All Episodes

May 10, 2024 37 mins

Doug explains how picking a playoff series is like picking out of a new house.  Doug welcomes NBA Insider Marc Stein onto the show to talk about the Suns, Lakers, and all of the major headlines around the NBA. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug and the crew through a game of "I Got Dibbs".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Thanks for listening to The Doug Gotlieb Show podcast. Be
sure to catch us live every weekday three to five
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iHeartRadio app by searching app as talk Boom. What Up America,
Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. Hope you're having a

great day. We're here on a Friday, live at the
tyreg dot com studios tyret dot com. What you get there?
Unmatched selection, fast, free shipping, free road as protection, over
ten thousand recommend installars, tyraight dot com. Wait tire buying
should be We had the whole crew here, Elijah who

does a great job with our digital Dan Byer, who
you'll hear on Sunday on Fox Sports Radio. Of course,
you got Jay stew And and Iowa Sam. Welcome in, Welcome,
Welcome in. I do have some thoughts on the WNBA
doing copying Nascar and hockey, making the same mistakes that

others have made. We'll get to that. Hmm hmmm. I
also have some thoughts on Dallas beating Oklahoma City after
looking like Oklahoma City was unbeatable. The same thing is
true with the Celtics. I have some advice for people
when they're buying houses, and it's the same as when

you're trying to pick series. I was having this conversation
with my son the other day. He was like, when
you buy a house, like, what do you look for?
I was like, well, there's a lot of different things,
you know, people, I mean, budget obviously is an issue.
But do you want to live in town do you
want to live in the suburbs. Do you want to

live in the country. Do you want to live you know,
town home style? Do you want to live in a house?
Do you want to have a pool? Do you want
to not have a pool? Do you want to live
in a cul de sac?

Speaker 2 (02:08):

Speaker 1 (02:09):
What are the comps? Do you want to redo a
house or do you want brand new? Like, there's all
these different things and that shows up in value. I said,
But the once you determine about what you're looking for,
the number one thing I would recommend to you is

go back a second time. Go back a second time.
When you go in and see a house for the
first time, you look at all the positives. Howney, look
open kitchen concept. Honey, Look they got a steam shower.
You know people talk to like their significant other. Ooh babe,

ooh babe, babe. Look ooh we've been this one. You
know it has a dining area, but not a dining
room because formal dining rooms you use what twice a year?
Talk about a waste of space. Who wants to waste space? Ooh,

this one's on suite. Ooh, this one has a playroom. Ooh,
this one's yards perfect. I always tell people that have kids, right,
go to the house that you want to buy at
like five in the afternoon, Right, what's it look like

when the kids are there? When the kids are there,
that's when you know, hey, there's kids playing outside. Because
everybody drives into a cold de sac and there's hoops
in the cold attack and you're like, there's kids here.
But sometimes you go to these streets and there's hopes
there and the kids never come out. I remember we
first moved to an area. I definitely know Jay stew

will know what town I'm thinking of, but I'm not
going to sell it out. And we were in Connecticut,
and I love Connecticut. Anyone who wants to say something
bad about Connecticut. You know, during your time at ESPN,
they're either they didn't have the money to live somewhere nice,
which is possible, although there are plenty of areas that
aren't terribly expensive that are really nice. Or two they're

just kind of full of it. And yeah, winter it
can be long, but wonderful schools, wonderful people. Not all
of them are wonderful people, but plenty. There's the bags everywhere, right,
But we moved and when we looked at this place,
we're like man family area, culd a sack kids. And

then the entire time, literally the entire time we lived
in that house, one kid came outside. Because the type
of area we were in, the people that lived there,
their kids were inside, learned to play the piano, they
were doing family things. It just wasn't an area where

kids wrapped playing. And had we come back in the
afternoon when we saw the house, we would have learned.
I was in California for two years. We moved back
to trying to look at New York and Connecticut, and
I walked into this one house in armonk New York,
and it actually backed up to like a interstate, but

it was like five acres and there was like a
pool and then a drop off in all this undeveloped
land that it had paths on it and it could
have been like a kid utopian and I was like,
this is amazing. Why is this still on the market?
And it was partially redone, but like you can redo
the other stuff. And I walked in. The kitchen was cool,
and I'm like, man, this is awesome. Let's come back

and see it tomorrow. Went back and saw tomorrow, and
I was like, why is the garage detached? And then
I realized that the kitchen was where the garage used
to be. And while it was a brand new kitchen,
when you have little kids, you want the kitchen to
be one where you can see the pool and two
where the kids can come in, and that wasn't that
was designed. The point is always see something a second time,

and the NBA teaches you that more than anything. I mean,
you watched last night, if you watched Game one, you
were like, there is no chance in hell that the
Cleveland Cavaliers can be competitive at all with the Boston Celtics. Correct,
who would have thought? And if you watch you be
like Luca looks exhausted, he looks injured, and the Mavericks

are kind of a one trick pony and then Kyrie
tries to go one on one and then they fire
up a bunch of threes and they have no interior scoring.
And wow, the Thunder because no Maxi Kleeber and the
Thunder are awesome at home. And the Thunder are really
like the Kansas City Chiefs of the NFL, I mean
the Kansasay Chiefs of the NBA, because they have a

college like atmosphere in the pros. Chiefs have always had
that with Arrowhead. But the second time around, you start
to this is what you do. You pick apart the negatives.
And again, it doesn't mean the second time through you
don't buy the house. It doesn't mean with the second
game you don't think the Celtics you're still gonna win.
But man, you start to see some negatives the second

time round, don't you. The first time you go in
you're like, oh my god, kitchen, yard, house, whah, And
the second time you're like, you know, these floors, I
don't actually like them. You know this setup doesn't totally
work for us. I mean, Dan can tell you right,

Like when you have a baby, there's specific things that
you need right and now when he has a toddler,
and I don't know if three is still a toddler,
but I think it's still a toddler. You have a toddler, right, Okay, Well,
you want proximity to mommy and daddy's room. On the
other hand, you don't want it right next to mommy
and dady'sroom because Mamy and Addy want to be mommy
daddy sometimes. And then if you have you want the

Jack and Jill. But what if you have a boy
to girl, right, do you want that? It's not the
big deal. But when they get older, they get to
be teenagers, then it becomes a big deal. The point
is that what you learned last night, or you should
have learned last night, is that the second time through
is truly telling, truly truly telling. Here's Celtics head coach

Jill Missoula after the Celtics loss at home.

Speaker 3 (08:33):
I mean, it's a playoff series playing against a really
good team with really good players, well coached. So yeah,
I expected to Like I said before, it takes for
to take, so expect it to be difficult. Yeah, I
thought they did a good job. Obviously, their ball pressure
was better, their pickup points were higher, and I thought
they did a better job kind of like closing out
into our bodies, making it seem like we were open
and putting us in decision as whether we should shoot

it or drive it. And when we did drive it,
they did a good job collapsing and making us make
the two on one reads, which they got some deflections
on that. And I thought MOBI did a better job
protecting the paint.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Yeah, they made adjustments. Evan Mobley did a great job
of protecting the rim, just like by the way the
Dallas Mavericks. And some of it was because of foul
trouble in game one, but some of it was, you know,
a much more discipline approach in defending the rim and
walling up the three point shooters and Chase Gilgess Alexander
had a great game, but they didn't hit the volume

of threes. And in game one, Luca tried to do
too much, Kyrie tried to do too much, and they
couldn't hit the roller. Well, the reason you couldn't hit
the roller was Oklahoma City was making sure they would
tag the orlds. You guys know what Tagging the roller
is I I want to visualize something for you. Tagging

the roller is when you set a pick and roll,
somebody has to from the weak side, has to just
be there and all you have to do is bump
them once and then you recover back to your man.
It's called tagging them. But when you tag the roller,
the shooter in the weak side corner is wide open.
Did you notice where PJ. Washington got all his threes
in the first half when he had five of them

weakside corner? So a lot of it was the adjustments,
and then you'll see adjustments to adjustments. But the biggest
point is that the second time around, the flaws become apparent.
It doesn't mean you don't buy the house. It just
means you have a much clearer vision of what the
house is. It doesn't mean the Celtics aren't going to win,

but you have a much clear vision. By the way,
the Celtics, I don't think they win a title unless
they get Christos Ferzingis back. He brings a different dynamic
that they're missing.

Speaker 2 (10:43):

Speaker 1 (10:44):
It's not that Al Horford can't make threes, but who's
behind Al Horford? And Al Horford's a little bit long
in the tooth, and there are certain things that Al
Horford can't do, like defend the rim the way that
Christos Persingis can and oh yeah, by the way, the
Cleveland Cavaliers are allowed to adjust, and they did, you know,
Daniel Gafford not in foul trouble, although he did hurt
his hand, look like he broke his hand in game two,

you know, and Derek Lively defended the rim, protected the rim,
and they did a great job of walling off the
three point shots and some rotations. I don't really understand
for either the losing teams. But the NBA has this
rare ability, or I'd like to think it's rare. We

do know that in the NFL that week to week
the teams can look completely different. This is game to game,
but the games are only one day in between, and
it's against the same team. But isn't that just an
amazing thing that you can watch a game in game
one and come to the conclusions and then after game
two come to complete and total opposite conclusion. Fascinating to me.

Speaker 2 (11:54):

Speaker 4 (11:55):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on
Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
App Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, A guy with toe?
Can we do this for a second? Favorite pro jam song? Eh?
And you know, here's something I truly enjoy about working here. Look,

we're gonna talk about sports.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Don't worry.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
If you're sitting there going like Gottlieb, you got me
all fired up or maybe fired up about the WNBA.
I'll make it make sense in a second. Plus, Mark
Stein's going to join us in like five minutes. The steinline,
He's awesome. Okay, so we have sports to talk about.
But I was thinking, so every summer, I don't know,
probably since I was like ten or eleven years old,

my dad we'd have like a family trip. We go
for two weeks back to New York and Connecticut. My
dad was from the Bronx and moved out to on
the Island. My mom was from Bridgeport and her mom
still lived there. And then most times we'd come back.
And then as I got to my teenage years, we
would stop before kind of like high school, like middle school.

We would stop somewhere. He and I would go somewhere
and visit friends along the way back and so one
year I think, and maybe Jay Su you could look
this up. What year was Pearl Jam at Lallapalooza. I
think it was ninety because I think I was fourteen.
That's what I remember it as.

Speaker 5 (13:41):
I don't think the festival started until like ninety two.

Speaker 1 (13:46):
But those that timeline doesn't, I don't think it matches up.
But you could check. If you could check, it'd be great,
because ninety two. Okay, so ninety two, there's a the
Lalla Pluoza in Chicago was actually and this is why
Buyer's awesome because he's from Wisconsin. It was actually in Wisconsin.
Do you know where it was?

Speaker 2 (14:03):
Probably Alpine Valley.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Sounds about right, sure, Alpine Valley ninety two. Okay, here's
the trip. By the way, we were in New York
for however long, and my dad would take me to
all the parks that he played at when he was
high school, college and then after college, like pickup ball
west Forth Street. We went to the Rutger who went

here there and he would get help me get into
games and I play basketball, And then we went to
Dylan Vail. We flew to Pittsburgh and went to Dylan Vale, Ohio,
where he was a high school coach, one of his
first high school jobs, and we stayed with a family
that he stayed with when he was a high school coach,
and I would run. I ran the hills of Ohio
because the guy who he idolized as they walk out

of Ohio State was Hondo John Hailchak. So I ran
the same hills as John Hailchack. He grew up around there.
And then we went to Chicago where my uncle, Mike,
his name was, He's actually not my uncle is my
dad's longtime roommate in college at Ohio State. Mike lived
there and his son took me to La la Pluza.
First time I ever smelled marijuana, I was.

Speaker 2 (15:07):
Like, what's that smell?

Speaker 1 (15:10):
That's weed? Why don't they just cut it?

Speaker 6 (15:13):

Speaker 1 (15:13):
Literally had no Like my parents when I was a kid,
they didn't drink, they didn't smoke. I did nothing. So
was that smell? And the first time I saw pearl jam,
I would say for a long time, even flow, then alive,

then black, but yello ledbetter. When I went to Notre Dame,
it felt like every kid was learning to play the
acoustic guitar, and they were all learning it on Yello Ledbetter,
which I understand if you're older than me. Most kids
learned on Stairway to Heaven. Right, Dan by Aer your
favorite Pearl Jam song, and you don't have to like
if you don't like Pearl Jam. I'm not offended. You

don't have to like no way, I don't have to
like every artist.

Speaker 2 (15:56):
I think I realized this in the last year that
my my favorite Pearl Jam song is Porch.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Excellent. I like that. Uh, Jay Stoo, I'm.

Speaker 5 (16:09):
Gonna go with better Man off of Vitology.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
An better Man.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
What about you? Iowa Sam Dissident, h m hmm. That's good.
You know my my, Uh, this is classic, dude. I

have a lot of friends in broadcasting. I would say
my best friend in broadcasting is Boog Shambi. And there's
a lot of things about Boog like I look up to.
He's a voice of the Cubs, which I mean you
we think about that from my childhood. That's the greatest position,
the most powerful position in sports. Because again I grew
up in southern California, there are only two teams that

had their own broadcast network, The Braves, who were bad
and the Cubs who were bad, but they had Harry
Carey and Mark Grace went to I went to the
same high schools Mark Grace. I'm gonna say Mark Grace
went to my high school because he's Gracey, right, and
so right around now when you're in high school, and
high school in California goes back then until the middle

of June. At lunch, you'd hop over the fence. You'd
go down to Chicago Joe's. You get two slices of
pizza and a coke for two dollars and fifty cents
and the Cubbies to beyond. And now my dear friend
is the voice of the Cubs. And he's also really
good friends with Eddievedder. I'm like, dude, that's the Ballerus thing, like,
no disrespect, Darius, You're my boy. We hang out all

the time. He's in Europe right now. But Eddie Vedder
strong strong, Mark stein joins us. Of course, he's got
a substack called the Steinlein. You have to read it.
Its must read if you like the NBA. And again
if you follow the NBA, this league uncut. He and
Chris Haynes. You see Chris Haynes on sidelines for for Turner.

They have a great podcast and Mark Stein joins just
on the Doug Gottlieb Show on Fox Sports Radio favorite
Pearl Jam song.

Speaker 6 (18:12):
I'm sorry too, I do not have one.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
That's fine, that's fine, It's okay.

Speaker 6 (18:17):
I do hear pearl Jam on the Bill Simmons podcast.
That's the extent of my range on that one.

Speaker 1 (18:23):
I'm not I'm not offended, like I'm not one of
these guys like, oh my god.

Speaker 2 (18:26):
Oh you know, like come on.

Speaker 7 (18:29):
Jay said, kick me off the air. So I guess
that's I guess that's good.

Speaker 1 (18:32):
No, no, no, no, I mean listen, my whole life
right now is listening to Playboy, Cardi and uh and
all his boys with my because that's my son's jam
right now. So I'm I I understand different musical taste.
What is your reaction to Frank Vogel getting fired after

one year.

Speaker 6 (18:57):
I mean, it's just it's a non surprise.

Speaker 7 (19:00):

Speaker 6 (19:01):
I think it was you kind of the rumbles were
starting to start late in the season that things weren't
great there, but it's just it just became obvious that
and look, the Sun did take a week plus after
the season to have internal meetings and way what they
should do. But the reality was, realistically nothing was going

to save him, and this is that was going to
end up because it's the only dramatic change they can make.

Speaker 7 (19:32):
I mean this.

Speaker 6 (19:33):
You know we always say what's the easiest thing to
change the coach? I mean this is like this should
be example one A of it because given the Sun's
luxury tax situation, making roster changes is just going to
be a lot harder.

Speaker 1 (19:47):
Yeah, no, tell me tell me if I heard this.
Tell me I've heard this. Okay, So I'll tell you
what I've heard, and you tell me if you've heard
the opposite. Okay. Keeping Kevin Young was a disaster because
as they weren't really connected. Kevin Young did the offense
along with one of the other assistants, and Kad wasn't

really into it. And it's it's a hard one, right
when your head coach absorbs an offensive coordinator and the
most prominent player doesn't like the offense, that's hard. And
then you factor in that Frank's like a study nerd
right all about film over prepared really even for the playoffs,

and Kevin Durant is kind of like an organic let's
just go hoop sort of guy. And then you factor
in that the roster is colossally flawed because they gave
away Deandreton for backups and never got a point guard,
and Brad Beial isn't nearly as good as the Brad
Beil reputation would be at the highest level of the NBA,
and had a you had kind of a disastrous situation

that nothing was working, and that's why the changes have
to be made.

Speaker 6 (21:00):
Well, also, I think you do have to factor in
Kevin Young has a huge fan and Devin Booker.

Speaker 7 (21:05):
Yes, so this is not just the Suns.

Speaker 6 (21:09):
Are not going to make all their decisions just based
on how it looks through Kevin Durant goggles. And so
again when I say the Sun's had meetings, you know,
one of the things they talked about was put a
new staff, put a new offensive coordinator for lack of
a better term, but that save things, and they ultimately.

Speaker 7 (21:29):
Decided know that it needed to be this.

Speaker 6 (21:32):
Dramatic coaching change after one year, because that again is
the most significant alteration you can make. But it's not
going to fix the roster issues. And I have yet
to find many people on the NBA Map, who agree
with Matt ishy As claimed that twenty six and twenty
nine GMS would trade places with the Sun because I
don't know that you can get the six, let alone

twenty six. I mean they have no picks and all
these restrictions on them because of being a second apron team.
So it's going to be very difficult. You know, how
much of a difference can Mike Budenholzer really make assuming
the Sun's get a deal to the finish line with Budenholzer,
and they're going to run into the same roster construction

issues that you mentioned. And again, this is really all
they can do is to bring in a new voice
and see how that resonates. Maybe they can find you know,
can bud find an offense that statisfies both ad and book.
And also they got to find a role for Beal.
I mean Beal did not have an established role. He

actually found some form late in the regular season. But
the other thing was those guys were only on the
court together for forty one to eighty two games. They
literally only played exactly half the season as a trio,
and it's just not enough, not enough time together. So
Mike Budenholzer is going to get a very nice contract,

But he's got a lot of work to do.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Yeah, he does have a lot of Is Boonholzer.

Speaker 2 (23:05):
A good fit.

Speaker 6 (23:07):
Well, he's obviously won a championship, and I think that
gives him a great start as he walks in the door.
But to my knowledge, I don't think he really has
any kind of working path with any of those three guys,
and that's typically so critical in today's NBA. Why do

you hear JJ Reddick mentioned as a Laker candidate when
my knowledge on that front, he's never coached at any
level except coaching his kids. Because JJ Reddick is perceived
to have the connection with Lebron already, That's why. And
and you know Mike Budenholzer is starting with none of that,

so you know that does make the job tougher. Mike's
obviously a fantastic coach. He's one in Atlanta, he's one
in Milwaukee. He's won a Coach of the Year, He's
had I think three fifty win seasons and a sixty
win season, So the man knows what he's doing. But
you're walking into a locker room that you know he's

he's really starting from scratch.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio. That's the
voice of Mark Stein. You need to go and read
the steinline on Substack. You need to download this league uncut,
I and Chris Haynes all the great insight into into
the NBA. Okay, let's let's go look at the Lakers.
Where are they in their coaching search?

Speaker 7 (24:37):
Very very early, like this week.

Speaker 6 (24:39):
The way it was described to me was they have
not even reached the requesting permission to speak to other
candidates stage. This week was about meeting he tries to
establish the profile of who they want because you know,
this coaching market, it's just not teaming with options. You know,

they made the decision that a coaching change was made.
But unlike the Suns, the way as quickly as the
Suns lasered in on Mike Budenholzer, it was clear the
Sons knew exactly the directions they wanted to go. I
don't think the Lakers are in the same place. And look,
Charles Lee was one of the most accomplished assistants in

the league and he was going to be on their list.
He just took the Charlotte job. Food Holzer was the
only championship proven coach available and now he's off the board,
So they're really going to have to take a look
at this and decide would they be willing to hire
a first year coach again in the wake of Darvin Ham.

Although let's not forget Darvin Ham was an assistant with
numerous teams, including the Lakers, and interviewed for numerous head
coaching opportunities before he finally got the Laker job. So
even though he was a first time head coach, got
a lot of NBA coaching experience on some good benches,

was with Budenholder in two different places. So you know, what,
are the Lakers going to say, we need someone like
Kenny Atkinson, who we know has been a head coach before,
or are they willing to gamble on another first time
head coach who might have the right relationships, because by
all accounts, it sounds like they want Lebron backs under

any circumstances, and so Lebron and Ad will continue to
be the focal point of that team. You need a
coach who can vibe with those guys and the Lakers
the foremost issue the Lakers space. The two most natural
candidates for them were Jason Kidd, and tylu Jason Kidd
has already been extended in Dallas. All indications Tyler is

going to get an extension in clipper Land. So I
think the Lakers they fired Darvin Ham knowing that the
two guys.

Speaker 7 (26:53):
Who theoretically would have been at.

Speaker 6 (26:55):
The top of their list weren't going to be available.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
Are the clipper is going to run it back?

Speaker 6 (27:02):
They really have no choice, somewhat like Phoenix, you know,
their only choice is basically resigning everybody because they're not
going to have cap space, or like if Paul if
they can't come to terms with Paul George, and Paul
George says, you know what I'm leaving in free agency,
I mean they can't replace Paul George. First of all,

free agency has.

Speaker 7 (27:25):
Changed so much in the NBA.

Speaker 6 (27:27):
What we we just these last I don't know, three.

Speaker 7 (27:30):
Five years, all the top players.

Speaker 6 (27:32):
In the league they extend instead of going to the
open market.

Speaker 7 (27:36):
It's very rare that a top player goes to the
open market.

Speaker 6 (27:41):
Now, Bradley Beal did it, but he did it knowing
he was going to resign in Washington, get a no
trade clause, and then force his way out if he
had to, and for Paul George, the Clippers can still
extend him all the way through the end of June's
but they've been talking for months now and Kawhi.

Speaker 7 (27:57):
Took less than max.

Speaker 6 (27:59):
The Clippers want Paul George to take less than the max,
but Paul George doesn't want to take less than the max.
So Paul George is gonna have to make a choice. Well,
I go to free agency and get offers from Philly
and Orlando Cap Space team, and then the Clippers will
have a decision to make do we match that or.

Speaker 7 (28:20):
Let him go?

Speaker 6 (28:21):
And like I said, if they let him go, I'm
not really clear on how they would replace them, So
I think they're going to have to run it back.

Speaker 1 (28:27):
Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio, that's the voice
of Mark Stein. Help me figure out these series, right,
Because if I watched Mavericks Thunder Game one and I
watched Mavericks Thunder Game two, I'm like, wait what? And
you can say the same thing about the Celtics as well.
The Mavericks are organization, you know better probably than any

human being on Earth, which are the real Mavericks Game
one or Game two?

Speaker 6 (28:55):
Well, really is riding on Luca Dodge's health right now.
I mean, that's just the reality. And last night I
thought he was incredibly gritty to play through what he's
been playing with. And remember he got he sustained the
knee injury in Game three of.

Speaker 7 (29:11):
The Clipper series. He got through the Clipper series.

Speaker 6 (29:14):
But never shot the ball like we know he can.
This was his best shooting season from deep and he's
just been missing. I think he missed thirty of his
previous thirty five to threes going into last night. His
legs just aren't there. He doesn't have the explosion on
the step back.

Speaker 7 (29:31):
I mean he is.

Speaker 6 (29:33):
I heard it late in the Clipper series. Then he
came out and said it. I don't know that he
would be playing if this was the regular season. But
he's not gonna miss playoff games.

Speaker 7 (29:42):
He's just not.

Speaker 6 (29:43):
But last night he found a way to be effective.

Speaker 7 (29:47):
The three ball was dropping.

Speaker 6 (29:49):
They got huge games off the bench they had. I mean,
if they didn't win last night would have been a
disaster because I don't know that you're going to get
a combined fifty eight points again for PJ.

Speaker 7 (30:01):
Washington, Tim Hardaway, and Josh Green. I mean that they
had to.

Speaker 6 (30:05):
Capitalize on the performances.

Speaker 7 (30:07):
They got from those guys.

Speaker 6 (30:08):
And look Kyrie, I mean, Kyrie played a floor game.
Funny he only scored nine points and they won on
the road.

Speaker 1 (30:14):
No, but he was he was magnificent.

Speaker 6 (30:16):
He created, yes, defensively the assist like he played.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
He played to win. He played to win. Yeah, No,
real quick, You and I we've shared an appreciation for
the foreign players. There seems to be a real pushback.
I mean that's I think that's the pushback over Joker
winning it, winning the MVP again. I think that's the pushback.
Like I can make an argument Luca is the best

player in the league if it's not for Joker. Why
why do you think that we're at this point where
there's this pushback seemingly over the foreign born player.

Speaker 6 (30:54):
I think the pushback on Jokic is stemming from a
historical place. I think people who have an issue with
him winning MVP look at it and say, three MVPs
in four years, that's you know, Wilt Chamberlain territory, that's
Bill Russell's territory. We can't put Jokic there yet. And

I just I'm not a voter anymore. I haven't been
an active voter since twenty seventeen. But in the years,
I mean the years I voted, I always just look
at the season. I don't want to think about history.
I don't want to think about who these guys had,
how they fare in the playoffs. Just try to judge
the season that was that. That was the way I

always approached it. And look, Jokic, Sga, Luca.

Speaker 7 (31:39):
I think they all had an MVP case.

Speaker 6 (31:41):
I think we had do an hour on each.

Speaker 7 (31:43):
Guy on why they deserved it.

Speaker 6 (31:44):
But the reality is they all hold different passports. It's Serbia,
Canada and Slavinia.

Speaker 7 (31:50):
So I mean, you know, I don't.

Speaker 6 (31:53):
Know why that would matter, but if it does, probably
time to get over it.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
I'm with you, and the playoffs and good, really really
good officiating is not Uh what do you make of
Carlisle's comments about small market teams.

Speaker 6 (32:08):
I mean, it was nonsensical, but he knew exactly what
he was doing, and he's in some ways maybe deflecting
some pressure off his players who go home to oh
Down and they have to win these next two to
even the series up.

Speaker 7 (32:22):
And so you know, Carlisle spent a lot of time
with Mark.

Speaker 6 (32:26):
Cuban, who used to say things to get everybody's attention.

Speaker 7 (32:29):
And maybe take some heat off his guy.

Speaker 6 (32:31):
So I don't know if Carlisle's dipping into that playbook,
but you know, he's a veteran and he knew exactly
what he was doing, and he's he's taken a lot
of heat for it, but it's you know, it's what
everyone's talking about instead of the X of the o's
of that series, which you know, and his players are
probably appreciate that he's fighting for them on a public stage.

Speaker 1 (32:55):
Signing you're the best man. If make sure you go
read a substack okay, Mark Stein, Steinlin, and then download
the podcast This League Uncut, Mark Stein, Chris Haynes. It's
as good as anything you can find out there, probably
even better in terms of two insiders, two different perspectives
sharing it on their pod. Mark, thanks for joining us.

Speaker 7 (33:14):
All right, guys, be good.

Speaker 4 (33:15):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.

Speaker 1 (33:24):
Doug Gottleib Show, Fox Sports. BRADYO, you better ask somebody.
Oh you guys, thought I didn't know it, didn't you.
Let's get to a.

Speaker 4 (33:33):
Game this is game time, game.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
Times from the tyrack dot com studios Direct dot com.
Well you get there on match election pass, free shipping,
free road as protection, over ten thousand recommend stars, I
right dot com. The way tire buying should be. What
do you got there, Dan Barr.

Speaker 2 (33:50):
Doug The game today is I got DIBs draw on
a topic and you just have to get your DIBs
in before anybody else does. Topic number one one of
the eight remaining teams in the n B A who
wins the NBA Championship.

Speaker 1 (34:05):
I got DIBs on the Celtics.

Speaker 2 (34:08):
Oh, I got DIBs on the t Wolves.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
That's a good one. That was. Those are my two choices.

Speaker 5 (34:13):
I still want my Nuggets, Guys, Nuggets, I got DIBs.

Speaker 8 (34:18):
Sam, you you took my DIBs. Dan, I'm high on
those te Wolves.

Speaker 2 (34:23):
It helps her up to an at home. You don't
pick anybody.

Speaker 8 (34:26):
I wanted the t Wolves. He took us, All right, Okay,
you don't want dibson, I don't want dibbs.

Speaker 2 (34:32):
Move on.

Speaker 1 (34:32):
You can sit in middle state in the back back.

Speaker 2 (34:34):
Round favorite Denver Nugget, uh Colonel Timer all time.

Speaker 5 (34:40):
I got, I got DIBs on fat Weaver. Damn it
only because I like the count.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
What's what's Fat Leaver's real real first name?

Speaker 5 (34:48):
I think it's Marsilius.

Speaker 1 (34:51):
Lafayette Lafayette Lever, Fat Lever.

Speaker 2 (34:56):
I'm gonna go with uh Chris Jackson slash muck mood
of Durou.

Speaker 1 (35:00):
Uh walking bucket. Uh, I'm gonna go Yoki. It's awesome,
fun to watch, fun character. I know it's I mean,
but you guys left me with a three time MVP.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
Okay, Sam, you don't have any dibbs this time? No
Iowa player went on to play a season in Denver
that you would like to attach yourself to. I don't
think so.

Speaker 5 (35:24):
Doesn't one doesn't come to mind.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
Did JR. Koch play any summer league for the Denver Nuggets?

Speaker 7 (35:29):
You know?

Speaker 1 (35:29):
I visited Notre Dame with jarr Cotch. No fell asleep
at a party?

Speaker 7 (35:33):
He did?

Speaker 2 (35:33):
Or did he did?

Speaker 1 (35:35):
We're at a dorm party at Notre Dame. We're all drinking.
We're like, he didn't drink, We're like, is he asleep? Sleep?
His son's a hooper? Really good one?

Speaker 2 (35:45):
All right? How about this? I got DIBs on Falcons
quarterbacks Rahie Morris saying today that Kirk Cousins coming along
just fine physically in his return from his ruptured achilles tendon.
Past Or Press, I got dibbs Mike Vick. I got
tims on Jeff George Prettier pass. Yes he had.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
I mean he could probably still throw a perfect spiral.

Speaker 2 (36:10):
Yes, Jeff George is the guy.

Speaker 5 (36:13):
I think. I got DIBs on Steve Bartkowski. It was
one of my first football cards.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
Huh that when they played in Fulton County Stadium.

Speaker 5 (36:22):
And I think Tops didn't have the rights to the NFL,
so it was just a red helmet. There was no falcon.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
But those reds and they have a gold like the
first one they came in. They wore a gold stripe.
They had like a gold trim on it because they
combined the colors of Georgia, Tech and Georgia. They were
trying to hit that fan base and then the gold
ended up going away, which was a good idea.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Zero idea. I'm today years old.

Speaker 2 (36:48):
Speaking of zero. That's so many times Sam has got
DIBs today.

Speaker 1 (36:54):
Go ahead, do you have you know? Go ahead? Uh?

Speaker 2 (36:57):
Favorite fish to eat? I got DIBs on. I had
a fish fry. Yeah, it's my favorite. Had one last
week and I actually am gonna have some tonight, brought
some back.

Speaker 1 (37:07):
I have a bunch, I have a bunch. I have
an off the go ahead, Sam, will let you speak.

Speaker 8 (37:12):
Well, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (37:15):

Speaker 8 (37:15):
I don't want to steal your dips here like Dan
stole my t wolves. And I'm gonna say DIBs on
smoke salmon.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
Okaybut that you look at the Jewish guy and you say, oh,
I smoked salmon. I love swordfish.

Speaker 7 (37:29):

Speaker 1 (37:30):
I love tuna, especially raw tuna. But I will tell you,
little crappie, catch a bunch of those suckers amazing in
the summer. And mackerel on sushi very fishy taste. Not
for everybody. And that's it for game. Coming next to
The Doug Gotlieb Show Live from thee tyraq dot com studios,

The w n A is making the same mistake everyone makes.
Next to The Doug Gotleib Show,
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