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March 14, 2019 29 mins

Ron is joined by a live band as he attempts to record a theme song for the Ron Burgundy Podcast.


Ron Burgundy: Host, Writer, Executive Producer

Carolina Barlow: Co-Host, Writer, and Producer.

Producers: Whitney Hodack, Jack O’Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick Stumpf

Executive Producer: Mike Farah

Consulting Producer: Andrew Steele

Associate Producer: Anna Hossnieh

Writer: Jake Fogelnest

Production Supervisor: Colin MacDougall

This episode was Engineered, Mixed and Edited by: Nick Stumpf

Music Clearance by Suzanne Coffman

Band Members: Griffith Goldsmith, Lee Pardini, Tam Visher, Taylor Goldsmith, and Trevor Menear 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Ron Burgundy podcast is starting when now. This is Ron
Burgundy and you are listening to the Run Burgundy podcast
available wherever podcasts are available from. As always, I'm joined
by my producer, Carolina. Carolina, how are you today? I'm okay,

I'm okay. Thanks for asking. I understand you have something
important you would like to share with us. Yeah, actually
I do. Um. As you know Carl, my boyfriend, Carl,
who's in the d g UM He's just shipped off
for a two year tour of duty and it's just
so hard saying goodbye to him this morning. Right. More
on that later, and um, I'm not just saying that.

I really want to hear more about Carl. But first off,
we are joined in studio by some very talented musicians
who are going to help us come up with a
theme song for the Ron Burgundy Pod. Carl, in a minute,
he broke We will get to your story. Trust me.
I really want to hear about it. Well, he broke

up with the actually right before boarding. Yeah, we'll hear
about it. Trust me. For those of you listening to
the podcasts, you probably noticed that we have functioned without
a proper theme song. I have just been making them
up off the top of my head, and I gotta
say some of them are pretty damn good. We've gotten
a lot of great feedback, you know. We actually we don't.

We haven't gotten any feedback, zero feedback. People haven't been
writing letters. Yeah. Well, anyway, today our objective is to
come up with the song befitting of the Ron Burgundy Podcast.
So while we're here, and we will get to Carl,
don't worry. Why don't we take this time and we're

gonna We're gonna go around the room and I'd like,
I like all all the members of this this musical
group to introduce yourselves and and tell our listeners your
name and instrument you play, and maybe some sort of
animal that I could associate with so I can remember
your name. So we'll start with this gentleman right here. Hello,

my name is Tam, and I played keys, and my
name begins with the letter T. So I'm gonna say Tiger, Tam, Tiger.
But you're you're sitting in front of a piano. Yes,
but you said you play the keys. Keys are are
on the piano, Okay, so you don't jingle house keys? No?

All right, Well, we just want to make sure everyone
knows that, because that could be confusing for the listeners.
So tam tiger and he plays the piano. He doesn't
play the keys. Yeah, let's be clear. All right, let's
start off here. I'm Trevor and I play the guitar,

and I gotta be honest with you. My favorite animal
is also the tiger. You're gonna go with the tiger too, Yeah, yes, sir, okay,
so we have so it defeats the purpose of the
animal exercise. But let's just keep going, all right. Next,
I'm Taylor. I play guitar. Um my nickname was Tiger
when I was in high school. But I swear to God, Taylor,

I will knock your teeth out if you choose tiger
identified with it for a long time. But if if
you say so, I could you gotta pick another animal? Bear?
Polar bear? Thank you. I'm about to lose my mind.
So polar bear, sure, I mean, think about it. I
don't think you can dispute this. A tiger and a

polar bear fight to the death. I put my money
on an eight hunder pound polar bear. Every time eight
hundred pounds, I'd assume a polar bear is about eight
hundred pounds, right, the weight of a Volkswagen Beagle, a
volks and Beagle Beagle. Yes, volkswag and Beagle. We'll get
back to that. You drive a vult Swagon Beagle. Um, no,

it's a beatle like a bug. I see where the
confusion happens. Oh, that's why it's called a bug, the
v W bug. I never knew that you learned something
new every day. The gentleman with the bigger guitar. Alright,
my name is Lee. Uh, this this is a bass.
I played the bass great, and I'll go with a leopard.
Leopard Okay, see Lee's thinking. Yeah, also a nickname people

have for me leopard, So I'll just go with that.
When I was a younger man, that was a nickname
from my penis leopard. Really yes, no, no, I'm just kidding. No, no, Now.
I never had a nickname, always wanted one. It has
to happen organically. Never did. Trust me. I had a

whole laundry list of nicknames. I would lay down with
a woman and say, by the way, if you take
a look at this, this list of nicknames on the clipboard,
and if you want to use it at any time
to describe my genitalia feel feel free before before making love. Yes,
that's Leopard was at the top of the list, and

I tried to hint like, okay, leopard, time to play,
time for the leopard to hunt, and most of the
women would leave. Um, all right, let's go back to drums.
My my name is Griffin. I'm playing drums, and I
think I'm gonna go with Griffin because it's well, that's

a mythical creature. Though. Can we do that, Carolina? Sure?
It's just for you think I have to? It feels
weird to me. I mean, do you mind getting another one?
Do you mind Griffin? Because I'll never remember your name
if you're Griffin the Griffin. Sure, I'll go with a beagle.
Oh like the votes wag and beagle? Great? Thank you?

So it is a beagle. I knew it was a
Volkswagen Beagle. We just wanted to get the names down.
I've really lost our all right, Griffin's my man back
there on the skins. You're calling the skins, right, I
like to call him the Cans. The cans play the
Cans the skins. But you know you don't play the keys,
do you? And I'm not talking about piano. I'm talking
about keys on a key chain. It depends what you

so sometimes you play a set of house keys or
car keys kind of thing. I don't know. You're to
speaking Greek to me now, Griffin a k beagle. Anyway,
this is going to be great. And here's what I
am so excited about. We of course producing today. We
have the great the town had a dear friend of mine,

Mr Phil Spector, and he is in the booth today.
Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. What happened? He
couldn't make it. He's in prison. Is what is he
doing in prison? Is he visiting someone? No? He went
from murder. Oh he he murdered someone. Yeah, it was
filled my film. When did this happen? A really long time? Go?

How did I lose track? I mean, I don't know.
It was all over the news. It was a huge scandal.
He did stop returning the letters I wrote to him. Yeah,
that address, I don't think. Yeah, he lives in prison. Now,
just got who's sitting back there that looks exactly like
Phil Specter. It's actually the guy that we've been working with. Nick.
He did all of our other episodes with us, sure,

I know Nick, it's just Nick. Okay. Maybe it's the
reflection of the light. For some reason, Nick today looks
like Phil Spector. I don't that's not nice. Wow, Phil Specter.
If you're listening to this podcast, we're breaking news. Phil
Specter is currently in prison. Yeah, it's not this just doubt.

Well I've got to go buy and visit and bring
him a bunt cake. He loves bunt cakes. Oh, Phil
Plea should see a look on his face when he
bites into a delicious ron burgundy bunt cake. I know
how to make a great bunt cake. That it's another
episode we're doing. I can't wait. That's gonna be a

fun one. Now. I really have to thank you guys.
You guys have done me an absolute solid by coming
here today. I know your schedules are busy and you're
well paid musicians and you don't need this bullshit, but
you're here and I really appreciate. And you have come
up with all the musical compositions for each one of
these potential theme songs, and I have meticulously crafted the lyrics,

and per usual, Carolina has done nothing. Are you kidding me?
I got the band. You have no idea. How much
I do I drive over to your condo every day
to personally wake you up because you don't know how
to work the alarm clock. Okay, you don't even know
how to turn on the stove or change batteries in
your TV rement. Okay, I was kidding. Geez, now I

know why Carl left. What did you just say? Nothing? Nothing? Okay, yeah, okay,

let's dive into our first song. What do you say? Guys,
we'll dive into our first song. Let me, I'm gonna
you're pass us out here, Okay, whenever you're ready, take
it away. R Burg and d run Berg and D

talking and say anything hands run bergend run Back and Deep.
He's not playing any games. Making sure you get the
facts and listen to song. Gats he will find hot

to the We know he's the best. Take Back the Night,
take Back to Night, take Back to Night, take Back
to Night, run any podcast. Wow, guys, that felt really good.

I mean, first one, right out of the gate. I
like that. I like that. Um if Caroline of thoughts,
there's the take back the Night part? You see that
like four times? Do I? Okay, I was just in
the flow and I didn't realize it's a really masculine song.
Yes that's what you're going for. Okay, great, yeah, very

pickup truck good. Yeah, okay it's yeah hard driving, yeah,
not messing around. Yeah, you know what I mean, really tough,
especially with the take Back the Night. What does that
part mean? It's just a little thematic choice. Take back
the Night. I think it just says, hey, we're not

messing around. Okay, do we take it out and maybe
just shorten the song a little bit. I was thinking
the exact opposite. We might want to add eight more
bars of take Back the Night. You know what, we'll
revisit it. Okay, well we got that one in the can.
That one felt good. Let's move on with our second selection. Here,
a little more of a jazz feel to it, fellas,

take it away whenever you're ready, butter Scotch and brandy,
no time, I'm like to night. We're gonna get down
with it. This in bolts. We can't fine take my

hand while I kiss your lips. They ain't no mystery.
Who's that man jogging in my ease? He's run bugndy

want two three four, take Back the Night, Jake back
the night's having him abe that value that value jake
back Okay, okay, we're doing that. Was that was take
back the night. That was the lyric from the last
time that we talked about, right, that was we were
having trouble with because it didn't make any sense. Oh

did we say it? Three? Okay? I was just flowing,
didn't you know what? That's fine because I wasn't feeling
I don't. I don't feel like we have enough improvised
spoken words. So yeah, let's take that base for a walk, right,
get a little more of that tiny little Dutch boy

walking through the town. He's got no family left. He
wants to be a clown. Chip Chap says the Falcon
as he drives his motor car. Oh no, it's gonna

rain down a foggy London town, I said, foggy London town. Yeah,
that's gonna mix in realize. I don't know, but we
can try it. Well, we've got fill here. He's a
magic manuse but he's going to help from prison. I

don't feel comfortable making contact, all right, Well, those are
two those are two options. I feel like that was
like very much like the Romantic song. Those are two options.
It's let's dive into this. This one's this one's a
little more of a pop mix to it. Uh, something
that the kids will I think, really dig you say

dig right, Carolina? Like or love or no one says
dick like really literally no, no one on planet Earth.
I didn't say that. Yeah, so people say it, okay,
all right? Yeah, ou waited by the phone on a

Saturnday night. Move along, there's nothing to see it fun
by now, i'd find true love. But in life, let's
face it, nothing for free out my back? Oh who's
going knock up on my door at night? I'm telling

you my heart is room diving through the boring rain.
I got a feeling and this time I'm shore wrong
Bag and Depo podcast it's fun? But how Bag in podcast?

HiT's him and now m Bag in the podcast it's hot.
Oh yeah. Oh, by the way, one other thing, take
back the night. Damn it, I did it again, didn't I?
I caught myself that time. Jeez, it's a good lyric.

I just don't see how it fits. Yeah, you know what,
this time I'm with you, it was just jackass. I
think you know what. It's in the muscle memory and
it's just hard to shake it. And I it's in
the muscle memory. It's in my muscle memory, the memories
of my muscles. Each muscle has a memory. It's it's

it's art, it's charted, you're doing studies on it. And
but anyway, you get it into your muscle memory, and
it's like like your your regular brain forgets things, but
your muscles do not got it. Like if I watch
Cramer Versus Cramer, my right by biceps just twitches endlessly

because I remember it remembers the movie, how much it
loved the movie. If I even right now, look at
my right bicep going crazy because I'm just thinking about
Cramer Versus Cramer, fellas you like Cramer Versus Cramer. I
haven't seen it. I don't even know what. I haven't
seen it, never saw Check it out if you've got
a free Sunday. It's just a movie about divorce, and

leave the whole day open because once you watch it once,
you're gonna watch it a second time. Well, so far
three for three in my book. You know, sure, we'll
have to choose one of these. We'll have to choose.
It's gonna be a tough decision. This is gonna be
a brain twister, right, we'll probably which sounds gonna be
a lot of muscle memory used in this one. Did

you just learn about that muscle memory? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yep. Sure. Alright, guys,
here's one. I wrote original composition. I also wrote the
music for it, Caroline. If you could pass out the
sheet music, that would be great. This is a This
is an original, and I feel really good about what

I wrote. Here some some powerful lyrics that came from
the heart. Um, I've worked on this song for over
a year and uh yeah, so it's it's good to
finally record it, even if we don't use it for
the podcast. Do you think this might be the one?
This could be the one? So that's exciting. Okay, You're

on the phone with your girlfriend. She's upset. She's going
off about something that you said. She doesn't get your
humor like I do. I'm in the room. It's a
typical Tuesday night. I'm listening to the kind of music

she doesn't like. But she'll never know your story like
I do. But she wears short skirts, I wear T shirt.
She's a cheer captain and I'm on in the bleachers.
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find
that what you're looking for has been here the whole time.

If you can see that one, the one who understands
you've been here all along, So why can't you see
he he you belong with me? He de young. It's

actually it was on the radio. I think it came
out in twos. This is a Taylor Swift song. How
did you you worked on this? I wrote, No, I
wrote the music and the lyrics. I think maybe what
happened is that you might have heard it somewhere. Maybe
these are exactly the Taylor word for word. Yeah. Well,
here's the thing. Is it beyond the realm of possibility

that two people on planet Earth could not literally right
the same song word for word note for note. I
feel like probably not. I don't know. I mean, I
believe you. I believe that you believe that you wrote
the song. Maybe you heard it and forgot you heard it.
I don't even I don't even think that you believe

that you wrote it. That's just a straight rip off. Okay, Okay, listen, Griffin,
this is an open forum. Fine, but relax, Okay, I'll
have your car toad. Carolina will ren a toe truck
and tow it. That's not necessary. I think that we
should just maybe all right, so we don't do it.

So it happened to be a Taylor Swift song. I
had no idea. My apologies. OK, fair enough, listen to this. There. Done,
that's really traumatic. Okay, done? And you know what I'm
gonna do. I'm gonna eat it and I'm gonna poop
it out and mail it to you know who? This

supposed Taylor Swift nuts her name. I don't know. Maybe
it got stuck in my muscle memory somewhere and I just,
you know, let's forget it alright, move on, yeah, brush
it off. Well, this is our last entry. And you
said this was your more emotional. This is more, but
this is a tender song. OK yeah, I'm excited. Okay. Three.

This is dedicated to my dear Aunt Louise, my favorite aunt,
miss your rest in peace. Aunt Louise's get dasty and
touch your body, get nasty and tell you fray hand,

get nasty, but don't tell you mama. Romburg in d
is one Batman Who Hi Romberg in the podcast who

ha ha Rombug in the podcast Hi, Hey Mama, who Hi,

go tell you Papa. Getting so hot in here, but
there ain't never to fear. I'm getting so hot in here,

but there ain't never to fear. Oh, take back the night,
take back the night, Take back the night hunt. We're
gonna take out the night hunt? All right? That time

it worked? That time it actually right? Yeah, that was perfect. See, okay,
so we finally found the correct use. Well yeah, no,
I maybe that I may. I was just trying in
all the songs and just trying to find the right fit.
And this is for your aunt that just passed away. Yes,
it's it's a moving song. It seems a little I know.

I'm sorry to end on such a low note. Guys,
she was accidentally locked in a sa at the gym?
Is that is that why the lyric is getting so hot?
Getting exactly? And then did you explain, don't tell your mama?
Did you keep it from her sister? Well, her sister,

my mother, Yes, didn't know? Wow it does she know? Now?
She will? She will know after listening to this song.
So this is your way of telling her. Yes, right,
maybe we should change a little bit of grief, you know,
manifest itself in very mysterious ways. Well, you start off
the song by saying getting nasty, which might just confuse

and might confuse her. Um, And well, no, I think
she'll understand because that was her personalized license plate. Aunt
Louise got it nasty, So it's associative, yes, exactly. Anyway, gentlemen,
cannot thank you enough wonderful work. Um, don't worry. You're

you're parking will be validated. I know it wasn't the
last time you were here. In fact, you had to
pay triple I believe, but we were on it this time.
You said you wanted a prophet. You need to relax,
all right, yes, uh, well, I think this is a
very successful session and I can't thank all of you

enough wonderful work. And that's some fact check. Please leave,
can you guys leave? Actually, we have to do the
rest of the podcast. Thank you, thanks for having us.
Ok bye, okay, bye, thank you. Hurry up, Carolina, help
help them pack them stuff up and unplug the equipment. Okay,

I'll lift the drum, you do the rest, so Carl actually,
Um then told me that he's not ready for our relationship, um,

while he's overseas, And at first I was chocked, and
then I was confused, and is that it? I mean
there's more, but but that's pretty much a that's a
good overview. I mean I realized things about me and
my dad. Yeah, you know, relationships so tough. That's all
I can tell you. You know, you win some, you

lose some, and most of them you lose. All right,
thank you for sharing. Um, So let's do our fact check, Carolina.
How do we do today? I'm not so great? And
we have the Volkswagen Beetle. It's not a beagle check,
but we discuss that Griffin thinks it's a beagle. Oh,

I don't know about that. Um. And then we actually
we just should go over me and you maybe at
a separate time. What muscle memory is. I feel like, oh,
I'd be happy to go more in depth, do a
deeper dive. Yeah that sounds great. Let's do a deeper
dive on muscle memory. Maybe. Yeah, let's make a note
of that. Otherwise, what I learned today is that music

really is an insight into your soul. Wow. Yeah, you know,
there's all types of music, wonderful forms and musicians. I
gotta hand it to them. They put there, you know what,
on the line every day. Yeah, absolutely amazing, amazing, really gripping. Okay,

we're there saying that our studio spaces. We have to
leave now, okay, we will. We're just finishing up. You
don't have to make a gesture like that at me.
You know why, because I can do it right back
at you. There. How does that feel? Okay, it's time

to go. Thank you for everyone listening to the Take
Back the Night ron Burgundy Podcast. This is Ron Burgundy,
Carolina saying goodbye. Stay tuned for scenes from the next
episode of the Ron Burgundy Podcast on the next Ron
Burgundy Podcast. Now, I don't I don't want to say

anything partisan, but I for one am starting to take
an anti bullying stance. But when you're least expecting at Carolina,
I'm going to give you a swirly I please don't
old Time's sake, and it's not bullying. Just so you know,
it's a fun joke. I'm not doing it because I'm
a bully. I'm just like Caroline is going to get
a kick out of this sweirly time. Hello. My name

is Gondal and dais Carava Gwinn. Thank you for joining us,
and I want to put this elegantly because I'm a journalist. Um,
when you think of the schoolyard or your friends, who's
who's the biggest act tole you know? You're in my
belly and now I'm about to poop you out. We're laughing.

We are enjoying each other's company. Okay, Gwen, Ron, we
can get through this trying to examine bullying not look perpetuated.
We've got this. Hey, Gwen, Carolina totally screwed up. Huh
because she's dumb. She's not dumb. My point is, bullying

is not cool. The Ron Burgundy Podcast is a production
of I Heart Radio podcast Network and Funnier Die. I'm
Ron Burgundy. I'm the host, writer and executive producer. Carolina
Barlow is my co host, writer and producer. The show
was also produced by Whitney Hodeck, Jack O'Brien, Miles Gray,

and Nick Stump. Our executive producer is Mike farre Our
consulting producer is Andrew Steeve. Our associate producer is Anna Hosnier.
Our writer is Jake Focalist. Our production supervisor is Colin McDougall.
This episode was engineered, mixed, and edited by Nick stump.
See you next Thursday on The Ron Burgundy podcast.
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