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May 7, 2024 18 mins

George Noory and author Anthony Hamilton explore the principles of quantum consciousness, where your thoughts can exist in the past, present and future simultaneously, and how getting messages from yourself in the future can influence the life you are living today.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now here's a highlight from Coast to Coast am on
iHeartRadio at.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
George Norri back with Anthony Hamilton, a former professor of
communication at Calalno University in North Vancouver, Canada. He is
recognized internationally as an authority on the art and science
of mental time travel. One of his books, Mind, Time
and Power describes the results of his thirty years of
research into how our thoughts and feelings shape our lives.

This work began after not a body experience at the
age of ten. He saw himself at the age of
thirty two and spent years twenty years as a matter
of fact, searching for an answer to the question how
is it possible to receive information from the future. He
eventually realized that all of us receive information from the

future constantly, but most of us are simply unaware of it.
Anthony Hamilton back on Coast to Coast, Anthony, how are you.

Speaker 3 (00:57):
I'm great, George, how are you doing?

Speaker 2 (00:59):
Good? Looking for this and what great work you do,
my friend? Great work?

Speaker 3 (01:04):
Well, thanks so much. Thanks to you. You really helped
to spread the word of what I'm doing. A huge
number of people that come to me have heard me
on your show, So I have to thank you for
helping me get the message out.

Speaker 2 (01:19):
How do we know about receiving information from the future,
How does that happen?

Speaker 3 (01:25):
Well, where can I begin?

Speaker 2 (01:29):
You know.

Speaker 3 (01:32):
What happened to me, of course, was I had a
dream when I was a kid, and I saw myself
at the age of thirty two, and as I got
into my late twenties, more and more of that dream
started to come true. So I eventually put together, after
twenty years of research, a theory which is widely known

as quantum consciousness. It's a way of describing the way
the mind works using the principles of quantum physics, which
is a departure from the way we normally think of
how the mind works, which is based on Newtonian physics. Well,
of course, in Newtonian physics, you can't know anything about

the future because the future hasn't happened yet, and they
assume people that, you know, all of us have grown
up with this Newtonian model that says our presence is
created by the past. Well, Einstein came along over one
hundred years ago now and said, you know, according to

his mathematical equations of relativity and quantum mechanics, it's just
as possible that the future influences the present as much
or more than the past does. So this gave me
some insight into understanding this dream that I had, because

what I was doing at the time was I had
taken some training in visualization, law of attraction, and something
called silver mind control. I remember that, so I became
pretty good at using my imagination and visualizing my goals, right,

this is what I was using it for, helping me
make my goals come true. And during one of these
sessions where I was just you know, visualizing, I decided
to go back and try and remember more about my past.
Because my past was more or less a blank to me.
You know, I couldn't remember too much about my childhood.

So I'd been used to doing these twenty minute visualization
exercises every day. I'd been doing them for years, so
I thought, well, I'll just spend some time exploring my past.
And during one of these visualization exercises, I remembered having
this dream at the age of ten. And here I

was now in my early thirties and realizing that a
lot of the stuff that was happening in my life
now was happening that I had seen in this dream, Right,
So I thought, well, wait a second. Now, nobody argues
with the fact that here I am, in my early
thirties remembering something that happened when I was ten. Everybody says,

that's perfectly normal. That's what we call memory.

Speaker 2 (04:30):

Speaker 3 (04:32):
But what if memory is not a recording? What if
it's a connection? Right? Because one of the things that
I had read from Einstein studying some of his work
was he said, you know, there's no time and there's
no space. There's space time. So the laws of time

and the laws of space mirror each other. What's true
for space is true for time, Right, So I thought, well,
one thing I know about space is information passes through it.
Like right now, I'm connected to you, and you're connected

to me via this connection. We can call it the internet,
we can call it a phone call, you know, whatever
you want to call it. But the information's going from
you to me and back and forth. Right, So I thought, well,
what if memory is a connection. I'm connected now in
this meditation exercise, I'm connected to my ten year old self.

That answered my question as to how it's possible to
get information from the future at the age of thirty
two in my case, when you're ten, because if it's
a connection, it's kind of like a phone call through time,
which according to what I understood from Einstein's work, it's
perfectly reasonable. And that also answered my other question because

at the time I was teaching people, I was leading
seminars and helping people achieve their goals by using their
visualization skills. Close your eyes, imagine yourself in the future,
see yourself achieving this goal, you know. And so I thought, well,
if memory is really a connection, then goal setting must

be a connection too. This explains why people that set
goals are successful, because they tap into the future and
they use that future as a source of information. So
this was in nineteen eighty that I figured this out.
So I've been thinking about this now and teaching people

these principles for you know, the last forty five years,
and what I've come to believe is that literally every
thought we have is a connection. It's a connection into
something in the past or something in the future. And
of course, according to quantum physics, there's a whole spectrum

of pasts, and there's a whole spectrum of possible futures.
Some of which happened and we experience them. So that's
our timeline through the physical world. You know, I can
remember specific times in the past where things happened to
me or with me, but I can remember all kinds

of things that might have happened but didn't. And when
I look at the future, I can imagine doing something
to more Like I have an appointment tomorrow morning downtown.
I can imagine myself driving downtown and going to disappointment. Well,
unless something interferes with that, that's going to happen. That's

going to be a physical event. I'm going to get
in my car, drive downtown, have this meeting with these people.

Speaker 2 (07:54):
But do you know the outcome of the meeting.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
I don't do I because it's a crab shoot. You know,
there's so many possibilities that could happen tomorrow. People could
show up, the meeting could be canceled. I could be laid.
My car could break down, you know. So there's no
guarantee that any particular event that we plan is going

to work out. But generally speaking, they do work out.
You know, we go to work every day, we do
our jobs. You do your show every night. You know,
we go to the store by our groceries. So these
kind of events, we get information about them all the time,
but we don't pay any attention to it because we think, oh,

it's just daydreaming, it's just my imagination. It doesn't have
any power. But the thing is, when you focus on
something that's important to you, i e. A goal, right,
whether it's finding a new job, buying a new car,
writing another book, starting a business. When something is important
enough to you and you focus on it like you're

obsessed with it, you form a connection between yourself in
the present and that future goal and it starts to
talk to you. You start to get ideas, you start
to get hunches, you start to get intuitions about how
you can take steps to achieve that goal. So these,

to me is information from the future. But we don't
normally think of it that way, because we don't think
of a goal as a connection, right. We don't think
of thinking as a connection. We think of it kind
of like the air. It's just there, you know, like
we're fish in the sea of thought, and we don't
pay any attention to the thoughts, but they're all around us.

Speaker 2 (09:44):
If we're aware of it, Anthony, can we tap into
it on a regular basis.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
Oh, absolutely, absolutely. Like I say, if you are a
goal set er, if you are a person who sets goals,
I know you do. You have your schedule for the
next few weeks or a few months, or a few years,
perhaps laid out in advance. You know where you're going
to be speaking, you know who some of your guests

are going to be on the show. So those future
events which are only possible, they're not physical. They're just
outside in the future, in the realm of you know,
the possible future, as I would call it. But if
things work out, people show up, those events more or
less unfold as you expect. But at any particular show,

you don't know who's going to show up. You don't
know how many people are going to be there. You know,
you don't know until the last minute, even if the
show is going to go ahead. I mean, you've probably had,
like all of us, you had shows canceled or things interfere.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
Right, I've been lucky a little bit there.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
I'm sure you. I'm sure you are. And of course
all of us are lucky too, you know, to the
degree that we get good at at planning our lives.
You know, more or less. What we expect is what
we experience. But if we change our expectations, if we
if we set a new goal, then we start to

experience a different level of ideas coming into our minds.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
How can we utilize the time of the future to
benefit us.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
Well, the best thing that I've found is to start
to set some goals. Start to decide what it is
you want. In all the work that I do, I
give people worksheets or a workbook, and one of the
first things that I ask people is what do you want?
And the funny thing is, you know, most people don't know.

Most people can't answer that question. If you ask people,
you know, what would you do if you suddenly won
the lottery? You know they have two or three ideas. Well,
I'd pay off my mortgage, I'd buy a new car,
I take a trip, But they you know, that's but
it right. They don't have any more ideas. But a
person who is artistic or creative sees themselves as a

creative person, they can choose the future that they want,
and they can with practice, visualize it, work towards it,
plan it out, take steps towards it, and they can
just step by step move into the future that contains
more and more of what they want.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
Does it work that way for most people?

Speaker 3 (12:33):
I think it works that way for pretty well everybody,
you know. But the sad thing that I've found is
that most people, probably ninety five percent of people, don't
really set goals. A lot of people think they have goals,
and they don't. They really have wishes. You know, well,
I'd like this to happen. I'd like that to happen.
But the people that enroll in university because they want

to get an architect degree and they spend, you know,
five or six years or set in years learning what
it takes to become an architect. At the end of
that program, they can design a building and they can
make that building a physical reality that people can move
into and live in. But it starts as an idea

in the architect's mind. And all of us really are
the architects of our life. But the problem is most
people don't think about it that way. They don't plan
it out. They think that life happens to them. So consequently,
they're like a cork in a stream. They just move
around according to where the current takes them. But if

you are a sailor, like I am. You have a
sail boat. You have sails, you have a rudder. You
don't really care which way the current is pushing you
or which way the wind is trying to push you.
Because you can change the setting of your sails and
you can move where you want to go.

Speaker 2 (13:56):
You compensate for that, Yeah, you can compensate.

Speaker 3 (13:59):
You can use the that's trying to blow you to
the north, you can use it to set your sales
and move yourself to the south.

Speaker 2 (14:05):
What does consciousness, Anthony mean to you?

Speaker 3 (14:09):
Well, consciousness, you know, that's a tricky question and people
have been arguing about it for thousands of years. Literally,
to me, what it seems to be is more or
less what people would think of as maybe my soul
or my essence, you know. Like I've talked before when

I was on your show previously about the dream that
I had when I was young, and the fact that
I was going to be married to an Asian woman,
that I was going to be writing, I was going
to be traveling and teaching, and I was going to
become a university professor. All of those things happened. A
lot of them happened. By the craziest set of coincidences.
You know, a lot of things that I tried to

achieve didn't work out, but other things happened by accident. Right,
the way I became a university professor was just a fluke.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
But did you.

Speaker 2 (15:06):
Make those things happen?

Speaker 3 (15:07):
Though some of them I did make happen. You know, obviously,
if you want to get a university degree, and you
go to university and you study for three or four years,
whatever it takes, you go to classes every day, you
do your homework, you know, then you're following a plan
that's laid out for you by the university, and you
get your degree, you get your bachelor's degree, you get

your architecture degree, you get your accounting degree, you know,
whatever it might be. So there's a lot of things
that we can work towards and we can make them
happen just by our own planning and our willpower and
our focus.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
And I was asking you what you thought consciousness means.

Speaker 3 (15:48):
To you, and that's right, So yeah, exactly right. Thanks.
So what I was going to say was, now, I'm
seventy seven. I just turned seventy seven last last month birthday. Thanks,
so my becoming a university professor, my getting my university degrees,

my getting married, my writing books, my running, my training business.
All of those things exist in my mind now as
points in what I call inner space time, right, and
I call them memories. But in a sense, they were

all there before when I was ten years old. But
then they were fantasies, they were dreams, they were goals, objectives,
you know what I mean. So those events they existed
as possibilities, but they didn't unfold. A lot of them

unfolded through my planning, other ones unfolded by accident, and
some of them unfolded in very strange ways. But now
they all still exist in my consciousness. But I call
them memories now they're events in my past.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
Were the events that were going to occur? Or did
you make them happen?

Speaker 3 (17:11):
Well, it's a combination of both. Right. It's like if
you decide, for example, you're going to buy a car.
You know some of your listeners may want to get
a new car. So what do you do. You go
to talk to people, You look in the newspaper, you
watch you know, TV commercials, whatever. You decide the kind
of car you want to buy, then you go out
look look for it. You talk to people, You go

to different dealerships and eventually you make a choice and
you buy the car that you wanted. So there's a
perfect example of a person who decides, Okay, I want
to buy such and such a car and they end
up with that car. Simple, right, But there's no way
that they could have predicted in advance they're going to
buy this car with this then number you understand what

I mean. It's like there's a thousand cars that could
have bought, but they end up with one. So it's
at a matter of making choices each each moment of
the day, each each step of the way.

Speaker 1 (18:09):
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