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May 16, 2024 41 mins

Colin is joined by John Middlekauff, host of “3 and Out” to break down the NFL schedule release!

5:00 - NFL took care of the streaming services

8:15 - Best MNF schedule in years

11:30 - Jets 

16:30 - Chargers 

17:30 - Bears

24:00 - Cowboys

26:30 - Steelers got the toughest schedule

30:30 - Eagles

33:30 - NFC resurgence?

39:00 - The standalone games are HUGE

41:00 - Could streamers push out the broadcast networks?

(Timestamps may vary based on advertisements.)

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
The volume.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
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Speaker 1 (01:06):
More all right.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
Instant reaction. Former NFL scout John Middlecoff three and out podcast.
It's NFL schedule release, which is the closest thing to
adult entertainment for me once the season ends. This is
cotton candy when I was nine. I just I'll eat

it until my teeth rot so and I know I
like it way more than the average person.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
But colle can we push back against all the haters
because there is a lot of people, especially considered the
sports media. They're like, this isn't that the NFL is
an event business. When Dana White announces a fight card,
it's a big deal. That's what the NFL is like
the games. Do you know what the other Do you
know what the NBA and Major League Baseball would give

to have their games in the regular season? Matter? This matters. Yeah,
we knew the opponents, but we didn't know the days,
the times, the bye weeks, the setup. This is an
event sport. I mean, it's why it's taken off the
way it has.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
Right Listen, you can tell they want Jim Harbaugh to
start two and oh the Chargers get the Raiders at home,
one of the weaker teams, and then the Panthers on
the road. They want a two and oh, Jim Harbaugh.
They want listen, there are certain things the NFL they're
gonna take care of, Like let's take companies. For instance,

this is the strongest Amazon Thursday night schedule. Remember the
first few years of Amazon it was awful.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Oh my god, it was like Titans Texans when the
Texans were bad. It was every week.

Speaker 2 (02:47):
So the first now Thursday, they start with Josh Allen
and Tua. The next week it's Aaron Rodgers. The next
week it's Dak Prescott in Dallas. Week six, you get
the Niners Seattle. Week eight it Harbaugh Jim Week ten,
Burrow against Lamar Jackson. We know the NFL. Netflix got
Christmas games streaming service. They're taking care Amazon clearly said, listen,

what's your future? What are we going to pay? What
can a network pay? I thought they took care of
Amazon as much as you can. I mean, you don't
want to. You gotta be careful on Thursday because you
want some close geographical matchups like New England Jets is
a really easy trip for both teams. That's an easy trip.
Buffalo Miami's not, but it's the first one.

Speaker 1 (03:36):
But there's a Niners Rams Thursday night game. They like
doing that.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
Poditional games One of the things that jumped out to
me is that, you know, Netflix, they did a solid
they give them Christmas games, Amazon Thursday. I mean, i'll
be honest with you, Monday Night football, John, there is
a what I would call a star or high profile
quarterback in seventeen weeks now, I'm counting Caleb Williams and

Tua is high profile. It's the best Monday Night football
schedule I've seen. So again, Disney money, Amazon money, Monday
and Thursday Night are gonna weaken Sunday to some degree.
There are star quarterbacks being taken out of Sunday games.

Speaker 1 (04:18):
Well in a weird way that Sunday morning for us
on the West Coast, the ten am kickoff for the
NFL is a little bit of a throwaway at this point.
It is right the afternoon, the Fox main game and
the CBS game matter. They're all in on Sunday Night football.
Monday Night. Once they hired Troy and Joe became a
really really big deal. Peyton's involved, and let's face it,

i mean, Amazon's top two or three company in the world,
So they're not going away. Streaming's not going away. To me.
What jumped out though, is Netflix reportedly plaid seventy five
million dollars a game, and they got two of them.
They are I looked at their market cap, top forty
company in the world. Well are they gonna grow or
are they gonna shrink over the next ten twenty years?
And how you're in the busines this broadcast television, the

cable bundle. We know how that's going. We know the
change of everything. We see it in our podcast business
compared to traditional radio. To me, when I saw what
they did in Netflix, they didn't just give them two
random games on Christmas. They gave them Chiefs at the
Steelers and the Ravens at the Texans. Yep, so equivalent
four playoff teams. You could argue the biggest star in

the sport in Mahomes. The Ravens were right there to
go to the super Bowl last year. The Texans are
a trajectory like this, and the Steelers are a top
five brand. To me, Netflix a little bit of a precursor.
Are we looking at the next television deal? Are there?
Is there just a package on Netflix on Sunday? Maybe?
Because let's face it, when I get in bed and
she grabs the remote, the first we don't turn on

we have YouTube TV, which are She goes to Netflix
and I looked right before we hopped on, they have
eighty million subscribers in America. Maybe they're saying, we get
the NFL. Is that number one hundred within a couple
of years.

Speaker 2 (05:58):
Well, you and I saw the same thing. Is that
we know streaming services are going to gobble up some
of these games. The NFL rewards who rewards the NFL.
Roger Goodell has thirty two bosses. They're called owners. I
thought it was easily the best Thursday schedule. I thought
Netflix got great games, and I think you and I
thought Monday Night football. You know, it is interesting when

buckan Aikman went to ESPN, I thought, for years and years,
and this is not a shot at anybody at any company,
but I thought the NFL didn't love some of you know,
Booger McFarlane on a crane. It looked it was Jason
Witten missed. It kind of felt like ESPN. When John
Skipper ran, it just didn't understand that the NFL's king,

not the NBA. John just to me, did not create
a strong alliance. John Skipper's out, Patarro's in Bodenheimer came
in for a while, Jimmy Pataro. You can see they
treat the NFL like it needs to bed. They upgrade
the Monday Night Football crew and they were rewarded with

seventeen weeks of high pro fire quarterbacks. So you know,
I said this today on the air. Nothing the NFL
does is random or without thought, like Baseball can't. I
mean baseball literally networks go to baseball and see you know,
Fox is like, can you create some events like like that,
like the game they did in Iowa, Like, oh, that's
really watchable, that's fun. The NFL, they they they they

know who butters the bread.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
And I think he like, I think it's pretty telling.
And I told you this a long time. You know,
a couple months ago, the Belichick change his perception. Go
on television. What's he doing now Monday Night Football with
Peyton and Eli? But they did in the first quarter
because the last couple of years since they got Joe
and Troy, I just want to watch the game. They're
a high level broadcaster. I haven't watched Peyton Eli, even
though I like hanging out with Peyton and Eli. Yeah, well,

now during the first quarter, if Bill's on, I might
flip over. But the Meatia game, when it's doing a
higher rating, I'm gonna go back. So they have gone
all in Monday Night football. You've been watching your whole life.
For me, in the nineties when I was a kid,
used to really matter, and it felt like it really dipped,
and it feels like it's back, and I know everyone's
pushed back against Thursday Night. It's like, guys, you do

know the players split the revenue with the owners and
that is a complete cash cow. And I've heard like
Jason Kelcey and Travis Kelsey they like it because if
you do your job and you win that game, you
get a mini by the falling week. Yes, so it's
pretty advantageous. If you're a good team, you win that game,
you take care of business, and boom, you get the
weekend off and you can let your body recover.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
One of the things I wrote down today, by the way,
Sunday Night football there's a star or high profile quarterback
every week except Week fifteen, but that's the Packers against Seattle.
So Jordan Love may not be high profile yet, but
the Packers are a huge brand. So one of the
things I wrote down early Sunday afternoon will be weaker

than usual. I mean Monday night, Sunday Night, Amazon, the
CBS and Fox games roll was great.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
Those are always didn't feel like that. Last year A
lot of the ten am kickoff games you could kind
of just there might be one game you really had
to pay attention. We do this for a living. I
had four blocks. I'm like, I don't real even need
to watch the Panthers and the Falcons.

Speaker 2 (09:17):
Yep. So it's that's so, that's so, I'm I'm it's
interesting to me that that you jumped on that. So
can all throw give me? Give me a team individual,
give me a couple of teams individually that jumped out
to you.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
Well, I heard your theory and you talking about the
Rogers situation. I think it's just simple. And I know
coaches and executives like GMS, you know the league, all
they care about is money. I mean that's their job, right,
So the ratings, I think Rogers is still a massive,

massive needle mover. Yeah, And like the week one, I
thought when I was looking at the potentials, because I
thought the Niners were gonna Sunday night or Monday night football.
You kind of feel once you knew Thursday night a
lot of stars. We already knew the Friday night game.
We didn't know the Sunday night game. But I was like,
I think the Niners are getting one of those. You
looked at their schedule, It's like I could see them

throwing the Cowboys or the Jets. And then once it
was reported that the Cowboys did the Brady thing, which
is genius. I mean, how many people are gonna watch
that game? Thirty five million people on Sunday afternoon. The Niners,
I mean the Niners when they're winning, or a top
two or three brand in the league rating wise, Yes.
And Aaron Rodgers by himself, especially coming off this injury,

you know, controversial to some, but he's just a polarizing
player and the Jets are a New York major brand.
I don't know if the Jets are gonna be very good.
I'm sure we'll dive into but you put that thing
on just like they did last year. I remember, like
all of us around the country sitting there, Jets Bills.
It's gonna feel really big and do a huge number.
But tough game for him. It does get a little

easy off the bat. Then he goes to the Titans.
Then he plays the Pats, who I think you are
going to be terrible. Denver rookie quarterback mcglinchy's their right tackle.
The Jets have a good pass rush Minnesota, we'll see.
They're in a little transitional period. So the Monday night game,
if they can just get through that healthy, I do
think they could rattle off a couple wins early.

Speaker 2 (11:14):
See now I saw it the opposite. My take was
that you can only do so much because the Jets.
The schedule is what the schedule is.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Right if you know the teams, yeah, right right, and.

Speaker 2 (11:26):
A lot of it's baked in. You play the Bills twice,
Miami twice, New England twice, your conference, your division, plays
certain divisions. But I thought they made Aaron's season as
tough as you could make it. So they start it's weak, right,
So first of all, the last thing you want to
do in a rebuild a line is face the Niners
defense or front in Week one. That's a tough draw.

Three games in eleven days to start again with a
rebuilt a line. They have five short weeks in an
international game in weeks two one through eleven, So the schedule,
the quarterbacks they face isn't daunting. They could have done
them way more. Rest favors older quarterbacks and older people

tend to be creatures of haven't as I've aged, you know,
I really like Peyton Manning hated Sunday night football games.
Hated you're waiting around all day. So Aaron Rodgers, they
give him three games and eleven days to start, five
short weeks, an international game and Niners with an O
line rebuild. The quality of the opponent isn't great.

Speaker 1 (12:36):
It is. Will Levis and Jacobyner said.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
No question, I will acknowledge that the games are the games.
But old quarterback rebuild, O line and a lot of
short weeks. That's it's like for older quarterbacks, like Brady
would tell you, like I want to get going. Those
old quarterbacks love one o'clock games. They love them.

Speaker 1 (12:56):
And there is not a harder travel that than playing
Monday night football if you're a coastal team but on
the East coast to the West coast and flying home
because what time are they you know, the game ends
at a eight fifteen by the time they get out
of there, they're getting home at five six in the morning,
so it is And then it's difficult on your coach.
It's it's a very, very difficult stretch. But if you
had to draft, if you knew you were playing the

Niners across the country Monday night football, I think we
could all acknowledge the Titans might be a top five team.
You would pick, yes, just independently. So, and then the
Pats on a short week your home opener. I mean,
I think the pass is gonna be pretty bad. Plus
you just have a lot of I mean the divisional opponent,
and then you get Denver rookie quarterback off that kind

of mini buy. So if they can find a way
to be two and one, I think they're in pretty
good shape going to Denver though, and I've been i
would say, very hesitant, and I was very bullish on
them last year. Like you said, a lot of older
players and these are just like older a compliment. These
are older off than injured players. And I listen, clearly,
my modern medicine and these surgeries have improved greatly. I mean,

my dad had the same injury Chris Finch had in
the mid nineties and he did it in New Zealand fishing,
and they told him he would never walk straight again.
Now he's like, send me back to America. But still
it was. It was a much different procedure in nineteen
ninety six than it is for him. I mean, he's
up on the bench a week two weeks later, not
saying that he can walk. But my point is, I
think we just accept Cousins and Rogers. I mean, both

these guys are old, and Rodgers is really old because
he's been playing a lot longer and his game is
much more predicated on moving around. So maybe modern medicine
is just incredible. We won't notice it as much, but
I would be hesitating. I say the same thing with Atlanta.
I think most people that fall football Atlanta's gonna win
the division. They are I like Rohie Morse, but we

have no clue what he's going to look like as
a head coach. Cousin's coming off the Achilles, the weirdness
with the penix. Their defense is more than a question mark,
and there's a there's a healing procest. Remember Tom coming
off the acl that net next year, he was very
hesitant and he's Tom fucking Brady. So we're talking now.
Rogers is much more accomplished than Cousins, So if he
is just I think we would both agree. If he's

playing at a B or B plus level, they would
be a real team. But he's a C plus ish
level and not the movement wise. The other factor with
them is and I know I think we've both talked
about it on our shows that leak about the coordinator situation. Like, regardless,
the Jets are always a mess because of the ownership,

their coordinators is not very good. So I know Aaron's
friendly with him, but it's not like he's Sean McVay
or Kyle Shanahan and Rany Reid. I mean, that's that's
a huge part about the sport, right who's calling the place.
Maybe Aeron just ends up essentially calling the place.

Speaker 2 (15:42):
So I said, I think the NFL wants to see
Jim Harbaugh get up to a good start. They open
with arguably the two easiest games on their schedule, Raiders
at home and Panthers. That's about the You know, Raiders
aren't good, they get them at home and then the Panthers,
so those are good. That's a two and zero start probably.
I also looked at the NFL with Chicago. Again, Fox

would love Chicago to pop. I mean huge target. What
do they get with a rookie quarterback Tennessee at home
to start new coach, new staff, and then week five
home Carolina, a very winnable game against Washington early they
get a buy into it, so two weeks to prepare
for a very winnable game. Those feel like wins to me.

For Chicago, I do think again, you could have stacked
green Bay on the road early. You could have stacked
this schedule. You know, Detroit open at Detroit because though
you know Chicago's a big brand, they gave them a
couple of layups early.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
I do think when it comes to a rookie quarterback,
let's use Jaden Daniels and bow Knicks for example. They're
playing the long game. Sean Payton's not going anywhere this
new operation Washington's so if there's up and downs and
you gotta lose his confidence, takes them a couple weeks
to gain it back. Whatever, We're okay winning six games
this first year. There is tangible pressure on the coach

in Chicago, right he can't afford to go seven to
ten or he'll be fired. Yes, I agree with you
on the Titan situation. But then their next three games
for a young quarterback who is extremely talented, Like, it's
not like he's coming off an eleven win season. Yes,
I mean it was just it was a lot at
the Texans at the Colts. I think both those teams
are going to be really good. Yeah, they both loaded up.

You know, Indye disdrafted a pass rusher in the top fifteen,
the Texans added one during free agency. And then you
play the Rams like, that's just a tough early stretch.
I don't care how talented you are. Young people, confidence
can eb and flow, and the pressure Chicago, the hype.
I do think that's just a tough early stretch. Now,
if all of a sudden they're three and two, I

mean we might be looking at a ten or eleven
win team.

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Speaker 2 (19:24):
Did you notice with the Cowboys schedule and we know
in the last month mostly the NFL wants Division games.
You know, you want your Miami Buffalo's, although Miami Bush.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
So you're good, you're good teams and you think are
going to be compete for that.

Speaker 2 (19:38):
Now Miami Buffalo both played pretty early. But Dallas has three,
you know, out of division games that are pretty tough,
the Niners, the Ravens, and the Lions. They're done with
all of them by week eight. So so with Dallas
again McCarthy, dak this is an experienced team. They they
don't backload it because you know, the Giants and wash

and it won't be great. They get their three toughest
to me, the three games that you look at and
go the three best rosters they play will probably be
San Francisco, Baltimore and Detroit and those are all done
by week eight. So if if even if you go
one and two on those, they could have stacked a
couple of those, you know, Week fourteen, Week thirteen, So

you go into these tough, brutal, cold weather road games
and division. No, they got rid of their tough games early. Again,
what do I like Harbaugh getting a two and zero start, Listen,
Dallas Is. I thought it went in their favor. That
was my take.

Speaker 1 (20:38):
I do think that Cleveland, I'm not expecting the same
what we saw last year. I mean, obviously they're all
in a Deshaun Watson, his cap hit has really kicked
in the rosters. I don't think gonna be as good
just moving forward, obviously, and I'm not sure he's still
a good player. Uh but even if they take a
huge step back, we all know weak one is tough, right,

you could play the worst team in the league in
Week one. Everyone has the same hopes and dreams there.
Everyone's oh and oh, especially at home, and Cleveland is
a tough place to play, and the hype on that
game with Brady calling it, that's a sneaky big game
because then all of a sudden, like I think most
people think the Saints were really shitty last year. They
didn't go nine to eight, and their offense was mainly putrid. Well,

they had Kubiak's kid who comes from Shanahan. I think
the Saints are gonna be better. And then you got Baltimore.
It's just a tough little early stretch for a team
that I don't want to say they're walking on eggshells,
but the McCarthy story, the Dack if if they don't
extend them, it could get weird, and it could get
weird fast. I just got that Cleveland game circle. I
think that is going to be very I can see

Cleveland winning that thing and Cleveland being a six to
seven win team.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
I'm gonna make an argument that the toughest schedule in
the league I saw was the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Speaker 1 (21:54):
Oh it's really hard.

Speaker 2 (21:55):
Okay, So you start, you have better rosters than these teams,
but they load them up at Atlanta, at Denver, at
Indy and Harbaugh. That's a rough start. I mean again,
you have better rosters than Atlanta, Denver, the Chargers, Nindy,
three of the four on the road, and you come
out of that road street with Dallas two weeks later.

Aaron Rodgers like, that's rough. And did you see the
last six quarterbacks Pittsburgh faces Burrow, Deshaun Watson, Jalen Hurts,
Lamar Jackson, Mahomes, and Burrow. Like, look, Mike Tomlin is
going to be on a network broadcasting, and by the way,
I predict he'll be great. I've talked to two network

execs who would hire Mike Tomlin tomorrow.

Speaker 1 (22:42):
Are you short in the Steelers this year?

Speaker 2 (22:44):
I am short in them. I mean, did you have
to put at the end of the year the last
three quarterbacks, Lamar, Mahomes and Burrow in the last month.

Speaker 1 (22:53):
Did you see the story though about Burrow's hand surgery
the percentage of it keeping You know, most surgeries are
ninety to ninety five percent that risk. Hand surgery is
like seventy to seventy five percent success rate, and then
it no matter how well it goes, there's basically guaranteed inflammation.
It's a little trickier than just your ACL or your
broken leg. I do think that's something to keep a

heavy eye on. Now. If he plays seventeen games, I
think we'd all acknowledge they're going to be one of
the better teams in the NFL. But if that thing
crops up where it is, I mean, it would be
a major problem. I thought the moment that they signed
Russ before we even knew their schedule or who they
were playing. One. They're not financially invested in them at all, right,
they're paying them about a million dollars were even Denver

last year. Let's say hypothetically Sean Payton was out on
him by October first financially, he had to see if
he could make it work. And then the least there
is not going to be long. They have no draft
capital invested, they have nothing invested, and they do have
another guy in a one year contract who might not
be good either, but at least this physically brings a
lot more to the table. And we saw Arthur Smith,

you know, win with Ryan Tanny Hill and Mark's Mariota.
So it's like, I just don't think this guy's getting
a long leash. He's not going to be Dinking and
Duncan and they're one to three and he gets to
keep his job.

Speaker 2 (24:10):
No, I mean, I just I look, I mean, you move.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
Teams and they're not paying anything. He better play well
and they better have success or he will go to
the Pine.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
I looked at Pittsburgh today and I thought, I know,
Mike Tomlins never had a losing season that last six
game stretch, you'll have the second best quarterback in all
of those games, all of them. You know, one of
the things I always look at is how many great
quarterbacks do you face? The Jets don't face a lot
of great quarterbacks. But again, they have seven standalone games,

six night games, five short weeks, an international game. So
the Jets schedule's pretty easy. The NFL didn't do him
any favors with night, standalones, international. I look at Pittsburgh
and there's just no way if the Jets have the
easiest schedule in terms of facing elite quarterbacks, the Steelers

got ho that last month and a half. They'll be
underdogs potentially in all those games.

Speaker 1 (25:03):
Well, I mean, if everyone's healthy, they usually could lose
to the Ravens twice. I mean the Bengals, the Eagles,
the Chiefs. Yeah, it's just that's really really brutal. And
let's face it, by that time, you're not one hundred percent,
you're gonna have some injuries. They've kind of been at
a similar spot the last several years. They usually don't

have some huge margin for error, right, they don't start
the seasons nine to three that they've been hovering around
five hundred right till the bitter end these last couple
of years. So I understand what they did. I would
have done with their their moves at quarterback, getting rid
of Kenny Pickett, getting rid of the group they had
for Russell Wilson and Justin Fields. But just because those

guys are much more famous doesn't mean they're gonna be
much more effective. And I'm not a Deshaun Watson guy.
But obviously, if Lamar is healthy and Joe Burrow is healthy,
the gap between Russell Wilson Justin Field's quarterback room is
a mile long.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
Hey, Philadelphia is one of the real blue bloods in
terms of at Fox like. We like Philadelphia winning, Philadelphia winning,
and Philadelphia usually does, so Philadelphia is really good for
Fox Boy. The NFL could have made that now. They
opened with Green Bay, you know, week two at.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
L eight hours away, I mean in international territory right.

Speaker 2 (26:27):
Right, So it's tough for both the home game. But
then week two, Atlanta, Week three, New Orleans week four,
Tampa week five, by into Cleveland the Giants. Philadelphia is
going to get off to a good start. That's a
that's a pretty favorable schedule, and even at the end
of the year, they end with the Giants. I mean,

Giants could be the worst team in the league. And
you know they also end They've got Carolina in week fourteen.
They've got Washington in week sixteen. Like again, like if
this is where the schedule matters, like I do think
Nick Sirianni, this is a pressure year, right, Mike McCarthy,
It's a pressure year. Philadelphia looks like they should at

least start and finish the season on winning notes. I mean,
come on Week two, Atlanta, Week three, New Orleans, Week four, Tampa.
You've got a much better roster than those teams.

Speaker 1 (27:21):
Well, they get a huge advantage from the simple fact
of Washington starting a rookie quarterback. Philly should beat them twice,
and that they have owned the Giants.

Speaker 2 (27:30):
And the Giants this is one of the weaker Giants teams.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Yeah, I mean, the Giants, I think have a chance
to be one of the worst teams in the league.
And let's face it, I mean, the Cowboy Eagles games
have been really good for the most part. But I
think we all have to acknowledge sitting here today, the
two rosters that the gap widened over the offseason do
you agree with that between the Cowboys and the Eagles, Like,
I think the Eagles should be the heavy favorite. I

can look at the current odds.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
I have Washington finishing second. So you know what's really interesting.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
I don't think that's out of the Honestly, both teams
could be seven eight not you know, seven eight wins
right then, and the Cowboys kind of range.

Speaker 2 (28:05):
Here's one of the things. Two years ago and last year,
I really felt like the AFC with they hit on
so many young quarterbacks, the AFC CBS finally, even though
they have smaller markets than the NFC and Fox, Like,
I was finding myself watching a lot of AFC games
and then a lot of the quarterbacks got dinged up
or hurt. If Caleb and Jaden Daniels hit. You know,

Washington and Chicago, those are big TV markets and they've
been dormant for about fifteen years. Is very quietly, and
it's good for my employer. The NFC big markets Chicago, Philadelphia,
Washington could be back because I think Caleb and Jaden

Daniels are gonna be hits. I mean, you know this,
Washington twenty years ago, John was arguably not only a
blue blood, it was a third best TV draw in
the sport. It was. I mean, the Joe Gibbs years
ninety ninety one, ninety two, those were like high profile, quirky,

fun crazy super Bowl and they just, due to bad ownership,
went into the tank.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
That's why that RG three year was such a big year.
It felt bigger, you know, it felt longer than just
a twelve months fan yep.

Speaker 2 (29:25):
So it's interesting to me if Caleb and Jaden hit,
it's not just good for the teams, it helps the
NFC because the AFC in the last six seven years,
they just keep hitting on these guys Herbert Burrow, Lamar Mahomes,
Josh Allen, Trevor Lawrence, c J. Stroud. It changes the league,

it changes your conference. So I think Jaden and Caleb
are hits they feel like. I mean, I don't know
if Eber Flues lasts, but I have Philadelphia, Washington, Dallas third,
Giants fourth.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
I would p probably agree with you sitting here right now,
and I would probably put Dallas. I mean, I think
they could take a big step back. And when I
say a big step back, I mean they've been winning
twelve games for three straight years, so all of a
sudden you win eight, that'd be a disaster, Audios McCarthy.
But they're going to be dependent on a young offensive line,
a lot of moving pieces. You and I have talked

about and you've been hammering this forever, Dak dependence on
the running game. I mean, they're going back to the
Ezekiel Elliott. Well, they don't have a choice, right, They
need a running back. The NFC's pretty top heavy, right,
I mean, the forty nine ers have dominated for five
years now. The Lions are really good, the Packers have
kind of consistently been good. The Eagles, so if the
Cowboys step back, there's going to be an opening. I

think Tampa's pretty good. I mean, I think Jason like
did a really good job of keeping that team together.
Baker does not need to be the number one pick.
He just has to play. I don't know, like a
Derek Carr did with the Raiders or Cousins you know
has done with Minnesota. He does not need to be
Aaron Rodgers in his prime, which is ideal for him
and I think feels pretty good. And just from a
talent standpoint, high end players, Tampa has a lot of them.

Tampa has a lot of them, and I know everyone's
talking about Atlanta. I can see Tampa winning ten plus games.

Speaker 2 (31:20):
So let's circle back to what we initially said. It
does look like that the NFL really made more than
I remember the standalone game bigs. Now, Fox is always
owned Sunday Afternoon. That that game's been big forever, so
they'll always do fine. But Monday Night, Yeah, Monday Night

football schedule is the best I've ever seen Sunday Night football,
Star quarterback in every week except Week fifteen. Amazon best Thursday.
So I think what the league is saying is, as
we circle back on this Sunday early is a little
bit of an appetizer. We're gonna go Fox, CBS big
Sunday Afternoon, big Sunday Night, Big Monday Night, and a

massively improved Amazon Thursday, and then Netflix on Christmas. So
in terms of you know, one of the things I
don't love, I think it's hurt other leagues. It's really
hurt baseball and NBA is now moving into it. You're
making it harder for consumers to find the games.

Speaker 1 (32:20):

Speaker 2 (32:20):
The NFL's fairly bulletproof. Listen, and almost everybody I know
has Netflix. I mean, they really do Netflix is everywhere. Amazon.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
I don't know a soul who doesn't have it, right.

Speaker 2 (32:31):
Amazon, I have. I don't know if I would without
the NFL. I definitely would not have Peacock without the NFL,
I definitely would not. I don't think i'd have Amazon.
They offer it every time I go to Whole Foods,
but I don't go there a lot. But I would
say that Netflix is. I just think I know some

things in life, like I'll give an example. It used
to be so easy to turn on a fuck television.
I got three things to turn on, four or five.
If you move anymore and go into a new place,
I can't imagine being seventy years old and you just
want to watch sixty minutes. It is such a pain
in the ass to watch TV now, but it's what's

happened with technology. It'll be easier in twenty years. It's
not always easy. All the streaming is a pain in
the butt, especially for older consumers. But my takeaway, like
baseball is so desperate, they're on rogue coup now on
like Sunday mornings, which is embarrassing. But I think we
just have to come to terms with it, is that
at some point you have to get. Like ESPN Plus

is hemorrhaging. They have the UFC, which I buy four
or five packages a year, but other than that, I
don't buy anything on ESPN Plus. It's hemorrhaging thirty five
million a year. I think. I think the reality is
like Netflix, they stop growing internationally, like they hit a
ceiling with subscribers. What's the only way to add thirty
million domestic subscribers?

Speaker 3 (33:57):
The NFL.

Speaker 1 (33:59):
Isn't NBA currently kind of losing their ass? Aren't they struggling?

Speaker 2 (34:02):
Well, have you seen the NBA schedule? They may win.
You're just signing a check to lose eight hundred million
a year.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
So I get for them to survive over the next
ten years. I'm with you. I've defended I'm a bad
guy to ask because I cut the cord and I
have YouTube TV, So my transition to the NFL package
was pretty seamless. Like I'm with you. Netflix everyone has
if you're an Amazon Prime subscriber, mean you get free shipping,
you get it free. So like I have them, and

she watches so many shows on Bravo. Peacock is connected
with them, so we have them. So it's harder for
me to understand, like I understand if a guy doesn't
have a lot of money. NBC, CBS, FOXS always been
so easy. But these channels aren't gonna exist in the
next ten or twenty years. And Netflix is going nowhere,
and Apple TV is going nowhere, and Amazon is they

have all the money. So, like you said, NBC is
going to lose their ass. Netflix could have done it,
lose their ass not even noticed. They just chose not
to because they realize how many people are actually gonna want.

Speaker 2 (35:00):
Well, I think it worth NBC's NBA deal, which I
don't think is a good deal. I mean, if we're terrible,
they don't get any finals and they only get a
conference final every other year. Plus the league's getting very international,
so I honestly think and I love the NBA. I
love the NBA, I have forever, but the league is
becoming a little it's becoming a little like baseball and hockey.

A lot of the stars are guys we don't follow
in college, so it's getting very international. And now you're
going to force people to watch it on Amazon and Peacock,
and I'm sorry that it's not going to help their
domestic ratings or domestic popularity. Now, the NBA, because it
has stars, will not be baseball or hockey. It'll always

draw people because of stars. But I think a lot
of these cable like NBC going NBA, it's just a
it's a hail Mary. It keeps them relevant for about
six to eight more years and that's it.

Speaker 1 (35:54):
I just think technology changed so quickly. It feels like
we've been doing this for so long. I look, Netflix
had seventy million total subscribers less than ten years ago.
They have two hundred and seventy million now. I'm getting
new blinds in my house. It's all automated on my phone.
And I looked at the guy. I said, I opened
my garage on my phone, my pool sweepers on my phone.

I can do my ice maker on my phone. There's
gonna come a day in our lives where everything's on this.
It's no different with streaming. Everything we do is gonna
be under some umbrella, under Netflix, Amazon, Apple TV. It's
it's not when's it gonna happen, It's happening now. And
I think I give the credit to the and I
think it's a lot of the owner's kids, because I

do think the older Guard is very, very loyal because
they've made them all of their money off the old Guard, TV, right,
the money, CBS, NBC. Let's face it, generationally, you're just
not gonna be as loyal because you'll just start looking
at the books and see who has the money, and
they want in. You don't even need to really beg them.
They want in, and then you give them a taste

what happens with the NFL, they're gonna want seem not
gonna regret it.

Speaker 2 (37:03):
Yeah, I also, but I also think there is such power.
I mean, I know what time all the NFL games
are on right now as we speak. I have no clue.
In Baseball, MLS and beyond.

Speaker 1 (37:15):
Well, their games don't match, but the regular season games
don't matter.

Speaker 2 (37:19):
The NFL does have something where I think it will
help Fox and CBS and and Monday night football. Is
I know the schedule. It might it's baked into my life.
I know. I literally do travel, so I travel a
lot during the football season. I'go and and I'll go
to Chicago. I've already bought those flights. I've bought those
slights based on the NFL schedule. So I think the

traditional you know your power TV networks, old school media,
traditional media, Fox, CBS. You can never give that up because,
by the way, do you know, a lot of the
fans in the NFL are fifty five plus fifty five
plus people. The older you get, you watch three things politics,
news and sports on traditional TV, and that's not going away.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
I would say the difference though, is, and I'm a
YouTube TV subscriber, I don't ever go forever, right, you
go to a guide. I don't have a guide. It
just shows me. It knows what I like. It just
has up Fox Sports, it just has the things I watch.
So I never go to a guide in search. With
the NFL, you don't have to search because you know
exactly what you're looking for. But other sports, I don't

know baseball games on where I used to ten years ago.
I'm with you. If the NFL did, if the NBA did,
NFL numbers and baseball did too, these networks would have
it and be fine. I think where it's troubling it's
the NFL is just the one day a week, right,
and you have all this empty space. And that's where
Netflix and Amazon have such an advantage because they don't

give a shit their stuff just lives. I saw a
study that Netflix gets much more of a retention based
on a show when they release all ten episodes immediately
with the show, because you're much more the con is
so much more used to especially their consumer of watching
a minimum two or three episodes immediately, where whenever you
watch a show, let's say on HBO or like a

weekly it throws you off. Yeah, like I'm ready for
the next episode. I just think our consumer habits, especially
with people under fifty, have just changed dramatically in a
short short period of time, and it's just gonna be fascinating.
I just think these owners, though, especially their children, have
proven whenever this next deal, like whoever has the most money, like,

they're gonna lean that way. That's been Roger's big claim.
I'm gonna get us twenty five billion dollars one day. Right,
That's what they're keep going for and they keep growing
and growing. And that's where just the state of the economy,
the amount of money Netflix and Amazon have to throw around,
it's not a fair fight. Yeah, Apple wanted to get involved.
They could lap everybody. It's just really and you're talking

about such high numbers. It's why when these teams come
for sale. How many people are really involved? Like who
has that type money? It's a very very small percentage
of people. It's kind of no different here, like when
this next TV deals up in three or four years,
it's pretty clear if they want to get involved, and
some of them already are, they can just write checks
that other people can't even fathom.

Speaker 2 (40:10):
Yeah, all right, this has been good. So John Middlecoff,
former NFL scout three and out little instant reaction for
thirty five to forty minutes on the NFL schedule. I
loved it.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
Great start to I think opening weekend, Thursday night game,
the Friday night game in Brazil, Sunday night Rams at Detroit,
and then Niners Jets. That's just a great just let's
hit the ground running.

Speaker 2 (40:35):
Yeah all right, buddy, good talk to him.

Speaker 1 (40:38):
See you the volume.

Speaker 2 (40:42):
Thanks so much for listening. If you've enjoyed the podcast,
take a moment rate and review.

Speaker 3 (40:47):
Hey everyone, it's Jason Timp, host of Hoops Tonight.

Speaker 1 (40:50):
Make sure you check us out live after games on
the Hoops Tonight YouTube channel as we provide instant reaction
and analysis of all the big NBA playoff games. Again,
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