All Episodes

May 12, 2024 38 mins

Maller & Danny G. deliver Mail Bag fun for your Mother's Day! All questions sent in by new listeners & P1's of the #MallerMilitia! Download, subscribe, and remember that sharing is caring (unless it's an STD.) Follow Danny G. @DannyGradio and Ben on Twitter @BenMaller and listen to the original terrestrial radio edition of "Ben Maller Show," Monday-Friday on Fox Sports Radio, 2a-6a ET, 11p-3a PT!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:02):
If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes
a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants
of the old Republic, a sol fastion of fairness. He
treats crackheads in the ghetto gutter the same as the
rich pill poppers in the penthouse.

Speaker 1 (00:18):

Speaker 2 (00:18):
The Clearinghouse of hot takes break free for something special.
The Fifth Hour with Ben Mallard starts right now in.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
The a every way. The Fifth Hour with Me, Big
Ben and Danny g on this Mother's Day, Sunday, the
twelfth day of May, hanging out side by side, schmoozing
on a Sunday. As we are back at it, Danny

from a secret location deep in the Carolinas, deep in
the South Racist, as my long trip away continues. This
is the last day, though, Danny, of my extended absence
from my watchtower at the radio station. So I'll be

back not tonight, but more on that later. But we've
got a lot to get to, a lot to get to.

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Us live from your hurricane shelter.

Speaker 1 (01:22):
That's right. I am protected. I might need a scuba suit,
but I am absolutely protected. On Mother's Day, one of
those holidays, Danny, that we used to goof on back
in the day, one of those Hallmark made up holidays.
But now compared to a lot of the other bugazy
holidays that we have, it's like, that's not that bad,
it's it actually goes back. I was reading about this

because I'm a loser and I like weird factoids that
in ancient times, with Greeks enrollments, they held festivals honoring
mother goddesses who but the modern the modern Mother's Day
as it stands now goes back to a Christian festival
known as Mothering Sunday. That's the precursor to what we

have have today. And I think American Mother's Day it
goes back only about one hundred years the way that
we celebrated today, so it's actually not been around all
that long. But they have so many other holidays that
just come out of nowhere. Like moms are kind of

a big deal, right, but you should honor your mom
every day. You shouldn't honor you just wait for Mother's
Day to take care of your mom, right, You got
to take care of your mom all the time.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
Exactly. It's like Thanksgiving, not once a year, be thankful
every day of the year.

Speaker 1 (02:45):
Exactly exactly.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
But yeah, and you've got a bad mammagama, maybe not
just your mom, but the woman who had a kid
for you. Make sure you spoiler. And it also reminds
me of the classic movie Pulp Fiction. Remember when he
says his wallet is the one that says just the
one that said bad motherfucker.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
That right, that's right. This Actually, here's a couple of factoids,
because I'm all about the factoids. There was an official
declaration that was made by President Woodrow Wilson. It was
passed into law to make Mother's Day a national holiday
in nineteen fourteen. So it's been a little over one

hundred years it's been that way. And now there are
over twenty billion dollars I think closer to thirty billions
spent on gifts and dinners and all kinds of other
crap for mom. So it has become a massive business
making opportunity for if you're in the flower business or

the chocolate business or massage. It's a big deal, twenty
to thirty billion business every year just on Mother's Day.
Chi ching, cha ching, chi ching. So good for them.
And there are I always gotta kick that. There's other

holidays when there's like one big holiday. Today is National
Limerick Day as well, so help you celebrate that.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
It is. What else do we have a competition for
Mother's Day? There?

Speaker 1 (04:23):
Yeah, it's National Anthony Day. That is America's fort forty
ninth most common name. Anthony Tony. Yeah, the great Tony
Bruno and Anthony Bruno Tony Tony Bruns. National Nutty Fudge Day,
so enjoy that. Him giving you a double fish. National

Odometer Day, very important.

Speaker 3 (04:50):
There, there's something you broke on one of your road trips.

Speaker 1 (04:54):
Here's a joke that I think writes itself, Danny. It
is also National tampon Day today, So that's a rather
odd coincidence.

Speaker 3 (05:04):
That food goofed.

Speaker 1 (05:06):
We gotta know that's yikes. All right on that one.
We do have the mailbag. But since we are in
and I'm broadcasting from South Carolina in a secret location
in the bowels of a building somewhere far far away
off the beaten path. But I do have a couple

of words of the day, not words of the weekday.
And we did the word of the week on Friday, Yeah,
on the Friday pot. But today's Sunday, so we have
double your pleasure double your fun. Two words of the day,
not to be confused with the word of the week.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
So multiple words of the day, that is correct, multiple
words of the day.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
Yeah. And so the first one is Palmeadow State. That
is where I am hanging out with you from South
Carolina and the South Carolina called the Palmetto State for
rather obvious reasons. The official tree is the sable palmetto,
also known as the cabbage palm tree, the palmetto palm.

It grows in the sand filled flatlands here in South Carolina,
and it has a history that is said to be
very important, going all the way back to the Revolutionary War,
way back. The tree was added to the national flag
all the way back in eighteen sixty one South Carolina

after it seceded from the Union. So it's been on
the flag. You can do the math on that. One
hundred and sixty something years there, it's been on the flag.
So Palmetto State. The other word is I thought this
would be appropriate. Game Cock is the other word. The
game Cocks. He blew me off a hotel near lax Go.

Cock Go the nickname of the football team over at
the University of South Carolina, and that originally originated in
nineteen hundred, so that nickname has been around going back
one hundred and twenty four years. The nickname here's where
it gets a little dicey. The nickname a reference to

the fighting tactics of General Thomas Sumter, the Revolutionary war hero.
In these parts, he was known by his nickname the
Fighting game Cock. That was his nickname. I wonder if
that was for the bird or for something else. I
don't know. I wasn't there, but I do know the
football team at the University of South Carolina they used

the nickname on Christmas Eve in Charleston here in Charleston
where I'm broadcasting from in eighteen ninety two against the
Andy Furman team. They now just go by the name Furman,
but for years they were the Andy Furman team. And
General Thomas Sumpter, the guy that was nicknamed the Fighting

game Cock, was nicknamed that for his fierce combatant of
nature in the American Revolution. So there you go. That's
the other word. We have palmetto state and gamecock the
two words of the day, not words of the week,
but words of the day. And that leads us into

backscratcher Danny Dummy backscratcher. You scratch our back, will scratch
your back. The drought has ended, Danny, The drought has ended.

Speaker 3 (08:42):
I told you it was going to end barely.

Speaker 1 (08:45):
But it has ended. So I want to thank Dale,
who has broken the slump that we were in. He's
like our slumpbuster, this guy Dale. It had been since
February since we last had one of these reviews, but
here we are in and Dale has stepped up. He
writes five stars. Who are these guys? Well, they are

the best podcasters out there. Get your weekend Malard fixed
here and learn more interesting facts then you can store
in your brain. Danny g adds to the fun with
his point on drops banter and production excellence.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
The microphone throttler, And.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
That's from Dale. So thank you Dale. A tip of
the headphones to you, Dale. Good job by you. Dale,
say it so thank you, and you too can add
a review. It's very saf If Dale can do it,
you can do it. It's very simple to do.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
Yeah, and Dale, your name comes up a lot in
my household because right now CoA has two fangs that
have come in on the top. He looks like the
cartoon character for Disney Dale from Chip and Dale.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
Oh good, I thought you were gonna say something else
about the Chippendale dancers. I thought you might be going
that direction.

Speaker 3 (10:01):
But remember that was last weekend outside the shitty hotel
in president.

Speaker 1 (10:06):
A bunch of hookers and cocaine. That's right, that's right.
But anyway, so thank you Dale, and again you you
scratch our back. We will take care of you as well.
That leads us right in to the mail bag. You
know what that means.

Speaker 3 (10:22):
Oh my, wow, it's this bag.

Speaker 1 (10:37):
Thank you very much our friend. Ohio wow. These are
actual letters sending by actual listeners. And another week where
I did not post anything about this mail bag on
social media. I just let the the p ones, the
hardcore listeners send the mail in care of Real fifth Hour,

no numbers, all letters, Real fifth Hour at gmail dot com.
You can send those questions in anytime, just put mail
put mail bag in the headliner mail so I know
that you want your question read on the air. And
let's get right to the questions. The first one is
from Ryan C. From Shrewsbury, mass. He says, Hey, Ben

and Danny, I'm trying to write in every week, but
I'm in the middle of finishing up my last couple
of college classes. I'm a sports management major. I know
this isn't a sporty podcast, but what advice do you
guys have that I can use as I get closer
to graduation? Also? When is the next Malar meet and
greet in beautiful Massachusetts? Thanks again, Ryan from Shrewsbury. We

have nothing planned. Ryan. Hopefully the TV show gets picked
up again by NBC, and if that's the case, I
will most likely be making my way back to Boston.
So if I do go back, we'll definitely do what
Malar Meat greed somewhere in the Northeast the we did
Maine last year. If we can find a venue in
Boston that would like to have us, we'll do Boston.

A restaurant or bar that would be willing to host
us for a couple hours on a Friday or a Saturday.
But at this point, we have nothing planned Ryan. As
far as the advice, my advice, it's very very competitive,
not impossible, very competitive to make your way in that profession.
But with anything to me, whether you're working in radio

or sports, it's it's not about what you know, it's
about who you know. It's about networking, getting your foot
in and being able to connect with you. People you
go to school with right now are going to rise up.
You've got to find a way to get your foot
in the door somewhere and just network the hell out

of everything. Just go to every cocktail party, every you know,
every opportunity you have to get faced toime with other
people because normally what my experience is you hire people
you kind of know, and that's the most important thing
is just to get in front of as many people
as you possibly can. You first have to get your
foot in the door, but then after that it's just

you got to network your way up. You could also
do I know some people have done podcasts, Danny Will
they'll interview people in places they want to work and
kind of network that way. It's kind of a backdoor
way to do it. Ryan, you can try that. That's
a little trick that you can use. A lot of
people will give you their time and then you kind
of get to know them and maybe they'll help you
out down the line, So that works as well.

Speaker 3 (13:36):
Yeah, networking is a big part of it. Our Middle
Sun was recently accepted into Oklahoma, even though it's going
to cost a lot of money. It's going to be
a big student loan to pay for everything. We told
them it is worth it because of all the connections,
you wind up making a boost that maybe you couldn't
get otherwise, So take advantage.

Speaker 1 (13:59):
It is a great point, Danny. That guy told me
years ago, early on in my career. He said, the
hardest part of getting into a school like Harvard, or
the hardest part of Harvard or any of the ivy
of the schools is getting in. He's like, once you
get in, they don't want to fail people because it
makes them look bad if kids fail out of those schools.

And then once you're in, you're pretty much a made man.
Even people that have dropped out of Harvard have made
Like the guy Zuckerberg who stole Facebook from those twins, right,
isn't that the legend? As I understand it, he stole
the idea for Facebook from a couple other guys, but
he went to Harvard. I mean, even when you drop
out of certain schools, being part of it, just having gone.

I know, for me, Danny, I wouldn't have the Overnight
Show if I hadn't gone to saddle Back College. The
mac of the Syracuse of the West coast where you
just say that name and it just resonates with directors
and people that are in high power in sports media
when they find out you went to sadd go Back
fucking College. You are set up, Danny, You're a made man.

Speaker 3 (15:07):
It carries it's oh yeah, I know.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
It's it's not easy. It's not easy when you tell
people you went to Saddleback College. Now next up on
the mailbag, good luck to you, Ryan, keep us posted. Uh,
go on and do amazing things and then forget about
us unless you don't rege from zero Beach or as
we used to say when we went to Dodger spring
training back in the day, zero beach, he says, Ben

and Danny. I love the pod. He says, Ben. I
go through withdrawls when you're not on the weekday show.
Do you also go through the same withdrawals knowing you're
not able to entertain me? Uh signed reg In Uh
uh no, Ray, Reg. I think I think I'm okay, Rege,
but it's very kind of you to say that. I

think I think, I think I'm okay. I think. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (15:53):
We talked about this a little bit earlier in the weekend,
that you're a routine guy. Plus it's your life's so
I know you shake a little bit like a gremlin
who ate some chicken wings after midnight. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
The thing that really pisses me off is when there's
a day where there's a lot of really good stuff
that I know would make great talk radio, great sports radio,
and stuff that is right in my wheelhouse, and when
I'm not there, I get pissed off because I'm like,
oh man, because I know there'll be a bunch of
days where it's kind of you know, you're throwing spaghetti
against the wall hoping something sticks. There's a lot more

of those days. But then when there's like a day
where there's nothing but red meat and you're like, oh man,
that's right in my wheelhouse. That's batting practice, fastball. I
could hit that thing out of the park. And you're
not there, and you're like sitting in a swamp in
South Carolina. You're like, what am I doing here?

Speaker 3 (16:43):
You know? I mean, my god, Oh, don't worry. You
can still talk about the Clippers when you get back.
What is still wrong with the Clippers.

Speaker 1 (16:52):
To have the Lakers doing? By the way, how's that going?

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Non secuitar? All right?

Speaker 1 (16:57):
Thank you reg Henry in Denver, right, so he says, Hey,
Ben and Danny, Well, here's actually a sporty email, he says.
Nicole Jokic of my Nuggets won another MVP award this week,
but a number of big names around the NBA seem
upset by that. Why won't they give the joker his flowers,
says Henry.

Speaker 3 (17:17):
Limited all over his shoelaces in the first two games
against the Tea Wolves.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Yeah well yeah, but it's a regular season award and
so there's that. But yeah, I mean, listen, Henry, I
can't you know, I guess I can't speak for Shack.
I get paid to speak for these people even though
they don't ask my opinion. But Shaq, I did see Shack.
I don't know how many other people. I haven't been
paying that close attention because I haven't had to talk
about it. But there's two things that go against NIKOLEA. Jokic.

The first thing is a lot of the American players
do not like the international players winning awards. There's also
a bit of fatigue because Nicola Jokic has already won
a couple of MVP awards. Words, so you got that.
And then the third part of this sentary, I think
you know the answer, and I think you'll agree with me.
Danny is now that Nikola Jokich is a three time

Most Valuable Player. He is now one of the all
time greats in NBA history based on that alone, and
so that annoys people like, wait a minute, now, we
have to include Jokic in the conversation with all these
other all time greats, and that pisses people off because
they don't want to give They don't think he's that

dynamic a talent, even though if you look at the
numbers he puts up and how he affects the nuggets,
and most of the time he is affecting wins and losses.
But yeah, there's a lot of I guess the green
Eyed Monster is the way I would describe it. People
get annoyed, they're jealous. So he wins another mvpople he
doesn't seem to be too worked up by any of this.

By the way, It's like he just wants to go
to the track and bet the ponies.

Speaker 3 (18:57):
You know, nothing against the guy, but he's boring to watch.
He reminds me of Tim Duncan.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
Yeah, he's he's dunking without the Dad Jeans. He's dunking
at the Dad Jeans. Next up, we have Steve from
the Valley says, hey, Ben and Danny, I enjoyed your
monologue at the beginning of the week on the Tom
Brady Tomedy roussewad. Let me stop you right there, Steve,
I got a lot of shit from some people I
did the I did the Brady Comedy monologue. I thought

that thing was so good. I was like, oh, I
got you. Why not I started with that. People got
upset with me on that the Sunday and the Monday Show. Anyway,
Steve says, what do you guys think of this? And
he sent me he said, I guess this is TMZ
had to report Danny that the video of Kim Kardashian
being booed off not off stage.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Yeah, they cut it out.

Speaker 1 (19:46):
Now, what what did you? I didn't. I mean, you
can't do that, right, Danny.

Speaker 3 (19:50):
I edit for a living, Okay. Do you condense things
for time? Yeah? Do you cut things out and change
the context? No? Never, that's bullshit. You're changing history. Rich
Davis pointed out on Fox Sports Radio a few days
ago that that's like what they did when Alicia Keys
sang at the Super Bowl and she hit a note

really weird, like it sounded really bad when it was replayed.
They fixed it. It got auto tuned, it was fixed.
That's not how it happened in real life. That's not cool.
She got booed. What's the problem with that? This reeks
of her being buddies with somebody at Netflix and them

doing her a solid.

Speaker 1 (20:37):
Yeah, and it's ridiculous to think you could get away
with that because it was broadcast live. Hello. Yeah, people
saw it, and you know a certain percentage of people
go back and watch it again. I know I watched
a little bit of it again on the plane and
my in laws the other night I walked in. I

was in the other room. I walked and they were
watching Man.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
Monday, the booing was still there. It disappeared on Tuesday.
So not only did people see it live, but they
also saw it the next day. So, yeah, you're not
going to get away with that.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
Yeah, you're not going to get away with that. It's
twenty twenty four. It's ridiculous, the whole thing. And you wonder, though, Danny,
at what point did Kim contact her manager and say,
you got to call Netflix up like, and how many people? Yeah,
how many people that did they have to talk to
before they finally got the thing.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
You're spot on, which is why it took until Tuesday morning.

Speaker 1 (21:40):
Yeah, it's craziness. Craziness. You can't you can't be doing that, Kevin,
Thank you though, Steve Kenny Kevin rather from Salt Lake Rights,
and he says, dear Ben and Danny, we're very excited
here to have the NHL coming to town next season.
We've got a contest going on which name would you
vote for for the name of the new team, he says,

the options provider to choose. He has a list you,
I guess this is the twenty the finalist, the twenty
finalists for the Utah Hockey team. Danny, we have Frost, Ice, Powder, Mountaineers, Breeze, Mammoth,
Black Diamonds, Blast racist black diamonds. I know that's the racist.

Speaker 2 (22:31):
I know.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
Blue diamond is a big Almond coman. We have a.

Speaker 4 (22:34):
Blizzard, Swarm, Hive, Outlaws, Yetti, Squall, Fury, Glaciers, Canyons, Venom,
and HC which stands for a hockey club just called
the Hockey Canyons.

Speaker 3 (22:49):
That sounds very boue delicious.

Speaker 1 (22:51):
That sounds like a porn star back in the eighties.
I love the yetti. I know Lorraine uh that was
she wanted the yetti. I think the YETI would be great.
I kind of like venom because I think of people
from Utah. I think of a lot of venom. How
about ice? You can just go to the Utah ice.
That's kind of cool. Touch the bun and it's it's

rock hard. They had to get these all vetted through lawyers. Yeah, yeah,
names out there. Imagine the jokes. If they go with powder,
how many drug jumps get powder? Frost? They could be
like the Frosty if they're called the Frost. I like
I like venom.

Speaker 3 (23:29):
I like YETI Utah frost. That's kind of I mean,
there could be some cool imagery with that.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Yeah, Like I don't know. The swarm that could be Okay,
the Blizzard's like a dessert at a fast food restaurant.
So I don't know they want to do that. That's
that's kind of lame. There's they're known for their bees
in Utah, so hive swarm something like that. But I
like YETI I think Yeti's that to me, that's the winner.
Kevin or I go Venom or YETI I like al Laws,

but Outlaws seems like it should be more like Arizona.
Isn't that also an old arena Football League team? I
feel like there was a team called the Outlaws back
back in the day. Yeah, so I don't know about that.
All right, we'll keep it going on the mailbag. Well,
there you go, multiple wives wives. Mason the millennial rights

into the mailbag. He says, Hey, Ben and Danny, the
train talk from a recent podcast got me a little inspired.
I once had a chance to take a train from
where I live in the Bay Area to LA. They
have a couple of routes you can take, one of
them being the Pacific Coast Highway, much like the PCH crews. Yeah,

that you guys are fond of. It is much similar.
That train trip was so amazing and seeing the sea
cliffs and the sunset over the ocean. I highly recommend
he attached an image here for you guys to see.
But that leads to my question. Mason says, how far
would you be willing to travel in a train or
cruise or any other vessel you can think of continuously?

Of course, you would be accommodated with living necessity. So
I've never been on a cruise Mason. I think we
talked about that in a previous episode. If I had
the time, it's always a time thing because we have
a job where you had to kind of be there,
and I've only missed a few days and I'm getting
a lot of crap for it for not being there.

So you can't. You need a lot of time to
go on a cruise or to take a train across
the country. But I think it'd be a lot of fun.
I'd love to drive across the country. I've taken the
train between Boston and New York, and I've taken the
train between New York and Philly, Chicago and Milwaukee, LA
and San Diego. That's that's about it. But yeah, I would.

I would take a train from LA to Chicago or
something like that. I think that would be cool. But
it takes forever, a long commitment, and you're stuck, and
you know you can't really do much about it. You're
at the mercy of the train. If there's anything goes wrong,
you're screwed. So there's a lot that goes into it.
But if I had the time, yeah, I answer a question, Mason,
I would do it. And the boat thing, I don't
think they're designed for people my size, so I think

that would be a problem. Tall people, people that are
of a large girth would be a problem. So yeah,
I think that would be an issue. What about you, Danny, Yeah,
I'm same there. My nickname is Gurth Brooks. That was
your poor name back.

Speaker 3 (26:32):
I love that. Our buddy uncle Frank used to say
that all the time. Rest in peace. But you would
need a balcony if you're on a cruise ship, and
those rooms are more expensive. So to do it right
you need to be money bags. There are some Disney
cruises that my wife has been trying to convince me
to go on to the house. That's in my future,

me and Coha's future.

Speaker 2 (26:58):
I am that.

Speaker 3 (27:02):
A train. I'd rather rob a train, you know, a
Utah outlaw. Yes, I'd rather be a Utah outlaw. But
a short train ride from here to San Diego, I
think it's fun.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
Yeah, that's cool. The surf Liner you could stop and
San Clemente and the trains go right through the beach there. Yeah,
I went there last week. I think it was last week.
I got to know it all runs together. Mike in
Wisconsin rights in. He says, Hey, Ben and Danny, I
want to know your take on the big controversy with

Austin Rivers, he said, and then Randy Moss, I guess
apparently Austin Rivers. I don't know if this came up
with Covino and Rich earlier this week.

Speaker 3 (27:43):
Oh yeah, it was a big topic.

Speaker 1 (27:45):
Okay, I was not in my post. Maybe that's why
Mike sent the question. But I guess Austin Rivers said
a bunch of NBA players could go to the NFL
and play, but no NFL players could go to the NBA,
or something along those lines.

Speaker 3 (27:57):
In the Yeah, he said, I could put thirty NBA
players into the NFL right now.

Speaker 1 (28:02):
Yeah. So I didn't hear exactly what Austin Rivers said,
But if it came from Austin Rivers who rode his
daddy's coat tails to the NBA and really sucked in
the NBA, I go to the other side. Yeah. My
My position is that NBA players up today are tremendously

soft and they could not handle practice, not a game,
not a game in the NFL, and these guys are
about a soft This can be with load management, and
they can't handle playing in the NBA. Can you imagine
them playing regularly in the NFL with the amount of

hits that they would have to take. It's just it's
not realistic at all.

Speaker 3 (28:48):
Yeah, that's a good point. We're not talking about the
nineties New York Knicks. It's not Anthony Mason and Charles
Oakley out there anymore.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
Yeah, we're talking about Oh my god, I have to
play four games in five nights. Oh my, Oh, my
body's gonna fall apart. Oh my, Oh, get me in
a hospital bed right now.

Speaker 3 (29:06):
Yeah, And a basketball player takes an elbow and then
they're dramatic. You think they're trying out to be on
a daytime soap opera.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
Oh me, yeah, good, good luck with that type of
athlete playing in the NBA physically. Do they have the
skill set that, you know, if they could handle that. Sure,
But that's a big part of being an NFL player
is handling the fact that you are a crash test
dummy and it's demolition derby. It ain't the demolition derby
in the NBA. Nick the quick from Indy. I don't

think we've got an email from Nick the quick, he says,
Ben and Danny. Tom Brady received a forty thousand dollars
ring for appearing on the Netflix comedy Roast this week.
Why does tom Brady need a forty thousand dollar ring? Well,
I would say tom Brady does not need a forty
thousand dollars ring. How about that, Nick? I I am

looking at this though. I guess TMZ had the story. Danny,
it's got four hundred diamonds, rubies and sapphires on it.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
I didn't know it was worth that much. That's crazy.

Speaker 1 (30:09):
Yeah, Like, why what is he gonna do with that? Yeah,
it's gonna be display. Is he gonna put it next
to his other rings?

Speaker 2 (30:16):

Speaker 1 (30:16):
Hey, look at me?

Speaker 3 (30:17):
On? Other question is and if there's any Netflix executives
who listen to our podcast, give us a fucking show.
Got got money like that to wipe your ass with?
Why don't you do a show about radio dudes?

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Yeah, we'll do it. We'll take forty thousand dollars right
now at the starting point. We'll be in good shape
on that.

Speaker 3 (30:35):
Yeah, call it behind the mic and you can follow
us around and look at our lives.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
I am such a radio loser and I had people
complaining also that when I was doing the live show
back on Monday, they were like, well, you know, Drew
Brees got paid to be there, and these other guys
got of course they got paid. Yeah, I mean, what
do you think these guys showed up. It's like people
get paid. That's how it works.

Speaker 3 (30:58):
Huge business. They had millions of viewers. It's still number
one days and days later now it's still number one
on Netflix lineup. Imagine the money that they break in
every month at that company.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
Yeah, I know, it's a and it was a great show.
I'll give them credit. I hate everything. I laughed, it
was well done.

Speaker 3 (31:18):
They didn't name me and my wife watched it and
we laughed our asses off.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
I thought it was like a throwback to the way
that they used to do comedy. It was a breath
of fresh air.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
It wasn't it nice to see a little shift Yeah,
kind of comedy.

Speaker 1 (31:33):
And the other thing is like, hey, people actually loved it,
Like this is how you can do it and you'll
get the audience. Is there there is an audience. You'll
get massive viewership if you do it the way that
people want it, not the woke bullshit and just you
know anyway, I don't get carried on that tash it
JJ writes in from the Motor City, says Ben and Danny,

if you died, here we go. If you died and
I had to choose one place to haunt for the
rest of eternity, where would you choose to haunt?

Speaker 3 (32:08):
This is too easy.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Where where you go? Ahead, Danny? Where we Oh?

Speaker 3 (32:11):
I'm going to join the roaches at Sherman Oaks Studio,
the Fox Sports Radio and Premiere Networks.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
Yeah, then we'll spook.

Speaker 3 (32:21):
Motherfuckers up and down the hallways and in all the studios.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Yeah. Maybe maybe our old buddy Frank is haunting us
with the as a cockroach running around with that.

Speaker 3 (32:32):
Yeah, George Dory will really have something to talk about
on Coast to Coast.

Speaker 1 (32:36):
Yeah yeah, wait till ghost the ghosts at Halloween.

Speaker 3 (32:38):
But I would go.

Speaker 1 (32:40):
I would go ballpark like Dodger Stadium or Fenway, because
you every year, Dodger Stadium is like three million people.
So you can haunt three million people a year just
hanging out of Dodger Stadium. And you only have to
work as a ghost from April or late March until October,
and so they get the rest of the time. You know,
to yourself, you don't have to worry about it, So

that would be a lot of fun. Thank you, JJ.

Speaker 3 (33:05):
The Dodgers fixed their bullpend by then, and then you
could haunt through October.

Speaker 1 (33:09):
Hey, they had a good home stand. They won every
game they did.

Speaker 3 (33:12):
They're playing really good right now.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
Yeah, they something snapped, They snapped out of it on
that East Coast trip.

Speaker 3 (33:18):
To one offense is clicking. And then once Sotawi's former
translator got his arraignment. Yeah, then then O'tawani like the
weight was lifted off his shoulders. Now he's mashing that ball.

Speaker 1 (33:31):
Yeah for sure, Blind Jake right saying, I guess he
said this wasn't necessarily for the mail bag, but he says, uh,
I know you guys love documentaries. Have you checked out
these Saints of Second Chances? Yes?

Speaker 3 (33:44):
I saw that too.

Speaker 1 (33:45):
Yeah, we talked about that in fact, Blind Jake, I
believe I referenced this a couple of times. But one
of my favorite factoids which I have kept from that
particular show, and I will use this from time to
time as a who am I game question? Is I
learned from that show that we got luxury boxes because

of chet Lemon that Mike Mike Veck came up with
the idea in the early eighties. In this documentary they
talked about it. The White Sox needed some money to
sign chet Lemon. He need seventy thousand dollars and he
had an epiphany to sell to put ribs. I think
it was like ribs and beer or something like that
in the old football press box at Comiski Park. And

that was the birth of what has become luxury seeding.

Speaker 3 (34:39):
He found a way to get the money.

Speaker 1 (34:41):
And they said in that documentary, you remember Bill Veck
said that, according to his son, that no, you think
this is gonna be mom and pop restaurants. No, this
is going to be major corporations because it's elitist. And
boy was he right right. I mean, you go to
these sporting events and right behind home playing recorded it
at an It is all elitist. It is all elitist.

Speaker 3 (35:03):
Dude was a fortune teller because he was so right
on with what he thought was gonna happen. What's the
one thing all these companies have in common. They love
to show off.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
Yeah, absolutely, I love to it. I will get out
on that. It is mother's day. Now, I'm traveling back
later today they I have to make my way to
the airport in Myrtle Beach. I will fly to Atlanta.
I will then have a nice layover. Maybe I'll need
some more Chinese food at the airport there in Atlanta.
I will then be making my way back to Southern California.

But unfortunately, due to the travel schedule and the amount
of hours I will be traveling and when I land,
I will not make it back in time. I will
still be in the plane when the show My show
begins tonight, so I will be off tonight, but I
will be back on the Monday into Tuesday show Live
Show returns with me, I will be back, So this

will be my last night away. I try to get
a flight that would make it in time. You can
blame the airlines for that. Nothing worked out that was
available for me to take. But I will be back
on Monday into Tuesday, and no days off for the
foreseeable future, barring some kind of a medical ailment or

something like that. But that's that. And Danny, what do
you have going on today on this Mother's Day?

Speaker 3 (36:24):
Man? Just taking it easy, probably vacuuming for the mom
here at my house nap and taking care of big
baby coat. And we're staying away from the restaurants because
it's a trap on Mother's Day. It's a tourist trap. Yeah,
but we're gonna go to David Busch's this evening.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Oh nice, Are you gonna gamble on some different ski
ball game? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (36:49):
I saw that story. My wife, he's always, like I said,
she's always saying she could kick my ass at air hockey.
Yeah right, I'll bet you forty bucks.

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Beyont there you go. Well, I look forward to hearing
about it.

Speaker 3 (37:01):
Happy Mother's Day, dear.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
Yeah, yeah, I'm taking forty bucks of you. But yeah,
I was having Mother's Day the mom. Mom's the greatest.
We love mom. Mom's rock. I'm big. Yeah, I was
a total mama's boy back in the day and all that.
So enjoy the day. And I'll have I promise I'm
gonna get behind a good microphone Friday. I'm gonna say
a lot of these stories from the meet and greet

back on this past Friday to this upcoming Friday, and
we'll get it. I'll make sure I take notes, and
I have some notes already, and we'll recap everything that
happened at the Malor Meet and Greet in beautiful Charleston,
South Carolina. And have a wonderful rest of your day.
And I'll catch you on the radio tomorrow night, Danny.
You'll be on with Covino and Rich tomorrow right correct.

Speaker 3 (37:48):
Yeah, Monday afternoon two to four pm on the West Side,
and that's five to seven pm, and beautiful Myrtle Beach.
We'll catch you then later Skater and Mama's You need
to be nice to mommy cause mommy is nice to you.
You got a murder. I gotta go.
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