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February 13, 2018 30 mins

Jake's Dad sits in while Mom waits outside in the car. -but they left it running for her.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, this is Jake Owen and this is Good Company Company.
Welcome to Good Company, a podcast where we talk about
everything under the sun, friends, good times, and company. Now
here's your host, Jake. What's up? What's up? What's up?

This is Jake. I'm back for another episode of Good Company.
I'm glad to have you guys back joining us. I
am fresh off a trip to Pebble Beach, California. I
was out at the A T and T Pebble Beach program.
I play out there each year with my good friend
Jordan's speak. Uh we last year he won the tournament
and we finished belief third. This year we did not

make the cut, but we had three great days of
playing golf at some of the most beautiful golf courses
in the country Pebble Beach, Monterey Peninsula and spy Glass
and uh not just was it great golf and hanging
out with Jordan's and Dustin Johnson and Wayne Gretzky. But
one of the greatest things for me year after year

is being able to go out there and take my
family on a one week vacation to the world some
of the world's most beautiful scenery you can see and
my dad was with me and he carried my golf
bag every day. He took good care of me and
told me how to play smart. And it goes back
to the days when I was younger of of playing golf.

And here I am at thirty six years old. My
dad's still out there, Carrie, and he's uh sixty seven
now and uh I have my dad here with me today.
Steve Owen is in the house. What's up, Dad? How
you doing? Good morning. I've been able to have Jared,
my twin brother, on this podcast. I've had granddad and nanny,

which are is your mother and father? And I'm really
happy and I know that those out there that have
been tuning in and listening to this thing are probably
excited to hear you today. We were flying on the
play home last night talking about this podcast episode on
what I wanted to talk about today, and as we
just got talking casually about my life growing up. In
my story, I wouldn't be where I am today if

it wasn't for you, not only teaching me things growing up,
but going to the point where I called you guys
on the phone from from college at Florida State University
and asked if it could get y'all's permission basically to
drop out of college and moved to Nashville. And here
we are, all these years later, sitting in a studio
with my own podcast. We were flying out there to

play in that thing. There's a lot that's happened in
this life, and Uh, I thought it'd be interesting to
chat with you this morning about your perception of it
all and how how we got to where we are.
So thank you for coming in here this morning, Dad
and talking to me as my mom is out in
the truck right now. She's fighting flu symptoms. So we

left the car running for she's out there and she
can hear this when we get it all put together.
But Dad will start with you in your life. Um,
we talked about this last night. You you were born
in nineteen fifty October, and uh, you were born in Sykeston, Missouri.
I've only been in Missouri the times that I've played

music there. You moved out of there pretty quickly, and y'all,
you and the family moved to uh, Florida. Whereas where
where I come from. But you guys, you grew up
in winter Haven, Yeah, so did we grew We moved
to winter Haven when I was just a year old.
So I don't remember much about Sykes in Missouri. But um,
all my life, I've lived in Florida and winter Haven
and Vero Beach. Yeah that's where I actually I was

born in winter Haven, winter Haven Hospital, Polk County shoutout,
and uh. I moved over to Vera Beach, Florida at
a young age. And that's really about the time that
I remember kind of life growing up. And we've said
this quite often on this podcast, but this is called
good company. And I enjoyed talking to people that are
inspiring and they have been been important figures in my life.

And you, for sure, Dad have been that major role
in my life. And as I mentioned earlier, teaching me
things everything from right from wrong too, how to do things.
I mean, we were just talking the other day about
building this place I'm building now. How the dad's a builder,
so he's been helping me with ideas and things for that.
And you never, you never get to a point in
your life where you stop asking Dad questions. But I'll

if you don't mind. For those out there, this is
a purpose of this is sometimes for folks to see
a side of me that they don't get through the music.
And uh, I thought by having you on here this morning,
you can kind of give your perception of you know,
I have a twin brother, Jared, that we've talked about
and talked on on this podcast before. But having twins sons?
When you found out you were having twins? How how

was that? Oh? That was probably the most exciting day
of my life. We didn't expect to have twins. The
doctors had told, uh, Mitchy and I both that we
were just having one baby and he was gonna be
a large baby. But uh, I remember when Jared was born,
A yeah, a large baby. Um Mitzi got pretty big,
and uh, she kept thinking she was gonna have at

least twins, and anyway, the doctors kept laughing and saying no,
that though just one child. And when Jared was born,
who was the first to be born. I'll never forget.
The doctor was kind of holding Jared in his hands
and had a funny look on his face. And I
was kind of concerned because I was sitting right there,
and I said, what's the matter, and he goes, well, nothing,

but uh, he's just not as large as I thought
he'd be. So he took another look at Mitzy and
he told the nurse, you need to go get some
more plasma, that this lady is having at least one
more baby. So I was just elated. I was very excited.
And then when you were born fifteen minutes later, I
put both of you in the cart and rolled you
down the newborns and death threw us in a cart

and rolled us into the waiting room for everybody to
see this. He's like, the story goes out here. The
nurses and doctors are chasing him down the hallway and
he's like, We've got twins. That's exactly right. I was
so excited about it. But that was a great day.
That's funny. Well, Jared and I growing up, you know,
we battled sports. Jared is a great tennis player, went

to Florida State on a full tennis scholarship. And the story,
as this will go and you all will see, is
I kind of as a kid growing up, I was dabbling,
dabbled in all kinds of things. I played tennis at
an early age with Jared and Marty Fish and we
talked to on the first podcast, and uh, I just
got frustrated with tennis because they were so great at it,
and it wasn't something I genuinely loved. And then golf

is something that I picked up at an early age
because you were a great golfer um growing up. We're
talking about this last night on the airplane, if you
don't mind telling people out there kind of your history
with golf and your background of getting married at an
early age, how kind of how life happens sometimes and
for reasons, and how it takes you on paths that

you don't sometimes foresee, but when you look back upon it,
it seems like it it's obviously was for a reason. Yeah,
it's uh. I think life does take you in different
directions for various reasons, and uh, you know my life experiences. Uh.
I started playing golf at about seven or eight years old.
My dad i'd like to play, and started playing at

an early age and took it fairly seriously, played some
junior tournaments and then played high school golf and was
lucky enough to get a golf scholarship to Florida Southern
in Lakeland and played golf there through college. I wanted
to pursue a pro career after that. I thought I
had the ability to possibly, you know, play on the tour.

I got married at an early age, and uh really
never got to fulfill that dream. But in looking hindsight,
in my life, I didn't stay married because we got
married at an early age, and I met your mother
and we got married, and and you and Jake came
or you and Jared came from that that marriage, which
is kind of funny when you think about how it

does take you in different directions because you two guys
wouldn't be here if that hadn't happened. So that was
a wonderful experience for both of us, and glad it happened.
But I continued, uh at uh, you know all through
my twenties, playing a lot of amateur tournaments around the country,
and you know, as I said, never really got to
the point that I could play professional golf, just for

various reasons. But as I look back, amateur golf has
been really good to me. I've met so many of
my best friends playing golf. Uh, done a lot of
business deals playing golf, and it's brought me a lot
of fun playing golf with all of my kids. I've
got j Stephen Casey doesn't play, but Steve does. But uh,

it's just been in and then like this week at
Pebble Beach, being with you out there, you meet so
many wonderful people, a lot of celebrities, a lot of actors,
and a lot of the guys on the PGA tour.
So it was a great experience. It's uh interesting too,
for I think our lives dad kind of parallel each
other in ways, as I still feel like at my age,

I'm still figuring stuff out. As you mentioned going through
divorce your mom when y'all when you remarried Mom after
going through your your the first marriage you had um
you and Mom and I've been married for thirty seven years,
and I know that I never knew what it was

like to grow up without with a split family. I
was lucky enough to have you a mom there and
and Stephen Casey, my half brother and sister from your
previous marriage. It's weird always say half brothers because they're
they're my brother, they're my sisters. And I always watched
from distance out as they dealt with, you know, coming
to town during holidays and during summertime, and and I

didn't always get to see them because they didn't live
with us, they lived with their mom, and as I
grew older and I got married. I ended up getting divorced,
which was not something I foresaw. But as you mentioned earlier,
there's reasons in life that things happen. And I've been
able to lean upon you so many times throughout the
years to ask you questions and guidance on things that

you've able to give me your wisdom on. And uh
that also goes in parallels you, as you mentioned with
your dreams to be a college golfer or excuse me,
a professional golfer. When I decided to pick up golf
as something that I was really interested in intrigued to do,
you were very supportive, and a lot of it for
me was because I wanted to fulfill those kind of

dreams you just mentioned that you necessarily didn't get to fulfill. So,
as some of those know out there, and as the
story has somewhat been misconstrued, I played a lot of
junior golf and I did not have a scholarship to
Florida State, but Jared are my twin brother, had a
full tennis scholarship, so um there was availability for a
walk on spot at Florida State. So I went to

Florida State as a walk on golfer and during that
kind of first semester, I had my skiing accident, which
you also were a great water skier growing up. It's
kind of something that's in your blood when you grow
up in Florida. But when I did that, I I
really couldn't play golf that first semester, and um, that
is when I picked up a guitar. And this kind

of brings me to something where I remember for you
and I, music isn't something that you ever really kind
of you knew much about growing up. You liked music,
but it wasn't something that you know much about, So
I kind of wanted to know what you felt like
when you realize that the whole dream of playing golf
for me and the time that you spent as as

a kid taking me to golf tournaments, you caddied for
me in golf tournaments growing up, When all of a
sudden I told you, you you know dat, I don't think
I want to play golf anymore. I'm gonna play guitar. Well,
you know, it was a little disappointing because at the
time I didn't really realize that the music was so
important to you. I know, in high school that used
to listen to a lot of different types of music.

A matter of fact, I took the number of c
d s out of your bedroom and broke them something
he did. I didn't think you should be listening to it.
I fell asleep in a car ride of time. We
used to write over for Thanksgiving or something in my
grandparents house. And I fell asleep in a car. Right.
That's back when we had those like little portable discmands,
remember that, and you take the disc out and put
it in. And I had one of those logic cases

that had all those CDs in it, and I remember
waking up from from falling asleep in the back seat
listening to a CD on the rate that they were
popping in c D after c D in the CD
player in the car, and if they didn't like the lyrics,
they'd break it and throw it out the window. Yeah.
Uh but anyway, now you uh, I don't think that. Um.

You know in those years that you liked golf quite
as much as I did. And I sometimes felt like that, uh,
I was pushing my dreams on you. But you know
you you have turned out to be a great player.
And um, but the story goes and what's got a
very unique is that as we said, As I said,
I never realized that Jake was really loved music that much.

And uh, when he had his his ski accident, he
heard his shoulder and he couldn't play golf anymore, and
my wife asked me to buy him a guitar, which
I didn't want to do because I thought he'd end
up just hanging out with a bunch of dudes and
not you know, moving forward with some of that's okay,

but but anyway, he uh, he played a little bit
around Vera. Then he went off to school and he
was playing at some gigs up in at Florida State.
You got it, st Let me stop for a second.
When you you you did? You got me a guitar
finally for Christens, so they're surprising with his seagull guitar
and uh, well, I bought you that Brad Paisley. That

wasn't until I went to college. I was this is well,
Remember I had gone off to a semester of college
and I was kind of bummed out really after the
whole the whole accident thing and not playing golf because
much one brother was out there playing tennis tournaments all
the time, and I was kind of it was weird.
I don't remember. It's funny to say that I was depressed,
because I don't remember what it feels like. I don't

know what being depressed is. I tend to be a
happy human being in life, but I do remember his
being at a dark place and really kind of not
knowing what to do. And if you remember correctly, I
ended up coming home for a semester, and uh I
went to the Indian River Community College and vera beach
um and I hated it. But while I was home
there is when you got me that acoustic guitar. And uh.

I used to sit up in my room and teach
myself to play songs and play and then I would
Dad tells a funny story about how he and my
mom are lying in bed one night and I'd written
a song and I went down and played it for you. Yeah,
it's like two thirty in the morning. We were sound asleep,
and all of a sudden we hear this little knock
on the door and woke up. Set up and he's
standing there with his gut done guitar, and he said, uh,

I just wrote a little song. I'd like to play
for you. So I'm thinking, oh my god, what's this
gonna sound like? And he plays a song for us
at to thirty in the morning, two o'clock or whatever
it was, and we were both looking at each other, like,
my god, that was really good. Dad said. He left
the part out though he said he was making mom
underneath the covers because it wasn't good that he says,
it's good now, but it was pretty bad. Well, I mean,

it was better than what I thought it was gonna be,
just put it that way. So I go back to
Florida State after after being a in a semester down
there any of our community college, and at this point
I built up some confidence in playing and singing. So
that's when I asked. I went up to a couple
of bar owners in town and said, do you mind
if I play here? Next thing, you know, I started
playing every night in college on a barstool, playing music

for people and for my mother and father there want
me to be pretty diligent about going to class and
and and get good grades, and that's hard when you're
staying out so three o'clock in the morning playing and bars.
But I was making really good money playing playing at
these bars. Um. I think they didn't realize it until
they came up and saw me playing. How many people
were coming out and seeing us play. But as I

went through that phase, I will never forget the time.
This is really what I was looking forward to talking
to you about, Dad, because you're the one that can
tell it better than anyone. But I called you and
Mom on the phone one night. I'll never forget it.
I was in the upstairs bedroom with my little town
house that that my dad had got for Jared and
I have lived there during our college years. I called you,

and I'll just let you take it from there because
I could tell my I side of story, but I'd
love to hear yours. Well. It was again. It was
about one o'clock in the morning. We were both sounds. Yeah,
the phone rings, and my wife always answers the phone
light at night, and I heard her talking and said, hey, honey,
and I knew it was one of the boys. And
you know, at that time and night, you always wondered

what's going on, So especially when you asked to talk
to both of them at the same time. Yeah, So
all of a sudden, she turned and turns round to me.
And says, uh, Jake would like both of us to
get on the telephone. So my first thought was either
he wrecked his car, he got you know, he got
arrested for drinking. I didn't know what it was, you know,
I just figured it was the worst. So I got

on the phone and he said, look, I'd like to
talk to you for a minute. And I said, oh hey,
And he said, you know how much I've been you know,
loving to play music and everything. He he had this
kind of a pre rehearsed story that I could tell
he's been working on. And he goes through talking about
how he wants to pursue his music career and how
much he loves music and so forth. And he said,

so I'd like to move to Nashville. And I said, uh,
you know, that's that's a you know, probably a good plan.
But I said, you've got thirteen hours left to graduate.
And I said, so, you know, once you graduate, I'll
be a hundred percent supportive of you and help you
move up there and help you with her finances and
so forth. And you kind of stopped me, and he says, no,
I don't think you get it. He said, I mean

I want to move up there like tomorrow. I kind
of stopped in my tracks and I said seriously, and
he goes, yeah, And immediately, well, that also said, though
you were a little frustrated at first, you know, he said,
if I wanted to take a four year vacation, I
would have taken one because I wasn't finishing school, you know,
and all the time and money you put towards that. Yeah,
And I exactly what I said to him. I said,

you know, you owe it to your mother and I
for the money we've put out to this point, and
you ought to yourself to get your education. And I
said then after that, you can do what you want to.
And he continued to talk about how much you loved
music and his passion for it. And as I sat
there and listen to him, I thought about my desire
to want to play the pro pro golf and never

had an opportunity to do it. And I thought, you know,
he's twenty two years old. If I say no, and
you know, he never gets to pursue that dream, that
I'm stopping him from doing that. And I and I
immediately realized that because I didn't get to do it,
I did not want to hold him back from doing that,
and I thought, you know, if he falls flat on
his face up there, you know what's the worst that

can happen. He comes back, he finished the school, or
pursues another another dream. And so I finally said, you know, okay,
if that's really what you want to do, I'll be
a dent supportive of you. And my wife left the
next day, drove up to Tallahassee. They loaded up his
car and a little trailer and moved into U haul
and moved to Nashville. He didn't know a person up here.

I didn't know. I didn't know a soul. I thought
that was really cool when I called Dad and Mom,
And Mom tells the story too that she says she
she wasn't as surprised. She was more surprised that Dad's
reaction of saying it was okay than me asking her
to them to move to Nashville. But I love that
we talked about this because I feel like for those

out there that are listening, life is about taking some chances,
especially when you I was lucky enough to have Dad
and Mom teach me the morals and values as a
kid of what hard work ethic is, no matter what
you do in life, you can't be great at it
unless you put forth the work and effort to do it.
And one thing that I tell people that I don't

think you were processing at that time when I called
you and told you I wanted to move to Nashville,
was that, no matter whether I made it or not,
no matter what I was going to do in life,
I personally believe I have a confidence that I would
that I'll be good at it because of what you
taught me as a kid, as that I have to
work hard at anything I do to be great at it,

whether it was the golf, whether it was school, whether
it was any sport. I mean, I played all kinds
of sports growing up, but more importantly too, just working
hard at being a good human being. And um, anyways,
sure enough, next day I packed up that U haul
trailer and moved to Nashville. It's so wild to think
about what has come from that. As we sit here

and get a day back. You know, to not to
drop drop this as some sort of braggadocious thing. But
we got to talk about this last night because here
we were just this past week, all these years later,
we stayed. I rented this house out in California, right
on the ocean in Pebble Beach, California, played with the
world's greatest golfers. Kept saying this to everyone. I was like, guys,

this is a true story, This is real life. This
is really happening right now. You know, I never thought
in a million years I would that call of making
to you guys at Florida, Florida State to Vero Beach
to night you answered at one am. I didn't have
dreams of being rich or famous. That wasn't why I
wanted to move. I wanted to move because I just
loved music and the way it made me feel when

I got on stage and played for people that appreciated it.
And I knew that my days of playing Sweet Home,
Alabama on a barstool um was just getting old and
tiring from me, and no one really cared to hear
what I had to say in my music. So I
never thought that when I moved to Nashville that it
would I would one day be flying on a private
jet to California with my mother and father, my best friends.

We'd un a beautiful house and then play out there
on the world's most beautiful golf courses. On television, you know,
with the world's greatest PGA Tour players in a real
PGA Tour event. That's really what I wanted to do
back when I was a kid, and now here I
am because of music and because you dad said, yeah,
you can go to Nashville. That that that by allowing

me to do that in a weird way, full circle,
it is, it brought all the other things in life
that we both enjoy. And I say that not again
not to be braggadocious about dropping some line about flying
on private jets, because that doesn't matter to me. But
I do, I do. I do still pinch myself every night,
like last night. I know you have to do it too.

I mean, we were raising a good family and we
didn't come from anything that was super lavish or elegant extravagant,
but to to travel in that way and and staying
at home like that, I mean, we had some of
the most amazing memories that we'll cherish forever out there.
And this all stemmed from you teaching me as a
kid to work hard and saying that it was okay

for me to believe in my dream and let me
move up here. Absolutely and and There's two things that
I'm most gratified about, and that is one your hard
work and perseverance when you came up here and and
what you've accomplished and the success that you have been
able to achieve here in Nashville. But just this past weekend,
my most gratifying thing to me is the fact that

because I did teach you golf and got you involved
in golf, that gave you another avenue that brought you
to meet Jordan's Speeth and Dustin Johnson, all these great
players on the tour and playing in the A T
and T this year and some of the other places
you've played, and also meeting all the other great people
that you've met that are at tournaments like that. So
there's two different levels there that that make me very

proud of the hard work and and an effort that
you've done well. I think what's also important is to
think what I'm really proud about. You know, It's one
thing to to to have the nice things in life
like we just chatted about and staying in nice house
and YadA YadA, But well, what I've been able to
do with the platform that I've worked hard to get

towards you have been super instrumental and helpful in my
foundation for the last over ten years. And Dad's the
one in our hometown that every year is going out
getting people to buy sponsorships and tickets and we've raised
I mean that thousands and thousands and thousands of hundreds
of thousands of dollars, if not closed, over millions and

close to a million five over these past ten years. Yeah,
over almost a million and a half dollars we've raised
for all of our Fort Saint jew Children's Hospital. What
you guys all know, we're super proud to be a
part of and helpful. Everybody in the country music industry
is really they really are proud to help St. Jew
Children's Hospital. But our local charities like Habitat for Humanity

and Girls Club and U Dollars for Schollars for scholars
and um Hibiscus Center. I mean, we have so many
autism speaks and that is something that honestly, I couldn't
be more proud of again, Dad, without you teaching me
the morals and values of of taking the talents and

gifts that you've been given by the Great you know,
our our our Lord and Savior to use those in
a way to help other people. Um, to me, that's
the most gratifying part of it all. And for you
to still be here with me. We haven't mentioned, uh
something that's really important. We skipped over, but Dad's a
cancer survivor. Dad got cancer three four and uh it

was tough, you know, he was on a feeding tube.
I lost a tunnel weight. That was another reason this
past weekend, watching you at sixty seven years old, having
beat cancer and just trucking along with those with my
heavy golf bag on your shoulders, you know, walking off
yardages and and giving me yardages and then just being

able to enjoy those that those those walks down the
fairways looking out at the Pacific Ocean and listening to
the waves crash. It's unbelievable what life has brought, not
just me, but what has brought our family. Well, I agree,
and I enjoyed every minute of being out there and
caddying for you and just spending the time with you
and Mom and all of our friends that we were

out there. But I want to go back and say
that I'm probably most proud of all of his accomplishments
that he does take the time to come back to
Verrio Beach every year and do an event every year
that goes strictly to with exception of St. Jude's, all
the money goes strictly to those in need in Indian
River Counting specifically Vero Beach. And you know, he has

now the ability to bring in a lot of people
to that show with his success that he's had up here,
but he's still willing to do it every year. There's
a lot of people that don't do that, that could
do it, but he's been willing to do it, and
he looks forward to do it, and the people of
Vero Beach love it, and he continues. I hope he
continues to do it for a long time. But that

type of getting back to me is what it's all about,
the most important thing that you do. Well. I appreciate that, Dad,
I think it again, it all stems back to and
for those listening out there that have children, you have
to always appreciate the insight and guidance that your parents
give you. And and I and I've been lucky enough
um to have this in our life, Dad, to have

a mother and a father that are there for me.
There's unfortunately there's a lot of kids out there that
don't have the benefit of having UM their mother father
around for them, and UM I I I'm really I'm
thankful to be able to have that in my life.
But I'm also thankful for you to be able to
share coming from a solid father with everybody out there

that listens to this podcast on what it means to
start at an early age and teaching the right values
and hard work ethic into kids. And because I truly
believe that you can do anything you want in life
if you work hard at it. And I would have
never learned and believed that right there if you hadn't
helped me and ingrained that in me. Well, I appreciate that,

but I think every parent tries to do the right thing.
Sometimes we don't. Sometimes we regret things, would like to
go back and change things. But UH, for the most part,
You've been a great son and UH done very well
for yourself. And like all my children, each of you
are different in different ways and have different talents, but
I'm proud of every one of you. Wow, this has

UH been pretty cool dad to talk to you, not
only just this morning, but the last week every day
walking Fairways at Pebble beach. Um, we had a couple
of nights where we indulged in some adult beverages and
and had had some beers and had a good time
and had some great laughs and some great dinners. And
I'm thankful for every day that you're here and I

can call you on the phone with questions and ask
you things. But last week I talked to um Meyer
and Howe, my drummer, and my band seemed like we
just could not stop laughing the entire interview I say,
interview podcasts really and then um, here we are this week,
and we're pretty serious upon this, uh this one. But
I think everybody out there consistently tunes in. And I'm

really proud that you guys got to hear my dad
today talk about, you know, in a brief way, my life,
his life and where it's led us be based off
of of believing and support and love and um and
doing the right thing. And Uh, I love you, Dad,
I appreciate you all the time. And uh, I just

I can't thank you enough for what you've helped me
do in my life and what what there is to come. Well,
I appreciate that very much. But again, you've done all
the hard work yourself, and uh, I appreciate those comments,
but uh it just it was a great time being
with you this week, as as it always is, and
I really appreciate it. Well, thanks Dad, Well, thank you

guys again for tuning in. We uh we'll kick it
in and into another gear. Uh this coming week. I've
got some surprises up my sleeve for y'all. We like
to bounce around from funny, too happy, too sad. You'd
never know what you're gonna get from us, but this
is good company. We hang out with great people. I
appreciate you. We'll catch you next time right here on
Good Company with Jake. I love you, guys, and wool

for you.
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