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May 1, 2024 32 mins

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and author of March to the Majority, took a deep dive into the background of Merchan and his daughter. The issues and conflicts are endless. Newt also put a newsletter on early voting and the importance of playing to win.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thanks got Chan. An hour two, Sean Hannity
showed toll free. It's eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn,
if you want to be a part of the program.
We now have twenty Biden administration attorneys of pressuring Biden
to cut off all aid to Israel. We saw we
saw the State Department yesterday talking about Democrats talking about

invoking the Lahy Act, which would in fact prevent the
idea from getting any help or any support from the administration.
The administration is accusing Israel of committing quote, gross violations
of human rights. You have this ICC court, it's like
a Hague court that wants to label Benjamin nettan Yahoo,

the victim of a terrorist attack, wants to label him
a war criminal. Then, of course you have these lunatic
students all over the country and frankly administrations with no
clue at all whatsoever what to.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
Do about it.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Columbia's pro hamas insurrectionists now taking you know, people barricading
themselves inside the university's building. Nobody's listening to the administration
at all. The people that are negotiating, We went through
some of their backgrounds there as radical as can be,
tenured professors that were celebrating October seventh and the terror attacks.

There anyway here to weigh in on this, and we're
only one hundred and eighty eight days away from election day.
As former Speaker of the House New Gingrich, I don't
think the world's been this nuts in our lifetime.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
No, I agree. I do want to point out, by
the way, we're actually much closer the first days of voting,
and it's amazing how fast we're going to get to
some of the states starting to vote early in mid September.
So people need to realize this thing's coming down the
road like a freight train. I think this is one
of the great values clarification tests in American history. You know,

we had one at the of a war when they
had to decide what the Union survive and wo to
be free. We had one in the late nineteen sixties.
People forget, you know, Governor Ronald Reagan took on the
students at Berkeley and at Santa Barbara and elsewhere and
was very tough. Sent in the police, sent in the
National Guard, made it very clear that the rule of

law was going to apply. You had an entire period
there where you at one point, we had twenty five
hundred bombings in the United States in the late sixties,
and Nixon came along and said there is a silent majority.
That soilent majority voted overwhelmingly and the country got attacked

back together. We're in a very similar values clarification moment.
Are we really country that accepts terrorism? I don't think
so well.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
The way I've been saying it is Joe Biden. I mean,
let's go back to the beginning here. He is placated Iran.
He not only turned a blind eye to sanctions preventing
them from selling oil on the world markets. Starting in
March of twenty twenty one, the US under Joe Biden
started importing oil from Iran. They allowed did they waive

the sanctions and allowed Iraq to give them ten billion
dollars They were willing to transfer six billion in a
ransom payment. They've allowed the Mullos of Iran to get
rich again. The Mullows now are pursuing nuclear weapons with
a vengeance. According to the IAEA and other international organizations,
China no consequences for them. Spy balloons, hostile maneuverings in

international airwaves, against international airspace, against our very own fighter
jets going against our navy international waters. They have hostile
maneuverings of their navy against our navy. Forget about COVID,
forget about spy balloons, forget about intellectual property theft and
unfair trade practices. And of course he shuts down the

Keystone next Doyle pipeline but gives a waver of Vladimir Putin.
How does any of this make any sense to you?

Speaker 3 (04:09):
Well believe if you just say to yourself, these are
people who dislike America. They want America to be weaker
and less capable. They dislike our history, They dislike the
heroic figures who created us. They see us as a racist, xenophobic,
homophobic society, and therefore weakening us and tearing us down

is good. Remember the person that they had negotiating with
Iran is a guy named Rob Malley, who in effect
was on the Iranian side. So you had an Iranian
sympathizer negotiating with Iran over nuclear weapons. And we know that,
I mean Maley autumnately lost his security cleans because he
was so close to the Iranians. This is an administration

riddled with people who despise America. And who want to
change America or radically. And you see in a sense
that the college campuses are now a reflection forty or
fifty years of getting sicker and sicker and sicker and sooner.
Let me know, when you see the American flag taken
down and the Palestinian flag going up, have to ask yourself,

why are we sending one penny to that campus of
taxpayer money? And by the way, when students start saying
that they want us to cut off all funding any
you know, any institution which is doing business with Israel
should be cut off, they ought to remember that the
US government does a lot of business with Israel. So
does that mean they're going to give up their student loans,

They're going to give up the money going to the university.
I mean, all of a sudden, you're going to see
them go. Well maybe I didn't quite mean that, but
I watch what's going on in the campuses, and I
think we have to be prepared to stand up for freedom,
and we have to be prepared to stand up for
law and order, and we can't back down. In Columbia's
exactly as it was in nineteen sixty eight, they had

the building occupied in sixty eight, that a professor's life
work destroyed by a group of vandals, and you're seeing
an exact repeat of what happened in nineteen sixty eight.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
We could play Reagan here because I think Reagan hit
the nail on the head back then, and I think
you're right. I think there are a lot of parallels.
The only difference is we don't have strong leadership. Here's Reagan.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
Those people told you for days in advance that if
the university sought to go ahead with that construction, they
were going to physically destroy the university.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
Now, why did you negotiate?

Speaker 5 (06:37):
Many times?

Speaker 4 (06:37):
Negotiate what is to negotiate?

Speaker 3 (06:40):
What is?

Speaker 4 (06:40):
Ad Jesse is a public institution, that's right, But the
university its own community and for the community of Berkeley
that live around.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
All of it began the first time.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
Some of you, who know better and are old enough
to know better, let young people think that they had
the right to choose the laws they would obey as
long as they were doing it in the name of
social protest. Sick and tired of the argument about whether
some effort to enforce law and order, he is going
to escalate anything at all. Plain truth of the matter
is this has to stop, and it has to stop.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Like the day before yesterday.

Speaker 4 (07:10):
I would like to propose that the issue is that
on the campus is you who are adults, You who
are entrusted with those young people and their guidance, have
a responsibility to make it plain to them from the
very beginning that you yourselves do not tolerate the kind of
conduct that has led to the burning of Wheeler Hall,
that has led to two murders on the campus at UCLA.

If you've created an atmosphere on the campus where no
one wants to listen, you are alive.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
I mean, Reagan was dead on accurate. Now let me
ask you this. I know that it's a snapshot. I
know we're only one hundred and eighty eight days away,
and you're right early voting will start probably, I don't know,
maybe in August. I mean, that's how insane we've gotten
with voting laws in this country. But it'll be here
soon enough. As we look at the polls, I mean,

it's pretty interesting because every poll that I'm going to
refer to has been taken while Donald Trump is in
a courtroom in New York City over an eight year
old case with a judge that donated to Joe Biden
on what was a misdemeanor count whose statute of limitations
had run out. Who's the judge's family, according to reports,

may very well benefit a lot financially from this. And
of course nobody bats an eyelash. There's a gag order
against Donald Trump and allegations that other witnesses are making
money on TikTok and live streams.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
But with all of that said, last week we had the.

Speaker 1 (08:37):
Bloomberg Morning Console poll, Trump winning significantly in six or
seven swing states. CNN has a poll out now Trump
has a six point lead. When you throw in third
party candidate, he jumps to nine points in the poll.
That same CNN poll, sixty six percent of voters disapprove
of Biden's handling of the economy. CBS from three battleground

state shows that a large plurality of Americans now believe
they'd be better off financially if Trump wins in November Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.
A majority overwhelming majority of voters believe the economy was
better under Trump. Most believe the economy has gotten worse
since the end of the pandemic. And you know, you

just put all of these together, a Harvard Harris pole
finding that Trump is leading nationwide, and a head to
head match up with Biden, and a three way matchup
if you include RFK Junior and fifty seven percent of
Americans in that poll are quote using the believe that
the Democrats are using the legal system in bias ways
to take out Donald Trump, and sixty four percent indicated

Biden's cognitive decline is getting worse every day. I mean,
tell me how that guy gets re elected with those
numbers with one hundred and eighty eight days to go,
and wide open borders on top of it.

Speaker 3 (09:57):
But there they have two hopes. One is they hope
to somehow lock Trump up. And the current judge who's
totally corrupt, and you're right, I've written about the fact
that his daughter has made millions out of attacking Donald
Trump for the Democrats. This judge is a disgrace. He

shouldn't be on the bench. And I think that it
is a very grave weakness, and I frankly worry they
have a judge who's this corrupt, who currently has the
ability to cause Trump a great deal of pain.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Well threatened to put Trump in jail.

Speaker 1 (10:34):
If he violates a gag order that only applies to
him and no other individual involved in the case. And
I'm anticipating a guilty verdict, mister speaker, I don't think
he can get a fair trial in New York in
this venue.

Speaker 3 (10:49):
Well, I think he might get a fair trial with
a fair judge, but with this judge and the way
he's rigged the entire argument, which is an absurdity. There
is no case, there is no crime. It is absolutely ridiculous.
It's absolutely ridiculous. They literally can't define a crime. So

what they're trying to do is paint a word picture
and basically say Trump bad. Therefore vote yes, he's guilty,
But they don't have any crime he's committed. And it's
just it's utterly insane, in a grave danger to our system.
But I'll say it was an equally grave danger. There's
an executive order from Biden for the federal government to

supervise the election. There are places now working, like New
York City and d C to have a legal immigrants vote,
and the.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
Effort in DC, the Board of Elections said that illegals
could vote in local elections. They made the proposal in
New York. It was stopped by a court, but they're trying.

Speaker 3 (11:49):
Right, and I think we need to recognize that in
the states that do not require some kind of photo ID,
you're going to see an all out effort to vote
people who are not legally in the United States. And
that's the last stand of the left wing Democratic Party.

Speaker 2 (12:06):
And if they succeed, then what the country's gone?

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Well, I think then the Americas you've known and is
basically gone. I think this is the most critical election
since eighteen sixty. I think that if the left has
for all the damage they've done, if they can stay
in power, I don't understand how we're going to recover.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Let me ask you how Republicans need to deal with
the issue of abortion. And I've gotten a lot of
heat for saying that Republicans better understand where the country
is on this issue, not where you stand personally. And
I make a difference between where you stand personally. For example,
I support an organization preborn dot Com slash Hannity, where

they're doing incredible work changing hearts by introducing expecting moms
to the miracle of life within them. Okay, I think
that's the way to go. That's the best approach. But
the country. If you ask me where the country is politically,
it's first trimester or Dobbs fifteen weeks. And I think
anything less than that is going to be demagogue to death.

And I would argue that that's probably the main reason
that the Red Wave never occurred in twenty two.

Speaker 3 (13:17):
Well, and I think you also have to include exceptions
for rape incests in life of the mother. You're right.
I mean, my view is that people who are pro
life should be for the law which saves the maximum
number of babies, not the fantasy that'll never be an actor.

And that's why I think, frankly, where President Trump is
is pretty right. You allow each state to make his decisions.
Those states have to respond to the individuals, and I
think that that is they've got to be sensitive their
own district. It'll be different in New York than it
will be in Idaho. But that's where America is right now.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
All right, former speak, I know you have another appointment
to run to. We appreciate your time, as always started.
Thank you for being with us.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
All right, We're gonna.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
Get to a lot of your calls coming up. I
see a lot of you being very patient thank you
for your patients. Are toll free numbers eight hundred and
ninety four one Seawan. If you like to join us, uh,
we'll also get reaction. At the top of the next hour,
Vivike Ramaswami will join us. You know, if you've ever wondered,
you know how the Holocaust happened, Just just take a
look at what's being said on college campuses. Look at

the tenured professors on college campuses celebrating openly what happened
on October the seventh. You know, we'll get Vivike Ramaswami's
take on all of this and how this should be
handled and how it's not being handled properly.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
Much bunch more breaking noons all afternoon.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
When you get off work, be sure to check in
first for everything you miss during the day.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
This is the Sean Hannity Show, twenty five to the
top of the hour.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Your calls coming up eight hundred and ninety four one
Sean if you want to be a part of the program. Now,
it's over six months since the worst terrorist attack in
Israel's history, and sadly, this president has pretty much abandoned
the war on terrorism and rather than helping Israel, just
offering moral support for them to win their war against

radical Islamic terrorists. Now Joe Biden has stabbed him in
the back. It's sad, it's pathetic, and it's a dangerous
message he's sending the world. But while this has all
been going on, the people of Israel are in dire straits.
You have hundreds of thousands of them displaced, and that's
where the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews have come in.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
They're on the ground.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
They are addressing all of the needs of any person
that is need of medicine, food, shelter, help of any kind.
They're doing anything and everything. They can only do it
with your life saving donation. Also building out bomb shelters
in areas in Israel that need it the most. For
God forbid, if a siren goes off, you know, people

have fifteen seconds or less to get to safety. Have
twenty people that can fit inside each mobile bomb shelter
that they're constructing. They're built to withstand any rocket attack.
It meets the standards by the IDF and they are
renovating and installing nearly three thousand of them. The cost
of one bomb shelter is fifteen grand The goal for

April is five bomb shelters. If we could find three
hundred of you out there that could give fifty bucks,
well that will be another bomb shelter that will likely
save lives. If you can increase your generosity five hundred
dollars or more, your name is going to be included
on a special plaque that is placed on that bomb shelter.
And whatever you can donate for the people that are

displaced for the bomb shelters, please go to their website.
It's one word SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. They're wonderful people, they're volunteering,
they're working around the clock. One word support IFCJ dot org. Today,
by the way, Jonathan Turtley did address the fact that
Donald Trump was fined and then threatened with jail today

for violating a gag order. And then we're hearing that
other participants in this case may be actually making money
or profiting. We've not been able to confirm it, but
accusations that they may be making money by giving online
comments every day about the trial. Well, why isn't there
a gag order on everybody in the case. Anyway, Here's

Jonathan Turley.

Speaker 6 (17:35):
Yeah, it's basically what we expected they weren't asking for
jail time. The thread is lingering out there. The judge
wanted to put this domicly sword dangling over his head.
It's there and the thread's getting thinner, and that's basically
what the judge is saying. Unfortunately, I don't think the
judge has re examined his order. I think it's poorly written,
and I also think it's way too broad and the

inclusion of Michael Cohen and that order is absurd. I mean,
you have someone who is making money campaigning against Trump
and attacking him on this trial, and the judge is
letting him speak, but not for the president to respond.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
I mean, this case just reeks of what it is,
and that is you have a judge that donates to
Biden in twenty twenty. You have a judge whose family
is likely compromised in a massive way based on what
the outcome in this case is going to be. You
have a venue that is never going to be fair
to Donald Trump. I mean a city that is you know,
nine out of ten people are registered Democrats. It's unbelievable.

On top of that, you're dealing with an eight year
old bookkeeping error, which is really in New York, it's
only a misdemeanor. You know, the judge should have recused himself,
didn't recuse himself. Then we still don't even know the
legal theory behind the entire case. How it is that
Alvin Bragg is using federal election laws to charge Donald
Trump with what There's a bookkeeping error, that's all it is.

And you know, even if they made it a campaign expense,
you know, there's all sorts of reasons that people might
want to have a non disclosure agreement, maybe just to
prevent his family from seeing it.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Let's start there.

Speaker 1 (19:16):
Does anybody really know the motivation of anybody that would
not be a crime, and just how you characterize it
on the bookkeeping Okay, Donald Trump doesn't do his own
bookkeeping anyway. The whole thing is just sickening and it
shows of this two tiered system of justice we have.
Let's get to our busy phones. Let's say hi to
Lisa Is in Iowa. Lisa High, how are you glad

you called the vag Ramaswami at the top of the hour?

Speaker 2 (19:40):
Glad you called Alisa? How are you?

Speaker 7 (19:43):
I'm great? How are you sean good?

Speaker 2 (19:45):
What's happening so I'm a.

Speaker 7 (19:47):
California transplant, proud to be in Iowa now. So I
just wanted to bring up a couple of points. My
first one is my understanding Steven Spielberg is going to
be helping President Biden with the DNC so I mean
some commercials, and he's Jewish, and that I just find
that so appalling that he here, he filmed Schindler's List

and other movies and he's I mean, how can he
be doing that not supporting Israel.

Speaker 2 (20:15):
I really have no idea. I'll tell you.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
One of the greatest movies about the Holocaust of my view,
was Shindler's List. I mean, if you've not watched that movie,
I'm telling you it'll move your heart. And it's based
on a true story and there were good people. Liam
Neeson is the is the star in this movie, and

he does everything humanly possible to save the lives of
of of Jewish people in Germany during Nazi Germany and
risk risked his life the whole time doing it. Anyway,
It's uh, you'd have to ask him because it makes
no sense to me. Because as far as I'm concerned,

this is what the world now looks like when Joe
Biden abandons any understanding of what a war on radical
terrorism is. This is what happens when an American president
abdicates his role as the leader of the free world.
This is what the chaos that the world descends into.

And at a point in time, you know, to watch
the likes of Chuck Schumer.

Speaker 2 (21:23):
I believe Chuck.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
Schumer's Jewish and for him, in the middle of Israel's
war for survival to be calling for elections, you know,
for the United States to be sanctioning the IDF for
fighting back against the radical Islamis that attacked them, that
killed what would would be the equivalent of forty thousand
Americans in a day, it'd be the equivalent of eight

thousand Americans taken hostage off of American soil. I mean,
how would you expect your government to respond if it's
Joe Biden. I guess we would have no response, you know,
because all he's been doing is pressuring Israel to surrender
and to go into you know, cease fire after this. No,
the message should be clear and unambiguous. Go defeat the

radical terrorists that have been firing tens and tens and
tens of thousands of rockets into your country and that
are responsible for killing twelve hundred people and taking hundreds
of others hostage.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
Go win your war. You have our full support.

Speaker 1 (22:22):
I'm not saying put boots on the ground, They're not
asking for that, but certainly you should have the moral
clarity here. This is simple right and wrong. And I've
listened to even people that claim to be conservative, and
I find some of their comments that just repulsive. Also,
they have no understanding that this is good versus evil here.

And those that believe in convert or die, or those
that would be you know, be responsible for murder and
rape and beheading and burning of human beings and a
surprised terrorist attack, that there be on the side of evil.
Those people that are fighting to defend their country and
the very survival of their country have every right to

do so, and we should be supporting them. What's happened
to this country's moral compass under Joe Biden? Anyway, I
appreciate the call, Lisa. I hope you enjoy Iowa. It's
a little chili there in the winter. We were there
this past winter. Let's go to Alabama. Ted is next
on The Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 8 (23:24):
Hi, Hey, Sean Gritty's from the great state of Alabama.

Speaker 2 (23:29):
What's going on?

Speaker 4 (23:30):

Speaker 2 (23:30):
Where in Alabama are you from?

Speaker 8 (23:33):
I am in Gardondale, Alabama, just a few miles north
of Birmingham.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
No know the area. Well, what's going on?

Speaker 8 (23:41):
Yesterday? You were talking about the early voting and how
conservatives are going to have to match the efforts of
radicals in early voting, in ballot harvesting, et cetera, and
all that. Okay, and a lot of people are speculating
that Biden is not going to make it, you know,
to the election, or may withdrawal or whatever. You know,

he may not be available for whatever reason.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
So what.

Speaker 8 (24:10):
Happens to any of those early votes that are cast
for Biden in the event that he withdraws. Will they
become null and void because his name would be on
the ballot? Would they expect those votes to just transfer
over to Harris and kind of give for an early
start on finishing up the campaign.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
I don't see this happening.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
And with one with two caveats here, unless Biden has
a really bad fall or a really bad health issue
that emerges, or if Joe Biden somehow, how do I
say this? If Joe Biden has the verbal gafs of

all verbal gafs. That it's just it's it's so trans
parent that he's not up to the job. I don't
see him being removed from from the ticket. I think
this is going to be the ticket. It's going to
be Trump versus Biden now. But those things that I
mentioned could absolutely happen. If that happens, that would then,

you know, if they would throw it to the delegates
at the Democratic National Convention and they would pick a replacement.
Probably the person that comes to mind first would be
Vice President Harris, but I think there'd be probably a
large contingent of people that don't want her at the
top of the ticket. But I think that's probably the
likely scenario. But it's not going to happen unless one

of these outside events happen. That's my belief, but I
might be wrong.

Speaker 8 (25:43):
If the game plan is for him to actually step aside,
wouldn't he have to do that before early voting.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Started, though, yes, he would, okay, okay, and no, unless,
of course he died before the election, And I'm at
that point the Democrats would have to, I guess, get
their delegates together and come up with a replacement.

Speaker 8 (26:07):
I'm just I've just been trying to think through all
of these things.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
Wow, they I mean, the guy's so weak, frail, in
such a cognitive mess. I mean he doesn't look like
the epitome of health to me.

Speaker 4 (26:19):

Speaker 8 (26:20):
Absolutely, Well.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
Let me put it this way.

Speaker 1 (26:22):
It was my family member and I was watching somebody
I cared about a family member of mine in the
condition that Joe Biden is in. I'm sorry, I would
be very very adamant in leading my family in the
direction of insisting that he retire.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
I don't think you ever go to Walmart. Pardon you
ever go to Walmart all the time? Okay? When you
go to Walmart?

Speaker 1 (26:51):
You ever go in and they have these very nice
greets that meet you at the door. Usually they're retired people,
the nicest people in the world. And is there anything
I could do to help you today? And yeah, I'm
looking for the sporting goods section. I'm looking for the
whatever section. Well it's right over there, I'll blah blah
blah blah. And they I don't think Joe Biden could

be a Walmart reader. You want to know why he'd
never remember where anything in the store is. I don't
think he could recall it.

Speaker 8 (27:21):
I agree. I don't think he knows where he is
most of the time.

Speaker 1 (27:25):
Yeah, I think he'd probably say, well, it's probably next
to my uncle Bosey is being eaten by cannibals in
the row twelve. Anyway, I got a roll man, Thanks Ted,
appreciate you being with us. All right, quick break right
back to our phones. Eight hundred and ninety four one Sean.
As we continue along the Sean Hennity Show, proudly serving

America on seven and thirty five great radio stations.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
Anity is on right now.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
We thank Grhamaswami coming up at the top of the hour.
But back to our phones, we go, eight hundred and
ninety four to one, Shawn our number. Let's say hi
to Jerry, Free State of Florida. What's up, Jerry?

Speaker 2 (28:11):
How are you? My friend?

Speaker 5 (28:12):
Good Efstode Sean just as ex New Yorker down here
in Florida. I want to welcome you to It is
the free estate with the best economy and the best
schools under the leadership of arguably the best governor in
the nation. So welcome to Florida. Great to have you
down here.

Speaker 2 (28:29):
It's great to be here.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
By the way, if you're coming from another state and
you're moving to Florida, don't bring your stupid liberal ideas
with you. Absolutely otherwise I suggest you moved to California.

Speaker 5 (28:41):
Pick point of irony about these protests if you would
call them on the college campuses in one quick solution,
A point of irony is how tone deaf and what
is the value of the education it is likely to
be the cost of which it is likely to be
passed under to the taxpayers under the another student loan
quote unquote forgiveness program. That many of these students, whom

are very affluent, suburban white female students, are protesting for
a system of government and governance under a theocracy that
is not going to even give them the benefits that
they are protesting for, and that had the freedom of
education and the freedom to peacefully protest. In those countries,
women do not have those same enjoy those same rights

as they do here. I mean, I think that's very ironic.
And again, what is the value of the education that
they are getting in these schools that they don't have
that lack they lack that perspective and understand it.

Speaker 1 (29:36):
I actually was in I think one of the New
York tabloids that I believe it was the New York Post.
They actually had a picture of some of the protesters,
and one seemed appeared to support LGBTQ rights and it
had a rainbow flag on it and all that sort
of thing. I'm like, do you have any idea how

these countries which Sharia law treat gays and lesbians? Because
if you get caught being gay or lesbian, usually the
penalty is death. Are they not aware the women's rights activists?
Are they not aware how women are treated under Sharia law?
In some cases, they can't drive, in most cases they

have to cover their faces and their heads, and in
other cases they're not allowed outside their home without a
male relative. They can travel without permission of a male
and the family, either their husband or father. I mean,
it's insane, But are they in part supporting that? Yes
they are. Are they supporting it out of the ignorance

that you're referring to one hundred percent?

Speaker 2 (30:40):
You're right, I'll give you the last word and.

Speaker 5 (30:43):
Then one possible solution. These protesters, like you point out,
are similar to the paid protesters in the Summer of Love.
Like you call it correctly, call it in twenty twenty.
They are anti police. They want the police to come
on so they can videotape and get the wrong set
of message, getting a quick thirty second clip of them
being arrested. In my opinion, the campus should get some

spinal fortitude and start taking away their rights of a
degree or anything that they paid for. If they don't
immediately vacate the premises, it should be administrative actions taken
by the campus and that would directly hit home and
you'd watch out how quickly those campuses would clear out
if little junior doesn't get their diploma because they were
protesting on campus.

Speaker 1 (31:25):
I think what should hit They should have enforced their
deadline yesterday and suspended or even expelled people. They expelled
people for using the wrong pronoun and sometimes anyway, appreciate
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