All Episodes

May 10, 2024 53 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
So anyone else eating people say, well, I can't complain, Yes,

you can, just put a little effort in tire a
little harder. Well, you know, things could have been a
whole lot worse. I hate to break it to you,
Becky bought things could have been a whole lot better too.
Just complain, thank you.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
It's the Jubil Show. And has this ever happened to you?

Speaker 3 (00:16):
You go on a date with someone and then go
to their house for a little fun time in the sheets,
and then you walk into the bedroom and it's shocking.
Why does this guy have a giant painting of his
head on a lion's body above his bed?

Speaker 2 (00:29):

Speaker 3 (00:30):
And why are his ceilings lined with mirrors? Yeah, this
has never happened to me either, But I did just
describe my dream bedroom.

Speaker 2 (00:37):

Speaker 3 (00:38):
Women are sharing surprising and hilarious things that they found
in the guy's bedroom after going home with him. If
you have something, text us four one O six one
or call us eight eight eight three four three one
O six one and we'll go over it next. It's
the Jebel Show. He had glow in the dark stars
all over his ceiling and curtain. It's not actually cute
it wasn't a real or a green flat. I just

don't really know what it was. It's the Jewel Show
and women are sharing surprising and hilarious things they've found
in a guy's bedroom after going home with him. If
you have something to add to the list, call us
eight eight eight three four three one O six one,
or text in four to one O six one and
we'll go over right now. Some of the weird things
that women have found in men's bedrooms. One says, I

met this cute guy and went home with him after
a couple of dates, and his whole apartment was so
dirty and full of trash you couldn't even walk through it. Ohhow,
But what really got me were the beauty products and
makeup lying around in the bathroom.

Speaker 2 (01:34):
Oh thank you and thank you? Are you dumb?

Speaker 4 (01:37):
That's happened to me before too, And actually sorry now
I'm on a tangent baby one. So also because I've
been trained to look for this, because I had been
cheated on, and I caught somebody cheating on me with
makeup on the.

Speaker 2 (01:47):
Pillowcase, So I can't help myself now.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
Anytime I walk into a new bedroom, whatever I noticed
the pillowcases immediately and if there is makeup on them,
and if there is, really you.

Speaker 2 (01:58):
Are sloppy and gross. And I have found it after
the facts. I've thought about that with me because I do.
I do have some makeup in my bathroom, but it's
for me as well.

Speaker 3 (02:09):
Yeah, because we have to do something like take pictures
and things like that. But I'm like, if I had
a lady over and she saw this, she'd probably think,
does he have another lady? She was, It's just me,
I'm the lady. Another thing on the list of weird
things that women have found after going home with the guy.

In their apartment, he had bookshelves filled with nonfiction books
organized by topic, with one small section the books I
haven't read yet, it says.

Speaker 2 (02:40):
I couldn't get my clothes off fast enough.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
Flag unless he did that because he knew that that
would look hot. It turns out all the books are fake, right,
he has never read them at all.

Speaker 4 (02:53):
Well, wasn't that a whole thing for a while, the
book fishing pictures of themselves reading books they never read.

Speaker 3 (03:00):
Another thing on the list of weird things women have
found in a guy's apartment after going home with him,
says It wasn't one thing, but many things. I walked
into his place for the first time, and it was
like I walked into an episode of Hoarders. Trash everywhere,
stacks of food cans, garbage bags, and two full litter
boxes with multiple cats running around.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
Dude, it was sheer tomfoolery.

Speaker 5 (03:21):
I don't understand why you think it's a great idea
to bring someone over when that's like you don't clean
up first, Like right.

Speaker 6 (03:28):
I don't get that.

Speaker 5 (03:29):
Like you're gonna go out to the bars, you're gonna
pick someone up, and you're gonna go home, okay, whatever,
But how do you do that and then know, okay,
we're gonna go home the cats don me running around
the cat.

Speaker 2 (03:38):
Litters not cleaned. They're that arrogant. They think that they're
that does that.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
It doesn't even matter if there's cat poo there that
they're still gonna get it.

Speaker 7 (03:45):
Yeah, if your apartment has multiple levels of cat poop,
it can't even rise to the level of like an alley,
choose the alley, yeah, sometimes that's.

Speaker 3 (03:56):
Hotter, yeah, or stay in the car look for dates
at Joanne Fabric or something. And there's a lot of
cat ladies walking around.

Speaker 8 (04:04):
He might not mind it.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
You lean this up first.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
Another one says that they walked into a guy's apartment
and saw an instant green flag.

Speaker 2 (04:17):
He had a picture of his dog on his nightstand.

Speaker 4 (04:20):
Ah, that's interesting. What the placement is a little weird
to me. I love you have extrest of your dog
and your home, but next to your nightstand is a
little weird. Like I don't want Grover to be looking
at me while I'll love a goal on Daddy.

Speaker 2 (04:35):
You know what I'm saying sounds a little weird.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
Whatever, we're going over a trend that's going viral of
women sharing weird things that they found in a guy's
apartment when they went over there.

Speaker 2 (04:48):
One says swords.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
Two of my exes had real swords on display.

Speaker 9 (04:54):
I do.

Speaker 2 (04:55):
I have a samuraizor and numb chucks.

Speaker 8 (04:59):

Speaker 2 (05:00):
I showed some of my numb chucks the other day,
Like you want to see my numb chucks.

Speaker 4 (05:04):
I somebody didn't know you and just went to your house.
I think they'd be scared that they weren't going to
leave alive.

Speaker 7 (05:09):
Well, the thing with Jubel's house is there's about five
different personalities in there.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Yeah, depends on the room.

Speaker 3 (05:15):
Yeah, there's like art stuff, and then there's graffiti stuff,
and then there's samurai sword.

Speaker 7 (05:20):
Right, a room that looks like an interior decorator used
it as a showroom.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
Like you, You've got all kinds of things, all the
parts of Jewbil in there.

Speaker 7 (05:30):
If you don't like, if you don't like whichever version
of Jewbil you're dating, just pick a different room.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
We're going over.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
Trend is going viral of women sharing weird things that
they saw after going over to a guy's house. It
said everything seemed normal enough. Things weren't super decorated, which
is fine. No mattress on the floor kind of thing either,
which is nice. But as soon as I saw a
sticker on the side of his computer a tower of
a carbon girl in a skimpy swimsuit, lost all interests.

So there's nothing in there except for that picture that
that sticker. It's the gamers guy version of Lady's on
your mudflaps.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
This reminds me I.

Speaker 4 (06:16):
Totally forgot remember when like magazines were a thing and
people would have them outside at their house. Well, I
went over to a dude's house and he had Playboy
magazines in his bathroom.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
Yeah, the articles, that's what he said. Again, Do you
want this over when you have a new friend coming here?
Certainly they have great writers you're talking about. He's a
published author.

Speaker 3 (06:40):
Another one said a woman's lingerie in one of his drawers,
which he claims belonged to his aunt when she came
over to stay once. Weirdly, even weirder, even weirder, should
have just been an extra.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
You went too far with the line territory. It's another
jubile phone frame ties.

Speaker 3 (07:10):
Hello, yes, hello, this is Ted Dibideau. I'm calling from
party rent and I was looking for a Morgan. Yes, yes,
hi Morgan.

Speaker 10 (07:19):
How are you?

Speaker 2 (07:19):
You have a party bus rented with us for tomorrow evening?

Speaker 3 (07:23):
Uh huh yes, okay, Well, unfortunately I'm calling to let
you know we had a little bit of an issue
and that reservation in that party bus is unfortunately dead
and gone.

Speaker 6 (07:32):
I'm so sorry, dead and gone.

Speaker 3 (07:36):
But this is what I mean when something can't happen
that was scheduled to happen is now not gonna happen.

Speaker 2 (07:41):
So that party bus is dead and gone. I'm so
so sorry about this.

Speaker 11 (07:47):
I I is there another one that you can get me?
You are her like a big company. I messed this
booked for months now.

Speaker 3 (07:54):
Yes, that's understandable, and I'm so sorry about this. Unfortunately,
one of our technicians named Carl just installed on the
new speaker system in they took it for a ride
and unfortunately had a little bit of an accident and
now that bus is dead gone. That means a reservation
is dead gone. I'm so sorry about this, but I
would love to help you out if I can, because
we do have a few other options.

Speaker 11 (08:12):
This is like a really important weekend. I'm with like
a whole group of girls for a box cram. Everything's
already been planned. I have reservations booked this party bus.
It was supposed to be a very certain time because
it were on like a very clear cut schedule.

Speaker 8 (08:26):
People have already paid.

Speaker 3 (08:28):
Yes, I can understand. It's definitely not ideal. The situation
that you're dealing with right now being that the party
bus is dead gone again. I'm so sorry about this.

Speaker 6 (08:35):
No, so can't you just get me another bus?

Speaker 12 (08:37):
Well, we've paid for the preservation months ago.

Speaker 11 (08:41):
I've already put the posit down.

Speaker 2 (08:43):
I understand that, and you want another bus is what
you're asking for? For this event.

Speaker 11 (08:49):
Yes, we need a party bus.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
Yes, we only have the one bush.

Speaker 11 (08:53):
What do you mean you only have one bus? It's
like a big company. I looked on your whole website.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
Yes, well, unfortunately we only had one bus and now
that party bus is bus did sorry about that. It's
probably the wrong time to be joking, which because it
sounds like you're not ready for jokes yet.

Speaker 12 (09:06):
But anyway, ye, no, I don't understand why you don't
have another bus.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
This is so much.

Speaker 11 (09:13):
There's nothing but your website or your company advertised at all.

Speaker 6 (09:16):
You said you had a whole fleet of buses.

Speaker 3 (09:18):
Yes, of tires. Excuse me, Yes, we have a whole
fleet of tires. If that bus ever got a flat tire,
I'll tell you what we have covered for years so
we could always keep that thing rolling. Unfortunately, can't roll
if it's in crashed like car did.

Speaker 11 (09:31):
What kind of messed up company are you? This is
absolutely absurd. I have never heard of anything like this,
which is so unprofessional.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Well, I can see that you're upset. I can hear
that you're upset, and I do want to make this
better because I do not feel good that I had
to call it. You know that your party bus has
been dead gone, so I would like to make it
up to you because we do have some other options
here that I think are just as fantastic, if not
better than the party bus. Okay, and this would be
absolutely free of charge because it is all fault. Well's
car's fault that he crashed the bus, but it is

our fault that we had the dead gone on the reservation.

Speaker 2 (10:03):
So what I can do is I can switch you
to a tandem bike to it.

Speaker 11 (10:08):
We're not taking a bike tour, that's that's not what
it is.

Speaker 6 (10:11):
At this point.

Speaker 11 (10:11):
The only option is to give me my money back
because I need.

Speaker 6 (10:14):
To look elsewhere.

Speaker 1 (10:15):

Speaker 3 (10:15):
Unfortunately, if you didn't see it on the website, everything
is non refundable, so we won't be able to refund
them much.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
But you can.

Speaker 11 (10:22):
I gave you a freaking depositive that we're not taking.

Speaker 3 (10:25):
It cannot be refunded. I'm so sorry about this, but
it can be useful. Is for the next time you
book with us, and I'm sure there'll be a next time.

Speaker 11 (10:34):
No intention on ever booking with you ever.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
Okay, you stay in town for a bachelor party.

Speaker 6 (10:39):
Yes, and I am never coming back.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
He gave this one thing if it could just get
you to think about this one thing.

Speaker 12 (10:43):

Speaker 3 (10:44):
The divorce rate is very high in this country, so
it's a good opportunity. You could be back in town
from random of two and then we will make sure
that the bus is ready for you.

Speaker 11 (10:50):
All tied up to Now, you're telling me that my
friend is going to get divorced?

Speaker 6 (10:54):
Who are you?

Speaker 2 (10:55):
Most marriages in this country get dead gone?

Speaker 6 (10:57):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 12 (10:59):

Speaker 6 (10:59):
I need to speak to someone else at your company.

Speaker 3 (11:01):
Is there a manager that I maybe you sholl speak
with your friend Megan about these She might knows that
what because this is actually Jubil from the Jewbel Show
doing a phone prank on you and your friend Megan
set you up. What she says that you've been stressed
out planning this bacherette weekend and wanted to mess with you.

Speaker 6 (11:19):
Oh my, are you curious right now?

Speaker 2 (11:22):
Yes? Joe?

Speaker 12 (11:23):
Oh my god.

Speaker 11 (11:24):
Okay, now I'm going to go to the pool. I
need like a ton of drinks to get over that.
You just made my blood pressure go through the room.
I was not planning on that.

Speaker 13 (11:32):
This was not on the agenda for this bachelorette.

Speaker 8 (11:35):
We get.

Speaker 3 (11:37):
Wake up every morning with jubile phone Franks, It's time,
Bernina's what's trending.

Speaker 2 (11:42):
So there's a big announcement that hit the internet yesterday.
Did you see it?

Speaker 4 (11:46):
Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber are having a baby. Really,
I'm really excited about it. So it's they posted a
video of them renewing their wedding vows. Also, she's got
quite a bump on her already, as are saying that
she's six months along. Whoa that would put little baby
Beeber to be due in August.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
That's cute. I know, stay out of my daughter's birthday month.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
Well, it's also my birthday month and I would love
to share it with a baby Beeber. Wow, leo energy,
let's go. Also, this makes me feel like that picture
of him crying when Haley was like, he's such a
pretty crier. There must have been some kind of emotional
sweetness going on.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
With this baby. Yeah, he was really stressed out.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
I think it was more of like a beautiful Oh okay,
just my hypothesis going to tell you.

Speaker 7 (12:36):
The funniest thing. So I saw this announcement and I'm
super into it. I'm happy for Justin's he's finally done
it right, Like all these years and all these relationships
and craziness, like he's finally like, this is it's time
for Justin to chill out and become the Justin Timberlake
we always knew he would become.

Speaker 2 (12:51):
Wait what, okay?

Speaker 7 (12:53):
I just mean that he's going to be like prolific,
like he's going to be a major artist for the
rest of his life. But now we get to hear
dad songs, right and so. But the one thing, the
one comment that I saw was I bet you Hayley
is a very mean, pregnant person.

Speaker 8 (13:07):
And I was like, oh my god, why it.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
Just seems like she you mean people on the internet.
People on the internet give that vibe. What planet? I
don't know the negativity coming from.

Speaker 7 (13:20):
Where the first comment on I was like, oh my gosh, guys,
I never get that. I'm telling you to leave somebody alone.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Come on, that is a bold statement. Thank you, Bradley.

Speaker 4 (13:34):
The Deadpool movie has an unsuspecting star and I'm not
talking about Ryan Reynolds and I'm not talking about Hugh Jackman.
I'm talking about Peggy Reynolds, who Peggy Reynolds is Britain's
ugliest dog.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
And she will be a star in the new dead Pool. Peggy.

Speaker 4 (13:53):
Yeah, Britain's ugliest dog is making appearance and the real
name is Peggy, but it's going to be she got
cast as dog Pool. So when you watch the movie
and you see the ugly cute dog with the tongue
just hanging out, it's one of those those like the
tongue can't stay in.

Speaker 2 (14:09):
His mouth and he looks like all like ratted, but
it's so ugly. She's cute. Yeah, that's Peggy. And then
this is really interesting.

Speaker 4 (14:19):
Chevrolet is killing off the Chevy Malibu wo last normal car,
so they're going to still have Mustangs and Chevy Bowl
electric vehicles, but other than that, it's just all going
to be trucks and SUVs. And actually there's a story
that car makers are bringing up, and that is the
fact that car companies just aren't making cars anymore, which
I don't know how much truth there is to that
or what that means, but it's part of this article

with the killing of the Malibu and the cars seem
to be on their way out, and to me that
just feels like are we going electric?

Speaker 8 (14:47):
Is that all?

Speaker 14 (14:48):
Of Like?

Speaker 7 (14:48):
Well, yeah, so I was you know, I read a
story about this and Ford apparently loses one hundred and
fifty thousand dollars per electric vehicle. It's really why because
all of the time, achnology and everything that goes into it,
it's not there yet. But they're pushing it because they
know the regulations from the federal government are going to
be crazy at some point.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
They're not going to let you drive a normal car, right,
and so they're trying to get ahead of it.

Speaker 7 (15:10):
Whereas Toyota says, now, we're good, We're just going to
stick to hybrids, and they're making money after money after money,
and so the American car companies are struggling under American regulation,
which is ironic.

Speaker 4 (15:22):
Well it's wild too because some states are requiring in
the next I don't know how many years that everybody
does switch to electronics or electric cars. I'm sorry. Yeah,
and if you do it early, you get money. Ooh,
like they're paying you to switch to electric cars.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, So that's what's trending.

Speaker 13 (15:39):
It's time to Catch a Cheater only on.

Speaker 2 (15:43):
The Jubile Show.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
Sydney is on the phone today for it to catch
a Cheater. She's been with her boyfriend Danny for only
two months, but now she thinks that something might be
going on. See if we can help her out. Sidney,
thank you for coming on the show. Sorry it has
to be like this. Tell us what's going on with Danny?

Speaker 12 (15:58):
Yeah, I just think he something might be going on
because he just went on a trip with his friends
from college. But we didn't spending a lot of time together,
so I thought he might invite me, but he didn't,
and I started getting a little worried.

Speaker 3 (16:17):
You were worried because he didn't invite you, or you're
worried because of something that happened on the trip.

Speaker 12 (16:22):
Well, I mean a little.

Speaker 6 (16:23):
Bit of both.

Speaker 12 (16:24):
I started to worry when he didn't invite me because
I thought we'd been having such a good time that
he might want me there. But then he didn't.

Speaker 6 (16:34):
And it was fine, I guess.

Speaker 10 (16:36):
But then when he was on the trip, he was
posting things and I saw a picture of him with
his friends from college, you know, and there was there
were girls there, and I just happened to see a
picture where.

Speaker 15 (16:53):
He was getting really close to one of the girls,
and it just made me a little It's just kind
of the way they were standing next to each other.
It was kind of close, and I thought, maybe it
looks like there might be something going on between the
two of them.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
I know that feeling. Are you guys, Are you guys exclusive?

Speaker 12 (17:13):
Yes, we are exclusive. We're monogamous as far as I
know that.

Speaker 4 (17:20):
Right the not going on the trip isn't as alarming
as it is when you see him next to somebody,
Like you can read body language.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
So did they look like they were like leaning into
each other.

Speaker 12 (17:31):
Yeah, she looked really close, like there were parts of
her body that were touching him that I wouldn't necessarily
want touching my body if I was just a friend,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
Okay, did you ask him about it?

Speaker 12 (17:46):
I mean, yeah, of course I did, but he said
it was just a friend. So this is why where
I need you guys, because I don't know if I
should be worried about it's just my brain doing things,
or I should actually be worried. You know.

Speaker 4 (18:01):
Well, I think that there's a chance that she might
want him to you know what I mean, We don't
know if he did anything.

Speaker 2 (18:08):
Did he act suspicious or anything. After the fact, She's been.

Speaker 12 (18:12):
Acting normal and being the same Danny that I know
and love, But I just I have a feeling, do
you know what I mean. It's just this feeling in
the pit of my stomach.

Speaker 3 (18:23):
That going okay, yeah, A lot of times that's right.
Sometimes it can be wrong. But you know a lot
of times, if you feel like something's going on it
it might be right.

Speaker 2 (18:32):
Hopefully it's wrong. Yeah, yeah, hopefully you're off on this one.

Speaker 12 (18:35):
But even if it was someone from his past and
they did hook up in the past, I would still
want to know about that. You know. If I asked him,
you know, if that who that was, and he said, oh,
it's just a friend, I feel like that would have
been an opportunity for him to say, oh, yeah, we
hooked up in the past, but you don't have to
worry about it now. And I feel like if he

didn't say that, but something did happen, that's an indication
of you know, I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (19:04):
Well, you told us what grocery store he's a rewards
card member at.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
So we'll play a song come Back, and then call
him and pretend to be from the grocery store and
say that. Every single month, we choose one random rewards
card member that gets three flowers delivered from our floral department,
and we'll see if he sends us flowers see you
or to somebody else.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Okay, okay, thank you, yep, all right, well play song come.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
Back Eager to Catch a Teter next if you're just
joining us for Today's to Catch a Teeter. Sydney is
on the phone and she thinks that her boyfriend of
two months might be cheating on her, or half cheated
on hers. So we're about to call him from the
grocery store where he's a rewards card member at and
say that he's the lucky winner this month of free
flowers delivered from our floral department to anybody that he wants,
and we'll see if he gives us Sydney's name or

somebody else's. But before we do that, Sidney, why don't
you catch everybody up on your situation.

Speaker 8 (19:47):

Speaker 12 (19:48):
I've been dating Danny for two months about and we
are exclusive, and I think he might be cheating on me.
I feel like I have a woman's intuition and I
just want to make sure that you know I know
what's going on in our relationship.

Speaker 4 (20:05):
Well, because you saw a picture of him with another
girl and that's what kind of set off for the intuition.

Speaker 12 (20:11):
He went on a trip with his college friends and
I saw him a picture of him standing next to someone,
a girl, and it prompted me to feel some type
of way and just get a little worried.

Speaker 3 (20:26):
All right, are you ready for us to call him
and see if if we catch him, if he is
or find out he isn't.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
Yes, I think so, Yes, Here we go. Hi, this
is Jordan calling from I was looking for our Rewards
card member named Danny.

Speaker 8 (20:54):

Speaker 2 (20:55):
Hi, Danny.

Speaker 3 (20:55):
Please don't hang up. This is not a marketing phone call.
I'm actually calling with good news. Congratulations. Here this it's
a big winner. Thank you for shopping with us?

Speaker 8 (21:02):
Okay, thanks? Hey you where do I win?

Speaker 3 (21:06):
Every single month, we choose one lucky Rewards card member
to say thank you very much for shopping with us
by gifting you a free flower delivery from our Florida department.
You've actually won thirty six long stim red roses, a
box of candy, and a card to be sent to
anybody that you'd like.

Speaker 8 (21:21):
Oh wow, that sounds great.

Speaker 2 (21:24):
So here's how it works. I can take the information
down on the phone in just a matter of minutes.

Speaker 8 (21:30):
Okay, Well I know who I'd like to send them to.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
Can I just tell you now so, yes, first and
last name, and then I'm waiting you or put on
a card and then I'll get the address from you.

Speaker 8 (21:41):
Actually, can I just come and pick them up myself?

Speaker 2 (21:45):
You want to come down and pick them up and
then deliver them to the person we deliver them to.

Speaker 8 (21:50):
Yeah, I think that would be easier for me. I'll
just come on over and grab them and then I'll
send them to who I want to send them Tom.

Speaker 3 (21:59):
I think I could probably be possible. I'd have to
check on that. Can I still get the name and
the information from you?

Speaker 14 (22:08):
Yeah, Look, it would just be easier for me to
come pick them up, and because I'm gonna bring them
with me because I'm going on a date next week,
So it would just be.

Speaker 12 (22:16):
You're going on a date. Who are you going on
a date with? Danny? What? Who are you going on
a date with?

Speaker 2 (22:24):
Hello, Danny, that's your girlfriend. This is this is the
Doebill Show. It's a radio show. My name is Jubal Hi.
I am Nina Hi, and I'm Victoria. And that's your girlfriend.
She's on the phone.

Speaker 3 (22:32):
We do a segment called to Catch a Teater, where
if you think your significant other might be cheating on you,
you try to catch them by seeing who they sent.

Speaker 12 (22:40):
Danny, who are you going on a date with next week?

Speaker 8 (22:42):
What's going on? I just what's going why?

Speaker 12 (22:46):
Why? Why?

Speaker 8 (22:47):
What do you mean why?

Speaker 12 (22:48):
I'm worried that you're cheating on me?

Speaker 8 (22:52):
What are you talking about?

Speaker 2 (22:55):
What do you mean?

Speaker 12 (22:57):
We've been talking for two months, we've been dating for
two much and you go on this trip without me
and you didn't even invite me. And then you're hanging
out with a bunch of girls and you're saying you're
going on date now next week. What's going on? You have?

Speaker 6 (23:10):
Okay, of course I have reason to be worried.

Speaker 14 (23:13):
We've really it's only been too much.

Speaker 8 (23:16):
And we've just been talking. That's it.

Speaker 12 (23:19):
I mean, I didn't think what do you mean we've
just been talking? What do you mean? We have been exclusive?
We're dating, we're in a relationship. We haven't just been talking.
It's been serious, you know that. Okay?

Speaker 14 (23:32):
Look, I mean, look, it's been nice, it's been great.
But just I didn't think that it was exclusive.

Speaker 8 (23:37):
I didn't. I didn't get that from you and what do.

Speaker 12 (23:41):
You What are you talking about? We talked about this,
We had a conversation about this. Do you are going
on a date with someone else next week? Do you
have been cheating on me?

Speaker 8 (23:51):

Speaker 12 (23:52):
I mean, look, the thing is, I'm just kind of like,
just answer the question. Are you cheating on me?

Speaker 8 (24:00):

Speaker 14 (24:00):
Look, I was going to text you about this tomorrow.
I really don't feel like talking about this right now.
Can we just talk about it later, talk about tomorrow.
I don't feel comfortable talking about this right now.

Speaker 9 (24:12):
No, so you are.

Speaker 12 (24:15):
There's a reason I knew it.

Speaker 2 (24:16):
I felt it.

Speaker 6 (24:17):
I could just tell that you were cheating on me.

Speaker 12 (24:19):
I knew it. You told me that you weren't with
anyone else.

Speaker 15 (24:24):
I can't believe you did this.

Speaker 12 (24:25):
You lied to me. Why would you do that.

Speaker 8 (24:29):
I just don't think that I'm ready for like a
relationship right now.

Speaker 12 (24:33):
I'm just kind you're clearly not ready for a relationship.

Speaker 6 (24:36):
You don't even know how to communicate.

Speaker 8 (24:37):
I'm sorry. Look, I'm sorry. Okay, I was going to community.

Speaker 14 (24:41):
I didn't want to do it like this, but I
just I wanted to be more clear about what I
wanted from this.

Speaker 12 (24:48):
No, you don't want to be more clear. If you
wanted to be more clear, then you wouldn't have lied
to me and told me that you weren't having sex
with anyone else or seeing anyone else. Why would you
say that and lie to me? Really not likely.

Speaker 6 (25:00):
You are cheating on me.

Speaker 12 (25:01):
Oh my god, I can't believe this. I knew it.
I knew it. I knew it. I had a feeling
and I knew it, and I was right.

Speaker 8 (25:07):
Can we talk about this later, Sydney, Please, I'm sorry. Okay,
we don't need to talk about it.

Speaker 12 (25:13):
There's nothing to talk about. It's clear. You've made it,
crystal clear right now. I've just been.

Speaker 8 (25:23):
The flowers were going to be for you?

Speaker 12 (25:25):
What are you talking about? You said you were going
on a date next week.

Speaker 6 (25:28):
We didn't have anything planned?

Speaker 8 (25:31):
Well, the flowers were going to be for you. I
had a date plant this.

Speaker 12 (25:36):
No, you didn't where. You didn't have a date plan where.
You didn't tell me about this? Where are we going
to go?

Speaker 8 (25:41):
We're gonna go. This is a restaurant and I was
going to.

Speaker 14 (25:45):
Bring into.

Speaker 12 (25:47):
Oh my god, this is you're lying again. We're this
is so obvious that you're lying. We are done with it.

Speaker 8 (25:54):
Done? Hello?

Speaker 12 (25:57):
What what was it?

Speaker 8 (25:59):
Hello, Hello, Danny, Hello.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
His phone. I think he hung up. I don't think
his phone really got disconnected. I think he was like
fake it, Sidney. I'm sorry, so sorry.

Speaker 12 (26:15):
I knew it. See I knew it.

Speaker 13 (26:16):
I told you.

Speaker 12 (26:18):
I knew he was cheating or whatever, lying, cheating, prombly
other things that I don't know about.

Speaker 8 (26:23):
I can't believe that.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
I mean, yeah, well, you're better off. You'll find somebody
who won't do that. And at least he found out
two months in rather than, like, you know, two years.

Speaker 2 (26:34):
And further validation. Your intuition is right.

Speaker 12 (26:37):
I need to trust him more. I'm glad I did
this time, because who knows how long he could.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
Have lied to me for.

Speaker 12 (26:44):
Yeah, and I don't think his phone was really having
bad reception.

Speaker 6 (26:47):
He was totally speaking out the jubile shows to catch
a cheater.

Speaker 16 (26:55):
What you just said is one of the most insanely
idiotic things I ever heard. At no point in your rambling,
incoherent response were you even close to anything that could
be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is
now dumber for having listened to it. I award you
no points, and may God have mercy on your souls.

Speaker 3 (27:18):
Almost Time for America's favorite trivia game, You versus Victoria.
Your chance to take on our own Victoria Ramieras in
a raucous game of trivia for the bragging rights of
knowing you might be able to win.

Speaker 2 (27:29):
A fourth grade trivia competition.

Speaker 3 (27:32):
Maybe that also screening tickets to see the Amy Winehouse.

Speaker 2 (27:38):
Moving back to black.

Speaker 3 (27:40):
Now for a rabbid fire word association to see hold
up first call us eight eight eight three four three
one six one eight eight eight three four.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
Three one six one.

Speaker 3 (27:47):
If you want to play Victoria, you can also dm
us at the Jubil Show or go to the Jubilshow
dot com if you want to play. And now for
a rabbit fire word association to see how quick Victoria's
brain is working today. Ready, Victoria, I think some first
word that comes from when I say factor factory trucker hat,
mother to day.

Speaker 2 (28:11):
Versus Victoria's coming up right after this. It's the Jubil Show.
I'm stupid, you're smart. I was wrong, you were right.
You're the best. I'm the worst.

Speaker 8 (28:22):
You're very good looking. I'm not attractive. All right, as
long as you're willing to admit that, It's.

Speaker 3 (28:29):
Time for America's favorite trivia game, You versus Victoria, Your
chance to take on Victoria Ramirez in a game of trivia,
for the bragging rights of knowing that you might be
able to win a fourth grade trivia competition, and also
screening tickets to the new Amy Winehouse movie Back to Black.
And Let's meet today's contestant for You versus Victoria, Ashley.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
What's up? Ashley?

Speaker 6 (28:51):
Hi? How are you guys doing good?

Speaker 2 (28:53):
How are you?

Speaker 12 (28:55):
I'm doing fabulous?

Speaker 2 (28:56):
You ready to take on Victoria?

Speaker 6 (28:59):
I am so ready to take on Victoria.

Speaker 12 (29:02):
I've been waiting for.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
This to say to Ashley.

Speaker 6 (29:07):
I was gonna say good luck.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
Yeah, I was saying, look too, she seems I don't
have I'm not a fighter. Guys have gone over this. Okay,
send Victoria out of the studio.

Speaker 3 (29:18):
While she's leaving, Ashley, you have thirty seconds to answer
as many questions as possible.

Speaker 2 (29:22):
If you don't know one, Jesse pass and Victoria has
to beat you outright to win?

Speaker 8 (29:27):
Okay, of course?

Speaker 6 (29:28):

Speaker 8 (29:29):
All right?

Speaker 2 (29:29):
You ready? Here we go, Ashley. Your time starts now.
The Empire State Building gets struck by lightning? How many
times a year?

Speaker 1 (29:40):

Speaker 2 (29:40):
What is the only Disney Princess with the tattoo.

Speaker 12 (29:45):

Speaker 2 (29:45):
The Guinness Book of World Records was first published in
what year?

Speaker 12 (29:51):

Speaker 2 (29:51):
What is the currency of Japan? What is the smallest
bone in the human body?

Speaker 6 (30:00):
Pinky te? I don't know what it's called.

Speaker 3 (30:03):
Who wrote the novel Pride and Prejudice? Okay, God, that time,
we'll bring Victoria back into the studio. And while she's
coming back in and getting settled, Ashley, what's something you
would like the world to know about you today?

Speaker 12 (30:17):
I have an almost two year old son and a
very loving wife, and I work at home and take
care of him.

Speaker 14 (30:25):
We are.

Speaker 6 (30:28):
Yeah, we just do our son.

Speaker 2 (30:32):
Well, thank you very much, Ashley. All right, Victoria's back.

Speaker 11 (30:35):
So I heard through a little Bertie that you might
be dropping a new song.

Speaker 2 (30:40):
Yes, I am on Tuesday.

Speaker 6 (30:43):
My song comes out Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (30:45):
Yes, it's an actual, actual song. I'm releasing music now,
So go check it out.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
Please call. It's called just you and then in parentheses,
so you it's cute. Yeah, go check it out.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
You can go to my Instagram at jubel fresh and
there's a spot five follow link there if you if
you use Spotify, or you can just search my name
or whatever on like iHeartRadio or Apple Music and stuff.

Speaker 2 (31:06):
It's kind of cool.

Speaker 3 (31:06):
I'm very excited about having it on there because if
anytime I listen to the songs that I'm making right now,
I have to go to the files on my phone,
and you can't like replay those to listen over again,
So it's easy to get distracted while driving, so I
have to restart it if I want to listen to something. Yeah,
all right, here we go. Victoria thirty seconds to answer
as many questions as possible. If you don't know one,

just say pass and Ashley you can tell Victoria when
to go.

Speaker 6 (31:31):
Oh okay, ready go.

Speaker 2 (31:35):
The Empire State Building gets struck by lightning? How many times?
One hundred? What is thee or what is the only
Disney princess with a tattoo? We have a Disney Oh
oh oh oh oh.

Speaker 4 (31:48):
Moana to get us World Records was first published in
White Year fifteen fourteen.

Speaker 2 (31:53):
What is the currency of Japan? Not the dollar bill?
I don't know coin.

Speaker 4 (31:58):
I don't know why I look at you was if
he was gonna tell me what is the smallest bone
in the human body?

Speaker 17 (32:03):
Uh uh uh?

Speaker 2 (32:05):
So wow? And your time is up and that was rough.
I don't think I got any of those right. It
was pretty rough. Yeah, I'll agree with you all that.

Speaker 3 (32:15):
Okay, let's send it out over to the scoreboard and
see how you guys did with our scoreboard producer Brad with.

Speaker 2 (32:19):
An outright win. Ashley has one Victorias zero. Yeah, Ashley, congratulations,
as you did it. You beat Victoria. Yep.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
You can now brag to all your friends today that
you know you might be able to win a fourth
grade trivia competition.

Speaker 6 (32:34):
What does that mean for me?

Speaker 2 (32:36):
You would not be able to win nor competition?

Speaker 3 (32:39):
Straightforward, Also screening tickets to see the new Amy whine House.

Speaker 2 (32:43):
Moving back to black. Congratulations, and now let's get the
answers with need.

Speaker 4 (32:47):
The Empire State Building is struck by lightning twenty five
times on average a year. You didn't say that part
the only that's the answer.

Speaker 2 (32:55):
But you didn't say you didn't say the answer. No,
you didn't say average per year.

Speaker 4 (33:01):
I was thinking like total, Like you said how many
times a year? I didn't hear that Bart, how many times?

Speaker 12 (33:08):

Speaker 4 (33:08):
The problem is that the only dizzy princess with the
tattoos Pocahontas, the Guinness Book of World tattoo.

Speaker 2 (33:15):
Ye, what seriously, our social media producer, where is it?

Speaker 13 (33:21):
Yeah, it's on her arm.

Speaker 12 (33:22):
What is it?

Speaker 13 (33:22):
It's like a like it wraps around her arm.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
It's like a little band like Oh, okay, like a
tribal type band or something. Okay, that's what I was
thinking of. Kind of different.

Speaker 4 (33:35):
Guinness Book of World Records was published in nineteen fifty five.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
The currency of Japan is a yen. The smallest bone
in the human body is the states. What state? It's
in your ear?

Speaker 9 (33:46):
What is it?

Speaker 2 (33:47):
It's a little it's in your middle ear. It's a
little bone. It little U shaped bone. What does it do?
It allows you to hear.

Speaker 8 (33:54):

Speaker 2 (33:57):
Well, that's Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane Austen.

Speaker 3 (34:01):
Gon't answer you that question. I need that one there.
Thanks for playing, Ashley. We play you versus Victoria at
this same time every single weekday morning. Remember you want
to play Victoria, you can always dm us at the
Jubil Show or go to the Jubilshow dot com.

Speaker 12 (34:13):
First Date follow up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys
online at ADVOCATESLA dot com.

Speaker 3 (34:20):
Hailey is on the phone today for a first date
follow up, and she's getting ghosted by a dude named Nate.
She has no idea why, So in a few minutes,
we're gonna call him and ask him why is ghosting
her and maybe get her another date.

Speaker 2 (34:29):
But before we do that, Hailey, how long has it
been since you heard from Nate?

Speaker 3 (34:32):
That's been four days? Okay, Okay, not too long. Yeah,
are you sure you're getting ghosted? Not like a one
hundred percent sure, but I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
Why do you think so?

Speaker 12 (34:43):

Speaker 2 (34:44):
Like, but they went really well, but.

Speaker 9 (34:47):
I worry that I I don't know, Like, so we
went on a picnic and it was really nice and
we even like got to slow dance a little on
the picnic blanket, and yeah, I was really sweet and
I was I don't know, he was just really intentive.
But I just worry, like I can't dance and I
kept stepping on his feet and so I'm like, maybe

he just didn't like that I can't dance. I don't know,
I've been like hyper fixating on it. But I'm just like,
I really was bad, but I was like nervous and stuff.
So I can dance a little better than I did.
But yeah, it was pretty good.

Speaker 2 (35:21):
Okay, did he say anything about your dance skills?

Speaker 12 (35:25):

Speaker 9 (35:25):
I mean we both laughed at off, but like you know,
sometimes people pretend things are funny or okay and it's not.

Speaker 6 (35:32):
And I don't know, it's the only thing that I
really feel like I did wrong.

Speaker 2 (35:35):
So tell us about the date though, Like how were
things with him? Did you guys get along?

Speaker 12 (35:40):

Speaker 9 (35:40):
Yeah, we had a lot in common, so like I
brought the wine, he brought the food. We met up
at the park and we had a picnic and it
was just really chill and we got to talk a lot,
so like we got to know each other a little bit,
and I really liked it. It was just a nice,
peaceful date. You know, I've been dating a little and
like nothing really exciting. This was kind of to me

this one. This really stood out and it felt really special.
So like it went really well. We even like have
to make out a little bit, Like I thought he
really liked me.

Speaker 2 (36:11):
But I don't know.

Speaker 9 (36:12):
It's just I'm really concerned because I would have hoped
that like the next day or maybe even a couple
of days later.

Speaker 2 (36:18):
I mean, I know people have.

Speaker 6 (36:19):
Jobs, but I just haven't heard a thing.

Speaker 2 (36:21):
Was he supposed to reach out to you, Like, did
you try to contact him at all?

Speaker 9 (36:25):
I haven't, but he said he would like text or call,
and then I just hadn't heard anything.

Speaker 2 (36:30):

Speaker 5 (36:31):
I feel like after a date like that, I would
also want to hear back, like the next day or
two because it ended so well, Like why wouldn't he
be messaging back?

Speaker 9 (36:39):
Well, like he said he would reach back the next day,
but I texted him when I got home and said
thanks for.

Speaker 6 (36:43):
Such a great date.

Speaker 9 (36:45):
And he didn't text back that night, and he didn't
text or call the next day like he had said
he would, oh the day after that.

Speaker 6 (36:53):
So I'm like, I don't know, So.

Speaker 4 (36:56):
What was your communication like leading up to the date.
Is he just kind of one of those guys at
takes a few days or was he more attentive?

Speaker 9 (37:03):
Well, we have a mutual friend who set us up,
so like we didn't really talk much before the date. Okay, yeah,
we just like we tested a little bit so like
organize who was bringing.

Speaker 2 (37:14):
What, but that was really it. So do we know
that he's not sick? Like did you do some investigating
with a mutual friend? Yeah?

Speaker 12 (37:20):
I did?

Speaker 9 (37:21):
Okay, so yeah, I asked her because she works with him,
and she was like, no, he's fine, he's at work.

Speaker 2 (37:26):
Oh yeah, so like I.

Speaker 9 (37:29):
Because I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt,
like I've definitely been six after a date and then haven't.

Speaker 2 (37:34):
But yeah, no, he's fine. When I heard watch me
pull up real quick, Well that is a little bit weird. Yeah, no,
it is. All right.

Speaker 3 (37:44):
Well, we'll see if we can figure it out for you.
Then we'll play a song come Back, and then call
him and ask him why is ghosting you? And maybe
get you another date? Okay, thanks, guys, all right, we'll
play song come Back, get your first date, follow up next.
Right in the middle of the first date follow up,
and if you're just joining us, Haley is on the phone.
She's getting ghosted by a guy name Nate. So in
a second we're gonna call him see if it tells
why he's ghostinger and maybe get her another date. But first, Hayley,

why don't you catch everybody up on your situation?

Speaker 9 (38:08):
Yeah, So, basically, we went on this really nice picnic
date at the park. It was, in my opinion, pretty romantic,
and I thought it went really well. We had a
lot of fun. We slow danced, we drank wine, we ate,
naxt What more could a girl want? And yeah, I
was really hoping for a second date. And I texted

him that night, no response, And I haven't heard of
thing since so and.

Speaker 2 (38:33):
You think it might be because of your bad dancing? Yeah,
I have no sense of rhythm.

Speaker 6 (38:40):
Okay, it's only gotten worse than it has better.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
All right, well we'll see if that is it. Are
you ready for us to call him?

Speaker 8 (38:47):

Speaker 2 (38:48):
Okay, here we go. Okay, Hi may speak to Nate please,

Yes you can, Nate. My name is Jewbel. I host
the radio show. It's called The Jebel Show. Yeah, Hi, Nate,
whole show's here on Nina. Hi, and I'm Victoria. How
are you.

Speaker 8 (39:21):
Doing all right? And I like, win something or what's
going on here?

Speaker 2 (39:24):
You might have I'm not really sure. Do you listen
to the show ever?

Speaker 12 (39:28):

Speaker 8 (39:29):

Speaker 14 (39:29):

Speaker 8 (39:29):
Actually big fan?

Speaker 2 (39:30):
Oh cool? Thank you? Are you a big enough fan
to know what the first eight follow ups are?

Speaker 8 (39:35):
Oh my god?

Speaker 15 (39:36):
Yeah, yeah I am.

Speaker 2 (39:38):
You know why I'm bringing that up, Nate?

Speaker 8 (39:42):
I might as well just what you tell me. I
guess I'm already on go.

Speaker 3 (39:47):
You're ghosting somebody? And they emailed us because they want
to know why they're getting ghosted. Do you have any
idea who would email us?

Speaker 2 (39:56):
I'm imagining this is Haley Haley.

Speaker 3 (40:01):
Yeah, well yes, if I guess you forget that she forgot. Yes,
Haley is on the line name. She wants to know
why you're gusting her. I'll just let you guys talk
it out now.

Speaker 8 (40:13):
Oh my god, Hey, what's going on?

Speaker 1 (40:15):

Speaker 15 (40:17):
You know, I'm just chelling?

Speaker 6 (40:20):
So what what happened?

Speaker 2 (40:22):
I know I can't dance, but like, I didn't think
I was that bad.

Speaker 18 (40:26):
No, actually I didn't. Don't consider myself that good of
a dancer. There's no don't worry about that. That's all good.

Speaker 8 (40:34):
Like I said, I mean, I did have a good time.

Speaker 18 (40:36):
But you know, I mean, honestly, the whole entire time
we were on the you know, on our picnic, you
just kept.

Speaker 19 (40:46):
Talking about your you know, comparing comparing.

Speaker 8 (40:49):
Me to your X from how long ago?

Speaker 19 (40:52):
About six seven years he said, I don't mean every
time you brought up his name, I just tuned out.

Speaker 9 (41:00):
Okay, so it was six years ago, and I'm sorry.
I just knew that you had mentioned that you've been
through a recent breakup, and I was not comparing you
to him. I was trying to like relate your situation
to what I went through. I wasn't like, I'm sorry
if I brought up too much, but I was just
like really nervous and maybe like I don't know the
line was talking or something, but like I was just

trying to relate to you.

Speaker 18 (41:23):
Yeah, So like there was there were times where you know,
I laughed at something that you said, you know, you're
talking about you're dancing, and then all of a sudden,
you're like, oh my god, Jason laughed that.

Speaker 2 (41:34):
Way, and I was like, this is like are you
even over him?

Speaker 8 (41:37):
Like is not even like is this something I need
to be concerned about?

Speaker 12 (41:41):
You know.

Speaker 19 (41:41):
I tried to brush it off every time, you know,
to the end of the night, like I really just
couldn't get over I couldn't take it.

Speaker 20 (41:48):
Like it just like I said, just every single thing
you brought up was oh, nay, Jason did this, Jason
did that, and I'm like, my name.

Speaker 8 (41:57):
Is not Jason, you know.

Speaker 9 (42:00):
Yeah, I'm so first of all, I'm really sorry, Like
I did not mean to do it that much. I
think I was just really nervous and maybe I didn't
know what to say, and maybe I was just I
mean I was I was excited, so like maybe that,
but I like your laugh and your laugh is not
just like Jason's. I was just like, I think I
was just nervous. I didn't mean to do that, and
I'm really sorry, and like, okay, so like I was

comparing your laugh to his laugh because he had a
nice laugh, like he was.

Speaker 12 (42:26):
A there's a reason here he did have a good laugh.

Speaker 9 (42:31):
So it was just like I was nervously complimenting you,
I guess, and like, but I love your laugh and
your laugh, and I'm I.

Speaker 2 (42:37):
Didn't mean to make it seem like I was like
wrapped up in the past.

Speaker 9 (42:41):
I just I guess it has been a long time
since I was so excited, and my brain kind of
related it to a past experience and I was sorry.

Speaker 20 (42:52):
No, I mean, there's no need to apologize for it.
I mean, sometimes wine does talking for us, but you know, honestly,
is just something that I'm gonna have to be worrying about,
you know, day in day out. Is she like are
you even over him? Like you haven't even said anything
about that, like whether you are over him or not?

Speaker 2 (43:08):
And well, so yeah, definitely over him.

Speaker 8 (43:12):
No, no, I mean I'm definitely over him.

Speaker 19 (43:19):
Yeah, like you said, it was just it was just
a major, major red flag and.

Speaker 6 (43:22):
Like, yeah, I don't know where you want to go
from here.

Speaker 9 (43:27):
Yeah, I'm really like I said, I'm sorry and I'm
over him, And if you're willing to give me another shot,
I will. I promise that the word Jason will not
come up.

Speaker 6 (43:40):
Yeah, not one.

Speaker 8 (43:42):
I would hope not. But I mean, yeah, I mean,
I don't whether.

Speaker 19 (43:47):
Don't give you a shoot your text tonight and see
what you're doing if you're free or.

Speaker 2 (43:51):
Maybe I don't know, another day with Hayley. We'll pay
for it.

Speaker 8 (43:57):
Uh yeah, I mean I'm down, But I just hope
that it's a Jason free night. Like I'm not trying
to remember my name is Nate.

Speaker 12 (44:07):

Speaker 6 (44:07):
I'm super excited and I promise that it'll be a
fun time.

Speaker 12 (44:11):
Thank you so much for giving me another shot.

Speaker 3 (44:14):
Congratulations, Haley, thank you, thanks, Yes you will first date follow.

Speaker 4 (44:21):
Up time for Nina's What's trending? So Kasha is permanently
changing the lyrics of her song to TikTok. You may
have seen the video of her, well, you may have
seen the video of her from Coachella where she changed
the lyrics where she's like, look up in the morning,
feeling like pee Diddy, but instead of saying feelings, she's
another F word and then wants the crowd to sing
along with her.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
She didn't change take p didty out of it altogether. No,
I don't think that's what she wanted to do.

Speaker 4 (44:45):
Yeah, And I think her intent wasn't to be like,
that's what I'm doing to him. It's more of like
a yeah you because you suck. Because of everything that's happening,
I feel like it's better just to find something else
that rhymes with diddy.

Speaker 3 (45:00):
Gordon Liddy would have been a good choice in the
morning feeling kinda Oh she did it though.

Speaker 2 (45:07):
The TikTok's all about feeling good. Well, but isn't it
like your party the night before? Yeah, so well, I guess. Yeah,
I don't know. I don't either, But that's what she is.
A very pretty woke up in the morning. All my
girls are with me. There's all kinds of rhymes. I
think I would add the action that she's chosen to

add with Yeah, well she did and doubling down on it.

Speaker 4 (45:33):
And she's permanently changing her lyrics to that because it's
what she believes in. Okay, so tell me if you
think that this story is petty or power. Okay, so
Zendia's person that dresses her, Oh my god, stylist Nina Wow,
so Zendia's stylist, was just doing an interview talking about

when she was fourteen and she had just come out,
she was starting to do red carpets and do events
and how they would dress her. So they reached out
to the big fire which are Chanelle Door, Valentino, Gucci
when she was younger to try to get her dressed,
and they all said no, They're like, no, she's too green.
Fast forward now like too green is like too new,
Like she's not okay seasoned yet. So fast forward to

now where she's like a style icon. She's everywhere, and
she still has yet to wear any of those designers.
There is hard no, she won't wear any of them
except for Valentino because she did sign a contract with Valentino,
so they're paying her to wear the clothes. But because
they turned her down in the beginning, she's like, nah,
I'm well, not her so much as the yeah stylists,
but We're not doing the Diors and the Chanel's or

the Gucci who she wear everybody else in Valentino.

Speaker 2 (46:41):
Everybody else and anyone else who will pay her. She's
for sale.

Speaker 6 (46:45):
You can't.

Speaker 12 (46:47):
But no.

Speaker 4 (46:47):
The reason I ask like, does that feel a petty
to you, Like, oh, okay, don't you understand why they
didn't want to dress you? Or does that like your power?
You're standing in your power saying I can even turn
down Chanelle.

Speaker 2 (46:56):
I kind of like it.

Speaker 5 (46:58):
It's like half in half because a part of me
it's like, I'm that's like if I'm that young, I
kind of understand it.

Speaker 2 (47:03):
But also it's like more power to you, so like
pop off. Yeah, okay, so it's both. Yeah, it's both
I think cool petty power.

Speaker 8 (47:09):

Speaker 12 (47:11):
I know.

Speaker 3 (47:11):
For me and my radio career, one of the highlights
has been anytime that because the show is a nationally
syndicated show, so it's on radio stations throughout the country,
and there's been a few times where I've talked to
somebody who wants to put the show on and they're like, yeah,
I remember you send me demo tapes from way back
when I wish I would have taken a shot on
you then, right, because they wouldn't call me back or whatever,

or I'd say that to him, be like yeah, man,
when I was first starting out, I would send you
demo tapes all the time.

Speaker 2 (47:36):
You never responded to me.

Speaker 3 (47:39):
I literally have the option to be like, no, we're
not gonna before your show on right, No, of course
I do.

Speaker 2 (47:44):
But it's kind of cool to be able to be like,
how do you feel about that? I'm waiting for your apology.

Speaker 14 (47:52):

Speaker 2 (47:53):
And lastly, it looks like Google is getting some competition.

Speaker 4 (47:56):
So open ai is announcing that they're using chat GPT
based search engines to create a Google like what do
you call it?

Speaker 9 (48:05):

Speaker 2 (48:06):
Kind of yeah, Google search engine search engine.

Speaker 4 (48:09):
So they're creating it with chat GPT, and they also
are rolling out a bunch of other types of things
that these AI related products are going to be able
to do, and they're trying to do it before Google
does it, so there's gonna be a little competition.

Speaker 2 (48:20):
Here's the thing, tech nerd Alert.

Speaker 7 (48:21):
Here's the thing though, Okay, I've asked chat GPT many
things and I think it's an idiot. Wait seriously, Yeah,
it'll come back with bad grammar. A bunch of nonsense.
Sometimes I'm gonna be honest. I'm gonna I'm gonna pull
back the curtain here a little bit. I'm the one
who makes the trivia questions for you versus Victoria. There
have been times I've used AI to help me out
with that because I'm busy. Every time, the wrong answer

is what, and then people will text it that's not
the right answer.

Speaker 2 (48:51):
I'm like, dang, it's not the right answer. Thanks, chat GPT. Wow,
maybe open AI will fix it. No, I don't know. Yeah,
I just I just think it's gonna be Also, Yeah,
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (49:02):
I just think.

Speaker 2 (49:02):
I just think AI is not there yet. That's trending
Jewbiles dirty little secret? Hello, Hi, Hey, what's up? You
have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 12 (49:15):
Yes, I do have a dirty little secret.

Speaker 2 (49:17):
Sweet, what is it?

Speaker 8 (49:18):

Speaker 21 (49:19):
My dirty little secret is that, well, I'm a well
put together lady or swallowing practice by saying that, and
I'm very fashionable.

Speaker 6 (49:27):
Everybody compliments me.

Speaker 12 (49:29):
And what I wear every day that my dirty little
secret is I wear well.

Speaker 21 (49:35):
I seek out the dirty socks because I have this
belief that I need to get the full wear out
of them before I watch them.

Speaker 2 (49:42):
Oh, so you wear you wear dirty socks?

Speaker 8 (49:45):
You wear? I do.

Speaker 12 (49:46):
I wear.

Speaker 21 (49:48):
I wear dirty socks on purpose, and honestly, the the
dirty or the better. Like I kind of like if
they're smelly, then those are the ones that are the thoughts.

Speaker 8 (49:56):
Of the day for me.

Speaker 2 (49:58):
Oh you like the So the smell does something for you?

Speaker 6 (50:03):
Yeah, I mean it reminds me that I'm alive, I'm human.

Speaker 2 (50:06):
It wakes me up, great, good morning smell test.

Speaker 8 (50:10):

Speaker 3 (50:11):
Interesting, Well, gives me a knifett booth, whatever works for Yeah,
some people will need coffee, some people need stinky toes.
Thank thank you for telling us your dirty little secret.

Speaker 8 (50:23):
All right, thank hey, what's up?

Speaker 2 (50:26):
You have a dirty little secret? I sure do.

Speaker 17 (50:28):
I just want to preface this by beginning to say,
I am not this person anymore.

Speaker 2 (50:33):
Okay, Well, this is going to be good.

Speaker 13 (50:35):
I think about this all the time, and I just
I am like riddled with guilt.

Speaker 14 (50:39):

Speaker 17 (50:40):
Back in the days where flip phones were a thing,
like you know, before iPhones, I was dating this guy
who was awful.

Speaker 13 (50:46):
He was abusive, he was means me, whichhouldn't have been together.

Speaker 17 (50:49):
So while we work together, I started to cheat on
him with my ex boyfriend who was my high school
sweetheart at the time. Okay, I did that because my
boyfriend at the time I was so mean and so toxic.
She would always look at my phone i was sleeping.
He would read my messages like it.

Speaker 15 (51:05):
Was just a.

Speaker 13 (51:06):
Relationship I need to be in.

Speaker 17 (51:07):
Okay, So one day my ex boyfriend messaged me and said, hey,
do you want to come over? And I'm like, yeah,
of course I do. I want to get away from
this guy. So I tell my boyfriend that my best
friend needed to ride because she got drunk and I
needed to go pick her up. And so I leave
and go to my ex boyfriend's house and go hook
up with him. And while my ex boyfriend is in
the shower, I take his cell phone and I have

a fake conversation with myself from his phone to my phone,
and in his phone, I.

Speaker 13 (51:36):
Text me and I say, hey, you want to come over?

Speaker 17 (51:38):
And I say no, I can't, and like, I deleted
the message where I said yes, obviously do I said no,
I can't, And so I made myself say why and
I said I can't. I'm trying to work things out
with my boyfriend's name now, and I don't want him
to be upset with me.

Speaker 13 (51:52):
I really love him, and he's like, okay, I.

Speaker 17 (51:54):
Understand, I'm sorry, and I'm like it's okay, I just
don't reach out to me again. Like I had this
entire fake conversation to my phone and then I deleted everything. Okay,
So when I went home, I knew my boyfriend was
going to go through my phone. And so the next
morning I woke up and he told me I love
you so much and he gave me a kiss because
he went through my messages and he saw those fake messages.

Speaker 13 (52:14):
So anyway, I'm not that person anymore.

Speaker 17 (52:17):
We eventually broke up I think three weeks after that,
and I am also not a cheater anymore. Like that
was like a time back when I was young and
just stupid and not doing smart things. So I'd like
to practice also that once a cheater is always a cheater.
Is not the thing with me once I got married.
Once I got married, I would never cheat.

Speaker 8 (52:33):
I would.

Speaker 13 (52:33):
You could have to pay me to even think about it.
But that's my dirty little seat.

Speaker 17 (52:36):
I feel terrible for like having a conversation like a psychopath,
but WHOA.

Speaker 13 (52:42):
Anyways, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (52:43):
I think you should be easy on yourself about that.
It's like survival at that point. If it was like
if he's checking your phone like that and it was
abused with stuff, you know, man.

Speaker 13 (52:50):
I guess, but I still think about it.

Speaker 17 (52:52):
So I feel guilty because this is a terrible way
to live, and it just it sits heavy on my heart,
even though I was really young.

Speaker 3 (52:58):
But you don't live that way anymore, and you definitely
learned a lesson, and thank you for sharing it. You
also show people how stressful cheating is.

Speaker 6 (53:07):
That's the thing.

Speaker 13 (53:08):
I don't know how people do that, Like, how do
you like? It's hard to juggle. I could never do
it again. It was so You're so right, it was
so stressful that garbage.

Speaker 12 (53:20):

Speaker 2 (53:22):
Well, thank you for telling us your dirty little secret.
I love you guys, you too, what's your dirty little secret?
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