All Episodes

May 17, 2024 54 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Things I would do as revenge if a man ever
did me dirty. I love miscarry Underwood, but bashing windows
too easy, too fixable. Let's inconvenient this man for a
long time if we can. Number one, I'm stealing that
man's markabave plate and the turning.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
Thing, and how much of an inconvenience.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
Number two, I would put sugar water on every single
windows so it just attracts ants snacks. I'm still rice
grains and marbles everywhere.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
And let's face it, stereotypes exist, whether we want to
pretend they don't. They do. Because if you see a huge,
musty dude walking out of a huge truck that's jacked
up with mm A stickers all over it, you're probably
not thinking he's a Harvard educated, Politzer Prize winning poet. Correct,

they do exist, and that's why there's a thread going
viral of men sharing what stereotypes about masculinity they wish
would disappear.

Speaker 2 (00:59):

Speaker 3 (01:00):
You want to hear what it sounds like when dudes cry.
We'll go over it right after this. It's the Jewel Show.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
I just want you guys to be aware of the
situation that happened on Saturday and Hopefully you can keep
him in your thoughts and prayers, because my ex saw
me are out.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
And I look good.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
It's the jibile show. Dear that dear off in the distance.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
What is it?

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Listen carefully, I'm listening. Just a sound of dudes everywhere
crying this morning because there's the thread going viral of
men sharing what stereotypes about masculinity they wish would disappear.
So what are the things that men are tired of
being judged on. We'll go over it right now. Being

expected to be able to step up in really scary
situations when you're also scared. That's fair. Yeah, it really is,
especially if you live with somebody and then there's a
noise downstairs and they're like, I check it out like you.
Then you both go, I'll just go behind you. Yeah,

I'll go with you. But yeah, if you do go
behind the guy, they're thinking.

Speaker 5 (02:11):
She has no idea how scared I am.

Speaker 3 (02:13):
I'm going to jump out of the way as soon
as I see something. So I don't know why she
went behind me at all. She's always the tough one.
We know. We're going over a thread that's going viral
of stereotypes that men wish would disappear about masculinity, that
men should be the ones to make the first move.
I like that. I mean I like that too, and

also that's what we've been taught because if you don't,
then you're thirsties like that they do make the first move.
I like that they should be making the first move. Yeah, right,
But then when they do sometimes it's like, aw, creep.
I just said, yeah, but you're a guy. Yeah. Are
you interested in guys? Yes? I am, but not you.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
Okay, But that's different because guys think that when a
woman smiles at her that she that he's inviting her.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
So different.

Speaker 6 (03:03):
That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about making
the first move, right, right, And you have set men
up to be rejected one hundred percent more than.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
You we are.

Speaker 4 (03:16):
But where's that up to be the thirsty ones? If
we do make the first move, then we're desperate if
we make the first move.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
When you make that first move, exactly right, a man.
I don't think it's guys that think that way, though.
I think maybe it's other women that think they're thirsty,
because guys are like, that's dope, she made the first go.
It never happens. That's cool. She must actually like me.

Speaker 7 (03:39):
That's so scary.

Speaker 3 (03:40):
Also, oh thank god. I mean the perfect example is bumble.
Bumble allowed guys now to message because women didn't want
a message first, and then guys would message first. They
be like, you, girls, what are you doing? This is bumble.
You have to you have to message. Yeah. Another stereotype

that men wish would go away about them is that
they're messy. One of the people online said, I constantly
have to remind my girlfriend to put away her stuff,
but people assume it's me.

Speaker 4 (04:13):
That's actually funny. I'm true, I'm usually the messier one. Really,
totally in most situations. I feel like women are messier
than men. Like, look at a bathroom specifically.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
I have.

Speaker 4 (04:26):
It explodes before a night, right, I can keep my
stuff together.

Speaker 8 (04:29):
But I think I think this came from originally like
a girl maybe grew up with sister or brothers, because like,
my brothers are not the cleanest at all times, and
I growing up with them, I had to move their
stuff out of the way, there's rangers out of the way,
and like my stuff was all put together.

Speaker 4 (04:42):
Honestly, Victoria, you're not the cleanest either. I've seen your
hotel rooms. Room it's like a rent a car. Yeah,
I know, interrational places.

Speaker 3 (04:51):
It's like, this is not mine. It's going to be
super messy. Tell rooms are trash.

Speaker 6 (04:59):
Meanwhile, and this is a bird example why stereotypes suck.
Jubil's hotel rooms are absolutely trashed. And we went on
a work trip and you came into mind. I'm like, please,
don't put your backpack on my bed.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
I'm like, this is a hotel. Blow my nose on
the curtains here, No exactly. Hey, Meddie, Hello, Meddi, Meddie, Meddi?
Oh are you Meddi?

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Yeah, I'm here. Hey.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
What's the stereotype you wish would go away?

Speaker 9 (05:31):

Speaker 3 (05:32):
Man, it's the level of confidence. What do you mean
by that?

Speaker 10 (05:38):
So basically, I mean I'm always confident, right, But that's
not because I'm man. So sometimes my girl comes to
me and she goes, oh, well, you men can think
you could do everything.

Speaker 9 (05:51):
The level that you have is crazy.

Speaker 10 (05:54):
But I always explained to her that, you know, confidence
is not just related to men.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
You could be confident too.

Speaker 10 (06:00):
You're because I'm the types of basically learn how to
do everything in my house. I learned how to do
my floor and anything she wants me to do. I say, yes,
I can learn and I can get it. Then and
she goes, oh, man can do everything. Man thinks they.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
Can do everything.

Speaker 10 (06:15):
So I'm trying to get her to go on the
same road and get rid of that stereotape and start
doing stuff with me.

Speaker 3 (06:20):
You just want to do stuff around the House's time.
We need to do the floors. Do you take care
of it?

Speaker 6 (06:29):
I have one that really upsets me, and it's that
men are just dumb idiots.

Speaker 3 (06:34):
Yeah, that one bugs me too. Oh hey, like when
I get the question like, oh do you need do
you need me to do you? E mean handle your dinner?
Do you mean to handle your food? Do you think
you can take care of yourself? What you big baby boy?

Speaker 11 (06:46):
You big tight, you big headed baby waddling around life
not knowing what to do. Hey, ladies, you're not the
only ones to know how to do things. Stop it.
I can clean up toilet, I know how.

Speaker 4 (06:57):
To do I just don't see I do I choose
not to.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
I know how will. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (07:06):
The one that bugs me a lot is that men
are just they like want to do it with anything
that moves right. Has always bugged me, Like, there's no
what's the thing they say about pizza? They say making
love is like pizza, It's never bad, right. I'm wait, really,
I've had some terrible pizza.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
But whether it was terrible or not, you were willing
to try all of the pizza. But that's not true
for every dude. That's what we're trying to say.

Speaker 6 (07:36):
Like, like, I don't know how many times I've been
friends with the girl and someone.

Speaker 3 (07:39):
Goes, oh, do you want to do Yeah? No, man,
I don't like humans. Yeah good, Well, I'm glad you
guys are that way.

Speaker 4 (07:46):
But if we looked at the pie of men in
the world, I wouldn't say you guys were in the majority.

Speaker 3 (07:51):
That's what stereotypes. Well, that's why this threat exists. It's
another jewbile.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
On the twenties. Hello.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
Hi, my name is Pete Eakins. I'm calling from I
was looking for Samantha. I'm calling in regards to a
baseball game that she attended at our baseball park this weekend.

Speaker 2 (08:18):
Oh, yes, this is she Samantha.

Speaker 3 (08:21):
How are you?

Speaker 2 (08:22):
Yes, I'm fine. How are you?

Speaker 3 (08:25):
I'm not too great actually calling you because you're a
season ticket holder.

Speaker 12 (08:32):
Yes, I am with my family. I mean it's everything.

Speaker 3 (08:36):
Okay, Well, I wish I could say it was, Samantha.
We do like to think of our season ticket holders
as family and feel like they would also treat the
ballpark and the players and the team with respect. But
I guess we can't get.

Speaker 12 (08:49):
That every Yeah, okay, what are you referring to.

Speaker 3 (08:53):
I'm referring to the theft that happened this weekend, assessed. Yes,
I think you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 12 (09:02):
I don't know what you Okay, let me just take.

Speaker 3 (09:04):
Your memory for a little bit of a job. Then,
are you ready to go for a little bit of
a job. Yeah, you're a memory running shoes on. You
were at the game on Saturday. There was a ball
that came in your general direction. You plucked it out
of the air and you caught the ball.

Speaker 12 (09:17):
Yeah yeah, I actually caught the ball. Crazy?

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Yeah, so crazy? What'd you do with the ball?

Speaker 12 (09:24):
I gave it to my kids.

Speaker 3 (09:27):
You took it off the property and you took it
somewhere and you stole it.

Speaker 12 (09:31):
Okay, wait what m yep, you're saying that me taking
the ball that I caught in my ball territory. Even
you're saying that that is me stealing.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Well me, okay, Well, let me just ask you a
clarifying question, Samantha, this might help you. When you entered
the ballpark to take your seats and watch the baseball game,
did you have a baseball with you? No, were you
carrying the ball with you in your bag or something
in your hand? Did you have the ball with okay?
And when you left did you leave with the ball
with you?

Speaker 12 (10:03):
Well, there was no like official personnel or anybody that
came over to get it to us, like come say,
we need the ball all right.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Well, unfortunately, Samantha, if you want to keep your season tickets,
and let's not get the authorities involved, you're gonna have
to get it back from your kid and bring it
back to me.

Speaker 12 (10:17):
So you expect me to go to my kids and say,
oh I actually need the ball back.

Speaker 3 (10:23):
Yeah, yes, I do give it to them. Yeah. I
think you know you could have the conversation be good
for open dialogue. Say I'm sorry, mommy is a thief
in mommy's soul and it's bad.

Speaker 12 (10:33):
Okay, you know what you this is absolutely ridiculous.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
I'm not giving you the ball back.

Speaker 3 (10:39):
Okay, all right, Well, then you've given me no other option.
I'm so sorry. Your season tickets are going to be
revoked and we'll be having the authorities with your house
to get the ball back.

Speaker 12 (10:47):
What kind of team is it like? I don't I'm
not going to have you come to my house, and
you don't need to take my tickets away. If this
is really that important, I'll give you the ball back.
But I just don't understand. I've never heard of such
a thing.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
Okay, great, say you give them all back? Wonderful? Thank
you so much for being reasonable. So yes, I can
meet you in a grocery store parking lot. We can
coordinate which one you can give me the ball back.

Speaker 12 (11:09):
Why does when I meet you at a grocery store
parking lot are you some sort of clint If you
want the ball back, gay, I could bring it to
the stadium.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
Well, okay, transparency, It's from my personal collection and I
don't want my bosses here to find out.

Speaker 13 (11:21):
Oh well, use me?

Speaker 4 (11:23):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 12 (11:25):
You know what? I don't know who you are, if
you even work for this company, but I will be
calling them, I will be reporting you, and this is
the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I will
be calling the team. You will not have a job
after this, as far as I'm concerned, you won't even
be able to step foot in the baseball stadium after this.
This is the most ridiculous thing, and this is not

how you treat a season ticket holder. What's your name again?

Speaker 3 (11:51):
My name is Pete.

Speaker 14 (11:51):
Eakins, Pete Egans.

Speaker 3 (11:54):
Pete Eakins, Yes, Petekins like Pete Akins, like Petekins?

Speaker 9 (11:59):

Speaker 12 (12:00):
Is this some kind of a joke, Like your name
is actually like Pete Kins.

Speaker 3 (12:04):
It is a joke. This is actually Jubil from The
Jubil Show doing a phone prank on you and your husband.
Bryce set you up. It's a joke.

Speaker 12 (12:11):
Are you kidding me?

Speaker 3 (12:13):
Yes? I guess i am. He said that you were
at a ballpark recently and caught a foul ball and
want to mess with you.

Speaker 12 (12:18):
Oh my god, Oh my god. I'm sure I am
going to murder him. I'm imagining, like me, having to
go to my kid. You don't even understand the Keith,
how excited they are about this ball. I'm thinking I
have to go to them and like.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Crush their dream?

Speaker 12 (12:34):
How dare he put me off?

Speaker 3 (12:36):

Speaker 2 (12:36):
Did he know they'm so.

Speaker 3 (12:37):
Cold, wake up every morning with jubile phone pranks. Time
for Nina's. What's trending?

Speaker 4 (12:44):
So the grandparents aesthetic is trending. If you haven't heard
grandparents aesthetic, Yes, teenagers are dressing like their grandparents with
tube socks and high waisted pants and all of these things.
So McDonald's has decided to jump on this trend and
create the Grandmamic Flurry. It comes out next week and
people are like, Okay, well, what is this even going
to taste like? So allegedly sure the grandmother the Grandma

mcflurry tastes like caramel and butterscotch flavored where there's original.

Speaker 3 (13:15):

Speaker 6 (13:16):
You know what I'm gonna be honest, I was skeptical
that they were going to pull this off.

Speaker 3 (13:19):
But throw the Worthers in there, and that makes sense,
makes sense?

Speaker 4 (13:22):
Yeah, it is kind of weirdly. What's the deal with
grandparents and butterscotch? My grandma always had butterscotch candy.

Speaker 3 (13:28):
Yeah, if I was trying to catch an old person,
I will make a trail of butterscotch candies. I'm not
trying to, but if I were, that's what I would use.
But that's bait. Yeah, your grandma, baby, just on the street.
It's going to bamt grandpa at the end. Hello, come

with me. We're gonna garden all day. That sounds fabulous.
Scotch all the butterscots you want?

Speaker 9 (14:02):

Speaker 4 (14:02):
Okay, well get ready for that grandma mcflurry and catch
a grandma. So Atlanta is named the best city to
start a career. So if you're looking to make some changes,
Atlanta is the place to be. And this is all
based off of professional opportunities and the quality of life
among one hundred and eighty different cities. They came in
at number one, or Atlanta came in at number one,

with the special emphasis on high growth and median household
incomes and good job opportunities.

Speaker 6 (14:29):
So my immediate question is where's a good Where's a
good city to end a career? Because if your starting
a career that means salaries are low, where's the place
to end it?

Speaker 4 (14:39):
Does everybody just like retire in Florida?

Speaker 3 (14:43):
That is what you do? I do here, Like, we'll
do that.

Speaker 4 (14:45):
So okay, and then this is pretty wild to me
and also kind of disturbing, but one of the biggest
sources of stress for women two thirds of women are
stressed out by dating.

Speaker 2 (14:55):

Speaker 4 (14:55):
Man, sixty eight percent have actually reported fainting or throat
going up before a day because of the amount of stress.
I know that's a lot of pressure. It is a
lot of pressure. But it's interesting, is why it's more
women than it is men, Because don't you guys get
stressed out too?

Speaker 3 (15:12):
Yeah, we just handle our crap. I mean, I guess, yeah,
I get. I guess I would get. I don't know
if I get stressed out before a date, I don't think.

Speaker 15 (15:22):

Speaker 4 (15:22):
We really have so many things on our chechlist probably
you know, I don't know. But if you're one of
those women, just know that you're not alone. And that's
why we say that dating is a group activity. We
help each other out because nobody needs to be doing
this mess alone. Okay, and that is what's trending.

Speaker 3 (15:38):
It's time to Catch a Cheater only on the Tuble Show.
Spencer is on the phone today for to Catch Cheater.
He's been married to his wife Lauren for three years,
but now he thinks something might be going on, so
we'll see if we can help him out. Spencer, sorry
you have to come on the show this way, but
what's going on? Man?

Speaker 5 (15:55):
Yeah, me too, because I'm a really big fan. I
listen to your show all the time.

Speaker 16 (15:59):

Speaker 5 (16:00):
One of the problem I'm having right now, I kind
of recognize from listening to your show so often the
red flags and such. So I've noticed a few of
those recently and it's really thrown me for a loop,
and I'm hoping maybe you guys can help me figure
this out. We've always been really close to my wife
and I, like you said, we've been together for three years.
Red slag number one, I guess wasn't really a red
flag until the second one came, and that is that

our intimacy has really just kind of fallen off. You've
always had a really healthy physical relationship, but lately it's
just kind of been non existent. And I know sometimes
people go through phases, and that's what I thought it
was until red slag number two. He has been staying up,
like texting at night on her phone with someone who
she says is her friend, which might be the case,

but it's weird because like when she gets a text message,
she responds with one or two words, puts the phone down.
She doesn't like to text. Now she's like on the
couch and night sitting next to me, not paying attention
to anything that happened in the room, looking at her phone,
texting long conversation, smiling about it.

Speaker 9 (17:00):
It just just feels weird.

Speaker 5 (17:02):
Yeah, it's making me a little crazy, I gotta be honest.
But she says that she's talking to her friend Caitlin. Okay,
so that was rex like the me for too bong
number three. My wife doesn't really like to go out
very often. She's not into like the clubs in that scene.
But last week she went out with the girlfriends, she says,

which you know, I wouldn't have any problem with what
she wanted to do. It's just really strange because she
doesn't do that sort of thing. She went out all
night and like when drinking and stuff, which is great.
But when I asked her what she did orhere she
was going, it was just going out. We went out
and that was like the end of it, which is
super weird. And then red light flag number four is

what made me have to call you guys. When she
came home from that night out, she smelled like a
man's cologne. It wasn't mine. When I asked her about it,
she said that one of her friends. She was out
with meta guy and he sat next to her at
a bar. I'm not buying that.

Speaker 3 (18:03):
Yeah, No, usually don't get you don't get smelling like
their cologne, usually for them sitting next to you.

Speaker 4 (18:08):
I mean, unless he's one of those super noxious sprayers,
then there is a good chance you leave smelling like it.
But I think the texting and giggling while sitting on
the couch with you is kind of standing out the
most to me because that was just But isn't that
also kind of negligent if you're treating that's so?

Speaker 3 (18:22):
I think some people just open Yeah, I think.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
Someone's right next to me.

Speaker 3 (18:27):
I feel like some people just assume, like, oh, they'll
never guess if I do it right here, you know,
get caught in plain sight sort of thing. Yeah maybe yeh.

Speaker 4 (18:34):
Did you happen to ask her what was going on
with her friend Caitlin, Like is she in some type
of situation a breakup drama?

Speaker 2 (18:42):

Speaker 5 (18:42):
I did. She said they seeing in moral support, which
I didn't get any more information than that. She didn't
seem very forthcoming, and you know, maybe that's the case.
I guess that's why I'm calling you guys, because I
want to believe my wife, but I've got this feeling
in the pit of my stomach and I don't know
what's new about it.

Speaker 3 (19:00):
Well, so you said that you have a different way
to try to catch her than the flower thing that
we do normally.

Speaker 5 (19:06):
Right, Yeah, yeah, she knows that. I have really had
my eye on some gim equipment because you know, it's
a new year and all that stuff. And I think
it'd be a really great idea if maybe because at
her job she has like bonuses, and her next bonus
is coming up very soon, and they usually give away
these big Amazon gift packages, like a gift card kind

of thing. I was thinking maybe we could call her
up and say, yay, getting a gift card. Who do
you want to send it to?

Speaker 3 (19:35):
We could do a double gift card. She gets one
and then also this year, we're giving it to something
where you can send it to somebody special. Oh yeah, okay,
you might keep it if it's just one. Yeah. I
don't want her to just be like no, I'll take it. Okay,
we'll do that. Then we'll play a song, come back,
call her, and then see if we can catch her
cheating and hopefully she's not, but we'll see if we
can catch how she is.

Speaker 9 (19:56):
Okay, all right, play, I'll come back.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
You're to catch next if you're just joining us for
today's to Catch a Cheater. Spencer is on the phone
and Spencer thinks that his wife, Lauren of three years,
might be cheating on him, So we're about to call
her and see if we can catch her. But before
we do that, Spencer, why don't you catch everybody up
on your situation?

Speaker 9 (20:15):

Speaker 5 (20:15):
I guess real short, I've noticed some really weird behavior lately.
She is like texting and doing like weird giggles and
stuff while she's texting. But she's not a texter, so
that's strange. He's going out on like girls' nights and
drinking and stuff, and that's really outside of her character.
And then one night she came home and smelling like
some other guys cologne, which kind of like it made

me lose it a little bit and I had to
call you guys.

Speaker 9 (20:38):
And help me get to the bottom.

Speaker 5 (20:40):
Definitely, So you know, I thought it might be a
good idea if you guys called her and maybe said it.

Speaker 9 (20:46):
You work her job, giving her.

Speaker 5 (20:47):
Her bonus, and this year it's two five hundred dollars
amus on.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
Gift cards kind of things.

Speaker 5 (20:52):
You should get them too.

Speaker 3 (20:53):
Yeah, we'll see if she sends one to you or
to somebody else. Okay, okay, all right, here we go.

Speaker 9 (20:58):

Speaker 3 (21:10):
Hello, Hey is this Lauren?

Speaker 14 (21:12):

Speaker 3 (21:13):
Hey Lauren, this is Pete up here in HR. How
you doing?

Speaker 14 (21:16):
Oh good, I'm good?

Speaker 3 (21:18):
How are you great? Really good day to be in HR,
because all I'm doing is calling up people and saying
we got the yearly Amazon gift card. Monisa is in
and they're five hundred bucks this year. Congrats. Yeah, it's
a nice day for an HR person when you don't
have to call people and be like, hey, you're fired.
You know that?

Speaker 14 (21:37):
Nice? Sweet, that's awesome. I'm excited.

Speaker 3 (21:40):
Yeah, and this year is actually cool because what they've
done is we're doing five hundred dollars Amazon gift card
for you, and then also another five hundred dollars gift
card from Amazon that you can send to somebody special
to you.

Speaker 14 (21:51):
That's awesome. That's a nice you guys.

Speaker 3 (21:53):
We will obviously get you yours, and then you want
to send your other gift card to somebody? Yeah? Sure,
do you know who? Or do you want me to
you know, you want to send me an email or
I call you back or something.

Speaker 14 (22:07):
No, I can you just type it in now and
like if you have it.

Speaker 3 (22:10):
Up, Yeah, I can just take the down the info
now and I'll say I'll send you all the stuff
to let you know. How you send it out. It
will be still like a week or so.

Speaker 14 (22:17):
Okay, okay, cool?

Speaker 3 (22:19):
Well then who would you like to send it to.

Speaker 14 (22:22):
I'm going to send it to Gavin.

Speaker 3 (22:24):
All right, and yeah, last name on that Gavin?

Speaker 5 (22:27):

Speaker 9 (22:29):
Got you?

Speaker 5 (22:29):
I can't say why?

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Who? Who the Gavin? Who would go Lauren?

Speaker 3 (22:35):
This is actually the Jewel Show. That's your husband, Spencer
on the phone.

Speaker 14 (22:40):
You know, I know, absolutely No. I planned that's whether
you guys know it or not.

Speaker 17 (22:45):
I set this whole thing up and this pant are
you talking about?

Speaker 15 (22:50):

Speaker 14 (22:52):
I'm not going to tell you Gavin?

Speaker 9 (22:53):
Is? Are you?

Speaker 2 (22:57):
Are you serious? Yeah?

Speaker 12 (23:00):

Speaker 2 (23:01):
Who are you? What is this? Is this funny?

Speaker 9 (23:07):
To you?

Speaker 3 (23:08):
Is there?

Speaker 2 (23:09):

Speaker 5 (23:10):
You're my wife? Well I don't understand what is happening.
Why do you think this is funny? You're throwing some
guy named Gavin and you're laughing in my face about it.

Speaker 17 (23:19):
Oh no, I'm not think guys, here's it for you?

Speaker 3 (23:25):
Well, who did you have some cocktails this?

Speaker 14 (23:28):
Yeah, Gavin is the name of your child. You're a
student to be born child. Yeah, well that's right, that's right.

Speaker 3 (23:41):
Uh huh.

Speaker 17 (23:42):
We both listened to the show. I know that Spenser
loves it. He also loved the next segment to talk.
You talk about it all the time. So I kind
of set this up and planned it so that he
would think I was cheating.

Speaker 2 (23:56):
I put all the.

Speaker 17 (23:56):
Pieces in a play, and it fell a little felt
exactly like I wanted it to. I mean, think you now,
some guy bought cheap gas station cologne.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
Ye are you gus?

Speaker 14 (24:16):
I wanted to prank you. You right away? But yes,
I'm pregnant, and this is what I wanted to tell you.

Speaker 5 (24:27):
Amazing, Right, She's an evil super genius.

Speaker 4 (24:33):
Congratulations, that's amazing. So did you really need babyout talking?

Speaker 14 (24:40):
It was something we talked about.

Speaker 17 (24:43):
You knew exactly what I was talking about when I
said that. Well, when he got into.

Speaker 5 (24:48):
Contact, my head was so clouded. I didn't even think
about that. Oh my god, this has made my day.
I cannot wait to see you. I love you so much.

Speaker 14 (24:55):
Maybe I love you too.

Speaker 3 (24:58):
Congratulations, Thank you. Yeah, you did lie to us, but
I'm not that mad about it. Pranked, I mean, he
didn't know. I think payback's fair too, that's cool. Congrats,
thank you.

Speaker 2 (25:11):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 17 (25:12):
Guys the Jewel Shows to Catch a Cheater.

Speaker 12 (25:16):
You know what's weird about your quizes, Katie, is that
all the work is right and just the answers are wrong.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
I know that having a boyfriend may seem like the
most important.

Speaker 4 (25:24):
Thing in the world right now, but you don't have
to dumb yourself down to get guys to like you.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
It's almost signed for America's favorite trivia game, You versus Victoria.
Your chance to take on our own Victoria Ramirez in
a factually loose game of trivia. It is today for
the chance to sponsor Old Trivia Highway and Eke Alaska.
Whoa that actual highway? I don't know if it's an

actual highway, but it's an actual place. Also tickets to
pit Bull and t Pain, So call us right now
eight eight eight three four three one six one eight
eight eight three four three one o six one. If
you want to play. You can also d m us
at the Jebel Show or go to the jubilshow dot
com if you want to play Victoria and now for
some fun brain exercises to stretch out that noodle of yours, Victoria.

All right, here we go. What does y E S
spell yes spell eyes?

Speaker 16 (26:17):
I E wait I y wait E y E S.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
It is, isn't it? I saw it on Instagram the
other day. It's tough for people to do. All right,
point a producer.

Speaker 4 (26:38):
Rad and spell addict addict addict at addict attic like
your addict, Yes, A T T I c K.

Speaker 3 (26:50):
There's an okay in it.

Speaker 17 (26:53):
I don't why versus yes.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
Versus Victoria is coming up right after this? You mean
it's what I get is? Good morning? Can I take
your order?

Speaker 12 (27:11):
Am I gonna at a large black hawk?

Speaker 3 (27:15):
Large black cock?

Speaker 14 (27:16):
Do you mean a venty cool?

Speaker 3 (27:17):

Speaker 10 (27:17):
I mean she means AVENTI yeah, the biggest one you've got.

Speaker 3 (27:20):
Venty is large. Large is large.

Speaker 18 (27:26):
In fact, coal is large, and grande is Spanish for large.

Speaker 3 (27:29):
Venty's the only one that doesn't mean large. He's also
the only one that's Italian.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
Congratulations for stupid and three languages.

Speaker 3 (27:35):
It's time for America's favorite trivia game, You versus Victoria.
Your chance to take on Victoria Ameras in a game
of trivia for your chance to sponsor good old Trivia
Highway and Eke Alaska. Yeah, also tickets to Pitbull and
t Paine And let's be today's contestant for you versus Victoria. Brittany,

what's up? Brittany? What's up? Not much? How are you
doing today?

Speaker 12 (28:01):
I'm actually on the drop off line trying to drop
my kids off at school.

Speaker 2 (28:04):
But my kids were like, you have to play Victoria.

Speaker 3 (28:10):
All right? What are your kids' names?

Speaker 2 (28:14):
Heydrick and Leo?

Speaker 3 (28:16):
Whoa, those are cool names. Yeah. The door This is
a good example of why they should pay attention today
in school.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
By the way, they're about to their mom, probably.

Speaker 4 (28:28):
Victoria, how are you feeling, honestly, not staying school kids.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
We're gonna send Victoria out of the studio and the
game is played like this. Brittany, you have thirty seconds
to answer as many questions as possible. If you don't
know one, just say pass and Victoria has to beat
you outright to wain. Okay, okay, all right, she's outside.
The door is closed, and Brittany, your time starts. Now.
What animals used to make the lion roars and the

lion can.

Speaker 4 (29:01):
Uh lions true or false? You cannot hum while pinching
your nose.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
Uh false.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
Cherries, pears, plums, apples, peaches, and raspberries are all part
of what family?

Speaker 9 (29:17):
Oh my god, I don't know past how.

Speaker 3 (29:20):
Many flavors are in fruit loop cereal?

Speaker 15 (29:25):
Uh five?

Speaker 3 (29:28):
All right, your time's up. Will bring Victoria back into
the studio. And while she's getting settled, Britney, what's something
you would like the world to know about you today?

Speaker 12 (29:39):
I'm just a stay at home mom with some wild kids.

Speaker 3 (29:44):
That sounds like a wild time. You're not just stay
at home mom, You're stay at home mom. Cool mom.
It's a hard job. It is a hard job.

Speaker 2 (29:52):
It is. It is a hard job.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
Believe me. It's a job that they do not want
to do. Yeah, I'm sure they do. All right, Victoria's
back in studio. Here we go, Victoria, I'm scared thirty
seconds to answer as many questions as possible. If you
don't know one, just say pass and you have to
beat Brittany outright to wind and Brittany. Your kids can
tell Victoria when to go. Oh, okay, you guys goett

to tell Victoria when to go ready? All right?

Speaker 2 (30:23):
You just said, go oh?

Speaker 4 (30:25):
What animal was used to make the lion roars in
The Lion King and a Lion?

Speaker 3 (30:30):
True or false? You cannot hum while pinching your nose. False.

Speaker 4 (30:34):
Cherries, pears, plums, apples, peaches, and raspberries are all part
of what family?

Speaker 3 (30:39):
Uh? Fruit?

Speaker 4 (30:42):
How many flavors are in fruit loop? Cereal five? What
is the longest running late night TV show? It says Myers?
What kindtry has the unicorn as their national animal? I
don't know why I said? All got that in on time?
What's the Cismeiers.

Speaker 3 (31:06):

Speaker 8 (31:07):
Nina, I need you to go a little faster with
the questions.

Speaker 3 (31:09):
You need you to think faster. All right, let's sit
it on over to the scoreboard and see how you
guys did with our scoreboard.

Speaker 6 (31:14):
Producer Bread, All right, Britty, you did not get any
correct These were hard, but neither did Victoria.

Speaker 3 (31:19):
And that means congratulations, you did it. You beat Victoria. Awesome,
So you have the chance is.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
Gonna beat me?

Speaker 7 (31:27):
She went so fast with all the questions.

Speaker 4 (31:29):
Yeah, you said they're all wrong, though, So do you
feel any better?

Speaker 3 (31:33):
You got tickets to pit Bull and t pain. Congratulations.

Speaker 2 (31:37):
Awesome, thank you guys.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
Yep, and we'll get the answers now with Nina.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
So tigers were the ones that made the lion roar.
Noises in the Lion King are not lions. It is
true that you cannot hum while pinching your nose. You
can try it right now and see what happens.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
Didn't breathe.

Speaker 4 (31:59):
Chair use pears, plums, apples, peaches, and raspberries are are
are all part of the Rose family fruit. I thought
that was really interesting though, Rose family there are There
is one flavor in fruit Loop Cereal, but six colors.
That's not true. If it is, that's messed up, right. Yeah,
they're all the same flavors, different colors. It'll do the
same thing, the favors favors because they're different.

Speaker 16 (32:22):
Yeah, you guys will call them cheerios, like great playing cheerios.

Speaker 3 (32:27):
I mean, like fruit is just one kind of fruit.
Well that still sucks.

Speaker 4 (32:31):
Okay, So the longest running late night TV show is
not Sess Myers.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
It's The Tonight Show and they have seventy season. I
was gonna say that, wait with who never mind?

Speaker 4 (32:39):
Oh, come on the country that has the unicorn as
their National Animal is Scotland.

Speaker 3 (32:43):
What really, that's cool? That's cool. Play you versus Victoria
the same time every single weekday morning. If you want
to play Victoria, you know, it's d m us at
the Jubile Show or go to the Jubilshow dot Com.

Speaker 13 (32:53):
First Day follow Up powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys
online at Advocateslaw dot com.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
Michelle is on the phone today for a first date
follow up and she's getting ghosted by a guy named Steven.
So in a few minutes we're gonna call him and
see if it tell us why is ghosting her and
maybe get her another date. But first, Michelle, how long
has it been since you heard from Stephen.

Speaker 2 (33:13):
It's been about a week and a.

Speaker 3 (33:15):
Half, okay, And have you reached out to him in
that time?

Speaker 2 (33:18):

Speaker 7 (33:19):
I text him three times, but then I was just like,
after the third text with no response, I felt like
I had to have some.

Speaker 3 (33:26):
Dignity and I saw it's understandable.

Speaker 4 (33:30):
Yeah, yeah, So how was your date then?

Speaker 3 (33:33):
What happened?

Speaker 2 (33:35):
Well, it was actually a great date.

Speaker 7 (33:37):
We went on a picnic together and it was super cute,
and then we went on a little walk.

Speaker 2 (33:44):
It was just like a lovely little hike. It was.
It was anesot a great.

Speaker 7 (33:47):
Date, Like it was the kind of date that you
would see in a wrong com and I felt so
good afterwards, and we you know, shared a romantic sunset
kiss at the end.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Yeah it was. It was really lovely and I didn't
end up going home with.

Speaker 7 (34:04):
Him, and then he was a gentleman, so he didn't.

Speaker 2 (34:06):
Ask, But yeah, I felt great about it afterwards.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
Why do you think he's not calling you back?

Speaker 7 (34:11):
Well, I did mention on the date that I read
fairy smut book and.

Speaker 3 (34:20):
Like them, they like fairy porn. This the kind of
books our friend read.

Speaker 7 (34:24):
Yeah, it's like demeanor kind of changed after I brought
that up, and so I thought maybe that put him
off or he was judging me about that, But like,
I'd like a chance to explain myself because I don't
think it's that weird, but anything, I.

Speaker 2 (34:39):
Feel like it's that all right.

Speaker 3 (34:40):
Our social media producer Gabby reads that stuff all the time. Yeah,
she's always talking about the fairies that are doing nasty
each other.

Speaker 4 (34:47):
But I want to know more so when you brought
that up, how did he react to it? Was he
like I read too? Do you think maybe it's the
fact that you read or that it's fairy porn.

Speaker 2 (34:58):
Definitely the fairy an aspect and not the readings.

Speaker 7 (35:02):
He just kind of went quiet, and then after a
while he was like, oh, that's cool, and.

Speaker 2 (35:08):
Then he didn't say anything else, so we changed the subject.

Speaker 3 (35:10):
Yeah, so his vibe kind of changed after that for
the rest of the date, or it was just that
one awkward moment.

Speaker 7 (35:16):
I mean, for the rest of the hike, his vibe
definitely was different. Yeah, we kept hiking for a while
after that, but he seemed like he was super distracted,
but then.

Speaker 4 (35:26):
He was fine when you guys kissed and then did
he say that he wanted to see you again?

Speaker 7 (35:31):
At the end he was kind of like, yeah, I'd
love to see you again, but it felt sort of
half hearted, and then we parted ways, and I don't.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
Know, he just seems like tired and over it by
the end. It was weird.

Speaker 3 (35:43):
So what about that makes you feel like you want
to talk to him again.

Speaker 7 (35:47):
Well, I just feel like, up until the very end
the date was so calm and so romantic, and I
hadn't had a date like that in such a long time,
and you know, I've been single for a couple of years.
I just like really enjoyed it. So I feel like
there is potential here.

Speaker 2 (36:01):
I just want to be able to like clear up
the fairy smut issue.

Speaker 3 (36:06):
If that's what it is, all right, well we'll see
if we can figure it out for you. Then we'll
play a song come Back, and then call him and
see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting you, and
maybe get you another date if you still want one. Okay,
all right, thank you, all right, we'll play a song
come Back, Get your first Day follow up next. Right
in the middle of today's first date follow up, and
if you're just joining us, Michelle is on the phone

and she's getting ghosted by a guy named Steven. So
we're about to call him and see if he'll tell
us why he's ghosting her, and maybe get her another
date if she still wants one. But before we do that,
one of your fresh Everardy's memory on your date with Steven.

Speaker 2 (36:39):

Speaker 7 (36:39):
So Steve and I went on a date about two
weeks ago. We went on a picnic, we went for
a hike. It was lovely and I had a great time.
But at one point I mentioned that I read fairy
smut book and out of change. So I'm trying to
figure out what the problem is. He hasn't reached out
to me in a week and a half.

Speaker 3 (36:58):
Well, are you ready to see if it was a
fair smart that ruined your date?

Speaker 2 (37:02):
I'm ready?

Speaker 3 (37:03):
All right, here we go. I'm gonna call him right now.

Speaker 9 (37:17):

Speaker 3 (37:18):
Hi, Ma, I speak to Stephen. Please. This is Steven.
How are you man? My name is Jewbel. I'm calling
from a radio show. It's called The Jebel Show. Hi, Stephen,
I'm Nina also on the show. Hi, I'm Victoria.

Speaker 9 (37:30):
Oh why Okay?

Speaker 3 (37:34):
What have you ever listened to the show before?

Speaker 9 (37:37):
Yeah, I've heard of it. Okay, what up?

Speaker 1 (37:41):

Speaker 3 (37:42):
Do a thing on the show. It's called the first
Date follow up. But that is if you go out
on a date with somebody and then you ghost them,
that person can email us to call you and ask
why you're ghosting them. So we got an email about you.

Speaker 19 (37:54):
Oh yeah, and it's from somebody named Michelle. Okay, Michelle
told us a little bit about your date. She said
she really liked you and she's wondering why you're ghosting her.

Speaker 3 (38:08):
Can you tell us?

Speaker 9 (38:09):

Speaker 18 (38:10):
I mean I like Michelle. She's a really nice girl.
I don't I got nothing bad to say about her.

Speaker 9 (38:17):
I don't know what. I don't know what to say
she you know, she's just, uh, she's pretty cool.

Speaker 3 (38:22):
Well then how come you didn't respond when she reached
out to you three times?

Speaker 9 (38:28):
I don't know.

Speaker 18 (38:29):
She's like really like she's like very physically fit, and
like she looks beautiful and and like that's not like
a knock on anybody.

Speaker 9 (38:38):
But she likes to like hike and stuff, and like
I'm just kind of not into all that.

Speaker 3 (38:43):
You're not into the hiking and stuff.

Speaker 2 (38:46):
Yeah, I mean it's.

Speaker 18 (38:47):
Not like I don't like enjoy like a walk, but
like it seems like she's somebody that like really gets
down on like you know.

Speaker 9 (38:54):
She's yoga and she and we went on this hike
that like it was.

Speaker 2 (38:58):
Hot, and I'm like a gamer by heart dude, Like it.

Speaker 9 (39:03):
Wasn't that like it wasn't necessarily her. I just figured
like if that's the.

Speaker 18 (39:06):
Type of date that she's gonna want to go on
like over and over, Like I'm really like I'm not lazy,
but I'm just like that's not my idea of a
good time.

Speaker 3 (39:16):
Oh okay, she thought it might be because she's into
those adult fairy smart books.

Speaker 14 (39:25):
Oh no, no, that was about the reason at all.

Speaker 2 (39:30):
No, No, not at all.

Speaker 9 (39:32):
Actually, like I thought that was actually kind of cute.

Speaker 18 (39:34):
Like I'm like, like like I'm a gamer, Like I I.

Speaker 3 (39:39):
Was gonna say, yeah, you're a gamer, you know.

Speaker 20 (39:43):
I mean like I'm not like, you know, like creepy
or whatever. I don't I don't find it weird, like
I like there's gamer stuff of that kind of like that
I thought was pretty Like.

Speaker 9 (39:53):
I thought that was cool. I just don't like to
freaking I just didn't want to keep walking around all
all day.

Speaker 3 (40:02):
All right, cool, Thanks for being honest with man. I
appreciate that. Now, let you know that Michelle is on
the phone and she's been listening. Let's talk to you.

Speaker 9 (40:10):
No, TI, Yeah, what's up?

Speaker 2 (40:15):
Set up? Why were you so down to go for
a hike?

Speaker 14 (40:21):
I would have been fine with not doing that.

Speaker 9 (40:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 18 (40:24):
I just thought I was just trying to be like easy,
But then I realized.

Speaker 9 (40:30):
Like how much.

Speaker 18 (40:31):
So you talked a lot about how you're so like
basically active and stuff, and I just felt like I
don't want us to do that all day every day.

Speaker 2 (40:41):
So you didn't mind the fairy smut at all.

Speaker 18 (40:45):
No, no, no, no, dude, actually, like I think I
would like to hear more about that.

Speaker 2 (40:54):
Okay, great, wow, Well I mean we want to go
indoors me?

Speaker 15 (41:01):

Speaker 2 (41:01):
No, we don't have to even like get up off
the couch. Yeah, I mean not, it's totally cool. But
I mean, like if you if.

Speaker 18 (41:09):
You really like hiking, like what's gonna happen like you know,
a couple of weeks and months from now, like if
I just like, like I really am not it's not
something I.

Speaker 9 (41:20):
Enjoy it at all, Like is that going to be
a problem.

Speaker 7 (41:24):
I mean I can probably like keep it to myself somewhat.

Speaker 2 (41:28):
But how inactive are you really? I mean do you
do like leave the house? I mean, but like I'm
like my friends joke with me and.

Speaker 9 (41:37):
They say that I'm accidentally fit. You know, I'm I'm
not inactive.

Speaker 18 (41:41):
I just like I'd prefer to be like, you know,
like playing games like I E good and I do stuff.

Speaker 9 (41:48):
But I don't like to just like set out on.

Speaker 2 (41:50):
An adventure into nowhere to hike.

Speaker 9 (41:54):
That's not my That's not what I like to do.

Speaker 2 (41:57):
Okay, well, we might have to get you a week
fit or something like. We might have to find some
compromise here.

Speaker 3 (42:05):
That seems fair. Okay, then Steven, would you like another
date with Michelle? We'll pay for it. We're not going
to pay for a week fit, but we'll pay for
it the date.

Speaker 2 (42:14):

Speaker 9 (42:14):
No, I'm totally down on just.

Speaker 20 (42:17):
As long as the you know, maybe we could uber
there and go.

Speaker 3 (42:20):
Like, well, congratulations, Michelle, you got another date.

Speaker 7 (42:25):
Yeay, yay, Okay, I'm yeah, I'm down to take a
car there. And I do have some smut recommendations for
you when you're ready.

Speaker 4 (42:36):
You play your cards right, So red you a Bedtime
Story's first date follow up.

Speaker 21 (42:43):
If we have beef, just know it's one sided because,
to be honest with you, I don't really care. Like
the only thing I'm worried about life is being skinny, young, hot,
and successful. Well, there's really no room up there for you.

Speaker 3 (42:54):
Bet it's the jew Show. And what does your favorite
drink say about you? Yikes? Bartenders are sharing how they
judge you based on the drink that you order. Oh
so think about what your favorite drink is and in
three minutes, I'll tell you exactly what it says about
you and your personality. Then you could decide if you
should change your drink and go over it. Next, it's
the Jewel Show.

Speaker 21 (43:14):
You can really be in the middle of finding for
your life, like full mental breakdown, and then you just
have to sit at your computer and respond to an
email like we'll circle back soon, warm regards.

Speaker 3 (43:25):
It's the Jewel Show. And you know how it is
you walk into a bar in order your favorite drink. Yeah,
ring out the bartwel into a dirty glass please?

Speaker 9 (43:36):

Speaker 3 (43:37):
Then yep, you have to sit there and deal with
all the judge you looks from people who don't understand
how delicious and refined it is to drink bar slap. Yeah. Well,
a thread is going viral of bartenders sharing how they
judge you based on the drink you order. So what
does your favorite drink say about you? We'll go over
right now. Tequila on the rocks with a lime m

They say that you are a wild party person and
you love to tell stories about what said tequila made
you do one time. It sounds anybody who drinks tequila
like that usually has a story or seventeen Yeah, as
Victoria would say, those people do it for the plot. Yeah,
does sound weird? When you say it that way. Weird

Bartenders say they judge you if you order a gin
and tonic with cucumber. You're a housewife and your husband
didn't notice your new fancy shoes, which made you upset
at first, but then you realize it doesn't matter because
you're probably sleeping with the pool boy. Congrats on having
a pool boy. That's mad, that's mad up for crust.

Speaker 4 (44:39):
Yeah, ordering jin, I never see that.

Speaker 3 (44:43):
They say the person who orders a jack and coke
is just waiting for a good fight in a couple hours.
I believe that we're going over what bartenders say your
drink says about you. A Moscow mule, I get a
lot like, yeah, they say you're just really excited to
drink something out of a shiny copper cup, and they are.

It's correct, absolutely, That's why I get it. I love it,
serve anything out of something shiny, and I'll drink it
all my friends. But they get it.

Speaker 8 (45:16):
Their only reason forgetting it is because of the cute
little cup they get.

Speaker 3 (45:19):
Like, I got special. It keeps it cold. Really, Yeah,
it's a copper cup. Well, that's nice. Bartenders are sharing
how they judge you based on the drink that you order.
If you order a martini, says you're a high functioning alcoholic.

Speaker 4 (45:33):
I do that often, and it's extra dirty. Every time
they look at me, they're like, are you sure.

Speaker 3 (45:37):
It's like, yeah, I want a martini? Do that? If
you order a Long Island iced tea, they say, it's
international lingo for I'm just here to get messed up.

Speaker 8 (45:47):
Yeah, is that the lemonade and the iced tea.

Speaker 3 (45:51):
But basically every alcohol that they have poured into one glass.

Speaker 6 (45:55):
Oh, it is the brown version of an audio, which
is the blue version of the long eye.

Speaker 3 (46:01):
Anytime I've been drinking Long Island iced teas is ended
up and not a great night or a great night,
depending on how you want to look at it.

Speaker 10 (46:08):

Speaker 3 (46:08):
Sometimes the night just calls for it and you have
to go with it.

Speaker 4 (46:11):

Speaker 3 (46:12):
That was one time. I was doing a comedy show
and I was not the headliner, so I had to feature,
which is the middle person who goes before and then
you're supposed to do like twenty minutes. But I had
about twenty long ice Long Island ied teas before I
got on stage. Wow, And I woke up in the
morning at home. Don't remember get I remember walking up
to the stage, and then I remember nothing, and then

waking up at home with a text from the person
who booked me at the show going, it's all right, man,
I will hold it against you. Wow, apparently I did
an hour and a half upsetting because we're not supposed
to do twenty minutes. It would be good. I have
no clue he came off. I think eventually they did. Yeah,
I think eventually they had to come and take me

off the stage.

Speaker 1 (46:58):

Speaker 3 (46:59):
No idea how I go home. Nothing. I'm just like,
if you order a bud Light, Miller Light or Budweiser
with a shot of whiskey younina, bud Light and a buddy,
it says you're probably working manual, intensive labor. This just
became completely inaccurate. I mean, you don't know what I do.

Speaker 4 (47:18):
It's not that, it's not that get my nails done.

Speaker 3 (47:22):
It intensive labor. Yeah. Bartenders also say that any frozen
blended drinks means you're either high maintenance and or on
vacation and don't know what else to order.

Speaker 6 (47:36):
Okay, no blended mango margarita means I'm here to have
a good time, but I only want to buy one
drink instead of nine.

Speaker 4 (47:43):
Mango margarita, an espresso martini, and then he will have nine, especially.

Speaker 2 (47:48):
When they're free.

Speaker 3 (47:50):
They say, if you order a lemon drop, they're going
to assume that you're high maintenance and not very nice.
Wait what my other drink? Am I high maintenance? Ass
Yes you are? Yes, spread I didn't know this, but
those are.

Speaker 4 (48:02):
Like those are shots, So those are not they're martinis,
but then you can have it as a shot. They're martinis.

Speaker 6 (48:08):
Yeah, your generation turn into something pathetic, but it's actually
something amazing.

Speaker 3 (48:12):
It goes in a beautiful glass and it's hard not
to spill on yourself.

Speaker 8 (48:15):
No, we turn to something fun that you take a
shot of, real quick, super easy to order and have
a great freaking night.

Speaker 3 (48:20):
Everybody calmed down. We were taking those shots for a while.
Bartenders say that if you drink a whiskey sour, you're
a young guy in your early to mid twenties and
you used to drink whiskey and coke. You switch to
whiskey sours because you thought it was more respectable and
or your friend started making fun of you. I think
that was probably pretty accurate time for Nina's What's trending.

Speaker 4 (48:40):
So if you're traveling to New York anytime before January
twenty twenty five, there's a very good chance you want
to put the American Museum of Natural History on your
to do list because this exhibit is so cool and
I hope it travels. But what they're doing is something
called Ice Cold, an exhibition of hip hop jewelry, featuring
bling from Drake, Baggie, Nicki Minaj and so anymore. So,
we think about all of the epic music videos award shows,

all of that jewelry is just going to be there.

Speaker 3 (49:05):
Isn't e of it fake?

Speaker 6 (49:07):
No, no, no, I just assume when you watching music video,
Yeah no.

Speaker 4 (49:13):
That's when it's like real real and a lot of
the like jewelry jewelers or whatever are you know, picked
to just give them pieces for that and they take
them back.

Speaker 3 (49:20):
Wow. Interesting, I know.

Speaker 4 (49:22):
So I don't know. That also kind of gives me
like American heist kind of know. It feels a movie
waiting to happen. No, speaking of hip hop, Drake and
Kendrick Lamar are going to have their final day. Their
showdown continues at the BET Awards because they're both nominated
in two of the same categories. So that's going to

be pretty funny when that happens on June thirtieth. Do
you think that either one of them could even perform.

Speaker 3 (49:48):
Any of their disk tracks?

Speaker 10 (49:49):

Speaker 4 (49:50):
Like, then that just not But doesn't that take away
the dispart if you use it as a performance, because
then it's more for show, No.

Speaker 3 (49:55):
Because then the other person's in the crowd, So it's like, yeah,
it doesn't to their face. Be cool if like Kendrick
lamartin it would Drake was sitting on the stage in
a chair just to his face, right in front of him.

Speaker 4 (50:08):
Yeah, are we laughing at this? So much stuff? Okay,
this is also very interesting. There are different facts about
brides that are trending. And the reason why we have
flowers at weddings and the reason why June is the
most popular are two of the things that I'm about
to share. So, back in the fifteen hundreds, people would
only bathe once a year, and they would bathe in May.

So that's why June was the most popular time to
get married because people didn't smell as bad. And the
reason why we have flowers at weddings is because the
flowers were there to cover up the bad smell.

Speaker 9 (50:39):
What nice?

Speaker 3 (50:40):
Ye, That's why anytime I watch a movie where it's
set back in the day and they're doing stuff, I'm like.

Speaker 6 (50:45):
Yeah, Richard, it's hard to watch if you think about it.

Speaker 3 (50:49):
Yeah, really smelled it now, But that was so fascinating
to bring it back.

Speaker 4 (50:58):
I like my chower fun and that's what's trending.

Speaker 2 (51:02):
Jewbles, dirty little secret?

Speaker 3 (51:04):
What's up? You have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 2 (51:07):
Indeed I do, sweet, let's hear it.

Speaker 15 (51:09):
So back in the day, my boyfriend and my now
ex frest friend did a little massy behind the back,
and little did I know when I was over at
our house or or with her, you know, when I
left the room, she would get on the phone with
him and try to pursue him and whatnot.

Speaker 12 (51:25):
So she wound up telling me.

Speaker 9 (51:28):
What they did.

Speaker 15 (51:29):
And the next morning I got up to take my
useful morning pee. I used a little funnel and put
it in a super soaker, a little miniature one, and
then when I saw her, I was just squirted it
all over her. Did she know what, No, sir, not
at the time anyway, until I told.

Speaker 12 (51:50):
Her, Yeah, I had to get it back somehow.

Speaker 4 (51:56):
Yeah, I mean, that's one way to pee on somebody
without having to make it look weird, you know, exactly.

Speaker 3 (52:01):
Thank you for telling us your dirty little secret.

Speaker 9 (52:04):
Absolutely, thanks.

Speaker 3 (52:07):
Hello, Hello, Hey, what's up? You have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 9 (52:13):
I do.

Speaker 13 (52:14):
I'm so nervous right now, Yes.

Speaker 9 (52:16):
I do.

Speaker 3 (52:16):
Sweet, what is it?

Speaker 9 (52:19):

Speaker 13 (52:19):
So, my son's in third grade and he was doing really.

Speaker 9 (52:24):
Bad in math.

Speaker 13 (52:25):
He was coming home with horrible grades, and I tried
to get.

Speaker 12 (52:30):
Him a tutor.

Speaker 13 (52:31):
He said, you know, he just wasn't getting it. So,
you know, he said, at the time, with his teacher
and just try to get to the bottom of what's
going on, because these other grades were great. So I
set up at an appointment with his teacher and my
husband was going to wanted to come with me, but
he ended up having a work late. So I got

to the classroom and had a meeting, and I was
just I hadn't.

Speaker 2 (53:00):
Seen this teacher before.

Speaker 13 (53:01):
But it was kind of like the beginning of the year,
and I just I really hadn't taken in how attractive
he was, to be honest, until that moment when I
was sitting there talking to him, and it started out
just like he was so sweet and he cared so
much about my kid and was like really problem solving

with me, and it was just there was just like
the crazy electricity between us. I've never experienced that in
my entire life, to be honest. And so we ended
up not that night, but you know, I couldn't stop
thinking about him. I really I was making excuses to go.

Speaker 4 (53:45):
To the school and then so, is that what you're
selling us?

Speaker 13 (53:52):
That's what And I would have been having a lot
of an affair with the future.

Speaker 3 (53:57):
Are your son's grades better?

Speaker 12 (54:01):
They are there?

Speaker 3 (54:03):
You go, good job, say, parents do everything for their kids.

Speaker 13 (54:06):
I guess I'm a dedicated parent.

Speaker 3 (54:09):
Yes you are. Well. Thanks for your dirty little secret.

Speaker 2 (54:13):
Thank you.

Speaker 12 (54:14):
Actually, it feels really good to get it off my chot.

Speaker 3 (54:16):
Thank you. What's your dirty little secret.
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