do the same. I
know I stand the shrewd out of you, So please
don't stop.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Oh Is that why he doesn't get to mine? Because
I send you so much stuff, Elvis, and you never
open it. Yours is like spam at this point though
you send so many of them. I'm like, he doesn't
because you could tell it's his scene.

Speaker 4 (01:00):
Because I'm distracting him.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
That's where.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
Yeah, But I think I think Scary is good with it.
He generally only sends stuff that we are interested in.
The only one or two the same to Gandhi, and
I'm like, eh, well, I just think everything. Every time
I see something disturbing, I sent it to Gandhi. So
that really tells me what I think of you and
what you think of me. You send me disturbing shit
all the time, right.

Speaker 6 (01:22):
I think we all have a person that we send
certain things to. That's true, right, Like, there's certain things
that I know that Froggy will like, and certain things
I know Nate will like, I know Gandhi will like.
Constantly panned. I sent the videos of animals constantly.

Speaker 2 (01:35):
Curate videos to Danielle to Okay, okay, okay, okay, scary,
I'm pulling up the stuff you sent me.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Here's some okay, what is this? A few of them
are really good, big guys playing guitars.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
The comments.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
Rage against the cardio shape, O Lincoln pork all right,
it's but a large okay tall petty and the heart failures. Yeah,
these are big guys Oreo feed Wagon smashing dumplings. It's
like large guys on guitars. And then they just have
a comment section going the Dia Beatles. I love that band,

my favorite. Okay, you know what scary I'm gonna start
looking at your dms because that was pretty funny.

Speaker 2 (02:18):
Yeah, scroll back a few I send you some good
I also get you some good gay humor too.

Speaker 1 (02:23):
I know you like some scary Thank you, scary you
gaze straight. We were talking earlier about alternatives to water,
and of course, Nate chimed in with his chocolate milk theory, saying,
I just drink big less chocolate milk workout.

Speaker 7 (02:43):
I'm telling you, guys, it's the best thing scary. You
should be pounding that chocolate milk out.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
Okay, can I can we move to the call hold on?
Hold on? Lauren wrote a paper on this, and so
Nate brought her to the show. Can we put her
on the podcast without putting her on the network? Yes?
Hello Lauren, Hello, So you wrote a paper about drinking
chocolate milk after a workout.

Speaker 8 (03:09):
Yes, it was pretty blankly too evident, which is important
in nutrition.

Speaker 1 (03:18):
Okay, talk about what is so great about chocolate milk
after a workout.

Speaker 8 (03:24):
It's the ratio of protein, because obviously your muscles need
protein to recover, but you also need that that surge
of sugar so you have energy for the repair systems
of the body. Recovering from a good workout, and then
you have the fluid like you guys said, I think
it was I.

Speaker 9 (03:44):
Don't know who said it, that milk is ninety fluid
water right, true, So you need all those things through
muscles to properly recover.

Speaker 8 (03:56):
And get a get a better toned muscle, and just
get the overall results that most people are looking.

Speaker 10 (04:04):
For with the workout.

Speaker 1 (04:06):
But wouldn't it be better to do like a sugar
free chocolate milk.

Speaker 8 (04:10):
But the sugar is the calorie and the spite that
your body needs immediately after a workout because you have
forty minutes a window that you need carbon rates after
you work out.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Okay, yeah, so what.

Speaker 4 (04:23):
About like a protein shake.

Speaker 8 (04:26):
So that that obviously is a higher protein count, so
your muscles probably need that. But it's a quake easier
way to get the nutrients into you rather than just
water because it's just water. As some people have said.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Okay, what happens to your body though? If you don't
get the carbohydrates within the forty minutes.

Speaker 8 (04:51):
It's just going to process it at the same speed
as if you are just sitting around and working.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
Right, because your furnace is on your furnace is going.

Speaker 8 (05:00):
Yeah, exactly, that's a great way to think of it.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
Lauren, you wrote the paper, so I'm not questioning anything
you're saying.

Speaker 8 (05:05):
But well, I mean I didn't write the research. I
just wrote a uh based on the research.

Speaker 1 (05:14):
You know, here's the thing in this day and age,
even though it's not like drinking your buttery chocolate milk, Nate, Yeah,
what Gandhi's saying, if you can get a nice pre mixed,
low sugar protein chocolate shake, that seems like that would
be the better choice.

Speaker 10 (05:26):
Do you think, Well, it depends on what your goals are.
I mean, some people don't have a lot of weights
to do.

Speaker 8 (05:34):
Some people are trying to poke off will they work out,
so they need more calories. So obviously it's gonna matter
your goal in the specifics, and nutrition is really an
individual science.

Speaker 10 (05:45):
You have to know what your own.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
You hit the nail on the head with me. I
don't need them more calories. So that's why wouldn't you're
talking to the milk? Well, Gandhi, go ahead.

Speaker 5 (05:52):
Yes, okay, So everything that we read now talks about
how bad refined sugar is for you. There's nowhere where
you read oh, sugar is good for you, so why
would chocolate milk then be good for you? And we
also read a lot about dairy causing inflammation and as
adults exactly, so chocolate milk seems like the worst combination

of all of those things to put into your body.

Speaker 10 (06:17):
So I've learned between the two degrees and research I've done.
And mind you, I also have multiple sclerosis since I
was thirteen, Christy and wilchair twenty years ago, whatever.

Speaker 8 (06:29):
So I watched inflammation things all the time for myself.

Speaker 10 (06:33):
Again, it's that whole weigh in your options, like maybe
you'll e you.

Speaker 8 (06:40):
Know, the salad instead of the price. Obviously that's a given,
but ultimately it's better to have the nutrients.

Speaker 10 (06:48):
The one thing I've found in.

Speaker 8 (06:51):
I'm outside of Philadelphia the while I was around you
at the chocolate milk has candy teene in it, which
is the carcinogen, which is even boy from the sugar
for you.

Speaker 4 (07:01):
So this is going down the opposite path.

Speaker 5 (07:02):
Now, see, I would think a fruit smoothie with some
type of protein powder in it would be the best
way to go.

Speaker 10 (07:09):
But I would agree, but if you need a quake
like yesterday, they couldn't make a smoothie when I was
in a rush for work, so I described a chocolate milk.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
Okay, I see what you're saying. So it's not like
an epitual thing where you do it every day. And
you also are very clear in saying that it is
an individual thing. We're all different, we all burn things
different rates, so so I don't know. So I don't
know if Nate's quite at boo yaw stance any longer.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
But you need but I.

Speaker 8 (07:37):
Get more boo yah than you guys.

Speaker 1 (07:39):
Set up first Exactly.

Speaker 10 (07:41):
I would recommend it over a lot of things.

Speaker 1 (07:43):
Yeah, okay, I get it.

Speaker 8 (07:45):
Not to say there is a better options, but you
don't always have access to the better option.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
So what you're saying is, don't poo poo chocolate milk
if it's really the fastest, easiest thing to gribe at.

Speaker 8 (07:55):
That moment, exactly, and it's very high protein and Graham's
of protein here to serving container.

Speaker 1 (08:07):
We're forgetting one thing here about chocolate milk. It's also
fucking delicious.

Speaker 5 (08:13):

Speaker 10 (08:15):
Makes fun of me because it's my goat too when
I need protein.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
Well that's it, and it is so satisfying if you're
going to want to treat yourself, and there's got to
be some something good about that. I don't listen much.

Speaker 8 (08:27):
You can find something wrong and just about everything we
have to eat nowadays, I.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Know that that's the that's the really the foundation.

Speaker 10 (08:33):
Of I think big food industry is worth some big pharma.

Speaker 1 (08:38):
I agree. I love talking to you, Lauren. Thank you
so much for your time.

Speaker 10 (08:42):
Okay, thank you, this is so exciting and Gandhi, I've
been telling everybody, as you get older, you become more whole.

Speaker 8 (08:49):
Since you said that a couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
All good.

Speaker 6 (08:52):
I'm happy.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
I love that perspective when we love that you took
time out to spend with us. Lauren, thank you so much.
Chocolate milk for everyone, Yeah, yeah, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 7 (09:02):
You take the point to make there is that I
don't think I could do chocolate milk after workout anymore
because at the tea time I was drinking it, I needed.

Speaker 1 (09:11):
To put on weight. I don't think I could do that.
As she said, it's an individual thing, and that's yeah.
I don't think I need to drink chocolate milk. Okay,
but hear me out, hear me out like she's saying,
like Lauren saying, Look, you know, if you need to
grab something now, you've got forty minutes to get it done,
and you got to get on the road. You got
to and it's there, right okay. But there is something

to be said for the happiness factor from guzzling down
a gallon of chocolate milk. It may not be the
best thing in the world for you, but it sure
does dan will taste good and so you're treating yourself
to that. So is there any merit to that?

Speaker 4 (09:46):
For sure?

Speaker 1 (09:46):

Speaker 5 (09:47):
Nate asked us a question earlier that I think goes
along with this, and.

Speaker 4 (09:51):
He said, if you had to say you were addicted
to something, what would it be?

Speaker 5 (09:56):
And I think for him this could all be part
of the chocolate milk thing, because he said, we have
the same one.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
Yes, sugar, Yeah, I'm with you, me too.

Speaker 4 (10:04):
Sugar is one.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
Di of Beatles.

Speaker 6 (10:13):
And I don't drink I don't normally drink it because
I can't drink milk straight. So but silk has I
think a chocolate milk ones absolutely calm and milk has
a chocolate one, so I have to drink that. But
it's there's nothing like that chocolate.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
Milk, chocolate butter.

Speaker 7 (10:29):
My dream. You remember the Willy Wonka movie with Gene
Wilder when Justice Gloup was putting his hands in and
drinking it like that was my dream as a kid
to go to find where Willy walk I had the
chocolate river and just drink out of it every.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Day at hot lunch.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Chocolate milk, chocolate every lunch. You call it hot lunch, yeah,
is that what they called it in New York?

Speaker 2 (10:51):
The cold lunch kid brown paper bag or the hot
lunch kids were the hot is always.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
You know, Lauren, she was great. She did have a
lot of great points, and she obviously she's very, very
very knowledgeable when it comes to this thing, and she
was very clear to say, no, it's not the best thing.
But when you do great things, when you drink the
things that they tell you you have to drink, you
are giving something up sometimes and the other like enjoyment.

Speaker 7 (11:19):
I guess the point is when you're working out and
doing things for your body, you can afford to do more.

Speaker 1 (11:25):
Stuff like that. But if you have more damage because
you're doing repair at the same time, well I'm not
quite at that level. But thanks for all free well
I think that was very informative. Thank you for bringing
that to our attention, Nathaniel. Let's get out of here.
Happy Days everyone, Happy Day, The Fifteen Minute Morning Show,
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