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April 8, 2024 19 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Huh, hum is a tangent? Time? Yeah? Do we like
a tang Should we do a tang Yeah? Wow? All right,
doing our jobs, let's do a tangent. Hit it roofy.
It's the tangent with the bread show, giving you all
the we couldn't talk about on air. All right, Well,
I have an update, you know, to piggyback off of

the last tangent. Oh, I have an update on sex
with the ex woman. So we talked about her last time.
This is the woman who I matched with on a
dating app, and then we got to talking and somehow
comes up in conversation that she still sleeps with her
acts of two and a half years. And I was like, okay,
well that's cool, nice meeting you, because I mean, I mean,

what do you want me to do with that, Like,
you know, you're out here, you're going on dates with people.
I mean, it's only like it's just human nature. You
got this comfortable thing over here. And even though that
relationship didn't work, it's like, well, why would I give
new people a chance? I'll just go back and screw
this guy again, I guess. But then that doesn't doesn't
have you moving forward. But I would agree. You know.
Her theory is everybody does stuff like this and until

they're in a committed relationship, and then you know, they
just don't talk about it. And I don't think she's
maybe wrong, but you know what, what would be the
benefit to dating new men and also sleeping with your ex?
I mean, I guess again, consistent sex or sex that
you are familiar with. But other than that, what do
you know? You're you're gonna be stuck in the past
the whole time, aren't you. You're gonna have this block

in your mind. Like I don't have to sleep, I
don't have to try it out with this guy because
I can just go back here. I feel like if
I had a place to go all the time, I
would constantly be just disqualifying people, just easily, just quickly,
you know what I mean. Like I don't like the
way he drank his wine. Done, yep, you know what
I mean. But I did go out with her, there
was there was a meeting. Now you're upset about it,

Douse you f her.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
The last episode, I did that and we do the
opposite what Kiki says, Oh well, true. So she turns
out to be this man's wife.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
I don't think so oh no, okay, what happened. No,
So here's the thing I feel like, Oh boy, I
feel like the meeting went. I feel like it went
really well. I thought she was hot. I thought the
conversation was good. But there was a bit of a
sensitivity on this date. It came up a number of times.

I don't want to be talked about on the radio,
she kept saying. I don't want to be talked about
on the radio. Wie kiki Again.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
I'm not happy with her. She just she not passing
the vibe check at all. Well, you don't tell me
what I can talk about on the radio.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
But here's the thing. We'd already talked about her on
the radio and she didn't know. It's because she doesn't listen.
And I guess her friends didn't pick up on it.
Because here's the thing. We do talk about our lives
on the radio, all of us. We don't do it
in a way that's mean spirited or intended to be
embarrassing or intended to be incriminating. If anything, the really
nasty stories or embarrassing stories were telling from our perspective

about us. Because I think everyone would agree in here
first of all, this isn't a mean spirited show. We're not.
If I like somebody, I'm certainly not trying to embarrass them,
And I don't really see how that benefits anybody. And also,
I mean, I think we're honest about ourselves and the
things that we do. But we signed up for this.
Those people didn't necessarily sign up for it. So the

fact of the matter is she's complaining about it, but
yet it already happened and she didn't know, because there's
no way anybody could know who I'm talking about. And
I also think it's something that like if we got
into a relationship, or when I get into a relationship
with someone, we talk about the boundaries. You know, it's like, hey,
what I can talk about me, that's fair game. But
if it involves you, then what's your comfort level? And

I think you got to talk about that, right if
you're in a relationship. I mean, there are places that
Rufio won't go. I've never heard him tell a story
that was embarrassing about Jess. I've heard him tell a
lot of stories that are embarrassing about him, like the
fact that he doesn't eat pussy. I just choked on
me which is which is blasphemousphemous? Your wife heart attack

is a lovely woman and she deserves every every ounce
of your effort. Rufio okay, or excuse me, Kaalen you okay, Calen,
get off the floor.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
Kailyn's in my lap.

Speaker 1 (04:18):
But says it, Rufe said it proudly? Has he not though?
Has he not boasted? Has he not boasted that he
doesn't do that? He didn't boast. I think that I
I don't remember how it came kind of boasted. I didn't.
I don't boast. I just say it doesn't happen.

Speaker 4 (04:36):
I'm not out here like I don't fucking eat pussy,
you know, like Jason.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Go get But.

Speaker 4 (04:52):
If my my wife said, hey, do this for me,
then then I would do it, of course.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
But I would imagine she wouldn't be unhappy if anyway,
I don't.

Speaker 4 (05:00):
It's never come up with like, hey, you know.

Speaker 5 (05:02):
Friends that don't like it?

Speaker 1 (05:03):
Yeah, okay, well maybe I was just picking on you,
but that's why I said, that's a reveal story. That's
not anyway. So then here's what happened though, And I
will be honest.

Speaker 4 (05:16):
Did you do that?

Speaker 1 (05:17):
No? No, there was none of that. I am in
a mood lately, There's no question about it. I am
not putting up with any bullshit these days. Like I'm
just not like I'm I'm standing on business. I'm just done.
I'm just done. And I'm sure that maybe I don't know.
But the next day I text her, hey, or I

think she texted me actually like you know whatever, like
oh we drank a lot last night or something because
we did, or oh today hurts or whatever like that
kind of thing, and I wrote back, Hey, it was
you know, I had a really good time with you.
I'd like to see you again. And then comes, well,
I'm going to think about it because I like you
and everything, but I'm not sure I like your job

d thing, which is fair, I don't think so, but
here we are. The last thing was I don't know
if I may still fuck my ex. I'll think about
it and get back to you. And then I passed.
You know, she was gracious enough to go on a
day with me. Now it's I don't like what you do.
And here's the thing. My response to her was then

go dat a lawyer or somebody boring like nice meeting you.
And she did not like that it was, oh well
already then, Like, but my point is, Okay, here's the thing.
You don't even listen, so you don't know what we
talk about. We have talked about this situation, and she
didn't even know about it. I think she went back
then and found the clip yesterday and listened to it.

I don't but I don't think we were. First of all,
no one knows who I'm talking about. Second of all,
I'm proud of this job. Like, I've worked really hard
to get here. I've worked really hard to build an
audience with you guys, you know, and I've had a
lot of success that I think she would benefit from
if we dated. So I'm sorry, but like, I think

it's I think it's kind of a fucked up excuse,
to be honest with you. I think it's an excuse
if you don't want to go out with me again,
or you want to go out with a bunch of
other guys, just say that. But don't say I don't
want to go out with you because I don't want
to be talked about on the radio. Okay, then I
won't you know what I mean? Ask me, Hey, I
like you, I want to see you again. Can we
talk about what's going to go on the air and

what's not But for her just to be like I'll
get back to you, let me think about it. No,
I'll take that. I'll make the decision for you. Like
that's shitty. Yeah, Like can you imagine if I went
to her and what she does and I'm like, you know,
I just don't really like your job. So I'm just
not gonna I don't know, let me think about it.
If I think, let me think about it like this
whole let me think about it. Shit, Like I don't know.
It's like, okay, so you don't want to go out

with me again? Just say no, you know, I just
don't have to think about it. That's what I mean.
Like I wrote her, I'm excited about you. I liked you.
Let's go out again. Yes, the answer is yes, if
you're all so excited about it, not eh, I don't know,
let me think about it. For me, it like I
just didn't like it. It just it rubbed me the
wrong way. And if you have problems with boundaries or

you're worried about boundaries, then let's talk about it, you know,
But again, like I'm I'm and then She's like, well,
I think you date for content. I'm like, I don't
date for content, but if content arises from my dating,
then I'm going to talk about it, you know what
I mean, But like it from my perspective. But again,
I look, not everybody has to not everyone has to
love this life. Not everybody has to agree to the

exposure that we have agreed to, but like, if you
like somebody, then let's have that conversation. I was just
really insulted, to be honest with you. It really hurt
my feelings because I'm like, well, no, this this is
something I'm actually proud of. This is something that I like,
am happy that I do, and I'm sorry that you
don't share in that with me. But like, I think
it's kind of shitty to say I'll get back to

you on if you get another chance with me because
of what you do. It was the messaging I think
that I didn't like, and I told her that, and
that'll probably be that because I don't She did not respond,
and I don't think she cared for my But I mean,
at the same I'm standing up for myself too. I'm like,
you went out with a radio guy. It was never
a secret you're getting.

Speaker 3 (09:07):
She knew what she did for the date, right, she
already knew what you did.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
And I didn't. I'm not gonna go on the air
now or any other time and go here's the person's
name and here's where the person works and this person
farted on me in bed or what like. I'm not like.
I just if it got to the point where people
could associate the two of us together, then we would
have Then I would respect whatever she was okay with

and not okay with me talking about like I think
that's fair, because again, not everybody signed up for this,
but I heard my feelings. I liked her and I
wanted to go out with her. Again. She has the right.

Speaker 4 (09:40):
She has the I mean, I understand the way it
came off, like let me, let me.

Speaker 1 (09:44):
Think about it.

Speaker 4 (09:45):
But as a person that's not in the industry, she
has a right to say I don't like what you
do for like, you know what I'm saying, like she
doesn't want to be talked about on the radio, and
then and then that's it, you know, like if you
were to say, if she were to say, all right,
let's let's get to together, and then you guys end
up dating like anyone. If you post a picture, like
everyone's gonna know the history of this woman without knowing

this woman well under seven, that's not.

Speaker 1 (10:09):
Fair to her. Well, but that's a conversation though I'm
not just posting. I didn't post a picture of her.
Nobody knows who I'm talking about. I also haven't said
anything derogatory. I feel like you say, I like you,
I don't want to be talked about on the radio,
and I go, okay, great. When a're we be going
out and you give me a date, it's this whole
like I'll get back to you. It feels very much
to me like you're not worthy and and don't I'll

let you know kind of it's like just say yes
or no? Do you want to see me again or not?
Or were you into it or not? Like I don't
I don't think that. It just feels like I don't know.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
Yep, I agree with you one hundred percent.

Speaker 1 (10:41):
It doesn't. She doesn't feel good.

Speaker 2 (10:43):
She gives the vibe of somebody who is coming into
a situation knowing exactly who you are. She is one
of the thirteen, and she wants to humble you. Okay,
so her thought, her I'm gonna humble this man. I'm
gonna let him know that, oh yeah, he has this
big shot job, he's popping, but I'm gonna let him
know that's not what I'm interested in, that's not what
I'm looking for. So I'm gonna try to dim his

light to make him know that's what she's doing. And
so in any case of any situation like that, it's
already fag absolutely not like I am who I am.
I've worked to get where I am. Either You're gonna
enjoy the fruits of what I've built or you can
go find somebody else to play with because I'm not
the one.

Speaker 1 (11:18):
And that's basically what I said to her, not the
first part, because I don't know. I mean, my name
on the dating app is Christopher and my Instagram is
on there and it's no secret. But I didn't bring
it up. I don't bring it up. I don't expect
anybody to care like I don't expect you to be
impressed by what I do. I just expect you to
have a little bit of respect for it and the
fact that I worked really hard to get here, and

if you have rules or concerns about that and how
those two things blur then just tell me. But what
it feels like is I'll let you know if you're
worthy after I go on a few more dates. That's
what everything since I met this person feels like is, Well,
let me see if I can sacrifice not sleeping with
my ex to go out with you. Well, let me
see if i'll I'll let you know if I can

go out with you again. It's like, I mean, just why,
it's not that hard, Like you know, you knew when
you walked away from the date whether you wanted to
do it again or not. If you don't want to
be talked about, say I don't want to be talked about,
I won't talk about you. I mean you know. So
it just it was kind of like, I'm not sure
about you, but let me also insult you on the
way out right. I just didn't like it. It didn't

feel good, and I stood on business and I probably
overcorrected and she probably hates me now. But again, I'm
just like, dude, I guess I'm not your guy, then,
you know what I mean? Like I've never been disqualified
for my job. I really haven't, but I've had people
say that they don't listen or don't care that it's stupid,
and then the same or how do you you know,

do you think the business will survive? And all this shit,
and then these same people you don't really like the
nice dinner that we had, or want to go to
the next event, or want tickets from me or something else.
It's like, oh, but I thought I thought my job
was stupid, you know, or whatever. And I'm offended by
that too, because I don't know. I mean, this is
a big part of I am, but I also I
am not here. It's not like I have a reput

I truly have a reputation for embarrassing everybody I go
out with. That wouldn't be cool. And if I did,
then I would understand this reaction. I would if I
was the guy who was constantly in here bashing people
that I went out with it, I wouldn't go out
with me either. But I'm not.

Speaker 5 (13:18):
Yeah, I do think there's an air of because I mean,
I've gotten myself into lots of pickles talking about people
on the air, not necessarily even dating. But I think
people think that it's easier to decipher who we're talking
about than it really is.

Speaker 1 (13:31):
Like people react first, and.

Speaker 5 (13:33):
Don't take a pause to go, Okay, he never said
my name, only him, and I know who he's talking about,
you know what I mean? Like people get very sensitive
about being talked about when they know it's them, even
though no one else fucking knows who's being talked about
because it's I mean, it is like we're so used
to it, but like other people aren't. Like I've had
friends get upset with me. I'm like, baby girl, no
one knew it was you except for you.

Speaker 1 (13:54):
Yeah, you know.

Speaker 5 (13:55):
And I do think also, like if you have to
think about something, that's fine, But what is the point
of telling someone that, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (14:03):
I think that was kind of what set me off,
was I have to think about don't say that to people.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
She keeps doing it though she came with the X
talk like my fa fucking my ex. Oh, now I
got to think about it, like are you trying to
shit on me?

Speaker 1 (14:15):
And you can't? Like I was worthy of the date
and then I honestly thought we had a really good time.
I honestly thought she was really pretty and cool and
I genuinely thought I would see this person again. And
that's not the I mean, yes, I'm disappointed that it
doesn't appear that's going to happen, but I was more
disappointed that it's like, I mean, can we talk about it,
Like can you respect that? Like I can? I can

do this job well and also respect you too, you
know what I mean? Like we went out one time,
we didn't even do anything, and again, yes, I can
hear the people. Now, well you're talking about her right now,
I am nobody knows who I'm talking about.

Speaker 5 (14:48):
Nobody knowsn't realize that, Yeah, I mean, I also think
if you're going to disqualify someone for that, then like
you're real picky. I mean, I know there's like professions
people won't date, but I just think that's really like
generalizing way that's.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
I mean, yeah, Like that would be like saying I'm
not going to go out with a Cubs player because
because some baseball players are slutty, right, Like, if I'm
the Cubs player and you're like, I'm not going out
with you because you guys get laid a lot, I'd
be like fuck you, Like maybe I do, maybe I don't.
Maybe I met you and I want to be with
you and nobody else. I don't know. I mean I
just yeah, no, it doesn't feel good. I've never just

qualified somebody for their job. Of course, I think that's
shitty because oftentimes your job is a big part of
who you are, and I get that there's a little
more exposure here, But let's just have that conversation. Hey,
I'm off limits, Okay, I.

Speaker 4 (15:36):
Mean yeah, I feel like a conversation could be had,
like it should be had if you guys were interested
in each other. But she's just not interested, right, But like,
it also does put a lot of pressure on that
said person, Like if you guys were to date or
even with any of us, if we talk about our
significant other or anything like that, it's a one sided story,
you know what I'm saying. They don't get a chance

to tell their side of the story, and it puts
a lot of pressure on that person, especially because our
listeners know everything about our lives and our significant others,
and they'll be like, oh, I.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
Don't like that.

Speaker 4 (16:07):
I don't like you because you did that to you
did that to Fred, especially your fans friend.

Speaker 1 (16:12):
You don't say like, okay, they ride or die. But
in fairness, I've worked with Kiki for years. She's been
on this show for a couple of years now. I
couldn't spot Big Tim out of a lineup. I don't
know what the man looks like. I know who you're
talking about.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
If Kiki were out, and if Kiki were out with
Big Tim and a listener saw them, they would know
that's Big Tim and they'd be like.

Speaker 1 (16:31):
Okay, well, like, why did't you put a ring on
it already? Bro? But you should? There you go. But
Kiki's over the top with this. I mean, I mean
she talks about this man all the time, like I
don't know that's between them. Yeah, Kaylin, I'm not calling
you out, but I know you've had full on relationships
that we never knew about. And I wouldn't be able
to tell you who the people were. I have no idea.

Speaker 5 (16:49):
Yeah, but that was there were reasons for that, like
to protect that person.

Speaker 1 (16:53):
Well that's fine, but you know what I'm what I'm
saying is you were able to successfully pull that off
and those were the rules.

Speaker 5 (16:59):
I still talked about them, though, I just didn't say
who it was.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
And I think you can do both.

Speaker 4 (17:03):
Yeah, but at least she told like I understand she
to The way she told you was bad, Like at
least she told you she's she's worried about what you do,
Like the other relationshipship you've been in, Fred, Like, they
were like I'm cool with it, but as soon as
you start talking about them, they were not cool with
it anymore.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
Yeah. Then I guess I don't know. I was just
disappointed because I don't think there was I didn't think
there was a problem. Yeah, and then it's and then
I kind of got I will agree. I kind of
got defensive and shitty about it because I'm like, okay,
I mean I'm I'm pretty successful. You know, I have
a pretty decent life, Like I've worked really hard. I'm
proud of this, and it doesn't it doesn't have to

affect you if you don't want it to. But I
think some of the upside and how about me? Like
how about what about me? Like as a person? The
guy that you sat across from at the table, what
did you think of me? Like again, this this reeks
to me. I want to explore my options. I'll get
back to you and then let me just get one
more in there. It's because you're on the radio, and

I was like, that's shitty. It felt bad, But anyway,
Kiki didn't like it, Rufio likes it. Caitlin, if you
guys are in the.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
Middle, No, I mean no one wants to start a
relationship but off like that anyway, So like even if
she did content, you was like, let's go out again,
Like you've already gone through all this mass, Like who
even wants to explore at that point?

Speaker 1 (18:23):
I mean that I would have again, there's a lot
to like, it's just like, but why is everything? Why
do you have to think about every Like I guess
I would hope someday for somebody I'm a little more automatic,
Like I don't want to lose this person. Everyone deserves that,
Like she's not that person. I can't imagine saying to
a woman honestly, Like I can't imagine saying to her,

I had a great time. Let me think about if
I want to go out with you again, I'll get
back to you. I would expect ninety nine percent of
women to say fuck off. I'll make a decision for you,
you know what I mean, Like it's just not a
nice thing to say, Like, well, let me let me
feel I'll let you know if you're worthy of me
in the future. Like, No, it didn't feel good. Man,
I got feelings inside of here. Yeah, you know, I'm

a delicate flower. A lot of people don't know that.

Speaker 3 (19:07):
Yeah you almost cried.

Speaker 1 (19:09):
Well that's that would be an an extreme stretch. But no, anyway,
your phone's still good.

Speaker 4 (19:15):
You're bringing another phone.

Speaker 1 (19:16):
I didn't break this phone. No, no, this phone works
just fine. Don't try me though. It's been one of
those years. You're not even halfway there. Boy, Okay, the
person I remember when I took my broken phone in there, like, well,
you have insurance, so I go. There's nothing left. There's
nothing left. All I had was the SIM card. I'm

like this, this is it? Like, but you can bring
it to us in any condition. I'm like, there's no
condition the phone. The phone is gone and it doesn't it. Yeah,
it's You can come over and find pieces scattered throughout
the apartment all over the place. All right, thanks for listening.
There's the tangent. Have a good day.
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