All Episodes

May 13, 2024 48 mins

On a Monday edition of The Best Of The Doug Gottlieb Show: Doug explains how the Nuggets went from being down 0-2 and facing two games on the road, to being tied 2 games to 2 in their series with Minnesota.  He quotes Rudy T when he said "never question the heart of a champion".

Doug and the crew share what they loved and what they hated from the sports weekend. 

Doug welcomes FSR NBA analyst and former NBA player Ryan Hollins onto the show to talk about the Nuggets, Knicks and all of the major headlines around the NBA. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
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It's the way that tire buying should be. Hey, how
you doing. Do you have a good weekend? Huh? Did

you all right? Well? What do we got here?

Speaker 2 (00:52):

Speaker 1 (00:54):
What do we got? Well? What we got is quite
quite the change, Quite the change in uh in series,
the Denver Nuggets were down two games none heading into
the Twin Cities. Quick aside, does any city get less

spoken word respect than Saint Paul? Okay? Can you think
of that?

Speaker 2 (01:26):

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Does there any city in America?

Speaker 2 (01:31):

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Because Budapest is two cities? You guys know, that one
side of the river, there's Buddha, there's Pesh, and they
call it Budapest. New York City, New York, New York.
The city is so nice they named it twice, right,
But there isn't really another city there like Newark, although

people don't talk about Newark any right, anything that's Jersey.
Nobody actually names a Jersey city at the New Jersey Devils.
It's not the Newark Devils. But I would say that
Saint Paul, which is home to the hockey team, correct, right,
But even the hockey team is the Minnesota Wild. Does

anybody actually know that Saint Paul exists? It's the other twin.
It's the the veto to Schwarzenegger. All right, enough, let's
get to the sport. What a turn of events. And look,
cliches are overused expressions, right, And we're taught when you

start in this business, don't be cliche. Don't say us
something that's been used a thousand, a million times. But
whether it's a cliche or it's just a great quote
that's been re quoted, retweeted a million times, Rudy t
did say it back in the day.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
Those non believers don't ever under estimate the heart of
a champion.

Speaker 1 (03:02):
That's the great Rudy tom Janovich. He was talking about
his team, the Houston Rockets, who went back to back
NBA titles. Right, don't ever underestimate the heart of a champion,
and I think that's what everybody did. But also don't
underestimate the intelligence of a coaching staff. I mean, it's crazy,

it's weird. We see this in games one to two.
I mean Dallas in Oklahoma City. Right game one, You're like, man,
how is Dallas ever gonna Luca's not healthy, Kyriez going
to one on one, Dallas doesn't have Maxi Kleeber. They're
just not that good. Oklahoma City's two athletic, too many weapons,
can't guard Shay YadA, YadA YadA, the bench, Aaron Wiggins

hitting threes, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And then
Jason Kidd, who people want to say, people have told
me not a good coach. And then I watched the
adjustments that they make in PJ. Washington. Suddenly they light
a fire on and he carries them for two games.
The games get really way more physical, and Luca finds
a way. So we see that from game one to

game two in that series, we've seen another for whatever reason,
we have this remarkable overestimation of home court advantage, and
it's a real thing. In Denver. You play a mile
high if you're not used to playing in that lack
of oxygen, especially this that game is supposed to be
supposed to be more difficult. But the Wolves are deeper,

they are younger, and all of that energy and athleticism
in games one or two undressed. Jamal Murray bothered Nikola
Jokic and seemed to have them completely lost as to
where they were supposed to go offensively, and then defensively
they struggled as well. They go back to well that's

actually in media. Let's just be honest, target centers in Minneapolis.
So sorry, Saint Paul, you don't get any ownership over
this one. They go back to the Big Twin in
the Twin Cities and a complete reversal of fortunes. Some
of it is adjustments, some of it is don't underestimate

the heart of a champion, and some of it is, hey,
Minnesota might not have been ready for the CounterPunch, might
not have been ready. Here's Mike Malone talking about all
the people who count them out.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
I think when we were leaving Denver, a lot of
people I don't think in Denver, but a lot of
people were, you know, understandably. So Sanda series is over
and uh, you know, to come up here and even
it up on the road. We've played good basketball. Rudy
t is right, man. Never underestimate the heart of a champion.
I mean, like they were quick to write us off,
you know, but these guys, we won a championship a

year ago.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (05:55):
We went into.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
Miami won two games in a row. Like this team
has been tested time and time again, and we found
a way to solve whatever's been thrown at us.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
Here's Anthony Edwards, the star for the Wolves, having a
back and forth with the reporter.

Speaker 4 (06:10):
Anthony, did you you have any words with the Jamal
or any of the Nuggets at the end of the game.

Speaker 5 (06:15):
There looked like, yeah, yeah, I just told us as
that's what we love that keep talking that that's what
we like. Well I love it, you know. So he
ain't say nothing back, but I'm pretty sure you heard me.
They hurt me and we lived for that.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
Anthony Edwards said this about the series being tied, and.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
This is series.

Speaker 5 (06:31):
I mean, we won two games, but we didn't think
it was gonna be easy. I mean, this is like
I always say, these are the defend I said it
after game too. They're not gonna lay down. They're gonna
punch and we're gonna punch back. And and they beat
us up tonight, the last two nights they beat us
up in the fight.

Speaker 2 (06:46):
And that's okay.

Speaker 5 (06:47):
You know, we'll be all right and bounce back, figure
it out next game and we'll be ready again. I
don't think they got any momentum. I mean, we won
two games. They won two games. At this point, it's
just whoever win two games. So I don't know how
people look at it, but I look at it like
I'm happy.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
I'm ready.

Speaker 5 (07:01):
It's competing at the highest level, and I'm smiling about
it because I'm happy. I'm ready to go play. If
we play tomorrow, I'll be ready. So it's gonna be fun.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
Well, the problem was Anthony Edwards is the problem when
he's off the court, right, they don't have anybody else
who can, seeminglarly, go get him a bucket. By the way,
here's Anthony Edwards on the three days off in between games.

Speaker 5 (07:21):
I think that three days hurt us. Actually, after those
two wins, they gave us like three days off or
three days before we play again. And I don't really
like that at all, But I think that's why we
came out sluggish Game three.

Speaker 2 (07:34):

Speaker 1 (07:36):
You know, I can tell you from personal from personal experience.
See if you can see if this makes a correlation. Guys,
when you have time to think about it, when you
have time to sit with it, it gets a lot different. Right,

you win two games and there's a day off in
between games, and you get rolling, and now all of
a sudden, you know, Denver older team with their stars,
they get a chance to catch their breath, figure some
things out, rest, at rest a little bit. And meanwhile,
in many ways the Wolves they got to sit and

think about it as well. And when you sit and
sit with it and think about it, man, that can
be really, really challenging. And I'll never forget when I
was I was in the summer league team for the
LA Lakers and the Lake Hairs practic facility, which they
have a new one now, But you'd walk in and

there was a receptionist, and behind the receptionist there's a
picture of Magic. There's a picture of Kobe. There's a
picture of Shack, and at the time, Kobe and Shack
are on the Lakers. And then you know, if you
have a key card or the code, you open up
the door and you walk down the hallway to the
locker room and there's a picture of Jerry Weston Elgim
Baylor and Shaquille O'Neal and Will Chamberlain and Kareem abdul Jabbar,

James Worthy and I think even Anthony Peeler got a picture.
And after about a week when the first week you're like,
I'm not making this team. It's the Lakers. I got
no shower. But the more you're around something, you start
convincing yourself, I can do this, I can do this,

I think. I don't think Minnesota, especially the Rudy Goberts,
who hasn't had great success in the playoffs. I don't
think they thought they could do it. But when they
got a two games to none lead, they start to
convince themselves, oh, we could do this. But the longer
you're there, the more reality sets it, the more it

becomes these guys are really good and they can make
an adjustment, and they can play physically and they understand
to not freak out. So much of it is about
your oceans. So I never thought the series was over
after two games. I didn't think it looked good. But

if you roll back the tape to Friday, I said,
the Nuggets are gonna win this game. I didn't know
they'd win two in a row. I didn't know they'd
do it in the fashion that they did, but I
had a lot of confidence that they weren't dead. And
this series is feeling a little bit like a series
we talked about last week, the ninety three Suns Lakers series,

right where the Lakers went out, won two games in
the desert and came back and collapsed. Now, if you're Minnesota,
obviously Anthony Edwards doesn't feel like he's questioned himself, But
what about the rest of the guys. You know, the
game to win was without Rudy Gobert. Do you play
him less? What do you generate offense when you don't

have Edwards in? And can you crank the thing back
up to playing with the tempo and the defensive pressure
you played with in the first two games. But what
a crazy turn of events over the weekend where if
you went out of town on Friday, you're like, you
know what, I'm gonna shut my phone off. I got

Mother's Day, I'm not even gonna look at it. And
you came back and now it's two to two. I
would say you'd be a bit surprised. Ready for a
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find your location. That's expresspros dot com. It's weird, right,
Like we're told that the best of the best of
us don't use cliches, but when the going gets tough,
the tough do in fact get going, right. What are
some of the other kind of cliches?

Speaker 6 (11:59):
Don't cry, spilt milk, don't crab or spilt milk. This
is a walk in the park.

Speaker 1 (12:04):
Walk in the park, walk in the park.

Speaker 6 (12:11):
I never looked to give it one hundred and ten
percent because that's mathematically impossible.

Speaker 1 (12:15):
What about the people who misused a tough road to hoe?
They always say, they say tough road toe, it's a
tough row to hoe. You cannot hoe a road you
can hoe a row byer, do you have a favorite
cliche that people use? And you're like, but all these

by the way, it is a it's tough to row
the whole road, or.

Speaker 4 (12:42):
A row it's you mentioned it and I literally went
completely blank. So I had this search, all right, what
are some what are some cliches that that if Doug says, Dan,
what's your favorite cliche?

Speaker 1 (12:59):
Because that was that's so cliche? Yes, to to google.
What are the cliches? So, you know, I always say
all's well, that ends well? You know, I always say that,
well that ends well.

Speaker 6 (13:10):
On Friday, we had this one. You know what they
say they always die in threes because uh, Sean Burrows
sadly left us and then Sam Rubin.

Speaker 1 (13:20):
Yeah, but we didn't have a third.

Speaker 6 (13:21):
Right, Well, that's the thing, Like, neither of them have
anything to do with each other. Why would Sean Burrows
and Sam Rubin be in a group together, period.

Speaker 1 (13:30):
I would say Sean Burrows would be in a group
of former athletes. By the ways, one of my son's
coaches at this Delta Prep that that that he goes
to Sam Rubin things really sad. If you know anything
about local la more.

Speaker 6 (13:42):
Yeah, both both are tragic. I just that cliche just
didn't apply, Like I think you have to be in
the same category for that. Like they always say, you know,
I think Jim Brown and we lost Jim Brown and
another athlete a day later or something. And then there's
always that person who says, you know what they say
they die in threes. But Sam been in Sean Burrows?
What the and then the third? Sometimes I know this

is a stretch. It is a complete stretch.

Speaker 2 (14:07):
Under percent you just you want to passed away.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
You're like, dude, what.

Speaker 2 (14:12):
There was that was the third? Aunt?

Speaker 1 (14:14):
Aunt? Aunt Mollie? Sam, Do you have any cliches you'd
like to share?

Speaker 7 (14:18):
Well, actually I wanted to weigh in on you guys
are saying like tough Roe to ho, no use crying
for spilt milk.

Speaker 8 (14:23):
Those are actually idioms. So those those are.

Speaker 7 (14:26):
What someone from a non English speaker didn't grow up
here would be like what what milk are you talking about?

Speaker 3 (14:31):

Speaker 8 (14:32):
Raining cats and dogs? Like what do you mean?

Speaker 7 (14:34):
And it's just saying, you know, there are expressions that
have like old traditional go you know, way back in time.

Speaker 1 (14:39):
Agreed, Agreed, I are the idioms can become cliche, sure,
absolutely because you're not not describing the way we should right.

Speaker 8 (14:46):

Speaker 3 (14:47):

Speaker 7 (14:48):
It's so funny because Dan's like, yeah, I blanked coming
up with a cliche. It's just when your mind needs
some filler and you come up with it just in
the moment. And right now I can't seem to think
of many cliches.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
There's no matter of time, Sam, don't worry about it.
So don't worry about it.

Speaker 8 (15:04):
Yeah, a cliche.

Speaker 6 (15:05):
In southern California, up until like eighteen months ago, every
time it rained, a great cliche was good.

Speaker 8 (15:13):
We could use it.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
Everybody says that that's that, but that's a that's it.
That's everywhere now. But there's never been a time that
somebody goes, I couldn't use the rain.

Speaker 7 (15:23):
If it doesn't rain for like two weeks. In Iowa,
it's like a drought like where people are freaking out.
They're like, the crops needed that really bad.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
In Seattle, Has anybody lived in Seattle in Pacific Northwest?
Anybody listening in Seattle Pacific Northwest? Do they do? They say, Man,
we need the rain.

Speaker 7 (15:38):
I think I can rely the rain. Huh, we could
use the rain here right now here it hasn't rained
now about four or five.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
We're maxed.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
We're max We're going no, man, We're good.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
It's getting little try out there where our basins are maxed.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
We're good.

Speaker 9 (15:51):
This is the best of the Done Got Leaf Show
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Speaker 8 (15:58):
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Speaker 1 (15:59):
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Speaker 9 (16:18):
What up?

Speaker 5 (16:18):
Welcome in?

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Do do Do Do Do Do Do Do do?

Speaker 6 (16:22):
Did do?

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Uh oh oh? Coming up on we talked about Summerfest
in Milwaukee. We're coming up on like CONC concert season,
concert season buyer? You you do like going to big concerts.

I mean I distinctly remember the U two? Is there a?
Is there a? I have to see this act this
summer again?

Speaker 4 (16:53):
You two is because of my wife's fandom. Yes, yes,
I have not my wife. I have not felt that
way about any show. I like concerts. I enjoy them.
I love the guessing of what the first song is
going to be. The Morgan Wallin intro walks all over
my TikTok like I get that excitement of it.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
Have you gone to Morgan Molond? Do you want to
go to margam Allen. No, I'm I'm into Seal Beach.
I think sure next week, this week?

Speaker 2 (17:22):
Sure, Sure, he's got He's got a bunch of good songs.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
What's not a great show?

Speaker 2 (17:25):

Speaker 10 (17:25):

Speaker 1 (17:26):
He just goes song song, song, song, song, song song.
He doesn't talk about throwing chairs off of the top
of buildings or any any other live stuff. He just
he just plays music.

Speaker 4 (17:35):
Sure, I but I just I don't have that desire
like I am not like, oh my goodness, they're on tour.

Speaker 2 (17:42):
That has just never been never been my deal.

Speaker 6 (17:45):
Oh yeah, No, I love concerts. Last concert I went
to was one of my favorite bands that I've always
said is awful live. But I've done the stupid thing
and paid to see them four times and then n
National National at the Greek was my last concert. Thoroughly enjoyed.

The Greek's on amazing venue.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
Yeah, we went to We went to Google Dolls. I
took my daughter Grace to Goo Goo Dolls last last
summer at the Greek. If you come to Los Angeles,
just so you know, the two best venues, two best
venues the Bowl Hollywood Bowl and the Greek Hollywood Bowl. Fantastic,
am I okay? Do you guys agree? Disagree?

Speaker 2 (18:27):
I'm fine with that.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
The Wilturn is a tough one, only in that the
lower level the wilts Wilturn is like feels like, you know,
feels like the sixties and old theater, but like there's
no seats in the lower level, so you're standing up.
That would be my only I had a fainting incident
of my own at the Wilter watching a little Wayne

last last year or so. That was that was, uh,
sammy big big concert you want to go to this summer.

Speaker 8 (18:56):
Not this summer.

Speaker 7 (18:57):
I had my first will Turn experience in October and
it is an old theater in nineteen thirty one, and
it kind of sounded like that he you know. I
was up on the second tack where it so a
little bit muffled, but I enjoyed. I saw this band
called The Darkness. It's been around for twenty years.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
What is your genre of choice?

Speaker 8 (19:14):
Blues or rock?

Speaker 7 (19:15):
Probably with it way you go, you know, anything with
the four instruments, the bass, the drums, guitar, you know, singing.
But I have been to the Greek theater saw this
kind of a funk jam band called Wolfpeck and it
was excellent, excellent experience.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
Yeah, so thank you for sharing.

Speaker 1 (19:32):
Yeah, Doug gottlib Show here on Fox Sports Radio got
a great hour for you. Getting ready for NBA game tonight.
I'm gonna share with you a little betting advice. Okay,
go to the pod. Okay, I have I have some
great some information that I'm sure other people think but
I know I'm only going to tell you this on

the show. Boston You're welcome, Boston, You're welcome, Boston, You're welcome.
Let's get to love and hate.

Speaker 10 (20:12):
What did you love? God?

Speaker 2 (20:13):
I love you?

Speaker 9 (20:14):
And what did you hate?

Speaker 2 (20:16):
These Claire haters?

Speaker 1 (20:19):
So every Monday here in the Doug Gottlieb Show on
Fox Sports Radio, we kind of do our own mental
recap of the weekend, right, and I'd like to keep
with sports, but like, look, if you didn't do sports
this weekend and you want to tweet us on X
or do you want to ax us on Twitter? Do
you ever when you want or do you want to
acces us on X or you want to hit us
on Instagram at Gottlieb show Feel Free. What you love

from the weekend? What'd you hate from the weekend? Uh,
I'm going to start. I love the Nuggets this weekend.
I just love I love that. I know it's a cliche.
Don't never underestimate the art of a champion. I get it,
I got it, I understand, but we can all be
honest and think it did not look good. You didn't
have to break out a broom, you didn't have to

say they were dead. But they definitely pulled an undertaker
right or before the Undertaker. Do you guys remember when
Hulk Hogan, when he'd be like knocked out and they'd
rifted up his arm and dropped out. He lift up
his arm and it dropped out. They lift up his
arm and then all of a sudden, like the fist
could be made, and all of a sudden, the Hulk
Maniac was back. That was the Nuggets this weekend. They

didn't beat the Wolves once. They beat him twice in
their building after looking like they were done. I loved it.

Speaker 6 (21:33):
I'm going to cooas on on that because the Nuggets
are my favorite NBA team. They have been for at
least thirteen months. This is what I loved about him.
This is what I loved about the wins, because in
our careers, the two loudest voices, the two best compensated voices,

and the two most famous voices in our industry. Stephen A.
Smith and Charles Barkley both said that the Nuggets were
going to get swept on their platforms right after Game two.
Both of them said that, and neither of them have
apologized since. Neither of them have said I was wrong.
Barkley said something like, well, just got it, Neil. They

just played better in games three and foce. It was
kind of a weird hedge. That's what I loved about
watching my guy Joker just put it to these the
top names of the industry. Basically, it's you know, how
does my bleep taste? That's what the Joker was saying
to Barkley and Stephen.

Speaker 4 (22:35):
At Jason also sent me a text saying that he
loved it when people laughed at him for taking the Nuggets.
And I got DIBs on Friday, and I do believe
I was the only one that laughed.

Speaker 8 (22:47):
No, I heard a bunch of listeners laughing too.

Speaker 7 (22:50):
But I also laugh at his nuggets fandom. Actually an
exclusive audio of Dan Byer laughing, you probably do.

Speaker 2 (23:01):
Actually, if you went back in the podcast.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
That was it, would you love in the Wigan.

Speaker 4 (23:09):
Sam loved that laugh. It's great. I loved first of all,
on the heels of that. I love that we're going
to have Nicola Jokic, a Nicola Yovich and now Nicola Tobitch. Yes,
in the NBA after the NBA Draft. That is going
to be amazing.

Speaker 11 (23:31):
So that's it's gonna be fun for us, just as
just as all of us anchors and people at the
news desk have got Nicola Jokic down, Pat, we're going
to have another curveball.

Speaker 4 (23:43):
What I loved was something we touched on in game time.
I love that Rory McElroy won the Wells Fargo at
Quail Hollow because we've talked about the frustrating season that
it's been in golf. Golf still separated. I don't think
they're any closer to merging worlds. There is still a
great divide and honestly, not a lot of great positivity.

But now you have a major in the PGA Championship
with Rory McElroy playing well, Scottie Scheffler undoubtedly the number
one player in the world. And as we mentioned, Brooks
Koepka coming in as the defending champ winning that is
all great for golf that needs any positive headlines, any
positive momentum. And if you could get those three stars

on a leaderboard on Sunday, he would do a lot
of good and would It's it's been a long time coming.
So just to see Rory McElroy win and do so
an impressive fashion yesterday and running away from Xander Schoffley
was my love.

Speaker 1 (24:41):
I I the second the last part was a really
good point, right, you know, it wasn't a guy you
hadn't heard of that he was running away from. It's
like Xander Schoffe, Like oh oh oh, and like, look,
golf needs Rory Golf keep that group of guys to
ball out at a major. They just do Sammy, what
do you.

Speaker 8 (25:01):
Got you guys?

Speaker 7 (25:03):
Remember the twenty nineteen World Series Nationals Astros. That was
the first time a sports series in North America the
home team never won a game. I kind of love
the fact that the Nuggets and t Wolves that might
actually be headed that way.

Speaker 8 (25:18):
No one's won a home game yet. It's a strange thing.

Speaker 7 (25:20):
Could be the only second time in sports history here
that that that's happened. I love, I love weird kind
of statistical anomalies like that. I don't think that will happen.
I do think that a home team will win the
rest of the series, but right now, no one has
the home court. The home fans have not gotten the
satisfaction of a Western Conference semifinals win.

Speaker 8 (25:40):
To me, I lotche love that stuff.

Speaker 6 (25:41):
It's strange since we're being informative of stats and most
of our listeners are probably asking us this. Only five
teams in the history of the NBA have lost the
first two games at home and ended up winning the series.
Five teams total, the Celtics and twenty eight.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
I thing Celtics in twenty eighteen. Do anybody want it?
Does anybody wanted to go the other four? Buyer? This
seems like a buyer thing.

Speaker 2 (26:07):
Eez, No, I'm it's got to be the.

Speaker 1 (26:12):
Suns, right when the Sun's in ninety three against the.

Speaker 6 (26:15):
Yeah, yeah, the Suns are one of them.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Yeah, I don't know the others.

Speaker 2 (26:20):
Do you have the others?

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Jeas, No, it wasn't two. Do you know the others?

Speaker 2 (26:23):
Chase or No, did you just know that it only
happened five times?

Speaker 1 (26:26):

Speaker 6 (26:27):
I read it this morning. But now I'm efforting the
UH the list of teams. But it is pretty amazing
that all the series in the history of the league,
that the Nuggets could become only the sixth team. And
if it sounds like I'm talking solely to buy time
while the UH screen loads, That's exactly what I'm doing.

Speaker 1 (26:46):
Let's get to what you hated from the weekend.

Speaker 8 (26:48):
Oh, the sixty nine Lakers over the car Warriors.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
Duh, duh, none of us were alive in that. I
give me something you hated, Dan.

Speaker 2 (27:04):
I actually hated that the Nuggets won these two games?

Speaker 1 (27:07):

Speaker 2 (27:07):

Speaker 4 (27:08):
Well yeah, because on Tuesday I called them frauds when
I was sitting in for you with Ryan Howell.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
So what I just an honest question. What about them
made them fraudulent? Like frauds? From what?

Speaker 5 (27:20):

Speaker 1 (27:20):
What were they that? Again?

Speaker 2 (27:22):
I'm glad you asked?

Speaker 4 (27:23):
Okay, go, So I said it last year that their
run to the NBA Championship was the easiest we had
ever seen in NBA history, and seed.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
Wise, it was.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Okay, So you're going by seed wise, and I actually
agree with you on some level, right. I'd also point
out that can we say that, remember everybody said that
about the Warriors first championship right where every team they
played their point guard was injured for at least two
of the games, right, Yes, Remember they played Mike Conley

with the Grizzlies. He was hurt for two games. Lillard
missed a couple of games, I think that year. Of course,
Kyrie got hurting game one of the NBA Finals. So
but you thought easiest, that's that's.

Speaker 4 (28:06):
Fair when you added up their seed numbers like it
was two eights, seven and a four was their route
last year anyway, So I used to go fish in
terms of what we had this time around.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
Line, that was a good line, go fish. Nobody got it.

Speaker 4 (28:20):
Plus plus a simple fact of I expected Denver to
respond in that game too. I wasn't as bothered as
much that they lost Game one, but to see how
Game two played out in Minnesota locked them down. I
really thought that Minnesota arrived, and I do think that
Minnesota has the pieces. But man, Rudy Gobert, last night,

there was a stretch of two minutes some of the
worst basketball that I've seen just clueless of what is
going on. Karl Anthony Towns was absence, absent, like it
was very frustrating, especially on the heels of my take
on Tuesday and calling the Nuggets frauds to see what
happened on Friday and Sunday. So I actually hated it,

while you guys loved it.

Speaker 6 (29:07):
That's what I hate, Okay, Jase, do I hate the
the Michael Jordan comparison with Anthony Edwards. I can't stand it.
And it continued through the weekend. I kept hearing it
through the weekend and even this morning on a show
on this network. I just think in five years, we're
gonna look back and be like, remember when Anthony Edwards
had a couple of good games in a playoffs and

everyone thought he was the next Jordan? Like somehow this
like thirst to put a new face on the NBA
has quickly gone to not only is he the new
face the NBA, but he's the next Jordan. And I
think it's annoying what we do in this business. And
this is what I want all of those people comparing

him to MJ to say if they lose this series,
I want to ask them this question, did Michael Jordan
ever win the first there's two games on the road
in a series and allow his team to lose the series.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
No, but Mike, I mean, like, listen, when Michael Jordan
was twenty two, he had just gotten in the NBA
and his team was trash.

Speaker 6 (30:12):
I just want that one question to ask to be
honest of each of those people, Go to each.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
Of them, every one of them. Yep, okay, Sammy, my hate.

Speaker 7 (30:24):
This weekend, the news coming out of a new underwear
line being modeled by some WNBA players. In my never
ending quest to Rid My Life of Anything Kardashian and Jenner,
Kim Kardashian's Skim's underwear line has to descend into the WNBA,
just as we're getting excited for Kaitlin Clark's season debut.

I can't get rid of this person. She's always permeating
my life, all of our lives. Really, we can never
quite get distance ourselves enough from Kim Kardashian or the Jenners.
So yeah, she's just she shows up yet again. Like
death and Texas, It's one of the life's three constants.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
Can I can? I? Actually I actually take the other
side of that.

Speaker 8 (31:04):
They look like Granny panties. They look like granny panties.
They might be comfortable.

Speaker 6 (31:07):
But before you do that, Doug, I need to share
the I I laughed out loud yesterday and it takes
a lot for me to laugh out. Well, yeah, I
saw a gift yesterday. Somebody posted a picture of Kim
Kardashian when she was like eight years old with her mom,
and the the actual tweets ud uh that Chris Jenner
takes a picture with her paycheck.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
That's uh, that's that's good. I'll tell you what I hate. Okay,
I just okay. So we all know Luca complains about
fishiating calls, right, and it's the part of it is
they all complain, But part of it is he has
that European flair where it's with his hands and facial

expressions very much. It's very much kind of theater art
what he's what he's doing. But the thunder fans complaining
about Luca complaining and then in turn complaining about officiating
in their own right is just annoying, right, And I
get it. It's really hard to find rhyme or reason

to some of the officiating. But that's not why you lost, right,
You lost because they got more physical and you didn't adjust,
and then the thunder just took Jalen Williams not played
well recently. He's supposedly their second best player. He's taken
bad shots. I just but the big thing is just
the complaining about Luca and then the interurn complaining about officiating. Like, so,

what you're saying is if I was a player, I'd
be complaining about the same officiating. But it annoys me
that Luca complains about the officiating. Making sense there, maybe
this is better for our podcast that you're annoying, but
I just I hate it. I hate and I also
don't like that people don't appreciate Luca from this standpoint.
Which game do we have all the rebounds? And was
that game four? It's game four?

Speaker 2 (33:03):
I think he liked fifteen?

Speaker 4 (33:04):
Yeah, that was that was Saturday. No, it was game
three Saturday and fifteen.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
Right, But he didn't shoot the ball well. And so
again this is this is where when you really understand sports,
you look at things differently. Okay, PJ. Washington went off
in that game, but a lot of that was Luca
finding him because they were helping on Luca and helping
on the roller and when Luca's not shooting the ball, well,

he went and got a bunch of rebounds. So it's
the can you play well when you're not playing well?
Can you affect the game in more ways than just scoring?
I think the guy is awesome. Does he complain about
officiating too much? Yes? But so do you anybody else?
And else? Do you want to get it?

Speaker 10 (33:44):

Speaker 1 (33:44):
Listen to this is like therapy. Anybody want to get
anything else?

Speaker 2 (33:46):
Your chest?

Speaker 8 (33:47):
We're good?

Speaker 2 (33:48):
You're pretty good?

Speaker 1 (33:48):
Yeah? Well pretty good? What what can we do? Dan?

Speaker 2 (33:51):

Speaker 1 (33:51):
No, I just I don't want you pretty good. I
want you to bend. If there's anything else.

Speaker 2 (33:55):
A real good weekend, so real good weekend.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
Goo, that's love it hate.

Speaker 9 (34:00):
Fox Sports Radio had the best sports talk lineup in
the nation yet. Catch all of our shows at Fox
sportsradio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
Doug out the show Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 2 (34:17):

Speaker 1 (34:19):
So Bronnie James is staying in the NBA Draft and
he's cleared for workouts because you know, he had the
hard issue going back to the last offseason. And then
there's a report that the Lakers want lebron back on
any terms he wants. Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable
way to want to run franchise. That sounds about good. Yeah.

Oh hey, how'd you guys do this year?

Speaker 10 (34:42):

Speaker 1 (34:43):
You know, we were in the play in and then
we lost in five games in the first round of
the of the playoffs. How did you last year? Well,
we got to the Western Counts Finals. But then how'd
you year before?

Speaker 9 (34:56):

Speaker 1 (34:57):
Well, how did you hear?

Speaker 3 (34:58):

Speaker 1 (34:58):
Well, you know what you should do? Oh you're forty
years old. Whatever you want, you just like tell us
what you want, We'll do it, par for the course
for the Lakers, same organization that, while injured with an
achilles injury, gave Kobe Bryant a ridiculous contract extension. You know.

And look, I I understand on many levels, many levels
that Lebron James is still one a very good basketball player,
two brings an incredible amount of value financially to the Lakers.
He does. They have their own TV network and Lebron

James makes them money. I mean, he really is like
sho hey o tani right where whatever whatever you pay him,
he's you're going to make double that on the TV revenue.
I understand. And it's good for the league to have
him in LA but who runs a that feels like

a Rob sort of line, doesn't it. He's the same
guy who when they sign was when they signed Diangel Russell,
they said, it's like a Hana from above, like he's
had some cheesy because you know, Rob Polinka at his
heart is an agent, and that's how agents talk, where

they layer things in such lushing and loving praise. You're like, easy, buddy,
get a room. But I don't know. I actually think
that Lebron James wants to be coached. He just doesn't
want to be coached badly. You know, the perception of

him as somebody who's a coach killer might be true.
But he reminds me. Lebron reminds me there's a TV talent.
I won't tell you what his name is, but there's
a TV talent that works at let's let's just go
with ESPN and really really talented guy. But in meetings,

if you're not prepared, he can be tough. He can
be tough, demanding. And you know, the people who struggle
with him, the people who are not prepared for those meetings,
not prepared for demanding people. I don't know if he's
Lebron James level talent, but the best of the best
want to be coached. I think Lebron wants to be coached.

He just wants to be coached well, and Darvenham didn't
coach him. One stuck otleab show here on Fox Sport Trait.
They are in the same league. Just so people understand. Yes,
there's not a.

Speaker 4 (37:41):
Return, but there could have been a scenario where Kentucky
only played at Arkansas. Yeah, but in this scenario, Arkansas
will play at Kentucky next season.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
That's that is must view basketball. Guy who played at
ucla hell of a player playing in the NBA, now
covers covers the NBA. He is the Houston Rockets TV analyst.
Plus he's our Fox Sports tridio and be let's end.
While the world was burying the Nuggets after Game two,
Ryan Hollins filled in on my show last week and
refused to count the Nuggets out. I did the same

on Friday. Ryan Hollands joins us in the Doug Outleap
Show on Fox Sports Radio. Okay, it's one thing to
let you and I not bury the Nuggets and count
about It's another thing to watch them win two in
a row. What changed with.

Speaker 10 (38:27):
Nuggets Jamal Murray looked like he had a bit of
a pep Inist step for one, And Doug you noticed
when you get to the higher levels of basketball and
competed in the NBA playoffs, before it becomes chess, you know,
can you make those adjustments. And that's where those veterans
really come into play. And we're excited with the talent

that Minnesota has, but they've never been in this situation before.
You can see the improvements, you can see their depth,
you can see them being better. For instance, Carl Anthony
Towns has to be effective if Minnesota is going to
have a shot, and he didn't play up the standard
that he did in the game too, where he was
lighted out when Rudy Gobert didn't play. So for Minnesota.
For me, there are so many questions on the offensive

end of the floor, and when you want to win
at a high level, you cannot get away from executing.
You got to find a Brendan Butter and it can't
just be Anthony Edwards hitting tough shots. And at the
end of the day, again, we're watching the Nuggets adjust
and the big difference now is Jamal Murray because he
does what he opened things up for Jo Kichen. You know,

he had some fire under him. The league gave him
a second shot and allowed him to come out and play,
and I'm all for that decision. I don't know where
you still on that dove, but he's been the difference.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
You know, listen, I don't think you throw things on
the court, but I also know that it's the playoffs.
Everybody wants we want to see Jamal Murray play. Yes, Nan, like,
let's well, let's let's not do our pearl clutching and
act like anybody was. I have if you want to
have no problem, I got a problem with a four
game suspension for Pat Benny for throwing a ball in

the stands twice, right, those a're paying customers. That one
I'd have much bigger issue with than than Jamal Murray. Okay,
so what about Gobert? You know, look, he was good
in game one, he didn't play in game two because
his girlfriend had a baby, and then they've really struggled
to find a role for him in this matchup in
three and four? What do you do with Gobert?

Speaker 10 (40:24):
If you're finch, I may go, I may start big,
and then I may spell him and cat so that
the spacing is there. And for Rudy, everything is so easy.
For Yokic, Rudy's got to use got to use auto
six files. He's got to get physical with Jokic. I
got to see a president president, He's got to knock

somebody on there behind. It's the physicality for Rudy because
those guys are so skilled, Yokic and Murray, their touch
is there where you know just your left is not
going to be enough to bother them at the end
of the day. And Rudy can struggle and pick and roll,
so Jamorrow Murray's making you have to pick your poison.
So he's got to be physical. He's got to finish
strong at the rim. He's got to be an impact

on the offensive glass. And like, you got to notice
about this. So that's the biggest thing with go Bear,
because hey, if I am going to be big. When
they won those first two games, what was the difference?
They were physical. They were physical and their length ended
up being an issue. But if I don't feel you
on the court, those guys are comfortable. Jamal Murray was
too comfortable, okay, yea Ki's too comfortable, And that falls

upon Rudy Gobert the Defensive Player of the Year.

Speaker 1 (41:32):
Okay, another series that has turned is Dallas taking a
two games to one lead against Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City's
got another shot to even it up tonight. What changed
in that's game one? A barrage of threes and you
know SGA getting into laying and creating foul difficulty. He's

he's still been good statistically. What changed in the Dallas
Oklahoma City series?

Speaker 10 (41:59):
For one? And it's not Oklahoma City's time yet. They're
too young, They're so far ahead of schedule. It doesn't
even make sense. We're still racking our brains. Shout out
to SGA. Easily could have been MVP this year. Our
hearts were with SGA, but our hands were with Yoki.
Just just the reality of the matter. But it's not
their time. They weren't physical enough. Again, they're really really small,

and those are things that okayc He's going to have
to address in the off season. Someone to compliment Chet
Holmgren And a lot of times they use their speed,
they have versatility, But the hats off to the Mavericks.
They just got physical. PJ. Washington did a good job
hitting shots hardaway junior in that game too went off
and now you spread and you open up the floor.

So things that are rolling over there in Dallas. When
I went and talked to those guys, they're really excited.
This is the happiest Doug. I don't know where you're
staying on this that I've seen Kyrie in a long time.
He's embraced Dallas, and I think it's just their time.
The expectations are with Dallas and then with Luka. Dude, Doug,
I'm so tired of hand about Luc on the on
the on the injury report. The dude's toughest nails. He

plays through it and it's almost like he excels, you know,
kind of putting himself in these tough spots.

Speaker 1 (43:11):
Let me ask you about how players and you're still like,
you're still young enough, you're still super tight in I
know fans they think, you know, Luca complains all the time,
and they don't like Luca. I personally think he's amazing.
I think he's right there in any discussion of best player.

Speaker 2 (43:29):
In the league.

Speaker 1 (43:30):
But what about dudes in the league. You're a former
NBA player, you're connected with these guys, what do they
think of Luca.

Speaker 10 (43:37):
Luca's earned everybody's respect. And you know, in our reality,
when you when you'd see European on the court, you
go get physical with him. You say, hey man, you
didn't hear you didn't have the struggle coming from the
inner city. Okay, right, and and and we're going to
see how tough you are. And Luca has shown the
league's best that you're not going to punk me. I'm

not going to back down. In fact, he's a little psycho.
It seems like he loves the controversy. So Luca's got
a league wide respect. You know, his size, he's frustrating
to guard, and he's a trash talker. You know, he's
becoming one of those guys where it's like, don't get
him going, don't get them fired up, because once he's hot, man,
he literally becomes unguardable.

Speaker 1 (44:20):
Stug gott Leap show here on Fox Sports for you.
Ryan Hollins is our guest. Ryan, what happened with the
Knick yesterday? And they just non competitive, especially at the
offensive end. What happened?

Speaker 10 (44:32):
They don't have legs? And again, you know we spoke
earlier about Jamal Murray being the big key in that
Minnesota Nugget series. Ognnubie is a position that they cannot replace. Okay,
he does so many little things. He plays a hustle role.
He doesn't mind playing the corner. Okay, he's probably one
of the better three and the guys that we have

in the league right now, and he gives them a
little bit of depth. But their legs are gone, dude.
And what happens is you're playing five on ten And
when I when I say that, shouts of coach Rick Carlisle.
I played under Rick. You know, Rick is all about
ball movement, speed.

Speaker 1 (45:10):

Speaker 10 (45:11):
They play fast. You got to guard the three point line.
You have to really run them off the three. And
that pace is crazy. Said, I know what Rick is
saying in the in the uh, you know, in the
locker room. He's saying, push the pace, make them run.
And they just run out of legs at the end
of the day. Uh. And they got to find a
way that you know, I don't know, if you're the Knicks,

slow the game down. You know, pace is going to
be a big focus there. And then Brunton and those guys, man,
they just worn down and Evincenzo Heart they've been shooting
the ball lights out, So you know the first thing
that goes when your legs go the three ball goes
Doug a certain point, they're the valiant, right, Well, can
you get it? Can you get it?

Speaker 1 (45:52):
Can you get it back?

Speaker 2 (45:53):

Speaker 1 (45:53):
Okay, because like pace, you got to.

Speaker 10 (45:56):
Walk the ball off the floor. You cannot, dude, you
cannot run with the paces. They shoot the ball too well,
and they're too young.

Speaker 1 (46:03):
It's it's honestly, it's so good. I don't think what
you have other people on TV saying is that they
look tired and they played the minutes. What they don't
understand is what you're explaining to people, right, So I
want people to understand what Ryan's talking about, the real
basketball stuff, which is like, it's not the minutes you play,
it's that they're forcing you to play their tempo, forcing

you to play their tempo. And the Pacers play that
tempo all year. They have a little they have a
little bit better depth, and the Knicks are are playing
into their into the they're almost like walking into the
trap by pushing the tempo. And the other thing that
takes it out of you is not just playing fast,
it's also an incredibly physical series that takes it out of.

Speaker 2 (46:47):
You as well.

Speaker 10 (46:49):
Absolutely, And what they do they put sides on Jalen
Brunton yep. And and and it's at a certain point,
contested shot after contested shot. They haven't been getting easy looks.
They're undersized, and how they've been winning good And as man,
if you don't love this New York basketball team, they're
done wrong with you. It was a bunch of underdogs
over there for one, But how often can you go

hit the glass and make these top hustle plays like
they're they're playing so hard. Remember when Lebron was coming
out of the East and it was Lebron and four
other guys with all due respect to his teammates, and
what was Lebron doing because he was playing heavy done,
he was walking to the ball up the floor. It
was disgusting basketball. He just when he was knocking off

the Raptors year after year, he played so slow and
he took his time and he walked the ball at
the court. And there were moments where you see he
calls that court and he just stand there and hold
the ball, go run off. That's what you got to
see from New York man.

Speaker 1 (47:48):
Yep, No, it's I mean, that's why Lebron's one of
the smartest players ever. He understands, Hey we'll play too fast.
This slowest thing down. Ryan, you're the best man. Really
appreciate you feeling in last week. Love your work. Thanks
for joining us any time.

Speaker 10 (48:00):
Don talk so
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