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November 1, 2023 15 mins

We’re back with another IRL #TakeAways. The in-between audio-only podcast where Angie and special guests reflect on episode responses, takeaways, and highlights. 

On this week’s #TakeAways Angie, her producer Brittany, and Nyla Simone catch up on the newest episode released, Jay “Jeezy” Jenkins. Discover how Jeezy's powerful interview with Angie revealed his very quiet, yet remarkable growth. 

The key takeaway: "Success is for you. Significance is doing it for others." It's a thought-provoking statement. Are you striving for success, or are you committed to leaving a lasting legacy, making a significant impact on those around you? Jeezy's emphasis on the latter left an indelible mark on all who caught this remarkable interview.

Don't miss this episode and all of our IRL #Takeaway episodes for more meaningful reflections. Tune in and be part of the conversation. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Andie Martinez in Real Life Podcast. This episode and conversation
is powered by I Do Say, Hey guys, We're back.
This is Edgie Martinez IRL podcast. This is a takeaway
episode around our g Z Jay g Z Jenkins conversation
that we recorded. We recorded this in August. I know

since then, Jez has filed for divorce, and I know
a lot of people are interested in why and what
happened there, and I'm sure that will unfold in the
months to come. And I'm so sad to hear about that.
By the way, I just the biggest bummer, the biggest bummer.
And the thing is that from this conversation that we
had with Jez, he's really evolving as a human being.

Like he's just in a different place in his life
than he was probably last year, probably the year before that.
When somebody's changing that much, it's sometimes life changes too,
And so you know, I don't want to I don't
want to assume I know anything that's going on in
his his marriage or what happened there. But it was

interesting to see such evolution in him as a human being.
And I think the book Sometimes when you write a book,
it really forces you to, like look at yourself really
is therapeutic. I always say this, even when I wrote
my book. I always say to people, even if you
don't ever put it out, even if you're not famous,
even if you think nobody cares about your book, everybody
should write a memoir because it forces you to look

at your life and look at the things that you repeat.
It reminds you of who you are in a weird way.
It really helps you kind of frame the things you
need to work on. This is really something about writing
your life down on paper. And I see such a
shift in Jez from that. So, yes, he did this book.

I have a lot of takeaways. Do you guys want
to start yours first or what? By the way, I'm
here with Brittany my producer Nila Simone.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
Yes, okay, I want to start. I want to start
with this is a bar that he said early on.
I was like, Wow, he said success is for you
and significance is doing for others. And I was like, dang,
that's that's really deep because I don't think a lot
of people realize, like there're.

Speaker 1 (02:08):
Everybody wants to be successful, everybody wants Do you want
to be significant?

Speaker 3 (02:12):
I want to be significant? And I think it's true.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
Like that's even in what is it the Four Law
of Agreements? What is it you know I'm talking about. Yeah,
I think it's the Four Law of Agreements. But one
of it is.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
Ges reads a lot of those books. Oh maybe that's
where he got it for sure, No, for sure, But
he's doing the work. That's you know, you find the
work where you find it.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
But they say to do selfless acts and that is
what will bring you the things that you really want
in life. So that's why I was like, significance is
what we should be striving for, not success.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
That is a bar. Like that, I love it. There
was a lot of things in here.

Speaker 4 (02:46):
That's also the path to significance doesn't always look the
same as success, because you could be significant in people's
lives and not be considered successful to a lot of
like a doctor, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
Word a couple of things. First of all, Jez is
a g he has been for quite some time. He
used to be young Jez. Now HE'SZ. But I thought
it was interesting when he said it's like he's friends
with all these cool people, and people want to be
down with g Z, especially like you know, basketball players
and it's cool to hang out with a rapper like Jesus, Like, yeah,

that's my man. You know, jez is the kind of
artist that guys want to hang out with, like he's Jeez,
He's He's snow Man, He's And he was just saying
like he'd be cool with Lebron and he's like, I'd
be hanging out with Lebron and he don't even know
me because I don't talk. I say three words, he said,
I say three words. That's you know, like how you
how I'm gonna be a man and you don't even
know who I am. Yeah, And so he was so

guarded because being in the streets and had the life
that he lived for so long. At some point he
was like, let me maybe maybe I should let people
get to know me a little bit. And it's really
dope and interesting to watch to watch him open up
like that because I've been in a view with him since,
you know, the beginning of his career, and I could
see he's like a different human being. His first interviews,

I mean, he don't want to say nothing.

Speaker 4 (04:08):
First of all, the fact alone that he did this
interview without sunglasses.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
He showed you enough that he was prepared to talk
more than ever.

Speaker 1 (04:18):
But he still has such a way to go because
and I think, you know, people can probably relate to this.
It's like we protect ourselves so we don't always let
ourselves feel things that are hard to deal with. And
when he talks about grief, and you know, he's had
a lot of lost man, his mom, his grandmother, his friends,
is one of his guys who put him on you know,
committing suicide was very close to him. So many people,

so much death, and he just couldn't feel it. He's
like he wouldn't. He didn't cried at his mother's funeral,
like he could nothing. He couldn't. He don't feel it.
And he still hasn't really figured out how to deal
with that grief. And I think a lot of people
who are guarded, they just but that's going to show up,
That shows up in some way. So it'll be interesting

to see if he gets to work through that at
some point, and I hope for him it does. Because
another takeaway from this episode something that he said he
was and God, I don't want to mess this up.
See if you can find the part so we can
get his wording right. But when he says about what
is the one thing, like when it's all over and
the book, the real book, the end of the book

is there. What is the thing that, if you could
it did one thing to change people's lass? What is
the one lesson, the one thing.

Speaker 5 (05:32):
Live forward that empties Like I gave everything I had
in my kids, my family and my supporters and everybody
know that I was an honorable man like I was.
I was, I was the one like I came and
I did what was supposed to be done for for
us like I didn't. I didn't do it for me,

Like I'm not doing this for a person again, I
had a great life before this.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
I love that it's simp well, but I like that
it's it's the idea of like just leaving it all
on the table while you're here. And if you don't
feel fully, I don't know how you leave it all
on the table, then if you leave the earth with
grief that's just bottled deep inside of you, excuse me,
I'm speaking. Sorry, I'm speaking of the pod And so

I hope for him, My prayer for him is that
he at some point gets some of that out, lighten
the load a little bit. But I think he's doing
amazing some of the other.

Speaker 2 (06:29):
It also sounds like no regrets too. That too, no regrets.
Do everything you can in this life while you can.

Speaker 1 (06:41):
Another takeaway that I really enjoyed the conversation about the
art of seduction. Huh yeah, that's really good. I know.
It's not his I know. And it's cute that he's
like studying, studying and having tea with like Bob Green
and Robert Green. Robert Yeah, Bob Green. His name is

Bob excuse me, got it? I have DMS. So have
you guys?

Speaker 4 (07:09):

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Yes, my life. You want to see my dms. They're crazy.
I'm strange. People not strange. There's different people, all types.

Speaker 3 (07:15):
Of nobody would actually be interesting on the pot as well.

Speaker 1 (07:17):
I'm trying. I said that a during this conversation with Jeezy,
I said, I'd love to have him, but Gez is
cool with him and they go out for tea and chats.
And in one of the chats, I guess he said
it was telling him about the art of seduction and
how you are supposed to meet your partner sometimes and
it's not about matching energy. So if your partner is
having like bad energy, but that you can't meet them
with that. You have to change the energy, bring a

new you know, energy to that. Because I'm guilty of this.
You know, like if somebody I'm closet and I pull
up and they're like, yeah, what's up, I'm like, oh,
what's up? You know what I'm saying? It sucks. I'm
like a Unfortunately, it's like a weakness of mine. I'm
a little too sensitive to other people's energy. So if
somebody has a low energy to bring me down, I

find that's only natural. It is natural. But if you're
if you mindfully do something different. So if your partner
or somebody is like, yeah, man, today is whack, then
and you come in, You're like, come on, babe, what
are you talking about. It's a great day. It might
boost it, boost the whole thing. Yeah. That was terrible,
by the way, because if I was in a bad
one and somebody did that to me, I'd be like,

shut up, she really would?

Speaker 3 (08:25):
I think I want to hear that.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
But something about the way Jesz said it, it made
me believe him because he was like, yeah, because you know,
I'm Carrisby to play the part. Let Jesus explain it.
Because he's playing, he explained the part better than me
drop one of those jewels for the fellas. Please.

Speaker 5 (08:39):
No, he was just saying that, you know, if you
if your wife is ever you know, like you know,
upset or whatever, did like not match your energy to
always stay calm, make her laugh and we's out of
the situation like that, and she will look at you
in a totally different light because when she was in
a position where she was to go in, you know,

not to say that it amas all the time that
you changed her mood by you being charming and you
being you, And I'm like, yo, that shouldn't work.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
I believe him there when he said that, I thought
that was cute. I wanted to send that to around there.
I didn't know. I feel like around there, I'm rumpy.
Don't be grumpy too. You had to change the mood here,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
I like that. That's a good relationship advice.

Speaker 1 (09:24):
I thought it was. I thought it was that reminded me.

Speaker 4 (09:28):
This is offshoot, But that reminded me when you spoke
to Michelle Obama and how she was saying that in
relationship it's not always fifty to fifty.

Speaker 1 (09:36):
Most of the time, it's not.

Speaker 4 (09:37):
Fifty to fifty. That's a bar seventy something. So I
don't want that to be a bar is no, because
but it's true.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Any truth is a bar Nila. You don't want to
go into something with something that's false. By the way,
that's not Michelle Obama. She took that from Brene Brown.
That's a Brene Brown. Oh, relationships are not fifty to fifty.
It's circulated. We'll take it for all we could get it.
But there's things that we talk about on this pod
that they think is me. It's not. I took it
from somebody else and I heard it. But that's okay.
I'm fine with that because it's really just about sharing information.

You got hopefully connects with somebody. And maybe the way
I said it connected with somebody differently than the way
Brene Brown or whoever else said it before me, well
vice versa, or maybe I said something that somebody else
took and repeated on somewhere else in their way.

Speaker 3 (10:21):
The messenger matters.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
The messenger matters. Yeah, and it's just about sharing information. Man,
we all need information. Yeah, anyway, Brenate Brown said, I
don't know how we got to Brene Brown. This jezy episode.
But listen takeaway to take away, we find the way
we find it. Brenee Brown was like, sometimes I say
to my husband, how much you got today? I'm out
of strong twenty five? I like that.

Speaker 3 (10:44):
I actually really like that.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
And he has to like he has to hold things
down because he got to come with energy seventy five
percent so that they could be whole. That's that's great
because it's not always fifty to fifty. Sometimes I'm tired.
I don't got it. I'm not in the mood.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
I got to communicate my number, y'all. You want me
to do math?

Speaker 4 (11:02):
All right?

Speaker 3 (11:02):
Today I'm out of Oh man, if you got.

Speaker 4 (11:05):
To ask me, that means I'm giving off bad vibe
because you're asking me, like you you good?

Speaker 1 (11:10):
What number you had to Dick Jurney? Oh no about you.
The point is fifty to fifty is a lie. It's
a fabrication. So if you go into a relationship, you're like,
this is not fair. Okay, you should know that going in.
It's never fifty to fifty all the time. Anyway, I
know you're disappointed. Nihilis sorry. We're here for you though,

all right. Any other takeaways from mister Jenkins.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
Oh, I liked him talking about living for love versus
living for survival, Like now that he has kids and
you know, he's married at the time of the recording,
so he's talking about just living for others because he
loves them, versus when he was living for survival, you know,
he kind of moved a little more grimier and was
a little less careless, you know, a little more just

outside it sounded like. But I really like that statement
because I feel like that that kind of makes a
difference in a lot of people, even from like like
early on as kids, you know, like I remember my
friends who were a lot rougher. They were living for
a survival, where like I came from a two parent household,
and I'm like, I'm doing things all innocently because I'm

moving with love, where like others aren't.

Speaker 3 (12:25):
So it kind of.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
And I'm assuming that everybody has the same upbringing as me. Anyway,
So when he said that, I was like, Wow, that's
real and you don't even really realize the difference, but
there's a difference in how people move, and you have
to be aware of that that way you don't get hurt.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
She got a lot out of that. I didn't think
any of that would actually say that.

Speaker 4 (12:45):
That makes sense that she got that from JYZ because
he's such a big fan of the book forty eight
Laws of Power and forty Laves of Power really talks
about how not to live in here like naivety, naivete
because you're like Rainbow's sunshines that I'm moving from love
when not everybody's on that same frequency, not because it's
not in them, but because they feel like they can't

afford that. Yeah, to one wrong move, to be scorned
by the wrong thing, and then their whole world gets Yeah.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
He said, he's just not realizing there's good people in
the world. That's crazy, Like it's not realizing.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
That because his history tells him that's not true. I
also like when he was saying that he in his
conversations in his tea with Bob, Bob was telling him
that he should talk less. But it's interesting that he
would tell him this now when Jesus talking more. Moss
ever talked wrote a whole book. And then he said,
but at the same time, he also told him to

be more vulnerable, which makes a lot of sense because
if you don't talk at all, you're not being vulnerable.
That's not good at any point, and they're not sharing
your truth because all you're doing is giving like a
covered up version of yourself or like a doctored up
version of yourself you're portraying to the world. It's not real.
There's no vulnerable ability in it is. It's not for
a full picture of what's going on with you or

who you are. But then not everything. It's like, if
you talk less, sometimes you listen more. And if you
talk less when you talk, if it's of substance, the thoughtfulness,
if it resonates harder for people. If you just yepping
all day, My god, I might miss a bar if

you yaping all day, if you ever said one, right,
But if you talk four times a day and there's
four bars every time you open your mouth, I'm like,
what waiting for that? What's that? It's a weird thing
to say when we're doing a podcast. That's when we're
just literally sitting here talking.

Speaker 3 (14:41):
I hope one of these things are resonating.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
I hope one thing, if one thing from this takeaway
episode resonates for you. We did our job here. I
like to talk. So with that being said, I'm going
to talk less and wrap this episode up because we've
said it up. But thank you to Jeezi for you know,
for being so open and dope and he was so
He's just so charming and lovely in the room when
we're talking. Everybody. We stayed. We hung out after. You know,
sometimes we do the interview, people leave right away. He

was hanging out for a bit. We were, you know,
it was just a good time. We had a good vibe.
I love Jaz, So thank you, guys. If you haven't
checked out the episode, you can. Angie Martinez I r L.
Audios were all podcasts I heard. The video is on YouTube. Subscribe,
tell a friend and yeah, next week should we tell
the most next week? It's a woman. That's all you get.

That's it. Yeah, that's it. I'm sorry, trash woman.

Speaker 4 (15:30):
Right now, you need to follow the I g Angie
Martinez I r L.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
And this is fine not being your producer making sure
that in case something goes wrong, she doesn't want to say,
you'll find out soon. Thanks thanks so much, AKA talk Less.
Bye guys,
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