All Episodes

May 4, 2024 32 mins

David Schoen drops by the Hannity Show and sits down with Guest Host Brian Mudd to understand the legal implications of the Hamas attacks on Israel.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Yeah, I do think that Kareine Jean Pierre maintains employment
simply for the sole purpose of being the one person
that might potentially be able to make President Biden sound
like he makes sense on occasion Happy Friday, Happy aside
from the news cycle. But but then again, you know,
Biden is the president, so things tend to be that way,

kind of in you know, lipstick with with a pig
territory as far as leadership and the news cycle goes.
But we are covering a lot of ground today and
we've talked extensively about anti Semitism. We're talking about the
rise of anti Semitism. Brian Mudd in for Sean Hannity today.

Thank you for having me real pleasure on the host
of the Brian Mudshow home station w j and O
out of West Palm Beach, not far from Sean in
our former and future president of the United States. You
can check me out socially at Brian Mudd Radio, also
the Brian Mudshow Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. So
talk for a moment about the rise of anti Semitism.

And it's right about the time that all the nonsense
started breaking out on college campuses that the ADL, the
Anti Defamation League, came out with their annual report showing
anti Semitic incidents for last year, and you will probably
not be surprised to know record highs across the board.

We had record highs and anti Semitic behavior. But when
we started taking a look at it's not just like, okay,
things are getting worse, it's things are getting so much worse.
We had a one hundred and forty increase one hundred

and forty percent increase in anti Semitic incidents year over here,
one hundred and forty percent. We were averaging last year
twenty four documented anti Semitic incidents per day, per day.
Harassment that was up one hundred and eighty four percent,
vandalism of sixty nine percent, assaults of forty five percent,
I mean, right down the board. And one of the

other things that was remarkable too. Before October seventh, before
the horrific terror attack by Hamas on Israel, on all
those innocent people, the worst attack on Jewish people since
the Holocaust, we still had record high months for anti

semitism last year, in February, in March, in April, in May,
in September, we weren't going to have a record year
for anti semitism before October seventh, But then afterward, Oh
my gosh, you want to talk about things taking off.
Get this, Nearly six out of ten of the recorded

incidents last year happened after October seventh. You started thinking
about how sick so many people are that active. That
was a call to action for them, and it really
gives you an idea of what we're up against. And
in so many different ways. Somebody who is fighting the
good fight and has so much perspective on this civil

rights attorney who previously represented President Trump, David Shoon, who
has filed a complaint on behalf of families of October
seventh victims, David joining us. Now, thank you for taking
the time.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Thank you. Ryan. Let me back up and say how
this started. You know, a group of lawyers got together
under the auspices of the organization called the National Jewish
Advocacy Center, and they brought together lawyers from the international
law firm Greenberg Traurigg another fine law firm, Holtzman and Vogel,
and we decided to take a look at, you know,

what's going on on campuses around the country and in
America General, and to take a look at the idea
that this is all some sort of spontaneous combustion happens
to be the same kinds of tents on camp and
the same calls to action as you have said, It
just didn't ring true to us. So we engaged in
a careful investigation and at the end of the day

came up with a civil complaint that was filed two
days ago in the Eastern District of Virginia in federal court.
And the complaint is forty nine pages with one hundred
and twenty three footnotes that lays out for the first
time ever the coordinated orchestrated campaign by hamas a foreign
terranrist terrorist organization threw its arms in America, which the

complaint alleges are the AJP Educational Foundation, Inc. Which goes
by the name also of American Muslims for Palestine, and
the National Students for Justice in Palestine Organization, which has
chapters throughout the country. Often we hear them referred to
as SJP. And so I'm going to tell you, without
going into all of the weeds of the complaint, just

some real fundamental findings that we made all supp we're
fully documented in the complaint, and each of these things
is a specific allegation in the complaint that has supported
from independent experts, studies, et cetera. So, for example, what
people don't understand is these organizations and NSJP and that

was created by American Muslims for Palestine to be their
campus organizational branch. They take instructions directly and indirectly from Kamas.
They were founded by terrorists and people with terrorist connections.
This is all allegations in the complaint that we are
prepared to prove. But let me skip ahead from the background,

and so I know you have limited time to tell
you exactly what happened because you use the term before
call to action. That's what happened. That's why we're seeing
all of these flare ups on all of these campuses now,
not orchestrated by students, but students being used as conduits
not just attacking Israel and Jews, but attacking the fiber

of America and democracy. You can hear it in the
words they use. And what we say in the complaint
is when people like these kinds of terrors and terrorist
sympathizers and supporters say something, believe them. And so for example,
October seventh, within hours of the attack, as the complaint alleges,
Commas leader Ishmael Hanie called for resistance abroad. Within hours

of the attack, is the complaint alle paragraph fifty three,
the NSJP went into action. They started distributing propaganda around
the country social media, college campuses, and the centerpiece was
what they call their toolkit. And so this is all
documented within the complaint for anyone to read. It's a
public document. But let me give you just an excerpt

or too that I think you'll find interesting. Their call
to action says to students around the country and demands
that they organize in this manner. That they call for
them to engage in resistance. And they say existence comes
in all forms, armed struggle, general strikes, and popular demonstration.
All of it is legitimate and all of it is necessary.

This is what they're telling students where your students go
to school. This is why it's not safe on college campuses.
And that's what the complaint alleges. And it goes on
and on to detail.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
David, that is a great depiction, super Glad that you're
on the case. You take a look at what you
just lay down. There are several things that I think
are instructive. The first is that you've had so many
people that are laying in the weeds. We've had over
seventeen hundred students that have been arrested across the country
at these college campuses we're here in approximately half of them.

We're not students. So these are people that have been
waiting in the wings to radicalize, and obviously they've had
a lot of success in doing it. And I want
to ask you about that dynamic as well, what you
think goes on there. One of the things that happened
this week that really call my yeah, the College Democrats
of America that turned over their official messaging on all

this stuff to their Muslim caucus, and the leader of
their Muslim caucus basically shouted down the Biden administration and
said that they are with the protesters on campus. So
are we seeing a situation now to where you're actually
seeing the arm of a political party on college campuses

in addition to basically these terrorist factions that have been
waiting in the wings kind of working from multiple directions here.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Well, now you've raised a very interesting point. Of course,
with all of the things going on. Look, I have
to say. In many instances, as I say, these students
are being used as conduits. Many of them have no
idea what they're talking about or why they're out there.
But they have leaders, many of whom are coming from
off campus, who are orchestrating these things and making alliances,
as you say, among different groups. Give you an example,

March twenty fourth, Columbia University. Literally terrorists. Charlotte Kate's member
of the Sami Dune. It's a designated terrorist organization by Israel.
Call it Barricott PFLP terrorists we consider in this country
the PFLP, the a foreign terrorist organization, came on to campus.
There are videos of these things, orchestrating events going on

to tear down democracy. All of this is laid out
in the complaint and as you say, you know it goes,
it has political dimensions to it. It's literally tearing down
and intended to tear down the core fabric of democracy.
That's why this case is so important to expose what's
going on and to give a wake up call to America.
This isn't just about Israel. If you think it is,

you're badly mistaken. And that would be bad enough if
it were it's about tearing down core values in America,
and that's why they chant death to America. Believe it
when they say it.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
David, last question for you, So you got some very
smart people theoretically, although you know, my dad always had
a saying about some people are so edge educated their
brains fall out. But you have these college administrators that
have allowed this and so theoretically super informed people. How
much of this then is necessarily just woke college administrators

that let this stuff happen versus how many of them
are potentially down for the cause.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Yeah, I think many of them really have not realized
the danger to their students of this. They're responding only
to you know, donors at this point. But let me say,
let me be clear about this. Everybody on our team,
and I think everybody must value free speech. We don't
blame anybody or challenge anybody for speaking freely, even unpopular
speech on campus. We would all fight to the death

for that right to free speech, as would you. But
what's going on here is violence, and the administrators need
to recognize that. They gradually are. But you know, we're
seeing this testimony before Congress are often not accurate. We
need to really get to the bottom of this, Congress
is going to have to thoroughly investigate and they're going
to have to be some major changes made.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
David appreciated. What do you what are the next steps
to look like for you?

Speaker 2 (11:04):
Well, the complaint's been filed. At some point, the other
side will appear through a lawyer. We have some sense
of who those lawyers might be, and uh, you know
they're going to put out what their defenses are. You're
seeing on social media now claims, oh, these are baseless
islamophobia and so on. It's absolute nonsense. This is a
complaint again, just look at it, fully documented, independent sourced

on every major allegation.

Speaker 1 (11:28):
Civil rights attorney David shown. Thank you so much, really
appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
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slash Hannity. We'll be right back and right money in
for Sean Hannity. And uh, we're talking about the rise
of anti Semitism. I mentioned the eighty l's recent report

and it came out just like mid April. They showed
huge increase one hundred and forty percent increase in anti
Semitic incidents documented situations last year. Most of that happened
in the final weeks of the year after the horrific
October seventh terror attack. Okay, so then you begin kind

of boiling this thing down a little bit further, and
we start to get the human impact of all this,
so those that are on the receiving end of it.
So the net effect, you put all this together and
you now have a quarter of American Jews who have
been the direct targets of anti semitism. Think about this,

One out of every four American Jews has been targeted
with anti semitism. What kind of country have we become?
Just what we're supposed to be, the tolerant people, right?
And oh, but then you take a look, so many

of the young people, the ones that theoretically were going
to be warm and fluffy and tolerant, right, not not
so tolerant. See one of the other issues you begin
boiling this down further. We see what's been happening on
college campuses recently wasn't just recently. So one of the
things that the ADL worked on. They were surveying trying

to figure out, okay, well, where then, if anti semitism
is on the risest way, where is it really coming from?
And the answer is yep, the youngest Americans. So they
found through a series of questions it wasn't just hey
are you an anti semit It wasn't like that. They
asked a series of questions to arrive at answers that

we're telling. They found twenty four percent of Americans. Twenty
four percent of Americans hold anti Semitic beliefs, a number
that was up four percent from the previous survey they did,
which was back in twenty twenty two. And go, okay,
why suddenly four percent higher? I mean you start having

some adults to go, yeah, you know, after all these years,
I guess I am an anti Semite. Now hasn't been
that way. What's been happening is as older generations, which
have been less likely to be anti Semitic, have been
passing on and they've been replaced by younger generations. That's
where it's coming from. According to the survey, gen z

and millennials were the most likely generations to express anti
Semitic views, which you know, obviously washes with what we're
seeing on college campuses now as well. But again this
was all before what we have seen most recently, this
was last year. Based on where this behavior is coming from,
so it is, you know, on the younger end, the

younger generation are those that are most likely to be
anti Semitic and you see the radicalization and everything else
that's going on, and so we definitely have some work
to do, some things to be mindful of. We'll keep
this conversation going. Be back with William TrackMan talk more
about the implications here on college campuses. Next. Brian Mudd
in for Sean Hannity. Yes, so, no doubt. You know

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five eight one five gold now prim in for Sean
Hannity eight hundred ninety four one seven three twenty six
eight hundred nine four one Sean, we'll get to us
some of your calls here in just a few but
we've been talking throughout the course of the show about
what's been going on in college campuses, talking about the

rise of anti Semitism. This hour specifically had the information
from the ADL that showed we had a greater than
doubling of anti Semitic incidents last year to record levels
last year, this preceding everything that's been going on more
recently across college campuses. I mean, just imagine what we
are going to see by the time we've accounted for

all this. And we also saw that the rise has
been largest with the youngest generations, and so the ADL
found that specifically gen Z and millennials far more likely
to be anti Semitic than older generations. So you start
putting all this stuff together, you see the radicalization that
has occurred, people that are taking advantage of it. Well,

somebody who is none too happy about this. You've got
William Trachman. He's the General council for Mountain States Legal Foundation,
where he works to protect the constitutional rights of people. He,
by the way, previously served in the Department of Education,
and he was a Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office
for Civil Rights under President Trump. And I managed to

survive Berkeley twice over. And yeah, pretty upset by what
we are seeing take place, including the cathing, with so
many of these institutions, including usc Southern cal where they
have decided, yeah, we're going to go ahead and move
the uh move the graduation ceremony, and they're they're far

from alone. William, appreciate you taking the time with this.

Speaker 3 (19:39):
Yeah, absolutely, A greetings from Colorado. Good to be here
with you.

Speaker 1 (19:42):
Yeah, for sure. So I mean kind of give us
your perspective on all this.

Speaker 3 (19:47):
Well, this is what you get when you inculcate Marxist
ideology in your admissions for students in your programming with professors,
and then all of a sudden you get the blowback
when an issue like this come up and the radicals
want to take power, and I guess these agitators from
the community come on and radicalize the students. So this

is happening across the country. It's happening in my home
city of Denver right now. There's an encampment. They called
the Democratic mayor of Denver a fascist for wanting to
shut it down. And so these people are far beyond
left wing, you know, their left of left, But it
sounds like now the the tite might be turning. You know,
who knew that the fraternity Brothers UNC were the heroes
we needed. And some of the pushback is happening from

the mayor of New York. So I'm at least a
little bit optimistic that there is an exploration date on
all this, but it's not yet. And as someone who's
Jewish and went to Berkeley, I can definitely see that
this is not going to go away everywhere all at once.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Did you ever run into anti semitism when you were
on campus?

Speaker 3 (20:51):
Oh yeah, I mean any time the radical left wants
to pen blame on whites or the privileged or Israel.
They're going to do that. They're going to make sweeping
generalizations about you. So it's less about you know, being
violently attacked, although some Jews right now aren't being violently attacked.
It's more about, you know, this bigotry against you because

they know or they think that your privileged and that
your you know, your skin color doesn't doesn't match the
DEI rhetoric that they want. And so there is this undercurrent.
Of course, it's both anti Israel and anti Jewish, and
it goes across the entire country. I mean, imagine if
these protests were Maga encampments or Riley Gains encampments, you

know those, they'd be gone with an hour's But here,
if it's anti jew or anti Israel, they can live.
They can live for days and even weeks.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Yeah. I mean, William, you bring out such an instructive point.
I mean, you talk about de ei and you know
all this nonsense. So I you know, the I is
supposed to stand for inclusion. I guess they kind of
missed that deal somewhere along the way. I mean, why
is it Ultimately you think younger people are becoming actually
less tolerant. When they espouse that they are the more
tolerant sort.

Speaker 3 (22:01):
Well, they get rewarded for it on their college applications
because they get into formerly elite schools like Colombia and Yale.
They get rewarded for it in class when their professors said,
good job, ayplus for talking about Marxism and radicalism and
how you're going to you know, change the world through
sleeping overnight in the park. And so eventually, the positive
reinforcement system creates a culture, and these folks who are

on college campuses now are bred to be left wing
and to be, you know what, they think anti imperialists,
and they see Israel as a white country that is
powerful because it's military is powerful, and they naturally gravitate
towards the Palestinians, and they excuse terror, they excuse rape,
they excuse even the anti gay activity in the Palace

and authority in order to be revolutionary. And that's just
an obvious feature of today's college campus and it's disappointing.
The one thing I did to a few days ago
is that there were both protesters and anti protesters on
a college campus, and they're both chanting let's go Brandon,
which I thought was a you know, a rare moment
of unity among the very divisive rhetoric going around.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Now, Uh, that is special, some kind of unholy alliance,
but that is special, William. One of the things I've
been trying to figure out. You talked about the intentionality
of this with you know that there being these quotas
that these institutions have been hitting, bringing students in that
fit these profiles that are radical, and then are working

to radicalize others around them. How much from an administrative standpoint,
this is something I've been trying to get my brain around.
How many of these college administrators just are not aware
of what they're getting themselves into. They're just woke, they're
weak need and oh my gosh, what have we done?
Versus how many of these college administrators knew damn well

what they're doing and this is what they're going for.

Speaker 3 (23:56):
Yeah, crimea river, right. I mean, these people have been
in the control missions for decades, They've been looking in
personal statements for people who want to challenge privilege and
invoke the EI, and now, of course the blowback surprises them.
You know, I don't I don't think so in terms
of administration. You know, Mi from Mountain Stakes Legal, We

just wrote a demand letter to UCLA two days ago
because they want to suppress a conservative speaker who wants
to talk about Israel and the Palace and authority on campus.
And they're saying, oh, we can't have conservative speakers on
campus while this encampment is going on, so we will
want to prove your event, blaming us, I guess or
our clients for creating drama on campus when they, of

course let this thing go on way too long. So
it's just one of those things where I don't really
trust that administrators have anyone's best interest of heart. They
just want to look the other way and hope that
it goes away, or in some cases they probably support
it and they think, oh, you know, this is a
good way of making sure that criticism of Israel gets
out there, you know, and makes the nightly news. So
don't I don't give the administrators across the country any

any credence whatsoever.

Speaker 1 (25:01):
And well, Iam, you just pointed out the unholy alliance
on the Let's Go Brandon chant kind of along those lines.
One thing that struck me this week you had the
official Democratic Party arm on college campuses. The College Democrats
of America turned over their messaging this week to their

Muslim caucus, and their Muslim caucus endorsed these protests what's
been playing out. They said they stand with them to
state solution the whole nonsense. So I mean full hamas
sympathizers here. How big of a problem is this that
you now have an official party arm on college campuses
that seemingly is radicalized.

Speaker 3 (25:44):
Well, it's a big problem for the Democrats, It's a
big problem for Biden and Michigan and probably other states
with significant Muslim populations. I think it's a problem for
the country. Although, to be frank, I think this is
one of those eighty twenty issues where eighty percent of
the country, not the youth, but the majority of the
rest of the country sees how absurd this is, sees

the terrorist sympathizers across college campuses these days, and says
that's not what I want in this country. So in
some ways, they've shined a light on how awful things
have gotten. You know, I wish it didn't take a
crisis like this in order for people to see the light.
But in some ways, I think this is a problem
for them that they can't control their base, they can't

control their messaging, and I guess they're turning over the
messaging to the people who are sympathetic to hamas if
there's anything to make a centrist or an independent thing
twice about who they're going to support going forward. It's
radical students talking about how important it is to support
the terrorists. So I do think ultimately, you know, this

is a problem on college campuses and for the left,
but for the mainstream of the country. I hope it's
not so much of the problem.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
Well, your lips of guys ears that this works out politically.
I fashion myself as a realist who ears on the
side of optimism. So hopefully this is a capitulation point
for many, a turning point for this country come November.
William TrackMan, General counsel for Mountain States Legal Foundation, thank
you so much.

Speaker 3 (27:13):
Appreciate him absolutely an time. Thanks all right.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
And let's go to the phones. We've had Jacob n
o Ohio. It's been hanging on. Appreciate that, Jacob, welcome
to the show.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
Hey right, thanks for having me.

Speaker 3 (27:27):
You bet.

Speaker 1 (27:29):

Speaker 4 (27:30):
I just I've been listening for a while and I'm
only twenty six and we'll have been kind of staying
up to date on what's going on in the world
and watching things since the war in Ukraine. But I mean,
this stuff is crazy, ridiculous. But these whole protests and
stuff that I've seen, and it makes me think about
my wife. We've been married for about a year and
a half, and she her great grandparents actually raised her,

and they were legitimate Holocaust survivors. They had the tattoos
on their forearms, you know, And her and I never
really sat and talked about these things that are going on.
I don't even think she knows.

Speaker 3 (28:03):
We just had a baby's album.

Speaker 4 (28:04):
But you know, at any rate, I didn't know that
she was Jewish, you know, and maybe I missed something
in school, but how do you even really tell, right?
So I would be curious to see what would happen
if these protesters or whatever we're calling them, they're not yeah,
if they would look into their heritage. How many of
them actually have Jewish you know, ancestors and actually are

tied to the Jewish faith and are sitting here doing this.
I think it's it's an embarrassment and it's a disgrace
to our country. It's crazy and I don't know.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
Yeah, Jacob, I mean you bring up a really great point.
You know, Jill Stein, the likely Green Party presidential candidate,
Jill Stein certainly of Jewish ancestry. She's got the rest
of this week, she was out there, you know, supporting
all this this nonsense in college campuses. So you do
have an element, you know, and a lot of those
people are people that threw away their faith sometime ago

and for what reason. You know, they're they're in that
unhappy place, and you tend to get that kind of thing.
But you know, you know, May God bless you, your
your wife, your family. I wish you all the best,
appreciate it.

Speaker 5 (29:13):

Speaker 4 (29:13):
One more thing. I've actually never voted before, and it's funny.
I'm actually really proud of this November It'll be for Trump.
So let's get that going there and turn this stuff around.

Speaker 3 (29:25):
All right.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
Well, Don Well said, appreciate you being there for sure.
Let's go to Ken also in Ohio. Ken, Welcome to
the show.

Speaker 5 (29:32):
Hy I'd just like to comment on a statement that
I heard earlier in the week, and I think it
should be repeated in a daily conversation. I believe it
was Mark Levin, and it shuts down the complete argument
from the left that there should be a cease fire,
because Mark Levin said, guess what, on October sixth, there

was a ceasefire in place and Israel did not break it.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
You know what, the Great One and Ken appreciate the call,
and the Great One is wise in so many different ways.
When a lot of this nonsense was playing out of fact,
when Iran was attacking Israel, a Great One was over

there with them, and you know I was, it was
conversing with him about the situation in the ground. He
has perspective that none of the rest of us really do.
And so now what you're picking up on there is
is right on point. And the bottom line when it
comes to a ceaspar to the extent that Hamas would
ever engage in it. You know, I mentioned earlier in

the show their founding is not too allowed for that.
So you know their founding was the eradication of Israel.
They don't only ever use that strategically, all right. Since
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And so, of course, if all that nonsense had happened,
nonsense on these college campuses probably not happening either. So

we've got work to do everything we can do all
in get Trump elected. Brian Mudd with you. It has
been an hon earned a pleasure again the Brian Mudshow.
Check out my podcast at Brian Mudd Radio socially and
would love to connect with you and hope to do
it again and then not. Sitiztant have a great weekend,

Shanna be back with you next week.

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