All Episodes

April 3, 2024 61 mins

Lunchbox put himself out there this weekend with a first date to the Nashville Soccer game. It's been a long time since this happened so he wasn't sure sure how to do it and he thinks he screwed up a few times throughout the night. Caitlin Clark vs Angel Reese also known as Iowa vs LSU didn't disappoint but not let's give all the credit to Caitlin Clark. Plus social media needs to be banned or people who bet should be banned from social media. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
The American Spirit.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
What yo, yep, I'm here yo, let's go yep. On TV,
Ryan Rossillo.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Yeah, what about him?

Speaker 2 (00:14):
I mean, he was the guy that was caught naked
in the woods one time, got fired, thought he was
never coming back. He was in the coming Back from
the Dead guy was basically in a body bag.

Speaker 1 (00:24):
He got caught naked in the woods.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
Yeah, the media buried him, and I mean he's back
on TV. You can always come back in America. That's
why it's aid.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
I mean, hell, Mike Tyson went to prison for rape
and he's back. He's in movies.

Speaker 2 (00:40):
Another broadcaster, Carton Carton, he got in trouble for telling
people it's created some Ponzi scheme where he was getting
tickets that only he had access to, and so he
had millions of dollars from these investors and he was
just gambling it. Got fired, lost his job with Boomer,

went to jail. Dude, he's back on broadcasting every afternoon.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
I come home.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
That's why it is the greatest country on this planet.

Speaker 1 (01:08):
Hold On, he wasn't in the woods. I just said
that he was in people's house, right. He was drunk, naked,
naked and he walked into a stranger's condo. I just
said the woods to keep myself safe. I understand that
this is a big mistake because I'm a public figure. No, no, no,

it's not because you're a public figure. It's a big
mistake because you were naked and walked into someone's condo.
I don't care if you're a public figure or not.
You can't do that.

Speaker 2 (01:39):
Would you ever drink it though getting super drunk? Would
you ever get naked?

Speaker 1 (01:44):

Speaker 2 (01:45):
See, that's the thing, dude. I mean, I'm not saying
he did drugs. I'm not even implying that at all.
Some people's bodies, I guess just handle alcohol differently. Or
he was doing heavy alcohol. No, No, Never, in my
wildest dreams, when I get so drunk that I take
my clothes off, not be able to find my house
and wander out in about I mean, dude, I end
up on the patio with a with a game on.

Speaker 1 (02:04):
Coach here. That is what I am saying. I never
get like as drunk as I have been. I've been wasted.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
And usually I know you are in Vegas because you
do those videos at four am. Yes, I'm showing you, guys,
all of the Caesar's Palace. Where's Caesar at does he
live here?

Speaker 1 (02:22):
And I am managed to find my hotel room. I
don't ever accidentally walk into the wrong room. But that's
like the one time I was in Vegas and I
told you this. Maybe this is one of our story
stories from Vegas. I was asleep, my wife's in the
bed with me, and it's like three or four in

the morning, and you get in. I got a who
the hell is that? And I'm like, what the hell?
And I go to the door. I didn't order and
I think it was it was three or four dudes
outside the door. They're like, let me in, Oh, bros
on a bed and I'm like, oh no, not letting

you in. Quiting around, let me in. I'm not ging around,
said no, you're not coming in my room. Then it's
boom boom, boom boom boom, really banging on the door,
and I said, get out of here, mother, let me
in the room. I will protect my wife. Then it's

a kick kick, you know how they turn their back
and start kicking the door.

Speaker 2 (03:29):
At that point, you're calling front desk.

Speaker 1 (03:31):
And I'm like, what the I might get out of here,
and then he goes I'm about to ram the door.
Dude backs up across the hall with a bull ram
no less, and he's gonna shoulder it big dude, you know.
And he was like, if you don't open the door,
I'm charging the door. I'm giving you ten seconds. I said,

I think you're at the wrong room. This escalated quickly.
He goes, mother, we know we are room seven forty
to quit happing around. Josh. I'm not Josh, I'm what's
your fate name? And I said, nickoacks. I said, this
is six forty two. He was one off and they're right,

Oh are bad. They were one floor off, but they
were hammered. It was like four o'clock in the morning.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Usually you turn away, though drunk, you imagine you think
that you're in the wrong. He just kept going with
this conviction.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
You know, when you're drunk, you think you're dude. Drunk
people think they're right. Why do you think arguments? See,
that's hard worse when you're drunk. I don't get it
now because I don't argue when I'm drunk. I don't
wander off naked when i'm drunk. I don't get aggressive,
I don't get depressed. So everybody is affected differently by alcohol.

Living cases, a man wandering naked in the woods, that
would just never be me. Yeah, when you go to
when you used to go to Sixth Street, when I
used to go to Sixth Street, at the end of
the night, you saw a boyfriend girlfriend west arguing on
the street because drunk people think they're right. He thinks
he did nothing wrong, she thinks he did something wrong.

So they're arguing and no one is like, you know what,
you're right, I'm wrong. That's why when you see so
and so got in a fight at three am, you
know what, no one's gonna admit they're wrong at three am,
because alcohol makes you think you know everything.

Speaker 2 (05:22):
We always said with South Beach and his ex girlfriend
that we would go watch a boxing fight, typically strip clubs,
maybe at a bar if they were showing it. And
we always said, man, the main card wasn't even at
the bar. It was South Beach and his chick. There
you go, he didn't hit her. Their arguments, dude would
just last into the night.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
It's just so awkward. That is exactly why these dudes
would not leave the door when I kept saying, this
ain't your room, this is not your room.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
It's not your room. Does your wife have to tell
him to leave?

Speaker 1 (05:51):
No? No, she was in the bed. She was in
the bed, and she was terrified. But luckily, once I
said this is six forty two, they said, oh, sorry
about that, and they that story from Vegas. All right,
let's start the show lot to start, dude, I didn't

remember this. We're still walking into a condo naked. Dude.

Speaker 2 (06:15):
I know most of the sports casters, they're downfalls there.
Remember Scott van Pelt when he left that voicemail. No,
Scott van Pelt was hitting on some chick or trying
to date her, and he goes, all allegedly, it's all alleged,
and he left her voicemail and then she put it
on dead Spin and went out to the whole world.
He didn't lose his job. People questioned him and but
he still stayed strong.

Speaker 1 (06:35):
I love Scott Van Pelt's phenomenal, phenomenal.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
But he left a voicemail and he goes, hey, I mean,
I'm not a bad guy. I don't understand why you
wouldn't go on a date with me. He goes, I'm
not a He said something like, I'm not an amputee.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
And then that's what that was.

Speaker 2 (06:49):
Yeah, and so then people got offended by that, but
I do not believe he ever lost his job for that.
It was just his perfect image. Do you remember all
this stuff usually with sports casters?

Speaker 1 (07:00):
Yeah, you really do. Ray what about me? I'm a broadcast.
You may have already heard pure awesome, Man, this is great.
I didn't know about it. All right, go well, are
you gonna read what you're reading? Well? No, I just
it was a Reddit thing and says you may have
already heard this, but it's Scott Van Pelt's voicemail from

some years ago. Pure awesomeness. It doesn't there's no story,
so I was just trying to I was just trying
to look it up. That's it.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
And then Colin Coward, I mean, he's always just been
a pretty boy. Not pretty boy, but he's just never
had a divorce. He had a public divorce. Yeah, moved around,
and then he left ESPN, which seems to be the
better option. That he seems to be doing fine is amazing. Yeah,
he was never on TV at ESPN. It was always
just radio.

Speaker 1 (07:49):
That's true? Or was he? No? Bro?

Speaker 2 (07:51):
I followed all of this crap. Why do you think
this show's so good.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
Never thought of that. Right, The backbone has never been stronger.
I never realized we're so good because you followed these
other sportscasters and talk about them all the time dot
dot Arnold.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
Okay, hey, are you gonna go to the concert at
Ryman tonight?

Speaker 1 (08:11):
Yeah? With Abby? Well, make sure you take her for
a dinner, dinner and deck or I mean.

Speaker 2 (08:15):
That's what the kids call it. I don't call it that.
I do not call it that. I have never called
it that. But always take a lady to dinner before
a concert. Okay, uncle, Ray, I'm not your uncle. Get back,
Let's do it live. Come up here, get on the mic.
We oh the two so loses?

Speaker 1 (08:36):
What up? Everybody? I am lunchbox. I know the most
about sports, so I'll give you the sports facts, my
sports opinions, because I'm pretty much a sports genius. Y'all.

Speaker 2 (08:45):
It is sissing. I'm from the North. I'm an alpha male.
I live on the North side of Nashville now with
baser beautiful drive in every morning.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
I never take it for granted. Now.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
You always think about the little things in life and
how I used to on the West side enter the
city at a different vantage point, a different bird's eye view,
and it was an ugly view of the skyscrapers. Dude,
Now I have the most beautiful skyline I've ever seen
in my life that I get to drive into every
single morning.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
Yeah. But that exit, now, one exit just outside of
town before you get into Nashville. Yeah, that one sucks ass.
That one sucks ass. Do not ever stop there. Do
not stop at the gas station, do not stop at
the McDonald's, don't stop anywhere in that vicinity. If you
take that exit, you are in for some trouble. Get
out of there as fast as you can.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
I believe it's because there's about six lanes of traffic
all merging into about two. There's potholes. There's also a
huge semis going up to Kentucky. I think I figured
that traffic problem out. They just need to add a
couple more roads.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
That's it.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
Yeah, I'm gonna contact the city, all right.

Speaker 1 (09:49):
Well, tex dot, well I guess it's not. It's tea
dot in Michigan, it's m dot. I don't know what
text dot is Texas Michigan's do. I don't even know
dot Because Tennessee Department of transportation. Is it really? But
I don't know this one here? Yeah, so that's yeah.
I look at that X. I've been there before. I've
stopped at the gas station there. It is not somewhere
you want to be after dark.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
And you know how I was talking about how the
lot lizards go to that Flying Jay. No, less that
thing closed, bro What Yeah? Now with my different angle
into town, I see all the stuff that close. There
is that Rundown hotel which prostitutes use to stay at. Yeah,
that one's a new it's now a boutique.

Speaker 1 (10:26):
Oh yeah, they redid that. It's called drift. They they
freaking tore it down to the studs. I thought they
were gonna implode it, but no, they tore it down
the studs and redid it piece by piece. Looks beautiful,
even plant of grass or is that fake grass? Don't know.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
I had a friend stay there and said it was awesome.
Really yeah, but then they the Flying j If you
ever do want to go there, no longer exists.

Speaker 1 (10:44):
It got bulldozed. Wow. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (10:47):
And if we're gonna do a Sison Stadium sightings, yeah.

Speaker 1 (10:51):
Sison Stadium sightings. This is your update on the New
Titan stadium, which my kid asked me.

Speaker 2 (10:57):
About every day, the stadium. He is obsessed.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Well, time stamp this one for him. Eleven minutes.

Speaker 2 (11:03):
I'm now seeing dozers, I'm seeing excavators, I'm seeing long arms.
They got ten to twenty pieces of equipment in that
parking lot area. You're Titans fan, We're used to tailgate.

Speaker 1 (11:16):
No longer exists.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
I have no idea where these people are gonna tailgate
in the fall, No idea, because that's where the stadium's going.

Speaker 1 (11:23):

Speaker 2 (11:24):
On the other side of that gas station that's always
got people flooded in it, and a lot of them
are homeless and looking for drugs. That's where they're building
the new stadium.

Speaker 1 (11:33):
Yeah. So is that gas station gonna have to leave?
I bet they clear it. I mean, because I feel
like a gas station is going to be like right
up against the park the stadium.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
They'd have prime A one access to the stadium.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
I mean for sure, yes, because I mean, I mean
I did. This is not efficient. This is a raise
sightings from the stadium. What is it? Scissors stadium? Lunch
box looks live a lot B Because I was over
there the other night and I's hailing what it's hailing

where outside? Oh no, I didn't even know it's going
to rain. Are you are you calling your wife? Oh, baezer,

she may be on a zoom call. She works from home.
That was shocking. I could have swore they said all
the storms were yes. Yeah, I had no idea it
was gonna be bad weather today. Hold on, let me check.

Speaker 2 (12:48):
Oh, here we go, she'll tell us. Hey, Baezer, you're
on the podcast. I had to talk to you on curl.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
Okay, is it bad? No, just did it for a
one minute and then it started raining. Now the sun's out.
I know, it's so creepy. I didn't well, they say
when it's sunshiny right before the storm, that's bad for
the atmosphere. I know, well one part. If I look

one way, it's sunny. If I look the other way,
it's like looks like a tornado. So it's very comforting. Yeah,
because my wife is such a freak about the storms.
I texted my wife, is it haling? She goes, huh
from yesterday? Yeah, No, it's like out of nowhere. I
thought it was rain off. It's really hard rain. I
looked out and it was like, you know, you can
see it like jumping off of the ground. So I

was like, oh, that is hail. Was my patio damaged
at all? No, my patio wasn't damaged at all. No,
that's my patio, my patio. Okay, we're not gonna do this.
No my spoon, No, that's my spin. No that's my swing. No,
that's my swing. Okay, we don't. We're not gonna do that.

Speaker 2 (13:57):
It's reminding lunch of his kids. We gotta go, no,
for sure.

Speaker 1 (14:01):
Hey, but Baser excellent editing on the video. Unfortunately, only
got two hundred views. I know I saw that. That's
not very good. But it was great. I guess no
one cares about behind the scene access to an open
practice of an NHL team. I thought it was pretty cool.
Ray's commentary was hilarious. My problem was I forgot my
mic was on the whole time, so I think I

cut over Ray's audio a ton. It was fun. It
worked out good. It was really easy too, with that
app so I don't mind doing that for you.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
Well, Eddie acted like it was impossible to edit, so
that's news to me.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
He acted like a lot.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
But nope, okay, I'm gonna let mama go mamaa go
bye bye, mama bye.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
I texted my wife and I said, hey, you get
any hair or? I said, how's the hail? And she goes,
she goes, hail from yesterday. She goes, I'm eating lunch
with S and it's sonny. She's like, what the hail?
I said, you're eating lunch with Steve. Thanks for the invite,
and she said, ha ha ha, not Steve Sam. And

I said, okay, who's Sam? Cool? So yeah, I didn't
know it was hailing. That's cool.

Speaker 2 (15:13):
Yeah, Sorry, we had to take that turn, man, What
were you talking about?

Speaker 1 (15:17):
The parking boxes Lot Lizard, Lot B looks at lot
by Live look at Lot B from LP Field. I
was there the other night. I was at the stoplight
and I noticed they had put some chain leak fences around,
and they have the green stuff so you can't see

inside the chain link fence, which is always funny to me,
like why do they do that to advertise, isn't it?
Or is it to I guess it's so you don't
get stuff that flies out. I don't know, but I
could see right over the fence, so it's not like
they're blocking me from seeing anything. I did see a
couple of tractors there, but there was no digging or anything.
They were just parked inside the chain link fence. But

it looked like construction was about to begin.

Speaker 2 (16:03):
So I could actually take an alternate route home where
I could get more detailed information for us, where I
would just take Korean Vet, not not to get too
much into the weeds, but then I would really be
able to see in.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Yeah, well that's what I was on. I'm on the flyover,
but I was on Korean Vets. Dude, I was right
there at the stoplight. But you're going the opposite direction. No,
I was. I was going into the east side. That's
what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (16:24):
You're going the road because to actually see it, you'll
be higher up. If I was to come on Korean
Vet and I could look in not to get in
the weeds.

Speaker 1 (16:31):

Speaker 2 (16:31):
Yeah, no, maybe iving through Cleveland right now.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Maybe I wasn't on Korean Vets. I was on Ray.
I was on whatever. You know, we're gonna take a break,
and I'm actual Street. It is k Street.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
It's actually small. It's it's only goes a block I
think or two. Yeah that's where Yeah, yeah, that's where
we lost Riley. Yeah, we'll be right back. I hate
to bring that up, but I just randomly drove down
it because I was given our friends from Boston, Jessica

and Jojo a tour at Nashville.

Speaker 1 (17:06):
Ah, gotcha. I don't know why you would take that
on the tour. That's not something they needed to see.
But no, I had to turn around. Oh gotcha. I
want to tell you something, Ray. Dating is freaking hard.
H Are you guys thruppling? No, it's not throupling. It's
trying to meet other couples with kids, and so it

is just like dating. Yes, yet, bro, are you kidding me?
Someone just come in. No, but there's loud people out
in the hallway. I was like, what the hell. So
this past Saturday there was a Nashville SC game and
we have season tickets, we take the kids and my
wife is like, hey, what if we don't take the

kids on Saturday and we go with another couple Sam
and I said, sounds like a great idea. Who do
you have in mind? And she said, well, there's this
mom I talked to at drop off at school all
the time. She was like, so we should invite them

and get to know them love it, and I'm like, wow,
this is a little crazy because I don't really I've
seen the husband maybe said hi, don't know him, wasn't
sure his name. There was two names. I was like,
is it this or is it this? And she confirmed
it was one. I was like, all right, if you
want to ask him, just call him buddy, go for it.
How's it going, buddy? And so how you're doing boss?

She if it invited him and they got a text.
She got a text back, ooh, never been to a
Nashville SC game before. That could be interesting. Nothing back
After that. My wife's like, so does that mean they're in?
They're out? Does that mean they want to go? They
don't want to go?

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Maybe she's finding out she's asking the dude.

Speaker 1 (18:55):
It's mixed signals. But when you're dating someone, you send
them a little text say hey, I'm interested, and they
give you a unclear answer picture back ray Usually the boobs.
You start wondering like, huh what do I do?

Speaker 2 (19:10):
Uh? Because yes, because yes, in dating, you get if
you get the if you get the d pic or
you know, a topless photo, then you know you're kind
of interested. Yes, what are you getting from another couple,
you know.

Speaker 1 (19:21):
Right, And so my wife's like, so do I respond
and say, so, does that mean you're in? Does that
mean you're out? I was like, no, just give it
some time. You gotta give it some space.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
What if you guys send a picture of your family
at Easter and then say where's y'all's picture?

Speaker 1 (19:34):
No, No, this was on Saturday, dude, the game was
on Saturday.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
Okay, because what I'm saying is you got to exchange pictures.
That's how you know your next level. Okay, well I
don't think we're there at that level yet.

Speaker 1 (19:45):
So they finally were. They finally like two hours later
after the invite said, got a babysitter lined up, We'd
love to go this coming Saturday day. I'm that escalated,
and so we there, We're there, All right, cool, all right,
here we go. We're gonna get this. And so then
my wife leading up to its like, where are we
going to go to dinner? We got to figure out

somewhere to go to dinner.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
Because you want to make a thing of it, not
just where you're going directly to the game, right, you
want to spend time with them, which is what I
told Arnold. You don't go directly to the concert. You
do something for play, not the dirty kind. You need
some sort of foreplay before an event, a concert at singing,
an arrangement and continue.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
So my wife is texting back and forth with the
other wife and they're coming up with ideas, and my
wife's like, I don't know where I want to go.
I don't want to go somewhere crappy, you know, we
never get to go to dinner where And then that
other lady says, hey, we actually have them through my work.
We can have access to the Soho House. Should we
go to the Soho House? I mean, this keeps escalating, dude,

what's next? You guys drop bottles? And if you guys
don't know what the Soho House is, it's some private
place that has like a swimming pool and you have
to have a membership to go. It's very strange. You're
not allowed to take pictures there. I don't really understand
what it is.

Speaker 2 (21:02):
But really, I mean, I was there when I saw her.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
Oh okay, god, oh yeah, you're right. I was there
with you. That's when I learned how she was. She
was me and Ray lived at you and go. I
think she's pregnant. Yeah, and she had announced it on
social media and we didn't know that. But anyway, so
we're like, dang, we're gonna go to the Soho house.
And my wife says, so what do I wear? Can
I still wear my National Sea shirt? What am I

going to be dressed up enough for Soho house? And
she starts freaking out. I'm like, just relax. She goes, no,
this is our first time. We got to make a
good impression on these people. So I'm like, damn, okay,
So do I need to wear jeans or can I
wear just like my You're a dude throwing a golf shirt.
That's the beauty of being a guy. Here's the problem.
We're going to a National Sea game. I want to

wear a Nashville Sea shirt. Ry My only golf shirts
have a duck on them, so they no, they it's
a ping, it's a pengue, it's a penguin. So then
we this is on like Friday, and on Saturday, my
wife gets a text from the other wife and says, hey,

now that we're thinking about it, if we're gonna be
wearing Nashville Sea gear, maybe we shouldn't go to Soho house,
we won't be dressed up enough. Yeah, so soho house
is all out. So then we decide we're gonna go
to some like little place have drinks and you can
order pizza from a food truck. Interesting, I kind of
like that, have some cocktails, and then go to the game.

Sounds like Framontown. So we're that's all set and planned.
But then we go to a birthday party on Saturday
afternoon and what are they serving the Jerseys pizzas? That's
gonna kill the food. So that's gonna kill the food.
Try I'm not eating that night. And also, dude, sometimes

you have a big event or a big meal, all uh,
what is it all? Not starve your fast? Thank you?

Speaker 2 (22:57):
I always fast for Thanksgiving. So that I mean able
to really fully enjoy my wife and my mother in
law's meal.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
I understand that, but I don't know how good this
food truck pizza is gonna be. Yeah, I'm hungry.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
You don't want to risk a fast and then the
food not be good?

Speaker 1 (23:10):
And what if they only sell it by the slice,
So then I gotta buy eight slices at the food truck.
I don't know if I have time for that. So
I'm like, damn. So we're at this party. So I
eat four slices of pizza because I'm hungry. It's lunchtime,
two thirty in the afternoon. I haven't eaten lunch. Domino's
Domino's double eclipse deal, right, So I look at my
wife cross in front of each other during the eclipse,
and I say, hey, I think we're gonna have to

pivot again. We can't do pizza after having pizza for lunch.
So she sends a text and it's like, Hey, is
there any way we can cancel the pizza. We just
had pizza for lunch at a birthday party. She sends
an egg plant and she said, that's vegetable. How about
this taco place? All right, let's go get tacos. We'll
pick you guys up at five thirty. Who's driving they are?

We are? Okay? My wife offers to pick them up. Yeah,
that's good because we invited to them to the game.
So we're kind of the ones that initiated the first date.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
And also it's kind of like, do you really want
to do ubers all around town? I'll just drive guys.
Everybody just get in.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
Yeah, So we tell them we're gonna pick them up
at five thirty and we leave our house at five
thirty three.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
That's uh, are they they're not neighbors, but they're in
the same school line.

Speaker 1 (24:21):
Yeah, they're in the same So it's about a ten
minute drive to their house, ten to twelve minutes, and
they're like, hey, don't worry about it, we'll just walk
to the restaurant. A lot of gates to get through, ray,
We'll just walk to the restaurant. So we're already off
on a bad foot because they're already annoyed that we're late.
So they're just gonna go ahead and walk to the restaurant.
Oh what has start on the first day. I'm like,
this is not good. We are making a bad first impression.

And I'm like, we got a hurry. So we're trying
to we're speeding, and she's like, all right, go this way,
go that way. Hopefully no cops listen to this. No
they weren't. They weren't even I wasn't going too fast.
Just five miles over and we drive. Got you the limitations, right,
and we get between their house and the restaurant and
there they are walking down the sidewalk. You pull up

on the sidewalk. You freaking park it? Hey what? I
pulled up next to the curve, start hugging. Hey, you
guys need a ride. That's how you make good. Hey.
And they're like, oh my goodness, you gotta be great
and they jump in the back. She's all sweaty, he's
got her shirt off. Oh man, dude, I'm like, this
is so terrible. So we drive and we find a
parking spot. We go restaurants not too crowded. My name's Sally,

don't call me swamp ast. And conversation's good. Good. They
they're they're laid back. Then I made the mistake. Then
I'm like, man, yeah, he's like I was talking about it.
I was like talking about how we've gone with our neighbors. Sometimes.
We went with this other couple one time and I
was like, yeah, politics. I was like, I just had
nothing in common with the dude because he was like

this nerd. He was a computer program She shows the
bash another dude. I was like, he's a computer programmer, like,
and I just had nothing to talk to him about
because couldnt talk to him his job. I was like,
And then he was telling me breaking down chess.

Speaker 2 (26:03):
Always just stick to politics, religion, and sexual orientation.

Speaker 1 (26:09):
I was like, I don't really chess. I've never played chess,
don't know anything about chess. And he was just talking.
He was going on and on about chess. I identify
as Mail and I'll prove it. And as I'm doing this,
the other wife is just laughing.

Speaker 2 (26:20):
Oh, because he's a smart dude, and he's a programmer.

Speaker 1 (26:25):
Right, she goes, Oh, so sort of like him. He's
a computer programmer.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
Bro, You've got to feel it out, dude, you gotta
flow like I do. I just learned the guy next
door he does traveling sales. Not to spend from your story,
but I learned that he's going unemployed. Apparently in his industry,
you'll just take a couple of months off. So he
literally quit his job and then you'll just pick up
another thing. Oh and so I can't go in there
bashing on homeless people or unemployed. Yeah, he's unemployed, bro,

you gotta do so.

Speaker 1 (26:55):
So how would I know? So?

Speaker 2 (26:56):
Usually I'd be like, oh, my gosh, unemployed, how do
you guys pay the mortgage? When he told me he's unemployed,
you just gotta be cool.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
Oh, dude, that's genius. Man, I might quit tomorrow.

Speaker 2 (27:05):
Bro, you just gotta roll with the punches. So the
fact that you just immediately go and attack the programmers,
you can't. You got to be Switzerland until you know
when to pick a side.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
I wasn't trying to attack the programmers. What I was
doing was just talking about how another couple we went
with one time it just didn't work out because I
had nothing in common. And then he says, oh yeah,
and I'm teaching my kid's chest right now too, my
check please. I was like, all right, well, this couldn't

get any more awkward. I've screwed up twice and we
haven't even let well three times. We're late picking them up,
we're eating dinner, and I can't do anything but bash
the two things he does. I'm like, well, this is awesome, great, cool.
So we have a couple of margarita's. Then it's time
to go to the game. We go to the game,
We get we park, no problem walk. They don't come

playing about the you know, half a mile walk to
the stadium from where we park, which is a good sign.
Smoking thighs, I know the spot, and they are just
everything is cool because they've never been. They're like, oh,
this stadium's really nice. Now I see Soho House. I
get it now because it's right by the stadium. All
makes sense. I think somebody got shot outside there the
stadium Soho House. Oh look it up. Another news story

you need to find about. Ah, she could being yep,
because it is a.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
Little bit more industrial over there, and I would say
that it's warehousey type stuff.

Speaker 1 (28:36):
Community worry wherry after women kidnapped, robbed leaving Soho House. Yeah, hey, please,
said The woman was leaving when two men around twenty
years old dressed in all black armed with guns approached.

Speaker 2 (28:49):
WHOA, So next time they want to go to Soho
that's when you forward them the article and that's the
topic of conversation.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
She was leaving Soho House, a hotel in private club
for members, when two men approached her. Ooh wow, so
it was smart. You guys did the food truck. It
happened around eight pm on Tuesday. Two men allegedly allegedly
forced the woman to get into the car near Brown
and Humphrey Street and demanded she drive to ATMs. She's

the men never used her credit cards to get money
out of the ATMs before After three unsuccessful attempts at
three different ATMs, the men forced her to call a
friend and ask for money. They planned to meet the
woman in West Nashville, but the two men saw police
officers and they made her drive away so they could escape.

Speaker 2 (29:38):
Dude, I call you, say, hey, man, I'm kidnapped.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
I need money.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Would you give me money? You would pay my ransom?

Speaker 1 (29:46):
Probably? Ray, I got you out twenty five dollars. Man, Well,
I'm glad we didn't go to soho house. So we
get to the game and I got to pee. The
women got a pee. We go pee. The husband kinky.
The husband no P for him. He just I'll be
right here. Dude, you guys go on the trough together.

Well that's what I was thinking. The women go, My
wife and the other wife go in the bathroom together.
So I thought, man, we're gonna have to go in
the bathroom together and we're gonna have to chat, you know.
But he stays, he's like, no, I don't got a pee,
And I'm like, dang, you had two margarita's and three
glasses of water? All right? Cool? Knowing no P for you.
He's just chilling for the East infection. I guess, so
he doesn't mind the urinary tract infection. And so we

go and we're gonna get drinks before the game starts.
And this where it gets good. Man. We go up
and we order. He's like, hey, let me get this,
put it on the car. I'm like, wow, that's a
power mad respect dude stepped up said, I'm gonna buy
everybody around. Yeah, it's it's be careful though.

Speaker 2 (30:49):
You want to then make sure the other so you
guys are good, but then he needs to make sure
that you guys end up paying for a round because
otherwise then it doesn't even out right.

Speaker 1 (30:57):
He was like, you guys play for parking. You guys
got it's your tickets. Let me buy these, no problem, man,
go for it. Go down, go to the seats, and
we get there, like, wow, this is awesome. These seats
are great. We love it. Are we taking a commercial break? Yeah,
I'm gonna tell you the seat number after the break ray.

That was our best tease. So the game just goes
on and my wife and the other wife were just
chatting away. Me and dude chatting away. Wow, just talking
about life. Why don't you do a podcast with him?
I might he was good. He's an Auburn grand He
went to Auburn. We could have had him on and

talked about the one game they had in the tournament.
And he talked about Auburn. He talked about sports. He
coaches his kids teams. He what was the tail like
down there? Just talk. Oh, he said it was good.
I went there or there? Yeah, his wife, that's where
they met it Auburn. His wife was a tutor for

the football team. He played football. No, but she was
a tutor for the football team. He just got way
more cooler if that was Yeah, but he did go.
His senior year was the year Cam Newton won the
national title.

Speaker 2 (32:15):
So he saw the miracle at jordan Hands. Yes, yes,
No he didn't, Yes he did. Oh my god, dude
was super cool man Musburger.

Speaker 1 (32:23):
I don't believe what I just saw the miracle at jordanaire. Hey,
he played baseball growing up. He used to play soccer. Uh.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
And we had great conversation all night. Yeah, I mean
I would imagine if he's into sports. Pretty much already ended.

Speaker 1 (32:39):
Yeah, and we halftime, we go up, watch you guys
sex life. I gotta go pee finally, dude, No, I
do I've been having to go for you guys. I
had to go pee again. The women go pee him. No,
I'm good, that's right here. I'm like, dude, you just
drink a tall beer Like what, no p yet? Okay cool,
I'm gonna go dradin my lizard and so oh we

come out of the bathroom. He's like, you guys want
another round? All right, let's go get another one. He goes, hey,
I'm still buying. Oh it's fantastic. That's perfect, fantastic. Hey,
prove to me how much money you make. I love it.

And so we go down doing the game and we're
talking about things. I started talking about how golf and
he's like I was like, yeah, man, you know I
try to go once a week. I said, I can't
go on the weekend. He goes, oh, no, no, I
can't imagine telling my wife, Hey, four and a half
hours on the weekend, I'm gonna go in and get
out of here and go play some golf. And I'm like, dude,
tell me about it. That's why I said. My hours
allow me to get one round a weekend, hopefully depending

on my schedule, but I should be able to squeeze it.
In three and a half hours on a weekday.

Speaker 2 (33:48):
We get it three hundred three or whatever you're thinking.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
So no, no, no, three hundred four. I'm like, man,
this dude plays golf. This is great.

Speaker 2 (33:56):
He's already checked all the boxes for this couple thing.
Your wives are chatting, they can chat about anything I've found.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
But yeah, sports, huge, golf huge. You guys are well
on your way. Yeah. And Nashville LESC was down one nothing,
then they take a two to one lead. Then we
give up a goal in like the seventy something minute
and we tied to to And at the end of
the game, the wives are like, yeah, we wait, we tied.
They didn't even know the score. They were like, when

did they score their second goal? Meanwhile, you guys have
been betting quarters And I said, what do you mean when,
and they said, we were just talking. We didn't even
see the second goal. I'm like, they are hitting it off.
This is a matchman. See the fans raising people with
painted chests around you. You didn't see everybody go the
collective oh moan go over the stadium. You didn't hear
that at all. No, I guess we missed it. Then

they they seing the you know nationalist see anthem they
play it. You know, I will never give up on
you by Judah and the Lion. And the husband goes, dude,
we had bets, me and my wife bet that you
would have you and your wife would have carves. I said, oh,
we bring them with the kids, but when we come
as adults, we don't bring the scarves. So they're kind

of making fun of you. Yeah, he goes, I lost.
I thought for sure you'd have one wrapped around your neck.
Oh he got you, dude. I'm like, oh boy, So
he doesn't think much of me. He served as I'm like,
all right, cool man. So we funnel up to the
top to the concourse and I'm like, I got a
pe man, and the wife's like, I got a pee,
And I was like, you need to go man. He goes, now,

I'm good. Damn what a stallion. I was like, what
the racehorse man? What is he on steroids? I don't know.
Maybe he has a catheter in. He doesn't want to
talk about it, but this is where it got hairy. Man.
So the line for the bathroom is along and it's
like it's not an organized line. It's like a funnel

you know, everybody's spread out wine. As it gets to
the door, it siphons into one little around that. So
I go up on the far right. You go on
the exit. Well I could have done that too.

Speaker 2 (36:02):
You just act like you don't know the right door,
and oh man oh, and you'd end up in the
exit and you're at a perfect yeurinal.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
But there's people going on the right side, you know,
just kind of And so I'm on the right side
and I'm walking. I'm walking. There's a guy in front
of me, and he stops and I kind of turned
to the side because someone was exiting out the entrance
and I moved to the side, and he thought I
was trying to pass him, to get in front of him.
And he throws the arm out to block me. Heisman heisman,

like back of the hand, like right in my stomach,
Like you're not getting past me. You're like, whoa pancho?
And I said, and I laughed, and he goes, it's
no fun. Boom he goes, he goes. We get tough
after the games. Probably a sixty year old dude, red hair,

kind of balding. You'd think he's almost retired. He kind
of I would say, George Costanza build, Okay, he just
don zimmer build. Yeah, and he throws the hand out
and I do the and he goes, you limbo. He said,
oh it prop du game of limbo. Don't mind if

I do. How low can you go? How low can
you go? And he goes the fuck if you think
you're gonna get in front of me? Oh? Who is
this guy? And I and I I laugh against because
I'm like, really, it's over the bathroom, like we're all funneling.
There's no organized line, right, and he goes, it's not funny,

it's called etiquette. I'm like, sorry, I didn't read mannerly me. Okay, dude,
you want to fight me over a urinal I'm not really,
I'm just staying at whatever. He may have to drop
a douche now, you gotta respect that. And I'm sitting
here going, man, a couple of people have never He
would have never pulled that if husband would have been

with me, because it had been two against one, right, yeah, yeah,
but I just let it go. Yeah, And I go
back out and I tell him the story. He's like, damn,
I wish I had seen that. I was like, well, yeah,
you don't ever go piss or what bro was gonna
fight for you? No, we weren't really gonna fight, but
it was just it would have been funny to have
someone there with me to experience it. And he goes, no, dude,
I only pissed once a day, he said, excuse me?

He goes, no, for real, like one time a day,
that's all I need? In racehorse, How do you only
pee one time in twenty four hours? He goes, never
have to pee? Man, different strokes, different folks, different strokes,
different folks. And we walked back to the car. Imagine
when he finally does, it's like a fucking garden hose. Dude, dude,
it has to be like a gallon, and it has
to be a gallon because the dude with us, the

dude had two Margarita's, three glasses of water, and four
beers at the game. And he didn't piss one time,
not one time. Oh man, I'm like, I don't understand it.
Amazing the athletic feat that that takes. I don't know it.
So we drive, we get back to the car, We
drive them home. Conversation's great, still flowing, still flowing, dude,

women amaze me. Now they can talk for seven hours
about nothing. Dude, my throat is hurting because and dry
because I've been talking. We've been talking, so we can
talk forever. Yes. Yeah, And we drop them off like, oh,
I have a good Easter, see guys later, and we
leave and we make the U turn and my wife's like,
what'd you think? I said? I thought it was fun.

She goes, I had a fantastic time. Boom, we've got
ourselves couple friends. She goes, I haven't laughed that much
in a long time. She did with another not with
another couple. I was like, wow, really, she goes, Yeah,
the conversation just floats. She goes, I'm telling you, we
were just laughing and talking so much. We didn't even
see the second goal. What was she ellen? Degenerous? I

don't know. But then it hit me. Then it and
then it got weird because she was like, yeah, Ray,
we're clucking and her her husband. She goes, I was
talking to wife and she was talking about how her
husband plays golf, and I told her, oh, maybe they
can play golf together. And I was like, well, that's
weird because I mentioned golf and he didn't mention anything
about maybe we should play golf together. Maybe he's already

got a partner. I said, damn, she goes cause her
dad and brother played twice a week and her husband
goes like once every couple weeks. And I was like, well,
he could have just like dropped the line like, hey,
maybe we should play golfer. Hey, I'll call you something.
But there was nothing. So I was like, maybe he
didn't like me as much as I enjoyed his conversation.
He didn't like my conversation. No, he enjoyed it.

Speaker 2 (40:33):
I bet sometimes she's got your roll dogs that you
go golf with.

Speaker 1 (40:36):
You know, it might be. But that was our first date, dude.
And we got home, we're like, man, that was pretty good.
And my wife's like dating's hard because my voice I
am done, I am wiped out. Ah yeah, you gotta
love it with my wife, dude, she'll just throw me
in the fire. I'm like, who is this guy? He
doesn't talk for five hours? I've had that, Oh so
have I and my wife never I never let her

live it down. I'm like, remember the time he invited
me to that guy that it was a painting on
the wall. That was awesome.

Speaker 2 (41:02):
But no, she says it to now to every couple.
So anytime we meet a new couple, she goes, he's
the worst. He never likes the guy. I'm like, well, great,
now I gotta like this guy.

Speaker 1 (41:11):
Do you understand my wife at the dinner table, at
the dinner table that we're eating at at the restaurant,
she said the exact same thing, literally said, it's so
hard because I always seem to get along with the wife.
She goes, but him, he's a little more particular. And
I'm like, no, I said, the dude was a computer

programmer and he was talking about chess all night. And
that's that's how we got to the part of me
saying the wrong thing because that dude was a computer
programmer and like chess. Yes, she didn't set you up, well,
didn't set me up.

Speaker 2 (41:46):
Well, you need a better co host. But I mean
it seems like not even a sex thing. I don't know, man,
females just can get along with anybody, So my wife
can roll that. And then yes, then as a guy,
I don't know, it's different dynamics. I mean it, women
like watching housewives, but then they don't have to go
play a game that's housewives guys like watching sports, but

then you also need a guy that can play sports
with you, if that makes any sense. So it's just like,
sure a guy can watch a TV. If he doesn't
like sports, I'll never get along with him, But then
can he play? Can Dizzy play pickleball? I really don't,
but I will golf. There's that stuff, whereas I don't know.
I just feel like women can just shoot from the
hip and just talk and then they're best friends. Yeah,

we guys, you need other twists and turns. We had
a lot of relatable stuff because we've talked about playground etiquette.
Because he was like, dude, it's amazing.

Speaker 1 (42:36):
Bring him on the pod. Dude, he sounds like a
great co ho. He said, it's amazing how easily at
the playground people are thrown around numbers. He goes, you
go anywhere else and guys don't ask guys for phone numbers. Girl,
you know what I mean. There's no exchange of phone numbers.
He goes, you're at the playground, you talk to someone
for thirty seconds, and everybody's like, hey, man, well maybe
we should get our number your numbers so we can

the kids can get together. That's what it is right, Yes,
he goes, It's just crazy how quickly the phones come
out at the playground and everybody's willing to take numbers.
I said, I agree with you one hundred percent. And
he said, it's just weird as a guy to a
guy asking for the phone number. But he goes, but
I do it. So then he got me thinking, he
never asked for my phone number. He never asked me.

Speaker 2 (43:19):
The whole time, I knew the wives are gonna get it.

Speaker 1 (43:23):
But still it's been almost a week and not one
time as my wife said, hey, her husband was asking
can he get your phone number? Nothing right, But you.

Speaker 2 (43:31):
Got to realize sometimes the women they line up the instagrams,
the phone numbers, pictures of kids, they have this side life,
and then you guys just get brought along or eventually,
I mean, then you get a golf number or something.
But I think you're sitting fine though.

Speaker 1 (43:45):
I think I think we're good. But here's the thing.
The worst thing ever though from the date, happened on
Monday morning. I wake up no and I'm looking online.
I ended up kissing him. Has a story. Travis Kelsey
and Taylor Swift spotted eating at Soho House Saturday night. No,

this one. This one in Nashville, Tennessee, with Taylor's parents.
Oh thought she moved her parents? Yeah, thanks, I thought
the whole family moved. Don't ask me. But the story
was out there, and I sent it to my wife
and she sent it to the other wife, and the
other wife said, I will never forgive you guys.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
Yet, send them the story about the kidnapping.

Speaker 1 (44:32):
That'll count. I will send that today. Yeah. But we
would have been there with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelcey.

Speaker 2 (44:39):
Love your enthusiasm. Bet they had a private room.

Speaker 1 (44:41):
You would have never even come close to him except
for that random picture that somebody was able to capture. No,
there was, there wasn't a picture. House is wide open.
You just sit on bean bags and tables and crap.
You probably could have maybe come in contact with them.
That'd have been prep for the big show. This close.
So the biggest couple in the world right now, that

close to I was that close to Shack on Saturday.
Shack was serving drinks at Gar's Bar. Did you go? No?

Speaker 2 (45:10):
But I had inside info hold on but I really
couldn't do anything with the inside info. So that's why
I didn't even text.

Speaker 1 (45:16):
You or anything. What do you mean you couldn't tell us?

Speaker 2 (45:18):
Yeah, Gary just told me really quick. But I'm not
gonna then go, hey, nobody is supposed to know.

Speaker 1 (45:23):
But you can still text me and say, hey, can
you drop by there and get a picture with Shaka.

Speaker 2 (45:28):
But I mean then they posted on their instance. You
could have saw it and gone.

Speaker 1 (45:32):
Yeah, I didn't. We're gonna take one break, I told.
I mean, I'm sorry. That soccer story was fascinating, but
that was my first date. No. People said they liked
the lifestyle. They actually fast forward. Do we talk sports?
I don't even talk sports. Oh we're gonna talk sports.

Speaker 2 (45:43):
Well, guys, get your fast forward fingers ready.

Speaker 1 (45:45):
We're gonna talk women's college basketball right after this. Dude,
I watched those games on Monday night, so highly entertaining, great,
highly entertaining. I had to watch Caitlyn Clark. She's a bucket. No, no,

but ain't here. Here's the thing. People want to say
that she is Tiger Woods.

Speaker 2 (46:12):
What's the other girl's named Angel?

Speaker 1 (46:13):
We've heard of Angel Reese.

Speaker 2 (46:15):
She just declared for the WNBA And I said, why, chef,
you're not breaking it.

Speaker 1 (46:19):
It's a great question. Yeah, and somebody was like, he
only dots football, dumb ass. Oh well, here's the thing.
The game was fascinating. Angel Reese is awesome. Caitlin Clark
is awesome. And to give only Caitlin Clark the credit
for everybody tuning in, I think is misguided.

Speaker 2 (46:36):
It is misguided because LSU is polarizing as well.

Speaker 1 (46:41):
I tuned in because they played in the National Championship
last year. There was the whole controversy of Angel Reeves
pointing to the ring finger just all up in Kaitlin
Clark's face. So that rematch really meant made me want
to tune in. Because Kaitlyn Clark's been playing in the
NCAA tournament for three weeks now. I haven't watched the
second of it. I did over the week. The fact
that she was playing LSU and Angel Reeese in the

whole rematch and all the controversy and all the talk,
I tuned in. So yes, Kaitlin Clark is appointment watching TV.
But that made me watch it. I will watch the
final four with Kaitlyn Clark. But to say she is
Tiger Woods, she brought eyeballs, but she's not the best
to ever do something and she doesn't drive a Hyundai.

Hopefully she's a better driver than Tiger. I will say
she is fun to watch. She makes everybody on our
team better. It's not like she's just a ball hoog
doesn't pass it, doesn't know how to pass it. She
makes some great passes.

Speaker 2 (47:42):
Great, yeah, and that's fun. But anytime you can come
down and drain three threes in a row, that is special, Yes,
because then it reminds you of the Klay Thompson that
one quarter he scored forty points whatever. Yes, it's just
when you're fin to cook. If somebody can cook, you
can't cook on the soccer court, match pitch, what is it?

Speaker 1 (48:00):

Speaker 2 (48:00):
I can't feel I can't cook in the audio. I
always try a perfect game and never do it. When
you make three threes in a row, that's been to cook.
And that's what we saw. Not a lot of people
can do that.

Speaker 1 (48:12):
She is Steph Curry. She's not the best women's basketball
player of all time, She's not, no, but but she
has changed the women's game correct because she's the first
one to have the armstrength to shoot it ten feet
beyond the arc and make logos. She is the first
one to shoot it from the parking lot. She is
the first one to just come across half court and
shoot the damn ball like Steph Curry does where you're

like bat no, good shot, good shot, that's good shot.
Like she is the first one that is unconscious from
three and it doesn't matter.

Speaker 2 (48:41):
There was some video going around where she It was
video footage of her in fifth grade, maybe exact same
form what she learned, her form, her shooting, all that
she learned all the way up until she was eleven
years old, and that has carried her the rest of
her career. She basically hasn't changed at all.

Speaker 1 (48:57):
It's fantastic. Yeah, it's incredible to watch the y the
gate What are you?

Speaker 2 (49:03):

Speaker 1 (49:03):
No, the game was super entertaining. Yeah it's sloppy, No no,
I love the sloppiness, throwing it away, missing layups like
it's not as it's not as smooth, but it's highly entertaining.

Speaker 2 (49:16):
Definitely entertaining. I was watching it on my phone and
then I think I went to bed and I saw
I was shocked. I thought LS was gonna win it.
But it was dude, as guys for us to put
our sexuality aside and watch the game that just shows
how far women's sports has come.

Speaker 1 (49:29):
Yeah. Well, also, there was nothing else. I mean there's
nothing on.

Speaker 2 (49:33):
I mean on Saturday, Dude, I was watching that, just
like I was watching the men's March Madness.

Speaker 1 (49:36):
Interesting. But if let's say the semi finals are the
Elite eight, we're on at the same time, what are
you watching? Buh?

Speaker 2 (49:44):
Can I bet the women's that's the question you can.

Speaker 1 (49:46):
Yeah, but I'm probably most likely I'm watching the men's
because Caitlin Clark has been on TV all year long,
but I've never watched it. There was nothing on and
the rematch really helped.

Speaker 2 (49:56):
And so it's like, now I'm at the point where
that game it was whoever won one. Now I'm at
the point, do we want Caylen Clark to lose because
she's gonna get so mad we don't want her. I'm
like trying to change hit. I'm not trying to change history.
I'm trying to pick your own adventure. That game rematch
was awesome, perfect to Kaylie.

Speaker 1 (50:14):
But do you want the rematch of them versus South
Carolina in the championship because South Carolina was undefeated last
year until Iowa beat them in the final four. That's
what it is, Okay, So we definitely want or he
wants Paige Buker's or whatever her name is from Yukon,
who they've had like four girls go out with seizing
it season ending injuries to make it to the championship.

Speaker 2 (50:33):
She is so polarizing and awesome. I've seen her awesomeness.
Now I want to see her down ten and about
to lose. I want to see her start losing it
because she kind of flips out of it. Let's tell
the crowd to f.

Speaker 1 (50:45):
Off and stuff. So now I kind of want that.
And her dad, he's just in the stands, acts like
his daughter isn't the superhuman woman of the world.

Speaker 2 (50:51):
He's just you have ever seen her dad? He shown
everybody experiences everything on their own. I get that, but bro,
crack a smile.

Speaker 1 (50:59):
You got the greatest college basketball player in the history
of the world. It's not the history of the world.
She's not the greatest college basketball player in the history
of the world. By point, she is bite your tongue.
By point, she is yeah, because she shoots threes. Name
them Ryl swoops by point. Name Rebecca Lobo, name Diana Tarassi,
name Lisa Leslie. Oh, I was like, what in the
hell I am naming him? Times she get this blood

Lady of the Hollas I get to the fight, she
goes name them. She keeps saying. I'm like, I'm like,
I am naming him? How many else do you want
me to name them? Maya Moore I mean holds claw,
the one that can went to Tennessee. I mean, so
she's not the best ever and you can't be. And
you know, I just thought of it.

Speaker 2 (51:40):
You know how our dumbasses say, no teams repeat? I know,
but Kansas City is repeated, Yukon's about to repeat?

Speaker 1 (51:46):
The Aces? Did it? They repeat? They repeat?

Speaker 2 (51:49):
And guess who else is about? I mean the Knights,
the Vegas Knights could repeat. So we could have four
repeats in the last year. And our favorite thing to
say is team isn't gonna repeat?

Speaker 1 (52:00):
It about to be four teams don't repeat? Teams No,
didn't repeat? Was the Heisman and we bet the office
I did. They don't repeat. No, it never repeat. It's
only not twite once in the history of the football.
It doesn't repeat because they always look for a reason
to vote the other way. Yeah. Also, the social media,

we've got to stop. I don't know how we're gonna
do it, but social media has got to stop. We
need a movement. No, no, no, I don't know if
we got to ban these college kids from having social media.
We have to go after and press charges. But I
don't even know if you can press charges on people.
There's a walk on or This guy that plays for

freaking Purdue. His name is Carson Barrett. Bro doesn't ever play.
He's played like twenty one minutes all season. Whoa, they're
still playing. He tore his meniscus earlier this season, but
he's a senior. He's like, man, I'm not gonna have surgery.
I just want to be able to He'll be playing
and be on the team my senior year. He gets

in the game, the first round game, and one of
the last possessions he fires up a three drains it.
The bench goes crazy. He's celebrating, feeling great about himself,
goes to the locker room. He's getting all these congratulated
lory texts, getting some blowies. Then the DM start coming.

You sure are a son of a bitch. I hope
you enjoy selling cars for the rest of your life.
Next one, wait, who's sending these or he's sending no
people are sending these to him on Instagram. Got it
in his DMS. I hope you fucking die. Uh bleet
button ready next time? Get this ready? Kill yourself for

taking that three, you effing worthless loser. Slick your efing throat,
you e fing fing. That was completely uncalled for. I
hope you e fing kill yourself. People lost bets, yes,
because they were twenty seven point favorites. They won by
twenty eight because of his three. He's like, look, man,
I have no idea the line. I was excited to

get in the game. I'm in a March Madness game.
I'm a senior. The ball comes to me, a chance
to get on the stat sheet. I throw up a shot,
it goes in. I'm just trying to have fun with
my friends and shut the hell love about people knowing
the line. Bro.

Speaker 2 (54:23):
The line changes five times, million times before a game.
There's lines on everything, women's basketball, men's basketball, soccer, overseas, honeysuckle,
everything has a line. These guys don't know the damn line.

Speaker 1 (54:35):
And if you're one of these people that sends this,
then you're an absolute loser. I guarantee you that line
went from twenty nine to twenty seven, to twenty eight
to twenty seven point five, then the sharp money comes
in at twenty nine, then it drops to twenty seven. Yeah,
and some people had you know over what it over
under this number of points in the second half, and
that caused them to win. I mean people back in
the day people knew the line because there wasn't It
doesn't change because it was in the newspaper.

Speaker 2 (54:56):
Now it's live betting. Yes, the line fluctuates like a
mother bro.

Speaker 1 (55:00):
Yeah. I feel so bad for these people because no
matter what they do, they're gonna get these terrible messages.
And I understand it's easy to say if you are
betting it, you can't be mad and you can't send
these messages. But some of these people are unhinged and
they're on the edge of bankruptcy, so they can't help it.

Speaker 2 (55:21):
Get the doorback on the hinges. There's a clip online
a Buddy Healed, where a better goes, hey, Buddy, I
need one more three, and Buddy goes, you need one
more three? Okay, he goes out and shoots a three
and makes it. Yeah, there's a clip online you gotta
start to just do buddy. Healed learns that the kidneys

another three or something. He maybe doesn't know, but his
lips look like he says, Okay, you need one more three.

Speaker 1 (55:47):
I got you.

Speaker 2 (55:50):
Conspiracy theory. I don't know, but I mean maybe he
knew the line.

Speaker 1 (55:54):
Maybe he did, But I'm just saying, and I mean,
people going after Angel Reese, like when she she talked
about how she been just humiliated, and like death threats
on Instagram and social media. It's it's just crazy how
dumb these people are. And there and there's and here's
the thing. What these people said to this kid about
I hope you effing kill yourself. That's not a threat,

so you can't really do anything. Now if it said
I'm gonna effing kill you, then you can go after them.
It's disgusting.

Speaker 2 (56:24):
For four hundred thousand dollars, Can I please talk betting
for thirty seconds of your time? For four hundred thousand dollars,
me and Beazer will win the things we need to happen.

Speaker 1 (56:34):
Oh god, here, you're con to win it. All women's
are men's men's well women here here's crazy. Sorry that
was sexist. N C State and Yukon. Both men and
women are both in the final four, all East coast
to and Midwest and to have no good basketball out
west there if you look it up the men's it's
something with the sun, the time zone, the equator, and

the gravity. I think the last West team to win
was the Arizona Wildcats, like ninety seven. Wow.

Speaker 2 (57:01):
So basketball is don't dribble out there the same way.
They don't fly, they don't bounce, they don't do anything right. Uh,
this is what me and Bezer need for four hundred
thousand dollars. You can root along with us. Tell me
if any of these are gonna happen, you come to
win the championship. Okay, they can win, thank you. The
Avalanche to win their division. There's seven games left. They're
a game and a half back. Seven games left, game

and a half back possible. Oh, will at least give
me possible possible?

Speaker 1 (57:29):
Thank you. The Uh. Two more things need to happen.
So those were two two more. The Suns need to
win the division. Not happening. There are seven games happening,
it's over.

Speaker 2 (57:40):
They are three and a half back.

Speaker 1 (57:41):
Not happen.

Speaker 2 (57:42):
They play the Clippers twice, not happening. Will you at
least say I have a ten percent chance on that?
Will you at least say it's possible, it's improbable.

Speaker 1 (57:53):
They almost have to go undefeated. Correct, But is it impossible? No,
it's got a one percent chance, thank you.

Speaker 2 (57:59):
And then the final thing, the Golden Knights are four
and a half games back with seven left.

Speaker 1 (58:06):
No, that's impossible. Is it statistically impossible? And the answer
is no. Okay, there's a one percent now less than
one percent.

Speaker 2 (58:15):
Okay, they need to win the division. It's either four
and a half or five. They may be five back
five points.

Speaker 1 (58:20):
No, it's a different point.

Speaker 2 (58:21):
It's ten points, and hockey you get two points for
wins game five games back with seven to play.

Speaker 1 (58:26):
Impossible? Is it?

Speaker 2 (58:28):
Is there at least one percent chance? There's one percent chance,
it's not. It's not impossible. Impossible is zero percent?

Speaker 1 (58:37):
Yeah, you're right. So there's less than a press less
than a percent.

Speaker 2 (58:40):
We've got our shot at four hundred thousand.

Speaker 1 (58:42):
Okay, you're right root along with us. I will all right.
I have a good Wednesday, guys. Sorry, I mean I
hope that soccer talk was good. I think it was great.

Speaker 2 (58:52):
I was on the edge of my seat. I didn't
even need the whole seat.

Speaker 1 (58:55):
I mean either did I the dating dating thing, and
it's just weird out here for dating. So tell me this.

Speaker 2 (59:01):
I got footage. I got another thirty minutes of footage.
It's all chopped up, pretty catchy and funny and stuff
of us at the hockey Bruins hockey practice.

Speaker 1 (59:08):
I don't even need it, okay, I mean, no one
seemed to care. I know, I was gonna throw it
on YouTube. I was like, if the punched up version
only got two hundred views, what would the raw would
get to. It's a great question. I'm like, this, baser,
thanks for an hour of your time. But I guess
we don't even need to post. Yeah, I don't know.
Sowred Loosers dot com is our website. We are the

sored Losers at gmail dot com. If you want to
email us. Happy Wednesday. On Friday show, we talked, we
went to the Bruins practice, We got an interview following that.
What else? I don't know what else? Oh? Final four?
That it?

Speaker 2 (59:45):
Yeah, we actually interviewed. It got coil and you scored
a goal.

Speaker 1 (59:49):
I scored. Yeah. Hey, so I'm talking about Well, yeah,
we gotta get that audio. They took the audio and
we don't have it. So what's his name? Cody Coyle?

Speaker 2 (01:00:00):
Freaking hilarious though this is behind the scenes, But so
for eight years, Lunch never actually you did deal with
audio because you'd always have your MP three's and your
little audio you'd tape to yourself, and you'd have your
phone audio. But it's just funny here in Lunch Talk
audio where with the people from Boston and Lunch just
talk to the guy, goes Charlie Coyle, Hey man, can
you get us that video? You can get us that
audio because we have our own podcast. Lunch never talked

about that crap for the big show because he's just
a host. But to hear you actually talk about dude,
I was laughing inside. You're like, hey man, so you
can get us the video and then separately you could
get us the audio.

Speaker 1 (01:00:31):
Is like, who is this guy.

Speaker 2 (01:00:39):

Speaker 1 (01:00:40):
Yeah I'm tired. Yeah, I know we're gonna be forty
five minutes. I'm trying to get him forty five minutes.
But that story took too long. Oh you're good man,
Go take a shower. Yeah you got a dinner today, Yeah,
I got dinner. I got a dinner at for forty five.
Do you think there'll be something to talk about on
Fridays from that? Yeah, yeah, no,
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