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May 16, 2024 38 mins

Chiefs fatigue hasn’t hit but is around the corner. NFL Reporter Albert Breer gives his takeaways from the NFL Schedule Release. Plus, “You In or Out?”

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, thanks for listening to the Two Pros and a
Cup of Joe podcast with LaVar Arrington, Jonas Knox, and
myself Brady Quinn. Make sure you catch us live weekdays
six to nine am Eastern or three am to six
am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. You can find your
local station for the Two Pros and a Cup of
Joe show over at Foxsports Radio dot com, or stream

us live every day on the iHeartRadio app by searching
FSR give us Parties.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe, Fox Sports Radio,
LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you. You can
listen to us on the iHeartRadio app. You can find
us on hundreds of affiliates all across the country. Wherever
the hell you are making us a part of your
Thursday morning. We appreciate you doing so. We are going
to take you all the way up until the end
of the hour nine am Eastern time, six o'clock Pacific,

and we do so live from the tire raq dot
Com studios ti raq dot com. We'll help you get
there an unmatched selection fast free shipping, free road as
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dot com the way tire buying should be. So I
feel like we've really done our part in kind of
snuffing out the uh AI deep fake Nicola Jokic video

and sound bite. If you watch the actual video, seems
pretty obvious where the I don't know if it's an
editor what they do, but that Jogic does not actually
give his horses the MVP trophy to play with.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
That's that. I mean, there's a lot of people who
love horses that would love to see them get an.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
MVP and lee that the official website of the Nuggets
has it up. I'm telling you, man like people that
had the fake Twitter accounts, that's child's play next to Ai,
well you'd know, Oh, come on, come on, it's with
the reckless accusations here on this show today. Don't get it.

By the way, we do have the PGA Championship currently underway,
an actual tiger t off yet and Valhalla.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
Valhalla, doesn't that sound like a I don't know, it's Viking.

Speaker 4 (02:13):
It's Viking Viking Heaven. There you go, the halls of
aall hallaw that.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Place looks immaculate, by the way. I'm just saying, I'm
going to get you guys into golf.

Speaker 4 (02:25):
I know LeVar is going to top golf. Yeah, this
weekend kind of going. Yeah, I'm kind of into it.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
Just wait, man, I'm gonna get you out of nature,
get you out on a course. You'll be like, you
know what, this is kind of nice. I kind of
like this. You'll be smoking a cigar or something else
and having a drink and you'll be like, actually, I
think I know, I think I get it now, I
get it.

Speaker 3 (02:44):
I'm in kat Williams. Uh nice sales job, sales pitch. Yeah,
I'm out, but you know, have a good time. That'll be.
That'll be like I like to do productive.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
Playing pocket pool.

Speaker 3 (02:58):
So yeah, yeah, we've got about three four games in. Yeah,
what a what a professional. Now that being said, the
NFL schedule release took place yesterday, and there are the

usual suspects that you're going to be seeing a lot of.
Most primetime games in the NFL go to the Niners,
LaVar's Dallas Cowboys, and also Levar's New York Jets, the
Kansas City Chiefs. They all get six apiece. By the way,
the Kansas City Chiefs Bills, Packers, Lions, Bengals, Ravens, like,
there's some other teams that get five, and has previously

mentioned those Carolina Panthers get a whopping zero and to
show how far the Mighty have fallen, the New England
Patriots have won.

Speaker 1 (03:50):
So is that Thursday Night versus the Jets?

Speaker 3 (03:53):
Let me uh, I think it might be. I think
you're right early on in the season, So yeah, the
not the same Pagets that we have known to love.
Arizona Tennessee also getting one apiece, and so I don't.

Speaker 4 (04:07):
Know what Patriots were going to get. I mean, what
if he turns out what if Mayo turns out to
be a Ryan's you know.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
Oh, I think they're going to be the worst team
in the league. It's possible.

Speaker 4 (04:17):
It's possible they could outperform what maybe the prognostications would
would say they're going to be.

Speaker 3 (04:24):
It's possible. I don't think it's likely, but there's there's
a chance. Who would you, guys, if you had to bet,
Like if you and I don't want to give you,
I'll give you the numbers afterwards, But if you had
to guess the teams that Draft Kings thinks are going
to have the fewest regular season wins or the team,

because you can bet on that on draft kings, you
can bet on fewest regular season wins. Who would you
say are the five most likely based on their odds?
If you have to guess right now.

Speaker 1 (04:53):
New England's got to be up there. Yes, hold on,
I just literally went through a list of Chicago. No,
they're hiring that. Damn Carolina is on the list.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
Yes, we knew Carolina is on there. Tennessee, Denver's on
that list. Yeah, Tennessee and Denver on that list.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
I want to say one team I'm not and then
this has nothing to do with our buddy. This is
nothing to do with your friend. But the Raiders they
got minshewit started this year. I'm sure they're not because
the rest of their roster is really good. But that's
one that I'm like, Man, that's the plan.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
Huh did you did we say the Jets yet? No,
the Jets they're not on there. Hell no, they should be.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
You're close, though, What are you going to do if
they start off and we say the Giants not yet?
The Giant other team and also the Commanders and the
Vikings also in the conversation as well too, and the Vikings.

Speaker 1 (05:52):

Speaker 3 (05:55):
I mean, look, people are just assuming that JJ McCarthy
is going to come in and you know it's just turnkey, Yeah,
just turnkey, and just throw them in there and everything's
going to be fine. It's like, all right, okay. I
mean I would have felt a lot better about things
had Kirk Cousins stuck around. I would have. I would
have actually, you know, they would have been Kirk Cousins
would have felt a lot better ed he stuck around.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Dud damn.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
Damn man. But the so, so the schedule comes out,
You've got all those teams sitting near the.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Top far just digging in.

Speaker 3 (06:33):
I mean, who would.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
You say, is there a team?

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Is there a team that you guys are most interested
in watching, just to just to see.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
The way that's definitely one of them, because how LeVar
has not hyped them up.

Speaker 3 (06:46):
I'm interested in it, and because.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
I was excited about that, like I'm excited to see
the Chiefs this year. Though I will say that time
and time again, it has nothing to do other than
I want to see the iteration of this offense with
Hollywood Brown Xavier Worthy. I want to see what this
looks like because they have speed again, big playmaking ability.
Everyone's been trying to play them a certain type of
way and now, like with the way the defense played

last year, I just think, golly, this might be one
of their best teams and they want it back to
back years. Like if there was a year to get
Kansas City, it was last year and no one got them,
they were still able to win it. So I'm just
I'm so excited to see and hopefully these guys stay healthy.
But what this group looks like now with those additions

on their offense, I have no idea what's gonna happen
with Rachie Rice, But and if he's a part of
that too, that's a hell of a combination. Man. So
I know they're the favorite of the front runner. They're
probably actually not in the top betting favorite. It's probably
Philly or San Francisco, but they got to be up there.

Speaker 3 (07:49):
You know, maybe a Rashi Rice will be racing in
the next NASCAR evet who know, based on his offseason tang,
when did the Chiefs become unlikable? Are they unlikable? Because
every team that develops into a dynasty, at a certain point,
people start rooting against him.

Speaker 4 (08:07):
Well, I think you get overloaded or oversaturated with I
think they're right. I think they're on the verge. I
don't think so. I don't feel like they're an unlikable group.
They're They're all likable. I mean Chris Jones was crying
when when he you know, hit his escalators and did well.
Patrick Mahomes he he wants you to get insured and

have you know, good insurance. And you know, Chelsea is
is just a lovable He's a lovable guy, like I don't.
I don't feel like you would have any hard feelings
or ill will towards him.

Speaker 1 (08:40):
Do you want to know what causes to me hard
feelings or ill will. It's jealousy. And all humans are
jealous to a degree, Like I think we all have
that in us, and people who tend to look like
they have it all. I think it's one of the
reasons why Tom Brady was was somewhat hated. His success

match with the fact of how he looked, how he
conducted himself outside of some of the drama around Mary,
who he married, Like outside of the drama around maybe
like the flay Gate. When you think about Tom Brady,
like man I didn't really hear about any drama until
obviously his you know, personal situation with with Giselle and
all that, But that was it. Like you hear maybe
a little drama about him and Bill Belichick and you

know that, but that was Like, I think there was
some hate because a lot of people out there wish
they could be Tom Brady, and I think there's people
who maybe will get to the point where they wish
they could be Patrick Mahlmes. But he's he's got some stuff, Like,
he's got some stuff in his background where I feel like,
you know, people probably feel bad to a degree, Like,
you know, his pops obviously has battles some stuff, and
I think that like lends itself to be more of

like dude, he's overcome and been able to win despite
some of that stuff going on. You know, his brothers
had his own you know, issues and stuff and in
the limelight. So I think it's a it's a little
different that sense because you like, you look at him
and he just keeps winning, and you good for him. Man,
Like he's not distracted, He's not allowing any of that
personal stuff to get to him at any point.

Speaker 3 (10:05):
Him. I think had is undefeated. I think every dynasty
goes through it. We've talked about this before the Patriots,
they were America's team. They ran out of the tunnel
at the same time in the Super Bowl against the Rams,
everybody loved New England, and four or five years later
you couldn't stand him, Like people wanted him to lose.

Nobody wanted him to beat the Giants in that Super Bowl,
and then the Tom Brady stuff that came along with it.
I just I think they're on the verge of getting
to the point to where people are like, all right,
f this, We're tired of him, We've got fatigue, and
they're going to become a dislike team. It's going to happen.
What you think about that bar you know, it's not

a bad theory. I don't.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
I'm in Taylor Swift fatigue. Yeah, sure, I think there
was Taylor Swift fatigue. I mean, I think there's still
Taylor Swift fatigue. But also there's Taylor Swift love. I
mean there's I think it's a I think it's an
admire team. I still think that that's where they're at
right now. I don't see them as being America's most wanted.

They're they're not they're not hated, they're not villains. I'll
say this back to your original question. I am curious
to see what the Raiders do because of what they
they they did not do in the in the draft,
or weren't able to do.

Speaker 3 (11:26):
Of course, it's got to concern them too. That's a
full disclosure.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
Like I've got to do these these picks, right, and
I've got to tell you what I think a team's
gonna do. And you guys know, I geek out about
the whole playoff predictor thing, which I could you could
do now. But I keep looking at a varn I
keep going, Dude, I like their opportunity in this matchup,
and I keep thinking, who oh yeah, Ovie Minshew like
your system, new team. I just I don't know how

it's gonna go.

Speaker 4 (11:51):
It's got to be a concern. I'm I'm curious as
to how they're going to do and how they're going
to react and being in this this inaugural year with AP.
I feel the same way about the Chargers. I'm curious
to see if Harball can bring what it is he
created in Michigan. Yes, Herbert, you know he does. He

does have a quarterback and he I mean, I'm just
curious to see does that translate back it translated from
from pros to college? Does his coaching style, does his approach?
Does it translate again in the league. I'm interested to
see what they do. And I say the third team

that I'm really excited to see is I feel like
the Baltimore Ravens are loaded and I'm curious to see.
I just don't feel like you can have many excuses
after this season. If you're the Ravens, not if you're
the head coach, not if you're Lamar Jackson, not if
you're any of those defenders or the rest of the offense.

You don't have really any real excuses outside of if
the team loses its health.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Derrick henry Man.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
I'm not crying. I'm not trying to make an excuse
for him. I do think of all the teams in
the AFC, whoever comes out of the AFC North has
won a gauntlet. Man like that, to me is the
best division in the NFL.

Speaker 4 (13:16):
I mean, it's always been called the Black and Blue,
you know conference, the division.

Speaker 1 (13:22):
Think about last year they had teams going to the
playoffs or bidding for playoffs week seventeen eighteen of the
season with backups like, that's how good the rosters are
around the quarterback spot.

Speaker 4 (13:32):
I'm curious to see what Deshaun Watson is going to
do this year. I'm curious if he will make an
entire season.

Speaker 3 (13:39):
Do you see his new tattoo? No, got his entire
back done? New tattoo? What is it?

Speaker 4 (13:43):
A towna geez? What what? What is it? What is it?
Are you being serious?

Speaker 1 (13:50):

Speaker 3 (13:51):
He got an entire tattoo done. Okay, Like, was it
like thirty of them? No, there's like separate Come on, man,
I just I don't understand why it has to go.
Come on, man, like that, what do you mean?

Speaker 1 (14:03):
What? What?

Speaker 3 (14:04):
All right?

Speaker 2 (14:05):
How many tattoos were there? Your back is big?

Speaker 4 (14:08):
It just like there was a don't you put your
accomplishments on yourself when you get tattoos?

Speaker 5 (14:14):

Speaker 1 (14:14):
I remember the best tattoo I saw was the Browns
locker room, and I just remember the dude's last name
real big on his back, and then it just said
below it, we don't die, We multiply.

Speaker 3 (14:25):
And I was like, that's that, that's baby kids saying.

Speaker 1 (14:31):
I was just like, damn, that's that's hard man.

Speaker 3 (14:34):
Like from the movie. Yeah, from the stand up Robin Harris.
It's weird about that. I just can't picture Phil Dawson
having that on his back.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Phil wasn't Phil. All throughout these three, it wasn't Phil,
It wasn't Dave's astidl or Punter, and it surely wasn't
Ken Dorsey. So those three are out the window.

Speaker 3 (14:53):
But hey, you have a tattoo. I don't know that tattoo.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
I don't know, not that I can recall. Wait, hey,
Jojo Vicious is still in the mix.

Speaker 3 (15:03):
Yeah, that's my dog. You know.

Speaker 4 (15:05):
He's got a daughter. She is a bad manmajama bro.
She plays volleyball for uh for Penn State shuts up.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
He was one of the best athletes.

Speaker 3 (15:15):

Speaker 1 (15:16):
He reminded me a lot of Samaria Jess Smarsh, who
obviously went and played pro baseball. But like both those dudes, man,
it didn't matter what they did, they should be good
out of it.

Speaker 3 (15:24):
Dope, bro, did I talked to Vicious not too long ago.
I talked to him.

Speaker 4 (15:29):
He's goods. I think he's moving down your way pretty soon.
Matter of fact, yeah him, Okay, I could dig it
that's my gatto anyway. All right, So, uh those are
my teams, though, I just I feel like you're right.

Speaker 3 (15:45):
The North is tough.

Speaker 4 (15:46):
It's generally always going to be tough, which kind of
leads to what will Pittsburgh be this year?

Speaker 3 (15:52):
What will they do this year?

Speaker 4 (15:54):
This is kind of a juncture, junction point for them,
you know, in terms of what they have going on.
I mean, they go to the playoffs every year, but
can they be better than what they've been?

Speaker 3 (16:05):

Speaker 4 (16:05):
I think I think we've gotten to the point where
it's like, Okay, you're going to the playoffs, but what
are you doing with it?

Speaker 3 (16:10):
I think Baltimore is gonna have a down year? You
think so?

Speaker 6 (16:14):

Speaker 3 (16:14):
That was their year home game, Buffalo meltdown. I'm with
you on Buffalo.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Buffalo is the one I'm most curious to see how
they are this year.

Speaker 7 (16:24):

Speaker 1 (16:25):
I think I think Baltimore still gonna be up there.
It's just Buffalo.

Speaker 3 (16:27):
I'm like, em, I don't know. That window might be closed.
That's how I feel about them.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
I might be cracked, you know, I might be cracked.

Speaker 4 (16:35):
Might be it ain't too much airspace, I'll tell you that.
If it is cracked. I mean, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
I mean think if you were going to do it,
last year would have been the year to do it.
You had the Patriots down, the Dolphins were.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Good, but the Chiefs were down.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
They were depending on I'm even within the division. Oh
well yeah, like the Jets were down they lost Rogers
after four plays, Like that was the year to try
to go and get that number one overall seed.

Speaker 4 (17:04):
Yeah, I don't know, man, it's going to be I
think it's going to be super entertainable.

Speaker 1 (17:10):
Chiefs reloaded. Yeahson's got Derrick Henry.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
It's just Cincinnati's gonna win that division. You think, I
think the Ravens will win it.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
So you don't think none of you all think Cleveland huh.

Speaker 3 (17:24):
No, No, it's not dependable enough. You know who's going
to beat their quarterback.

Speaker 1 (17:32):
I'll say this, if Deshaun does get hurt, they've got
Jamis And I am still a believer in Jamis when
in the right opportunity being able to excel. I really am. Man.
I feel like in Cleveland if he was if he
had to be the starting quarterback for the rest of
the season, I would still think Cleveland would be highly competitive.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
Are line.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
The guys are throwing to their defense, I mean they
are loaded. That is a Joe Flaker went in. There
was a comeback player of the year man. I mean like,
I think Winston could easily lead them if he had
to go in and play let's two through for over
five thousand yards of a year.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
Yeah, it's like.

Speaker 1 (18:13):
People send to write them off. I think he would.
I think you do well on that team.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
Yeah, he'll probably get his opportunities to.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
If I was the Raiders, I'd look at trading for.

Speaker 3 (18:22):
Him for Jenis. Yeah, I don't know. I mean maybe,
you know, if if we had any sort of a
direct line of communication to you know, the Raiders coaching
staff or front office, we could get some answers on this.
Let me call him right now. It is two pros
and a cup of Joe. Here on Fox Sports Radio,

LeVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you coming up
next year from the Tirack dot Com studios. We are
also going to get the answers as to why certain
things were put in place in the NFL schedule, and
we'll get him from our guy Albert Breer. That's next
here on FSR.

Speaker 8 (18:58):
Be sure to catch live edition of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern, three am Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 9 (19:12):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben
Maller with me and a lot to have you join
us on our weekly auditory journey.

Speaker 1 (19:18):
You're asking, what in God's name is the Fifth Hour?

Speaker 9 (19:21):
I'll tell you it's a spin off of it Ben
Mather Show, a cult hit overnights on FSR.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
Why should you listen? Picture if you will a world will?

Speaker 9 (19:29):
We chat with captains of industry in media, sports, and
more every week explore some amazing facts about human nature
and more. Listen to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller
on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or wherever you get
your podcast right now.

Speaker 3 (19:43):
Albert Breer is in senior NFL reporter, lead content strategist
at the MMQB. You can get him on Twitter at Albert
Breer ab. What's happening? How are we feeling?

Speaker 6 (19:52):
What's happening? Guys?

Speaker 3 (19:54):
Biggest takeaway for you from the schedule release is one question.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
Good question.

Speaker 6 (20:00):
They kind of screwed the Chiefs and Ravens, didn't they.
I mean, for both those teams, they had to play
on Christmas Day a second year in a row.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
You know.

Speaker 6 (20:10):
The Ravens are on the road for the second year
in a row, and in a different part of the
country for the second year in a row.

Speaker 8 (20:17):
You know.

Speaker 6 (20:17):
I just I think that's like a little bit of
a tough draw, especially when you consider and all four
of those teams, the Texans and the Steelers included, you know,
have designs on contending this year, and so you're taking
four you know, good teams and kind of putting them
in the spot where in week fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen
they got to play Sunday, Saturday, Wednesday, and then like

say one of those teams gets home field or locks
it up over that stretch, Well, then they're gonna have
to make the tough decision of like do we you know,
do we sit our guys in Week eighteen and go
on a twenty five day layoff. I think it would
be between that in the first playoff game. It's it's
a lot to contend with for those teams, you know.
And I think the other thing is, like the Jets

to see that they led the league and standalone games
led the league in primetime games. I think it was
an interesting debt by the league, you know that Aaron
Rodgers is going to stay healthy and that they're going
to be a really good team, because obviously that sort
of blew up in the league's face last year. And
I don't know, guys, don't you think it's like a
little bit of a cruel twist after what happened the
week won last year to put them back on Monday

night football. Though this season, you know, like it just
seems like that's very I don't know, like the Dets,
like it's already going to be a big storyline. Aaron
coming back off the off the Achilles. It's almost like
you're putting him back, and I know it's not in
the same place, but it's almost like you're putting him
back on the scene of the crime, you know, in
a certain way.

Speaker 1 (21:43):
Yeah, I mean he's taken on the player who was
involved in it, Leonard Floyd now plays for the San
Francisco forty nine ers, so that's part of it. I
do want to fall up on that with the Jets.
Do you think that somebody in the NFL just has
like the red ass for Aaron Rodgers and the Jets.
I mean it seems like the schedule too. They gave
them two separate times. They've got to play three games
in ten days or maybe ten one and eleven the other.

That seems a little bit brutal as well. We went
through their schedule. It's not the toughest group of teams
they've got to play in that stretch, but it just
seems like a lot in regards to travel and then
the amount of games in a short amount of time.

Speaker 6 (22:19):
Yeah, yeah, And I think, you know, Brady, the hard
truth is they've stopped caring about this. I mean, like
they used to be that they didn't have teams playing
multiple short weeks. It's not even counting when that game
multiple short weeks. Now you have fourteen teams doing it
this year, you know, So it's just you know, I

I think you know what the reality is that I
think like people who are really into it can see
the quality of play suffer. You know, we can see
when the quality of play is bad on a Thursday night, right,
but you know at three forty five Park, all they see.

Speaker 7 (22:55):
Is the rating, and like even if you're playing a
substandard NFL game is still football on TV, and football
on TV is going to rate either way, and they
can make money off of that because.

Speaker 6 (23:09):
It rates, you know. And so I asked, you know,
someone from the league office last night, you know, like,
when does enough become enough? Like when have you pushed
it to the limit where you're really affecting the quality
of play and you know, maybe you're putting players in
a tough spot from an injury standpoint and all of that.
And the the response I got was, you know, simply

that coaches and teams are doing a better job of
learning how to manage this, which is probably true. But
they're only doing They're only there because they're being forced
into that position.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
Have you given any thought to what coach going into
this season is in the best situation to have success?

Speaker 6 (23:50):
Which coach?

Speaker 3 (23:50):
Yeah? Have you given that any thought yet?

Speaker 6 (23:53):
Well? I mean Andy Reid because Patrick Mahomes is on
his roster?

Speaker 4 (23:56):
Maybe all right, outside of the obvious, you know, I
am no, I mean.

Speaker 6 (24:05):
As far as like who could be, you know, like
I who could be this year's version of the yeah, correct,
correct version of Demiko? You know, I think Jim Harbaugh
is in a pretty good spot with the Chargers. And
you know, I think part of it. I heard Joel Klatt,
He's a there's a really good line. He said something
of something along the lines of like, instead of you know,

forcing Justin Herbert to be better in second and eleven,
let's get him in second and four more often. I
thought that was a really good way to describe what
I think Jim Harbaugh is going to do for the
for the Chargers. And I think he made a real
statement with his first pick, you know, and going and
taking Joe Ault even though you've already got Rashaun Slater
at left tackle, and and and and basically saying like

we're really going to lean into this. You know, I
think some teams, the way they operate, would say, well,
you know, we've got Rashaan Slater a tackle, and we
just offloaded you know, Keenan Allen and Mike Williams. So
you know, now we got to go get ourselves a receiver.
Let's draft you know, the league neighbors there at vibe
or let's draft, We're Oma Dunze there at five.

Speaker 10 (25:09):
And you know, instead, Jim Harbaugh did what you know,
I think he's always done, you know, whether it's a
Stanford San Francisco and Michigan has leaned into the line
of scrimmage and he's leaned into the offensive line, and so.

Speaker 6 (25:21):
You know, I think that you know, you see some
of the ads they have in the backfield, you know,
bringing in you know JK. Dobbins and Gus Edwards, you
know from his brother's team. I just think that the
Chargers are in a spot where Jim Harbaugh has always
been able to come in and effect real change right away.
And if you look like they've got some of the

same strengths that that some of his teams in the
past have had, especially after the draft, and so I
think they're in a position to get the most out
of Justin Herbert. You know, I'd be surprised if the
Chargers aren't contending well into the December.

Speaker 3 (25:54):
In January, Albert Brier joining us here on Fox Sports Radio,
senior NFL reported lead con then strategist at the m
m QB. Get him on Twitter at Albert Breer. Jared
Goff gets his deal done, who's next?

Speaker 6 (26:12):
So I don't think it'll be Dak I I I
don't think because the Cowboys always wait and they always wait,
you know what I mean, Like, and I just think
and they they had They've had to pay the price
for this so many different times, you know, like Zach Martin,
DeMarcus Lawrence, like the different guys they've waited on paying
guys in the past. And it's almost like, you know,

the guy stepping on the you know, stepping on the
two by four and it's slamming him in the face
over and over again. Like they just keep making this
mistake where they wait. I mean, they've waited with Ceedee
Lamb too, and the price has gone up there because
I'm mon Roth Saint Brown and AJ Brown got deals
and god knows what Justin Jefferson is going to get
in Minnesota. You know. So they've they've kept waiting in
these situations, and so you know, themo has been to wait.

And you know, so I don't think dak to the
next one. I would say, I think it'll either be
Jordan Love or or or to a tongue of below.
And if I had to guess, like gun to my
head right now, I'd say maybe Jordan Love is done first.
You know. I just think that the packers have been
smart about these things in the past. They got ahead

of things a little bit by extending him for a
year last year, and I think that there's the realization
now this sort of crystallizes things that you're not going
to get a You're not going to get a discount,
you know what I mean, Like you're not going to
get him in at like thirty five or forty you know,
based on Kirk getting forty five and and and GoF
getting fifty three. You're gonna have to pay him somewhere

in that range. So the packers have usually they have
generally been pretty realistic about these things. I think they
get him done. My guess is Tua gets done too,
because the Dolphins have done so many things that have
sort of cleared the decks for this, you know, getting
rid of guys like Gerald Baker and Xavian Howard on
this offseason, letting Christian Wilkins go, you know. I think

the Dolphins you know, also get to done at some
point this summer. So I'd say it'd be one of
those who gets done first. Vite the guests right now today,
Jordan Love.

Speaker 1 (28:09):
Talk to me a little bit about Netflix getting involved
with Christmas Day seventy five million per game we talked
about it to start off the show. It just seems astronomical.
I don't know how these these networks, these streaming platforms
are going to be able to make any money off
of it. Is it just they want to be involved
in the NFL and this is their first kind of
window in and there'll be a more fruitful relationship on

the backside.

Speaker 7 (28:32):

Speaker 6 (28:33):
Yeah, I mean I think you see some of this
stuff with hard knocks, you know, in the Quarterback Series,
and I think I think that's part of it. Like,
I think this is just sort of part of it
all in the thing. And you know, one thing, like
you're a shirt if you put games on Brady is
you're gonna you're gonna have NFL fans and you're you
know in when you do that, and so like, you know,
it's it's competing with other streaming services, and you know,

I think it's part of it too, is kind of
getting to an era where like it's like all like
the cable bundle has been completely unwound now and so
you've got all these different things that you've got to
buy all the cart right like, and so whether it's
you know, Netflix, Amazon, Paramount Plus, Hulu, or you know,
whatever you're talking about. Not everybody's going to get every
one of those services, and so, you know, I think

a big piece of this for those streaming services is
we don't want to be the one that doesn't have
NFL football because for a lot of Americans, you know,
deciding between one streaming service and another, if you can't
afford to have all of them, might be which one
has NFL games on it, you know, So there's that
piece of it. And then if you have NFL fans
in now, you can sort of build programming around that

and you can do things like the Quarterbacks Series, like
the spinoffs of Hard Knocks, like I think that that's
what it is, is that the realization for the streaming
services that not every American is going to be able
to buy six or eight or ten of these, and
so you know, if if there's a smaller group, a
smaller subset that has NFL games, you want to be
in that subsect.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
Maybe last thing for you looking around the NFL and
just kind of seeing the way this is and we're
not trying to end on a negative note here, but
seeing the schedules out and whatnot, how bad are things
going to get in Carolina and New England this year,
because if you go on DraftKings right now and you're
betting on teams to have the fewest wins, it looks
like those are the two at the top of the list.

So how bad could this get for those franchises.

Speaker 6 (30:26):
I mean, if there's any lesson from those two franchises,
it's be grateful for what you have. You know, obviously
the end was messy with Brady and Belichick in New
England and maybe and maybe they could have squeezed a
couple more a year another year or two out of
those two and obviously that went the wrong way. And
then you look at the Panthers. I mean, you know,

like it's just like the whole idea of you know,
analytics in the NFL and everything else, and you know,
bringing these guys who are master asset managers into the
league and it's just I mean, at some point you
have to put good players in the field. And you
look at the number of guys and the Panthers have
offloaded like Christian McCaffrey, DJ Moore, Brian Burns. It's like, dude,

at some point, you have to have good players on
your team. It can't just be about like having this
like massive amount of cap space and draft capital. So
so yeah, I mean, if you're if you if you're
a fan of showing up for games and rooting for
you know, your first round pick, that's you know, currently
it's sophomore in college, and I guess the Panthers are
your team, right, That's where it is, right, you know

what I mean, Like, it's just I think there are
some lessons to be learned from two franchises that won
a lot over the last ten to fifteen years.

Speaker 1 (31:41):
Well, what about Tennessee. I'm looking through their schedule. Now,
that's another team that I look at their schedule and
kind of where they stack up even a mutch their
own division. I'm like, I don't know, man, it feels
like that's gonna be Yeah here too.

Speaker 6 (31:52):
This is sort of a retooling year for them anyway,
you know, like with Brian Callahan company, and they've restructured
their front office for the second straight year. You know,
they're trying to modernize a lot of things there, and
they're trying to get an answer on Will Levis, you know,
and very clearly, you know, by not drafting a quarterback
high and then by going in and putting pieces around him,

getting Lloyd Kushenberry to play center, coming over from Denver,
bringing in Calvin Ridley, signing Tony pat Pollard from Dallas,
you know, and then drafting J. C. Latham. You know,
really is the focus here is like we need an
answer on whether or not Will Levis is our quarterback
of the future. And so I think as they as
they retool, they try to create an environment for the quarterback,

whether at the very least they can kind of get
a clear view of who he can be as an
NFL player, because there's a chance they'll be drafting high
again in twenty twenty five, and you know, at that
point they probably have to make a decision on whether
or not they're going to you know, turn the page
again at quarterback or not.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
Get them on Twitter at Albert Breer, Senior NFL reporter,
lead content strategist at the m MQB A B. We
appreciate it. We'll do it again next week. All right,
There is two Pros and a Cup of Joe here
on Fox Sports Radio. Someund coming up next here from
the tire rack dot Com Studios. It's another edition of
You and to You out right here at FSR.

Speaker 8 (33:15):
Be sure to catch live editions of Two Pros and
a Cup of Joe with Brady Quinn, LeVar Arrington, and
Jonas Knox weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific.

Speaker 3 (33:26):
Two Pros and a Cup of Joe Fox Sports Radio,
LaVar Arrington, Brady Quinn, Jonas Knox with you here. If
you missed any of the show, you can check out
the podcast. It'll be posted shortly after we go off
the air. You just search two Pros wherever you get
your podcast. Be sure to also follow rate and review
the pod. Again. Just search two Pros hoerever you get
your podcast. You'll see this show posted right after we

get off the air. We're going to be back on
the air coming up tomorrow six am Eastern time, three
o'clock Pacific for a Football Friday edition at the Bow.
What's the Reason? Brutal song? Dang Damn? But right now, though,
it is time to close up shop with another edition

of this.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
Two Pros and a Cup of Shoe? What even enough?
If they're at least four?

Speaker 6 (34:17):
If they're out.

Speaker 3 (34:18):
Lead to lap?

Speaker 2 (34:19):
What do we got? And guys, it's national most to day.

Speaker 5 (34:22):
You guys enter out on bottomless mimosass.

Speaker 4 (34:25):
I did watermelon last weekend.

Speaker 3 (34:29):
It was fire out, in in out in.

Speaker 2 (34:37):
Fella's Game six Nuggets and Timberwolves tonight and.

Speaker 3 (34:42):
Indeed the end, you're not confident Minnesota is gonna stay
alive in that came No, no, no, we need some
game sevens, man. I want three game sevens. And I
think you'll get a game seven out of okay C series.
But I'm all good, Okay, that's out of Indiana, New York. No,

I think New York is going to put them down?
What else we got?

Speaker 6 (35:08):

Speaker 3 (35:09):
What else we got?

Speaker 2 (35:10):
Lee? Guys, I might have missed my chance.

Speaker 5 (35:12):
Red Lobster announced they're closing several dozen locations all across
the country.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
I saw fifty, Yeah, a several dozen, I guess, well.

Speaker 2 (35:21):
Yeah, several dozen.

Speaker 5 (35:22):
I count forty eight. Yeah, I see fifty as well.
I've never been to a Red Lobster. Huh what I've
never been to a Red lobster?

Speaker 1 (35:29):
Never been to a Red lobster?

Speaker 3 (35:30):
Nope, well I have. Wow, You've been everywhere on planet Earth.
You've never been to a red life. You know that
cheddar biscuit biscuits or the fire I want it it's
the fire.

Speaker 5 (35:41):
Well you don't, obviously you don't. I see, I looked
up the location. The only location I know of, Uh
still open.

Speaker 3 (35:47):
There's one in State College. Are they closing that one?
Probably not? I can find that for that. That joint
is like a hub. Lee, are you sure like maybe
you at least had a drinking one. You just don't
remember it because remember you didn't do Remember if you
went to Red Lobster, I would remember and no, because
they were like, I can remember pants mane.

Speaker 2 (36:08):
They're not closing any locations in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 3 (36:10):
So good, So there you go. What's you doing? Man?
That's because we respect that, you know, we were, yeah, whatever,
we respect our Red Lobsters and and our you know,
our biscuits. Yeah. But I remember my brother, my Lee
went to my wedding and he was like, oh, yeah,
I've never been to your brothers because we had to
have it because to your brother's space. He ain't invited.

Uh clearly where you think you're going? Oh, hold on
a rhino, hold on? But Lee showed up there and
he didn't realize he'd already been there before. He's like, oh, yeah,
I've been here before, so I just I think that, Like,
where is it at thousand Oaks?

Speaker 5 (36:48):
The only bar had been to one thousand Oaks? Was like, oh, yeah,
I've been here too far away.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
Lee, I'm telling you, I think you've been to a
red lobster. That's impossible to me. You haven't.

Speaker 5 (36:56):
I do love me some lobster. It's amazing that I
haven't been. That's weird.

Speaker 3 (37:01):
What else, Lee?

Speaker 2 (37:03):
What else?

Speaker 1 (37:04):

Speaker 2 (37:04):
Dude, Wendy's.

Speaker 5 (37:06):
For ten dollars, you can get a bucket of fifty
chicken nuggets.

Speaker 3 (37:10):
Now, no kidding, what a bucket? A bucket?

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Very many.

Speaker 5 (37:14):
Fifty, very very few locations you can find this, but
you can get this awesome deal ten dollars.

Speaker 3 (37:22):
Very few locations.

Speaker 2 (37:24):
What is that?

Speaker 1 (37:28):

Speaker 3 (37:28):
The ones you can rob those are the ones.

Speaker 11 (37:30):
Very very very limited locations on this meaning you want,
you will not be able to partake in this.

Speaker 4 (37:39):
You can.

Speaker 3 (37:39):
You know you're going there with a gun.

Speaker 2 (37:41):
You get whatever you want.

Speaker 11 (37:42):
You know, I'm going to Wendys. I haven't found this
one yet, you ain't going.

Speaker 3 (37:47):
I was a big fan of Way. I just some
about the commercials just don't sit right with especially football season. Yeah, weird.
I don't know those commercials. I like to be.

Speaker 4 (37:57):
I feel like they need to get a little uglier
with the people they're putting on their commercials.

Speaker 1 (38:01):

Speaker 5 (38:03):
I know one of the guys at the Wendy's commercial
early Yeah, Billy, Billy, Billy, the scrawny white dude.

Speaker 2 (38:09):
Really yeah, I know.

Speaker 3 (38:10):
I know a dude that's in the commercial too. You
know Robstone. I call him Q Robstone for the draft.

Speaker 2 (38:18):
You know what, I know a couple of them there
you go.

Speaker 1 (38:22):
You know what.

Speaker 11 (38:22):
I know the coach too. I know a few people.
I'm a Wendy's fan myself, came here to stop eating. No,
Wendy's ain't my family. You know who else you might know?
The host of the next esp Awards, Serena Williams.

Speaker 3 (38:41):
Williams, all right, that should be.

Speaker 11 (38:46):
A good one, hard right hand. He's gonna be front
and center at that one.
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