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January 10, 2024 79 mins

On this week's episode of The R&B Money Podcast, Tank and J Valentine welcome mega-talent Fridayy. Raised in a musical family in Philadelphia, Fridayy was a self-taught multi-instrumentalist singing in church choirs by age 10. His early musical influences ranged from gospel artists to R&B stars like Boyz II Men and Jamie Foxx.

Fridayy began writing his own songs and producing beats as a young teen. While trying to establish himself as an artist, he started working professionally as a songwriter. A few years ago he landed a publishing deal, connecting him to more writing opportunities.

His big breakthrough came in 2022 with the smash single “God Did” featuring DJ Khaled, Jay-Z and John Legend. The inspirational track shot to number one, earning Fridayy global attention. He soon signed with Def Jam and released his Fridayy's humble beginnings, self-taught musical process and unwavering faith carried him through years of hard work to achieve his destiny. Despite only a few TV performances to date, Fridayy’s powerful voice and vulnerable songwriting make him a next-level talent able to connect with a massive audience. With a steadfast commitment to his craft, and determination to let his art shine regardless of genre limitations, ultimately Fridayy’s is a story of manifesting dreams through dedication and belief. Enjoy Fridayy now on The R&B Money Podcast!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
And money. We are.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Thanks Jake Valachild.

Speaker 1 (00:11):
We are the authority on all things R and D,
ladies and gentleman. My name is Tank. This is the
Army Money Podcast.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Be a thirty.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Nigga, God dammit, thirty all things R and B.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Yeah, huh oh.

Speaker 2 (00:36):
You thought we couldn't do it. He did it.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
We couldn't pull it off.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Yeah, Jake ballet to say, every day of the week is.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
This d Yeah, that's that's how you live his life.
Earth day of the week.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
You know, you gotta be a bad motherfucker to name
yourself everybody's favorite day of the week.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Huh, thank god, thank god it's Friday.

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Yeah, Yes, what's up?

Speaker 2 (01:07):

Speaker 3 (01:08):
Come on, man, really appreciate you all for having me.

Speaker 1 (01:11):
Bro Man, listen, listen. I want to get this out
of the way really fast. I'm gonna try to make
it fast. So I got this guy running promotion, the
guy who's running promotion on my page for the mixtapes. Yes, yes,
that you didn't. You didn't like it, you tell me,
but anyway, it was weak. I tried it.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
Anyway, so nig I know what you tell him. So
so he's cracking right.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
Got the album he on fire cut to now that
I'm gonna go back to the back to the path.
He's cracking. I'm like, I need him. I got a
song that I need him on. So I go, I
go to d M Friday and I see all these messages.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
Friday's already there, Fridays already.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
And I hadn't seen him.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
I hadn't responded, but the other guy had seen it
and was trying to.

Speaker 3 (02:06):
Charge him to get on the mixtape hundred and.

Speaker 1 (02:11):
I was And at that point I was kind of
embarrassed because, oh shit, he fordam.

Speaker 4 (02:20):
Hey, look I was first, bro, but I started getting
hip to it.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Though you should charge this nigga five, I started getting.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Hip to it, bro. Thank you for y'all.

Speaker 5 (02:33):
Y'all, y'all should stop that, because it was a lot
of niggas be falling for it.

Speaker 1 (02:36):
It was I thought, you know, he was actually putting
out mixtapes. But then when I was like, I was like,
hold on, this is on. This ain't I don't like this.
This ain't adding up, This ain't adding up to actually
what I want to do. And so when I went
to that page and I saw the interaction, I saw
that you had been trying to get to me for
a second.

Speaker 3 (02:54):
It just for me outside of.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
You know, feeling crazy that you had already been there
and I could assigned you and.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
We could have been partner some music.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
It just it just you know, confirmed the fact that
you know your destiny is what it is like, You're
supposed to be here and regardless of who or what
the vehicle is, it was going to be figured out
and you were going to be who.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
You are, yes for sure, no matter what.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
And then moving forward, as I'm listening to the project
and I hear moms, and I hear the spirituality and
I hear the connection, I'm like this, I get it.
I get it all. It all makes sense. So all
that to say, man, from you just hitting in my
DM saying man, let's work, let's do something to me,

not knowing you do it to me, hitting you in
the DM saying hey, man, let's work, let's do something
to now you being here with us at the Army
Money podcast. Man, we appreciate that, love, bro, And it's
it's an it's an unconscious full circle moment, if I
can say it that way. So you know, I hit you,
I work out.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
To your ship.

Speaker 2 (04:09):
Appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (04:10):
You request man, and see the people that be in there.
I can on even b Yeah, Friday was we could
change the world. We could we could have changed God. Damn,
it's sitting right here to get at You know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
Ladies and gentlemen.

Speaker 3 (04:28):
Hit me.

Speaker 1 (04:28):
You know you want to get you find it? Please
you save your fire. It just hit me, man. So Friday,
let's let's just do we like to do this.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
Man. We love to go back to the beginning. Come on, Philly,
we love to see you know.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
Talk about the humble beginnings, where it started, Where where
the process began for you? And who told you? Who
said to you? Was it?

Speaker 3 (04:51):

Speaker 2 (04:51):
It was like you have some dating?

Speaker 3 (04:53):
You have it?

Speaker 2 (04:54):
What was it?

Speaker 4 (04:55):
Is that your Haitian accent? You know this nigga tries
to trying, he tries to act.

Speaker 2 (05:00):
First of all, you gotta let me. You know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (05:02):
You gotta put some you gotta put some French on
it to you need you got it.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
You have something, you have something. It was like that. Though.

Speaker 4 (05:13):
My pot was like the musician. He was a pastor too,
so it was like he had the piano around. He
played the guitar a little bit, you know, like one
of them pastors that could do anything around the church
type of shit.

Speaker 5 (05:24):
So I just picked it up easy. All my brothers
we had the piano in the house. You said I
got three brothers, Now I got like three close cousins,
my uh my mother brother, you know what I'm saying.
So it was just natural. I'm the youngest too, so
they all playing instruments. I'm like three years old. I'm
just watching them. So I'm just get on on the
keys at like five, start singing in church like probably

like eight, you know what I'm saying. So I'm taking
everything they doing and just really becoming like the you
know what I'm saying, the young genius for sure.

Speaker 3 (05:57):
So like by the time I.

Speaker 4 (05:58):
Was like ten, I was leading like like the big choir,
Like I was leading like the growing choir, giving them
three paramonies, you know what I'm saying, playing every instrument
in the church.

Speaker 5 (06:07):
So that's where it came from. Sure, what did you playing?
I played piano, bass, guitar, and drums, and.

Speaker 4 (06:15):
You just learned all of it just being in the church.
Nobody figure out you just at the church. You just
it's just like you just listen to something and you
just try to follow it. It's osos Yeah for sure.
You know what I'm saying. You just absorb it. Yeah,
it's natural. It's not even something. It's like how it's
just like it's just it just happened naturally. Yeah, like
you love it. You listen to the songs in church

and then you just follow it and then like years
go by, just getting better and better by here. So
you're singing too, Yeah, hell, ye wasn't because you're from Philly.
So that's why I'm asking that, Like, so where is there?
Was there ever? Like A, I don't know if I
want to sing, I might want to rap. Yeah, it
was like so I used to listen like the Boys
and Men a lot. That was like the first outside

of church, the first people.

Speaker 5 (07:00):
I'm like, yeah, I feel where they coming from the
emotion and all that. So and then like growing up
in Philly, I'm just I'm still trying to find my identity.
You know what I'm saying, coming from the church and
then outside of the church is going through my life,
you know what I'm saying, living how I live, and
then the R and B. I'm trying to put it
all in one, you know, what I'm saying, especially with
like the type of voice I got, I would to

consider me like the best singer.

Speaker 4 (07:24):
But I had to like find my sound. So he
was like, all right, he his own person where it's
like so early on you was on that like I
gotta find.

Speaker 5 (07:32):
I got on my way, Sam, and it took a
long time, Like at first, I was trying to follow
boys and man like you know what I'm saying, niggas
like Tank. I used to be on YouTube just watching
niggas bro like Jamie Fox, Tink, Brihman, Knight, Yeah, play
the keys.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
That's that's why I want to be.

Speaker 5 (07:45):
But like growing up, brou I'll say, like I ain't
gonna lie twenty fifteen, twenty fourteen, Bro, y'all might disagree.
I feel like R and B shifted, bro oh not
Like when Tory.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
Lanez came out. Tory came out.

Speaker 4 (08:00):
Absolutely, I looked around. I was like, these are the people.
You already got your fan base. So you good, Brian,
you already got your fan base. But I looked around.

Speaker 5 (08:10):
I was like, bro, I don't think femails after they
came out. I don't think these females want to hear well,
see you know.

Speaker 3 (08:18):
What I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (08:19):
It started seeing things shift where it's like, you gotta
create your own type of sound. You can't even just
be a regular or be singer anymore. You gotta create
your own lane. You gotta be.

Speaker 2 (08:30):
Yeah, they gotta be different, like different, you know what.

Speaker 5 (08:33):
I'm saying, Like you know what I'm saying, Brand should Taylor,
all these people that came out since then that created
their own lay.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
It just had to be different. So that's how I
was like, I gotta create my own lane. But it's
good to it's good to hear that from from you, yea,
because as artists are now finding their way and trying
to figure out which, you know, where is their place? Yeah,
and and how how can I accomplish what I'm trying
to accomplish, Because I with you, there's a there was

a time and there still is a time where I'll
hear newer artists that sound like Tank are sound like
a Brian McKnight. And I don't know how that works
in this space.

Speaker 3 (09:16):
Right now you're talking about they could do. It hasn't shifted.

Speaker 4 (09:23):
Females get off of because the difference is is that
the males and I say this all the time. I
had to figure out how to compete with emotional rap.

Speaker 3 (09:30):
That that's what it is, bro, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
So you're getting melody and you're getting emotions from rap,
and it looks like a rapper and it looks like
the hood.

Speaker 3 (09:39):
Niggas, that's what the girls.

Speaker 4 (09:44):
Unless you know, unless you fully going home your craft
in a whole other way and just be completely different
and you're willing to.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
Deal with the wins and losses with that, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 4 (09:56):
But hearing that, hearing you say that, bro, like that's
it makes perfect sense. And it makes perfect sense why
you're here today. Fact because you did your homework and
most people don't do their homework. Like, Okay, it's a shift,
it's a ship. What do I fit in that? Like
every nigga keep talking about that. We're about to do
Joe to see again. Yeah, no, you're not for one.
It's no Davanta and you know, and going back to it,

you're not Tank, You're not Brian McKnight like.

Speaker 3 (10:22):
Them, niggas are just different. They're aliens and what I'm saying,
and it's a different time.

Speaker 4 (10:27):

Speaker 5 (10:29):
Breezy Care, I'm like, Bro, you ready to last you bro,
Like I was telling you, Like, Bro, I don't even
think we want to see a light skin nigga come
out and dance.

Speaker 4 (10:42):
I told you, bro, Like, think about it. If a
light skin nigga come out right now and then they.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
Are not having it.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
You did too much, bro. Like Yeah, Bro, I'm just
on the and I'm not going to I'm not gonna say.
I don't know why I feel like that, bro, because.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
It is like that.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
I'm looking at his gram and as talented as he is,
I'm thinking myself, he's.

Speaker 3 (11:07):
Gonna have to stop dancing.

Speaker 1 (11:10):
Why Because it's like you said, Chris has done enough
for everybody.

Speaker 2 (11:19):
That's it.

Speaker 4 (11:20):
I think it's the style. It's also the style of dancing.
Chris has found a way to be a cool dancer.

Speaker 3 (11:28):
Chris is also mean dancing. That's what I'm saying. It's cool.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
So he's his dancing dancing maybe feathered.

Speaker 2 (11:39):
Chris is not dancing soft.

Speaker 4 (11:41):
So if you're a light kid, keep doing what you're
doing all that.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
Start dancing tuugher, keep doing what you're doing.

Speaker 4 (11:51):

Speaker 3 (11:51):
I just think it is.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
But you know it's when you say that I saw
the separation. We talked about this before, when when Chris
Brown was going before A Marion and I say, this
is a screen tour in an arena and I watch,
of course A Marion was always in the beginning, the
savvier dancer, the more had, the more cooler shit, right.

But then Chris Brown came out with his dancers and
all black fatigues and they started and I was like,
oh Mike, and the girls was like it was grown
women like oh my god, what who is this? And
it was so aggressive and it had so much purpose
to it to where it didn't take long for him

to take over anybody who was trying anybody. I don't
know any guys they can They can dance right now
to where it makes sense outside of I'll give one
guy who's.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
Friday already made this statement, bro stopped dancing.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
It's one guy who's to be yourself.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
But I'm just saying, like, it's just like, Bro, it's
not what it was.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
It's one guy who can still dance. Well, I give
credit to Neil, but Neo is it for that audience?

Speaker 3 (13:13):
Got you?

Speaker 1 (13:13):
But I'm just saying in terms of people that I
see dancing, and I love the style, the Fred Astaire,
the I mean, Usher's Usher, he came in our time.

Speaker 2 (13:24):
All them legends.

Speaker 4 (13:25):
I'm just talking about you, Nigga, come out and dance
the same way, even good, the same way.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
I feel like people and be like, bro, you we
already got.

Speaker 1 (13:35):
And it's unfortunate because what's wrong with being talented?

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Exact way?

Speaker 4 (13:40):
You have to do your homework and you figure out
how you make the dancing cool for you.

Speaker 2 (13:45):
Fact, that's the whole thing.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
You just gotta find your lane.

Speaker 2 (13:49):
So let's go back to ten years old.

Speaker 1 (13:50):
You're doing a big choir because everybody, everybody's goal in
the church.

Speaker 2 (13:55):
When you're young, you want to be in the big choir.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Huh, what's the difference, Well, we had what was the
mask choir. So the mask choir was was the young adults. Oh,
it was everybody, and that was the big Sunday when
the mask choir sang, oh, you wanted to be in
on that, you know what I mean. And so as
a kid like you would just look at the mask
choir like, I can't wait to sing it.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
So it was the Kid's Quire a week.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Yeah it's a little kid.

Speaker 1 (14:26):
Give it up for the kid, give it up for
the kids singing.

Speaker 3 (14:30):
In we just had.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
We just had.

Speaker 4 (14:34):
It was like an adult, like eighteen and like thirty.
So that's why I was like, that's where I was
leading at. Yeah, like ten to twelve, that's.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Crazy, I was. I was, I think, what what is?
What is eighth grade?

Speaker 4 (14:49):
But I will say it depends on what state you
in eighth grade, like twelve, you could be sixteen and
eighth grade, now, kidd, twelve I was.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
That's when I started with the with the older cho
I was ministered. I was kind of almost minister music
by then. I was playing everything and teaching songs and
the whole little thing like it. It became a thing.

Speaker 2 (15:08):
But tennis early, so you're playing drunk.

Speaker 4 (15:10):
You're fully doing gospel, you're spiritual. You ain't doing no
at that time. Yeah, yeah, that's all I knew. You
haven't even heard anything else yet.

Speaker 5 (15:20):
I wasn't even listening to nothing, no shit, all I know.
I was under my right now. Yeah, I'm twenty six,
that's crazy. I didn't even I didn't, Okay.

Speaker 3 (15:28):
Yeah at that time, I'm just I'm with my parents. Bro.

Speaker 5 (15:31):
Of course, you listen to what we listened to. You
coming to where we come and it was like probably
middle school, I started playing ball like heavy hooper.

Speaker 3 (15:39):
Then I just you know what I'm saying, heavy hooper
business niggas. I'm seriously, I'll teach you a little. So
what what you just say?

Speaker 2 (15:53):

Speaker 3 (15:53):
Bro? You hoop right now? Right now? I just hooped,
like probably three days ago, I was cooking niggas in
the gym, cooking hoop l a fitness.

Speaker 2 (16:01):
Gym near Philly.

Speaker 4 (16:04):
I mean from Philly hoop. Niggas and Philly can hoop.
I'll say that niggas and Philly hoop. I'm not the
best hooper, but I'm giving whoever a bucket right now.

Speaker 3 (16:13):
We have to check on these these said buckets.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
We gotta run with, you know, we gotta run.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
We invite everybody who say they hoop hoop, and then
they'd be like, okay, I only hoop a little bit.

Speaker 3 (16:25):
Gilly came to the run.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
He had nasty loud out he don't don't.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
And found out he really don't hoop.

Speaker 3 (16:32):

Speaker 4 (16:33):
You can't tell Gilly that Gilly hoop for though, you
can't tell Gilly that no run.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
Gilly think he probably got all husky niggas, young niggas. Listen,
it's it's pros. It's division one. It's we mixed.

Speaker 4 (16:49):
We mix it so you know what I mean, And
you mix the teams up so that it's all even
and everybody.

Speaker 3 (16:53):
You are.

Speaker 2 (16:54):
You over Gilly, You over Gilly?

Speaker 3 (16:56):
Gilly? Yeah? Should we send that up?

Speaker 2 (17:00):
You set that up?

Speaker 3 (17:04):
Over you? She set that up. Don't don't sit. How
much would you play Gilly for the one on one anything?
Don't sat? Look Gilly Gilly very rich now, don't s
I like Gilly? No, no, don't do that now, I
don't do that. Now we all know we free.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
I can't do that to him.

Speaker 3 (17:22):
Y'all should play one on one.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
I'm putting I'm putting Gilly in the post for eleven straight.
But you gotta stop me.

Speaker 3 (17:28):
Shot not.

Speaker 4 (17:31):
I'm just saying, I'm seeing what I saw. He probably
that day. We see it what I saw.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
We gotta set it up. It's not what he thinks.
He knows.

Speaker 4 (17:42):
I got ten thousand on you. I will put up
ten thousand. I put up I got Gilly. I never
seen you play, but I'm seeing Philadel.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
You're supposed to do that. I'll gladly take it. Don't
do it.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
No, no, no, he already we bett Yeah, yeah, put
your money alight.

Speaker 4 (18:01):
So now I'm getting second, you know what I'm saying,
Going middle school, hanging around my niggas and going through
my own life, that's when I start, you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (18:11):
I started listening to Kanye a lot, and then it
was like it was that John he had with Jamie Fox,
the Nigger Record. Yeah, and then it was Jamie Fox
for like a whole year. It was like Jamie Fox,
John Legend.

Speaker 4 (18:25):
So Kanye introduced you to Jami, yeah, cause it was
like and ultimately John Legends.

Speaker 1 (18:30):

Speaker 5 (18:30):
Because then then I just start shifting to like R
and B. It was like I heard Jamie Fox with Kanye.
I was like, who this nigga? You look him up?
You're playing on the keys.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
Nigga said, who this nigga?

Speaker 1 (18:41):

Speaker 3 (18:41):
He was Jammie this nigga Like Bro. I used to
be on.

Speaker 5 (18:45):
I used to be on YouTube like all day, like
like my grandma house, went had a low cable at
my grandma house. Bro, just be on YouTube, Bro, Jamie Fox,
Gjohn Legend, Bro to night all day. Bro a nigga
that played the piano or something. That's why I used
to be on And that's when it like shifted. I
started listening to R and B and hip hop, probably
middle school.

Speaker 3 (19:06):
Are you writing songs yet? Uh?

Speaker 2 (19:10):
I started writing. I started.

Speaker 5 (19:12):
I went in the studio when I was in seventh
eighth grade, so probably like two years. And then I
went in the studio. My cousin Mircao had a studio
and then he invited me, and then, you know, I
played every instrument. So it was like I produced my
whole track that day, Like I made everything.

Speaker 4 (19:29):
You like thirteen, Yeah, I'm like thirteen. He like this,
How go you loop your joint? I'm like, Dan Young,
I play all the way through.

Speaker 3 (19:36):
You just loop a few chords. I looped chords, added
the bass. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (19:40):
Go to the studio on some motown. Yeah yeah, just
passive record. Let play this all the way.

Speaker 3 (19:45):
He's controlling everything, but I'm add you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (19:48):
So I'm like damn. And then I added my vocals.
It wasn't the best track, but I was like damn,
I could do this.

Speaker 2 (19:55):

Speaker 5 (19:55):
I just made the whole track myself, and then he
gave me a laptop and I went home and just
start making music day.

Speaker 4 (20:02):
Probably from eighth grade. That's dope, that's crazy, that's dope.
Yeah for sure, And that just became your passion every day,
Like even like before school, my mom had to tell me, like,
get off your laptop, is school out?

Speaker 2 (20:15):
Be up all night just like would you?

Speaker 3 (20:18):
Yeah? I used to. At that time. I just had
the headphones.

Speaker 5 (20:22):
You could just plug it in and get like you
know what I'm saying, not the best quality. I'll record
at home and go to my cousin studio record on
the weekends. So I would probably do like eight songs
during that week and then go to his studio really recorded.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
It's crazy because the thing that the different from his
time in our time was that at the actual studio process,
like we had to go to a studio, Yeah, we
have to. We have to find a studio or have
a friend with a studio with something some D eighty eight,
some eight ads, you know what I'm saying, the task
cam something. But like now it's like they have this

computer man, and they are figuring it all out at
a very young age, from top to bottom, tracked to
vocal to everything. Like that's crazy, and it's allowing you
to develop in a way that we didn't get the
opportunity to like we are, development was more outside than inside,
you know what I'm saying. So you guys are understanding

the intricacies of how to make a record sound to
everybody in the world, the sonics of the entire world,
like y'all are, y'all are running big knob and ques
and all sorts of I don't know none of that stuff.
Was y'all dialing up reverbs and delayed on but doing
none of that stuff. And know what that stuff was?

And one takes I was doing one take, I was singing,
maybe I deserved from talk about its different.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
One take is different.

Speaker 1 (21:51):
I was just like in my thinking, I was like,
whatever I have in real life for this song, I
want to be able to do a lot yea. And
that's that's how I record learn it from Gladys Knight.
But at the same time somebody else was recording me,
I still didn't have the understanding of how to get
everything out of my head on to a record.

Speaker 4 (22:13):
Do you find that difficult at times? From going from
the studio to now being a live performer though since
it is a different type of you know, you're punching
every either sometimes every other word or every you know
what I'm saying, like, this is just a new form
of recording. How is that for you transitioning to you know,
going into live performance?

Speaker 5 (22:34):
Though, I was, I'm familiar with it, okay, but that
was when I was a kid. So it was like
once a God did came out, That's when I was like,
oh shit, it's time bro. Then it took me like

a few rehearsals, bro, and I was like, yeah, clicked,
like probably like third rehearsal with my with my band,
my man Josh, and I'm good.

Speaker 4 (23:06):
Now Now that's a that's a perfect segue though, Yeah,
got it right.

Speaker 3 (23:11):
So you're early on you're writing these songs. How were
the songs? Let's start there though, I would do.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
You remember earlier thirteen year old cloud?

Speaker 3 (23:22):
Your thirteen year old song? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (23:24):
I played a john. I played the joint like last month.
My first song I ever made. I was on some
Boys and Men and ship Ain't I.

Speaker 3 (23:32):
Got to hear it.

Speaker 5 (23:33):
It's not crazy, but it was like, oh, yeah for
your first song, you you you're going by Friday?

Speaker 3 (23:40):
No, I was, I was friensh that was my regular friends. Yeah,
it was a real R and B. Yeah, it's like
that I might go back drop a R and B friend.
Hell yeah, So before we get to God did how
do you even get to Friday? Uh?

Speaker 5 (24:02):
It was like like probably like twenty fifteen, Like when
I told you that shit starts shifting. I started listening
to Party next Door. I'm like, Yo, now you're paying
attention to now? Yeah, I'm playing attention. Then Weekend the
next Door right head, I'm.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
Like this ship.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
That's when already in my head, I'm like this ship shifting.

Speaker 3 (24:19):

Speaker 5 (24:20):
You studying, Yeah, I'm studying the show Bro, no bullshit.
So it's like I'm like, bro, in my head, I'm
over Yo. I'm like Drake in my head, I'm over Yo, shit,
Drake gonna find me somehow, Bro, I gotta be with
these different niggas somehow. So I just we in the group,
me and my cousins, Like, Bro, you gotta think of
a name. It was just like Friday Leos on Friday.

I was like, yeah, that's the one. So it just stuck.
I dropped the song with that name, and then I
really went and I went in college. I went to
Penn State. That's when I was like, because you know,
I'm in high school, ain't nobody calling me Friday, nigga,
we know you're experiences. They used to call me friendly.
So when I went to college, introducing me as Friday,
right Dad, Johnt would just start a little conversation, a

little humor with the you know, with the shorty shows,
like on Friday here the whole camps called me Friday.
Then that's when it just it just stuck. I need
a new environment to him sometimes somewhere else.

Speaker 4 (25:14):
Now, you go back to high school on a Tuesday.
Come on, that's what it was. We're not calling you Friday,
calling you Friday. I went to college. My name is Friday.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
I did the talent show. Yeah on Friday. Now did
you win? No? No, no, it was just like a talent show.

Speaker 2 (25:31):
Yeah. I had my way in there. It was like Friday.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
Yeah, I love it. Give me this, let me get this,
Let's get this. I just want to I want to
talk about your vocal. If I'm if I'm putting you're
like Keith Staton meets Charlie Wilson as a base mm hmm.
That's just something you go look go look at up
when you get a chance.

Speaker 5 (25:56):
Charlie Wilson, I'm gonna look up to him, though I.

Speaker 4 (25:59):
Did Charlie Wilson here to by the way for I
was like, I was like, I said, Charlie, you've been reincarnated.

Speaker 3 (26:05):
The legend, aren't there? Bro?

Speaker 2 (26:06):
He said, he said, what are you doing about day?
I said, listen to this. I said, I said, this
is this is you. You're back four and he was
listening to him. Was like.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
I said, yeah, I said, listen, you've you're pat pattern
every all that stuff you're doing.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
I was like, this, nigga's dead on, Charlie, but you
haven't keep stating yeah, Keith stating tone, but you're a
base do you like have you have you come to
terms with how different your vocal is and and how
you're delivering it and are you purposeful with it? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (26:46):
Purposeful especially now? Yeah, because it it's like the time
I was telling you when that ship shifted. It was
one point I was trying to sound like people. You know,
when you're making music, you just hear you listen to
a party next door, so you're like you just want
to make something.

Speaker 2 (27:00):
Yeah, But it was like a time I felt.

Speaker 4 (27:03):
Myself where it was like everything even the way I
was talking, I remember I had like a Shorty in
the studio probably like eighteen nineteen.

Speaker 5 (27:12):
She was like, Bro, this don't sound like you, like,
who is this nigga like? Because I was trying to
sound like she had known you. Yeah, she knew me.
I was like, listening to this music, let me know
what you think. She like, don't sound like you. You're
not talking how you talk to me, you know what
I'm saying. So I'm like, shit, fucked me up.

Speaker 3 (27:29):

Speaker 5 (27:30):
I was like, I'm not talking how I talk because
I was trying to sound like an R and B nigga,
like you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (27:34):
Ye, baby, Yeah, I'll play you the stuff I was
on some boys the men.

Speaker 4 (27:39):
To like I can like, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (27:42):
So that fucked me up.

Speaker 5 (27:44):
Where it was like from there, bro, twenty I'd say,
like twenty seventeen, twenty eighteen. That's when I was like,
all right, I got talked how I talk to females,
to anybody like how talking life? That's how I put
on the record on the project. You know what I'm saying.
And then I gotta use my voice.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (28:02):
I gotta use it. You know what I'm saying. So
I could separate myself even more. You got this different voice,
take it on another level where it's like, all right,
you know what I'm saying, put the emotion in there.
Some songs I just I'll be sounding like I'm crying.

Speaker 3 (28:16):
I do that on purpose. Bro, Certain songs bring that
out of me.

Speaker 5 (28:20):
But I just I'll just go a little left sometimes
just to be like, all right, what the fuck?

Speaker 3 (28:26):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (28:27):
So yeah, but you have like a very unique and
undeniable vocal.

Speaker 4 (28:32):
Yeah, No, as soon as you as soon as you
come on the track, is exactly who it is.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
It is you, and it's like.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
It's it's refreshing, especially as we you know, once we
dial into the project, Like even the things that you're
singing about that you're using your voice for, Yeah, it's
all of it is refreshing, from the vocal styling to
the lyric to the production what you're doing all like
that's just it's just it's different and it's great. Thank you, Bro,

it's really really good. So when is your point of discovery?
When does when does when do the big leagues call?

Speaker 3 (29:10):

Speaker 5 (29:10):
Yeah, so like from eighth grade bro to like ten
years later, Bro, I'm probably like that ship starts shifting,
and I was like, probably like twenty two, twenty three.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
Uh, I'm right.

Speaker 5 (29:25):
Every day I think I found myself, you know what
I'm saying. I'm like, I'm ready. And my brother France
went to l A. He probably had like three brothers
name France. Yeah, so you friend.

Speaker 2 (29:35):
Fran and he Frank.

Speaker 3 (29:36):
Yeah, I like, what's going on?

Speaker 4 (29:37):
Okay, my older brother name Fran ya Haitian. My pop
name France shit, my older brother name franc or pop
bro he was on I I had nothing to do it.

Speaker 3 (29:57):
Oh this is great?

Speaker 2 (29:59):
What Yeah?

Speaker 4 (30:00):
All French or franc Er crazy. I got one brother
named Jean though man, but that's still in the space
of like hayh yeah that's a Haitian.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
Yeah, that's a Haitian name. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (30:14):
But I know right right heavy cool, Keep them there,
keep them.

Speaker 3 (30:25):
But yeah, he went to l A.

Speaker 5 (30:27):
And like when he did bro, we in Philly, like
I'm probably like twenty three twenty two, me and all
my other brothers in Philly, We're like, damn, we gotta
go out there with him.

Speaker 2 (30:37):

Speaker 5 (30:38):
He's sneaking in concerts, he getting in concerts, he taking
the picts with Mustard, Keanu to day, all these people
like Dag, I gotta go out there with him, you
know what I'm saying. At that time, I'm thinking I'm ready.
I go out there. Bro, Me and my cousin Leo
go out there probably like four thousand dollars play like
two months rent oh yeah move.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
Yeah. We moved full out an apartment for sure, and that.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
Ship just was like, bro, we was fucked up.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
I was gone, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 4 (31:07):
And then we out there, you know, you know, coming
from Philly, you just think l A is l A,
everything about to change.

Speaker 5 (31:12):
But it's like, bro, we don't know nobody out there.
We just going to the beach and recording music in
the cribs ship. We could have did in Philly, but
it was like my brother, he was like, bro, carry keyboard.
I got the pictures on my ground. I used to
sneak in the contests to carry like that blue keyboard.
But I played for the band, you know what I'm saying,
So that was my whole thing. I used to pass

out my flash drive ship. So that was just like
a whole moment you.

Speaker 3 (31:38):
Were sneaking as a band member.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
Yeah, I mean, most security is not gonna stop you
if you got broy, never get stopped like, nah he
not with us, No, Bro, you got in every concept
like that.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
Yeah, Bro, I got the pictures. Bro, it was never
not one time I'm with Maguel with the keyboard with m.

Speaker 5 (32:05):
You play for my band, I said with another artist,
with another artist that it's crazy.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Man, you got it's such a cool demeanor. Yeah, it's believable,
like you wouldn't rattle. No, No, I'm with somebody else.

Speaker 5 (32:20):
But even at me holding the keyboard, producers was coming
back to me backstage like who are you?

Speaker 2 (32:25):
Who are you?

Speaker 3 (32:26):

Speaker 4 (32:26):
Like I was doing a little but a little running
around out there, you know what I'm saying, But it
wasn't doing nothing for me, bro, Like I'm watching the
niggas throw my flasks driver, you know what I'm saying,
as soon as they walk down, put it in the.

Speaker 3 (32:39):
Trash, niggas for sure.

Speaker 4 (32:41):
And even it opened my eyes, like I linked with
a few producers out here and it opened my eyes.

Speaker 3 (32:48):

Speaker 5 (32:48):
I was already, Bro, like the time I thought I
was ready, you know, when you went Philly, Like all right, Philly,
it's a lot of rappers right now at this moment.

Speaker 2 (32:56):
So I'm like I'm ready. Bro.

Speaker 3 (32:59):
It was like got the sounds like niggas took it.

Speaker 5 (33:02):
On the whole level another yeah level, this where every
the best people come to La.

Speaker 2 (33:07):
You know what I'm saying. So that opened my eyes.

Speaker 5 (33:10):
And then during that time I met my manager Edgar
and then he was like, Imber, I was posting like
a video. He was like, bro, you hard, Bro, let's link,
let's let's let's connect. That's when I went back home.

Speaker 4 (33:21):
The rent was dude, we got you know, we got evicted,
went back home to my mom crib, started just making
music and send it to him every week.

Speaker 5 (33:29):
He was like, bro, you ever think about writing? I
know you're on some artist shit right now, but it
might be an easier way for you to like step
your foot in the door. So I used to make
like probably like you know, ten hooks a week, five
ten hooks a week and send it twenty We was
just building like that from your mom and my mom crib.
And that's how I got like my first pub deal

in like twenty twenty twenty, twenty twenty twenty two. Round, Yes,
your published the first Yeah, I was moving as a writer. Okay,
So my man the newso he was a producer. He
was about to sign it. But I used to do
a lot of hooks on his beat. Well he was signing,
he was about to sign. There was like who all
these hooks? You know what I'm saying on all these hooks,
And it was like, that's how I signed my first
pub Dude. I was moving around as a writer for

like a year.

Speaker 3 (34:13):
So when you get your publishing deal, do you.

Speaker 4 (34:15):
Move back to l ah just you know Tucket they
just signed me off.

Speaker 5 (34:21):
You fired? Nobody know you yet. Bread was little, It
was like weird little. I gave my mom a couple
of bands and I went to l A for like
a couple of months. You know what I'm saying, moving around,
But it wasn't it wasn't you know what I'm saying,
doing much by like a year that that money ran
out like a couple of months.

Speaker 3 (34:39):

Speaker 5 (34:39):
I didn't last no year. Yeah, I was smart with
it though. You shout out my A and R. She
used to let me stay at her. She had like
a guest room, so I wasn't you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (34:48):
She used to show a lot of love.

Speaker 5 (34:49):
So like that ran out, and I remember my A
and R. Bro she left the company. The only person
I know at the company. I'm like, bro, how you
gonna leave me in this? I don't know nobody else.
And my manager, Edgar, he connected to Mary J. Blise
manager Eddie. He's like, bro, we need a buy out.

Speaker 3 (35:06):
Bro. You know what I'm saying, We need a buyout,
telling you if you one of the ones he put
the work in. He just kept bothering me. Eddie brought
me out. That's why everything changed. Ship, Everything changed. Like
that's when I wrote for Breezy. I wrote will fall off?
I need you right here on the Breezy album. Yeah,

and then I producing for Ray Sherman, producing for a
lot of people. That's when everything just starts shifting.

Speaker 2 (35:31):

Speaker 5 (35:32):
And like two months later, God Did came up. So
even God did, I was like, you're a Philly Philly.
I fucked up in Philly, Like I ran out of money.
They just bought me out, you know what I'm saying. So,
like that video of you recording whatever wasn't That wasn't
that that God did. And my mom and my mom
care that was.

Speaker 2 (35:51):
Like makeshift, that wasn't like elaborate. That's my that's my laptop,
my keyboard.

Speaker 3 (35:56):
Yeah, Yeah, let's shout out Edgar and Eddie. Yeah, shot them.
Let's shout them out.

Speaker 4 (36:01):
Because that is a that is a huge thing in
this business right where someone has to identify like you said,
like you said, he was bothering him, Like yo, he
the one I need you to do this for me.
And probably whatever their relationship helped move you to where
you needed to go, because you.

Speaker 3 (36:21):
Know, we hear it all the time. Nigga be like,
hey man, I'm telling you this.

Speaker 4 (36:24):
That's not gonna make niggas buy you out your deal
or you know what I'm saying and help you in
any way. So those those moments along the way, bro,
are key to getting us to where we gotta go.

Speaker 3 (36:36):
That is that's that's amazing, bro. So now you're in Philly.
It looks like he's in the kitchen or something.

Speaker 5 (36:42):
Bro like that was like, that was like a bad crib.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
I took a picture my hair cut.

Speaker 3 (36:50):
In the launch. They got it with bad tank. Yeah,
it was one of the pictures.

Speaker 2 (36:59):
One of the.

Speaker 3 (37:02):
Was it was barber plus.

Speaker 2 (37:05):
But I'm still sitting in the lawn chair in the
living room. They let that nig attack happen, and when I.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Saw that video, I was like, I was like, oh,
he's he's writing and producing from a place.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
Look, this is what I used to do every day
of that room. I used to wake up, pray six
to eight hooks, go to the gym, come back, six
to eight hooks, pray, go to sleep. That was my
routine for like eight months, every day, every day.

Speaker 3 (37:35):
So it's like.

Speaker 5 (37:36):
By the time, God, they came out, I got six
hundred hooks, I'm pulling up the breezy burs and tailor crib.
I'm pressing pray for like two hours, like you know
what I'm saying. So it's like that's what I used
to pray and make like ten, ten to twelve ideas
every day, you know what I'm saying. So it's like

by that time, Eddie, Eddie, like all right, this nigga
working hard. I'm sending them boom boom back, you know
what I'm saying, thirty two thirty two every week, Like
twenty five to thirty two ideas every week. So like
we got that deal done, then, bro, I'm watching Kyle
it on the ground.

Speaker 2 (38:13):
God, did you know he's doing this?

Speaker 3 (38:15):

Speaker 2 (38:16):
Did you know he had picked the song?

Speaker 3 (38:17):
Though? No, No, no, did he just saying it? Oh,
he's just saying it that. He just going with that logo.

Speaker 5 (38:22):
You know, he a marketing ball, right, So he just
before the album even named that, he just keeps saying
it before he even has, before he even had a song,
He's just saying it got you.

Speaker 4 (38:31):
But you know, I believe. I'm I'm a I believe
in God heavy So every time he's saying it's just
touching my heart. Bro, Like that would like motivate me
to like go to the gym, you know what I'm saying.
So I'm like, Bro, i gotta make something called God.
Did you know what I'm saying? And I made like
a sample first, and I sent it to my manager.
He was like, I was like senator to call it.
He was like, now we don't need a sample, bro,

like we need a real hook. I'm like, bet, I'm
gonna call you like two hours. I'm in John.

Speaker 2 (38:58):
You know, I always started on a piano like they
that just came out.

Speaker 5 (39:05):
I'm like, as soon as I did that, Joe Bro,
I called my camera man said, pull up through the curb.
Bros about to be crazy. They don I'm like, oh ship,
I finished that and I added the choir, the choir part.
You know what I'm saying, i'd be doing, Like, what
was your process.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
To adding the choir?

Speaker 5 (39:24):
It was like all us and all us, all tracks
as you sometimes it's like forty eight tracks.

Speaker 3 (39:31):

Speaker 5 (39:32):
Like that was like crazy, bro, because I sometimes I
go in different parts of my room, in that room
and just you know what I'm saying, go in the
back the room, going to the front, doing the higher actives,
doing the lower active you know what I'm.

Speaker 3 (39:44):
Saying, them in a different order.

Speaker 2 (39:47):
To run down to a science at this age like
ship is crazy for sure.

Speaker 3 (39:54):
So once I made that, Bro, I called him a
manager shop. What the fuck? Bro?

Speaker 5 (40:01):
We just sat on the phone for like five minutes.
He like, I'm about to add Eddie and the boy
that brought us out. Yeh, Eddie was in his car
he heard it. He ain't say ship for like two minutes.
He just whipped outside his window. He said, I got
Collin number, the one that brought us out. He said
about texted Colin now texted call Coyle of textus. The

next day he said, it's a movie, That's all.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
He said.

Speaker 5 (40:26):
Two days go by, no, like a week go by.
We starting the business. He was like, all right, I
needed this like an interlude from my album. Friday interview.
God did a couple of days go by. He said,
y'all just put three rappers and a singer on there.
Who's gonna live forever? He ain't say who, Bro.

Speaker 3 (40:44):
In my head, I'm already thinking of Kanye.

Speaker 5 (40:46):
Right right right, I'm just thinking it's an inspirational, high
quality record. Never said who said a singer fucked my
head up like that and took me off the song, right,
because that's your first thought first all like, because at
that time, I ain't shit.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
I'm a writer. I got three thousand followers. I already
put it in my head. I text my team. I'm like,
can they just leave me on the choir? You know
what I'm saying, Just leave you to the choir.

Speaker 5 (41:13):
I'm like, can they just leave me on the choir
and still feature me? Though I know they about to
get somebody to lead this whole joint, bro, So I
already put that in my head. Then I heard it
was John Legend, probably like the day is about.

Speaker 2 (41:26):
To come up. I say, they took me off to the.

Speaker 3 (41:29):
Record, but you still don't know you're on the record.

Speaker 4 (41:32):
I know I'm on the record, but they got the record.
I don't think I'm leading it. I don't think if
they kept my choir, maybe I'm the last.

Speaker 3 (41:40):
You don't know what piece you're playing.

Speaker 4 (41:41):
All I'm thinking is they not about to let a
nigga with three thousand followers lead a song with jay
Z when John Legend on there?

Speaker 3 (41:47):

Speaker 2 (41:48):
So, Bro, I'm waiting for twelve a m.

Speaker 3 (41:50):
Bro, you still hadn't heard the song the straight.

Speaker 5 (41:55):
I know it's rumors already, jay Z on there. I
know John Legend, but I don't know how it is.

Speaker 3 (42:01):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (42:01):
Yeah, I'm next to my mom, Brokyle it talking.

Speaker 2 (42:08):
My voice came in. Rick. I start going crazy.

Speaker 3 (42:13):
I said, this ship about this your lifetime? Ye twittering
a little bit?

Speaker 4 (42:19):
Oh hell about to say needs me and my mom.

Speaker 3 (42:26):
Yeah, I'm just like, oh ship, this ship just changed.

Speaker 6 (42:30):

Speaker 4 (42:31):
I go on Twitter. Friday Friday. Who the fuck is
Friday Friday?

Speaker 3 (42:36):
You know it's not John Legend? Who is Friday? Voices something? Bro?

Speaker 4 (42:42):
Friday next morning, number one song in the world. Friday Friday.
Just going crazy. I'm like, oh ship. I remember I
went out to we went out to celebrate the next day,
I don't got a dollar in my pocket. The payment
ain't come through yet. Right, my cousin took me out.
Kyle it DM me and then he called me while

I was in the club. I ran out the club. Bro,
He telling me, thank you. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (43:09):
He's like, Yo, you gave me a song on my
album is best song? Yeah, I'm like, thank you, bro,
Like you know what I'm saying. Like I'm walking around Philly,
I'm hearing people say my name. Nobody knows me, you
know what I'm saying. So we just I'm just thinking
him thinking me. He's like, you don't understand, bro, Like
we're gonna be at the Grammy's.

Speaker 2 (43:27):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (43:29):
Since that, Bro, everything followers went up. It's artist time
already put in my head, It's all I've been waiting for.

Speaker 3 (43:35):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (43:36):
I used the writing shit just to get in you
know what I'm saying. But I know now it's artist mode, bro.
So that's how that God did me.

Speaker 4 (43:43):
So did you from that moment, like you said, it's
artist mode, did you start creating Friday the artists from
that moment? What you need to look like the style?
Like did did you go through that part? Like remember
I told you like I was already identifying it. Where
when like party in Them came out and.

Speaker 2 (44:03):
I was already an artist.

Speaker 5 (44:04):
I was just using writing to you know what I'm saying,
you already knew what you wanted to go. I know
my identity. I look myself in the mirror every day.
It was like just looking at myself like who you
want to be?

Speaker 3 (44:15):

Speaker 5 (44:16):
Like, go you want a little here? You're not an
R and B nigga? Bro, you know about to be
licking your lips and ship. I just was like, you
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (44:27):
But look it ste like really fuck with you now? No no, no, no, no,
no no no.

Speaker 4 (44:33):
He's that nigga for a reason. They want to see
him do that ship. You know what I'm saying. They
don't want to see me.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
I'm just.

Speaker 3 (44:41):
Look that ship is natural for him, right, No, No,
I give what you said.

Speaker 4 (44:46):
So I just had to look myself in the mirrors,
like be yourself, bro, dress how you want to dress,
talk how you want to talk? Right, this is Friday's
artist time, and I already had songs ready Project already

ready God Did came out single already ready, we shot
with dev Jam getting the EP ready, lost the melody
immediately immediately.

Speaker 3 (45:16):
How long did it take to get the deal done?

Speaker 4 (45:18):
From after God Deal God Did drop until you have
probably like a month.

Speaker 3 (45:23):
That's quick? Did That's quick? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (45:25):
Because because I'm a bull, bro, I'm like, you gotta
take advantage of the moment and like you don't know
if this moment gonna come back again, you know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (45:34):
So, but right after God did the record, a little
baby came Forever Forever record?

Speaker 3 (45:41):
So how do you how do you get that? Now?
Is this all d MS? Is this now?

Speaker 4 (45:46):
You moving around? After God did? It's like all right,
the whole industry. So it's like I linked with everybody.

Speaker 3 (45:52):
But Tank eventually a technically that ship.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
Niggas still doing it too well, probably with a whole
nother artist.

Speaker 2 (46:10):
I saw a bunch of artists posted.

Speaker 1 (46:13):
I'm looking for new artists, new writers, new hit me.

Speaker 4 (46:17):
You gotta tell me that you got later though, you
gotta tell me how that worked. Bro, I'm like, yo,
this is this is put it like this. I don't
want to talk about it, but like for me and
my brain will get more into it and for me
and my brand.

Speaker 1 (46:30):
After getting in it and watching how it worked, it
wasn't for me because it just wasn't. It wasn't a
reflection of how I wanted to introduce artists.

Speaker 3 (46:41):
He thought he was really helping.

Speaker 2 (46:43):
I thought I was helping.

Speaker 3 (46:43):
He thought he was helping.

Speaker 5 (46:44):
I almost fell out with my nigga about one of
my niggas about that ship because I start peeping, Yo,
this is it's not real, Bro, It's not some niggas
tragging some barrier.

Speaker 3 (46:53):

Speaker 2 (46:54):
One of my niggas hit me like you know this
after God did one of my niggas like, Yo, I
got opportunity. Bro.

Speaker 5 (47:00):
Yeah, Bro, I said, let me see, let's see the
d n Yo, if you want to get your mixtape
five hundred?

Speaker 2 (47:06):
I said, Bro, that's some bullshit, said Bro, you hating
on me? Bro that you got.

Speaker 3 (47:13):
Everything's telling you?

Speaker 2 (47:17):

Speaker 3 (47:18):
You mad as ship? Bro? Hat you know you pay
that five hundred? Like, Bro, you was right my foot.

Speaker 1 (47:23):
Bro, because what it is is like, it's not you know,
it's not being funneled and being and being pushed into
a space to where you know, real discovery has happened
and My thing was that, like after watching it go down,
you know, watching a few of those little tapes come out,

just looking at the process, like, I was like, Nah,
this ain't That's not how I do music. That's not
how I you know, that's not how I want to
introduce him. I'm gonna introduce somebody like I'm gonna really
introduce them. We're gonna really, we're gonna really put on
for him. I was like that, ain't that ain't it?
And then and then it's like grabbing the paper from him.
And then I was looking at some of the d

ms and it was like, yeah, when I get my
paycheck on Friday, I'm like, nah, because nahn, this, this
ain't what I want you to spend.

Speaker 2 (48:16):
You know, if you check the check, it's ain't what
I want you to spend my check on.

Speaker 6 (48:19):

Speaker 3 (48:20):
Ain't that. So I had to get out of there.

Speaker 4 (48:24):
For the rest of the industry of show, I apologize
all the upcoming you could have you forever.

Speaker 3 (48:31):

Speaker 2 (48:32):
We're here now, man, we're together now. Man, so embarrassed.
God did Bro came out? They're like, who Friday? A
little baby junk came out that was a different energy. Yeah,
because it was like what I would say about God Did.

Speaker 5 (48:51):
It was like it's an inspirational record, it's so emotional.

Speaker 4 (48:56):
But Forever came out. It introduced me to it. It's
the streets, the street streets.

Speaker 5 (49:02):
So it was like that song, I'm able to come
out to the arenas and just you know what I'm
saying and go crazy.

Speaker 3 (49:09):
So my my EP coming.

Speaker 5 (49:12):
Right after that, it was just a setup, bro, and
I dropped my Lost and Melody EP. It went crazy,
like perfect introduction. You know what I'm saying. That's that's
how that went.

Speaker 4 (49:21):
Yeah, bro, like it's been your your but it was
a perfect no, no, no no. It was a perfect introduction
because I didn't want niggas to I just want I
wanted niggas to know that I'm a regular nigga. And
God Did came out. It's a lot of niggas they
hear that song about your gospel nigga. Yes, Forever came out,

Like no, I'm a regular nigga. I like sure, like
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (49:48):
And it was just a balance for my EP where
it's like, all right, I believe in what I believe in.
I'm gonna tell my story and it's the R and
B side of me. So them two records. It was
like a perfect introduction everything, you know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (50:00):
But like I said, I feel like your path and
the way you've been able to weave your upbringing into
your music, it's refreshing. Bro.

Speaker 3 (50:08):
And I'm not I don't come from the church, you
know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (50:11):
Like, that's right, but it's just the fact that you've
been able to make that relevant in this space exactly.

Speaker 2 (50:22):
Yeah, well you can't. There is thisn't we are?

Speaker 1 (50:24):
We are all Listen, my guy put out a record
church Niggas like we are that whether you like it
or not, you are not going to be able to
get away from the emotional and spiritual thing that connects
you to the higher source. No matter what you're singing about,
You're You're just it's what separates you that you're able

to be street, spiritual and emotional. You know what I'm saying,
Like all of those things put together. When I listen
to your project, it's all of that. No matter what
you're saying about, I feel it differently, Yep, because of
where you're from. Absolutely, because of your foundation and Jay
says this all the time. You know, what I'm saying,

and we share this, there's there's a there's a lack
of that, which is why our music kind of suffers.
There's a lack of spirituality. There's a lack of connection
when it comes to our music because we're we're ultimately
sitting here to change lives. And if we can't connect,

the message doesn't connect. What are we doing? What's the point?

Speaker 3 (51:37):
And that's the origins is I mean?

Speaker 4 (51:39):
Because like you know, obviously me not growing up in church,
I had enough of the music from the R and
B artists who did you know what I mean? So
you know, like I grew up on Charlie Wilson, on
Stevie Wonder, you know what I mean. Like you know,
I go down the line, these these guys Aretha Franklin

with Houston, like this is all church. They're just singing
R and B songs. I'm not knowing I'm receiving it
that way, you know, but I'm still I'm still getting
it now in our music. It's a little tougher because
from an R and B standpoint, because it's not, in
my opinion, you know, enough church guys still in R

and by you know what I mean, still giving that
vibe to R and B music, and that's why we're
you know, obviously it's picking back up, but that shift
has to happen, and I feel like you're in the
forefront of that, like you having a song with Maverick City,

which I love that songs, you know what I mean,
Like you having that record and you taking that chance
coming off of two rap records.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
You know what I'm saying, Like you have to make
that conscious decision. I'm like, Okay, what can I.

Speaker 4 (53:04):
You can say as many times you won't like, yeah,
I'm not doing that, but you are.

Speaker 3 (53:08):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (53:09):
I know what I'm doing. Yeah, I'm doing it in
a great way where I put it like everybody believe
in something, bro. Yeah it is no matter who you're bro.
I play Blessing. I was buying some jewelry.

Speaker 5 (53:24):
It's like a lot of you know, a rad Jewish
people like they hear I got a song called Blessing.
It's like love this song, bro, blessings, Brother Blessings.

Speaker 3 (53:35):
So it's like translate.

Speaker 5 (53:37):
Everybody, bro believe in something. And I put it in
a way where it's like anybody could listen. It don't
feel like no church it just feels like a nigga
that believe in something that's putting it on the record
that everybody could relate to.

Speaker 4 (53:52):
Even the Maverick City records. We done came way too far.
I'm not talking though. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (53:58):
You know what I'm saying it, But I put it
in a way where it's like inspirational.

Speaker 3 (54:02):
That's what I like.

Speaker 2 (54:03):
I wrap it up in a way like any anybody
listening up, Bro, it sain't.

Speaker 3 (54:08):
No you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (54:09):
Listen, bro, I know gangsters that wouldn't miss church on
something exactly exactly right, y J.

Speaker 3 (54:15):
We played ray J the album. He like, bro, some
ship you lead a club to and go right to church.

Speaker 4 (54:25):
Of course I never forgot you, Like of course I
never felt good about that ship.

Speaker 3 (54:30):
But it's like you go from the Chris Brown joints.

Speaker 5 (54:32):
This joints Like yeah, I was like, yeah, that's what
it is for real though, Like how you just said it?

Speaker 1 (54:38):
As I heard the Chris Brown record. Of course Chris
played Chris played for me his He's liked, you're here's
the Friday Joints.

Speaker 3 (54:43):
She's crazy like this. It was like that's on I said,
you guys. He said that's on his album. I said, ship.

Speaker 1 (54:50):
So I was already looking forward to you dropping. Yeah,
he was already saying you.

Speaker 3 (54:55):
Was you was him?

Speaker 2 (54:57):
Yeah. Shout out Chris, Yeah, shout out to breath and the.

Speaker 4 (54:59):
Fact that you the fact that that you're on the
mission that you're on, as far as even just delivering
the music. Like most new artists, they don't drop projects.
They're not ready immediately. They're not ready. You were, you
were ready for your time. Yeah, you have two projects out.
You gotta EPNA album out? And what has it been

a year and a half.

Speaker 3 (55:20):
Yeah, Like I said, I studied it, bro.

Speaker 5 (55:22):
Yeah, I done been to concerts where you think is
the biggest artists and.

Speaker 2 (55:28):
Everybody in there waiting for the one banger.

Speaker 5 (55:31):
Like you know you've been in them concerts, everybody waiting
for that one hit when it's coming, when it's coming.

Speaker 3 (55:36):
We just came to see one song, bro, Like, when
are you about to see that? Ship?

Speaker 5 (55:39):
And I'd have been the concerts where it's like the
artists that got dropped albums and projects, where it's like
the whole show turned.

Speaker 4 (55:49):
It's the most little experience. So it's like I know,
as an artist or artists got to know too. It's
the projects that that build a real fan base where
you get them sticky fans that will never leave you.
It's because of them projects that emotional experience. It's not
one song, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (56:08):
Yeah, they'll go to the next nigga that they give
it a nice another song right next the girl that
got a viral moment. So it's some projects. It's like,
I know this where you get your real fans. This
where you get them people to buy your tickets.

Speaker 2 (56:22):
You know what I'm saying. I'm seeing that now.

Speaker 3 (56:24):
How was How was the feeling a performing at the Grammy? Yeah?
Was crazy? Like how was that feeling for you? Bro?
Like I said kyl especially with who you perform with.

Speaker 4 (56:36):
Yeah, Kylin always told me, Bro, we're gonna be at
the Grammy, trust me.

Speaker 5 (56:40):
So I know the Grammy's coming up. I got my
I'm getting ready. Probably found out two weeks before. My
manager called me and say you're performing, Bro. You gotta
think I ain't performing? Probably ain't performance college, bro? And
then then from.

Speaker 3 (56:56):
Church first show here it's my first show, bro, why not?

Speaker 2 (57:00):
Why not?

Speaker 5 (57:01):
Yeah? I couldn't even sleep bro, Right.

Speaker 3 (57:04):
Because you can't get those guys together anywhere else.

Speaker 6 (57:07):

Speaker 3 (57:08):
Yeah, obviously haven't done this song anyway and do it.

Speaker 4 (57:10):
I did it sometimes. It just came out at club
live with DJ Callen. You know what I'm saying, just
out but like this where it's like this ain't a club.
Niggas about to hear you sing, bro, and niggas want
to hear you saying the same way you seeing on
that record. So it was like, Bro, I couldn't sleep
for like two weeks, bro, because I was just so nervous, BRO,
thinking like I could fuck up a jay Z performance.

Speaker 3 (57:34):
No, no bullshit, it's like not yourself. I can suck
up a jay Z, but you do not want to
be there, like you keep up the whole performance, bro.

Speaker 5 (57:44):
And it was like, Bro, I couldn't sleep the whole
like two weeks. Probably that week came up. I was
just in the shower just singing it every day, Bro, nervous,
just he I remember the day of Grammys, We're in
the trailer, Cali brought his people out. It's on my
TikTok the video, and then he put the instrumental in
my ear before we're about to the stage, and I

just started singing it. He didn't even expect me to
sing it. I just started singing in front of the people.

Speaker 4 (58:11):
It was like, all right, bro, ready And then from
there I just got that confidence hopped on stage.

Speaker 3 (58:16):
I've seen jay Z.

Speaker 5 (58:17):
That's up, bro, I might get ready. It was it
was easy since then from there.

Speaker 4 (58:23):
Yeah, it was your first time wearing EANs, bro, it's
my first joke. I'm saying that you Yeah, that's my
first time when that's my first real joint.

Speaker 3 (58:33):
So it's like, because that's the thing that people don't know.
The transition from.

Speaker 4 (58:38):
Its just a way different thing because now you're singing
in your head.

Speaker 5 (58:41):
Yeah, facts, and that was different. But I'm you know,
it's kind of like the studio. Yeah, but it was
just like a whole different experience.

Speaker 4 (58:48):
And it was like from God did and forever You
gotta think Forever video ain't come out yet. I think
Forever video came out after the Grammy's a Little Baby.

Speaker 3 (58:59):
Nobody knew. It was more you really know what you
look like exactly.

Speaker 4 (59:03):
It was like we know the voice, yeah, we hear
about everywhere, but this was like the first time the
world about to see me.

Speaker 3 (59:09):
Type. After the Grammys, it was like it was like
a shift.

Speaker 4 (59:12):
I'll say, that's dope, that's dope, that's dope.

Speaker 1 (59:17):
So you got an album out man, Yeah, and it's
tour time. Yeah, you sell out. Let's start there.

Speaker 3 (59:27):
Yeah, niggas be on tour.

Speaker 2 (59:32):
Niggas be on tour. They don't always say.

Speaker 4 (59:36):
Ten minutes to following ten minutes. We just sold out
London like one day.

Speaker 5 (59:43):
Yeah, we had an added dated a blessing brod.

Speaker 4 (59:47):
Hell Yeah, what's your prep for that? Knowing that now
you have sold out shows? Is that does that adjust
the playlist? Does that adjust?

Speaker 2 (59:57):
You? Know? How you create the urgency in terms of
creating your sonic for the show, your visual for the show. Like,
what's the thing.

Speaker 3 (01:00:06):
Now, because before you probably have a plan.

Speaker 4 (01:00:08):
You're gonna do these songs, We're gonna vibe out, We're
gonna do such as Now it's like you're sold out
in every city.

Speaker 5 (01:00:14):
It's like it's a mental thing for me. I know
the people are here for an experience. Like you said,
my music is a little different, so it's like I
know people coming out here for a different reason, you
know what I'm saying. So it's like I try to
get my mental right like you know what I'm saying
more than anything, and then it's just like the how

the songs just putting together?

Speaker 2 (01:00:37):
Shut out my man, Josh, it.

Speaker 5 (01:00:39):
Just it just got a flow right where it's like
it's just a flow through the whole show, you know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (01:00:46):
So it's just more of a mental thing for me,
and you know what I'm saying, and I got to
make sure my being right, everything right.

Speaker 1 (01:00:53):
I mean, I love the way you start the show,
like you know, you started out talented, walked out there,
you see the god that you see what the Lord
has done, and then you go to the piano and
as soon as you hit the first chord, they know

exactly what time it is and they are with you
as soon as you open your first word for sure.
How does that feel?

Speaker 2 (01:01:27):
Bro? It's amazing?

Speaker 3 (01:01:29):

Speaker 4 (01:01:29):
Yeah, Like first show, I probably I cried on stage. Yeah, yeah,
it was like, this is the first time everybody here
to see me.

Speaker 2 (01:01:49):

Speaker 1 (01:01:49):
Nobody can be you tell every artist, nobody can be you,
but you. Nobody can tell that story.

Speaker 3 (01:01:57):
But you I can here with your original pim.

Speaker 2 (01:02:08):
Today my friends that you got for today. We're approaching
the end of the week. A special day. We always
look forward to.

Speaker 3 (01:02:24):
It's our favorite day. But even our favorite day has
some favorites.

Speaker 2 (01:02:34):
Brother Friday, if you don't mind me calling you, brother Friday.

Speaker 3 (01:02:39):
He said he might go back to Francis, Brother Francis Friday.
We want to people want to know your.

Speaker 6 (01:02:49):
Top five, your top five, time five, your top five?

Speaker 2 (01:03:02):
What is R be leasten guys, Yeah, al and me songs.

Speaker 3 (01:03:11):
We want to know you got this show all on
these days they don't matter, but Friday, we want to know. Yeah, yeah, top.

Speaker 4 (01:03:35):
Your Friday's.

Speaker 3 (01:03:38):
Fun. Yeah, go on, I agree by playing.

Speaker 2 (01:03:53):
It sounds so good? Don't you agree? Sounds so good?
Don't you agree? Friday? Top five?

Speaker 4 (01:04:00):
Your top five R and B singers? All right, I
take it back. So it's like boys and man Jamie
FOXX Wow, come on Fox making appearance.

Speaker 5 (01:04:18):
Yeah, I'm gonna go, Chris Brown, what you mean it's
not tough? Then you go usher taking it up like yeah,
and then the last ball, the last boy.

Speaker 4 (01:04:34):
I gotta give a new ball. Yeah, I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna just say T pain. Yeah, what's gonna say?
Todd Dollard, I'm gonna say T Pain.

Speaker 1 (01:04:47):
I love T Pain that niggas cold.

Speaker 3 (01:04:54):
T pain cold yeah cold, Okay. I like what you
did there. Yeah, like what you did there? All right
here top five R and B songs.

Speaker 5 (01:05:05):
I'm gonna go, Uh water runs dry, but man, I'm
gonna go. Uh Jimmie Fox, I wish you were here.
That opened my eyes up a lot.

Speaker 2 (01:05:21):
I'd like to say, kind of.

Speaker 3 (01:05:27):
Keep going, keep Caving's Caving Ship changed my life.

Speaker 4 (01:05:33):
Bro just he performed that joint in the junk. Remember
he performed that joint one of his concerts.

Speaker 2 (01:05:40):
He had a U we had a we had a
thing that he did for TV where yeah.

Speaker 3 (01:05:43):
He was older. Ship crazy.

Speaker 5 (01:05:47):
Yeah, I'm gonna go some new ship no guy it
Chris Bro that's special every China joint come on drink dang.

Speaker 3 (01:05:56):
Yeah, uh.

Speaker 1 (01:05:58):
Legend you said, John don't know, they don't know special
classic Alzheimer.

Speaker 2 (01:06:03):
Yes, that's my favorite songs ever.

Speaker 3 (01:06:05):
That's four Yeah yeah, and I'm a little adoring it.

Speaker 2 (01:06:08):
Miguel hm hmm.

Speaker 3 (01:06:10):
Came with that record these that ship crazy. What is
the fists? The fist?

Speaker 1 (01:06:24):
This Beard.

Speaker 2 (01:06:31):
That special special.

Speaker 1 (01:06:35):
It's a formula that that writers were smart, they would
pick up on it.

Speaker 3 (01:06:40):
Mm hmmm.

Speaker 1 (01:06:41):
Smoky Rymington all of them, all the greats did this formula.
I'm not going to tell you what it is, but
if you're smart, because they have to study like this
man did. Wow, this man studied. That's why he is
who he is. That's why is our favorite day that
we studied.

Speaker 3 (01:06:58):
If they paid you five hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (01:07:00):
Then we can talk about upcoming artists, writers, producers, m
real coming up Ship Friday. We're gonna make your Vultron.
We're gonna make your super your super R and B artists.
We're gonna get the vocal from somebody. We're gonna get
the performance style from somebody, the styling from somebody, and

the passion.

Speaker 2 (01:07:25):
Of that artist.

Speaker 1 (01:07:26):
For you, We're adding an extra segment of who's gonna
write and produce for this artist? Since you do that
so well, let's start with the vocal to build your
super arm B artist, your vult Tron. Who you getting
the vocal from? I'm gonna go with Usher.

Speaker 3 (01:07:43):

Speaker 4 (01:07:44):
I feel like he could do the old school ship
like they can do it, and you could do the
new school supert I'm saying he going vocally everything because
he could.

Speaker 5 (01:07:54):
Do pope hip hop. Go back to the real arm be
I'm gonna USh your vocally love it.

Speaker 2 (01:08:02):
Love it yeah, performance style on stage, get into it.

Speaker 4 (01:08:09):
I'm gonna go breezy, Yeah, breezy, unstoppable.

Speaker 1 (01:08:13):
Yeah, two hours straight stop. I've never seen nothing like different. Different. Okay,
you got this drink you'd be drinking. It was like,
would make me to drink. I wasn't even performing. I
just want to drink to drink because Christ was drinking
to drink, even the goddamn drink styling. Yeah, the drip.

Speaker 3 (01:08:38):
Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (01:08:40):
I would just say.

Speaker 4 (01:08:41):
He just like, whoever performing he got just like what
like like breezy, breezy, whoever like gotta have that's gotta
match that. No boxes with breezy, you know, telling what's breezing?

Speaker 2 (01:08:57):
You know what I'm saying. It's no rules, it's no.

Speaker 3 (01:09:00):
Dress. It was four it was four rolls of clothes.

Speaker 2 (01:09:07):
I was like, oh yeah. I was like what, I said,
what are you?

Speaker 3 (01:09:10):
What are you wearing?

Speaker 1 (01:09:11):
He was like, I don't know. I said, you perform
in twenty minutes. He said, I'm just scrasp some ship.
What no rules? He just said, I'm gonna put on something.
It's gonna look fly. The passion of the artist.

Speaker 3 (01:09:24):
Who mean it, who's gonna make these people cry? Man?

Speaker 5 (01:09:27):
I can't shay the gentle thing. I'm gonna say, Uh,
I'm gonna go with Charlie. Yeah, that's passion right there.
I just had church with Charlie not too long ago.
I'm gonna go Charlie. He has a church segment in
the show every show, for every show. Then it goes, yeah,
I'm going Charlie. Does it means especially if you know

Charlie story. Have you ever met Charlie?

Speaker 3 (01:09:51):

Speaker 1 (01:09:52):
Oh, you gotta meet him. Yeah, and you gotta do something.
You gotta listen to that story.

Speaker 3 (01:09:56):
Yeah, that's special a story.

Speaker 2 (01:10:01):
Okay, who's writing and producing for this artist?

Speaker 3 (01:10:07):
I'm gonna just say, baby face.

Speaker 2 (01:10:08):
Why not?

Speaker 1 (01:10:09):
I mean he's you know, he's no sense as well.
I mean yeah, he's not just the deal. He's also
yeah different right there. He's then and now his wardrobe now.

Speaker 3 (01:10:21):
Is what many four months ago?

Speaker 4 (01:10:26):
Yeah, this nigga with the youngest bro cool is super cool.

Speaker 5 (01:10:31):
But I'm gonna go with him. He wrote something like
a lot of boys man ship. I was young and
looking it up like what the fuck? And you know,
back then it was.

Speaker 4 (01:10:38):
A few writers yeah, probably like five to ten, right,
only very small. All the hit records he's going. You're
gonna see his name at some point for sure. Everybody's
albums you go through, you like, oh and Babyface Whitney Houston, Babyface, Babyface.

Speaker 3 (01:10:55):
Yeah, I'm going baby Face baby to god.

Speaker 1 (01:11:02):
Bro, niggas incredible. I'd love to just he just let
me collect his ass cat for you. He's gonna be
behold it for a year, just letting million dollar checks
hang out on the table.

Speaker 2 (01:11:15):

Speaker 4 (01:11:16):
Yeah, you forget to get you know, that's a nigga
like they sampling his ship every day to day.

Speaker 3 (01:11:21):
Bro, His streaming is out of control.

Speaker 1 (01:11:25):
It has to be. And that's just that's just extra
extra income. He never even imagined it. He still where
he comes from, digital world, where he comes from. Now
there's an additional fifteen million dollars.

Speaker 3 (01:11:41):
Do the work. Do the work. Do the work, Ladies
and gentlemen, do the work. Go do the work.

Speaker 2 (01:11:47):
And it's the crazy part about streaming is that we're
we we haven't exhausted it. What you mean, there's still
territories being added, it's still going up. It's still being
added to devices as we speak. Became a good timer, brother,
you came at a great time.

Speaker 3 (01:12:08):
Yeah, yeah, someone will say what you got.

Speaker 1 (01:12:15):
Yeah, I ain't saying no names. Hey, I ain't saying
no names. Ain't saying no names. I ain't saying no names.

Speaker 6 (01:12:21):
Where you was?

Speaker 2 (01:12:23):
Who is weird? What you did?

Speaker 3 (01:12:26):
Don't say?

Speaker 2 (01:12:26):
She and I ain't saying no.

Speaker 3 (01:12:32):
He's showing out.

Speaker 2 (01:12:37):
He's here, Yeah is here?

Speaker 3 (01:12:39):
Yeah I was slain. I was slain.

Speaker 4 (01:12:44):
So yeah, yeah, no, we we We had this very
very very important segment of the show, very important important.

Speaker 3 (01:12:50):
Man. The people, the people, man, they wait all week
for this. Want to know. Yeah, they want to know.
They want to know because you know, they don't live
the same life.

Speaker 4 (01:12:58):
That you live, so you know, they can't get behind
the curtain. Sometimes they can't sneak into the show, you know.

Speaker 3 (01:13:05):

Speaker 4 (01:13:06):
Yeah, So this segment of the show is called I
Ain't saying no names. Will you tell us a story?
Funny or fucked up? Are funny and fucked up? And
the travels of the journey of a young man named
Friday Francis to the high school niggas, but Friday to
the people, to the people.

Speaker 3 (01:13:28):
Yeah you ready, yeah, I'm ready, all right? So right now,
right now, right now.

Speaker 4 (01:13:36):
One thing we do know is that whatever story he
tells us, God didn't do.

Speaker 3 (01:13:45):
I'm so maybe getting you out of it.

Speaker 4 (01:13:52):
But this is Friday. I ain't saying no names. You
didn't seen something.

Speaker 3 (01:14:00):
You just seen something. Business is you know you're gonna
see something, Yo.

Speaker 2 (01:14:06):
I ain't see nothing.

Speaker 3 (01:14:08):
I see nothing.

Speaker 4 (01:14:09):
No, I really broke because I'm new, bro like, and
then most places I be is intimate.

Speaker 2 (01:14:17):
So it's like, you know how we got respect.

Speaker 4 (01:14:22):
That's just where I go studio career. But I will say, like,
funny ship I seen.

Speaker 3 (01:14:29):
Yeah, what I'm saying names.

Speaker 5 (01:14:30):
Is just funny ship. I've seen, it's in it. I
notice in this industry the niggas is more groupies than
the females.

Speaker 3 (01:14:40):
Bro mm hmm, that's what I will see. Say.

Speaker 5 (01:14:44):
I've seen a lot of times muld have been in
these places with the biggest artists around them next to them,
and it's like, bro, like, the niggas is the more
groupies than the females. That's the most shocking ship. I'm like,
and the group is be niggas that is respected.

Speaker 4 (01:15:03):
You think it is respected, but they still trying to
get get close to the nigga.

Speaker 5 (01:15:08):
You know, what I'm saying so ain't nothing, but I've
seen some funny shit like that. It was like, you're
gonna say the nigga's name.

Speaker 2 (01:15:16):
It's like, bro, it relaxed, Bro, like we're chilling.

Speaker 4 (01:15:19):
Everybody don't have that button. No, everybody don't have a
relaxed button. And you'll find out that very early in
his niggas be trying to prove.

Speaker 1 (01:15:27):
Themselves and even to add to that, niggas is trying
to connect themselves.

Speaker 4 (01:15:35):
You think they're already connected. It's like, Bro, I thought
you was connected already.

Speaker 1 (01:15:39):
A lot of people make a living off of staying
connected or close in proximity to what's cracking and what's popping.
Now you're in a privileged position to where you cracking,
so people want to stand next to you. You don't
necessarily need to stand the next.

Speaker 4 (01:15:58):
Moment, but you've all so coming this business with purpose.
You have purpose, You have something you're going for, you
have something you're pushing towards. Like a lot of people
in this business, everybody's a transaction. Every new introduction, every
new room that they get into. They look at people
as transactions like, Okay, what can I get out of

this what's the transaction is what can we instead of
just being like, you know what, we just happen to
all do the same thing and that's cool, and either
I like this person or don't like this person, no
matter if I ever see them again. These people are
trying to make sure they see them again or they
get in a room. But also not understanding that that
that energy would also push push you out of a restaurant,

especially I mean definitely with us.

Speaker 3 (01:16:46):
Then we'll be driving off somewhere and we'll be like, man,
shoot man, they can't come up. It's usually me saying it.
He tank has never met a stranger. To me, I'm like, nah,
b B with no bullshit.

Speaker 5 (01:17:00):
I might think I cenship, but I really don't be
around like that. Be in a crib bro in the
studio with the people I funk with the people all trust. Yeah, yeah,
go back their crib, no bullshit. Through the work, might
not keep doing what but that's funny shit. I'll be like,
oh shit, that's the type of ship that make me.
I don't want to go out bro. Just you know
what I'm saying, I'm going back, going back home.

Speaker 2 (01:17:22):
At twenty six, I wish I would have had.

Speaker 4 (01:17:24):
Usually went back home, that I'm going back home attitude.

Speaker 3 (01:17:28):
You had to keep the party going out to ever.

Speaker 4 (01:17:33):
Ever twenty six in l a hit record outside as
long as humanly possible.

Speaker 1 (01:17:45):
Where you are going, where you are going, it's four
in the morning, man, I know what I do. Won't
do nothing else, Brother Friday bro phenomenal talent. Bro phenomenal, phenomenal,
phenomenal talent, amazing spirit. As as Brother Wendel Muhammad used

to say, God rest his soul from South Philly. Beautiful brother,
Keep doing that, Keep doing that, keep doing the work
more importantly, because it's it's it's it's doing all the talking, man,
it's doing all the talking and then meeting you and
and just and and just.

Speaker 3 (01:18:24):
Sharing room with you.

Speaker 4 (01:18:27):
I don't I don't think it's anywhere you can't go
anything you won't be able to do.

Speaker 3 (01:18:32):
Lead the emotional.

Speaker 1 (01:18:33):
Revolution, the spiritual revolution where music means something to be.

Speaker 3 (01:18:39):
Lead it. Sure appreciate it, bro.

Speaker 1 (01:18:42):
Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Take This is
the ear Your Money podcast, the authority on all things
R and B.

Speaker 3 (01:18:54):
What else would you say?

Speaker 4 (01:18:55):
It's Friday, R and B money, Money, R and B
Money is a production of the Black Effect podcast Network.
For more podcasts from iHeartRadio, visit the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts,
or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. Don't forget

to subscribe to and rate our show, and you can
connect with us on social media at Jyvalentine and at
the Real Tank.

Speaker 3 (01:19:24):
For the extended episode, subscribe to YouTube dot com or
slash r and b money
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