All Episodes

March 31, 2024 35 mins

Ben Maller & Danny G. deliver Mail Bag fun for your Sunday! All questions sent in by new listeners & P1's of the #MallerMilitia! Download, subscribe, and remember that sharing is caring (unless it's an STD.) Follow Danny G. @DannyGradio and Ben on Twitter @BenMaller and listen to the original terrestrial radio edition of "Ben Maller Show," Monday-Friday on Fox Sports Radio, 2a-6a ET, 11p-3a PT!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:02):
If you thought four hours a day, twelve hundred minutes
a week was enough, think again. He's the last remnants
of the old Republic, a soul fashion of fairness. He
treats crackheads in the ghetto gutter the same as the
rich pill poppers in the penthouse.

Speaker 1 (00:18):

Speaker 2 (00:18):
It's a clearinghouse of hot takes. Break free for something special.
The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller starts right now.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
In the a ey way and a happy Sunday, kind
of a big holiday today. It is Easter Sunday, but
we're doing this anyway. What the heck. It's like an
Easter egg hunt here because the beat goes on, it
never stops. The Fifth Hour myself, Ben and Danny the

Great Danny g Radio right there as we we hang
out together. Get you through Easter Sunday. Yeah, you know,
for some people it's Easter Sunday, but for us, it's
Crayola Crayon Day. That is today, March thirty, first Crayola
Crayon Day, which was a big part of my childhood,
the Crayola cra There are other crayon companies, but they're

not nearly as famous, right, They're not nearly as famous.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
Creola tasted better too, the green ones especially.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
Yeah, the perfect meal. When I was in like second
or third grade, was my main course was the Crayola crayon,
and I had a side dish of Elmer's gluue.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
I knew you were going to say glue, and I
let it dry on your fingers.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Oh yeah, yeah, I'd pour it all over my fingers.
The teacher me, ben Benji, Benji, you're making a mess. Benji,
it is okay, all right, And then I'd let it dry.

Speaker 3 (01:45):
And then I just it's better than eating your own boogers.
I can't tell you how many pre k and k's
I had to stop from doing that and make them
wash their hands.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
Hey, there are people I've worked with in radio Danny
that would eat their boogers while on a remote chowd
down and a little bite, little bite, little taste, little taste,
little taste. What the heck. Yeah, So it's a big
crayon day today. So it's also National tater tot Day.

So that's that's big. I like the thoughts, that's uh.
Some of them are too salty, though, Well, anything with
potatoes is the proper. There's a sweet spot right, the
proper amount of salt and all that and whatnot. Well,
today is all about one thing and one thing only, Danny.

It is Sunday, and we are the conduit to the people, right.
We are here by the people, for the people, all
about the people.

Speaker 4 (02:48):
And so you know what that means, the male bag, it's.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
Right. Yeah, thank you, ohio Al.

Speaker 1 (03:08):
We love our man, ohio Al. These are actual questions
by actual listeners to the show. We thank you. We've
been getting some new names pretty much every week. We
love that. We love the people that are regulars as
well and just being part of this. And you can
send it a mail question in anytime you want Real
Fifth Hour at gmail dot com. That's Real fifth Hour
at gmail dot com. Or you can post on the

Facebook page Ben Malor Show. That is Ben Mahler's show
on the Facebook page. And the first email we have
is from Barry, formerly in Nashville but now in South Carolina.
He says, yo yo ma, Benny. Sort of a sporto question,

he says. But with the start of the Major League
Baseball season this week, he says, I do not count
the Korea Bowl crap, He says, Barry, it seems like
Major League baseball is becoming more and more like senior softball,
where to avoid any type of collision and injury, they

have two home plates and double first bases. You don't
have any tag plays at home, the fielders stay at
normal at normal home the runner goes to the second
home plate. If the ball beats you to home, you
are out. And then Barry says, how long before Major

League baseball becomes like a senior league with all these
dumb rules, says.

Speaker 3 (04:41):
We heard this all week, but about the NFL, JJ
Watt and other's saying NFL should just play flag football.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
Well, that NFL stuff is pretty the kick you see
the kickoff the video, the kickoff, it looks like a glitch,
like the XFL style kickoff.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
Yeah, I'm not denying that some of the rule changes the.

Speaker 1 (04:59):
Hip the hip rock. I thought our guy LeVar Arrington
summed it up great where he said that this is
the end of greatness, this is the end.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
And superstar defenders. Yeah, and I agree that was his point.
That was his point. But we're not ever going to
get to the point where they play flag football. Give
me a break. No, it's not. It's not the Pro Bowl,
Pro Bowl, I get it, regular season, in playoffs, in

Super Bowl, No, it's going to be tackling.

Speaker 1 (05:30):
Hold on second if they can wear the helmets and
the pads. But add a how about two hand touch?
Maybe not flag football, but two hand touch.

Speaker 3 (05:39):
How about the oh man, we better be dead if
they go to.

Speaker 1 (05:42):
The Eventually that will happen. But yeah, but as far
as as far as Barr's questions concerned, So my favorite
part of this, Barry, is that baseball has done all
of this not because they want the game to be faster,
because they want a better experience for the fans, not
because it's a better product. It's not because that they

did this because they want to keep the Golden goose happy.
The television overlords and you know this probably already Beary,
I'm preaching the choir, But the people that control the
purse strings in television, they're the ones that said, hey,
wait a minute, you know we want a quicker product.
We're not getting return on our investment. So over the

last five to ten years, this actually predates rob manfraud
goes back to bud's Selik because they got rid of
the play at the plate while Bud Selik was still
the commissioner of Baseball. They got rid of the play
at second base with rob Manfraud as the commission But
as I understand it, all of these rules were placed

to make the product more appealing to television. And the
kick in the nuts to baseball this week was the
report that ESPN is looking to get out of a
baseball business. Now Fox is the main broadcaster of baseball,
but ESPN supplemented that they had a deal where they
do Sunday night Baseball and they carried a couple of

games throughout the week, and they're supposedly getting out of it,
which is just the ultimate in your face, because Danny,
they literally did this to appease, to pacify the people
that do television, and some of them have already rejected
and that they're like, we're good, we'll spend our money elsewhere.

So pretty pretty well. But you are right, Barry, Like
the most exciting plays in baseball the takeout play at
home plate by far the most exciting. The anticipation will
to throw make it in time? Will the catcher be
able to block the plate? Is the runner going to
take out the catcher? And you can see it when
you're in the stadium. It was awesome, much like the kickoff, Dan,

if you go to an NFL game and that excitement
where you can see the blocking, you can see the
path opening up for the kick returner. Will he see
the hole? Will he get through the hole? And if
he gets through the hole, will anyone be able to
chase him from behind and get him? You know, all
of that is just tremendous theater. And you know people

like your son Cole will not experience that because it
doesn't exist anymore. It's gone, which is disappointing. Disappointing anyway,
Alf from the Wall of Sound rites and he says,
I'm sorry to get sporty, Ben and Danny, but I
was wondering what Daddy Gee's position is. Daddy on which

feet is more impressive? The Lakers Mickey Mouse ring in
a bubble? He says, insert the bubble drop here? Or
the hardest World Series ever? When the Dodgers won in
a sixty game season. He says, that's the question you
haven't answer.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
It's such a stupid question.

Speaker 1 (08:51):
Well, we know the Dodgers is I think the hardest
actually is that.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
If it was even harder for the Dodgers to win
that season. Then logical it was even harder for the
Lakers to win that season as as well.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
It was easier again, let me explain, Let me explain.
All right, So one sport you had three months to
rest your body after the grind it get healthy.

Speaker 3 (09:14):
Only the three months off.

Speaker 1 (09:17):
Yea, they needed it more. They had the older, older rosters,
they had the older rusherybody had level playing field covering
and then and then the other one is a sport
designed you go la la la, la la la. That's
how the said, do you kicking, kicking their feet up,
relaxing one hundred and sixty two games. But no, this

is sprint. This is a sprint. You lose one player,
it's over it, You're done. You're cooked so much harder
in baseball that year than it was in basketball, and.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
No home court advantage. You don't take wins away from teams.
That's just how it goes in all sports. You win,
you win now.

Speaker 1 (09:55):
But I will concede though, Dan, and I'll be fair.
You know I one thing about me. My middle name
is fair Dight Ben Fair Mallar. And that seven game
title the Lakers got at the end of twenty twenty three,
that that impressive.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
That was so good.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
I mean that, what was it called the in season tournament?
They hung their little banner. That was so impressive. I
was impressed by that.

Speaker 3 (10:22):
Still more banners than your favorite.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
Team to have the Hootz, but a hag a banner
after seven games. Now. Alf also says I just wanted
to hear the bubble drop. It's my favorite and Roberto
had mastered it. So that's from Alf. So he just
wanted to hear Babo.

Speaker 3 (10:38):
I'll give him a drop right now, blank my blank
and blank you all right?

Speaker 1 (10:43):
Next up, mister, I bet you will. Mister Luciana Wright
said too the mail bag, he says, this question is
for both Ben and Danny. Do you guys think they'll
ever legalize gambling in California? Also, if they don't, do
you think Nevada has something to.

Speaker 3 (10:59):
Do with it? That's from mister No, it's not Nevada.

Speaker 1 (11:04):
Yeah, we've been over this before in the past, mister Lusiano,
but it's the Indian casino.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
The Indian casinos are controlling those prop measures, and so
we've seen in the past that that would hurt their business.
And then the major players that you mentioned last weekend.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
The big companies DraftKings and FanDuel. They wanted in a
couple of years ago, they had it on the ballot,
and then the Indian casinos spent so much money, and
this is proof it's kind of scary. If you spend
enough money, you can win any kind of vote you want. Yes, sir,
they spent all this money showing these poor Indian people
and how they you know gambling was going to be bad, which.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
Is they spent millions of dollars on this ad campaign,
by the way.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
Yeah, yeah, and they spent enough money they convinced the
dumb voters in California to vote to ban sports gambling.
But I was told that I think either later this
year or early in twenty twenty five, there's supposed to
be another round of legislation that'll be on the ballot,
and this one is going to be by the Indian casinos,

which means since they'll be getting a bigger piece of
the pie, or control the gambling sports gambling market in California,
that then they'll they're not going to spend money to
vote against it, They're going to spend money to get it,
and that means that it's more likely to pass unless.

Speaker 3 (12:26):
So, in other words, you can go in and legally
they can legally have like a big sports book added
to their casino.

Speaker 1 (12:33):
Yeah, like we're in La like a Commers casino or
something like that. As I and I maybe I'm completely wrong,
but as I was told the story, they would have
these things around. They'd also have the mobile betting, so
you wouldn't even have to go in, which is so
nice when you have it on your phone, but also
very dangerous. Yeah, very dangerous when you have your own
I find set.

Speaker 3 (12:52):
A fan duel, it'll be shoemash duel on your phone.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Yeah, yeah, something like that, something like that. So that's
the deal with mister Luciano. It should be the next
couple of years. But the conspiracy for a long time
was that Nevada did not want it. But it is
interesting to note that there are only twelve states left
that do not have legalized sports betting in America. Only twelve, right,
most of them in the Bible Belt in California and

a few other ones. And what they've found out is
people still love going to Vegas though even though they
can bet on sports in their backyard. That there's still
people that make the pilgrimage to Vegas. It's like the
adult playground. Now. Whether that'll continue in future generations, who knows.

Maybe that will not, but right now it hasn't hurt
their business. There's still a bunch of out of towners, like, Hey,
look at your Raiders, Danny. When the Raiders play the Eagles,
there's a million dudes from Philadelphia who are making the trip,
even though they can bet in the Philadelphia area, and
they're coming over from Philly to go to Vegas to
be part of the experience or any of those other

stities around the country where gambling is legal. So interesting,
Mike and Fullerton writes in on the mail bag. He says, Hi,
Ben and Danny g last week you wanted to know
who the new Brad Pitt is going to be. I'm
not sure if this is going to catch on or not,
but Mike and Fullerton says, in my group of friends,

at least our new go to name for a guy
with Hollywood heartthrob looks is Fox Sports radio host Ben Maler. Well,
thank you, Mike. I appreciate that. It's a fine tribute.

Speaker 3 (14:37):
That doesn't make any sense because your age is not
far off from Brad Pitt's how dare you?

Speaker 1 (14:43):
Mike also says, I want to congratulate your Dodgers Ben
on being Cactus League champions for twenty twenty four. Do
you think they should hang a banner to celebrate? If not, why,
I'd argue that winning the Cactus League is a whole
lot more impressive than winning the NBA's in season tournament.
And the Lakers hung a banner for that, Yeah, go ahead,

hang your little Where would they hang the banner?

Speaker 3 (15:07):
Who would that?

Speaker 1 (15:08):
Where would that go? At Dodger Stadium?

Speaker 3 (15:11):
Probably in one of the stalls, Put.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
That in one of the urinals. Yeah, at Dodger Stadium.
It'd be a good looking banner. I saw they pulled
out this Japanese bell. Did you see that? This at
home now for Dodger games? That was gifted to the
Dodgers from Japan in like the nineteen sixties, and they
this thing has been in storage since like the nineteen sixties,
I heard, or whatever, and they're they're dusting it off

at Dodger Stadium. Who else have Georgia and Uvalde, Texas
rights into the mailbag, he says, with Otani going full
blown Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes. What is the most
inappropriate sitcom in history? Which sitcom did you watch in
your youth that would never be remade today?

Speaker 3 (15:55):
Oh, that's easy. Threes company talking about phobia, and it
was such a different time because it was so crazy
to everybody that he would have a female roommate or
two female roommates. Oh my god, he's not married to
either of them, and so he had to pretend like
he was gay so that he could have female roommates.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
Yeah. The one that would be easy to remake would
be remember when Tom Hanks was it.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
Busom Buddies someboddies.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Yeah, that's mainstream though back then it was taboo. But now,
you know, dressing as a woman, you do whatever.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
You want because they could easily be transformers and accepted. Well,
what was the Archie Archie Archie Bunker.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Yeah, yeah, that was a bad one.

Speaker 3 (16:39):
It was satire, but yeah, I couldn't get away with it.
Now people can't handle sat You could do that on
HBO or one of the you know, one of the
streamed platforms.

Speaker 1 (16:51):
But a certain percentage of people do not get sarcasm
and satire. And you know, Danny right from doing what
we do for a living. And those people now have
a megaphone with social media. So it seems like.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
That why I can't play the Necro Brothers drop.

Speaker 1 (17:08):
Well, again, I don't know what you're talking about. There
was Phil Nkro and Joe Nicro.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
But I want to play the drop. And I heard
that iHeart says no to that drop, that it's outlawed.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
No comment? Next question? Uh, next, next one. How about
the Jefferson's. You probably could make the Jeffersons Upper east
Side Penthouse in the sky? Uh? Nick in Whiskey trying.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
To spin off from Archie Bunker's show by the way.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
Uh huh Nick and Wisconsin rights And he says, Ben
and Danny, if you could own an exotic pet, what
would you choose? When I was younger, I always wanted
a monkey like they had on Friends.

Speaker 3 (17:50):
Shut up, you wanted wanted a monkey? Uh?

Speaker 1 (17:54):
If I could have one that wouldn't kill me, that
I would would just have as a pet to impress people.
It'd be kind of cool to have an alligator. That'd
be pretty cool to have, like a pet alligat or
a rhino or elephant, one of those. What about you?
I'm guessing you're gonna go like some kind of like tigers.

Speaker 3 (18:12):
Yah, dang, how'd you know? I know you?

Speaker 1 (18:16):
I know you, man, Come on.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
I grew up loving the movie Scarface, and of course
he had a pet tiger. Mike Tyson had some tigers. Yeah, man,
that would be so cool to have a tiger growling
on a chain in your backyard.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Oh yeah, imagine imagine you're like a single guy with
a tiger. You would do so well? Yeah, or maybe not. Maybe,
like the women would be scared, come around, you.

Speaker 3 (18:40):
Be scared you were going to feed them to your tiger.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
Yeah, that wouldn't go so well.

Speaker 3 (18:46):
That is cool.

Speaker 1 (18:48):
Did I hear somewhere that there are more it was
a certain kind of dangerous animal, that there are more
of them in captivity in Texas than there are in
the wild. I think it was like tigers or lions
or something like that, that that in Texas you can
own them.

Speaker 3 (19:05):
Is it a tiger? Let me, I think I've heard
this before.

Speaker 1 (19:08):
Yeah, look at uh, we'll do we'll do a google
just google it. But I heard somebody was talking about
it this week, and I was like, that is amazing
that there are more of these things in captivity in
Texas than in the wild in the world. And I
know Texas is big and a lot of people have
these big ranches out in the middle of nowhere. And
people think of Texas with Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio,

but a lot of Texas is empty.

Speaker 3 (19:31):
Yeah, in Texas, tigers can be kept as pets. There
are anywhere from two thousand to five thousand tigers living
in the state of Texas.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Damn, it was worried about the guns.

Speaker 3 (19:44):
Yeah, they're the second largest tiger population in the world.
India is the only place ahead of Texas.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
I saw some videos out of India and it is insane,
Like there's tigers like walking around the street in these
little villages. Do you imagine, like we have bears here,
and we have these brown bears in California that'll walk around.
And if you live in the foothills.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
And I've seen bobcats in my neighborhood, and tell me
you haven't seen the news story about the wildlife crossing
they're building in my neighborhood, the freeway overpass.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
Yeah, that's a great use of resources.

Speaker 3 (20:25):
Yeah, do you know how much that thing is costing?

Speaker 1 (20:27):
How much does that cost?

Speaker 3 (20:28):
It's ninety three million dollars right now, and it could
be more.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
Why does it need to cost ninety three million? Couldn't
you get a couple of guys at home depot and
go out there on a weekend and get it done
Saturday and Sunday.

Speaker 3 (20:41):
Yeah. If you don't know what I'm talking about, google
wildlife crossing Agora Hills, California. It's spectacular. I mean, hey,
I love animals, I love the zoo. I was at
the San Diego Zoo just last week, but last weekend.
But one hundred million dollars for a bridge that I
don't know, two bobcats might cross over in three months?

Speaker 1 (21:04):
Yeah? Did they realize the bobcats can't read and they
don't like know, Hey, that's for us. They'll go where
they want to go, Like, do they understand that concept?
It's not a.

Speaker 3 (21:14):
Heard this complaint in the comments of uh well, I
think it was Channel seven covering this story here locally
in southern California, and somebody wrote bobcats can't read and
then the person underneath said, hey, you big dummy. They're
writing the signs in bobcat man, so if it's in

their language, then duh.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
Well, these things cost so much money because it's just
it's payoffs right by politicians, Like there's no reason this
stuff should cost as much as it does. It's like
we was it with you or it was the last week,
a couple of weeks ago, we talked about that that
building in downtown near Staples Center, the building they got
tagged and they're gonna they're gonna clean it up, right,
which is essentially just giving a blank canvas to the

people that come back and to tag it again.

Speaker 3 (22:03):
Yeah, so like shaking an etcha sketch.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Exactly, And it's gonna cost like tens of millions of
dollars to get the graffiti off, and again you can
hire a couple of guys, get a power washer, and
get it done in a couple of days with the
thousand dollars.

Speaker 3 (22:18):
All the uninformed people in the comments of these news
stories about the overpass are like, great job, congratulations, hallelujah.
We need more of these. There should be dozens of
these in southern California. And I'm like, dozens of these,
you idiot, it's one hundred million dollars, no.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
Concept, and how many of those are like real? Are
those special interest groups that have hijacked in social media.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
Yeah, to be fair, not all of it is taxpayers money.
There's some you know, gift from some artsy person that.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
Get some How about this, Danny, it's gonna be an
unpopular opinion, right, unpopular opinion. How about we spend that
money on mental health for the people that are walking
around our cities like zombies and breaking into cars. Yes,
and cut by, thank you.

Speaker 3 (23:02):
I'll say heymn, hallelujah to that. Or how about the
potholes that I bumd my tires into every single day
on that damn freeway that's going underneath the new overpass
for the wild.

Speaker 1 (23:14):
Yeah, the potholes. We uhlude we didn't get rain in
LA for about ten years, and everyone said, oh, we're
never going to get rain again. And the last couple
of years we have had this al Nino thing which
has been tons of rain and it's absolutely destroyed and
those giant trucks have destroyed. Yes, the highways and byways
of California.

Speaker 3 (23:34):
I cannot tell you how many damn huge potholes I
hit on the one on one freeway every day.

Speaker 1 (23:40):
Oh, it's ridiculous. I drive there as well to go
in and and I all over the Hollywood Freeway. I
go on there, ridiculous.

Speaker 3 (23:49):
If I saw Bobcat in the freeway, I would slow
my car down and stop and let it pass. Use
that money to fix the damn potholes. How about that? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (23:57):
And plus the traffic never goes fast enough during the
day the bobcats are in danger. It just doesn't.

Speaker 3 (24:02):
So yeah, they would weave through it, bumper to bumper traffic,
just like the motorcycles do.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
Exactly, all right, cup fan Mike from Fort Wayne, Indiana writes,
and he says, what is your favorite board game? Guys?
Board game? When your kid? I played all the big Ones,
I played Shoots and Ladders, Monopoly. I don't know if
this counts as a board game, but I love Checkers.
I love playing Checkers.

Speaker 3 (24:27):

Speaker 1 (24:27):
Smart, It wasn't smart enough for chess, but I love
checking Yeah.

Speaker 3 (24:31):
I was gonna say it's not a board game either.
But we loved Uno. We could know we could play
Uno for an hour straight.

Speaker 1 (24:38):
A game I did not like as a child, but
I play a ton when I'm trying just to chill
out in my downtime. Is the game of scrabble, like
I like. I love words and I have a good
time with Scraby, a scrabble game on my phone that
I play probably more than any other game.

Speaker 3 (24:55):
My drunk uncle taught us how to play dominoes.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
Oh did he he drinking dominos?

Speaker 3 (25:01):
He was drinking Saint Id's Saint.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
I's man back in the day. All right. Next up
Ozzie Wise from Western Australia. A loyal minion, He says,
I live in Western Australia, about five hours of a
drive east of Perth, the capital of Australia. He said,
I got some fun facts for you about Australia. So

he sent me a lot of fun facts. Danny, I
don't think we're gonna have time to get to all these.
He sent me fifty fun facts. But I'll just cherry
pick some of these and then we'll go through. How
about that that sounds good, right, We'll cherry pick some
fun facts.

Speaker 3 (25:37):
Let's do it.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
Let's see here. Ozzie Wah says the Australian Alps get
more snow than the Swiss Alps. But that I didn't
even know there was an Australian Alps. Did you know that?
I didn't know that.

Speaker 3 (25:49):
I had no idea this one. I did No.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Ninety percent of Australians live on the coast. I was
aware of that. I watched a documentary Ozzie was on
Your Fine Country and they explane that there's not enough water.
If they can figure out a way to get fresh
drinking water into the middle part of Australia, there would
be a massive boom of population. But it's got like

the kind of the same deal that we have here
in America. You know how you there's that that point.
It's in the middle part of the country around the
Rocky Mountains, where the Rocky Mountains block the water from
coming over the Rocky Mountains. There's a lot of dryness
and not a lot of people. Like in Wyoming, in
places like that, no one lives there.

Speaker 3 (26:34):
It's like a rock block.

Speaker 1 (26:36):
Eighty percent of the population lives on the east coast
and the rest live on the west coast because that's
where the water is. And in that weird middle zone
where there's Wyoming, Nebraska, you know those those states kind
of in the mill Kansas is there. There's just not
enough water, as I understand it, because of the geography,

and that's why there's not people living. The same thing
in Australia. It says Tasmania has the cleanest air in
the world. Is that true Tasmania. The only reason I
know that is the Tasmanian Devil. That's that's it. The
Great Barrier reef, the world's largest ecosystem. Was it Eddie

that went? There's somebody I know went Eddie went to
the Great Barrier reef. I don't think he was that
impressed because there's no hockey game.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
Mean bring back like some kangaroo jerky.

Speaker 1 (27:31):
He actually did bring back a couple of weird things
in Australia. They are like local, local delicacy. What else
is here? Australia has over sixty separate wine regions. Okay,
let's see. The Fraser Island is the largest sand island
in the world. According to this from Ozzi waz page
down here, page down, eighty percent of Australian animals are

unique to Australia. Oh, how does that happen? Like the
kangaroo and those the different things that are only there. No,
you think somewhere else they would have popped up.

Speaker 3 (28:08):
Yeah, obviously they have a very tight screening as you
enter and leave their country.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
Australia's home to twenty one of the world twenty five
most venomous steaks, So you got that going for you
as well. Perth. We do very well in Perth. This
show does very well in Perth, Australia. The Overnight show
end this podcast and he says Perth is the only
city in the world which can have aircraft land in
its CBD. Interesting. What else It would take take around

twenty nine years to visit one new Assie beach every day.
There are ten tho six hundred and eighty five beaches
in Australia. Holy it seems like a bit too much. Yeah,
this is like a little bit too much. Australia is
the sixth largest country in the world. Did you know that?
These are all fun? Fact? I can go on and on,

but thank you Ozzi Wise. See what you should have done,
Ozzi was in the future if you just sent us
a few of those every week, we would have probably
read them all. But you set them all in one
big dump here. Like you said, there's six hundred riders
of a eucalyptus trees in Australia.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
It's pretty wild. I got one for you. On Netflix.
There's a show called The Tourist and it's an Irish
man who is stuck in the outback and he thinks
he committed a murder, but he has amnesia from a
car accident. He can't remember who he killed or who
he is. Yeah, the whole thing takes place in Australia.
It's pretty cool. That's cool.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
Did you know the most deadly marine animal in Australia
Daddy the box jellyfish responsible for more deaths per year
than snake, sharks and saltwater crocodiles.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
Yeah, crocodile, not a gator. Huh.

Speaker 1 (29:53):
Yeah, they got the crock They got the real saltwater crocs. Yeah,
all right, thanks for that, Ozzi Wa was a bone
from Portland, main right sand He says, what is the
worst sunburn? You CALLI? Boys can ever remember having? I
will never forget mine. I was in high school, went
to the outdoor music festival in Boston, no sunscreen, Young

and dumb and thanks for the content, he says. Don't
stop rocking, says ps Ben. He had a suggestion for
the phrase of the week. I'll consider that Jbone for
next week for the phrase of the week. Worst sunburn,
the worst sunburn, Danny. I had a bunch when I
was a kid. We had when I was going up,

they opened a water park in the area, and so
i'd go there and it was called Wild Rivers a
water park, and we had no My mom got me
a season pass during the summer and she would give
me like suntown Loceans, but you know where's alf after
a while, and so I ended up. I was like

a tomato. I was like a red delicious apple. And
the worst part. And i've over the years when I
do get some burn, you just don't want to get
sunburned in your elbow joints, your neck, or your knees.
As you can be sunburned as long as those areas
are not sunburn and it's manageable. But when you have
to bend your arm and your arm sunburn, it's a

freaking nightmare. Or your knee, it's.

Speaker 3 (31:18):
Yeah, dude, I have one for you. I took a
week off from a radio station, like one of my
FM radio stations I worked for back in the day,
and I went out to Oxnard Shores, Hollywood Beach there
and it was like an overcast day. I'm not gonna
get burned. I don't need any sunscreen. I got the
worst burn on my back of all places, that is

horrible because obviously you lean against your chair, you try
to sit in your car. It was really bad. I
went up and visited family in San Jose during my
week off, and my aunt heard me complaining. She's like,
your big baby, take off your shirt. Let me see it.
And I took off my shirt. She looked at it
and she went, oh, oh my gor She's like, she's like,

I would be crying if I had that on my back. Okay,
I'm gonna give you a pass, and she rubbed alo
Vera on it, and I just remember being a wreck
the whole rest of that week.

Speaker 1 (32:10):
The Olivera is one of the most wonderful things.

Speaker 3 (32:14):
Yeah, you're God for that point.

Speaker 1 (32:16):
Slobber that all over and then do it again fifteen
minutes later, and just keep doing it, just over and
over and over and over and over and over again
and again and again. Let's see. Yeah, I think that's
that's it. I think we all we don't have any time.
We're out of time here. We're gonna get kicked out

of the I'll get kicked out of his studio, and
I think I was self destruct in four minutes. If
I do not end this right now, so thanks to
let's see Mike. So, I'm Mickey from the Commonwealth, our masshole,
Mickey from the Commonwealth, Bob from Bowling Green Lee in
the Valley of the Sun, my guy from the used

to work at the liquor store and Cliff and Nashville.
We did not have time unfortunately this week to get
to your questions, but you can send them in for
next week. Hopefully we'll have time next week. With thanks
to everybody, it's been great. If you want to send
a question in again. Real fifth Hour at gmail dot com.
Real fifth Hour at gmail dot com. It's Easter Sunday.
I'll be back tonight eleven o'clock in the west and

two am in the east and we'll be hanging out
and we'll have a grand old time on the Overnight Show.
And you're off today, Jonas, but you'll be back tomorrow, right.

Speaker 3 (33:35):
Yes, sir, And don't call me Jonas.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
I call you Jonah. Why would I call you Jonas?

Speaker 3 (33:39):
No? No, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (33:41):
Oh, Mike, where did that come from?

Speaker 3 (33:42):
I don't know. We both have beards. We don't need
to bring Jonas in.

Speaker 1 (33:46):
But who But I've never done a show I don't
think I've ever.

Speaker 3 (33:50):
Worked for what I've done a show with Jonas before.

Speaker 1 (33:53):
Where did that come from?

Speaker 3 (33:54):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
That's a that's a sign this podcast we're too long.
That's a sign from above that we end this podcast
immediately for real. Jonas, go hard on a guy that
is I didn't usually I call you Eddie or something
like that, I call you Eddie.

Speaker 3 (34:09):
But Jonas, Wow, boy, the next thing, you know, you're
gonna call me j T Man Brick.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
Come on, let's go Brick, come on.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
Yeah. So we're gonna be back in the studios tomorrow
for Covino and Rich fresh out of Vegas. We'll be
back in Sherman Oaks, where more cars are being broken
into than ever before.

Speaker 1 (34:30):
Yeah, car capital of California.

Speaker 3 (34:33):
Yeah, we'll talk about that next weekend on the show. Yeah,
but we're gonna be on from two to four pm
Monday afternoon, that is five to seven pm. And beautiful Springfield, Massachusetts.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Absolutely. My grandfather was.

Speaker 3 (34:47):
From back in the Mama Mama from look at that.

Speaker 1 (34:51):
We both got family from there. Have a wonderful, wonderful
Easter Sunday here and we'll talk to you on the
podcast next weekend, but catch our radio shows. See we'll
catch you next time.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
Later. Skater gotta murder, I gotta go.
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