All Episodes

May 9, 2024 38 mins

Doug talks about the Pacers loss to the Knicks Wednesday night and why the Pacers have a gripe about the officiating. Doug reacts to the breaking news that Frank Vogel is likely going to be fired in Phoenix. Doug welcomes FSR NBA Insider onto the show to talk about Vogel, the Lakers, and all of the headlines around the NBA playoffs. Plus, Dan Beyer takes Doug through a Thursday edition of "The Press".

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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M mm hmmmmmm mmmm mmmmm. So the NBA Playoffs continue,

and this is a show for real dudes. Uh, real dudes.
And what I say say real dudes. It's like and
again I am not calling out any show in particular. Okay,

there's no like, oh you're calling out said show? No not,
But I do know that there are shows, there are places.
There are people in this industry that don't go to
sporting events. They watch them on TV okay, and I
am super super proud to be surrounded by three in
this case men. And when Monsei joins as well, she

goes to games all the time as well. But Buyer
he goes to I mean he's gone to a countless
not just golf events as well. Obviously it's a little
different now when you have a little one in terms
of getting away. But he'd loves sports, goes to sports.
You the same, Jay stew Right, mostly Dodgers, but you
go to a Rams game, you go to Chargers games. Sam,

I'm sure you go to sporting events as well. Just
the other night, I went to my it's actually my
second thunder game of the year, even though I live
in southern California. I went back, took my son back,
and we watched game one and my thanks to Jessica
with the thunder. And also it's like I don't always
get comp tickets, bought those tickets. It's like, it's not

it's not like a humble brag. That's actually the opposite
of a brag because most people in our position, we
don't like to buy tickets. I'm a ticket snob though
I want good seats, and when going to the game.
I thought the officiating in the first half was really
one sided. And and and frankly, I love Luca. I
am enamored with the skill of Kyrie. And I have

some friends in the Maverage organization, but I'm more of
a much more of a thunder fan Oklahoma Tizes. I
love the way they do it. I know people in
that organization. I know people very I know people very
high up, and they're like everyone says, the way they
do things is the way they should be done. And
I think they're going to get to a place where

it's gonna be really interesting. Do you take a bite
at the apple? Do you go after a Kevin Durant,
or do you try and do this ensemble casting around
Shay and chet Holmgren and see how far it can go.
It's a great It's not really the point of emphasis
for this story, but the point is that even in
Oklahoma City, surrounded by people that I know, in a

sporting event, which it was, it was an amazing night.
Like people ask all the time, what was it like
when you played at Oklahoma State? And I told my son,
you see this crowd, That's what it was like. It's
the best. There is nothing like it now. I get it.
Like the Knicks are doing a great job, their fans are,
They're vicious, they're nasty. It's a different energy in the

East Coast Pacers as well. I'm sure the Timberwolves tonight
or is that tomorrow tomorrow, same thing, Celtics, that's the
East Coast nastiness you know as well. But the thunder,
I mean, you cannot get a better atmosphere than what
they have. Can't You can get equal atmosphere, can't get better.

That said, the officiating was an embarrassment in the first
half because it was one sided. You can't play defense
on a guy when you're Daniel Gaffert with your hands
up and Shay drives into you, creates the contact and
the defense gets called for the foul. It's impossible. And
the fight is not for the officiating to be tighter

or to be looser. The officiating is for it to
be the same. What's at one end has to be
the same at the other end. That's the problem, and
it absolutely positively was not the case last night for
the Knicks against the Pacers. And you're gonna sit there going, oh,
you're just a hater, because that's what we do when
we don't have a reasonable response to a very very

obvious disparity in officiating is you're a hater. You're West Coast,
you don't like the Knicks, you don't like bull crap.
Jalen br might be my favorite player I've ever watched
play in the NBA. Can I repeat that? Jalen Brunson
might be my favorite player I've ever watched in the NBA.

But he just part of all of the Villanova guys.
You guys are ridiculous with the flopping. It's like, hey, Villanova,
we're gonna have great culture. We're gonna play hard, We're
gonna practice hard, we're gonna play off two feet in
the lane. We're gonna be creative, we gonna be great teammates,
and we're gonna do fainting goat defense. You guys like that,

you can use that, by the way, fainting goat defense.
You ever see a fainting goat? Funniest thing ever. They
just like sit there and they pass out when they
get scared. It's awesome. I kind of want to get
a goat that's a fainting goat and just scared on
a daily basis, just to start my day. This is
Rick Carlisle after the game.

Speaker 2 (05:56):
I'm always talking to our guys about not making it
about the officials. You know, we just we deserve a
fair shot, you know, And it's just it's just not
there's not a consistent balance, and that's disappointing. You know,
small market teams deserve an equal shot. They deserve a
fair shot, no matter where, no matter where they're playing.

Speaker 1 (06:19):
I honestly don't think it's about the small market team
in New York, you know. I think my guess is
it's about the energy of the home building and officials
get caught up in it. But the Pacers sent seventy
eight missed calls over two games to the league. Seventy eight,

I mean some of it. There was Josh Hart with
a two hand shove where it looked like he was
trying to foul in transition, trying to and didn't get
called for it. And look, a lot of this comes
down to not just the NBA has always had coaches
who go to the dais after the game and complain
about the official and then the next game it's better.

But by the way, Carlisle didn't really like he didn't
really complain after Game one when they lost the game
on a joke of a call, a joke of a call,
and it was, by the way, the same type of
call we saw in women's college basketball with the Yukon

game against Iowa. Right, But you combine the fact that
there was an obvious flop by Dante DiVincenzo. Again Villanova guy,
great teammates, play hard, playoff two feet, make shots, win championships,
and fainting goat defense. Oh, because that's actually the worst

part about it is everything about the culture of Villanova
is about toughness, and yet that's not necessarily toughness. That's flopping,
that's not really respected.

Speaker 3 (08:00):
Can I get it.

Speaker 1 (08:00):
You got to sell calls sometimes, but the level to
which they do it is stupid, and some of it
it's like quite obvious. Game three will be stupid, it'll
be a march to the free throw line. It's going
to be crazy, tightly officiated. But I don't think it

has to do I don't think it has to do
with location, because look, Minnesota was able to climb into
Denver and play really, really physically and expose the fact
that Jamal Murray is not a point guard, and they
don't have another ball handler that can handle the basketball
against pressure, so you just pressure him, harass him every
time he gets it, and it's cut off the head

of the Snake defense. That's basketball one on one, great
game plan by Chris Finch and his crew. But all
of this comes back to the Tim Donnegie deal, doesn't it.
I mean, look, the likelihood is there is no conspiracy
to keep small market teams out of the NBA playoffs

or out of the NBA Finals. Is it better for
the Knicks and the Celtics in terms of ratings? Hell yeah, yes, yes,
ten times over, because the West is going to be
a disaster ratings wise. Oklahoma City versus Minnesota is great basketball.
You have two burgeoning superstars in Shay and in the

ant Man, burgeoning superstars, but they play in Oklahoma City.
In Minneapolis, yikes, yikes. So how do you combat that? Boston?
New York will be unbelievable. But the only reason you think,
I mean, the main reason you think it's plausible is

Tim Donaghe and what he did and what he said
opens the door to the because look, if there was
some grand conspiracy to keep small market teams out of
the Eastern Conference finals. You damn well know about it.
There are no more secrets, only facts yet to be revealed.
And the NBA does a lot of dumb things, like
only suspending Pat Beverley four games for chucking a ball

into the stands, not once, but twice. That's a dumb thing.
But dumb things and stupid things. It'd be stupid to
have some conspiracy. The Knicks have benefited from being the aggressor.
They've benefited from the home crowd. They've got the Pacers

out of their game. And oh yeah, by the way,
Rick Carlile, the guy who you have who's the best
at playing through that physicality and grinding out is your
backup point guard TJ McConnell, who you took out of
the game. And that's when you lost the game. So Carlisle,
he has the point about, hey, we just want fair,

we just want fair officiating. I agree, But why don't
you leave the guy in who's helping you win. Buyer,
You're you're a neutral NBA fan, Your team is not
in it anymore. What are your thoughts on Let's just
take with that seriesly de officiating.

Speaker 3 (11:12):
I think the officials get caught up in any home
arena with the crowd, and maybe maybe Madison Square Garden
would be the biggest place to do so, so you
ride that momentum, you make borderline calls to get that
sort of reaction. That is what I think happens. I

think you could. You'll see the same thing in in Indianapolis.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
Yeah, I tend to agree. Tend to agree. And the
point about the seventy eight mess calls is, I'm telling
you what's coming as a march of the free throw line.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
Yeah, he's laying groundwork for games three and four.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
You know, it's interesting in the in the Okama City
Dallas one, everybody made a big deal, myself included over
the twenty two free throws in the first half. And
what that did was Lively and Gafford both in foul
trouble and once if Oklahoma City can get to the rim,
especially Shay can get to the rim, different ballgame. But
what's not discussed is Dallas cut it to one in
the second half and lou Dort made a couple of

great plays and then Shay hits two threes and that
was that. But that officiating was embarrassing. It was bad,
and I agree with you. You get caught up in
it and it's oh yeah, by the way, why you
want the big name officials. That's why you want Scott
Foster on a game. We've created this thing. You need

a guy who's a it's a key word that ends
with a K. I don't think it's appropriate to say
on radio, right. You need an official like that because
that official ain't scared to call the hard thing, scared
to call the foul in the home team. But if
you just call the obvious ones, I think you're in
a better place than the officials. But Jalen Brunson creates contact.

That's what he does. That's how he plays. If you
ever asked yourself, like, how does he get off all
these shots? Because Jalen Brunson is probably the I don't know,
twentieth quickest, fastest guard in the NBA. And he's not
particularly big. He's maybe a little bit bigger than me.
But he understands angles and he understands how to create

space with physicality. He creates contact. It's amazing, and the
second you touch him, he jerks his head back and
sometimes even when he's not a hit, it's hard toffishiate.
But they have not done a good job at all.
At Oh, it's Doug Gottlieb Show here on Fox Sports Radio.

Coming up next on the Doug Gotlib Show Live from
the tairaq dot com studios. I gotta catch my breath.
I'm like so fired up with all the stuff. You know,
all the games, all the games.

Speaker 4 (14:03):
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listen live.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
Doug Ottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio, coming to you from
the tyreck dot com studios. So did you guys see
remember last week Kaitlin Clark was walking through the Dallas
Airport getting ready to go to her first preseason game,
and she was she wasn't sworn, but there was security
and there's people there and they're cheering for whatever. I
tweeted at the time, if the WNBA was smart, they

would keep her flying commercial because it's like man of
the people. Now, the WNBA four years actually three has said, hey,
why don't we have charter flights? And the obvious reason is,
well they're really really, really really expensive and not terribly necessary.

Not terribly necessary, but in a very rare preseason turn events.
The WNBA is now allowing league wide their teams to
charter and the thinking is, hey, end of this season,

there's going to be a new TV deal, and with
the new TV deal, there'll be new income. With new
income and with a new collective bardon agreement also up
at the end of the season, we'll be chartering. Anyway.
I give you my thoughts on it in one second,
but first I have breaking news. Nobody's better at it

than Danbyer.

Speaker 4 (15:47):
Breaking news from Fox Sports Doug.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
After just one season, multiple reports are saying that Frank
Vogel is out as the head coach of the Phoenix Suns.
They won forty nine and thirty three, but were ousted
in the first round of the playoffs courtesy of a
broom by the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
Surprising, not stunning. Surprising, not stunning. There was a a
couple things. Kevin is Kevin Young, right, that's the coach BYU.
I just want to make sure Kevin Young he was
the lead assistant previously. Okay, he was a lead assistant

and he was up for the head coaching job. And
as part of Frank Vogel taking the job, Kevin Young
stayed on staff as I believe one of, if not
the highest paid assistant in the NBA. That relationship didn't work,
didn't work, didn't work, and then bad fit between Kevin

Durant and and Vogel in that Kevin Rant wants to
be coached. This is one of those things, like there's
a lot of people who say a lot of stuff
about like Lebron James that don't know anything. Some people
do know stuff. By the way, Lebron James did not
get Darvin Ham fired. Darvin Ham got Darvin Haam fired. Okay,

let me, let me, let me I'll get to Frank
Vogel on a second. Okay. Things that you can only
get here on the Doug Gottlieb Show is called the truth.
Darvin Ham was ill prepared to be the head coach
and was prepared for his own meetings or his own
training camp, okay late to his own coaches meetings, and

by all accounts, hadn't watched the film. Just so you know,
most NBA coaches a matter of fact, I don't know
of any NBA coach who doesn't do this. Is they
get done with practice and games and everybody does this
in college as well, where they they get done and

the video guy comes and meets with them, and one
they have the whole practice tape, and two they get
clips and they put together their own film that they
want cut. Then they go home, then they watch it
whenever they want at night again, take their notes, and
the next day they come to meetings and everything's prepared
for them and they go through things that they want
to work on. Darvinham didn't do a lot of that,

and they can track it, and he didn't watch his
own video that was sent to him, which again not
a fireball offense. But when you work with Lebron James,
who's the most prepared superstar in the NBA. Like, look,
we can take shots at Lebron and say he doesn't
read the books that he says he reads fine, but

Lebron James watches tape incessantly, He craves data, craves information,
and his coach wasn't prepared take Lebron aside for his
own meetings, let alone for games. He was just a
let's go out and play hard and play harder, play hardess,
which is it's great, doesn't work today, especially when it

might have worked with Kevin Durant doesn't work with Lebron
James doesn't work. In addition to which, there were other
people in that organization that felt like Darvin Ham didn't
treat other people in that building, be it other assistants

or other coaches or other people in that building well,
didn't work for the Lakers. And that's why when he
got fired. You hear all these people saying Lebron, Lebron, Lebron, Lebron,
except there isn't a single Laker who has come to
the defense of Darvinham. The only guy. He had no relationship,
zero relationship with Austin Reeves. None people like Austin Reeves.

Player development was all because of Darvin Hand. They had
no relationship. The only strong relationship he had was with
the Angelo Russell, who no one on the Lakers can stand.
That's why he got fired. He's not a good enough
coach for that level of basketball at this point in
time in his career. He's not a bad human, okay,

but he did not handle himself, report himself, especially for
the Lakers. Now, for Frank Vogel, what I've heard was
he didn't you know, he's a data guy, he's a
film nerd and Kevin Durant is not, and he over
coached getting ready for the playoffs. That the constantly bringing

guys in, constantly watching film, constantly having meetings. They're like
oh yea YoY. And because Devin Booker had such a
strong relationship with Kevin Young that Frank kind of under
coached him where Devin Booker wants to be coached. His
dad coached him growing up, taught him how to be

a player like Craves coaching, and Frank was a little
stand offish because he was new to that. Relationship didn't work.
Was it fixable? I think it was. But Matt Ishbia,
their owner, he wants things now, now, now, now, now,
now now. So I actually don't mind the way Ishbia

did it. I like Frank as I know people on
that staff obviously, and people on both staffs. They're not bad,
none of our bad people. I kind of get it
because that was a disaster of a playoff series. They
did not do a good job. And if you have
three superstars, it's much easier to get rid of coached

then it is the stars. Mark Bedina, one second, let
me get you to Dan Byer. Get a quick update.
Damn what you got. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (22:05):
Aside from Frank Vogel being canned after just one season
in Phoenix, Patrick Beverlee is going to be out the
first four games of next season, suspended today by the
NBA for his actions near the end and after their
Game six loss to Indiana last week. Hornets are hiring
Celtics assistant coach Charles Lee. He's going to be their
head coach, getting a four year deal to go to Charlotte.

Celtics Tonight host the Cavs, seven Eastern Mavericks and Thunder
nine to thirty Eastern Time. The Los Angeles Rams traded
wide receiver at Ben's Goronic to the Houston Texans, as
the teams are swapping late round picks and free agil.
Wide receiver Alan Robinson has agreed to terms with the
New York Giants on a contract. Toronto Maple Leafs fired
head coach Sheldon Keith today, done after five seasons. Leafs

were ousted from the playoffs by the Bruins in seven games.
Dave Baseball saw the Twins ro oute the Mariners eleven one,
Diamondbacks edged the Reds in Cincinnati five to four. Rocky's
up on the Giants seven to one right now in
the bottom of the fifth inning, Wells Fargo Champion Chip
signature event on the PGA Tour. Quite the leader board
worry McElroy, Coluin, Morikawa, Xander Schoffley and others currently tied

at four under par as first round play continues, Doug
Beck to you.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
All right, let's welcome in Mark Beadina, of course, Fox
Sports Radio, NBA Insider and Mark, there's a breaking news
and what I obviously you know we had you coming on.
I'm sure you knew this. Frank Vogel fired in Phoenix.
What's your reaction?

Speaker 5 (23:28):
Not surprising? I think that we were anticipating and changed
because you can't get swat in the first round, especially
the fact that Matti should have put up so much
money for that payroll. But now I think it's going
to be about what do they do moving forward, because
like the Lakers, they have a lot of question marks about, Okay,
which head coach can they find? There's no definitive home

run candidates. But I think it's even going to be
more challenging compared to the Lakers because unless they decide
to blow up their roster, and maybe that is the solution,
but There doesn't seem to be any short term patchwork
things because of just how limited they are from a
cap perspective and how they're tied in with different contracts.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
Here, who is going to be the next sad coach
of Lakers?

Speaker 5 (24:15):
I wish I could tell you, Doug. They are keeping
an open mind and moving at a deliberate pace. They
would want Tylu, but he's not going anywhere. The Clippers
have made it clear that at some point that they're
going to do what it takes to keep them on
a nice, hefty extension. I think that the thing to
keep in mind. NBA Draft combine starting Sunday. I wish

I had specifics, but I was at least told that
there's gonna be conversations being had there about potential candidates.
There is a feeling that while they have cast a
wide net, that they're looking at Mike Budenholzer as the
most favored because hey, he has had coaching experience, even
though the Bucks fired him for adjustment issues. He's want

a championship. But I think that technically the Lakers have
kept him open mind.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
Whether I got to tell you, how are you going
to fire a Budenholzer guy? And then higher Budenholzer exactly.
It doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 5 (25:15):
Yeah, well that's the internal expectation that he is the favorite.
That doesn't mean it's going to happen. But that's just
weird the scuttle butt around the league. But I think
when you talk to people with the Lakers, they they
might be leaning more toward experience only because that's the
opposite of what we saw with Darvin Ham. But it
could very well be the assistant coach route or you know,
the wild card like a JJ Reddick. But I think

regardless of whichever bucket they choose, I think that they're
trying to safeguard against the potential negatives. So if they
do go in experience, but high IQ former NBA player
and JJ Reddick making sure that there, you know, is
enough experience on his staff to make up for his
lack of experience.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
How does Patrick Beverley only get four games for playing
a basketball twice? And I'd like, I am stunned, stunned
if a fan threw a ball at a player, they
would never be able to go to NBA game ever.
And it's not like Patrick bevery like this is his
first time he's ever had gotten into any sort of
trouble with the NBA law. Like dude throwing a ball

on a fan twice, you get four games next year.
That sounds crazy to me in soft punishments.

Speaker 5 (26:25):
I'm with you. I thought it was at least going
to be slightly south of double digit punishments. And look
here me out, Doug. I'm not saying it's like Malice
of the Palace, right that run our Test got the
eighty six games, the most for a non drug relaid
suspension in NBA history. But I think that you can
make the argument, even though you know run our Tests

deserve the punishment, that there's an understanding of why he
reacted that way, even though it's much more severe versus
how Pat Beverley reacted because you know, all the fans
were Yellen, were the one two to three cancuon tons.
There is nothing personal, nothing about the family, no threats,
nothing racial. They was just fan trash talk, very harmless.

So it's disappointing. And you know, you combine that with
really the slap on the wrists, fine with Jamal Murray
for throwing the heat pack. It just reeks of the
NBA not wanting to offend their players, even though you know,
what they did was.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Inexcusable, inexcusable, It's just inexcusableuse a I've never heard of
seventy whatever, seventy two calls over two games being sent
to the league, you know, never heard of them.

Speaker 5 (27:38):
I've never heard of the exact tally. As you know, Doug.
It's typical every team, whether they gripe about the officiating
after the game or not, they'll send a series of
calls to the league, and it's in conjunction with the
other team, and it's usually under the guys of hey,
here is a pattern of things that were noticing. Can
you give us explanation or at least heads up? But yeah,

to have the exact number of calls that they took
issue with was amusing. And look, I'm not gonna, you know,
say that the officials are blameless here. And certainly home
court crowds can play a factor. It's only human nature.
But I think it's had more to do with, you know,
Jalen Brunson and the New York Knicks and the Pacers

falling apart in crunch time than bad calls.

Speaker 1 (28:24):
Yeah, well yeah, I mean, why not play TJ McConnell
more late. I don't understand that.

Speaker 5 (28:30):
Yeah, that's the other thing I mean, especially because Andrew
mhard was so effective before. So yeah, I mean they
might be taking issue with some of the late game
calls like that double dribble violations or in a key possession,
but I think at that point when you're splitting hairs
and saying and in sinnyway, and that could decide the outcome.
There's so many plays in the game. It's usually majority

ninety nine percent of time basketball plays to determine a
winner and loser.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
Yeah, is Luca healthy, No.

Speaker 5 (29:01):
He's not. He's been dealing with that right knee injury.

Speaker 2 (29:04):

Speaker 5 (29:04):
I think the question is is he is he injured
or healthy enough to play. I don't think he's injured,
but he's not healthy. But you know, knowing how Luca is,
he has a good pain threshold, so you know, it's
just on the MAVs of trying to get the treatment
in between games, try to relieve the burden off of

him and then trust that he can will his way
to good performances.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
Mark Dina joining us our Fox Sports Radio NBA Insider.
This is the Doug Gottlieb Show. Here on Fox Sports Radio. Okay,
then you have the Boston Celtics, who are just seemingly
kind of cruising along here. They did lose Charles Leasing
me the next head coach of the Charlotte Hornets. Everybody
regards him. Guy played a buck. Now he's a hell

of a player and become a widely regarded future head coach.
Now he is the head coach. What if anything derails
the Celtics, I.

Speaker 5 (30:01):
Think that injury number is number one, obviously, and we'll
always have to keep our eyes and ears open on
Chriss Porzingis because of his injury history, even though you
know he's made improvements the last two years with his
trainers of making his body more durable. The injury history
is the injury history. The second thing is just them
gained their own way and feeling complacent. I think we

saw that a little bit in the Miami series. But
I think so far, when they feel like they've been
tested or you know, vulnerable, they have risen to the occasion.
And so I think as it pertains to Cleveland, very
hard for me to believe that they could seriously threaten
level and beat them. But you don't want to go
down the path of making any series more difficult than

it is, because that that way, war of attrition could
catch up to you, you know, in future rounds when
you do need to play at your absolute best.

Speaker 1 (30:53):
That's the voice of Mark Medini joins on the Doug
Otleig Show on Fox Sports Radio. What's the league reaction
to minister to throling Denver twice in Denver?

Speaker 5 (31:03):
Yeah, I think the league reaction is, maybe we're seeing
the future NBA champions this season. Look, what was it
last month? I thought, Hey, I'll get a leapier prediction
that they'll win a title. Maybe it's not saying much
here that they could actually seriously win it this year.
I thought it was going to be Denver because of
their experience. I didn't think Minnesota was going to be
overwhelmed with the moment, but I just thought their depth

continuity would rise above. But the thing that really troubles me,
Doug about Denver in Game two is that they didn't
show the kind of resiliency that championship team show. It's
one thing to fall behind early against the Lakers. Maybe
that had a little bit of a feeling of them
playing with their food and not feeling tested. But they
had really talked about their ability to make adjustments in

the resiliency. They didn't show any resiliency in game two.
You know, you obviously saw Jamal Murray struggle to hit shots,
have his hot pad incident. Nikole Jokic, even without Rudy Gobert,
was limited with harl Anthony Towns. And so I think
moving forward, I think this is going to be a
competitive series. I think the Nuggets will certainly win games,
but I think that you know, not only is Minnesota

in control right now, but I think they're going to
be in control the rest of the series and go
on to advantage.

Speaker 1 (32:14):
Yeah, I think they've They've I'll give you I'll give
you my quick analysis. Jamal Murray is not a point guard.
They've exposed that he's not a point guard. And they've
also exposed the flaw in this roster that the second
best ball handlers Jokic and you know. And so they're
going at Jamal Murray when they're on defense and going
at Jokic at the rim when they're on offense. That's

the basics of the of the game plan. And it's
been fantastic execution. Fantastic execution, especially the defensive end by
the Wolves. Mark, You're the best. It truly appreciates join us. Thanks,
Beary guest and Fox Sports Tradio Dog right back at you.

Speaker 5 (32:49):
My friend always enjoyed talking NBA with it.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
Oh, no question, He's awesome. He's Mark Medina, Funky Cole
Madina joining us on the Doug Gottlieb Show.

Speaker 4 (32:57):
Be sure to catch the live edition of The Doug
Gottliebs weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific.

Speaker 1 (33:04):
What I'm Doug Gottlieb Show, Fox Sports Radio. My mom
is uh. She's retired now, but she was an interior designer.
She designed the insights of hospital hospitals and medical office buildings.
And you know what the number one lesson I learned
from from from her, Dan Buyer.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
Was what's up?

Speaker 1 (33:22):
She told me that. I was like, Mom, why, why?
Is like you're always looking for the best priced things,
And like I understand, She's like, son, the cheapest people
on earth are the richest people on earth. And remember
this is back when we're kids, when doctors had all
the money, right, doctors and lawyers had all the night.

Now it's all people in finance and in tech. But
the point is that rich people usually spend smartly. Poor
people don't. Right. The the number one part of number
one demo in people that buy cigarettes. You guys, remember
I cheer with this is level of education. Right, The
smarter you are, the less likely are to smoke because

it's not just what it does to your body, it's
crazy expensive. And what's the old adage? Right, like poor
people buy lottery tickets, poor people buy cigarettes. You know,
poor people live on credit. The WNBA has lost money
for twenty five years. And Caitlin Clark comes to the

NBA WNBA and before they get a new TV deal,
before they get any money that they're gonna spend it
all on charter flights. Okay, you sound like the people
that are betting on the com is the is the
uh is the gambling expression. You're spending money that you

assume you're gonna get and maybe you do, but all
the other expenses are gonna go up. Let's get to
the press, the press.

Speaker 3 (34:58):
It's the big news of the day. Doug in the
MB the Sun's firing head coach Frank Vogel after just
one season.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
Frank vogelas had an interesting career, hasn't he like great rise?
With the Pacers, get to the Eastern Conference Finals, can
never beat Lebron. Then he went to Orlando. That never worked.
Then he goes to the Lakers and they went an
NBA championship, lose his job, gets the Suns, has the

three stars last one year. It's a wild ride.

Speaker 3 (35:28):
It's almost starting to be Doc Rivers esque a little bit,
A little bit, yes. The more news from the NBA.
Former forward Glenn big Baby Davis sentenced to three and
a half years in prison after he was convicted of
defrauding the NBA's insurance plan.

Speaker 1 (35:42):
I mean, that's a big babies. Didn't he do something
with porn stars like two weeks ago two or something
like that, Like.

Speaker 3 (35:51):
I don't know, I'm not sure that's Donald Trump. I
think I'm not gonna check it out on the work computer.

Speaker 1 (35:57):
He did not sleep with Donald Trump's did not have anyway.

Speaker 3 (36:01):
The NBA did suspend Patrick Beverley four games for his
actions near the end and after Game six of their
loss in Indiana.

Speaker 1 (36:09):
I'm I'm flum mixed flom mixed four games for throwing
a ball not once but twice at a fan flm
mixed and and.

Speaker 3 (36:19):
His uh, do you subscribe to my podcast. Comments to
the reporter afterward, those were all bundled in as one.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
Okay, I mean he might not be in the NBA
next year anyway, so does I guess maybe it doesn't matter.

Speaker 3 (36:38):
Former LSU wait, I'm sorry. Something was in my ear
and I have no idea what it was about. Do
we do we need to wave this off? Sam Jason? Don't.
I don't know what Jason said to you. I shared
it on the air. I don't know. That's why I
don't want to share it on the air, because.

Speaker 6 (36:56):
On your itineraries that I do have, Yipe what's his name,
Yepez Mizuhara. Lionsgate bought the rights and they're doing a movie.
Did you read that?

Speaker 4 (37:08):

Speaker 6 (37:08):
No, No, I just wanted by one one. Didn't they
just make the fall Guy?

Speaker 1 (37:13):

Speaker 3 (37:19):
Speaking of gambling, former LSU stars Juden Daniels and Malik
Neighbors reportedly have a ten thousand dollars bet on the
line over who finishes higher in voting for the NFL's
Rookie of the Year. There's just one problem. The NFL
wouldn't allow this sort of bet. Under their gambling policy.

Speaker 1 (37:35):
You're allowed to bet against each other on things, of
course not. But you're allowed to bet too.

Speaker 3 (37:40):
That was so weird.

Speaker 1 (37:41):
You're allowed to bet on other sports, but you're not
allowed to bet on your.

Speaker 3 (37:44):
SA bet on yourself? Would you bet on bon Jovi?
We'll wrap it up with this. Richie Samboras, speaking with
the Alison Hagendorf Show, said that he would consider a
reunion with jb j despite leaving the band more than
a decade ago. Now, John bon Jovi recently or within

the last couple of years, had vocal cords surgery, but
sam Bora said that if he gets his voice back,
John bon Jovi, sam Bora would be up for a
bon Jovi reunion. Mmm.

Speaker 1 (38:18):
Yeah, they're living on a prayer there.

Speaker 2 (38:20):

Speaker 1 (38:22):
I'll pass.

Speaker 4 (38:22):

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Kind of like the WNBA hey hey, I love it
what guitarists feel. They're just as equal as the lead
singer whose name name of the band. Yes, I don't
like bon Jovi without sam Boras said, no one ever,
And that's the press.

Speaker 1 (38:38):
They get out there and pressed.

Speaker 4 (38:39):
That was the press.

Speaker 1 (38:41):
My daughter's a bassist. Gotta know where you're gotta know
where you're standing in the band. Band hierarchy, bassis not
usually number one, except, of course, in primus les Kleypool's
a God stug otleb Show, Fox Sports Radio,
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