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May 14, 2024 21 mins

Doug talks openly about his decision to accept the head basketball coaching job at UW-Green Bay. Plus, Doug chooses among deserving candidates that Jason Stewart deems as most annoying today.  

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, this is the Doug Gottlieb Show. Heres in
the Bonus with Doug gottlie.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
What Up, Doug Gottlieb Show, The Bonus and Fox Sports Radio,
iHeartRadio app Welcome, Welcome, Welcome in.

Speaker 1 (00:21):

Speaker 2 (00:22):
What should we get to on the pod? The thunder
wind and Mavericks shooting free throws poorly or the Celtics
beating the Calves or Brownie James of the combine or
Caitlin Clark playing tonight. No, no, uh, we broke the
news on the show officially, and the show, by the way,

will go on and it's still my show. But in
addition to the Doug Gottlieb Show duties, I am the
new head coach at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay,
and there's a lot, there's a lot that goes to

it what we'll do here, and we did this a
little on the radio show. Is a maiden voyage press
conference of questions that I think will be asked tomorrow
in Green Bay, Wisconsin. But I think there's an interesting
parallel there, obviously with JJ Reddick. Maybe he's going to
get the Lakers job, and JJ has been an NBA

analyst for a couple of years since retiring or did
he just retired last year the year before, I don't remember,
but hasn't coached before. And college basketball coaching is different
in the NBA, but it's the same in terms of
you know, everybody thinks you have to have done it.
Look if it was rocket science, do you know who
would be on the sidelines of college basketball games? Rocket scientists.

So I'm really excited. It's obviously a monumental, monumental challenge,
and I I'm here for it. And it's it's really interesting.
You know, you get people like, well, you know, there's
gonna be a lot of negativity. Have you seen my
social media posts?

Speaker 3 (02:15):

Speaker 2 (02:16):
Have you seen it? Have you felt it? Do you
have any idea what I put up with on a
daily basis on social media when I tweet out a
question about how Caitlin Clark shoots the basketball, and it's
met with all kinds of negativity. So I'm excited And
if you care about these sort of things, We're still

doing the radio show, same time, the pod is same,
everything is, nothing changes. The only difference is, uh, we'll
be at We'll be at Packer games, the Green Bay Packers,
and so my love for Jordan, Love continues, I will

have a cheesehead and we'll be able to do a lot,
a lot of fun stuff. And the difference in this
show and I believe any other sports radio show is
we get to talk about real shit because I've really
lived it and I really will be living it. You know,
there is no one you're going to listen to on

the radio, obviously who's an acting head college coach. But
you know all these things that we talk about that
I believe many people in our industry, and I say industry,
the broadcast industry, don't really know about. I'll know about.
In addition to which, the connections and ties I have
with the Packers, with others in the National Football League,

with other colleges and look like college sports, even though
I'm in basketball. It all becomes like I have my
phone is holy shit, three hundred and fifteen text messages
in the last thirty minutes. It's all kind of connected together.
And so my desire is to bring you real opinions

based upon real stuff, not on the BS that's out
there from other people who think or maybe we're told,
but I'll know this, it makes sense. So I'm super
excited I'm gonna throw on a suit for the first
time in a while tomorrow, I'm gonna do a presser
and then we're gonna go out and get dudes, go
get players, And if you need me, I'll be in

the gym. What do you think of that as the
slogan you need me, I'll be in the gym? Is
that too cheesy? Jay Stu? I mean, like listen, Dion
was like, I ain't hard to find, right, I ain't
hard to find. I'll just be like listen, I may
be hard to find. I'm in Green Bay, wis consent.
If you need me, I'll be in the gym.

Speaker 3 (04:42):
Me think I think it's a great tagline. Yeah, that's
a good one, yea. The the question I have for
you is hit on that last part that you just
touched on, like how how many current players are going
to be carry over? Like how how confident are you?

And and having a team full of players here in
the near future.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
So here's the reality to it. Okay, the reality to
it is, uh, the coach was only there for a year. Okay,
he was only there for a year, So not all
those players have only played for him. Some have played
for will Ryan who is the coach previous to him,
And it's a little late in the cycle. But here,

here's and this is. I just sent a group text
to all the players, okay, and the group text is
basically this, I want you all back. I want every
one of you back, but I only want you back
if you're You're all in right, You're all in right now.

There are are seven six returning scholarship players, one who
joined them out of the portal, and one who signed
as a freshman. I believe, so I have eight under scholarship.
You get thirteen scholarships, so technically I have five spots.

If I lose one or two, if I lose all eight,
we'll be okay. My desire is to have every one
of those kids wearing a green and white uniform next year.
That's my desire, But there's also the reality of, hey,
that's not what I signed up for.

Speaker 3 (06:38):
Okay, Okay.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
I will fight tooth and nail to keep every one
of those kids. But if they're not in, you can't
make them be in. You know you can't. I'm not.
I don't want hostages. I want volunteers, and like, listen,
if you don't want to win, if you don't want
to have a lot of fun, Okay, then don't do it.
No one's forcing you, but he can, I can. I

just be completely honest, which I try to be. I'm
just really really honest. Tell me somewhere in life I
haven't won. So if I want in college as a player,
if I want in high school as a player, if
I've won in life with all of these jobs, this

is winning. People don't understand how hard do you know
how hard is to get this radio show? You know
how competitive a world it is. I am a super
competitive person. I hate losing way more than I like winning.
And I think I know a thing or two about
the game, and I'm going to hire people that know

what I don't know. So again, if you want to win, stay,
If it's not for you, that's okay too. Just going
to have to let me know makes sense?

Speaker 3 (08:04):
It does? What about your staff of coaches?

Speaker 2 (08:09):
In progress? But I have a plan, And the plan
was looked like it was evolving and changing yesterday, and
now it looks like it's back on track to be
where I wanted to be. So here's the cool thing.
My dad was in this business for fifty years before

his death. My dad created an army of people that
he knew and supported. My brother's been in this business
for nearly thirty years, mostly on the men's side. Now
he's on the women's side, so guess what he gets
to do coach AU basketball. When youre a women's coaching
coach the men in AU basketball, he has an army
of people supporting me and through my times. Because I

haven't coached a game, I have not only zero losses,
I have zero enemy in basketball everybody. I haven't taken
a player, or taken a coach, or change the scheduling
of a game or anything that somebody would not like.
So uh, because of that, I have kind of an

open canvas or a blank canvas that I can paint
this picture on. But in terms of what I'm looking for, Like, dude,
what's the most important thing when you're when you're when
you're starting a job, who you work for, work for
a good boss, and who you're who you who you
put yourself around and around me are an army of
people that believe in me and that know what I

don't know.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Doug Gottlieb
Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific on Fox
Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (09:49):
Sammy, you got questions? Give me one fire away, Sam?

Speaker 3 (09:55):
Sure you can make this all work?

Speaker 1 (09:57):

Speaker 2 (09:58):
Yes, yes, all right. I actually think it'll be in
many ways easier for you guys, especially because my first
hire is a dear friend of mine who's the most
efficient dude on Earth, and he has one job, and
that one job is to manage me in my time
so where I'm supposed to be, who I'm supposed to

be talking about. So yeah, can I do it?

Speaker 3 (10:22):

Speaker 2 (10:23):
Because, as you guys know, last year, this past year,
I've been doing a stadium show. I do games on radio,
games on TV for multiple different networks. I also had
I also had an AU program of my own, and
I was going back and forth to Oklahoma being a
consultant for Oklam Mistake. So now when two jobs and

when I have people working for me and somebody helped
plan yea agnubo, I have no question and I think
they both help each other. You know this, like We're
not going to talk Green Bay Phoenix basketball on a
daily basis, but I'm gonna share stories with you, and
it it inherently promotes everything we're doing. Conversely, I think

it promotes everything we're doing on the radio every time
I'm on TV or we're doing a college doing a
back basketet and brings more credibility. And if you think
it doesn't bring credibility to the NFL stuff like, then
you don't understand sports. Because sports to sports, and I'm
connected with all these sports people and this just gives
me even more credibility. There is no one who will
There isn't anyone in the history of national sports radio

or national media who has had their own TV show,
their own national radio show, who has been a college
basketball analyst on radio and on TV, who's now been
a head coach in college run an AU program like
you name it. I've actually done, like checked all the boxes.
My dear friend Tom Brennan used to do this when

he was the head coach at Vermont. He was at
a morning show every day in Burlington, Vermont. And I mean,
he's a brilliant guy, super energetic, he's awesome, right, but
he had he had an expression that he used that
I'm gonna use right now, which is I want to
be sick when I'm when I die. And the idea
was like and I was. It was always about like Tommy,

you sure you want to eat that barbecue? Like my boy,
I want to be sick when I die. The point
is I want to live right, I want to I
want to touch all those parts of my brain. And
have you ever, you guys, ever seen that list? You
ever seen that list that people have of of check

off all these things? Have you ever jumped out of
a plane, surfed, skied, blah blah blah, been married, ben divorce,
had kids, gotten drunk, had a one night stand, et cetera,
et cetera, et cetera. I want to check as many
of those boxes as possible. Some I checked that I
wish I hadn't, But this one I definitely want to check.
And if you know me, this is who I am.

This is who I've always been.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
Of all the reaction you've gotten already on social media, like,
what's the criticism that you are most eager to prove wrong?

Speaker 2 (13:08):
Well, here's the thing, Okay, here's the honest thing. There's
nothing I can really say that actually matters.

Speaker 3 (13:16):

Speaker 2 (13:16):
We don't play until like November ninth, So all the
other stuff is just palaver. It's just YadA, YadA, YadA. Right,
So there's again nothing I'm gonna say that's gonna convince
you other than I know enough to know what I
don't know. I'm hire people that know what I don't know.
But I do know ball. I do know how to

make kids love each other, play together, play hard. I
know how to coach ball. And I know how to
motivate people to donate to our nil fund, which is
gonna help us get better players and help us keep
the players. That we have all these different things I
inherently know how to do and the things that I
don't know how to do. I'm gonna hire people, but.

Speaker 3 (14:00):
I don't know. I'm not.

Speaker 2 (14:01):
Actually, I'm too besieged by uh an honor, by people's
text messages and calls to ever worry about negativity on
social media. I'm built for it. It's fine. I'm sure
you know that. You know the basics. The way you get,
you'll get credit cards, you'll get free throws, you get
you never done it before, Okay, fine, you know they
said it couldn't be done.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
It will be some uh.

Speaker 4 (14:26):
In one word, summarize the next six months for you,
one word adjective uh.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
One word I have a word in mind. Exhilarating, exhilarating, Okay, indefatigable.
That's my favorite word.

Speaker 3 (14:45):
That's a big word. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (14:46):
I stole it from J Billis. J Billis said it
on TV once and I was like, what the fuck's
that mean? Looked it up. I was like, I love it.
It means tireless, by the way, but in a J.
Billis way was delivered so well.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
In the be sure to catch live editions of The
Doug Gottlieb Show weekdays at three pm Eastern noon Pacific
on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Let's find out who or what is annoying Jason Stewart.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
And now it's your annoying.

Speaker 3 (15:23):
I feel compelled to say that the first thing I'm
annoyed by today is uh that everybody that I know
in the business is reaching out to me about your business.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
So what's the what's the weirdest one I have? I
have the most annoying one possible. You want it?

Speaker 3 (15:39):

Speaker 2 (15:40):
Okay? Do you know my biggest flaws of human I
have two flaws. You know, my two biggest flaws of
hum beinger.

Speaker 3 (15:50):
Let's see organization scheduling. If they're not.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
I think they're uh well, organization scheduling comes from the
fact that I say yes to everybody. I have a
problem saying no. Okay, that that would be it. But
the organizations, fint, what do you think the other one.

Speaker 3 (16:07):
Is your utter lolack of time.

Speaker 2 (16:13):
No, you're all all the same ship, the same umbrella.

Speaker 3 (16:19):
Now, another character flaw would be.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
What I don't think this is a character flaw, but
it's that I I I don't know if it's I trust.
I trust people too much. But I also I forgive
very very easily. I'm I'm too forgiving. So I've had
I've really been repped by two awesome agents that are

very very different. I had another agent who has reapped
me for a while and I actually like him. I
like him as a human being. But I don't know
if it was during COVID or whatever, but we got
kind of sideways and and we ended our professional relationship,

ended it and over the past three years, periodically I
know people who have always been under his watch who
have done well, and I've texted him, hey man, congrats
on this, congrats on that, and again, like would love
to catch up, shoot me a text, give me a call, anything,

I literally have sixteen unanswered texts. But again, I always
I take the high road. I'm super forgiving. I don't
even know what in his mind and the relationship, it
just I didn't need him and I didn't want to
employ him for something that I didn't need, and I
felt like I just didn't feel like it clicked. Because
there's a there's a lot to it. But it's just
the end of a professional relationship. It's fine. Still, personal relationship,

be good. I got a text from career I was
laying me today and I'm like, I don't know really,
you know, So I'm going to give a quick shout
out to Seth Davis, who I'm going to read this
Texas is really good. You're ready for it? Oh, this
is like might actually maybe my favorite one of the day.

Hold On, first of all, I work with I said, hey,
I need a quote for the pressure release quote. I
work with Doug for many years at CBS. He never
shited his pants even once. I think that's pretty good, right,
that's a really good quote. We're putting that one in
the putting that one in the thing. But when I

did the dumb white man's perspective thing on CBS Seth Davis,
who I was in many I wasn't hired to replace
him or move him over, but he got moved over
some When I was hired, there was the first person
to call and check on me and kind of talked
me through everything. So Seth, you're a stud, dude, You're

a fucking stud and so many of you who have
been in my corner for a long time, you are
a fucking studs.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
That seems on brand for Seth from everything I've heard
of him or about him. And he also tweets out
be kind every day. That's that's a good message. One
thing that I'm annoyed about today, Doug, is all of
the social media with these swimsuit editions. I guess there's
some athletes doing doing the swimsuit edition for Sports Illustrated.

Here's the problem. I thought we buried Sports Illustrated three
months ago. I thought that one day when everybody had
a post about their first Sports Illustrated and how sad
it's going away. And I think you're one of the
voices that was like, it's not going away. Something's gonna change,
but it's not going away. It's just it annoys me
that we already gave a funeral to something, and now

I'm seeing that it's alive and well, I go to
SI dot com every day. Now they have a swimsuit edition,
Like get that. I feel that like the bait and
switch a little bit.

Speaker 2 (19:56):
I would like part of it is people don't know
the differencen in chapter seven, in chapter eleven, which you're right,
which one is liquidation means it's done, and which one is, Hey,
we're just getting a new buyer. That's that's the big thing.
But the Swimson edition has value. Sports Illustrat's name has value,
the catalog of interviews has value. And yet it's people
who didn't know that this ship was still around. But

they also like they've done some things to really change,
Like the Swimson edition was just, hey, put hot chicks
in a swimsuit and so US guys can it was
like the old it was softcore before soft core was
was available for free on the internet. Hardcore free on
the internet. So I've heard, I've been told I don't
know these things. Who else is annoying you?

Speaker 3 (20:37):
No, that's it. I think the Sports Illustrated funeral that
shouldn't have been And then people hitting me up for
information on you and then people that you were too
forgiving to.

Speaker 2 (20:53):
I would say, people hitting you up, people hitting you up.
It's like, all right, that's it for the In the
Bonus podcast, I'm Doug Gottlieb. We'll check you tomorrow. This
is in the Bonus h
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