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August 14, 2018 18 mins

Jake tosses "typical" and goes it alone.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, this is Jake going and this is Good Company.
Good Company. Welcome to Good Company, a podcast where we
talk about everything under the sun, friends, good times, and
in good company. Now here's your host. What's going on, y'all,

It's Jake. I am back with another episode of Good
Company on this beautiful Tuesday morning, August fourteen. I actually
thought about doing something a little different today. UM. Yesterday
I was going to record a podcast with some really

good friends of mine that I shall have on very soon. UM.
But some unforeseen circumstances came up and we were unable
to do that. So I was left today thinking of
who I might have on my podcast. And as I
pondered who that might be, UM, I kept realizing that

maybe it's time for me to set aside the actual
podcast guest and come to you guys today solo straight
from me, straight from the heart, and really tell you
all how much I appreciate how much this podcast has
meant to me. You know, I've talked to everybody from
my grandparents and their love for each other after seventy

years of marriage. I've talked to my mom, my dad,
talked to good friends that are trying to make it
in the music business. I've talked to my my gym trainer,
Jeremy about his life and how he inspires people. And
what I've realized is is how much this podcast has

inspired me. UM. I hope you guys have all enjoyed
this as much as I have. I. UM. Every day,
I wake up, as I am this morning, at six
fifty eight in the morning, I'm on my way to
the gym, and uh, believe it or not, I am
talking to myself with the intentions of talking directly to

you all, UM, as I'm driving driving to the gym.
And this is something that I do daily. I drive
to the gym. When I'm home in the morning, I
get in my car and think about a lot of things.
And as I was driving this morning, I thought, you know,
maybe I should just do this solo. So that's what

we're doing today, boys and girls. It's going to be
me talking to you. UM. Last week I talked to
Becky Mcowaine, who was and is the lady that really
has a huge hand in starting my career. If y'all
hadn't heard that podcast, make sure you check it out.
I met Becky when I walked into a Nashville bank

about fifteen years ago and started a bank account, and
she asked me what my purpose was in Nashville and
what I planned on doing, and I told her that
I was going to sing country music for a living.
And thanks to her kindness, along with many other people
in Nashville, I feel like Nashville is just full of
kind people. Thanks to Becky's kindness, she really kicked off

my career. And if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't
have a career, probably in the music business. I wouldn't
be talking to you guys right now. I wouldn't be
at a place in my life where people might even
care to listen to what I have to say, UM,
much less come on my show and and talk to
us about their life experiences. But um, with that said,

and everything that has happened in the last fifteen years,
I have a lot to say, and I have a
lot of feelings inside me that I feel like, UH,
I really enjoy sharing with with UH with with you all.
And so with that said, I can't thank you all
enough for the last a few months since starting this podcast, UM,

with the amount of pleasure and and just absolute happiness
that this podcast has brought me um personally and selfishly.
I must say that I hope that you feel the same,
because I, Uh, this is something I never really expected.
My friend Bobby Bones, it was so kind to call

me up and say, hey, man, I would love for
you to have a podcast on my podcast network. I
feel like you have a lot of things to say
and UM. At the time, I didn't really know what
that meant. But as I've gone forward, I think I
kind of entered. I think I understand what he meant. UM.
Every day I wake up. I posted on Instagram yesterday

about how every day is a constant maybe not necessarily struggle,
but uh a challenge towards self improvement. And that really
occurred to me this morning when I got in my
truck to drive towards the gym, Because there are days

like this morning it was really hard for me to
wake up. It was pretty tired last night, and uh,
I thought about hitting that snooze button and keep sitting
there and not waking up and not going to the gym,
and making up an excuse as to why I couldn't go.
But every day there's there's something that you can make
an excuse for and not do something, or you could

shrug it off, smack yourself, you know, and the and
the hind in and say let's go man, kick yourself
in gear. And that's kind of what this day is
for me today. And um, as I got in the
car and started heading down here, I realized, Okay, who
am I going to talk today on my podcast? And uh,
and it occurred to me that I needed to talk

to you guys, just solo, one on one. And and
there's a lot that's been on my mind lately. I
as I'm driving this morning, I'm passing these elementary schools
in my little town where I live here in Nashville,
and um, just outside the city limits and seeing these
kids heading back to school, their backpacks on, waiting on

the school bus, and I can't help but think about
my beautiful little girl, Pearl, who I happen to get
a text message from yesterday from her mother that her
six year old molders they're coming in early, and attached
with this beautiful little picture of Pearl laying on the

dentist chair as she was getting her teeth clean, and
I just it made me smile just to think about
how fast she's growing up. And then of course I
wake up this morning and I'm driving to the gym,
as I mentioned, and I see all these kids heading
off to school. And this is the first week that

Pearl start It's kindergarten, and UM, it really kind of
tears me up. I gotta tell you if if I'm
being vulnerable, um as a single dad. I know there's
a lot of single dads out there, and this is
something I haven't early approached in my podcast yet, but

being a single dad's heart, it really is. You know. Um,
Pearl's mother, Lacy, and I going on about four years ago, Um,
we we decided it was better for us to not
be married. And and and her mother moved back to Florida,
and uh, she thought it would be better to take

Pearl with her as much as I stay on the road.
And I respected her and still do. And she's made
a great life for Pearl down there. She's recently remarried
to a man that's a great man. Uh. There's nothing
I could ask for more than to have Pearl have
a stepfather that is kind and caring. Um the way

that that her stepfather is now, Um, that's all a
guy could ever really hope for, you know. And and
and and probably thankfully to all the prayers that I've
sent up towards the Good Lord, he answered my prayers.
UM with a good Man in Pearl's life when I
can't be there. But as far as as far as
I'm concerned and the way that I live my life,

it is it's tough for me um, day in and
day out, to wake up and face the challenges of
the day of trying to be a better human being
on a daily basis, trying to be a better dad,
trying to stay healthy, trying not to eat a pack
of sour Patch Kids or gummy bears and instead make

a protein shake because we're not getting any younger, you know.
And uh, speaking of not getting any younger, these days
are flying by, and and as I think about my
little girl with their six year old Mohlers coming in
and she's heading off to kindergarten for the first time,
and all these moments that I wish I could be
there for. Um, it's tough, it really is. And and

I don't think selfishly about that because I know how
many other fathers are out there that are dealing with
the back and forth of their child, UM with their
with their exes and and I think what I wanted
to say today the most is, UM, I think originally

I felt alone in this situation. And as I've talked
to friends of mine, they have gone through the same
sorts of things, just like kicking yourself in the hind
in and going to the gym. Um, you gotta kick
yourself in the rear two and and and remind yourself
every day that uh that everything's all right and you

can be the best dad you can be, but you
have to act upon on that. You have to act
upon taking care of your children, teaching them right from wrong,
even if it is UM from miles and miles away.
I'm pretty fortunate that that my my previous uh wife

Lacy and I really we do. We get along really well,
and we know what's best for our daughter, and we
we really strive to make sure that she understands that, UM.
And we worked really hard to teach her the morals
and values that we were taught and instilled as as
young as young children. And thanks to my mother and

father for for teaching me those sorts of things. UM,
I feel like I've really been a great father, even
though UM, it's not something that I that I that
I wished for I didn't. I didn't get married with
the intention of getting divorce. And I didn't stand in
front of my my grandmother and grandfather that you guys

heard one of my first few podcasts and say I
do uh for better or for worst tow then a
couple of years down the road, UM not not truly
fulfill that promise that I made. UM. All those types
of things daily were on me um And as the

guy that gets out there on stage every night and
has a has a podcast called Good Company all about
positivity UM and has to get out there on stage
and smile and jump around and play rock and roll
songs and and make sure that everybody else has a
good time, I would be completely lying to you all,

as as the friends that I've made as listeners to
this podcast show. If I told you that every day
was was a positive day for me, um, it it's tough,
uf um And And I think this morning was a
little tough for me and getting up and seeing these
kids going off to school, and it's constantly bringing me

reminders of my beautiful little girl. And but as I mentioned,
it's it's nothing you can dwell upon. You can't sit
there and feel sorry for yourself. This was something that
um that was I can't say it was my fault
or anyone else's fault. It's just the way the world turns.
And I remember one time I gave this beautiful plaque
to a friend of mine that was one of my

producers when I first came to town. His name is
Jimmy Ritchie, and UM, I found this plaque that says,
according to this theory dot dot dot, the best laid
plans of myce and men are indifferent to the world.
So if every person would approach each day as a

surfer does a wave you're in needs, your needs will
be of utually satisfied. What's really translated to me and
the fact that as a surfer, as a kid grown
up in Very Beach, Florida, on the beach, um sitting
there waiting on waves to calm. Some were good, some
were bad. But if if you rode each wave for

the pleasure of it and took it for what it's worth,
once that wave was over, you could paddle back out
and look forward to the next wave and appreciate the ride.
I guess that's really really what what the purpose is.
I think that I've learned in my life is that
it's all about the ride. It's about the journey. I
have a song that it's one of my favorite songs

that I've ever recorded, called the Journey of your Life
and um, and it it's about just that. It's about
finding your way. And Uh, I gotta say thanks to
my fans out there and everybody that's supported me for
so long. Um, you've helped me through my journey. Uh.
As much as I think sometimes people tell me how

much my podcast is meant to them and it's helped
them through there, through their ups and downs and giving
them positive light, I hope you all know how much
your positivity has meant to me. So UM, as I
say that, I'm pulling up to the gym, um putting
my car in park. I didn't intend for this to
be a short podcast this morning, but then again, I

didn't also expect to be talking to myself for a
straight fifteen minutes. But I wanted to leave you guys
with something this morning. UM, as I pull up to
one of my favorite places to start my day called
Paragon Strength and Fitness here in Nashville off Highway One,
I want to start your Tuesday off. Just let me know,

go out there and enjoy that journey, Go enjoy the ride.
Go hop on today like a surfer does a wave,
and write it for what it is. Um. Some of
us might have a great day to day, some of
us might not. But tomorrow is gonna be another day.
We're lucky to be on this earth. Be kind to people,
appreciate it the day. Smile, make someone's day. I think

we're all guilty of being human beings and from time
to time not adhering to that sort of thought and
uh ideal as far as as far as you know living.
But it's okay to be human, and it's okay to
make mistakes. And I find that that myself, just like

any one of you, is a human being. I'm not
I'm not just not to talk about myself a third
person here, but I'm not Jake Owen, the guy that
you guys see on the cover of albums and and
and on television and making videos and playing baseball fields.

I'm also a guy. It's got feelings and and thoughts
just like y'all that wakes up and says, man, what
do I have to do today? Did I get this done? Yesterday.
I've got a headache today, and it's it's all about
finding ways to get through the day and appreciate it.
And I've found throughout life, by you know, thinking positively,

it it brings positive things around you. And that's what
this that's what this podcast is all about. That's why
I've tried to surround myself with the people that I've
had on here and share their stories with you. I
hope my stories help inspire you. I hope that I
inspire my daughter. I hope that I inspire my friends. Um,

I'm thankful for the friends that I have, the family
that I have, the love that I've been given, and
I'm thankful for you all. And I haven't really had
a true chance to tell you that. So I hope
this wasn't too much of a babbling situation this morning.
I appreciate you guys listening each and every other week
on these Tuesdays. This this is called good company. And

you guys, even though I say every week, thanks for
being good company to each and one of my guests,
you guys out there a good company. I appreciate you listening.
I appreciate your supporting what I do. I love you Pearl,
I hope you have an awesome first week at kindergarten.
I wish I could be there for you this week.
I'm leaving tomorrow to head off to Indianapolis for the

bud Light Dive Bar Tours, um and then off to
get back on the Life Is What You Make It
Headline Baseball Stadium tour with Chris Jansen and Jordan Davis
and uh, looking forward to seeing everybody out on the road.
But kiss your kids this morning, Tell him you love
him as you sent them off to this new school year.

Enjoy life. And uh remember this bumper sticker that I
that I saw a while back that I tend to
remember that says, don't beat yourself up so bad. God
still work in on you. So at that said, thank
you all for listening. I love you. Catch you in

a couple of weeks. I've got some really great folks
coming up on the podcast. I'm excited to share with you.
And again, thanks for letting me babble your ear off
this morning on a Tuesday. Good company. I'm Jake. I'll
catch you guys next week. See it
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