All Episodes

May 16, 2024 36 mins
The left comes after Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker for supporting traditional families in graduation speech. NFL's DEI VP condemns Butker comments. Whoopi Goldberg defends Butker. More sound bites from Butker's speech. Why is nobody addressing the population crisis? The left has pitted men vs. women.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome in. I hope all of you are having fantastic
Thursdays wherever you may be across this great country or
around the world. We are here to make the next
three hours as enjoyable and informative as we possibly can.
Thank you all for hanging out with us. Give me
a little bit of a roadmap. Tulsea Gabbert is going
to join us at two. She has got a new

book out. We've had her on a couple of times.
She is in the running to potentially be Trump's vice president,
but also maybe as well in his cabinet. We will
talk with her. We'll also talk Arizona politics at two
thirty with abe Hagadah, who is running out there for
a congressional seat. So that is where we are headed.

In the third hour of the program. Buck is out today.
He is traveling. We have got a massive day of
outside of studio promotional related activities that will be taking
place all over the city of Nashville. So he is
in the air, I believe, as I am speaking to
you right now, en route to Nashville, this probably doesn't
surprise a lot of you, but there are many things

that are involved in doing this show that don't actually
occur during the three hours between twelve and three eastern
and nine am and noon on the West coast every
single day. And by the way, soon we're going to
have an announcement about going over five hundred affiliate stations
out there, which is a pretty incredible accomplishment and thanks
to many of you. But I am fired up this morning,

this afternoon, wherever you may be across the country, I
guess it's just hit the afternoon on the East Coast,
still morning everywhere else. Harrison Buker is a guy that
a lot of you are not going to know at all.
He's a Kansas City chiefs kicker. He is instrumental in
Kansas City, having won several Super Bowls here during the

Patrick Mahomes era. And he's an outspoken Catholic and he
was asked to give a commencement address at a Catholic
university and he gave that commencement address. And the outrage
has been building for multiple days now as the left
has decided that his opinions are unacceptable for a football

player to have. Mind you, I'm going to play some
of these clips and I think it's important for you
guys to hear them, and then I'm going to use
them as a platform to discuss what I see as
a huge amount of people in media and on social

media and in American life in general who talk left
but live right. That is, they embrace all left wing
values publicly, but in their own private lives they actually
live by the values of the right. They are being

fundamentally dishonest in the way they live their lifestyle and
the way they publicly espouse opinions compared to what they
do in their own private lives. And I'm going to
talk about that. I think this is so illustrative of
that gap. But let's begin by just letting all of
you hear what Harrison Butker said. And so you know,

earlier this morning, the NFL condemned Harrison Butker's comments in
this commencement address, and last night Kansas City, the official
Twitter account of Kansas City doxed Harrison Butker based on
the neighborhood he lives in Kansas City. They later deleted

it and apologized. But I want you to actually hear
what he said so you can understand how fundamentally dishonest
this all is. By the way, the NFL had its
vice president of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Of course, the
DEI stooges who destroy every institution from the inside. They

had him speak out against this. But I just want
to play the clips because I always think it's important
to not just talk about the controversy, but to understand
from which the controversy has arisen. That is what was
actually said. We played a little bit of this for
you yesterday as we finished the program, but I want
to start here with cut twenty five that we finished

the show with yesterday. This is receiving a lot of attention,
but Kerk talks about his wife and how important she
has been to his family's success. This is considered controversial.

Speaker 2 (04:45):
Listen, I want to speak directly to you briefly because
I think it is you the women who have had
the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of
you are sitting here now about to cross this stage
and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you
are going to get in your career. Some of you
may go on to lee successful careers in the world,
but I would venture to guess that the majority of
you are most excited about your marriage and the children

you will bring into this world. I can tell you
that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to
say that her life truly started when she began living
her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm
on this stage today and able to be the man
I am because I have a wife who leans into
her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God
has given me. But it cannot be overstated that all

of my success is made possible because a girl I
met in band class back in middle school would convert
to the faith, become my wife, and embrace one of
the most important titles of all holemaker.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
That is a man, in his most public statement, probably
of his life, professing that the reason he's become a
success is because of the good fortune he's had to
meet his wife and that they now are able to
share a family together. That's considered controversial. The NFL just
condemned that. To my knowledge, the NFL doesn't come out

and condemn wife beating. By and large, the NFL doesn't
come out and condemn drunk driving very often, if ever,
to my knowledge, the NFL has never even condemned anybody
else's private political opinion on any issue. Harrison Butker brought

to tears talking about his wife's contribution to their family
and the most public speech that he will probably give
in his life is worthy of condemnation by the NFL.
What's going on here? What's really going on? Because I'm
going to play a couple of other cuts, but I
want to start with this one. I mentioned Live Talk left,

Live right. What does that mean? That's what the NFL
is doing when they're attacking Harrison Butker. I can speak
to all of you about the fact that I've been
married for almost twenty years. In August, I'm gonna have
been married for twenty years. I've got three boys, as

you guys all know, sixteen, thirteen, nine, tenth grade, seventh grade,
third grade. When I had my first two. When we
had our first two kids, it was an incredible struggle.
Both of us worked full time. It was an incredible

struggle to raise those kids, even with help from my parents.
I would start off most mornings was running out Kick,
the site that I sold three years ago, was doing
daily radio. My wife would get up around five am.
She's a guidance counselor at a local high school here
in the Nashville area. She would leave go to the

gym to work out early in the morning, and then
go straight to her high school. High schools obviously start
early in the morning. I would get up with our
two year old and our baby boy. I would get
both of them ready, get them dressed, feed the morning bottle,

get them all geared up, and I would take them
to daycare, the very middle class daycare, a middle class
daycare that I think a lot of you are going
to understand because you're dealing with issues like this, or
your grandkids and your kids are dealing with issues like these.
Middle class daycare cost me more than college tuition would

have at the University of Tennessee. Nearly my wife's entire
salary as a school guidance counselor here in public schools
in Tennessee was eaten up by what it cost to
put an infant and a two year old into daycare.
My wife would work all day. She would come pick
them up in the afternoon. I would work all day.

I would then I would go do radio, and then
we were together in the evenings. I'm speaking on both
of our behalves. My wife would tell you that she
was miserable. She got to be around her baby for
only a few hours every day. She got to be
around her two year old for only a few hours
every day. A lot of you have had that struggle.

I would imagine it's far more difficult for women than
for men. But I personally felt like a huge failure
as a dad because I wasn't able to make enough
to allow my family to not have to be a
dual income household. Now look, I was raised in a
dual income household. My wife is a law school graduate.

She's got a graduate degree from Vanderbilt. I loved the
idea of everybody pursuing education to the highest of their ability.
And some of you listening right now may well be
men whose wives make more money. So I'm not trying
to say that this has to be entirely a gender
based discussion. But when I finally started to have more

success in my career and I could allow us to
become a one income family, a one full time working family,
our life got one thousand percent better, not a little
bit better, one thousand percent better. I think the kids
are far better off. That was a luxury that we

were finally able to achieve. And even now, I will
say if I could go back in time and do anything.
I would like to donate money to myself so that
my wife never had to work once we had kids. Now,
I'm not criticizing anybody out there that's a single parent
or both parents having to work. I've been through all

of those challenges. I didn't make over forty thousand dollars
a year until I was in my thirties. So look,
I know how difficult it can be and how many
of you have to have two income households, especially in
this Joe Biden economy where everything costs way more than
it should. But the idea that Harrison Butker, who is

successful enough to make millions of dollars as he says
in his career, would be criticized for bragging about his
wife's ability to help their family grow, I think is
an incredible insult. And worse than that, I think it's
incredibly dishonest because I think every parent out there listening

to me right now, just about at some point in time,
if you have multiple young kids, has thought, boy, I
wish we made enough money so only one of us
had to work. Now, I understand that is an aspirational
goal for many people. It was an aspirational goal for
me personally. I just said I felt like a failure

as a dad that my wife had to work when
she didn't want to work, when she would have preferred
to stay home with our kids. I'm not saying you
both can't work if you love your jobs and you
find that to be personally fulfilling. I'm not saying that
people always feel like they're being attacked, but most parents,

deep down have thought to themselves, I'd like to have
a one parent household where one parent can work and
the other one can focus one hundred percent on the kids.
That is an aspirational goal. You know who does that,
huge percentages of pro athletes, because they make millions of
dollars a year and they can be fortunate to have

a wife who stays home. What's really going on when
the NFL is condemning what Harrison Butker said. I'm going
to play some more cuts from it because I think
this is a big story. What's really going on is
a direct attack on gender itself. They are trying to
attack the idea that men and women can have different roles,

and that biology is real and that there is in
fact a benefit to a two parent household than that
oftentimes kids benefit if possible, by one parent as the
primary caregiver. This isn't a radical idea. This is an
aspirational value that all of you understand, and yet Harrison

Butker is being attacked for actually embracing it and tearfully
praising his wife in the most public address he'll give.
Harrison Butker, in terms of criticism, would have been far
better off getting accused of sexual assault than to actually
say his family has benefited from his wife staying home

and helping to raise the kids. Think about how crazy
that is. The NFL wouldn't have condemned him publicly, probably
if he'd been accused of sexual ass all but crying
during a commencement address and praising his wife for helping
to raise their kids. That's not acceptable. I'm gonna take
some of your calls eight hundred and two two two
eight A two, and I want to play a couple

more of these cuts because I think it's important for
you to actually hear what's considered controversial in America today.
I always make jokes about this, but it's true. Every
article about me that's been written in the last decade
describes me as controversial, and I always say I think
I'm the least controversial person on the planet. I really

mean that. I don't even think I have a crazy
controversial opinion in terms of society at large. I think
we just live in such a profoundly inauthentic and dishonest
era that when you actually say the truth, there are
so few people who are willing to say it that
it's greeted as if it's controversy. And that is I

think what's happening to Harrison Pucker right now. If you
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Speaker 3 (16:27):
One truth revealed after another Clay Travis and buck Sexton.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
Welcome back in Clay Travis, buck Sexton show. I'm gonna
play you some more of this Harrison Bucker controversy, but
I was stunn credit to the crew, My good buddy,
Whoopy Goldberg, she's got Harrison Bunker's back. Politics does sometimes
make strange bedfellows. Listen, all right, Sorry, that's cut thirty.

We're gonna play that when we come back. I give
credit to what Pe Goldberg. Let me read this instead.
I saw this and I just shared it on Twitter
from Amber Harding, who I thought did a really good
job laying this out. Well we got whoo whoopee. Now
let's play whoopee.

Speaker 4 (17:10):
I like when people say what they need to say.
He's at a Catholic college. He's a staunch Catholic. These
are his beliefs, and he's welcome to them.

Speaker 1 (17:19):
I don't have to believe him.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
I don't have to accept them. The ladies that were
sitting in that audience do.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Not have to accept them.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
The same way we want respect when Colin Kaepernack takes
a knee right.

Speaker 1 (17:31):
We want to give.

Speaker 4 (17:32):
Respect to people whose ideas are different from ours. So
I'm okay with him saying whatever he says, and the
women who are sitting there, if they take his advice.

Speaker 1 (17:41):
Good for them, they'll be happy.

Speaker 4 (17:43):
If they don't, good for them, they'll be happy and
different with us.

Speaker 1 (17:46):
That's my advocude. I give one hundred credit to whoopee there.
That's really well said. It rarely happens. Woopy Goldberg and
I on the same team. We'll talk more about that.
Take some of your calls when we come back in
the meantime. Pure Talk customers, here's another reason why it
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Speaker 3 (18:48):
Clay, Travis and Buck Sexton on the front Lines of truth.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton show. We're talking
about the massive controversy that has come from here Harrison
Butker praising his wife for staying home with their kids
and saying that she is a huge backbone of his success.
Amber Duke has tweeted this out. I shared it. I
think we retweeted it from Clay and Buck. I thought

it's so well said here. I'm going to read her
post on Twitter. What's so infuriating about the backlash to
Harrison Butker's commencement speech is he did not say women
have to stay in the kitchen, or whatever other false
pejoratives people have projected onto his comments. He was very
clear that many of the women in the audience would

go on to have fruitful and satisfying careers, but for
most women, they will be happier focusing on family. This
is a fact. Married mothers are happier than any other
cohort of women. Today, women are waiting longer to get
married and have children. Many are opting out of the
process entirely having been convinced they don't need a man

or they children will ruin their lives. It's not a
coincidence that young women today are facing a mental health
crisis like nothing we've ever seen before. I thought that
was really, really well said by her. Now I want
to play a couple of more cuts. You remember when
I said how controversial, how controversial I'm considered to be.

Now suddenly butker is super controversial? And then I always
push back whenever a media outlet is doing a story
on me and they say, well, you're really controversial, I say, Okay,
what do I believe that you actually think is controversial?
Is believing that women's athletics should only be played by women?
Controversial maybe because there's so many cowards out there in

the world of sports who won't say it. Is believing
that kids do better in a two parent household if
one parent can stay home and focus entirely on the kids.
Is that actually really controversial? Is that? Is I believe
something that almost every man and woman with a multiple children,

for sure in America today would aspire to. And I'm
not saying, by the way that it has to be
the woman who stays home. Some women out there make
way more money than the men. If you start looking
around and you're a man and you're making thirty five
thousand dollars a year and your wife is making a
half million dollars a year, and you're paying sixty thousand

dollars for childcare, it's not crazy to think, you know,
maybe I could be the stay at home person. You know,
my mom worked. She took off seven years when my
sister and I were born, and then she worked. My
grandma worked. My grandma was a school teacher in Georgia.
She drove from Chattanooga, Tennessee, down to Georgia because they

paid better in Georgia. That was kind of unheard of.
Then my grandfather worked in the combustion factory down there.
He said. My grandfather worked for a living, and she
worked to make life worth living. I think there are

a lot of women out there and a lot of
men out there that understand that, and they wish they
lived in a better economic situation such that prices weren't
skyrocketing and everybody didn't have to work. If you're fortunate
enough to be in a position where you can have
one parent not have to work. It's an incredible luxury.
I personally, I tell you I felt awful when I

was dropping my kids off at school because I wasn't
successful enough as a man to be able to have
my wife not need to work. Not need to work. Okay,
people can still choose to work. What we've gotten in
this country is so soft that if somebody says, hey,
I've got advice, it's a freaking commencement address where you

go and give life advice to younger people if they
have a different worldview than you, that's not an attack
on you. If you want to hire eight nannies and
you and your spouse want to work eighty hours a week,
both you can do it. I would suggest that your

kids probably statistically are not going to be as good
off ultimately as they would be if they had their
actual parents helping them. And I understand that some of
you are single parents and you really don't have the luxury.
It's not an attack on single parenthood to say kids
in general do better with two parents. Sometimes that's not true.

Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were both raised by single women.
They ended up president of the United States. But as
a general nature, people always respond to general natures by saying, well,
that's not true. No, no, your anecdote might not reflect
the larger society, but it doesn't mean the larger society
example isn't true. If I said men are generally taller

than women, would you all email and be like, well,
that's not true. I'm taller than my husband. Okay, your
husband may be shorter than normal. You might be a
super tall woman. It doesn't change the fact that men
are generally taller than women. Your anecdote doesn't repudiate the
overall larger story. You might be the outlier. I want

to play, though, give credit to WHOOPI Goldberg absolutely nailing
it there. I want to play more of the incredibly
controversial Harrison Butker Catholic College address. All right, I want
you to hear what is considered to be completely unacceptable,

so much so that the NFL has to condemn this.
What did Harrison Butker actually say? Well, I played when
he almost started crying talking about how much he loved
his wife and how impressive and important her contract abution
of their family had been. Here he is saying gender
ideology is a real issue, and he went after Joe
Biden this is his personal political opinion. Cut twenty six.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
Our own nation is led by a man who publicly
and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same
time is delusional enough to make the sign of the
cross during a pro abortion rally. From the man behind
the COVID lockdowns to the people pushing dangerous gender ideologies
onto the youth of America, they all have a glaring
thing in common. They are Catholic. This is an important

reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it. These are
the sorts of things we are told in polite society
to not bring up, you know, the difficult and unpleasant things.
But if we are going to be men and women
for this time and history, we need to stop pretending
that the Church of Nice is a winning proposition.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Boom, I Buck is Catholic. Buck's not on today because
we've got a bunch of stuff we're doing now outside
of the show, and he's traveling today. Buck might end
up with a Harrison Butker Jersey before all is said
and done, because he believes a ton of this stuff.
He's Catholic. I don't know that he's even heard these
all these clips yet. But after we played the one yesterday,
he was like, oh man, I'm fired up about this.

Listen to another one. Everybody's talking about what Harrison Bucker
said about the incredible contributions of his wife to their family.
But he also called out men who have allowed themselves
to be emasculated by modern culture. Listen to Cut twenty seven.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
To the gentleman here today. Part of what plagues our
society is this lie that has been told to you
that men are not necessary in the home or in
our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture.
And when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction, and chaos set in.
This absence of men in the home is what plays
a large role in the violence we see all around

the nation. Other countries do not have nearly the same
absentee father rates as we find here in the US,
and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower
violence rates as well. Be unapologetic in your masculinity fighting
against the cultural emasculation of men.

Speaker 1 (27:09):
Do hard things, never settle for what is easy. I
mean that's controversial. Of course it isn't. And I think
and I hope that so many young people in America
are realizing to what extent they have been lied to.

Social media is the most artificial construct that has ever
existed in most of our lives. Thirty percent of women
have thought about teenage girls have thought about killing themselves
in the last year. Thirty percent. Does that sound like
a society to you that is doing well? If you

have a teenage girl in your family, there is nearly
a one in three chance that she's thought about killing
herself in the last year. Does that seem like a
society that's telling women really constructive, healthy things. Of course
not yet. If you actually address it and try to

come up with a solution. Oh, it's controversial, Harrison. Butker
didn't say to the graduates there, hey, fail in your
careers and go get barefoot and pregnant and stay in
the kitchen. He said something that I think most people
recognize men and women. Career success is fleeting. It is,

and I say that to you on the biggest radio
show in the country, having sold my multimedia company for
one hundred million dollars. What I care about is my
three boys. What is going to be my legacy, cars, houses, success,

material things, None of them last. There's nothing wrong with
being ambitious, and pursuing success and embracing capitalism with every
fiber of your being to advance your family. I believe
in all of those things, but without a foundational goal,

it's very empty, and so I think a lot of
people out there recognize this at some point in their career.
There's a reason why on your deathbed, nobody says, boy,
you know what, I really wish I could have gotten
that vice president title in my corporation. That would have

really made me feel better here as I'm about to die.
Nobody says that you ever hear anybody say that you're
eighty five years old, you're on your deathbed, Boy, that
VP that would have made me the seventy sixth most
important person in a moderately successful corporation. Boy, I just

wish i'd really grasp that brass ring. What are your
regrets in life? Well, I was the eighty sixth most
important person at my company. If I'd really done a
lot better, I could have been the seventy fourth. I
don't think a lot of people say that we've lost
grip on what legacy and success is. And this is

why I'm so fired up, and sometimes I feel like
I'm screaming at the clouds and nobody else. I'm the
old man shaking his fist at the clouds. This is
why nobody's having babies. This is why humanity's population is collapsing.
Having kids can be hard, raising them can be hard.
It's incredibly gratifying. A lot of people don't want to
do hard things anymore. A lot of people in America

and around the world don't want to do hard things,
and as a result, humanity's collapsing. Everybody's always talking about
global warming. Oh my goodness. I don't worry at all
about the temperature of the Earth. I worry about whether
there's going to be humans on it. If you want
to talk about existential threats to society, go look at
the graphs. Once women stop having two point two children

per woman, the population in the world collapses in a hurry.
And I think the fact that hardly anyone is addressing it,
or it's considered controversial if you even mentioned gender roles,
is a bigger reason why a lot of women don't
like men and a lot of men don't like women

right now. And I think a lot of it has
to do with gender roles. You know, women get sixty
percent of all college graduate degrees. Now they can't find
men that have the same educational level as then, they're unhappy.
Men can't find women who want to have a baby.
They're unhappy. I saw a stat the other day some places,

thirty percent of thirty year old men are virgins. Thirty percent.
They made the movie The forty year Old Virgin to
mock the fact that that could have ever happened. Now
men can't even have sex anymore. Women don't like him,
men don't like The whole construct of society is collapsing.

And I feel like many people out there are narrow
with the violin in rome, watching as everything burns down,
actually concerned about things that don't go to the root
causes of our cultural collapse. But anyway, I tend to
be an optimist. But when I see this reaction to
Harrison Butker, I think it's important that people actually take
up verbal arms and actually defend him, because what he's saying,

what do you actually disagree with? Maybe there's people out
there who agree with something that he said, that's fine,
But did anything that he said actually even approach the
possibility of controversy? In my mind, the fact that this
is considered controversial. Is why so much of American society
is falling apart. We've conflated controversy and truth. Hard truths

aren't allowed to be spoken in this country anymore because
some people's feelings are going to be hurt, and as
a result, the whole country goes to hell. I don't
really care if your feelings are hurt. My goal in
life is not to avoid hurting your feelings. If that happens,
I grow up. Remember we used to say sticks and

stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
Now all we do is focus on words over actions.
I said it, Harrison Bucker would have been better off
being accused of sexual assault or getting a DUI. Then
he would be to tear up praising his wife for
being a homemaker. It's crazy. We're in an upside down world.

And I got to tell you Bucks away, he'll be
back with us tomorrow. But Buck took on a bunch
of different media projects before he and I partnered on
this program, and one of them was co hosting a
podcast years ago with an economics expert by the name
of Porter Stansbury. Porter studies our economy and world events
like few do. I think it's fair to say he
helped shape Bucks views of our nation's economy and how

it's affected by politics and world events. Porter Stansbury has
predicted almost every major economic and financial move in both
directions for the past twenty five years, exposing corruption at
the heart of major automobile companies and warning of the
collapse of major lenders. And he helped predict the two
thousand and eight financial crisis. I tell all of you
this because he just released a new documentary worth checking

out documentaries called Last Election Plot, details how a new
financial crisis could be brewing and the dangers that could
pose in America. So if you own stocks, bonds, have
cash in the bank, you'll want to watch this documentary
before it's too late. You can watch it for free
at Last Election Plot dot com. That's Last Election Plot
dot com, paid for by Porter and Company.

Speaker 3 (35:16):
Keep up with Clay and Bucks campaign coverage with twenty
four a Sunday highlight reel from the week. Find it
on the free iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1 (35:27):
Deluged by reaction, A lot of you want to weigh in.
I'll take some of your calls in the next hour
eight hundred and two A two two eight A two.
I'll catch up as well. Good to see a lot
of you coming to Harrison Butker's defense, and I still
again the NFL deciding that his comments on masculinity, femininity,
and his view of how the world would be better

if people embraced Catholic ideology who were actually Catholic while
speaking at a Catholic commencement ceremony is encouraging. I know
there's a lot of great sanity still in this audience
out there, and I would encourage you not to be
afraid to raise your voices and defend people who speak
out and then suffer the slings and arrows as a result.
As right now Harrison Pucker is. We'll talk more about that.

We're also going to invite Harrison Bucker on the program.
By the way, producer Ali going to reach out and
be able to extend and invite to him to come
and speak to you. We'll see whether or not he
wants to do that, but certainly that invitation is going
to be extended. When we come back, we'll take some
of your calls. Reminder, there's news out there about the
vice presidential debate. Also Joe Biden saying that he's not

going to release the audio from the special her, the
Robert Hurr investigation, the special counsel. We need to talk
about that as well. Tulca Gabbard will join us. She's
in the mix for the VP. We will discuss all
that with her and more here on Clay and Buck

The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show News

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