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April 19, 2024 11 mins

➡︎ The Jubal Show’s First Date Follow Up

What happens when you get ghosted after a first date? You call The Jubal Show and have them find out why! It's like putting yourself in a situation to get roasted, when you really just want a second date.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
First Date of follow up powered by the Advocates Injury
Attorneys online at adjocuslaw dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Allegra is on the phone today for a first day
follow up. She's getting ghosted by a dude named Harold.
So in a few minutes, we're going to call him
and see if you'll tell us why he's ghosting her
and maybe get her another date. But first, Allegra, how
long has it been since you heard from him?

Speaker 3 (00:19):
Oh? Man, it has been about twelve days already.

Speaker 2 (00:23):
How many times have you tried to reach out to
him in the twelve days?

Speaker 4 (00:25):
A few?

Speaker 3 (00:26):
Like, I'm not going crazy, but I've spent a few
texts on a few different days and I haven't heard
a response since our first date ended.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
Actually, okay, well let's go back to that. Want to
tell us about your date and how it ended?

Speaker 3 (00:39):
Yeah, I mean it was like a typical date. You know.
We decided to meet up for drinks and we were
having such a good time that we actually ended up
getting dinner, had some good Italian food, then we had
a large drinks.

Speaker 4 (00:50):
So it was a good date.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
Like it was definite hours.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Okay, that would make me feel like it was a
good date.

Speaker 3 (00:56):
Yeah, right, okay, definitely liked me, like he was really
into it.

Speaker 4 (01:01):
So how do you know that?

Speaker 3 (01:03):
Well, I mean, first of all, you don't stay several
hours if you're not feeling someone, you know, and his
body language was into me. The conversation was glowing, like,
you know, he sent me a really nice text when
he got home at the end of the day. He
just hasn't been responded to since then, and that's why
I'm like, sumpthing's up, Like it's just not adding up.

Speaker 2 (01:21):
So he texted you when he got home. What did
he say?

Speaker 3 (01:23):
He said that he had a great time and to
have a good night, like very typical.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
You know.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
Was there any talk about a second date while you
were on that date, like oh, that'd be fun for
us to try next time, or any kind of subtle
hints like that.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
We said comments like that multiple times, like oh my gosh,
you haven't seen that movie. I'll totally go with you again,
Like oh my gosh, that happened, let's do that together.
So we didn't specify like a second date, but we
definitely had the vibe of seeing each other again.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
And there's nothing that you can think of on the
date that happened that could have been awkward.

Speaker 3 (01:56):
I mean, nothing was awkward. We are very different. He
you know, he's kind of like a buttoned up dude
that taken life pretty seriously and I'm kind of the opposite. Like,
don't get me wrong, I have my stuff together, but
you know, I'm care free. I like to have fun.
But I don't know, I don't really think that was
an issue. I feel like he was really into me,
and I made it clear that I am very into him,

like very.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
What do you mean. I made it clear.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Like I basically attracted to him, but I let him know,
like he's my ideal type of guy. Like it's really
hard to find a guy that you're attracted to physically
that also has their stuff together, Like he is making
a life for himself. He shared that he kind of
grew up in a bad situation and now he's made
a life for himself and that's why checks all my boxes.
That's what I'm looking for.

Speaker 2 (02:46):
Okay, do you think maybe it was like too much
for him?

Speaker 4 (02:50):

Speaker 3 (02:51):
You know, I don't know. I mean that's why I.

Speaker 4 (02:52):
Need your help.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
Like to me, we balance each other perfectly, but you know,
maybe he's feeling a different way and after he stopped
about things. He decided I'm not a good fit, but
I really think that I am, so I need your help.

Speaker 1 (03:06):
Did you tell him that he checks all your boxes?

Speaker 3 (03:09):
I didn't say that specifically, but I mean I did
let him know, like, man, this is impressive, like I'm
really digging what he's doing in life. He also kissed
me goodbye, and it wasn't something that I was encouraging, Like,
I mean, I wanted to kiss him, but I wasn't
going to force.

Speaker 4 (03:25):
That on him.

Speaker 3 (03:25):
I mean, he pulled me in and did not let
me go when we were hugging, and the kiss was excellent.
So again the chemistry fully there.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
Was it an open mouth kiss or a closed mouth kiss?
That's important to know, like it.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Ten minute open mouth kiss?

Speaker 2 (03:41):
Oh oh okay, so that was like makeout girl.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
I would have already showed up at his house after
all of this twelve day I'll let your tongue in
my mouth.

Speaker 2 (03:51):
All right, Well, we'll try to figure it out for you.
Then play a song, come back, and then call him
and see if he'll tell us why he's ghosting you
and get you another day if you still want one.

Speaker 4 (03:58):
Okay, okay, thank you, so much.

Speaker 2 (04:01):
All right, pleas, don't come back and get your first
day follow up next right in the middle of your
first day follow up if you're just joining us. Alegra
is on the phone, and it's been twelve days since
she heard from Harold, the guys she went on a
date with, And now we're about to call him and
see if you'll tell us why he's ghosting her and
maybe get her another date. But before we do that, Allegra,
why don't you catch everybody up on your situation.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
Yeah, so, like you said, this guy, Harold and I
hit it off. We had a great first date. It
ended with an amazing kiss, and I really think there's
potential for this to be something. However, Harold isn't responding
to text messages anymore.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
All right, well, you're ready for us to call him
and see if you'll tell us why he's ghosting you?

Speaker 4 (04:38):
One hundred percent yes, all right.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Here we go, Harold. Hey, Harold, how are you. My
name's Jebel. I'm calling from a radio show. It's called
the Jebel Show.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
How are you hi, Harold?

Speaker 2 (04:58):
The whole show's here too. My name's hi, and I'm Victoria.

Speaker 4 (05:02):
I'm fine.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
How are you I'm pretty good. So did you hear
where we're calling from?

Speaker 4 (05:07):

Speaker 2 (05:08):
Okay, this is so formal. Yeah, are you at work?

Speaker 4 (05:12):
Yes I am, but I have a moment I may
help you.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
We're calling from. So it's a radio show called The
Jewel Show, and we do a segment on our show
that if somebody gets ghosted from a date that they
went on, that person can always email them to get
them on the phone and ask why they're getting ghosted.
And so we got an email about you from someone
who listens to the show.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
And who is this?

Speaker 2 (05:33):
Her name is Alegra.

Speaker 4 (05:36):
Yes, okay, yes, I understand. All right, do.

Speaker 2 (05:41):
You would you mind telling us why you're not calling
her back? She said, it's been twelve days since you
guys hung out, and she really.

Speaker 5 (05:49):
Off to a moment, to be truthful with you. She
was a wonderful girl. I had great time with her.
Headed off, I was a tracted to her. I hope
she's attracted to me. But in the interim and in
all said and done, honestly, she's too hot. She was
absolutely too gorgeous of a woman. And I've learned coming up,

I please hear me out. I've learned as a man
coming up the way I have from poverty to being
an environment that the good looking girls are too high maintenance.
It's almost like a dream that's that's too good.

Speaker 4 (06:29):
You cannot you can't.

Speaker 5 (06:30):
There's no way to sustain that type of relationship with
a good looking woman.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
You need what they call back in my days.

Speaker 5 (06:36):
And I'll go marry the one you don't marry the
ones that you like. You, marry the ones that like you.

Speaker 4 (06:44):
It's safer. It's safer, untimately safer.

Speaker 2 (06:47):
You. Yeah, I don't know about that, sir.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
This sounds a little bit old fashion, but not even that,
just not right.

Speaker 5 (06:56):
Honestly, I'm looking for someone who.

Speaker 4 (06:59):
Is and I'll go to be truthful, to be blunt.
It's not as high matenance. It's she okay, you know what.

Speaker 5 (07:05):
I ast you to give you more information, And this
is what most men won't tell you. It is an
insight into someone's insecurity. I will admit this, but at
the same time I can also address it to the
point saying, you know what, I can't sustain.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
That I like her. She's great, She's absolutely great. If
this even makes sense, she checked all the boxes on
my side. It was wonderful.

Speaker 5 (07:28):
But the glaring reality is that she is absolutely gorgeous,
possibly even too gorgeous for me.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
I'll even go as so I say that.

Speaker 1 (07:37):
So this isn't really about the high maintenance so much.
Is that maybe it's a way to protect yourself from
her being stolen away by somebody else because she's so hot,
or having other people look at her.

Speaker 5 (07:47):
That is a great possibility, interest has been a great
possibility that that concerns me.

Speaker 4 (07:52):
I'm not gonna lie to here.

Speaker 2 (07:53):
Okay, Well, thanks for being honest. I appreciate it certainly.
Thank you for your time if you can hang out once.
Ale is actually on the phone. She's been listening and
wants to talk to you.

Speaker 4 (08:10):
You hell on leg How are you have you been?

Speaker 3 (08:17):
I've been sad because I've sent you a few messages
and I would over here thinking that I was not
pretty enough for you. Come to find out, I'm not
ugly enough.

Speaker 5 (08:34):
If you heard everything you it's no, there's no struck
against you. It's as I was man have to say.
It could be in the area of an insecurity.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
Upon my point, what.

Speaker 5 (08:44):
I've seen my other friends go through, I don't want
what hurt me the most.

Speaker 4 (08:51):
Is for me to fall in over to you, and
you would you betray or cheat me? Cheating me because
I don't well with pain. I don't. I build up
a wall and I try to operate behind it, and
you you threadnant, you thread it. I'm going to get emotions.
I'm sorry.

Speaker 3 (09:10):
No, you don't know that part of me.

Speaker 4 (09:11):
But that's that's pretty much how I have a right,
and that's that's why I.

Speaker 2 (09:19):

Speaker 4 (09:19):
I would not be able.

Speaker 5 (09:20):
To to to maintain myself adequately.

Speaker 4 (09:25):
If someone I liked so much it was so beautiful,
hurt me in that way.

Speaker 3 (09:30):
Yeah, here's the though, hero Like, I'm hoping that the
beauty you see on the outside is also the beauty
you'll see on my inside because I'm not that girl.
I'm not the type of person who thinks looks are
so important that I'm going to go run to the
next good looking guy that gives me attention. Which, by
the way, you are so hot, like you have to understand,
like woman, it's not if your looks the whole package.

Speaker 4 (09:53):
So you got it. Thank thank you, thank you. I
appreciate that. I do.

Speaker 2 (09:58):
You know, Harold, uh, you shouldn't stay closed off to
stuff just because you want to know, well, you think
and I go would be better.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
It doesn't make it safer. I mean, it's always scary
when you like somebody.

Speaker 4 (10:09):
No, no, I agree, I agree, It's just it's just
blue hard. You know, it's blueheard. Have you seen a
lot of you've been hurt before, and you've seen a
lot of betrayal.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
From your friends and that what's happened to them.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
It kind of it kind of shuts you down a
little bit. And and you're right, I shouldn't do that way.
I shouldn't because she's great. She's great, Allegra, you're great.

Speaker 2 (10:30):
Okay, Well then Harold, would you like to go out
with Allegra again on another date? We'll pay for it, Yes.

Speaker 4 (10:38):
I will say this, Allegra. I don't need their money, but.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
On the day with you, so we don't have to
pay for it, but you'll go on another day.

Speaker 4 (10:47):
I definitely.

Speaker 6 (10:48):
I'm a man, you know, I have to keep that
image jump to go, alleg It was really nice to
hear from you.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
This has been a ride.

Speaker 4 (11:00):
Yeah. I think that if we.

Speaker 3 (11:02):
Go on another date, your insecurities are going to go away.
Like I'm here for this.

Speaker 4 (11:09):
Good. I think I need some money to be here
for that.

Speaker 2 (11:13):
Oh yes, you do, Harold, yeah yeah. Don't take something
away from yourself because of things that have happened outside
of you, you know.

Speaker 4 (11:22):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right, you're right.

Speaker 2 (11:24):
But really you don't need to pay for them, you know.

Speaker 5 (11:32):
Put it.

Speaker 4 (11:32):
I'll put it in writing. I'll put it in writing
as well.

Speaker 3 (11:36):
Jubile's First Date follow up
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