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May 10, 2024 22 mins
In this episode, Buck Sexton is joined by David Harsanyi, a senior editor at The Federalist. They discuss a range of topics, from Biden's threat to withhold munitions from Israel, to the nature of Hamas and its similarities to other terrorist groups like Al Qaeda. They discuss the impact of anti-Israel protests on the upcoming election, particularly among Jewish voters, and speculate about potential vice presidential candidates for Trump's next campaign.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast, make sure
you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, everybody, welcome to the
Buck Brief this episode. David Harsanyi back in the mix.
He's a senior editor at The Federalist. You can read
his latest at the Federalist dot com. David, let's jump
right into it as I speak to you. It has

now been i think confirmed, as initially reported that Biden
has has threatened to withhold munitions from Israel if they
go into Rafa. What's going on here?

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Yeah, I mean he made the announcement himself in an
interview on CNN because the entire you know, the reason.
He could have privately obviously told Israel if you go in,
we're going to hold back this precision weaponry or whatever,
but he did it on TV because obviously it's aimed
towards the ters in Dearborn, the people that you know
protesting in Columbia and so on. It's it's a surrender

to the anti Semitic mobs. It's going to incentivize them
to even protest more in protest, you know, takeover buildings,
whatever they do. So, yeah, he announced it that he's
going to hold back all kinds of I guess offensive
weaponry from Israel if they go into Rafa.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
What do you think I mean? I so that there's
the political calculation that he's making, which I think is
obvious to everybody. Right, and you just laid it out
what is Israel supposed to do? Not based on what
the lunatics on the campus say, because the Israel's supposed
to not exist, right, like all of its people die
or get pushed somewhere else. And you know it's from

the river to the sea, is the chant? Like we
all know what those like the campus protesters really want.
But what does the Biden administration expect by saying we're
going to make it harder for you to finish the job?
Do you know what I mean? What's the so what's
the next step in their mind?

Speaker 2 (02:09):
I think there are a lot of facts at work,
But obviously I think we should set the table and
say that I think, or at least that I think
that Biden is sort of a feckless, hollowed out person.
Isn't any principles. It's not like he has some sort
of master plan here or is driven by any sort
of ideology. His only worry here, I believe, is to
get enough votes to win Michigan or you know, make
another state. So but I do think that his administration

has always had a lot of Obama. You know, people
who are have an ideological problem with Israel. I think
they're pro Iran. I think they're anti Saudi Arabia. I
think they want Iran to be a regional power. I
think they think Israel is too far right wing, that
they're not giving a state to the Palestinian so so
on and so forth. So they are fine, you know,

cynically using this now to kind of undermine Israel. I
don't think they do have a plan. I mean, have
you seen this administration? What do they have a plan
on anything? I mean, they have destroyed the economy. They
you know, when you think about any kind of thing
they do, like the student loan stuff for instance, it's
always just to get some votes. It's never really any
kind of long term I think policy plan or position

among them. So I don't know what they want Israel
to do. I think they want to wait for the election,
and after the election they probably let Israel do maybe
whatever it wanted. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
That's the part of this that I keep coming back to.
And I also can't meaning that there's no oh wait,
don't go into Rafa. Okay, then what see territory back
to Hamas and let people that have been fleeing who
were part of the operation against Israel October seventh, like,
let let them continue. You know, this is an unreasonable ask.

And also to wait until now to do this. It
just none of this makes any sense except for again
what you laid out, which is clearly the case, which
is that this is a domestic political calculation for Biden.
But I remember, I mean the same people that are
saying don't go into Rafa, we're calling for a cease
fire before Israel had done anything, which was which is
a remarkable thing. I mean it was. It would be

like Japan calling for a ceasefire after Pearl Harbor, like, hey, guys,
we don't want war. You know, we just killed a
couple thousand for service members and cripple the Pacific Fleet
while taking you know, like twenty other countries. But let's
have a ceasefire now. I mean, this is the logic
of the left on this stuff.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
Well, the ceasefire is a euphemism for Israel should not
fight back. That's always the case. They want to ceasefire there.
But think about this also. I mean, there are American hostages,
at least five of them. If they're alive, we don't know,
and Biden has stripped Israel any kind of leverage negotiating
to try to get those hostages out. Why would Hamas

if they know that the Americans are going to put
a leash on Israel give back anyone. They wouldn't And
obviously it's going to insent they're gonna in the worst
part of this, I think is that it hurt not
the worst part actually, but they will also hurt the
Palestinian people. This just means more war. Having Hamas survive
means they will take that foothold. They will still run

Gaza in the future. Israel will once again have to
go in because these are Slimists and nihilists. They want
death among their own people, they want martyrs, they want
dead children, and it's you know, it puts everyone in an
incredibly bad position. Moreover, Hamas is a terrorist organization by
the State Department's own calculations, right, So you're you're basically

saving a group that you yourself should want to destroy
again for some votes in Michigan or whatever Biden thinks
it's going to be.

Speaker 1 (05:37):
How is and this I always tell you know my
radio audience, is this factors into my thinking about this
whole the whole Israeli Palestinian issue. I always want to
ask people this, or you know, those who disagree with me,
How is Hamas different in any significant way from Al Qaeda? Really?

And I think that's an interesting question. I like, I
wanted you to explore that for me a little bit.
In what ways ideologically ethically is Hamas different form Al Qaida?

Speaker 2 (06:13):
They actually in many ways, well they're not different. I
know this is a rhetorical question, of course.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
But no, but I mean, like, like, well, what's the
connective tissue here as you see it? Because as I
see it, I'm like, this is just this is the
same the species of evil that Hamas leadership represents, or
like that the type of evil that they are is
to me and their mindset, their approach. It's exactly when

you know, I was working for the CIA and we're
going after Aqi leadership in Iraq, and you know, various
terror groups including al Qaida, but a whole bunch of
other ones too, running across the border into Pakistan in Afghanistan.
You know, to me, I'm just like, this is the
same thing, guys, I don't really see the difference. Is okay,

geographic and there's some different history about why they're fighting,
but the ideology, I don't see any difference.

Speaker 2 (07:07):
Yeah, I mean, Hamas doesn't even make any pretenses that
it wants some kind of agreement or that it believes
in a two stage solution. It wants a one state solution.
It does not believe Israel should exist at all. But
I mean, you're right about this, but even more so,
you know, Hamas is an outgrowth of the Muslim brotherhood
in Egypt. I mean, it is part of a history

and a long ideological politically, but also you know, theologically
that connected al Qaeda and other groups.

Speaker 1 (07:34):
I was going to say, the same Muslim brotherhood in
Egypt that gave us I'm Nel's waker, who was number
two in al Kaida, which doesn't seem to get talked
to about very much in the media right now.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
Obviously there's a Sunni Shia split in Islam, but even
the Shia, you know, Iran doesn't really care about that
when it's just has no Probably I.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
Always say this too, if it comes when it comes
to killing Jews, the Iranians will write checks to any
Muslim anywhere. They don't care.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
Right now, I think it's about Jews. I think it's
about Jews on campus here. I think it's about Jews there. However,
even if Israel was a Christian nation, I think that
that they would have the same problem with Israel because
their problem is that they're infidels there, colonizers whatever euphemism
they used to explain that need to be either converted,
killed or so.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
Now. I used to see the actual propaganda in Iraq,
for example, from Al Qaeda in Iraq, which was run
by Abu Musab al Zarkawi. It was a Jordanian and
I used to see and they would always refer to
like US forces as either tools of the Jews or
just as Jews. So the Americans in Iraq were always

tied into Jews and Israel as well by the Jihadis
forces there. You see what I mean Like that, that
was always in their propaganda too. So I know you're
saying Hamas is specifically focused on the Jews. But what
I'm saying is anytime Jihadis are fighting anyone anywhere, it's well,
those people are basically a tool of the Jews, or
they're working on behalf of the Jews.

Speaker 2 (09:01):
I always get sometimes these self hating Jews here or
others tell me that this anti Semitism is caused by Israel.
Having Israel makes Jews less safe. Now, I am not
a scholar, but I've read a lot of books about
Jews and about Jewish history, and you can't go five
pages in a book about Jewish history with not another
massacre happening for a thousand years, way before Israel ever existed.

So when you hear Zionist, that just means Jew. And
every time I see one of these riots or I
hear that propaganda you're talking about, it just tells me
Israel needs to exist and we need to be at
least I need to be, and others, I hope, be
more supportive of it, because there needs to be a
place for Jews to go around the world where they
can be protected. Never again for ISRAELI is not a
I wrote about this earlier in the week, but it's

not a hashtag and it's not giving speeches. It's picking
up a gun and that those are the Jews that
these people hate the most, and they hate that they
can fight back. At least that's how I see it, you.

Speaker 1 (09:53):
Know, Yeah, No, I see the same. I want to
talk to you more about the campus issue here in
a second, and how you think this will play into
the election. First up, and I was speaking about jiehattists.
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That's t the number two T dot org. All right, David,
the campus stuff, you know, for a lot of people,
I think that they are seeing maybe for the first time,
or they forgotten. I mean, there were anti Israel protests
in the Pioneer Valley in Massachusetts when I was in

school over twenty years ago. I mean, this is not
you know, Zionism is apartheid signs and all this. I've
seen this for a very long time. This time around, though,
because it's in an election year and it's caught on,
and obviously because global events have created a focus on this,
there's concern over over the political calculations. Do you think
that these protests end up actually hurting Democrats in a

way that we can point to in the fall, and
specifically with Jewish voters. We were talking to Muslim voters before.
What about Jewish voters?

Speaker 2 (11:47):
I'm unsure I would say that. You know, the calculation
by Democrats is that Jewish voters won't leave the Democratic Party,
but you know Muslim voters will stay at home, right,
I don't know. I think it might backfire, especially with
what Biden has just done. I don't think it's going
to be the Sea change for sure. I mean, I
just don't see that happening. It's not going to happen

for various reasons. But I think most Americans, and when
you look at Poles, it's true, see these protesters in
the correct light as people who are you know, listen,
when you see someone say death to Israel, death to America,
chants are going to follow almost every time those two
things are connected. I think most normies understand that. So
I think the more those those protests are connected to Democrats,

the more it hurts them. The people in Deerborn aren't
gonna be mollified because of what Biden did today. They
want until your carpet bombing Tel Aviv, They're not going
to be happy. So I don't know that that's I
think he's made a miscalculation here and he's trying to
do But by the way, you know, he still says,
you know, we're ironclad supporters of Israel, like I don't
know he even knows what that word means. But I

don't think people will see it that way moving forward.
So I think you might see some Jews moving over,
but I don't think you're going to see a sea
change because most of them are secularized and they care
more about other issues than Israel's just the fact. So
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (13:06):
Yeah, I honestly, I have to say what I've said
on the air. I've told Claike Clay thinks that there'll
be a double digit swing in the Jewish vote over this.
I don't think so.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
So I've heard that my whole life. I've heard that
my whole political life. This is worse than anything maybe
that's happened before. But I mean, if they didn't move
up with Barack Obama associated with anti Semites his whole career,
he wasn't probably an anti Semite to some extent. I'm
not saying he like hated his neighbor or anything like that,
but he was anti Israel. They didn't move for him.

I just don't see it happening right now.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
Yeah, I agree with you. We'll get it. We'll get
into some more stuff here in a second, and maybe
David can get them to turn off that noise on
his computer or whatever's going on there. But you know,
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paid for by Chakin Analytics. All right, David, where I
was about to take you? I was like, wait, we're
going on a magical journey to the next topic. What
do you think about the VP? Does it matter.

Speaker 2 (15:02):
Trump's VP? I mean, it always matters somewhat because it's
said a lot of at a candidate, you know, who
he picks. I think lately I think Trump like he
picked Pence, and Bush picked Cheney, and Obama picked Biden.
Those are people who were supposed to sort of help

them and moderate them, and you know, not necessarily be
the next candidate. I think Trump could use someone like that,
you know, to sort of calm him down, sometimes lead
him in the right direction, organize the administration, hire the
right people, you know, help him in that way. But
I don't think most voters care about that. They just
want someone who sort of excites them, and I'm not

sure there's anyone out there who's going to be able
to do that.

Speaker 1 (15:48):
Trump brings a lot of excitement himself. That is for sure,
a lot in a lot of ways to a lot
of people. I think there's no question about that. Who
do you think would be the best choice right now?
Of the of the people that are getting talked about?
Like what do you I mean, I won't ask you
who's going Who's it going to be, just because I
don't think Trump knows who it's going to be, To
be honest with you, I think he still he likes

to keep everybody. You know, it's the real thing. It's like,
I'll tell you who after this next commercial break, right,
I mean, it's it's a tease. He understands how to
maximize the press and the attention from this whole thing.
But who do you think would be the smart decision?

Speaker 2 (16:21):

Speaker 1 (16:21):
Never mind the who will be the person?

Speaker 2 (16:26):
Santas? Yeah, he would be a smart person because he
is the guy could take the mantle and is actually
very competent and would help that administration be more competent,
and then he can run for president himself. But I'm
not sure. I doubt that that's going to happen.

Speaker 1 (16:40):
Is there really this issue about the electoral college? You're
both from the same state or something? Is that right?
People always bring this up. I'm like, I don't know.
To me, i'd have to look into it, right, Do
you know what I'm talking about? Though? People say, oh,
you can't have a president and a vice president from
the same state. I've looked it up, and it seems
like people say some say yes, some say no. Do
you know what I'm talking about with that?

Speaker 2 (17:01):
Yeah? I don't think. I think that we've blown up
the sort of normal presidential campaign setup. So I don't
think it would map are at all. And I think
most people associate him with New York anyway.

Speaker 1 (17:13):
Trump, So right, I mean, couldn't he just claim New
York residency or something for the purpose of the election.
I mean, he's got a home in both plays and
maybe they're a taxi.

Speaker 2 (17:21):
You're saying they're not allowed to have two people from
the same state.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Yeah, you're not allowed to be from the same state
as like a constitutional issue.

Speaker 2 (17:28):
Right, right? Right? Right? I forgot about that. Yeah, I mean,
I don't know. I don't know the specifics in the
sense of if he can just claim to be from
New York if he wanted to.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
Right now, that's what I'm that's why when people bring
it up, I'm like, even if that's true, Like, can
he just be like, I'm a you know, I got
a residence in New York now I'm in New york Er.
I don't know, but maybe their tax implications to that people.

Speaker 2 (17:46):
Would disagree with me, But even Younkin or someone like,
I mean, I just think he needs kind of a
competent normy. I keep saying normy, but I think it's
important for to like attract middle class kind of independent
voters who can like who shows competency and running actually
running government. You know, I think he needs more of that.
So that's what I where I would go. I don't
exactly know who would be best.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
Though, Yeah, I appreciate it. This is David Harsani. He'll
be like, I'm not sure everybody else in this business
is like, I have the answer. Some people make predictions
all the time that are wrong, and no one seems
to care. But it's kind of funny.

Speaker 2 (18:19):
My big one problem is that I don't think there
are really solutions to most things, you know what I mean? Like,
I think that we think we can find solutions to
government for most things, but usually it's just like you
got to write it out.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
Yeah. Well, increasingly I think politics is really just a
venting platform for frustration, and that most of the time,
the way, like the best thing that we get from
this is that it gives us all a thing that
we get to, you know, vent our frustrations about different things,
and everyone gets to vent and this this big cacophony
of frustration and very little actually changes, but at least

we have this forum, this place to kind of shout
into the pillow, you know, you know, like shout into
the into the dark closet, so we can get it
out of our system. So anyway, I remember it wasn't
an analyzed this where Robert de Niro is told to
shout in the pillow by his therapist and he starts
shooting it with the gun.

Speaker 2 (19:09):

Speaker 1 (19:10):
You know, I was thinking about it because I got
a gun read Do you have it? Do you have
any firearms? David?

Speaker 2 (19:14):

Speaker 1 (19:15):
Yeah, nice, I figure because you've written books about guns.
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ten percent off. David, are you allowed to talk about

the book you're working on yet? Just as a little
preview for when we do a whole deep dive auditor,
Are you keeping it quiet for now?

Speaker 2 (20:25):
I can just mention it. It's a book about the
how the left has turned. You know, we often hear
o the right, our conspiracy theorists, this and that, But
the left's entire agenda, it's entire outlook, has become paranoid
and conspiratorial and uh and sort of scare mongering and
fear mongering. And it's important to talk about it because
they're kind of fear mongering and scare mongering and conspiracy.

Conspiracy theories are are spread by people in the media,
you know, by spread by reputable.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
By establishment, by the establishment. Yes, it's it's you know, jem.

Speaker 2 (20:58):
Right, it's packaged for like people, and that is much
more dangerous than some kook on YouTube yelling about, you know,
the flat earth or whatever. So I think it's important
for us to think about.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
You know, I've spread the about this, and i've actually
uh set it out. I've cited you by name on
the radio a few times. I remember your your your book.
Pardon me for forgetting the title, but I do. I
do remember the book and the part of it where
you talk about how if England was a US or
the UK was a US state, it would be poorer
per capita than Mississippi. You know, that's really made the rounds,

like people say that now, So like, do you know
that the UK would be poor per capita than the
poorest US state per capita? Because people have this thing
of like, oh, everyone's just you know, walking around to
their their countryside mansions, you know, their Tudor style mansions,
drinking tea while they go bird hunting. It's like, no, actually,
America is much better off. So I just thought you
should know you've like changed perception on that.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
I'm happy to hear that. Yeah, my book is called Eurotrash,
and you know it's all. I'll give you another quick
stat If you took the per capita wealth of the
average African American in America, he would still be richer
than the average of any virtually any real European country.
So even if you were my already here and you're

and you're you know, there are problems for sure in
many of those populations, you're still doing better than most Europeans.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
There we go, all right, David Harsani. Always a pleasure, sir,
Thanks for making the time anytime.

Speaker 2 (22:21):
Thanks for having me
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