All Episodes

May 15, 2024 56 mins

Today on 2 Pros and a Cup of Joe, Nikola Jokic makes it look easy with the Nuggets turn around vs the Timberwolves. LaVar calls out the media in D.C. who made a big deal out of Dan Quinn’s t-shirt. And The Old P, Petros Papadakis rips the Bronny James hype train and Lakers coaching search.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
It's the best of two pros and Lamar ding Win
and Jonas knots on.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
So how we feel about the NBA playoffs and those
those fighting New York Knicks after last night the Denver
Nuggets star the Denver Nuggets who people were shoveling dirt
on not a week ago.

Speaker 3 (00:26):
They came brave diggers because they came about of that
grave and they they didn't put the Timberwolves in it.

Speaker 4 (00:33):
M hm, Yokic is so good man, I mean, he didn't.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
They've adjusted. It's like you got to be able to
do it when they adjust. He's running point man, you know,
you know.

Speaker 5 (00:45):
For I don't even know where to begin with what
I want to say, because it frustrates me that there
is almost backlash the fact that he's won what three
of the last four m vps, and yet you look
at all the different things he can do, whether it's
the out side shooting, bringing the ball up, distributing the basketball,
running the offense essentially, you know, working down in the post,

taking the ball to the rim. He can do everything
like that guy has a problem no matter whatever he
plays in as big as he is and as skilled
as he is, and just has a feel for the
game of basketball, and then when you watch him, you
realize all he really wants to do is go and

see his horses. Like he has no desire to play basketball.
It's like it is the gift that he's got and
it's a burden for him. You know, he's just unfortunately
stuck to being this amazing basketball.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
Player when all he wants to do is go see
his horses.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
I wonder if he walks away early because of that.
The horses, Well, just like I'm out. You know, I've
done everything i want to do.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
He does seem like that type. I mean, he enjoys,
he enjoys the game. You know, he's one of those
unassuming type dudes that he enjoys playing the game. And
I think his family enjoys seeing him play the game.
I think it brings him joy. And I don't think
that he's I don't feel like he depends on it.
He's not dependent upon the game. So if he decides

he wants to walk, he'll walk. But I think he's
he's just one of those guys. He's I don't know, man's.
It could be the European vibe because Dirk Dirk was
a lot like, you know, just kind of cool collected.
You know. It just seems like a lot of guys
that come from from overseas they have especially when they

come from you know, Europe, and they had they just
kind of have a cooler vibe about him. And I
don't know, I don't know why therses, like does he
love racing them or does he just love watching them race?
He is saying it fulfills his passion like no other
sport can. Like that is a direct quote. Does he

get on the horse and race it? Though?

Speaker 5 (02:58):
I think he's got some He's got some horses back
in his whole country.

Speaker 3 (03:01):
But his feet would touch, wouldn't they That's what I
was thinking he'd be running. It'd be a six six
six legged horse. What is wrong?

Speaker 2 (03:08):
Well, I mean, like minut Bull would never sit on
a bar stool, you know, like it just doesn't make
any sense, Like it's uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable to see Yoka
a horse.

Speaker 4 (03:16):
I'm just saying.

Speaker 3 (03:16):
I mean, could you imagine them dudes in cars? Like
I always ask myself for the price of being what
those guys are, would you want to be that tall?
Would you want to be seven foot seven three seven four.
Would you want to be that tall? It's uncomfortable. It's
got to be uncomfortable. Like the only time you're comfortable

is if you're in something that's customized for your height. Otherwise,
everything you're thinking about from airplanes, even if it's a
private jet, airplanes, to showers to just walking in a
regular home, like you're you're you're always bent over right.

Speaker 5 (03:54):
Yeah, So he doesn't ride on the horse. He rides
like the little carriage.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
The carriage dip okay, yeah, yeah, a little.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
What what does a carriage dip?

Speaker 5 (04:07):
The little carriage? Your photo right now, I've got it.
I figured would already have this. But he seems to
be slowing on the gun this morning.

Speaker 4 (04:14):
Does does he bet on horses or like it'd be
great he's.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
Got race horses, like he is deep into this, so
like a full his legs will be on the ground
on that too, though you probably got to get at.

Speaker 2 (04:27):
A full fledged degenerate gambler. Would be would be how
I'd like the story to end, Like what's he up to?

Speaker 4 (04:32):
Oh? Okay, this is sweet?

Speaker 3 (04:34):
Yeah, I like his legs is going to be on
the ground.

Speaker 4 (04:38):
Yeah, he's got to really work to keep his legs
up off the ground.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
I mean, all three.

Speaker 2 (04:53):
I'll get blamed for that, but you you took us
down that path.

Speaker 3 (04:59):
I did not how much of Michael Connolly being out
do you guys think it's playing a part in them
not having Okay, he's got like a he's got like
a bag or something that. Yeah, the little dip on
the on, yeah, where he can just like you got

a little foot dip, you know what I mean? Little
foot dip?

Speaker 2 (05:24):
By the way, is that the first I've never seen
him smile before. He really loves this stuff, like selling.

Speaker 3 (05:29):
You guys think I'm joking.

Speaker 5 (05:32):
I watch a man go out there who's a master
at just behind the game of basketball, and yet it
feels like it's a burden for him.

Speaker 3 (05:40):
You gotta post it, Lee so everybody can see it
because we are doing radio.

Speaker 4 (05:44):
That chin strap he does.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Have the chin strap going. Hey listen. The dude is
a killer man. He is.

Speaker 5 (05:52):
I just don't know how anyone could question him being
in the m v P. Like Fritt Shack and everyone
else who said that, it's like, what are you watching?

Speaker 3 (06:00):
Like you you really believe that?

Speaker 5 (06:01):
Is it some sort of like I mean, it seemed
like it was more tied up into why he didn't
win MVP, like some of those emotions.

Speaker 3 (06:08):
But I just watched him, like.

Speaker 5 (06:09):
Man, it's he He's the best player in the NBA.
And I know we taught we were hyping up Anthony Edwards,
you know, for the first two games the series, and
he's a tremendous player, but he's nowhere close to where
Yokic is.

Speaker 2 (06:21):
Right now, By the way, is the Shack questioned the
Jokic letting him know he voted s G a MVP.
Is that what led to the beef between him and
Shannon Sharp. Between Shack and Shannon Sharp where they went
back and forth. I don't know if you guys had
seen that, but no, I've.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
Seen it, and he kind of, what's what's up everyone
getting on Shannon Sharp? I don't know, Well, because Shannon
Sharp goes for to smoke, he calls for it.

Speaker 4 (06:44):
And by the way, Shanon, he went perk.

Speaker 3 (06:48):
The other day too, Like perk, you out your mind?
You think thirty five five guys, I could go to
the football field right now. He's like, yeah, I ain't
wired that way. I just ain't built that way. Shannon,
just don't he he he's okay with debtonating. You know,
he's a detonator and he's good at it. You know,
he's good at it. So you got to deal with
a little bit of a little bit of blowback when

when you're okay with hitting that debt Nate. But he's
getting a lot of blowback, man.

Speaker 5 (07:13):
I mean, just still looking at Antonio Brown's X page
and the stuff he's putting out there.

Speaker 4 (07:20):
Is he going to have the surf too?

Speaker 5 (07:21):
Yes, Like it's weird. I'm like, why do all these
people have issues with Shannon Sharp.

Speaker 3 (07:25):
I don't get it. I don't have enough time, you know. Yeah,
Shannon Sharp is like harder on black athletes or something
like that. I think Antonio Brown was saying. I don't know.
I just think that he's so relevant because he's almost
got like the most viewed interview on YouTube ever with
Cat Williams. I just think that cats, you know, they

don't like that dip, you know what I mean, don't
They don't really, they don't really fool with that sometimes.
I don't know, man, Cat Cat dip. It was that
dip that he delivered. You know, he was putting everybody
out there on Front Street and a lot of people
got uncomfortable and the next thing, you know, here come
the ditty stuff and then boom, boom boom. The next thing,

you know, the ditty stuff. Oh man, you're right, and
he ain't been arrested, like I could see if they
arrested him, you know, like or issue a warrant like
nothing happened. I don't know. But then you get raped
beef coming like it's like Shannon Sharp set off, like
he set off a bomb, a dip that just took

everybody down this deep, deep asshole. And I mean a
deep hole. You know. Now everybody beefing. You know, you
got Kendrick and Drake beefing. Like everybody's beefing, you know,
after after Cat Williams, you know, went went in on
on that Shannon Sharp interview.

Speaker 2 (08:46):
And it feels like it all, you know, kind of
centers around. You know that Jokic.

Speaker 3 (08:51):
Stip bam there he is way to bring full circle.
I really do think Michael Conley has a like I
think there's a major part. I think it stole the
balance that they had on offense, and that's why I
believe ant Man is not operating at the level he's
operating at Towns he hurt his leg again last night.

They just didn't look like they were in sync, you know,
like they had been in the two games that they
were able to win. And I think that's you know,
for me last night, just watching the game last night,
I just think they were out of balance, out of sorts.
And and and the Denver Nuggets are you know, they're
they're they're taking advantage. You know, they're playing physical ball,

they're playing aggressive ball. Like you said, you know, the
joker is handling the ball, he's kind of keeping the balance.
It's allowing for the other guys to get spacing onto
the court, you know, and and they're they're making they're
making you know, they're making it work so that the
point guard is serious, man, because that's what you're seeing
in the next that that next game. Brunson, he just

he just he's a facilitator. He's a he's a scorer.
He's just he's a super well rounded player. And you're
seeing when you have that balance, you know, at that
that point guard's position. That's why I think the Cleveland
I don't think. I mean, I don't know how how long,
but he's going to be out. Why am I blanking
on his name right now, Mitchell Mitchell. Is he coming back?

I believe so, But I thought I saw that he
was coming back. If he comes back, I don't think
that the series is over yet, and I think it's
because it's being driven by guys that have the skill
set that he has. You know, that unique skill set
where you can go inside, you can go outside, you
can mid range. That's what Joker did last night. He

was mid range and he was going to the hoop.
Uh he was, you know, he was getting them from
the outside, and it just creates space. You know, when
you're able to create space at that level, you know,
those guys are gonna shoot. They're gonna shoot the ball.
And and if they're making it, you know, then then
now it's going to open up ash lanes to the whole.
Did Conley play the prior to games? Yeah, yeah he did.

Speaker 5 (11:06):
They got Like I'm just telling you, I think since
the adjustments in Game two that Denver's made offensively, with
what they're doing more with Yokich kind of how they're
you know, facilitating the offense through them, it's made it
really I mean think about it. If he's bringing the
ball up, it makes it really hard for a big
to guard him coast to coast, which is an interesting
adjustment that they've made. With Michael Malone's made and the

rest of his staff. I'm sure they looked at it
and said like, yeah, like this is how you're going
to eliminate that, and Jokich is capable of doing that.
So I think it's more of the schematic adjustment. I
don't know that it matters as commonly spend there now.
They lost the last three. He's played two of the three.

Speaker 3 (11:45):
I think last night I think it was pretty It
was evident last night. And the only reason why I
say last night it was super evident more so than
the other game is justet yet. Well, Game two they
were fine, Game three, three and four just hasn't. It
hasn't worked out for them. I think last night more so,
it just they just didn't seem balanced on offense. It

just they seemed slow on defense and weren't able to handle,
you know, the style of play that that they were bringing,
you know, the Nuggets were bringing, but on offense that
that just wasn't. It just didn't seem like there was
a balance and it was like Anthony Edwards was trying
to be more of a facilitator than he was a score.

Even in Game three, he was trying to be more
of a facilitator than be more of a score. And
I think that's more based upon him not having that
point guard presence. That's that. I mean, that was it
was super evident yesterday. And you know, I don't know,
and I think that it's it's a rap that you

can't series as a rap.

Speaker 2 (12:54):
I mean, after game two you said it was over
for Denver, and now now we're on the other way
with this.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Yeah, I mean I do media. I do media. Yeah,
so if I want to change my mind and and
and say that, you know, because of certain things that
have happened, you know, and and the way that that
Jokich is playing now, I mean, you know something different
right now, And that's you know, I'm allowed to change
my mind. Yeah you sound like that shn sharp tips. Yeah, Yeah,

that dip, you know, could get real. You know, you try,
you try to make sure you're you're you're accurate with
with what you say, you know, but you know, you
get the radio, you get the microphone, and you get
to change your mind. That's that's the beauty of being
on the radio every day.

Speaker 2 (13:38):
Brady told me, like, because I you know, I went
to him for advice. I was like, hey, man, real
nervous about this radio thing, Like what do you suggest
I do if like I have a bold take? And
he said, well, you know, just lie about it afterwards,
for get it wrong, Like.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
Just lie, So just lie about that dip. Yeah, you
know what I mean.

Speaker 4 (13:54):
So that that was always like something like that.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
I do. Don't have to live in the dip, you
know what I mean? Change up, switch up. You know
you can feel the way you want to feel because
you always got the mic. Yeah, I mean you learned
that day one. You know, it was a bowl take.
But it's only a great bowl take if you keep
reminding people about it. If you don't remind them, they forget.

Speaker 1 (14:14):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Errington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 6 (14:28):
Hey, it's Ben, host of the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. You're asking what in God's name
is the Fifth Hour. I'll tell you it's a spin
off of it. Ben Mather Show a coult hit overnights
on FSR.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Why should you listen?

Speaker 6 (14:43):
Picture if you will a world will We chat with
captains of industry in media, sports and more every week
explore some amazing facts about human nature and more. Listen
to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller on the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 2 (14:57):
So I'm walking down the hall going to use the
restroom during the break and I see Loraina coming in
the opposite direction and she is such a sweetheart for
people that you know that I haven't figured that out yet.
Always bubbly positive, great energy switches and you need it
in this time slot, you really do. And because we're

being honest, you know, sometimes I was saying that would
just be a dark cloud like that would come through
depending on what would happen in a Hawkeye game.

Speaker 4 (15:26):
The previous night.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
But total sweetheart had just the most miserable look on
her face, and I said, what's your problem? And apparently,
oh no, lead the laugh blew it down. The SS
crop duster apparently was unaware of nostrils in the vicinity

and just.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
Let one fly.

Speaker 3 (15:57):
What happened here well before, in case you missed.

Speaker 7 (15:59):
It, I was hanging out in the uh in the
lobby trying to trying to shake one out. Then I
had to get to the mic for the segment, and
I had already started the process.

Speaker 8 (16:10):
Okay, now you can try and blame this, but you
have done this three times now.

Speaker 4 (16:16):
But you just walked in the door.

Speaker 8 (16:18):
You you could have lingered. We have imaging to get through.

Speaker 3 (16:23):
What do you mean shake one out? Do you physically
literally shake it out, shakes it out of his leg.

Speaker 8 (16:28):
He like mid stops, he like causes and then goes.

Speaker 5 (16:33):
I love he he shakes out his leg like he's
got a turd rolling down his pants.

Speaker 3 (16:38):
Down the pants.

Speaker 2 (16:38):
Imagine having like a ferret crawl up the inside of
your thigh and he's got to shake it out to
get it down, like I've seen him do it before.
He did it in Ireland at the park and Jade
and I looked at him like, what are you doing?
Like it's broad daylight in a park in Ireland, beautiful
park and Lee shaking his gas out of his leg
like come falling out of the tree like Lee thinks

his gas is like a koala bear, just hugging away
on the inside of his leg and he.

Speaker 3 (17:07):
And Lee, oh love it.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
Lee, like you cut that fart fifteen minutes prior and
it's still smelled.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
When I walked in the studio.

Speaker 7 (17:17):
Well, chicken tikam masala, we were talking Indian food. I
had any yesterday.

Speaker 4 (17:20):
It's bad, Okay, it.

Speaker 3 (17:22):
Was bad, Lorenda, Be honest. Have you ever been around
a man that smells as bad as Lee does?

Speaker 8 (17:28):
Happens not someone who's as openly as proud as Lee is.

Speaker 3 (17:34):
So they're saying they're funk.

Speaker 7 (17:37):
Well, Lorreenda's been here three months now, about I mean,
I think.

Speaker 3 (17:40):
It's about time, about time, It's about time. I was
very you know, you're a little apprehensive.

Speaker 7 (17:45):
It was a little apprehensive at first, but now but
now we've gotten to know each other pretty well.

Speaker 3 (17:50):

Speaker 5 (17:51):
You know, Lorena's been here long enough for shit, the
full wrath one of the guys.

Speaker 4 (17:55):
Now, hey man, I don't want it, Hey man, part
of the crew.

Speaker 8 (17:59):
Now, if the commercials just don't start one day, you're
gonna know what it is.

Speaker 5 (18:03):
Okay, Lorena, let me apologize from all of us for
signing up for dealing with this.

Speaker 3 (18:11):
We talked about Kirk Cousins and would he have gone
to the Vikings had he known that they were going
to draft my great question. I now pose the question
to you. Would you have come to the show had
you known what lead to lapsed proclivities are when walking

up and down the hallways and sometimes in the studio room.

Speaker 8 (18:39):
Well, I did have minor warning that Lee was a
character before I came in.

Speaker 4 (18:43):
I just didn't know.

Speaker 3 (18:44):
He smelled like this, who warned you?

Speaker 4 (18:49):
Who the fire department.

Speaker 3 (18:52):
Is? That why the fire alarm goes on? Dan coming?
There's a ghast league that was There's a man.

Speaker 4 (19:05):
You should have seen how pissed off she was.

Speaker 3 (19:07):
She was.

Speaker 2 (19:07):
She had the letter like I was like, oh, what's
wrong with you? She's like, I get to repeat what
she said. But Lenix, you had the studios, the bathroom.

Speaker 8 (19:19):
You forgot where the bathroom is, obviously, tang.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
Well, you know home is where the heart is is
what Lee lives by, you know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (19:28):
And that's just you know, by the way, did you
get a spicy chicken? Tika musace?

Speaker 3 (19:32):
Always spicy?

Speaker 4 (19:33):
It doesn't have the you know, you gotta have the flavors.
What kind of did you get non with it? Oh?

Speaker 7 (19:38):
It's great, great deal before two thirty lunch specially you
get that, you get the nod, you get a samosa.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Uh did you eat it with your fingers? No?

Speaker 4 (19:46):
Well, I mean yeah, you have the nod and you
kind of dip it right, Okay, it's pretty quality.

Speaker 3 (19:53):
I got that non dip un.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
Yeah, that garlic non.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
Did you know the place I go to they put
serrano peppers on it and they called disco non, like
if you want to really turn it up and not
just called disco non. And then you dip it in
your teak and masala. But then you just make sure
that you don't kind of fart, you know, within the
vicinity of a co worker, So they have an annoid

look on their face and are regretting their decision coming
to this time slot.

Speaker 8 (20:20):
You know what the worst part is, guys, I'm sorry Lee.
Oh he makes sure that he takes a big whiff
after he parts.

Speaker 3 (20:28):
That is revolt.

Speaker 4 (20:29):
I mean, well, what chef doesn't sample the stuff they do?

Speaker 3 (20:33):
Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 5 (20:35):
Here's the thing is the only way I would say
people can probably relate to this is have you guys
ever had to wear a cast.

Speaker 3 (20:42):
Yeah, and do you know how like.

Speaker 5 (20:44):
When you have to have it on for a long
period of time, like itches And I've seen people before
itch it and they'll smell it, like they'll want to
smell how weird it smells or bad it smells.

Speaker 3 (20:56):
It's so weird.

Speaker 4 (20:58):
And like they'll take like a button knife to get.

Speaker 3 (21:00):
The chal really stinky smell. Man, it's it's a horrible
stinks smells. You don't want that stink death.

Speaker 4 (21:13):
We want the funk.

Speaker 3 (21:18):
Had that phone want?

Speaker 2 (21:26):
All right, So we transition smoothly away from that with
the old funky Yes, we transitioned away from that over
to something near and dear to the heart.

Speaker 4 (21:40):
Of one LeVar Arrington.

Speaker 3 (21:42):
Okay nice.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
The Washington Commandos now.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
Dan Quinn, head coach of the Commanders, showed up to
talk to the media this past weekend during rookie mini camp,
and people noticed that it was a little interesting. He
had on a shirt that had the Washington Manders W
but he had some feathers coming off the W that
looked very similar to the feathers that came off the

logo of the previous team name. A couple of times
before that LeVar Arrington played.

Speaker 3 (22:13):
For what a statement.

Speaker 2 (22:15):
Yeah, and some people wondered, like, why would he have
done that? Now the team came out and said they
had no comment on it, they didn't know anything about it.
And so Dan Quinn was asked about the T shirt
yesterday by the media and he had this to say.

Speaker 9 (22:28):
I think one of the parts of me, you know,
taking this job, I was excited to bridge you know,
the past and the present and what a cool, you know,
privilege that is to do.

Speaker 10 (22:36):
And I also recognized there's a lot of layers to that.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
So it was a great lesson for me.

Speaker 9 (22:41):
And what I really hate is that any attention that
would have been taken away from these rookies and like
this awesome crew.

Speaker 3 (22:47):
So yeah, no one wants to do that, but great lessons. No,
the problem is is that Washington media are a bunch
of douchebags. Like that's the problem, Like this should it
should be a non story. It should be a non story.
Like what's the problem with having uh the old logo
feather hanging from or or being hanging wouldn't be the

right word being being on the w Like that's just
to me, it's just that's that's that's dumb. Anybody who
wrote about that or reported about that. And and let
me take that back. I don't. I don't think all
media theres are douchebags, but some of them are. I mean,
I was taking a lot of stuff back to that

I was, I was, I was a media guy. There
there was some douchebags though there were a few.

Speaker 4 (23:38):

Speaker 3 (23:39):
I just I think that that's it's a non It
should have been a non story. It really should have.
And and I think that what he said was right.
Why not linked I've never played for the commanders. The
commanders never paid me. It's it's so interesting, you know,
me and d Green just connected social social media and

and d Green, we don't we don't hear this story.
D Green's on his on his I G and he
posted a picture of him with the Washington Redskins with
a polo on and he said I he was like,
I missed this apparel. He is like, is there anywhere
where I can get some some some Redskins swag? That's

who we played for. Like I don't so to me
to to I don't know. I just think that where
we're at now, like if that's the worst of your
problems today that a team that was once named the
Washington Redskins that is now deemed to be inappropriate. If

that is, if that is the biggest problem you have
going on in your life today, You're doing pretty dog
on good in life. Your things are not to too
bad for you, is what I would say. Again, I
played there, and I was there through. You know, when

they talk about the protesters and all that stuff. I listen,
you'd see like three or four people that were there
that were protesting. I was there, like, this is not
this is not uh, this is not hypothetically speaking, the
people that were outraged, like three or four white people

that were there. Let's call it what it is. Yeah,
it wasn't no Indians there sitting there, like sitting in
making sure we couldn't get off of the bus or
anything like that. They were like, it was like three
white people there that were saying this is wrong. This
is wrong. Changed the name every time, And if I was,

if I wasn't mistaken, it might have been the same ones.
It might have been the same three or four people
at every event. Yeah, to me, you're you're looking for attention,
like go somewhere in Huggetry, like, go go do something
with yourself. If this is what you got going on
right now in your life and you have the time
to do it, God bless. But coming at that man

like like this team, this organization is actually trying to
go in the right direction. You know what this story
says to me. You're trying to keep them where they
were at. Whoever's talking about this and writing about this,
you're trying to continue to be divisive. And I've always
said there's always this undertone element because we're in the

nation's capital that our media handles our teams like like politics. Yeah,
like let them let this, let this organization come together,
dan Quinn, that was that was a nice act of solidarity,
Like you know how many people have been disconnected from

that organization, me included, you make a subtle, subtlety of oh,
look he's representing us. Is that wrong? Screw you? If
you think that's wrong, go kick a rock. I thought
it was a dope deed. I thought it was a
dope thing for him to do that. I supported it.

I thought it was pretty and I haven't even been
I've been a strange for a long time from that
organization for a long time. Never stop loving the people,
never stop loving the team. But if you ask me,
was this wrong to make this into a story? Hell, yes,
hell yes, I.

Speaker 4 (27:38):
Have a I got a theory.

Speaker 3 (27:40):
By the way, well said, man, thank you what Well said?
Thank you? Real quick.

Speaker 5 (27:46):
It's a unique perspective because not many people realize that,
like that is your tie, that is your attachment to
the team, and regardless of how they feel, that's your
feelings on that's that's your opinion on it. And there's
not enough people who are able to communicate that and
say like, hey, man, like this is this is the
team we identified.

Speaker 3 (28:03):
With, This is how it was.

Speaker 5 (28:04):
Is there a lawsuit, by the way, is it one
of the tribes suing the team for not using the
old team name?

Speaker 3 (28:09):
There's all kinds of it. But like that that is true, yes,
you know what you said.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
Also that that I do get a kick out of
is like the people that were protesting is three white people.
It's like there's like a lot of things to where
people who shouldn't be outraged are the ones with the
loudest voices saying that they're outraged. Like there's a lot
of times that that happens, and we kind of let
them steer the ship towards the narrative of whatever anybody

else is trying to get out there, whatever agenda is
being pushed.

Speaker 3 (28:37):
So yeah, man, I just you know, you sit there
and you got guys that have like Manty coleman Or
or Doc Walker or Brian Mitchell and the you know
Art Monk, like you name it, Wilbur Marshall, you know,
Dexter Manly, Charles Mann. You know, like you got all

these guys, all these guys that are proud, prideful alumni. Yeah, Gary,
Gary Clark, these guys are are staples in our community
and the and and here's a big thing. You're talking
about a fan base that only has known success and

love for their team when they were not the Commanders,
they were the Washington Redskins. And so if that man
is sitting there trying to bridge the gap of the
past to now in the present, then that's a good
start because there is a total disconnect that took place
when Dan Snyder took that team over, a total disconnect

of of of years upon years upon years where there
was a disconnect between the team, the franchise, and the community.
So that man came in there and he showed an
act that said, look, I understand where this team and
this this franchise is proud franchise once was. I want
to connect to the players, the alumni. I want to

connect to our community and to our fans, and you
want to open it up to a decentralized fan base
now and try to rebuild it. And that's a subtle
move on your behalf. Hey dan Quinn, I got your back, bro,
Do your thing. Do your thing, because that, by no
means makes you wrong. And talking about a value, you

want to know, the valuable lesson, you're going to be
covered like you're the governor, or, like you're the president,
like you're the secretary of defense, Like that's what that's
how they're going to cover you.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
I also find it hard to believe that he would
just go rogue and just because apparently this was like
a non team issued shirt or whatnot. It's like like
dan Quinn's gonna, like, you know, take a shirt that
somebody's selling out of a cardboard box out in front
of the facility and be like, yeah, I'll just wear
this one today.

Speaker 4 (30:54):
I think somebody, listen. I think somebody This was kind
of like a heat check.

Speaker 2 (31:00):
Yeah, let's see what the reaction is, because you see
how teams are going throwback unis all the time now,
like it seems like every team has a throwback day.
And I wonder that I can't do that, Dacent no like,
and I wonder if that was I wonder if they
were like, well, let's see how this would you know,
how this would go if we kind of you know,
threw this out there. And of course he got pushed
back and then had to come back out afterwards and apologize.

Speaker 5 (31:20):
That point, Jonas, Where else did they do heat checks?
I'm trying to think of maybe a movie where they're
done heat check.

Speaker 4 (31:25):
Oh yeah, what else? What would be a heat check?

Speaker 3 (31:27):
Will be the heat check? Maybe?

Speaker 2 (31:28):
I don't know, Oh yeah, you know, check that door
for heat, Tim, I'll tell you what. Check that door
for heat, Quinn. And he checked it and it was
hot hot.

Speaker 5 (31:39):
Thank you for picking up the ball in that case.
Jonas completely dropped that. For a man who references eighties
and nineties movie lines all the time, the fact that
you weren't all over that, Jonas is unbelievable.

Speaker 3 (31:51):
Man. Check that door for heat, Tim, Well done, Brena.

Speaker 4 (31:58):
You burned if Steven, can you.

Speaker 3 (32:02):
Can you unload the clip of your backtraff references you?

Speaker 4 (32:07):
I can't like most of them. There's around this.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
Yeah, okay, Ronald, Hey Ronald, what did you do to
the little.

Speaker 4 (32:19):
Girl who owned this doll? It's not fair? Shadow? What'd
you do to her? I burned her? And what do
you like to do to little old ladies? Ronald? I
burned them? And what do you want to do to
the whole world? Ronald? Burn it, burn it all? See

you next year, Ronald.

Speaker 3 (32:47):
So good Man.

Speaker 4 (32:48):
That is a good movie. That's right. That's a mantra
on this show.

Speaker 5 (32:59):
It blows my mind to think there's actually some real
arsenists out there, like you just want to.

Speaker 3 (33:04):
Watch stuff burn. I'm like, what is wrong with you
to actually think that way or just want to burn
stuff all day?

Speaker 5 (33:12):
Like you never grew past adolescents where you've learned like
that wasn't good.

Speaker 3 (33:16):
I don't, I don't care. I got suspended for burning
soap one time. I'm sorry that I was. I thought
I was like a pre arsonist. I burnt soap in
a hotel room before I had like there was matches,
you know, back in the days when you had to
how old were you. I was in middle school. They
had matches in the bathroom and I was just sitting

there and I was, you know, so you know, you
were taught to burn matches when you're doing number two,
when other people are are standing in the room with you,
you know, because it takes the smell, the smoke takes
the smell away or whatever. And I was bored, and
I was like, I started melting soap with with the
matches while I was sitting there. Why and I got

in trouble. I don't know, I don't know. I couldn't
to this day, I couldn't give you any sound reasoning
as to why I started melting soap with In my mind,
you know, I guess in my mind, I thought, like
to myself, like would it smell better if I like
with the smell of like melted soap.

Speaker 4 (34:20):
Was it so they were using bar soaps?

Speaker 3 (34:22):
Really soap?

Speaker 8 (34:24):
Did it?

Speaker 3 (34:27):
No? I don't recall, I don't, I don't recall, but
I felt like if I melted it it would smell.
So maybe it was like kind of smart, you know,
but maybe it was really dumb. It was really both.

Speaker 4 (34:41):
Using bar soap in a public restroom really.

Speaker 3 (34:44):
It was in a hotel bro hotel room. Yeah, it
was in my hotel room. I wasn't like in like
a public like setting, like, oh, let me burn this soap, like, No,
it was in my hotel room. And and there was
like and the only reason why I got suspended is
cause the the assistant principal son was in the room
and and he he said, I was burning soap and

I got trouble. I got suspended for days for burning
so straight snitch. He was never allowed to hang with
us ever again.

Speaker 4 (35:14):
You know what, he's probably part of the Washington media
now you know that pool.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
He wanted the media dips in d C. You know,
writing writing, uh, you know, knockdown stories on how dan
Quinn is already off to a bad start because he
had a feather those feathers. Is that a feather on
the w Oh my gosh, haul Haul dan Quinn is
not the man for our team. Oh he had feathers.

Speaker 4 (35:43):
On his w you know, in my record book, he's
old one. In his first appearance as.

Speaker 3 (35:47):
Coach, do away with the w two, you know, because
they used to say Washington and then boom redskins on
the other side of it. So just do away with
the w do away with all of it. Maybe go DC.
You know DC commanders, how about that? You know.

Speaker 4 (36:05):
Two Pros.

Speaker 3 (36:05):
I'm wearing my letterman jacket today. I ain't never even
took it out the box. Hell yeah, I'm pulling it
out today.

Speaker 1 (36:12):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific.

Speaker 4 (36:22):
Right now, we welcome him in.

Speaker 2 (36:24):
Petros Papadakis, the co host of the Petros and Money Show,
which you can hear on the Blowtorch Am five to
seven e LA Sports, a Fox college football analyst. You
get him on Twitter at the old p Petros.

Speaker 4 (36:35):
What's happening? Good morning.

Speaker 3 (36:36):
I have an announcement to make. Yes. Is everybody ready? Yeah?

Speaker 11 (36:41):
Yes, I'm going to coach running backs for UCLA under
the radio show at the same time.

Speaker 3 (36:45):
Oh, that's amazing news, Petro. Now wait a minute.

Speaker 11 (36:57):
Thursdays we travel and we have uh half pads, and
Friday has walked through in the afternoon, So I'm not
gonna be able to do Thursday and Fridays.

Speaker 3 (37:06):
That's okay, because I.

Speaker 11 (37:08):
Can do Monday, Wednesday and Tuesday Monday too, except competition Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (37:15):
I'm gonna miss you gonna miss Tuesday sometimes if I
miss half the show on Tuesday, that's okay, don't worry
about it, you know.

Speaker 11 (37:22):
I mean, I'm gonna be worried about, you know, my
players getting to and from class. Okay, And I'm gonna
interview John Paul Morosi about Shoeltani and now Hardy hits
the ball.

Speaker 10 (37:31):
Let's go today.

Speaker 3 (37:33):
You are freaking amazing.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
Hey, what what proft did that? Petros? What h What
inspired you to do all that?

Speaker 4 (37:42):
Would you say?

Speaker 3 (37:43):
Put my name out there as a running back coach?

Speaker 4 (37:45):

Speaker 3 (37:46):
Every day drills, that's what we do, ed ds. Some
people just like the work man.

Speaker 11 (37:52):
We put Doug Doug Gottlieb on yesterday when the big
announcement was made that he's going to do his radio
show and coach was on some Green Bay, which is
a job I guess he almost got last year. And
he wants to coach and he's coached for a long time,
and tell you that.

Speaker 3 (38:08):
Is that possible? He's doing both? Clearly it's possible. Okay.
I'm curious though, like, how do you do both.

Speaker 11 (38:17):
I don't know, you guys, I mean I I we
we brought him on and he gave us his schedule
for the last uh, I don't know, for the next
three weeks or three days. It was like the craziest
ninety hours I've ever heard in my life.

Speaker 3 (38:36):
And then he said Darvin Ham didn't show up to
his own meetings on time.

Speaker 11 (38:41):
I was like, all right, this is a person of purpose,
so I'm looking forward to that.

Speaker 3 (38:47):
Yeah, we had him on.

Speaker 10 (38:47):
It was It's crazy, It's okay.

Speaker 5 (38:49):
So what what is more surprising that that the Doug's
taking this position but also still doing the radio show, or.

Speaker 10 (38:57):
Brownie James is not in fire.

Speaker 5 (39:00):
Yeah, I'm just I'm curious because I was under the
assumption that if Southern cow which is one of the
most prestigious universities in the land, if they're gonna put
something in their media guide, like, it's got to be accurate.

Speaker 11 (39:13):
Right, you mean his height? Yeah, he lost three inches.
He got sowt off that had him at six forty six.

Speaker 3 (39:24):
One and a half.

Speaker 11 (39:27):
The Bronnie James thing is amazing because I feel, I mean,
he's just a kid and he's had some struggles in life,
despite he is extremely extremely h I guess you'd say privileged,
and I don't even like that word, but pedigree as
far as who his father is. But what we're watching

with the Bronnie James, the combine stuff. And I'm not
an NBA talent expert or anything, but I know a
lot of people that are, and it's it's one of
the most credible abuses of power and a brand and
of the meritocracy that is the NBA draft or any
draft that we've ever seen in our lives. And the

fact that they literally employ an army of media minions
to go and tell everybody that they're not looking at
what they're seeing, peeing in everybody's face and telling them
it's raining basically is kind of I guess it speaks
to where we are in our world today, where there's
no more I mean, nobody has a monopoly on the

truth anymore, because this this weird phrase my truth has
come you know, I'm going to tell my truth. Well,
there's no such thing, right, you know, there is either
the truth or there's manufactured propaganda. And how many of
us have become propagandists just to just to try to

please a guy and a brand who not to bring
up your nation again, wouldn't pee on us if he
was on fire or if we were on fire. I mean,
I just don't understand what everybody's doing. Why why do
we have to carry water for Lebron James's son? Like
it's one thing to make your kid a coach, right,
Like we see that in football everywhere. I mean when

I was playing for John Robinson at SC Dave Robinson
his son was what the tight end coach? What does
the tight end coach do? He takes the tight ends
to the receiver meeting to learn to catch, and he
takes them to the old line meeting to learn to block.
That's the tight end coach. Usually it's the coach's son.
Maybe he'll climb, maybe he'll do something, maybe he'll become

a head coach someday, But that's what Look look at JB.
Bickerstaff running around. I mean, it's fine to put your
kid as a coach, and no one would complain about that,
But to insert your kid in this way when he
should be just battling for a position at USD or
UC Irvine or someplace like that is an amazing thing

that we're watching happen. And I don't know what the
endgame is. I guess it's gonna be the G League.
And what do you think these guys in the G
League who are begging to get their next per diem
check so they can eat an Applebee's, some of these
grind and ass dudes in the G League, what do
you think they're gonna do when they see Browny James

show up with his physio and his chef. They're gonna
want to hang their nuts on his head. They're gonna
line up to do it.

Speaker 3 (42:30):
It's kind of like the baby Gronk thing. I'm not
sure if you've been following, I remember maybe Gronk he's
still a thing.

Speaker 5 (42:35):
But yeah, now now he's already at a young age
being targeted in a lot of these seven on seven camps,
and it's unfortunate because his dad is the one that's
kind of been right.

Speaker 11 (42:45):
They create this, You create this situation, this mythology around
your kid, and then your kid is supposed to live
up to it. The fact that Lebron James seems to
be this unaware or this bent on whatever or he's
trying to accomplish is tough because if you talk to
a real NBA executive or something like that. They can't believe,

you know what, it's really the same situation that it
was when he was being recruited for college. It's a
bunch of coaches with an affiliation in Nike or Clutch
or whatever that have both fingers crossed and hope that
lebron and Clutch does not call them about.

Speaker 2 (43:23):
Bron Hey, Petros, have you what is Don McLain because
he would know better than anybody about what the future
could look like for Bronnie James or how to evaluate well.

Speaker 3 (43:33):
Don McClain is well, Don McClain has a son who is.

Speaker 10 (43:37):
An elite basketball player six ' eleven and recruited basketball
player in high school.

Speaker 4 (43:43):
Where's he go to high school?

Speaker 3 (43:44):
He goes to A Thousand Oaks, that's right.

Speaker 11 (43:47):
But he also is very involved because he's an elite
player in the AAU and all that, which means you're
involved with lebron And I'm not saying Don is leveraged.
He's very honest about it, but he's also very respectful
when it comes to talking about Bronnie, and he knows
Bronnie and his son played on a team with Bronnie,

so he's very respectful. But but it's very clear when
you talk to Don and you listen to what he's saying,
we're talking about a guy who's six to one. If
you're six to one, you have to have elite handles
to play in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (44:22):
He doesn't.

Speaker 10 (44:23):
If you're six to one, you have to be able
to shoot like the lights out to play in the NBA.

Speaker 3 (44:28):
He doesn't.

Speaker 11 (44:30):
And you have to be to say that a guy's athletic.
I mean, NBA players are the most athletic people in
the world. They're all athletic. Like what what do you
think You're like, what are you? What are you selling
to us?

Speaker 10 (44:45):
What they're not?

Speaker 11 (44:47):
They're not. I didn't say they're the toughest. I just
think they're the most athletic.

Speaker 3 (44:51):
But think about it, right, I was watching the workout
that that Bronnie and then we're going they do the
same workout pretty much kind of sort of that we
do just on on heart would name a basketball player
that would be faster than Like, you take the fastest
football players, you take the fastest basketball player, who's going

to be faster?

Speaker 10 (45:12):
Oh football?

Speaker 11 (45:13):
But that's not really I mean what I'm what I'm
referring to go ahead.

Speaker 3 (45:17):
I was going to say, like, the skill of it,
I get that right, Shooting a basketball, dribbling a basketball,
I get that all right, But how many how many
basketball players are going to be able to spin a
football the way a quarterback spins a football.

Speaker 11 (45:30):
I mean, I totally disagree with whatever Austin Rivers said.
Those guys would all get broken off. I mean we
talked about this. I didn't say they were tough.

Speaker 2 (45:40):

Speaker 11 (45:40):
And I never really thought about it much until I
started going to NBA games as a media guy and
sitting on the floor and watching the guys move around.
To me, it's really about propioception, like where awareness of
where your limbs are in space at all times.

Speaker 3 (45:57):
I feel like they're on stilts. Yeah.

Speaker 11 (45:59):
And to me, to be able to do that, to
be that tall and to be able to do that,
and to be able not only to jump but jump
really fast up the second time, stuff like that, The
stuff that they do.

Speaker 10 (46:10):
I'm marvel at.

Speaker 11 (46:11):
I'm marvel at watching these guys just the highlights of
the playoff games.

Speaker 10 (46:15):
Every game is a lot of fun to watch.

Speaker 3 (46:18):
But don't you feel like you can put your feet
on the court and watch a basketball game, and you
can't do that in football, you know what I mean,
Like the amount of speed, like how quickly.

Speaker 11 (46:30):
Well, yeah, there's a lot less space for them to
for them to build up the speed. I'm not talking
about speed. I just look to me, I think they're
incredibly athletic people. So to say that Brownie James is athletic,
it's like, well, you know, that's like bringing That's like
bringing bread.

Speaker 10 (46:45):
To the bakery. You know, That's all I'm saying. I
agree with you.

Speaker 11 (46:49):
I think, you know, football is much more explosive, much
more violent, and football players.

Speaker 3 (46:55):
I mean, but you got to be athletic too.

Speaker 12 (46:57):

Speaker 11 (46:57):
Well, every football player I've ever met thinks that they
can play basketball in box, and ninety eight percent of
them are wrong.

Speaker 3 (47:05):
That's fair, right.

Speaker 11 (47:06):
The best basketball players I played with on the football
team at SC were always like ex quarterbacks who actually
played on the basketball team.

Speaker 3 (47:14):
You know.

Speaker 11 (47:14):
Everybody else was, Yeah, everybody else was like one on
one aau guys.

Speaker 3 (47:21):
You know.

Speaker 11 (47:21):
But but look, the Bronnie James thing is a real
it's a real miscarriage of meritocracy and justice.

Speaker 3 (47:28):
These are spots, it's a crime.

Speaker 11 (47:30):
You know, these are spots that should be taken up
by somebody who deserves this opportunity of the India Combine
somebody that deserves this opportunity in the McDonald's All American Game.
The best evaluation of Bronnie James as a player came
when he was in high school, and that was that
he was a second team Okay.

Speaker 10 (47:53):
One of the very few fair evaluations.

Speaker 11 (47:56):
Twenty twenty three Mission League High Schools coach vote coaches
all voted Bronny onto the All League second team. There
were eight guys on the first team, and Bronny made
the second team. That is That's Brownie James. And it's sad.
It's it's unfortunate that that this is happening to this kid.

It's become a public debate, you know, And it's also
upsetting that this is what happens with lebron Every year
he gets blown out of the playoffs and then he
finds ways for us to have to talk about him
throughout the rest of the spring. I mean, just go
to cancuon like everybody else and disappeared.

Speaker 3 (48:34):
Now, were there any first teamers did that though? Did
they have the banana boat picture and all that? Dang
banana boat. You mean the other the eight guys on
the first team. Yeah, were any of them at this
combine that Bronnie James was at. I'm not sure that's
a great question.

Speaker 11 (48:54):
Uh maybe one or two of those guys, I think,
or they're all still in college where Bronny should be Petrous.

Speaker 2 (49:01):
I don't mean to, like, you know, spoil any surprises
here with you know, the show with you and Matt
money Smith and Tim Kate's producing the fine job that
you guys do.

Speaker 4 (49:10):
But I do feel like.

Speaker 2 (49:11):
Where are we going to carve out because you've already
talked about having Jim Harbaugh as a as.

Speaker 4 (49:15):
A weekly guest.

Speaker 2 (49:16):
I have not talked about well, I mean that's been
you know, I think you brought it up. You're talking
about it, But I mean like, but where would you, like,
what day of the week would you prefer to have
JJ Redick on as another coach in town as a
weekly guest for you guys, Like when when do you
think that'll get figured out?

Speaker 3 (49:31):
There? Like oh, the Hubris Hour with JJ Reddick?

Speaker 4 (49:37):
I do he as a front runner?

Speaker 3 (49:39):

Speaker 5 (49:40):
We don't have a lot of time, so I do
want to follow up and ask you this. I saw
a report that coach K would help consult. Is that
in your mind because people wouldn't in the Lakers organization
wouldn't feel like it would make sense.

Speaker 3 (49:53):
For JJ AND's first job.

Speaker 11 (49:54):
I'm looking for a gymnastics analyst, and I'm going to
hire Brady Quinn to be to the to be the
the Brady Quinn search for him. You know, any gymnasts
Brady that I might be.

Speaker 3 (50:06):
Able to hire quite possibly. But it's two ways though.

Speaker 5 (50:11):
Is that a Lakers concern because of JJ Reddick and
so instead they're getting coach K as well? Or is
that a JJ Reddick concern that he knows if is
if Lebron is to come back to LA that coach
K is someone he respects and he's not going to
push back against.

Speaker 12 (50:29):

Speaker 11 (50:29):
I'm just look, uh, I don't have the filter in
the morning for the euphanisms of all this.

Speaker 3 (50:35):
The Lakers are run.

Speaker 4 (50:36):
By idiots and.

Speaker 3 (50:38):
And they throw their money. They throw their money.

Speaker 11 (50:40):
At things to legitimize things, you know, like JJ Reddicks
never coached before. But it's okay, Coach K says, it's cool,
all right, okay, let's go.

Speaker 3 (50:52):
You know, it's uh, I'm.

Speaker 11 (50:54):
Sure JJ Reddick can coach or whatever and drink wine
and chop it up with Lebron, but there is no Lakers.
The Lakers are run by a it's been a coup.
Clutch Sports runs the Lakers. They do what Lebron says.
They've sold themselves to Lebron and he's going to be
able to make their decisions until he doesn't anymore. And

I think it's only going to become more and more
upsetting for Laker fans. And so when you say, well,
what's their play here? These transparent, just ridiculous things, you know,
like that Brian Windhorse guy. Okay, I guess he's on
a Yeah, he's on ozempic now, so he's filling up

less of the screen. The guy goes on.

Speaker 12 (51:43):
And he's like, well, you know, Lebron and Savannah were
in Akron to see their mothers, and that's how he
ended up. It's like, no, he ended up there because
he can't go a week without getting a major amount
of tention while everybody else is playing basketball like this.
We do this every year, We go through this math
garade for this guy, and I just I wish we

could do something else. I really, I really do The
insertion of his kid just makes it even creepier, and
it exposes the Lakers for the week leadership that they've
had ever since the Doctor died. With all due respect
to Genie, who's a lovely person. My god, you're being
taken advantage of by some of the worst, most manipulative
people in the history of.

Speaker 10 (52:23):
Major sports modern times. This is ridiculous.

Speaker 11 (52:27):
You know the fact that sports athletics is supposed to
be a meritocracy and everybody knows what we're doing and
we're still doing it, and you guys ask me about
it every week. I'm tired of it.

Speaker 4 (52:37):
Well, I don't know, because we didn't know.

Speaker 2 (52:39):
We didn't know if you were aware of the fact
that you were getting nailed by the king. We just
weren't aware you knew that or not.

Speaker 11 (52:44):
I've been getting nailed by the king for so long
I feel like I like it the construction site, right,
the cat.

Speaker 3 (52:56):
I'm tired of getting nailed by the kid. The cat.

Speaker 4 (53:02):
Get him on Twitter or X at the old Pece.

Speaker 3 (53:05):
Do you make a sound when you're getting do you
say our not anymore? Not anymore? You know? Now?

Speaker 10 (53:12):
You just have that that far away, blank look on
your face.

Speaker 3 (53:15):
Like all right, oh man, oh man, you just get
so used to the calendar.

Speaker 4 (53:19):
Let me know when it's over. Get him on Twitter
at the old Pieces.

Speaker 11 (53:24):
Angelus is flying very close to the sun when wax
and wings.

Speaker 2 (53:27):
Guys, he's the pet show.

Speaker 11 (53:31):
You guys know the team name for the Green Bay
Wisconsin Uh yeah, the Phoenix.

Speaker 3 (53:36):
Yeah, the Phoenix up. Yeah, rise up.

Speaker 11 (53:40):
Most famous time in Green Bay, Wisconsin history in the
eighties when Dick Bennett was the head coach and Tony
Bennett his son who is now the coach at Virginia.

Speaker 3 (53:50):
Great singer too, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, it does really well,
great pipes. Great, that did be jamming.

Speaker 11 (54:00):
Yeah, I saw the real Tony Bennett in concert.

Speaker 3 (54:06):
He's amazing, right, he's dead. Yeah, it was amazing. Right. Yeah,
you're freaking Tony Bennett. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 11 (54:18):
And he came up him And it's interesting him and
Frank Sinatra both were boxers as young people, and I
believe they both had attemption to singers.

Speaker 3 (54:28):
They could boxers. That's crazy. No, they were boxers like
they bought. Yeah, they were pro box Look at Tony
Bennet's nose, My god, like Chip your two boxers. Yeah, yeah, okay,
all right, Well like a tough guy that can sing
a hold of tone too. Well, that's the thing.

Speaker 11 (54:46):
It used to be tough people that's saying like men,
and now it's Bieber going.

Speaker 3 (54:51):
Like you better love yourself.

Speaker 4 (54:52):
Right, Well, he's been through a lot.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
What do you mean, Petros? What else would be a
song that this is saying? Now? I would ask you
another version of that?

Speaker 12 (55:02):
Why you lock up my lifelocking nobody else?

Speaker 3 (55:08):
I don't know what are the kids living on? What language? What? What?
What places? One direction from the.

Speaker 4 (55:16):

Speaker 2 (55:17):
What would your dad say if back in the day
you threw that on in the restaurant, in the kitchen
they were listening to that, What would your dad say.

Speaker 3 (55:24):
Leave me alone.

Speaker 4 (55:25):
I'm just like, I'm just We're just trying to get
to the bottom of this.

Speaker 3 (55:27):
I'm not messing what you like that? Petros?

Speaker 10 (55:31):
We didn't have that, We had cassette tapes.

Speaker 3 (55:34):
But what would he say if if you did.

Speaker 2 (55:36):
If you heard biber in the kitchen in the kitchen, yeah,
in the kitchen of the We don't have surround sound
in the kitchen, the kitchen, kitchen of the restauranting.

Speaker 3 (55:46):
Fernando Games it's Fernando playing.

Speaker 11 (55:55):
Peete worked at a kitchen in the eighties in Los
Angeles when Fernando was pitching. Come on, you're lucky if
you can get an appetizer in forty minutes.

Speaker 4 (56:04):
Pee, we appreciate it. Listen, everything's going to be all
right for what well, just you know.

Speaker 3 (56:10):
It's not I have to do this every day.

Speaker 4 (56:12):
That's all right.

Speaker 2 (56:13):
Dang at the old p on twitters where you can
find him. Petros Papade has always come with us here.

Speaker 4 (56:22):
He's over it.
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