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Want the best. You got thebest the fun morning in the w And
that sounded pretty painful there, BillyGreenwood. Sounds like I was wounded or
something. The heck, God,Tuesday is here. That means a team
Tuesday will get you our little minordisagreement we have in the studio and we'll
share exactly why we feel the waywe do and then we'll see who's team
you're all day. In fact,it is not home, I know,
not only a team Tuesday. Wehad the big announcement yesterday google Buster Live.
We're taking our google Buster on theroad already selling tables and I love
this and we'll get you up tospeed on when that's going to be and
where that's going to be and whywe're doing it. The most fun trivia
night you've ever had. If you'veever been to a trivia night, they
are fun. So yeah, googleBuster Line. We have information on that
on the show today. Also thesecond and final stop on our border Blood
Battle. We're going to be inIllinois my side of the river this Friday.
Will tell you where we're going tobe. I keep getting people asking
is this still going on? Yes, yes it is, And you know,
I really do want. I'm notbeing lying when I say I want
Illinois to win. Wells I wonlast year, and I'm donating to your
side. Thank you for coming overto my side of the river and leaving
your blood. You're welcome, thoughts. So we'll tell you all about that
as well in the show Today,More chances Judy and winning thousands of dollars.
I love that we are giving awaythousands bucks. It's a thousand dollars
payday. Your first chance is atnine o'clock and then we're gonna flip this
gript. We'll have your chance towin absolutely nothing, not a zilch zero
for the Google Buster, which Billydoes. At seven forty. We a
lot to get to this morning.Are you going to spill some tea for
us? There's a few between aTaylor and a Kim like the sender that
already. We'll get to the teawith Judy after the news you need for
this Tuesday, April at twenty third, the possibility of a ban against TikTok
is getting more and more likely.The bill to pass the addictive social media
app passed the House this week.Now heading to the sentence, he's likely
to pass there as well. Thebill would require TikTok's Chinese owner Byte Dance
to sell its stake within one year. Wallmakers have been concerned about the apps
security and Chinese ties, with somegoing so far as to call it a
national security risk. Trader Joe's hasannounceday recall of their Fresh basil in stores
in twenty nine states due to salmonnila. The affected products would have been
sold between February the first and Aprilthe sixth. That's the good news.
Should be expired with the sale dateby now, so hopefully it's not in
sores. And unless you're my dashand it was a walk off winner for
Nolan Gorman and our Saint Louis Cardinals, we down the Diamondbacks by two three
nights. You need now we spillthe tea with Judy t You know you
would think Kim kardash you would knowby now not to mess with Taylor's fans.
I mean her Swifties love her andapparently Taylor Swift reportedly called out Kim
as a bully and criticized her ona bronze spray tan statue in the song
that she wrote. I saw thesong, saw the words, and boy
is it, pinpointing her well.Kim reportedly lost approximately one hundred thousand social
media followers after the song A move. Yeah, it's like a softer version
of the West Coast East Coast rapbattles from back in the day. It
is it's like, girls, canwe just all get along? And that
is such a popular feature, andtrivia nights are so popular. Let's do
a google Buster Trivia night. Sowe made the announcement yesterday. We've been
talking about doing this. I feellike for a long time we've been bugging
them and bugging them, And justto be honest with you, I think
that management doesn't trust us on thisone. I don't know that they believe
that we can pull this off.I don't. I don't know either,
But we can google Buster Live.Judy and I are taking the google Buster
question on the road and doing agoogle Buster Trivia Night. Now, let's
give him a few of the kindof rounds we're gonna do so you can
see that how much fun. Don'tlet me know you're gonna ask that before
we actually go live on the radio. Well, I could tell you some
of them are going to be likeTVs and movies that we grew up on
TV shows we grew up on,for example, The Brady Bunch. Not
that I'm gonna put at a bunchof question in there, but you're still
just long enough for me to findthat we're going to do an eighties movie
round. Yeah, and Big Mikethe Afternoon Guy. I had a great
idea. We're gonna actually let youknow what the movie is before the trivia
nighty oh, so you can watchthe movie and sort of study. I
love that, then you can talkabout it with your friends. First,
we'll have a Saint Louis Sports round. Of course, you have to have
a music round in general TV.We grew up on nineteen eighties arcade games,
Judy's I can't wait for that one, logos from the eighties, edible
trivia, finish, the lyric name, the album cover, and then maybe
a miss Ladies. So it's everythingthat you loved about the eighties nineties and
our music and fun. Excre's thedeal, though there are only like eighteen
tables, and I know we've alreadysold a couple of them. Yeah,
it's going to be on May theeleventh. It's going to be at Dave
Sinclair Lincoln in Saint Peter's and we'redoing this to raise money for the five
oh five Foundation, which is socool. That helps versus Saint Charles law
enforcement. Law enforcement? Is thatokay? Law enforcement? Excuse me?
And then and then also I wasjust thinking, because that's the day before
Mother's Day, that'd be a coolthing to do to take with your mom.
It's going to be a blast.We're doing the google Buster Live.
If you want to get some groupof people together to tables of eight,
two hundred bucks at table, that'spretty standard for a trivia night. Yeah,
and Billy and I are trying.Big Mike wants to do ten rounds.
We say no eight. Yeah,klou dot com get your table before
they're gone. Just get a table, put the two hundred bucks on it,
and then grab a bunch of friendsand have them all chip in on
it. Yeah. You know you'regonna have fun. You know that it's
gonna go for a good cause.And then if it's if we all sell
out, do it again one moretime. Kalo use google Buster Live.
Dave Sinclair, Lincoln Saint Peter's onMay the eleventh for the five oh five
Foundation. Get everything you need,including your table, at kalou dot com.
Now little disagreement we're having here inthe studio, and this actually ties
in with technology and a frustration thatI'm going through at my house where I
have decided we have an iMac computerthat we've had for years that no one
uses anymore. And so I wasactually going to donate it, and I
got it out. I put itat the kitchen table so that I could
wipe it clean, because honest withme, some people don't need to see
this stuff Greenwood has on his computer. You don't want it. You always
want to wipe those stop clean.And so then my my eight year old
son Jack is like, hey,what are you doing with that computer?
And I said, we're going todonate it. He says, I want
it. It's like really, Sonow I can't figure out how to clean
the thing off. It's not likea like an iPad where you can just
go into settings and say, hey, you know, restore, reset it
to like full fact factory research.Yeah. Right, So I'm completely stumped
on this thing. But I'm tellingJudy this, and you were like,
why would you ever get rid ofyour Mac? And then I said to
you, because I am once againa PC Windows guy, and your jaw
dropped, dropped, And what's soshocking to me? It's so weird.
The universe is strange. Yesterday Ibought when I first moved he your five
six seven back here years ago,I bought a brand new HP the size
of my iMac, right, myold iMac yesterday. Guess what I was
doing wiping it clean because I wantedto donate it same exact thing. And
guess what good old The Microsoft Corporationdoesn't get rid of things that easy.
I can't figure out how to resetfactory. That's what I'm dealing with with
the Mac right now. So I'msorry, but I could. Probably I've
reset max before, Imax. I'vedone it before. It's not that hard.
It is. You don't just gointo general settings and then hit reset
and it resets. It just doesn'twork like that. I'm telling you.
I am a computer geek. I'ma If I had a second job,
if I got fire from Radio,I would work for the geek Squad at
best Buy. Well, then youI'll trade. You could take my PC
and try to reset factory. I'lltake your Mac. Love my surface pro
Oh, my my favorite thing.So it's a very simple Team Tuesday because
we've just come to this realization.I didn't even know this about us.
Yeah, I am a Windows slashPC guy. You're a Mac girl.
I cannot believe it because we first, when I first started working with you,
everything you got me into all theseApple stuff and now I'm booked and
now yes, I'm slowly pulling awayfrom it all. Thanks Billy. So
who's team It's as easy as that. This is the most simple Team Tuesday
in the history of Team Tuesdays.Team Billy or a team Judy. Yep,
Team Judy. I want my Macgo or you know where I stand
on this one eight six six,two five the phone number wrong Cay two
four five fifty nine two four ninefifty eight eight sixty six Billy, Judy.
In the meantime, as we collectyour votes, I am going to
share with you the news you need. And I'm going to share with you
the most popular costco products in theUS. Would be be a juice with
Judy the tea she'll see. Sothere is a list that came out from
Food and Wine magazine the most popularcostco products in the US. I'm only
going to do our two states it. Basically, it's based on posts about
Costco items on social media. GeneralMills Morning Summit Cereal tops the list and
was also Pennsylvania and Texas and KirklandProsecco. Their brand of Bubbly is the
most popular in Arizona, California andIllinois. It's really sweet stuff, isn't
it. Yeah, It's like it'slike to be. It's a cheaper champagne
taste. It's like what women firstdrink when they first get into wine,
and then as they get older andlife gets harder, so does their wine.
They're now back and all that.Yes, that is the tea with
us. Billio G. I amtrying to desperately wipe clean an old iMac
so that I can give it toour eight year old son, Jack,
who just wants to play like roblockson it. I think, all right,
right, I can't figure it out. So I was telling you this.
He's like, why are you givingrid of your iMac? And I
said, because I'm done with it. I'm just done with Max. I've
moved back to the world of PCslash windows based products, which is crazy
because I've been trying to wipe cleana windows based piece about the big size,
same size as your iMac, andI can't figure out how to do
it, So I say, whyare you even switching? I mean,
nothing goes with the PCs clearly.Once again, the battle line's drawn.
So the question is then, whoseteam are you on? Yeah, Team
Judy Mac or Team Billion PC slashWindows eight sixty six two four five fifty
nine fifty eight is our number andyour name is what Chad? Team Billy
of course a PC PC guys,Yes, let me tell you some Oh
so, first of all, whynever been at the border? Yeah?
I did it, you know,because once they get you, they got
you, like they force you to. It just drives me crazy. You
don't think Microsoft does that. No, they're very giving. They're very not
They don't share anything from They areopen and ready for anyone with open arms
like Journey the Android Apple one votefor Team Billy. Well, you won
yesterday, so you're awesome. Nowait, I won yesterday. She's just
gonna ramble on. Hey, havea great day. Thanks for the call.
Thank Eric. Feel very confident thatI'm going to win this battle.
You cannot believe you're the one whowas so into Apple products? May you
mean get all these Apple products andnow you're switching. I can hear the
nervousness in your voice. I'm veryannoyed. Six six two four or five
fifty nine fifty eight eighty six six, Billy Judy. In the meantime,
Judy Diamonds, that bring with meonce again a question so difficult you can't
google the answer. And I'm gonnahear another thing that annoys me. Yeah,
that the Google buster. We dothat just about seven forty. It's
the chance to win absolutely nothing butyour adelation, Judy Diamonds. About nine
percent of public school students don't havethis option that most of us had when
we were kids. What is it? You know? What? Hold that
thought? Eight six six two fourfive fifty nine fifty eight eighty six six,
Billy, Judy is our number,Michael, you want to take a
shot at this first, Go aheadand shoot Billy. I like it.
Here we go. About nine percentof public school students don't have this option
that most of us had when wewere in school. What is it?
Free launches free? Somebody actually guessthat on Facebook? Too. That's interesting.
Let me guess that. Would youlike your guess? Yes, I'm
going to say recess. Aha,my favorite subject in school. No,
that's also a correct to mind though. Nice try you too, All right,
give to question one more time.So, about nine percent of public
school students don't have this option thatmost of us had when we were in
school. What is that option?Guesked? So about nine percent of public
school students don't have this option ninepercent that most of us had when we
were kids. Drinking fountains, drinkinglike bubblers. Yeah, that's what they
call them in Wisconsin. No,they even have the fancy ones now where
you can put like the water butlike the water bottles. Oh okay,
and have that kind of stuff.When I was a no, eight six
six, two four five fifty nine, fifty eight is our number? What's
your name? I don't think anybody'sgoing to get this, Kathy, What
do you think the answer is?Is it going home for lunch? Yeah,
that's you know, leaving campus.We got to do that when kids.
I don't know I do that.People do that these days in high
school? What you got to do? Does it have anything to do with
eating? Nothing to do with food, something that you would look forward to
every year? Oh, summer break. That diamond is really craigdo wait,
they don't have summer break. Wouldyou guys believe that one out of nine
students today goes to school year round? Oh wow, that's awesome. I'm
a teacher. I'm glad I'm thatyear round. And by the way,
thank you for teaching our kiddos.Amen. Nice job. Now we spill
the team with Judd. This iswhy make you happy. There's a movement
to reintroduce cursive writing into schools,and for good reason. According to experts,
IQ scores have dropped for the firsttime in the country. They indicate
that technology could be to blame.They say that kids young kids can't sign
their own name or read cursive.Most can't even hold a pencil. So
we had a boss who asked usto right little thank you cards to listeners
who won contests. And I meanI wrote like three lines on each card,
but there were fifty of them.I had to take breaks because I'm
so not used to writing. Myhand was getting cramped. You need to
start taking cursive lessons again, likein the schools. Yeah, and that
is the tea about Billy and Judy. I want to three point three kalo
you all right? It seems Tuesday, great debate and a lot of phone
calls. We've got to get toyou in regards to I'm a PC slash
Windows guy, I'm a Mac Applegirl. Whose team are you on?
Team Tuesday with Billy and Judy?Yeah, so the simple question. I'm
trying to wipe clean my iMac computer. I've had it for years to give
to our eight year old son Jackso they could play apparently rodblocks on it,
and Judy. I was telling Judythis, I'm like, I can't
figure out how to clean this thing. I want to do like a full
factory restore, my reset, factoryreset there you go, And I can't
figure it out. And you werelike, why would you do that anyway?
Why would you get rid of yourMac? And I said, because
I have reverted back to PC slashWindows based computers, which is crazy because
it's I don't understand, it's soslow. Oh and I don't like the
fact that Windows we'll just update wheneverthey feel like it. You're in the
middle of working and boom and updates. So clearly Judy is a Mac person.
Yes, I am Team Judy orTeam Billy. Where do you stand
on this situation? David where doyou stand on this situation? Hey,
I'm sorry, but I gotta gowith jee Billy. Apple is just whenever
their stuff messes up, you haveto send it to them or get their
special stuff to try and get it. Fis. You cannot just take it
anywhere and have it fixed. Appleis a ripoll And I've always thought they
were. That's like I said,once they get you, they've got you
like you know, you use theirapps, can't use manywhere else like they
just they just own you. AndI hate that, you know what,
but so does. Here's the thing. Everybody I know has Apple Phone.
So all my family members, allmy friends. If I were to go
to Android, they couldn't get mymessages my Apple phone too. I just
watch and that's not true. Andthat's not true, Judy, I have
an Android. My daughter has alwayswent with the Apple with stuff, uh
huh, and she always get mymessages. I'm able to share everything else
with her. And I just MikePhilly said, once you Apple to get
a hold of you get shit.I have said a few wise things today.
Okay, so I won yesterday today, you can win whatever. I
love it. I love your show. By the way, I appreciate that
I have a great day today,you too? Do you like? By
the way, that is two straightvotes now fourteen Billy. There are a
lot of people that are too busyto be calling in that are Apple users,
sorry, how to use their Mac? You want to jump into the
conversation on a team Tuesday, TeamBilly or a team Judy. Where do
you stand? Eight sixty six twonine fifty eight Judy's Revenge? Your bonus
buster question is coming up at abouteight forty questions so difficult you can't google
the answer. It's your bonus busterquestion. Very excited about this one.
So twelve percent, that's one two. Twelve percent of people say this has
happened to them as a child.What is this? Twelve percent of us
as a child were abducted by aliens? You think because I'm asking the question
that would be something I would ask. I think because you feel like you
had been abducted by aliens at leasttwice. Yes, but that's not the
answer. Uh. Is it somethingphysical that would have happened to them?
Yes, they broke a bone.I knew you were going to say that,
but no deal. I would thinkmore. Yeah, because you're dealing
with it. But I think morethan twelve percent of people say that.
Okay, So the question again then, is twelve percent of people say this
has happened to them as a child. What is it? Just like the
original Googlebuster question your chance to winna A n A and the question twelve
percent of people say this has happenedto them as a child, The parents
got divorced. None, that's higherthan that. No, it is something
that that would be a punishment,and it would something that they got spanked.
They got spanked as a child.No, because you said something that
shouldn't have been said, they wouldsoap in your mouth. Absolutely correct,
Wash I was, so I cantell you, and you know my mouth.
I know. I don't think Iever got soap put in my mouth.
I got threatened, but never everhad it happen. I will tell
you I got spanked. I meanI did two. I was the youngest
of three boys, and anytime wewould get in trouble, my dad could
never figure out who did wrong,and no one would own up to it,
so we would all three get spanked. Oh and it would start with
my oldest brother and we would haveto stand outside of my dad's bedroom door.
Wow. That's like when my dadwent to school in England. That's
what they did with a belt.Wow, and you would have to take
your pants down. Ooh that's painful. Yeah, and look how I turned
out good? Horrible. Don't everdo that. That's a horrible example.
Oh my, that is your bonusBuster up. Here's the funny thing.
It's like, you know, theysay even the blind squirrel can find a
nut every now and then. Ifwe continue searching long enough and far and
wide enough, eventually we'll find someoneto agree with you, Team Judy.
In regards to this morning, PCor MAC, I am total MAC and
by the way, don't call ourlisteners nuts. We did have one who
left us a talkback message. Iam Team Judy all the way, iMac,
no PC, I am axed percentbetter, even faster a squirrel.
Every once in a while she wasdriving, so I don't know if she
was necessarily blind. If you wouldlike to join this year conversation on our
Team Tuesday, we're going to movethis over to our Billion Judy Facebook page,
where we have, by the way, a lot of stuff going on.
Information on the Google Buster Live alink to get your table reserved for
that so quick to get to onyour iMac. By the way, if
you missed the original google buster question, yes, we always have a way
to get the answer to that is, yes we do. It might take
me, you know, till anhour after the show, but yes,
I post it up on our podcast. You could listen to everything on there
too. Billy and Judy on Facebook. If you're new to the show,
Welcome to the Weird. It isBilly and Judy, Billy with a Y
and I'm the nut with an eye. Last Friday, we were hanging out
in Imperial Team, Missouri, whereyou gathered forty five units of blood for
the American Red Cross. Yay,for give me that, because now we're
heading to my side of the riverwhere I live in Edwardsville, and where
I said, and this is kindof how this all started. Last year,
you and I were talking about doinga blood drive and I said.
You were like, we should doit in Missouri, and I said,
I think we should do with Illinois. Mm hmm. And that's when we
decided, well, let's do bothand see who does better. You won
last year, yep, and Ithink this year you're going to win because
you've got your wife, Melissa's bringingall our friends. Listen. Here's the
thing. I don't want you tomake it sound like that and then nobody
shows up because they think that everybodyis show up. I'm not doing that
on purpose. Going to be doingthis show live starting at six on Friday.
And this is from the Miner CenterYMCA. It's on Goshen in Edwardsville.
It's the newer of the two YMCAs, like half a mile from my
house. Judy wants to have apool party after my house. Yes,
if you beat us, but weneed for you to join us. And
you can reserve your spot right nowwith the American Red Cross if you just
go to our Facebook page, Billyand Judy klous It's everywhere. It's everywhere.
And let me tell you some everywhat is it? How many seconds
have people use the blood? Theyare so so short supplood right now.
And we learned, and I didn'tknow this when we were doing this last
week, that hospitals, obviously theydepend on this donated blood like they get
from the American Red Cross. Theyactually schedule surgeries based on the units of
blood that the American Red Cross hasto provide to them. Yep. And
that blood only has a shelf lifeof like forty eight hours, right,
So if you have donated in thepast, you can do it every fifty
something days, forty six days orsomething. If you've never donated, please
it's really important, especially so thatI can win again. That's in Edwardsville,
the YMCA off of goshen Myer Center. That's where we're going to be
this Friday. We're gonna be therefrom six until like two o'clock.