Episode Transcript
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More variety from the two thousands,the nineties and to day. It's Star
one O one three, It's Marcusand Corey and we're doing it again.
It's second Date Update. This ishow we help you get a second date.
We figure out what you did onthe first date and why you're getting
ghosted. Say good morning to Carmen. Carmen, Hello, Hello, Hi,
Hi. Other than the apparent ghosting, how are you, I'm fine?
Okay, Well, we're here tohelp the situation hopefully, So yes,
what can you tell us about thisguy Jake? First of all,
how did you guys meet? Andthen run us through how the first date
went? Okay, oh gosh,I think we've met on one of those
sites at match dot com. Andyeah, lady who's on a lot of
sites, She's like, I don'tknow. It was the tender match,
bumble something hiny something the wall,see what sticks anyway, Sorry, I
know it's rough. Well, whatwe figured out from online is that we
both have to travel, we bothhave dogs, and we're both into fitness.
So yeah, we we went backand forth online for a little bit
and then so then you guys metup eventually. Yeah, so I'm unconquered
and he lives in Pleasant Hill,so yeah, yeah, we just met
downtown for drink. So it wasspeak easy cool, that sounds fine,
one of those secret knock places.And the day was good. Yeah,
so it's like a cool space.You know. I love cough cocktails.
And we rode the same train homeand yeah, he gave me like a
hug when we got off at thestop. Yeah. I don't know if
he just like doesn't kiss on thefirst date or what, because we had
a great time, but I haven'theard from him since. So okay,
so you both rode barred in androde barred out. Maybe he stayed on
the train and rode it all theway to the end wherever that is,
and end up in the swamp ofsadness. You wake up at Pittsford going
what just happened? Hello? Uh, okay, we're gonna call him.
We're gonna call him and see whathe thought of the date. Ultimately,
we want to get you a seconddate, but let's try to I don't
even want to put this in theuniverse. Ups and say, let's get
you some closure, but let's notdo that. Let's go for a second
day. Yeah, can you hangon the line. We're gonna play a
song. Yeah, okay, allright, we're gonna call Jake next.
It's Second Date Update Star one Oone three more variety from the two thousands,
the nineties, and today it's Starone O one three. It's Marcus
and Corey. We're doing Second DateUpdate right now. We've been talking to
Karmen about her date with Jake issuper cute. Yeah, Carmen, if
you don't mind me talking about youlike you're not there for a second.
They he lives in Pleasant Hills,she lives and conquered and they took bart
downtown and found their way to aspeak easy. That's a great firstate.
And is it like was it likea secret knock or a buzzer? It
was a secret knock? God,I love the secret knock. Okay,
and you guys have a lot incommon, and you were expecting a kiss.
It didn't happen. Maybe it wasa slow play. Let's call him
and figure out what's going on.Let's see if he has legitimately disappeared.
Okay, can you go ahead andmuture phone? Okay, okay, here
we go. Hello, Hi,ma speak with Jake. Please, this
is him? Hi, Jake,It's Marcus and Corey from Star one one
three. What's up Jake? Wow? Hi? Where did I win?
Oh? Gosh, I wish wehad like a toaster? You listen to
our show? Yeah? Excellent?Ye? Do you know second date update?
I do? Great. Well,we're calling you about a date you
went on. If you're cool withtalking about us on the air. Should
we bring Carmen on now or later? No? Bring her on now,
Carmen? Okayfl Hi, he's familiar, so here we are good? Okay,
Jake. Carmen obviously feels like you'veghosted on her. She enjoyed your
date. You know how it goes. We'd love to get her a second
date. What what do you think? How was the date for you?
Well? First of all, didyou ghost? No, like I've I've
I've just been Okay, don't dothat in the background. No, I've
I've just I've been like work hasbeen hectic and I've been really busy,
and and is there nothing set outto you that anything wrong with the date,
like can we get it done rightnow? Okay? Look in the
in the in the spirit of beinghonest, like I like her calm and
you're super cool, but you cameon a bit strong, Like she kept
talking about wanting me to meet herparents, and I can't wait to have
me meet her mom. And sheinvited me to a dinner with her mom,
who's gonna be in town next week. And I was just like a
little much. I just okay,I see what you mean. But I
did not come off that way tome, Like you were just talking about
how close we you were with yourfamily, so I was trying to do
the same thing. I just mentionedmy mom would be in town, like
I wasn't trying to get you tomeet my mom. I was just like,
I don't know, I just feltcomfortable with you. Yeah, I
mean, I'm and that's cool.I'm close with like my family, you
know, but it's a little bitdifferent. Just it was, I don't
know, it's a little overwhelmed tome. I haven't dated in a while,
and that was kind of the firstone jumping back in. And it's
just sure. My husband didn't meetany of my family until I made sure
he loved me, because I didn'twant to introduce him to crazy until he
was ray. Yeah, well,yeah, for sure. I just like,
get you up and like say stufflike, No, I didn't.
I wasn't trying to like be crazy. Okay, so no, I don't
think you're crazy. I feel likewe have some clarity. Maybe if Carmen
pumps the brakes a little bit,can we try for a second date?
Carmen, slow down? You knowwhat. We had a great time,
Carmen. Do you want to goon a second date? What? Yes?
That was quick? Oh my god, So talking about family or like
that, Carmen. No, nobaby talk or anything. Wow, you
guys, Yeah, sure I didnot see that happening. I didn't either.
This is all right, let's takeit, you know what, Let's
take it while we got it.All right, you two, you have
each other's numbers. We're gonna gohave a great rest of the week.
Okays. Cute, that was cute. They were cute. I like a
win. I do. It givesme hope in humanity. Second, it
gives me hope on us. Seconddate. Update seven oh five. Weekday
Mornings replays at nine oh five.You got the podcast too, don't forget.
It's on the iHeartRadio app. Youcan binge listen to all the phone
calls. It's called market. Youknow what, Just type in Marcus and
Corey you'll see us