All Episodes

May 15, 2024 26 mins

During today's show, we talked about using military time, Jason is officiating a wedding, and it's Game Show Wednesday!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, where did this rampage or that this is not
even rampage, but this rage come from Kiki or Kayln over,
I don't know why I'm so tired today, like my
brain's not working. Kaylen and Kiki, they couldn't look any different, actually,
But where did this rage about military time come from?

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Okay, I'm just sick of it. I'm sick of it.
There's no reason.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
You're sick of military time.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
Sick of it And this is a I want to
say this, it's excluding anyone who's served our country. Y'all
can do whatever you want whenever you want. I'll always
give it up to you, like we say in our constitution.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
Oh, however, that just open the doors. Yeah, I'll always
give it up to you. No.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
But people, if you have no reason to have your
phone in military time, why do you you just want attention?

Speaker 3 (00:48):
It's like a conversation.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
Start. If I see that your phone's in military time
and you have no relation to the military, everything.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
I need to know about you is right there. You're
annoying as hell.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
Wow, But what does who cares? Like? If that's how
people tell time, they use that in Europe often. Yeah, okay,
but maybe I don't know fact right.

Speaker 3 (01:08):
Like what is the reason?

Speaker 2 (01:09):
And then even worse, I have people in my life
who will like meet me there at seventeen forty five
as soon as I figure out what's saying.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Okay, now wait a minute, now that is now hold.

Speaker 3 (01:18):
On, I don't want to do it.

Speaker 1 (01:21):
Now, hold on. We use normal time, you now. Now,
If you want to use military time, that's fine, but
that would be like me telling you how many meters
you know, like, no, right, shut up, No, we use
feet like that's that. I don't need to try. No,
I agree with that. If you if you and your
brain need to operate a military time, that's fine. But
when we're talking, when you're talking to me, tell me

the time that everybody else uses, you know, in normal
you know, nomenclature or whatever, like I know, I'm not
interested in doing a.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
Trucratch, but we all learn time the same way. Why
is your phone in military time? You just want someone
to look at it and point it out and go ooh,
it's weird.

Speaker 3 (02:00):
I'm sick of it.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
That's five o'clock. But yeah, yeah, a PM, cause you're wondering. Thanks,
I mean they use it in aviation, Okay, grants, meantime
Zulu timeline aviation. Well, so you say, I mean, I
don't know. I've seen you try a fly an airplane before.
I mean, I agree with you, though, but I also
don't know why you're so upset about it. Like it
doesn't bother me that much. I would think it was

weird though. If somebody was like, yeah, let's have dinner tonight.
I'll see you at seventeen hundred or I'll see you
at eighteen hundred, I'd be like, huh right, Like yeah,
are we rendezvousing at the target area? Like is this
a time on target?

Speaker 4 (02:33):

Speaker 1 (02:34):
What are we doing here?

Speaker 2 (02:34):
It's just for me, it's just unnecessary. Like what was
the reason nurses use military time? Apparently that's at work.
I thank you to our nurses, but I don't understand
why you're telling me meet me at seventeen forty five.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
My brother uses military time as an airline captain. Yes, no,
I know that. I got that came. So it's okay.
It's only for intellectual people.

Speaker 3 (02:54):
Well, I'm not intellectual.

Speaker 1 (02:56):
Apparently military time in healthcare. Right, this is an overwhelming response.
I didn't know that. I guess that's because if you
said your shift starts at seven. That could mean seven
am or seven pm. So by saying that nineteen hundred,
then that implies or very clearly states that I mean

the nighttime and not the daytime.

Speaker 2 (03:18):
All the healthcare workers that are in my life, my
best friend Hillary shout out to her, she's a nurse,
does not do this, So I don't understand, like we
all learn the same time.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
Damn, well, there you go. It's the overwhelming text response
is that the reason that people many people use military
time is because they're in the healthcare industry.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
Okay, so then healthcare excluded.

Speaker 2 (03:37):
I'll how about that at aviation and at actual military correct, Well,
they yeah, they can do what.

Speaker 1 (03:42):
We give it up to all three of those categories.

Speaker 2 (03:43):
Yes, a healthcare worker, Yes, I'll give it up to you.

Speaker 5 (03:48):
That's why I learned.

Speaker 6 (03:49):
Yeah, really, that's.

Speaker 1 (03:53):
The military time too, because it expires at certain times,
like food will expire, and there's a certain that tells you, oh,
it's expired at seventeen fifteen.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Teach me that in school then, and we can all
get on the same page.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
What's really confusing though, in aviation is again they use
Greenwich mean time, so you have to take local time,
and then you have to convert that to military and
then you have to like, depending on where you are,
ad add more time and then that's the time. And
then where it gets really confusing. It's like on a
weather forecast, if the time, like if whatever time it

is actually falls tomorrow, right, Like, so let's say my
departure is at ten pm, so twenty two plus five,
which would be three Zulu time tomorrow. What's the scientology thing?
But then that's that's tomorrow. So then like it'll show

the date. But then the way that the formula works
is like it'll say the date, but it's tomorrow. So
I'm like, but it's actually not, but it's so then
I have to think about it. It's very confusing.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
That's too intellectual for my tiny woman brain.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
On the same page, well, a lot of people are
say logistics, my daughter studied abroad in Austria, they use
military time law enforcement KIKI not KFC.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
I want in Brazil, like.

Speaker 5 (05:17):
That's where I learned military time. Yes, you would have
to write it on a little time stap. The biscuits
are expired.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
And make sure you get out of it. Let me
tell you at fifteen thirty. I still eat those biscuits.
I have no issue with that. Hey Nikki, good morning.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
Hi, how's it going.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Hey, good moye. You have had it. Kaitlin is out
of pocket on this one.

Speaker 7 (05:36):

Speaker 1 (05:37):
Yeah, she has a real problem military time.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
Give it to me, girl, I mean I did before,
but then I got married to a veteran.

Speaker 5 (05:46):
So, like, how do we feel about military spouses using I.

Speaker 3 (05:50):
Feel amazing about it. You are like doing God's work.
Go for it.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
Yeah, you're giving your body for a veteran every day,
and we appreciate that. It's part of our constitution.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
I mean, thank you, guys. I appreciate you all so much. No,
we appreciate you.

Speaker 1 (06:05):
So your husband is like, hey, let's get Randy around
twenty two hundred. Absolutely yeah, yeah, well okay, I hope
he says it just like that, Let's get Randy around
twenty two to fifteen. Randy just like that said, okay, good, all.

Speaker 3 (06:20):
Right, Well, so you're good, Nikki.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
Nikki. If you told me that we're getting Randy at
twenty two to fifteen, I'll figure out that that's ten fifteen.
I'll be there. You had nothing to worry about. I'll
do I get a calculator out, I get my apocus.
I don't you some dial I don't know. I'll figure
if you tell me that, I'll be there. Thank you, Nikki,
have a good day. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (06:38):

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Sometimes, if you knew the boyfriend is like, hey, it's
going down tonight twenty three forty, you're gonna be like
eleven forty it is. I'll be right there. No, I'm
going to just lock the dog up, like is that
in their dress? Where? Forty at? Wow? This is like
the most number of texts scene at this or early hour,

at this early hour of six twenty. Yeah, you don't,
depending on where you are, of course.

Speaker 7 (07:12):
Tell them yeah, they talk better than the excited. These
are the radio blogs on The Fred Show.

Speaker 1 (07:19):
Psycho Writing and our diaries, except we said him aloud.
We called him blogs Jason Brown. You ready, Yes, I
take it away, Thank you, dear blog.

Speaker 6 (07:26):
So on Mother's Day this past weekend, I got a
big surprise. So we went to brunch with my parents
and then Mike and his parents and his nephew and
his fiance. So his nephew started telling this really awesome
story about how he and his fiance met. And it's
actually because I asked him to go to like a

concert with us last minute, which I didn't know this story.
But at the concert, he ended up leaving Mike and
I and going to meet up with friends, and that's
when he actually met his fiancee. So I was like, oh, like,
that's a your cool strat, Like I had no idea.
And then they asked me to officiate their weddings.

Speaker 5 (08:03):
Wow, I don't want to get to do that.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
Yeah, to be like Frank, I am like, yeah, you
were my idol. Get your own Why are you dine
in your hair graying? Get your own brand, bro, I
have a beard, Like, no idea you could do that.
So you guys walking around skinny jeans trying to making
stuff look bigger, I mean, come on, man, well yeah,
the skinny jeans won't help that. So basically, because you

and Mike were such a bad time, he left and
because of that he met his now fiancees. That is amazing.
And by the way, you're gonna do a great show.

Speaker 6 (08:35):
My god, I'm so nervous. So, like I started looking
up like how I get ordained. It's a very difficult process.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
And yeah, for thirty nine ninety five, about three minutes
Universal Church. That's exactly right. Call me reverend, very very
laborious process. If you get tired, let me know. I'll
help you. All right, Well, did they give you like
a screw like a sort of like a running down.
If you get the des package, they'll send you a
little book, okay for like making it simple. But if
you go on line, there are a million examples of stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (09:03):
And I want to like sit down with like either
each of their families or like each of them and
like really work some like personal stuff into it, you know.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
And so I want to do a good job. I've
done on the passes I've like for my sister and
some other ones i've because I don't really want to
do this, but for some reason I get nominated for
this kind of crap because well he talks on the radio.
So like what they Saidy're like you're talking for damn.
Like it's not the trust me. It is not the same.
But like I did, maybe i'll find it. If I
can find I'll send it to you like a little questionnaire.

Oh and then you give it to each of them,
oh separately, and then they tell them they can't see
each other's answers okay, and then you can use that
to make it very personal. Oh yeah, and then at
the end you can give them oh each other each
other's yeah, Okay, yeah, I'm going to do that. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (09:46):
It's a lot of pressure and they have, like her
side has like a huge family. So I'm very much like, Okay,
they don't know me, like I have to, like, you know,
really impress them. So yeah, I'm not nervous when it's
a wedding June of twenty twenty five, Okay, so.

Speaker 1 (09:59):
I definitely I have time to figure but yeah, so
I'm excited. Are you gonna get like the full cassock
and the you know, are you gonna looks like a priest? Well,
I'm asking you you like I'm you're going to take
the opportunity to like really you know, garb ite out?

Speaker 6 (10:12):
Yeah, I mean I should. When I was in Catholic school,
I dressed up like a priest.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
One time I made my.

Speaker 6 (10:16):
Grandma cry because I think she wanted me to be
a priest. But that didn't work on I want to
trying to.

Speaker 1 (10:21):
Be everybody knows. Everybody knows that. As a kid, I
go to my nana's house and she wanted me to
be a priest, so we'd played priest, and the only
part of that I liked was the part where I
took a collection and kept it. I missed that part,
I guess yes, and she missed it too, because I
became something very different than than that, the form of

religious figures she was hoping for the same. Brother, Yeah,
all right, brother, all right, Well we'll be back in
just a minute at approximately seven or depending where you're
listening at the eight one hundred Military Times with a
new waiting by the phone.

Speaker 7 (10:58):
More Bread Show next, it's the Bread Show. Do you
have what it takes to battle? Show Biz? Shelley in
the show Biz Showdown, show Me.

Speaker 1 (11:14):
Show bs. Shelley's here, Good morning, Hello, how are you
feeling pretty good?

Speaker 2 (11:20):
Military Mikey's is Military Times so funny and can well, yeah,
but I need like a pen and paper to figure
out what he's talking about.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
You gotta do a little math time, You gotta do
a little math. Yeah. But Military mic Is is fully entitled.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Yeah, and often uses it with his friend Yeah, I'll
meet you at seventeen hundred.

Speaker 3 (11:38):
I'm like, what, I don't know what time?

Speaker 1 (11:41):
Track twelve, but just some trick two.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
We don't Wantah, yeah, well I do. That's what I
figured out right like two.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
But then you ask yeah, yes, yeah, okay, well, Caitlin,
you know military Mike gets an examption with Kaelin. But
if you're a civilian, if you're just an average civilian
and using military time, you're out with Kailin. That's the
way it goes, unless you're also there are exceptions. Nurses
and KFC workers apparently that's right, are also excluded from that. Hey, Diane,

good morning, Hi Diane. Hey, let's play the game. He
tied yesterday, so you may have earned yourself an extra
fifty bucks. Three hundred dollars the prize today Shelley's record
eight hundred and eighty three wins, only fifty eight losses,
and prior to this three straight wins for shells. You guys, ready,
all right, ready, ready, all right, good, with all due respects,
get the hell out, Shelley to the sound boo poof,

she goes here we go, Diane. Question number one, the
disc track Not Like Us hit number one of the
Billboard charts, which has some saying the recent raft beep
is over? Is that a drake or Kendrick Lamar song
and Stoop Dogg and Michael Boublay were named coaches for
season twenty six of this reality competition show.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
Three Take a Guess two of.

Speaker 1 (12:56):
Steve Carell says, even though he'll Steve Carell says, even
though he'll be watching, you won't see him. In the
spinoff for this iconic TV show, Tom Brady will be
making his debut as an announcer on This Network when
the Cowboys take on the Browns in week one of
the upcoming NFL season Named the Network and Bradley Cooper

took his daughter Leah to his IF movie premiere. Which
model is Bradley currently dating? That is a THREEE? That's
a three? Shelley coming back from the booth proof see
how this goes? Did she Jason? I'll tell you? Jay
looks so confused after question for a three? Is the

score to be okay? All right? So let's see how
this goes. The disc track not like us hit number
one on the Billboard charts, which has some saying the
recent rapt beef is over? Is that a Drake or
Kendrick Lamar song? Kendrick Lamar, that's correct Snoop Dogg Michael
Bublay were named coaches for season twenty six of this
reality competition show The Voice. Yes, Steve Carell says, even

though he'll be watching, you won't see him in the
spinoff for this iconic TV show, The Office. Yeah. Tom
Brady will be making his debut as an announcer on
this network when the Cowboys take on the Browns in
week one of the NFL season named the Network Fox. Yeah,
and Bradley Cooper took his daughter Leah to his IF
movie premiere. Which model is Bradley currently dating? Let's go

It's correct. That's a five. That's a win. Diane, you're
an excellent player. But you are going to have to say,
my name is Diane. I got showed up on the showdown.
You know the rest My name is Diana, and I
got showed up, showed up on the showdown. And and
I can't I mean, yeah, that's a that's an interpretation

of it. You can't hang with rel Jason doesn't know
where the Brows played.

Speaker 7 (15:06):

Speaker 1 (15:09):
Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Browns. Diane, hang out one second,
thanks for playing, have a great day you too, bye?
Good stay right there. Show biz. Uh there we go.
So we're on to three fifty tomorrow. That's win number
eight eighty four and uh and we'll play again around
this time. What do you think? Oh, well, yeah, let's
do it. Should we do it all regular military time?

Speaker 3 (15:30):
Which one fifteen or no?

Speaker 1 (15:32):
No, no, no, they wouldn't It would be yeah seven
four five eight four five, depending where you're listening. Yeah,
all right, good, have a good day.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
Okay you do?

Speaker 7 (15:42):

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Bye, okay, thank you bye. By show Michelle. The French
Show is on. Feels Good. We share good news, happy
stories every day on the show. What'd you find?

Speaker 2 (15:52):
Kaylin So Jennifer Fluellen Sun Deton spent years praying for
his mama, who woke up from a five year coma
in August of twenty two two, and this Mother's Day,
which was her first at home with her kids since
waking up, he only wanted one thing, to have her
come to his church, and, much to his mom's surprise,
and Dayton, who turned twenty last month, went to the
front of the congregation and read a poem that he

wrote about his mom, who has been fighting her way
back to regain the life that she lost. I was
in the back crying, said Peggy. He's the one with
the biggest heart. The family unfortunately was ripped apart in
twenty seventeen when she was involved in a car accident.
She then woke up in twenty twenty two, like I said,
and since then she has been fighting her way back,

hitting little milestones like going to her son's high school
football game.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
But now she is finally home, and she was able.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
To fulfill her son's wish go to his church and
hear his beautiful palm that he was Wow.

Speaker 1 (16:48):
I've never heard of this a micro premie. I've heard
of a premie, but a micro premie. It's just from
New Lennox, Illinois. A baby girl who weighed just over
one pound when she was born prematurely in November has
beaten all of the odds. Had gone home with her
parents after spending her first six months at a suburban
Chicago hospital. Nyla Brooke Haywood was treated to a send

off party on Monday at the Silver Cross Hospital in
New Lenox, attended by family, friends and hospital staffers, before
the six month old was taken home by her first
time parents, uh Nikiya and Corey of a Juliet Illinois
so fairly a pound and now she's going home. Wow,
isn't that cool? Home is? Yeah, that's nice. I've bet

all these baby stories. I have a whole new meeting
for you now, one hundred percent.

Speaker 7 (17:33):

Speaker 4 (17:33):
I remember when we were doing our event at Lurie's
and you were talking about your you're being a premie
right or born early because.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
I was a feeble yall and feeble small and feeble
bawling at that. And I've heard that story one hundred times. Yeah,
I'm glad I can still make you emotional with the
same ten story, the same ten story, and then you
guys look and give me a courtesy laugh on the
same ten stories. I make you cry and make you laugh.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
Hey, it's got you here.

Speaker 1 (17:52):
I've made a whole career twenty some years s telling
the same damn stories. But up, yeah, yeah, I will
never going to change a thing, don't you worry. Game
Show Winds Day definitely gonna beat Paulina is next Kky
Karaoke the entertainmer of for it. Today's fun fact. I've
been really very thoughtful about these fun facts lately, because
last week it was oh they always sixual. This one

is about drinking. It's about drinking, so that's different. Last
week was for theos. Now it's for the alcoholics. Worry
about this.

Speaker 7 (18:27):
More fread show. Next, it's the fread show. Do you
have what it takes to battleship?

Speaker 4 (18:35):
You're definitely gonna be Paulina's battle, not today her game.

Speaker 1 (18:44):
Sing your song. Let's go right down, Mama, Paulina.

Speaker 4 (18:48):
What I'm ah mother?

Speaker 3 (18:51):
You heard right?

Speaker 4 (18:52):
I got a baby that I gotta feed tonight. And
I know the young ace who said it though, Mama
Nita house and she needed get baby shoes too. Hey, hey, bay,
that's the great ace hood once said, Mama need a house,
baby needs some shoes.

Speaker 1 (19:11):
There you go.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
I'm a hustle hard.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
It's a great ace hood. Yeah, you cautel like Shakespeare.
Crystals here, Good morning, Crystal. How you doing? Hi?

Speaker 3 (19:20):
Am good?

Speaker 1 (19:21):
How are you guys? Chris so welcome, thanks for listening.
Tell us all about you.

Speaker 2 (19:26):
I have a seven month old at home.

Speaker 3 (19:30):
Oh wow, so congratulations Pauline.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
My motherhood is amazing.

Speaker 4 (19:34):
I comment, thank you, congrats you thank you.

Speaker 1 (19:39):
And I'm a nurse and yeah today, yeah that's right,
you know about military time. Calin's very offended. By military time.
Have the whole thing about it earlier. But you know
it well, don't you? Oh?

Speaker 5 (19:52):
Yeah, I do.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
Let's plin a game. These are general knowledge questions against
our beautiful, mighty pust Paulina. We never really know what
she's going to say. Sometimes she just crushes it. Sometimes
it's just honestly, where do these things come from? Yeah,
but her record is seventy three wins and seventy six losses,
and she isn't a one game win streak. Part of
leaving to have a baby, Gabriella. So let's go. You ready, Yes,
good luck? Okay, all right, with all due respects. Yeah, Paulina,

Adios me amiga mi heermanas. Okay, here we go, Crystal.
Question number one. Which Cereal is known for putting athletes
on its packaging and using the slogan the Breakfast of Champions.

Speaker 5 (20:33):
Oh gosh, I.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
Should know this.

Speaker 3 (20:35):

Speaker 1 (20:39):
What is Thomas Edison credited with inventing the light bulb?
Where is the first Starbucks located? Which president is associated
with the Watergate scandal?

Speaker 7 (20:53):
Oh gosh?

Speaker 1 (20:54):
What? Three?

Speaker 2 (20:57):

Speaker 1 (20:59):
And which long running TV show is based in the
fictional town of Springfield. That's a three. That's a three.
Here comes a three. A three is the scoring to
be Now got a win here, you think? So I
goes to Paulina. We all know that she's got one too,

So let's see what happens. Yes, three is a tie
and a win. Which Cereal is known for putting athletes
on its packaging and using the slogan the Breakfast of Champions.
That is a brand of cereal, like thirty different kinds
of Cereals? Whies? Yeah, that would be like what's the

number one morning show iHeartRadio? Hey? Now sort of? What
is Thomas Edison credited with inventing?

Speaker 3 (21:54):

Speaker 1 (21:54):
Is light.

Speaker 3 (21:57):

Speaker 1 (21:59):
No, well, we don't know that. I mean that the
light bulb or electric power generation. He didn't invite light.
That's okay? Show before? Why not? Where is the first
Starbucks located?

Speaker 3 (22:11):
Oh that's Seattle.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
Yes, that's right, Strong, Here we go. Which president is
associated with the Watergate scandal? Don't look a water gate?

Speaker 3 (22:21):
Where have you guys been?

Speaker 1 (22:23):
You know water Gate? No, that's a different water water
Gate anyway? Richard Nixon? And which you have to get this,
which long running TV show is based in the fictional
town of Springfield. Oh, the Citizens, that's a three, that's

a that's a tie, and that's a twol you got
you're right. No, no, we're not giving her electricity. We're not.

Speaker 5 (22:52):
I thought we were.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
I thought we were. Yeah we were, Yeah, yeah we ga.
We gave her two three and five electric geminisci. Yeah.
Let's so you win, that, said Christ, I don't know.
We'll give you some can we give her something? Yes,
we'll give you something, however, because no one really loses
in this game, but it is a win in the
win column. So seventy four, seventy six and a two
game win streak for Paulina. Very nice job, Christ, We

love you, good job.

Speaker 3 (23:18):
Thank you guys so much, appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (23:20):
Hang on one second. Thanks for being a nurse. Thanks
for being a part of the thirteen. Okay, so game
Show Wednesday continues next, so we move right along to
Kiki Karaoke now. Today's theme in honor of Kaylen's rants
against military time and people who use it, who she
feels don't need to for attention seeking purposes, Today's theme

in Kiki Karaoke is time. Okay, time songs about time? Okay, okay, Yeah,
I really can't wait. If you'd like to play the
easiest game ever. All you have to do is tell
us whether you think Kiki will get the lyrics to
these songs right or wrong? Eight five, five, five, nine,
one one o three. I'm called now will play. Next.
The Entertainer Report trending story is fun facts all coming

up in the next thirty minutes, so you don't have
to go anywhere. The Fresh Show is on again The
Friend's fun Fact.

Speaker 3 (24:11):
Fred fun.

Speaker 1 (24:19):
So much?

Speaker 5 (24:20):

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Did you know that the ancient Romans used to drop
a piece of toast into their wine for good health?
Hence why we raise a toast?

Speaker 7 (24:33):

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Girl? You learned all kinds of things today? You know
who told me that Gwyneth Paltrow was Dakota?

Speaker 5 (24:39):
Now because I'm looking for her. I am looking for
miss Dakota.

Speaker 1 (24:42):
Dakota would she was off with Chris, they were off
doing something, They left her behind.

Speaker 5 (24:46):
Get the straight.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
The ancient Romans used to drop a piece of toast
in their wine for good health, hence why we raise
a toast. That's a good one. Yeah, thank you, thank
you very much. Good. The other ones are crap.

Speaker 7 (25:01):
More Fread Show Next, The Fread Show is on.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
I think we'll do a quick Tangent here when the
show wraps up off air Uncentent podcast, because I want
to hear updates on Graveyard Gage.

Speaker 5 (25:18):
Oh yeah, man's not right. It's not right.

Speaker 1 (25:21):
A mess up stuff going on.

Speaker 5 (25:23):
It is.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
If you heard the show yesterday, then you know the
story moving headstones around.

Speaker 5 (25:29):
Yeah, yeah, I think I might have to call Amy
with the right for real.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Yeah. Yes, and you're gonna stand out business huh?

Speaker 5 (25:37):
I think so? I think I might have to.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
Yeah, you don't want to. You don't want to put
her on anybody that you I mean, unless you want. Yeah, yeah,
she gonna get them.

Speaker 5 (25:45):
I couldn't. I can't rest. So I might need to
call in the big dogs.

Speaker 1 (25:48):
Yeah, okay, all right, So the Tangent off air Uncented
podcast And if you missed the whole backstory, it's on
the iHeart app from yesterday's show. Search for the Freend
Show on demand. Morning Kaylin, good morning, I Jason Brown,
I revelo. I know Morning Showbiz is here? Intern venhamin
not Benjamin waiting by the phone. Another perplexing situation follow

up needed working on that. You'll hear it next. It's
brand new. Why does somebody get ghost at the entertainer
reports after that, what are you working on? Game?

Speaker 3 (26:16):
Well, all I'm going to say is Taylor Swift church service.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Oh period. Wow. And not like the normal prayer that
you offer to her alter each day. This is something different.

Speaker 3 (26:28):
This is something aside from the shrine.

Speaker 1 (26:30):
That you know, leave a bow to each day and
like put you put like food and yeah, offerings, yeah,
I don't know what's the candle?

Speaker 7 (26:38):

Speaker 1 (26:38):
No, there's nothing straight about that at all, mother, No exactly.
So this is different and it's coming up in the
entertainer report on the French show

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