All Episodes

May 6, 2024 52 mins

The Jubal Show is on the radio all over the country. They are unafraid to tackle the topical world we live in, and can’t get enough of the drama. Nothing is sacred, and nothing is off limits on The Jubal Show.

Join Jubal, Nina, Victoria, Executive Producer Brad, and Producer Sharkey, and their listeners on a journey through romance, secrets, pop culture, and pranks.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Before my ex was my ex. I was looking at
him like zail, I did that, you know what I mean.
I'm still saying that like I would.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
I would still hit that just with a car or
a bar, in a train, on a plane, with a boat.

Speaker 3 (00:15):
Is the jubile show? God, what's the dumbest thing you've
spent money on? I asked the question because there's a
trend on TikTok right now where people are sharing the
dumbest things that they've spent money on. So call us
with yours eight eight eight three four three one oh
six one eight eight eight three four three one oh
six one. You can also text us at four one
oh six one and we'll go over the ridiculous things

that people have spent money on. Next. It's the double show. Well,
we're not going to do today is take our jobs
too seriously.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
Unless you are quite literally saving lives, please take your
job seriously.

Speaker 3 (00:48):
Yeah, yeah, most jobs, you don't really have to take
that seriously. It's a double show. And what's the dumbest
thing you've spent money on? Call us up eight eight
eight al three four three one six one eight eight
eight three four three six one text in four to
one oh six one. Somebody just texted in the dumbest
thing I spent money on is an ex's only fans account.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
Oh yeah, that's pretty funny, though, what do they know?
Like if I had an only fans account and I
saw that my ex was giving me money for that,
like you win it life at that moment, right, happy
about her?

Speaker 3 (01:21):
Man, I'd be thrilled. I'd be like, yeah, got him.
If you think about it, money is weird, because what
is it. It's like some sort of paper that for
some reason humans added value to. Right, And back in
the day before that, it used to be tulip bulbs.
We're like money or like cows. Yeah, and then what

go all the way back to the beginning, it was
probably rocks maybe, And I guess if you think about it,
we have diamonds. So really, as evolved as we think
we are as humans, we have not gone that far.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
It still rocks.

Speaker 3 (01:52):
It's still pretty much pretty rough. But it gets even
weirder because you work hard to make money, but then
the secret is don't spend it, right, Yeah, you're not
supposed to spend it. If you so, then you just
live your whole life with a bunch of paper. That's
really worth nothing if you really think about it, saved up,

say you didn't spend.

Speaker 1 (02:15):
Well, why we have to talk about it like that,
because then it just makes people feel bad or good
because you've been working so hard to have this stack,
and if you don't have a stack, that means you're
living your life exactly.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Call us up eight eight eight three four three six
one text and four one o six one. What is
the weirdest thing that you spent money on? A trend
is going viral of people sharing the dumbest things that
they've spent money on, and so let's go over that list.
Weddings definitely, well, uh yeah, I don't.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
I don't know how I feel about that yet, because
I do plan to spend a lot of money on
my wedding the day that that happens.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
If and when you know.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
You plan to spend a lot of money, yes, I
want a big, fancy wedding. Oh okay, I do. Somebody
else said design er baby clothes that I agree with. Yeah,
the hard sold baby Jordan's what's really funny is when
I became an aunt for the first time, like my
friend started having kids. I thought it was a really
good idea to go get little baby Timbaland's, little baby Jordan's,

and then I realized that they grow out of them
so fast that it was jokes on me. Right, I
think I'm being a great ant, like two hundred bucks
jokes on me and then lasts a week. Basically, yeah,
I can save them. I mean they're cute, They're real cute,
but stupid.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
Somebody texted in at four one or six one said
the stupidest thing I've ever spent money on was eighteen
hundred dollars for well, I don't I can't read. Okay,
I think there's a there's a mis's there anyway. Yes,
someone said, a wedding with my ex okay, broke it
off before we got married, but still stuck with the bills.

That does suck.

Speaker 1 (03:46):
Oh, because you have to plan things like in advance,
like you have to like give don.

Speaker 3 (03:51):
That does suck. I'm really sorry I'd be upset about that.
Somebody else texted in at four one and six one
said the dumbest thing I've spend money on blended coffee
when I have everything at home to make it on
my own.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
Okay, I have some beef with this one.

Speaker 3 (04:02):
It's my logic. No, where's the logic. I don't see
the logic.

Speaker 1 (04:05):
My dad gets mad at me for this, and he
gets mad whenever I go to Starbucks or wherever to
get coffee. But you know it saves me time and
time is money. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, and so you
know what. Trying to make a point, but she's not
sure what she's at. I'm backtracking. Point. Is I like
my coffee, not when I have to make it.

Speaker 3 (04:23):
People are sharing the dumbest things that they spent money on.
Call us with yours eight eight three four to three
one o six one. Text in four one o six one.
Somebody said, my friend told me of a nurse who
bought a handbag for seven thousand dollars. Oh, and I'm
not a financial expert, but I don't advise buying a
seven thousand dollars person.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
Well, actually they keep their value if you didn't know that,
So depending on what the handbag was, that is kind
of an investment.

Speaker 3 (04:47):
And then you pass them down.

Speaker 1 (04:48):
And then have you bought a seven thousand dollars handbag?

Speaker 3 (04:51):
No, but it's on my two do list one day.
Well it's not seven.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
I think it's like close to six thousand, But I
don't know when I'm gonna do that. But my goal
is to buy my off the Chanel handbag. But they
keep their value, So if you have a collection of
those and you sell them, you're gonna get all your
money back. What if you don't sell it, then you
just have a lot of stuff, and as long as
you don't get stolen, it's worth things.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
Oh okay. Somebody texted in at four one o six
one and said the dumbest thing they've ever spent money
on was purchasing an airplane. Oh thanks for texting in,
Bill Gates. It was ridiculous. I can't believe I spent
time much money. I never used it. I had four
other planes.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Anyway, I wanted to know that we have Bill Gates
to listen Star show.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
Thank you, Thank you so much. Somebody else texted in
and said that they bought a cassette tape two weeks ago,
but have nothing to play a cassette with, so bought
it though.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
You know that was jen Z so cool. Yeah, Oh
my gosh, do you want to hear the stupidest thing
I spent money on?

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Yes, Nina a time share what I got got?

Speaker 1 (05:49):
Well, you know when I was at one of I
was like in Vegas and they're like, hey, come over here,
we're going to give you all these free drinks and
we're going to tell you give you a presentation about
a time share, And so I I bought a time
share after having one too many mimosas and how they do.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
They get you? I also purchased the time share one
time for having too many mimosas. They get you hammered
and this they're like, they sell you on this stuff.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
Yeah, it was a great idea in the moment, but
it didn't make sense in the long run. I wasn't
going to use it, like you can only use it
like on certain days and like blackout days and all
that stuff, like when you share a place for a
certain aout time with someone else. Right, Yeah, but this
one didn't make sense, like some of them do make sense,
like it's okay to have that type of investment if
you share it with other families, or.

Speaker 3 (06:31):
Like you actually go, okay, how long did you have
to keep it?

Speaker 1 (06:35):
I returned it pretty quick, but they made me jump
through a lot of hoops and I kept getting phone
calls for the next five years, well five years.

Speaker 3 (06:42):
Trying to sell me on another one. I was like,
you guys know, somebody texted in at four phoe oh
six one and said, the stupidest thing I spent money
on was my first marriage.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
That's what I just saw right now?

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Did I text him?

Speaker 1 (06:53):
It's another jubile phone frame Mornings on the twenties.

Speaker 3 (07:03):
Hello, hey, Mama bear.

Speaker 4 (07:06):
Hello, Hey, how you doing?

Speaker 3 (07:08):
This is Pete Akins from bakery. We're the ones that
are making your gender reveal cake. Okay, yes, hey Mama bear.
When's the party because the cake is ready?

Speaker 4 (07:19):

Speaker 5 (07:19):
Great, because it's going to be tonight.

Speaker 3 (07:21):
Oh tonight. Oh, everybody's going to be very excited when
they find out about a new baby girl. I'm so excited.
I'm sorry, I just said everybody's going to be super excited.
I love these moments when you know, people cut into
the cake and then they realize what, you know, what
they're getting, what bun has been cooking in the oven,
you know, and have everybody just be like, oh, do

you have a girl already?

Speaker 4 (07:44):
Did you? So you're telling me now that I have
a girl. Oh, you're not supposed to.

Speaker 5 (07:53):
I'm supposed to find out when I get the cake
at the party.

Speaker 4 (07:55):
Tonight, not now.

Speaker 3 (07:57):
The cake is for you.

Speaker 5 (08:00):
Yes, but it's for all of my friends and family.
We're gonna learn about this tonight together, not now.

Speaker 4 (08:05):
On the phone with me. So's ruining everything.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind if we could reverse
the conversation and start over and kind of forget what
I said there.

Speaker 5 (08:16):
We can't start We can't start over now because now
I already know.

Speaker 4 (08:19):
I'm so pissed off because this is supposed.

Speaker 5 (08:22):
To be This is our first baby, this is the
first time, and we were gonna do this and everybody
was gonna be excited. My best friend's gonna be there,
the neighbors, the family's gonna be there, and you russ everything.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
Okay, well, how do you know it's not a boy.

Speaker 5 (08:37):
Because he just said it was a girl.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
You said it twight.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Don't try to make it.

Speaker 4 (08:41):
Better now, because you've ruined it.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
You've ruined everything.

Speaker 4 (08:45):

Speaker 3 (08:46):
I think I was just very excited and didn't really
put a whole lot of thought into what I was
saying there.

Speaker 4 (08:53):
So well, you should be thinking.

Speaker 5 (08:54):
Better if you're doing this kind of job of revealing.

Speaker 4 (08:56):
That's why we chose you.

Speaker 5 (08:58):
Your bakery because we heard about you did this and.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
You were good at it, right, So I want to
make this better for you because I feel like that
was not a good thing for me to say.

Speaker 4 (09:09):
I don't know how you're going to make it better.

Speaker 5 (09:10):
How are you going to make this better when you
ruined everything?

Speaker 4 (09:12):
Okay, so you're going to make another cake now?

Speaker 3 (09:14):
Well? Uh? Okay, so the cat's out of the bag
where I guess they're baby's.

Speaker 4 (09:19):
Out of it?

Speaker 6 (09:19):

Speaker 4 (09:20):
For sure?

Speaker 3 (09:22):
Do you accept my apology?

Speaker 5 (09:24):
I don't accept your apology As a matter of fact,
this was, like I said, our first baby.

Speaker 4 (09:29):
This is the first and you ruined everything.

Speaker 3 (09:32):
Yeah, because I was going to say, if you have
another one, then it's kind of like whatever at this point,
you know, so, uh, it's the first one. That's a
big deal. Okay, So what if you come down to
the bakery and because obviously me letting that slip sort
of ruin the surprise for you, and.

Speaker 5 (09:50):
And what because you know, I'm so pissed off and
I ain't got time to do with this. You need
to fix this.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
Well, okay, if you come down to the bakery, you
and I can sit together. I can apologize in person
and then maybe we can do some acting classes so
you can act surprise surprised.

Speaker 4 (10:07):
What do you mean acting classes?

Speaker 7 (10:09):
You know?

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Well, I'll coach you through acting surprise, so when you
cut it open, you don't have to say that you
already know.

Speaker 4 (10:15):
No, this is ridiculous. The dumbest idea is there's.

Speaker 8 (10:19):
Nothing you can do.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
Apology is not acceptable.

Speaker 7 (10:21):
You know what, Let me talk to your watch.

Speaker 3 (10:24):
I will have you know. I've watched hours and hours
of acting tutorials on YouTube, and I feel like I
don't care about your act.

Speaker 5 (10:29):
I don't care about your acting because it's not working.

Speaker 4 (10:31):

Speaker 3 (10:33):
You see you here my surprise and my voice.

Speaker 5 (10:36):
I could teach you that, you know what, Why don't
I just come down there right now. I'm going to
get the cake and must smash it all over your
store because you've ruined everything and you should be out
of business for what you've said to me.

Speaker 3 (10:46):
Okay, what if I tell you I'm a prank phone
call that was set up by your husband Jason. Let
me it better.

Speaker 9 (10:52):
What this is.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
Actually Jubil from The Jewel Show doing a phone prank
on you and your husband. Jason sew you up. Yes,
he said that you guys got a cake to reveal
the gender of your baby, and he wanted me to
mess with you.

Speaker 4 (11:06):
So we we don't know.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
No, we don't know if it's a girl or boy.

Speaker 10 (11:11):
Right, No, we don't.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
He just wanted to mess with you and see how
you'd react if we're ruined the general he's gonna kiss
this wake up every morning with jubile phone pranks. Time
for Nina's what's trending? So Morgan Wallen had his day
in court.

Speaker 10 (11:26):
He did.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
He did, of course, this is because he threw a
chair off of chiefs the bar's roof.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
They entered no plea.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
He actually wasn't there, his lawyer was, and so now
the date has been pushed back to August fifteenth. He
was busy doing three sold out shows over the weekend,
but he missed his court but his.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
But it was okay work. He was allowed to. Yeah,
he had to work so his lawyer could go.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
However, we do now know that Morgan also announced that
he's going to be opening his own bar in Nashville
Memorial Day weekend, called Morgan Wallen's This Bar in Tennessee Kitchen.

Speaker 3 (11:58):
So I don't know if you're gonna allowed to throw
chairs there, but throwing the thing was all promo for
his new bar.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
That would be so unfortunate if that's true. But also
it could you could though, yeah good price. No, what
everyone says bad press is never bad press. Like, yeah,
I know, whatever you like. It does a whole throat
like chair throwing like events that would be kind of
messed up. And well if it was like you know,
in a nice place like where nobody would get hurt,

you know. Yeah. Anyway, So Zane Mallick is going country.
What we we did report on this not that long ago.
His new album drops May seventeenth, so we're almost there.
It's called Room under the Stars, but it is influenced
by country music, and people are saying that he's starting
to kind of dance that line and going country like
many other artists. Ye yeah, wow, everybody really is. Do

you think that you will double because you have a
new song dropping?

Speaker 3 (12:50):
I do.

Speaker 4 (12:50):

Speaker 3 (12:50):
My new song is dropping May fourteenth, so soon before
Zane Mallick song Wow song shouting out. You can follow
the Spotify follow page if you go to my Instagram
at jewel Fresh and it's in the bio. I keep
accidentally making songs that sound kind of country. Really yeah,
Like I'm working on a new one and it sounds
kind of country ish, and then so I'm like, maybe

I should just go that direction. I do it on accident.
I'm like, this will sound dope, and then I listen
back and I'm like, I sound country again.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
If you did get you cowboy boots, that's true. Yeah,
it could be inspiring.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
Maybe I should.

Speaker 1 (13:24):
That's fun. It's another business venture you could do too.
Because Zane is not only dropping a new album, He's
teamed up with mix Solid Sheet, a non alcoholic cocktail brand,
and so he just dropped the one that he crafted
and it's a mocktail, but it's a light Chi martini mocktail.

Speaker 3 (13:38):
So leek sounds very country to me. That sounds a
little boogie leeche light? Is it Likeichi Chi?

Speaker 1 (13:44):

Speaker 3 (13:45):

Speaker 1 (13:45):
That was Leechi Lichi. Seriously, you're gonna correct me, you
come correct, right, Okay, Well, no, I mean I've been
saying it wrong with this time. I thought it was
a Leechi Martini sounds it sounds cute. It is a mocktail.
Maybe not country, but he's trying all of the things.
And lastly, if you've noticed some UFO footage all over
social media, which you may have because there was a

spike last week through southwestern the United States, Scandinavia, and
eastern Europe. They were posting all types of videos and
photos of a blurry, white or orange light. Said that
it was moving horizontally before it just shot straight up
and disappeared, So you know it's not a laser pointer.

Speaker 3 (14:24):
It wasn't.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
I was going to tell you what it most likely was.
It was probably the space X Falcon nine rocket that
was launching that day. So anytime there's some type of
SpaceX launch, people think that they see UFOs. So if
you thought you saw UFO, chances are it was the
SpaceX Falcon nine or a UFO disguising itself as that,
or a lightning. I've already said, wow, I don't think

it was a laser pointer. Thanks for playing about. That's
what's trending. It's time to Catch a Cheater Only on
the Jubile Show.

Speaker 3 (15:00):
Roy is on the phone today for to catch a Cheater.
He thinks that his girlfriend of three and a half
years might be messing around. Her name is Melissa. What's up?

Speaker 7 (15:08):

Speaker 3 (15:08):
Hey, how you guys doing not too bad, man, how
are you well?

Speaker 7 (15:13):
You know, I mean kind of regrettable situation to be honest.

Speaker 3 (15:16):
Yeah, I always hate when I ask that question on
this segment because obviously you're not doing the best. You
think that your partner might be cheating on you, and
I'm assuming this is kind of a last resort for you.

Speaker 7 (15:28):
Yeah, I mean, I don't know what else to do.
She just won't open up.

Speaker 3 (15:31):
To me, Okay, so tell us what's going on.

Speaker 7 (15:34):
So lately she's been just on the phone texting all
the time, and like, I don't know, she's just not
really paying much attention to seeing the loof. When I
ask her about it, she's kind of like, oh, you know,
don't worry about it. Kind of situation, you know. And
I just feel like I'm being left in the cold
and I don't really know what's going on.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
Does she normally communicate with you pretty thoroughly? Like is
this a different way for her to communicate with you altogether?

Speaker 7 (16:00):
Yeah, it feels weird. She seems very frustrated with me,
and I don't get why. The only reason I'm even
bringing it up is because, you know, we had a
situation in the past where she did cheat on me,
and this is making me suspicious?

Speaker 3 (16:13):
When was that?

Speaker 7 (16:14):
Was it recent or it was like six months ago?

Speaker 3 (16:18):
Obviously you decided to forgive her for that and try
to move forward.

Speaker 7 (16:22):
Yeah, and like we've been good, but the last like
a few weeks, it's been just like weird. I don't know,
I feel like she's changing or something. It's really bothering me.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
What did it feel like when she cheated on you
six months ago? Does it feel like this?

Speaker 7 (16:36):
No, not exactly, because she was still talking to me.
So that was kind of a shock when I found out.

Speaker 3 (16:41):
You know, have you let her know that you're suspicious
that she's messing around? Like or have you asked questions?

Speaker 7 (16:48):
Not directly, but I've like asked her like what's going on?
Like why are you so cold? Like you know, I
didn't want to be like too forward about the cheating thing,
you know, because it's like then then she might back more.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
So, when you found out she was cheating on you
the first time, did she admit to that or did
you catch her?

Speaker 10 (17:07):

Speaker 7 (17:07):
I caught her, but then she admitted it. It was
like some evidence and then I like confronted her and
then she had ended up admitting it and it wasn't
like evidence. But once I kind of found the evidence,
I was like, is this what does this mean? And
then she told me the truth and so we had
a conversation and I decided to forget her and we
moved on.

Speaker 3 (17:25):
Okay, it is shady, you know, she's acting different. And
then the fact that that happened six months ago, and
you would think if it was that recent, she would
be going out of her way to make sure that
you knew she wasn't messing around, you know, Yeah, because
I'd be on edge too, Roy, let's be honest.

Speaker 7 (17:41):
Yeah, And she's been late coming home and she's not
telling me.

Speaker 1 (17:44):
Why did you know the guy she originally cheated on with? Like, no,
have you met all her coworkers and like people who
she like works with? Do you trust people she works with?

Speaker 7 (17:54):
I only know a couple of them that she's kind
of like more friends with. I don't know all of them.
And those are all Those are like two females that
she was kind of clothes with.

Speaker 3 (18:02):
So when this happened before, did she give you details
about how she met that person?

Speaker 10 (18:08):
A little bit?

Speaker 7 (18:09):
It was more like I was more focused on the
betrayal than I was on the details of how yeh
yees makes for sure.

Speaker 3 (18:16):
The reason I was asking you is I was wondering
if they were also a coworker.

Speaker 7 (18:21):
Yeah, so it wasn't a coworker. We definitely confirm that.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
Okay, all right, cool, Well, we'll see if we can
figure it out for you. You told us what grocery
store she shops at and is a rewards card member at,
so we'll call her, pretend to be from there, and say,
every single month, we choose one rewards card member at
random who gets free flowers delivered from our brand new
and improofd fol department, and we'll see if she sends
those to you or to somebody else.

Speaker 7 (18:43):
Okay, okay, sounds good.

Speaker 3 (18:45):
All right, man, plaus I'll come back and then get
you to catch a cheater next, if you're just joining
us for today to catch a cheater. Roy is on
the phone and Roy thinks that his girlfriend of three
and a half years, Melissa, might be cheating on him.
She actually has cheated on him before, six months ago
he caught her and now he thinks it might be
happening again. So we're about to help him out real quick.

Roy Refresh everybody's memory. What's going on?

Speaker 7 (19:09):
Well, good, keep it quick. She's just been acting cold.
She's been texting a lot, looking at her phone a lot.
We haven't really been engaging like we used to. And
then she's coming home from work weight and she gets
frustrated whenever I mention it.

Speaker 3 (19:21):
All right, We're about to call her and pretend to
be from the grocery store that she's a Rewards card
member at and tell her that every single month we
choose one rewards Card member at random, we gets free
flowers delivered from our beautiful, new and improved fold apartment.
It's so nice. Yeah, well, see if she believes that,
and if she sends the flowers to you or to
somebody else? Okay, you ready?

Speaker 7 (19:38):
Yes? All right?

Speaker 3 (19:39):
Cool Mandela? The phone of her right now. Hello, Hi,
this is gorbel calling from Is this Melissa?

Speaker 4 (19:55):

Speaker 3 (19:55):
This she Melissa?

Speaker 7 (19:57):

Speaker 3 (19:57):
You're a rewards card member with us and A I
just wanted to say congratulations here this month's winner.

Speaker 4 (20:03):
I'm sorry I haven't heard of this before. What's going on?

Speaker 3 (20:06):
Oh the flowers? You're this month's winn.

Speaker 4 (20:10):
I won flowers.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
Well, we recently reimagined our floral department and to celebrate that,
we choose one Rewards Card member at random each month
who gets free flowers delivered from our brand new floral department.
We do delivery. Now. We're trying to get the word
out and also say thank you for shopping totally free,
totally free thirty six long stem red roses, a card,

and a box of chocolates.

Speaker 4 (20:35):
That is so sweet. That is awesome for.

Speaker 3 (20:39):
The flower delivery. If you know who you want to
send them to right now, I can take the information
in just a couple of minutes on the phone.

Speaker 4 (20:46):
Yeah, I can do that right now. Like, what do
you guys need?

Speaker 3 (20:48):
All I would need is the first and last name
of the person you want to send them to. If
you want to put anything on a card, I would
need that and then the address.

Speaker 4 (20:58):
Great okay, so yeah I guess us. Let's send them
to Roy.

Speaker 3 (21:05):
Did you want to include a card?

Speaker 4 (21:07):
I guess you can.

Speaker 9 (21:08):
Write like, hey love, Sorry, I've been really stressed out.

Speaker 4 (21:17):
Thanks for being there.

Speaker 7 (21:18):

Speaker 3 (21:18):
I got a question real quick, you know, if you
don't mind, no problem. How long you guys been together?

Speaker 4 (21:26):
Three and a half years?

Speaker 3 (21:27):
Three and a half years, okay, so hey, real quick,
I just want to let you know that this is
actually the Jubile Show. It's a radio show the grocery
store at All. That's Nina, What Why? And that's Victoria.
There's three people on the phone right now.

Speaker 4 (21:42):
What's it's about?

Speaker 3 (21:43):
We do a segment on our show called to Catch
a Cheater, and your boyfriend Roy is actually on the phone.
He's been listening the whole time and it's weird. Yeah,
it's a segment where we try to see if somebody
is messing around their significant other.

Speaker 4 (21:58):
Roy, are you there? Hi?

Speaker 9 (22:01):
Care to explain what the.

Speaker 4 (22:02):
Heck is going on here?

Speaker 7 (22:04):
I mean, I'm kind of relieved that you sent me
the roses, but I'm sorry I didn't trust you.

Speaker 4 (22:09):
Boy. I'm not cheating on you.

Speaker 7 (22:11):
I mean, it was just hard to believe. You've been
so cold and like stressed out and like you're just
acting weird with me lately. I don't know, Like when
are you going to trust me? When the wounds are healed,
I'm still hurting.

Speaker 4 (22:26):
That was six months ago. I cheated on you six
months ago. Like that you forgave me.

Speaker 3 (22:32):
That's that.

Speaker 4 (22:33):
I feel like it's time to move on.

Speaker 7 (22:36):
It would be easier if I knew why you were
texting and looking at your phone all the time and
not engaging with me. I just feel like you've been
distant and it's opening the wound up again.

Speaker 4 (22:46):
Okay, you want to hear all of the boring work stuff,
that's fine.

Speaker 9 (22:50):
You know that I want to keep work at work
and home at home.

Speaker 4 (22:53):
It's a stressful job.

Speaker 9 (22:54):
I don't really want to talk about it, but I
guess I'm here on the radio freaking talking about it.

Speaker 4 (22:58):
So I have a new cowork they're my superior.

Speaker 9 (23:01):
They are stressing me out because they're texting me constantly
about like everything, like they're new in town, what grocery
store to go to, what bar to go to?

Speaker 4 (23:10):
Everything that they could, Like, I'm their personal assistant and
I just want to get home, turn on the tv,
like relax a little bit, and not think about it
for like a second. But then they just keep texting me.
So I don't want to talk about it. And that's
literally all that it is.

Speaker 7 (23:26):
Okay, Yeah, So what's this person that you're texting the name?

Speaker 10 (23:29):
What does this new coworker like you have?

Speaker 4 (23:31):

Speaker 9 (23:31):
Why do you care what their names?

Speaker 4 (23:32):
Why is that important?

Speaker 7 (23:33):
But we're in a relationship. I feel like if you're
texting somebody all the time, I'd like to at least
know who they are.

Speaker 4 (23:42):
You gotta trust me, Like, I don't need to tell
you this.

Speaker 7 (23:45):
This is making it harder.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
Yeah, why wouldn't you just tell the name of your coworker?

Speaker 4 (23:50):
Fine, okay, Jason, that's his name.

Speaker 7 (23:54):
Oh so it is a guy.

Speaker 4 (23:56):
I'm gonna have male coworkers.

Speaker 7 (23:58):
I mean the fact that you're hiding from me that
makes it more suspicious. Look, I'm choosing to trust you,
but like I'm still hurting. And the fact that, like
you're texting somebody all the time and it's a guy,
even though he's your coworker, and you wouldn't tell me
anything about what was going on, that it makes me suspicious.
And I'm choosing to lay that aside for the sake

of our relationship. But like, you gotta let me know
what's going on when I ask you.

Speaker 4 (24:24):
Right, I already said that I would. Can we just
like drop this? She's my coworker.

Speaker 7 (24:29):
See that that doesn't help. I feel like your attitude
right now is like super defensive, and that makes it.

Speaker 4 (24:35):
I am not being defensive. I am not being defensive.

Speaker 9 (24:38):
Okay, I told you what I told you, but I
gotta go.

Speaker 4 (24:44):
I got to go back to work. I'll see you later.

Speaker 3 (24:47):
Okay, let's throw it to a vote. Is something going
on Nina? I want to say no, but she's curious,
Like I think she's attracted to Jason, Okay, Victoria, I
don't know.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
It's offensiveness that's getting me, Like she's too defensive to
for nothing to be going on in my opinion.

Speaker 3 (25:05):
Yeah, and the person whose opinion really matters, Roy, what.

Speaker 7 (25:07):
Do you think I'm having really nixed opinions because she
sent me the roses without hesitation, but like when I
said you're being defensive, she blew up.

Speaker 1 (25:15):
That's why she's not cheating on you? Right now, Roy,
and I think we have to watch this situation closely. Yeah, yeah,
I want you to think about it. She didn't sound
very reasonable and willing to see your side, and she
is the one that cheated.

Speaker 7 (25:29):
Right Yeah, I mean I've been faithful.

Speaker 3 (25:31):
Okay, I think Roy, ultimately, is she worth maybe getting
hurt again?

Speaker 7 (25:38):
I'm quiet right now, I'm questioning. I wanted to say
yes when it was kind of like with the roses
she gave them to me, but now, like her response
was pretty unreasonable it was.

Speaker 3 (25:50):
If you continue the relationship with her, it could happen again. Right,
maybe not, But like, if you do choose to trust her,
you got to trust her, and you do know you
could open yourself up to her doing it again. Are
you willing to take that risk? I guess is what
you have to what I feel like you have to
the things you have to weigh.

Speaker 7 (26:11):
Yeah, I'm still on the fence. I mean, I think
I'm going to try and give her a chance, and
if the behavior doesn't change, I'm just gonna all it quits.

Speaker 3 (26:18):
Okay, Well, let us know. Keep us updated man. Yeah,
good luck, Roy. Yeah, we're playing for you.

Speaker 7 (26:23):
Appreciate your help.

Speaker 3 (26:24):
Yeah, no problem. And if you if it ends up
not working out, don't worry. We can find you another
date from someone who texted the show. We've got a
lot of people texting and who want dates all the time.
So to is here Victoria too?

Speaker 1 (26:34):

Speaker 3 (26:34):
Anybody Hi, I have.

Speaker 4 (26:39):
A girl.

Speaker 1 (26:42):

Speaker 4 (26:45):
Thank you, Ry. I'll keep that in mind, all right.
The Jewel shows to catch a cheater.

Speaker 11 (26:53):
What you just said is one of the most insanely
idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your ambling,
incoherent response were you even close to anything that could
be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is
now dumber for having listened to it. I award you
no points and may God have mercy on it.

Speaker 3 (27:14):
So almost time for America's a favorite trivia game, you
versus Victoria, your chance to take on our own Victoria
ramir is in a swaggerific game of trivia for a
half eaten hotdog signed by Jimmy Kimmel himself.

Speaker 4 (27:28):
I mean that.

Speaker 3 (27:32):
Also dog tickets to fit ball with t Paine. So
call us right now eight eight eight three four three
one six eight eight eight three four three six one
if you want to play Victoria. And now for a
rapid fire word association to see how quick Victoria's brain
is working today. All right, Victoria, first word that comes
to mind when I say Tuesday, Monday stork dork clam.

Speaker 1 (27:57):
Cham though clam cham cheap clam.

Speaker 3 (28:03):
Okay, did that? Good job. That was a slow progression.
See how it goes. You versus Victoria is coming up
right after this. It's the Jubil Show.

Speaker 12 (28:11):
You know what's weird about your quizzes, Katie, is that
all the work is right and just the answers are wrong.
I know that having a boyfriend may seem like the
most important thing in the world right now, but you
don't have to dumb.

Speaker 3 (28:22):
Yourself down to get guys to like you. It's time great.
In this movie, America's Favorite trivia game, You Versus Victoria,
your chance to take on Victoria. Ramire is in a
game of trivia for a half eaten hot dogs signed
by Jimmy Kimmel himself. Yeah wow, also tickets the Pitbull
and t Paine And let's meet today's contestant for you
versus Victoria. Oscar. What's up, Oscar?

Speaker 10 (28:44):
Hey, I'm going good.

Speaker 3 (28:45):
How are you?

Speaker 10 (28:48):

Speaker 3 (28:49):
Okay, that sounded like you're not swelling off. Okay, just swell.
Victoria's on a two game win streak.

Speaker 7 (29:01):
I'm feeling actually pretty good because I'm pretty confident I
can be.

Speaker 10 (29:04):
Victoria coming there.

Speaker 3 (29:07):
She has a two game win streak.

Speaker 1 (29:09):
So and I just took my focus gummies.

Speaker 3 (29:10):
Yes, that's weird, but I don't know if I was.

Speaker 10 (29:14):
At all.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
Alright, here we go, Victoria ready?

Speaker 1 (29:18):

Speaker 3 (29:18):
Wait what leave.

Speaker 1 (29:23):

Speaker 3 (29:25):
Yeah? Victoria is leaving the studio. While she leaves, the
game is played like this. You got thirty seconds Tanser
as many questions as possible. If you don't know when,
just say pass and Victoria has to beat you outright
to win? Okay, all right, all right, she's outside. The
door is closed, and Oscar, your time starts now. A
pickle is made from? Which fruit or vegetable?

Speaker 10 (29:48):

Speaker 3 (29:49):
What is the capital of China? What colors mixed to
make green?

Speaker 10 (29:58):
Yellow, and blue?

Speaker 3 (30:00):
How many sides does a triangle have?

Speaker 7 (30:04):

Speaker 3 (30:04):
What is the largest desert in the world?

Speaker 10 (30:08):

Speaker 3 (30:09):
How many colors are in the rainbow? All right? Got
that in out of time. We'll bring Victoria back into
the studio while she's getting settled to Oscar. What's something
you would like the world to know about you? Today?

Speaker 7 (30:24):
On Friday was my twenty five year anniversary of being
on a game show. I don't know if I can
say the game show or not?

Speaker 3 (30:31):

Speaker 10 (30:33):
The price is right?

Speaker 12 (30:34):

Speaker 1 (30:34):

Speaker 3 (30:35):
You were on the prices right?

Speaker 8 (30:36):
Oh yeah, twenty five years ago?

Speaker 3 (30:39):
Wow, how'd you do?

Speaker 7 (30:42):
I got all the way to the showcase showdown?

Speaker 1 (30:45):
Is that good? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (30:46):
I don't know what that is. I think it sounds good,
look at it.

Speaker 10 (30:50):
I found out it was on YouTube. I didn't know
that all the shows are on YouTube.

Speaker 7 (30:54):
Somebody told me so, then I looked it up because
the date.

Speaker 10 (30:56):
I was like, oh wow, there you go.

Speaker 1 (30:59):
Celebrate with more.

Speaker 3 (31:00):
So you're a game show vet.

Speaker 7 (31:03):
I love yes, I love trivia.

Speaker 3 (31:05):
All right, Victoria, that's not good. Two game win streak.
Your work is cut out for you thirty seconds to
answer as many questions as possible. If you don't know one,
just say pass and you have to beat an Oscar
outright to win. Oscar you can tell Victoria win to go.

A pickle is made from which fruit or vegetable?

Speaker 4 (31:27):

Speaker 3 (31:28):
A cucumber? What is the capital of China?

Speaker 10 (31:33):
I don't want.

Speaker 3 (31:36):
What colors mixed to make green?

Speaker 9 (31:38):

Speaker 4 (31:39):

Speaker 9 (31:39):

Speaker 1 (31:39):

Speaker 3 (31:40):
Blue and yellow? How many sides does a triangle happen?

Speaker 8 (31:43):

Speaker 3 (31:44):
Ye, I'm sorry. What is the largest desert in the world?

Speaker 1 (31:46):

Speaker 3 (31:47):
How many colors are there in a rainbow?

Speaker 7 (31:49):

Speaker 3 (31:50):
What is the super nova?

Speaker 4 (31:52):

Speaker 1 (31:52):
Really big moon?

Speaker 4 (31:55):
All right?

Speaker 8 (31:57):
Out of time?

Speaker 3 (31:57):
And I didn't you were the one starling. You got
one more question in than Oscar did. But let's see
how you did and send it over to the scoreboard.
Our producer Brad is out today, so our social media
producer Gabby has your score.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
All right, Victoria, you got three correct? Oscar got five? Whoa, Oscar?

Speaker 3 (32:16):
Hey, congratulations, Victoria's got our head in her hands right now.

Speaker 1 (32:23):
It's been so long, sin padawin streak five in a row.

Speaker 3 (32:29):
That's amazing, Oscar.

Speaker 1 (32:30):
Yeah, all those they're hard. You just knew them.

Speaker 10 (32:36):
Yeah, it wasn't too bad, which sounds like those are hard.

Speaker 3 (32:40):
It was all right, it wasn't bad. So congratulations, Oscar.
You get a half eaten hot dog sign by Jimmy
Kimmel himself. You just have to wait till he's eating
a hot dog and throws it in the trash and
then ask him autographic. Oh, I'm also pitbull tickets Pitbull
and t paying tickets.

Speaker 10 (32:55):
Sounds good.

Speaker 7 (32:56):
That's really good to hear that way.

Speaker 10 (32:57):
That start up on Monday.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
Let's better than swell. Now now I'm swell with the
answers at Nina. Pickle is made from a cucumber. The
capital of China is Beijing. Blue and yellow mixed together
to make green. There are three sides to a triangle.
Antarctica is actually the largest desert in the world, and
it's not it is. I just googled it too, because

I wasn't sure what but it is, No, it's it's ice.
Just look it up, sweetheart, don't yell at me. I
got I don't got to look it up. So there
are seven colors incorrect.

Speaker 3 (33:35):
And then a super nova is the explosion of a star.

Speaker 1 (33:38):
Oh dang it, I need that too. I just like
I twisty a space and time.

Speaker 3 (33:43):
Congratulations, Oscar, thank you for playing man.

Speaker 7 (33:46):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (33:47):
Yeah, we play you versus Victoria at the same time
every single weekday morning. If you want to play Victoria,
you can always DM us at the Jubile Show or
go to the jubilshow dot com. What are you doing
right now, Victoria, I'm looking it up.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
I only that's right.

Speaker 3 (33:58):
I know it's not right.

Speaker 1 (33:59):
The largest in the world, hap it says, which is
bigger as the hair or Antarctic? And then you look
it up and then it's literally at the northest point.
How is there a where do you get sand? They're
not defined by hot temperatures and sand dunes. Rather, deserts
are defined by a very low amount of rain and snow.
Bro That doesn't make sense. Oh my god, I'm so confused.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
Right now, Victoria's might pass out, Like I don't I
feel like I've been lied to.

Speaker 12 (34:26):
First day to follow up powered by the Advocates Injury
Attorneys online at Advocates.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
Law dot com.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
Remy is on the phone today for a first date
follow up and he's getting ghosted by Terka. So in
a minute, we're gonna call her and see if tell
us why she's ghosting and maybe get another date. But first, Remy,
how long has it been since you heard from Tarika.

Speaker 7 (34:45):
It's been about two weeks now, Okay, have you reached
out to her?

Speaker 8 (34:50):
I mean at first I was reaching out, but no,
I've kind of gotten the point and you know, held
back recently.

Speaker 1 (34:56):
Why don't you tell us about your date?

Speaker 4 (34:59):

Speaker 8 (34:59):
Sure, So we went out to take place in town
I really like, and then after that every went out
for a froio and then we even went out a
little dive bar I really like after that. So I
don't know, it was a great night, you know, you know,
we met up around seven, and you know, by the
time I dropped her off, it was you know, almost
atarready night. So great night, a lot of fun.

Speaker 1 (35:22):
This is always weird to me when you go to
three different locations and then you get ghosted, because at
that point you have a pretty good feeling that like,
this person wants to spend time with you, Like you
had it out two different times. Did you feel like
she was super nice?

Speaker 8 (35:34):
Yeah, she was super nice. I like, you know how
we talked a while before even our first date, and like,
I don't know, we're both vibing really good together. And yeah,
it was really weird that she didn't tell me anything
was wrong.

Speaker 1 (35:46):
So could it be like work or family related that
she's not like something's going on in her personal life?

Speaker 8 (35:53):
Yeah, I mean she she's some like she really had
her stuff together, but you know, it's definitely possible she
get this kind of busy. But you know, like I said,
it's been a couple week, so I forgured if she
wanted to go out another date, maybe she would have
answered me.

Speaker 1 (36:03):
But I really least, you know, want to know why
during the date, Remy, did she give you feelings that
she liked you? Did she say that or is there
something that could have possibly happened that would have made
the date kind of take a turn?

Speaker 4 (36:17):

Speaker 9 (36:17):
I don't know.

Speaker 8 (36:18):
Like, so I guess the one thing is I was
making like kind of some suggestive comments, like you know,
because things were going so well, like you know, how
much I liked her and stuff, and it seemed like
those feelings were kind of reciprocated. But I don't know,
maybe I pushed too hard, Like that's one thing I
can really think.

Speaker 3 (36:34):
Of, But like what did you say? What direction were
you pushing? Like, oh I really liked you. I can't
reason we get married or yeah yeah.

Speaker 8 (36:41):
Yeah, no, no, nothing like that, but just like, oh,
you know, next time, I'll have to do this, and
you know, things like that, like you know kind of
you know, you know, insinuating that you know, this would
to be the only, you.

Speaker 4 (36:53):
Know, date.

Speaker 3 (36:54):
I think that's some good things.

Speaker 1 (36:56):

Speaker 3 (36:56):
Yeah, you can't think of anything awkward that happened or
any reason that you'd be getting ghosted.

Speaker 8 (37:01):
Yeah, I don't know, Like I don't know. Maybe I
wasn't dressed right, like I was wearing like corduroy bands
or something. Maybe she was kidding me on that.

Speaker 4 (37:09):
I don't know.

Speaker 3 (37:12):
I think corduroys are in now, so is ish Okay,
so maybe you were getting judged on that line.

Speaker 8 (37:18):
I mean, I like them.

Speaker 3 (37:19):
How tight were they.

Speaker 8 (37:26):

Speaker 4 (37:26):
Just right?

Speaker 8 (37:27):

Speaker 3 (37:27):
Okay, all right, well we'll see if that is the issue,
we'll play a song come Back, and then call her
and see if she tell us why she's ghosting you,
and then maybe get you another date if you still want.

Speaker 10 (37:35):
Okay, all right, also appreciate him, So we'll play a
song come back.

Speaker 3 (37:39):
Can get your first day follow up next. Right in
the middle of your first day follow up if you're
just joining us, Remy is on the phone and he's
getting ghosted by Tarika. So in a second, we're going
to call her and see if she tell us why
she's ghosting him, and maybe get him another date. But first, Remy,
why don't you catch everybody up on your date with Tarika?

Speaker 8 (37:55):
So yeah, we went out to stage place, we had
frozen yogurt, you know, we went to dive bar, you know,
all together. We're together probably for about five hours. It's
a great day. You know, text her a few times
after the date. But now it's been about two weeks,
haven't heard from her. Don't know if she was judging
me on my corduroy paint. Some of the comment is
making you know, you know, hoping that we would you know,

it wouldn't be our only date or anything like that.
And yeah, I'm just really like to hear from her again,
or at least find out like why I haven't heard
from her?

Speaker 3 (38:25):
Okay, cool, you're ready for us to call her?

Speaker 9 (38:27):
Tell you?

Speaker 3 (38:28):
Okay, here we go. Oh, hi, I speak to Erica. Please.
This is hey Tarica. How are you? My name is
Jewbel and I'm calling from a radio show. It's called
the Jewbil Show. Hi, Sarah, I'm mean I'm also in

the show. Hi, I'm Victoria.

Speaker 9 (38:52):
Serious? Please?

Speaker 4 (38:53):
So that's cool?

Speaker 3 (38:56):
You listen to the show?

Speaker 2 (38:57):

Speaker 3 (38:58):
Yeah, we do segment on the show called the First
Date follow Up where if you go on a date
with somebody and ghost him, that person emails us to
call you up and ask why you're ghosting them.

Speaker 4 (39:09):
That's okay.

Speaker 3 (39:11):
So we got an email.

Speaker 4 (39:14):
About you, okay, all right, it's.

Speaker 3 (39:18):
From a dude named Remy. Oh no, oh yeah, yep?

Speaker 1 (39:24):
Are you ghosting Remy?

Speaker 4 (39:27):
Can I say yes? Or no?

Speaker 1 (39:30):

Speaker 10 (39:31):

Speaker 3 (39:32):
Would you mind explaining to us what that means?

Speaker 9 (39:33):

Speaker 4 (39:35):
I get like, I definitely put off messaging him back.
I'll put it that way. I've put off messaging him back.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
So he's not totally ghosted yet, it's just delayed. It
just mailed him a letter.

Speaker 1 (39:51):
At this point sounds funny.

Speaker 4 (39:53):
It wasn't anything like I literally just got thrown off.

Speaker 9 (39:58):
That was that was it?

Speaker 4 (39:59):
Like it was like anything. I was just thrown off. Okay,
So I couldn't stop thinking about what happened when we
went to get frozen overre like like I don't know
what happened, but like he he like became like a
monster in that proio shop, Like he added everything that
they had available for toppings and stuff, and he went bonkers,

like he added everything like cookies and gummy bears and
sprinkles and the Chobo syrup and and the strawberry.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
Yeah, it sounds like something I do too. Sending forty bucks.

Speaker 1 (40:44):
Are so good.

Speaker 3 (40:45):
I don't understand one.

Speaker 4 (40:49):
Well, I was like thought pos but I was like
I was like weird out. I was like, okay, this
thing is gonna weigh forty pounds. And I was just like,
has you never been to one of these places like
this first time out of the house. No, I just
I guess I thought about it like way too much.
And then I was like, well, I'll get back to him.
You know, I was still in my head and then

I completely forgot to get back to him.

Speaker 1 (41:14):
Okay, that sounds like something Victoria would Yeah, obviously you're
judging him on having so many toppings. Does that does
that tell you something about his character? Or you're just
really not sure how somebody can mix cookies and gummy
bears together. I'm not really understanding how this was like
an ick for you.

Speaker 4 (41:33):
It was just like a lot like I think, I
was just stunned. It was kind of like a train
wreck kind of thing. I was just watching it and
I'm like, I just can't I just can't stop thinking
about it. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (41:45):
Okay, let me ask you this, Karika. This will help
me understand. What do you put on your frozen yogurt?

Speaker 4 (41:50):
Oh? Well, like the flavors coordinate, like I'll do like,
you know, two tree flavors that like all make sense together,
but no toppings. I'll do some toppings, but I'll do like, oh, like,
let's do like a strawberry and a chocolate with like
some fresh strawberries on it or something like that that
makes sense, Like I do a couple of things.

Speaker 1 (42:09):
Yeah, no, no, I get it now. Her closet is
like it's color coordinating. It is, actually, yeah, I see,
it's okay, very nicer. I just needed to understand, okay,
why the chaos was the.

Speaker 4 (42:23):
Chaos is a good word for it.

Speaker 3 (42:24):
Yeah, that's the reason that you're ghosting is because of
the toppings on its froyio.

Speaker 4 (42:30):
I was just kind of picturing, you know how, like
there's those people at the like soda fountains that they
get like a splash of every single flavor in the
cup like that always.

Speaker 1 (42:37):
Okay, so I do that too. What Yeah, it's very incoction.

Speaker 3 (42:41):
It's called a Nina.

Speaker 1 (42:42):
I understand you your name like Nina aid, you know,
like lemonade was like anyways.

Speaker 3 (42:48):
Erica, thank you for telling us. I should also let
you know that Remy is on the phone listening and
wants to talk to a little.

Speaker 8 (43:00):
So yeah, I guess I kind of like you could
say a fruit punch of frozen yogurt, like you've heard
of the kid in the candy store, while I'm like
the man in the frog your place, Like I just
can't make my mind. So I guess maybe I didn't
want to hold on the date, so kind of deciding
I just added a little bit of everything. Sorry about that.

Speaker 1 (43:18):
If I don't think you need to apologize, I don't know.

Speaker 8 (43:26):
I'm just pretty offended.

Speaker 4 (43:28):
So I was okay, So I clarification, I'm so sorry.
I was not offended. I was just blown away, fleish,
my mind just blown like I don't think I had
the power to think after that.

Speaker 8 (43:41):
You know, maybe sometime I can go out for pizza
or something, but you know, I like to order a
lot of top people on.

Speaker 4 (43:46):
Those too, So I was gonna say, like, how many
topics go on your pizza? Like, are you one of
those people that puts party in contina butter or something?

Speaker 8 (43:56):
No, but maybe some sauce and pine apple hole and
green pepper and onion and Canadian bacon and taco and
you know pepperoni and black oloves green alos. So not
too many mushrooms, but not too many toppings.

Speaker 9 (44:13):
But I like it.

Speaker 4 (44:16):
I don't know, sounds a lot like well, at least
like a pizzas you can usually order like a half
and half.

Speaker 8 (44:23):
So but yeah, so it was just a pro yo
hum like it was really kind of fun around here
from you.

Speaker 4 (44:30):
Oh, Like I wasn't really like ghosteeing me because of it.
I just got in my head about it and then
I honestly I meant to get back to you, and
then I just didn't like that. That's it, Like I
wish I had a better use, I wish I had
a clever U and I have nothing.

Speaker 3 (44:47):
It was just would you like to go out with
Remy again? We'll pay for it. I mean, we'll pay
for most of it. I don't know how much is
cost if you guys get FROO, but we'll pay for it.

Speaker 4 (44:57):
I mean, I guess your question is like, is she
willing m out with me again?

Speaker 3 (45:02):
That's fair?

Speaker 8 (45:03):
Yeah, you know that pizza with the twenty tapping is
sounding pretty good now, so that'd be awesome.

Speaker 4 (45:09):
Well, I mean, if you want a third date, just
don't get the twenty tapping pizza. I mean.

Speaker 3 (45:17):
Chickens firsty follow up, It's time Bernina's what's trending.

Speaker 1 (45:21):
So it turns out millennials have developed a love affair
with chickens, pet chickens. It's actually turning into a thirty
billion dollar industry. Why yes, So we're talking about people
with the ages of twenty eight to forty three, and
a good one in five of them seem to have chickens.

Speaker 3 (45:37):
That seems like a lot a lot of people with chickens.
That is a lot there are. It's funny.

Speaker 1 (45:42):
There's one of my neighbors to the left house chickens. Really,
so you can look out the window and see when
the chickens have eggs.

Speaker 3 (45:48):
Chicken, it's so interesting you have a chicken stew. Well,
I could see you.

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Having chickens, but don't get chickens, so then we can
get fresh eggs. Actually, Victoria, that is why most people
are doing this right now, because they think of it
as more of a sustainable lifestyle, and it guarantees a
source of fresh eggs for breakfast. I don't see that
the reason of Jubil having chickens, but I want that.

Speaker 3 (46:10):
Any different reasons. Yeah, why do you think Jubel would
have chickens?

Speaker 1 (46:13):
Because he just wants me to play around his backyard
like with thieves, like keeping just can see.

Speaker 3 (46:17):
Jewbil in his backyard, like doing a legit chicken dance. Chickens, Absolutely, George,
I want to walk out every morning. Ago do you
think you are walking around here like the cock of
the walk?

Speaker 4 (46:28):

Speaker 3 (46:29):
Just walking around here stretting your stuff right, see your
kids later.

Speaker 1 (46:34):
I can make him with like all little collars and a.

Speaker 3 (46:36):
Really nobody hear about us. Chickens has a little name.

Speaker 1 (46:42):
Okay, so well if you have chickens. You're not alone.

Speaker 3 (46:45):
It's real love.

Speaker 1 (46:47):
So there's a new resume hack that is trending right
now and it's actually quite brilliant. So it's all about
the fact that we now know that companies use AI
to filter out job candidates and resumes. So there's this
woman who has created a hack where you take the
the the job listing you comby and you paste it
into your resume, but then you make the ink white

so you can't see it, but it picks up an AI.
So all of the words they are searched for are
found in this resume. Why you have your regular resume
and then you have like the ghost under it under it, Yeah,
and then it'll get picked Interesting, isn't it. If they
accidentally like highlight the whole page, they're gonna see it then.

Speaker 3 (47:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (47:30):
That didn't go It didn't go that far, but some
people are trying it and they're pretty excited about it. Lastly,
there's been a survey telling us what the most popular
cocktails are in the US, and the top five are
these margaritas yea, Martini's, Constantine's. I don't know what that
no idea mohitos pina coladas. Love a mohito. Pina coladas

can be too heavy sometimes, yeah, but they do hit
every once in a while. So sure, we'll look up
what a constantine is for now. That's what's trending.

Speaker 3 (48:01):
It's gin. It is what kind gin? Vermouth? A dash
of maraschino and one dash of absinthe ohoa, that sounds
like a dangerous drink. Gin is not my thing.

Speaker 1 (48:14):
Let's try it.

Speaker 3 (48:15):
I'll watch you do it.

Speaker 1 (48:17):
That's what's trending.

Speaker 4 (48:19):
Jewbles, dirty little secret?

Speaker 3 (48:21):
Hello, Hello, what's up? You have a dirty little secret?

Speaker 4 (48:26):
Yes? I do?

Speaker 3 (48:27):

Speaker 1 (48:28):
What is it?

Speaker 4 (48:30):

Speaker 10 (48:30):
I work from home and my wife does not work
from home. She has a nine to five. She goes
out the house and she loves to cook. She isn't
the best cook.

Speaker 7 (48:40):
She's not a good cook.

Speaker 10 (48:41):
She's a great woman, not a good cook.

Speaker 3 (48:42):
Okay, so dinner.

Speaker 6 (48:45):
She usually makes dinner and then have it left over
for lunch for me. It's like, here's your lunch any
you know? Putting a container for you and I I
can't do it.

Speaker 10 (48:56):
So I said it to the dog before I've thrown
her away and the neighbors garbage can. So she won't
see it. I've gotten caught.

Speaker 6 (49:08):
By the neighbor. So I had a lot of them
and tell them what I was putting my trash in
their Yeah, she is not not a good cook, great woman,
not a good cook.

Speaker 3 (49:20):
Yeah, what do you tell her? Do you come back
home and be like the food was amazing?

Speaker 6 (49:24):
Yeah, so thanks for getting lunch together from me. And
it was tasty. It's gonna be I love it.

Speaker 3 (49:30):
And then she's like, okay, I'll make dinner. I H'm hungry.
I haven't eaten all day. Wait what, thanks for your
dirty little secret.

Speaker 10 (49:38):
Yeah, you're welcome.

Speaker 9 (49:39):

Speaker 3 (49:40):
Hello, Hello, Hey, you have a dirty little secret.

Speaker 9 (49:43):
I do.

Speaker 3 (49:44):
Yes, Well, let's hear it.

Speaker 4 (49:47):
Okay, I'll dive right on it. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (49:51):
A couple months ago, my best friend and I we
were hanging out. We had a drunken night out, as
you do, and we got really drunk. And this is
my childhood friend. I've known her forever and we actually ended.

Speaker 4 (50:09):
Up making out.

Speaker 2 (50:10):
Okay, and yeah, she remembers it and she thinks, oh,
that was just a fun thing. I remember it, and
I feel like I have feelings for her that I
didn't know I had.

Speaker 3 (50:26):
Oh oh wow.

Speaker 2 (50:28):

Speaker 4 (50:29):
So I'm a little confused. I'm thinking maybe.

Speaker 2 (50:33):
I'm actually in love with my best friend, Like I'm
actually thinking that I just didn't realize it until this happened,
and I just I don't know how.

Speaker 4 (50:42):
To tell her.

Speaker 3 (50:43):
Yeah, that's a tough one.

Speaker 1 (50:45):
Yeah, would you be okay with losing her friendship if
for any reason, like she freaked out?

Speaker 3 (50:49):
I don't know. I feel like you have to tell
her anyway, right, But it would be hard to have
a friend that you were in love with that didn't
know you were in love with them, but also like
you just thought of them as friends, because then you'd
be wanting to do more, be heart broken. It's radating
somebody else anyway. Yeah, but then then you'd be close
enough to me you could sabotage all the relationships. What
It's true. Yeah, it'd be a long term, like long
con Yeah, recommend that. But think about any of that.

Speaker 2 (51:14):
Well, I mean, yeah, I think if I don't tell her,
it's going to be absolute torture. But I obviously don't
want to lose my childhood best friend if she doesn't
feel the same.

Speaker 7 (51:24):
So I'm really conflicted.

Speaker 3 (51:26):
Well, you have time to figure it out, you know,
and maybe in that time, you guys could go get
drunk again.

Speaker 1 (51:34):
That's it. She feels the same way.

Speaker 2 (51:38):
I mean, that's that's the hope, right, Like, and I
won't know unless I actually ask her.

Speaker 3 (51:43):
Honesty is the best policy. But that's just me just
fixuring that conversation.

Speaker 9 (51:48):
Do you love me?

Speaker 4 (51:49):
Yeah, of course I love you.

Speaker 1 (51:50):
I love you too, And like there's having two different
conversations about love at the same time.

Speaker 3 (51:56):
Well, good luck. If you ever decide to tell her,
maybe you should. You could come on the show and
call her and see it, to see what happens. Well,
either way, just let us know how it goes. Yeah, yeah,
let us know it is either way.

Speaker 1 (52:05):
Good luck.

Speaker 4 (52:06):
Yeah, I think I'm gonna do it. Thanks guys.

Speaker 3 (52:08):
Bye, what's your dirty little secret?
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