All Episodes

May 14, 2024 40 mins

Colin shares his NFL conspiracy theory after seeing the announcement about the Jets starting their season against the 49ers

Thoughts on Luka Doncic and the Mavericks this season

He explains why Jared Goff is clearly a better quarterback than Dak Prescott

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Herd podcast. Be sure to
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Oh what a Tuesday show, brimming with everything from rants
to conspiracy theories to Nick Right. Oh what a day
it is today, live in Los Angeles.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
It's The Herd.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Wherever you may be, however you may be listening New
Haircut Boy here jemckham in a good mood. Watch Little
Dallas Mavericks Dear Road last night.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
How can that make you good?

Speaker 1 (00:52):
Also streaming show Sugar with Colin Ferrell. Zaney watched the
entire thing in the afternoon because Greg, the producer said
it was went home and watched the whole thing. Wow.
I had that on the list of shows to watch.
But it's episode six against Danny. But I want to
talk football now. Now. We both love football and the
NFL more than any league. Would you agree with this?

They know how to play television schedules, Free agency They
even look at shows like this, where can we get
the most free TV? So the NFL schedule released tonight
or tomorrow, but a few games are leaking out. And
I know how much Aaron Rodgers loves conspiracy theories. He

doesn't view them as such, but many people do. So
I thought, well, let me throw one of my favorites out,
the forty nine ers on Monday Night Football, the first
Monday Night football game. That's ohways a crazy crowd. Host
Aaron and the New York Jets. You think it's a coincidence.

The NFL looked at the Jets schedule and said, what
would be the toughest game? Hmm, Travel three thousand miles
and face Kyle Shanahan, a brilliant offensive coach in the
opener Monday Night Football, the first Monday Night football game.

Think about this. Offensive coaches Andy Reid in September best
coach in the league McVeigh six and one in openers Shanahan.
Offensive coaches are much tougher to face off, buys extra
time to prepare and in openers. Go ask Pete Carroll
what it was like to face McVeigh last year in

the opener when the heavily underdog Road Rams went to
Seattle and unveiled an entirely different run scheme. Pete and
the Seahawks were lost for three and a half hours.
Robert saw a defensive coach. Nobody knows him better than Shanahan. Oh, Colin,
nobody knows Shanahan better than Yeah, but he's a defensive coach.

Shanahan's going to unveil all sorts with his veteran team
that's got winning inertia, winning momentum at home Monday night football.
What part of the Jets do they rebuild this offseason?
The O line? Three veteran O linemen. Oh wait, offensive
lines are never synced up in September, especially with three

new players, and especially now that no veteran offensive linemen
really play in the preseason. Those days are passed. There's
only three preseason games anymore. The league is reducing it
and the coaches are reducing playing starters old starters especially,
So think of all the games on their schedule. You

face Shanahan on the road rebuilt offensive line. Oh, by
the way, the player that knocked Aaron Rodgers out, Leonard Floyd,
he now plays for the Niners. You think it's a coincidence.
I've watched the NFL my entire life, manipulate television networks
the free agent schedule Christmas Day to take away some

oxygen from the NBA. This network and other networks constantly
have to tell baseball and hockey how to create more
big events. The NFL teaches us lessons and they chose
Aaron and San Francisco as the opener. And why would
they do that? Because Aaron's gotten increasingly controversial and the

NFL owns the world. The last time they were controversial
was Colin Kaepernick. It hurt ratings. They don't want controversy.
They don't need controversy, they don't need clicks. You go
look at that jet schedule with three new offensive linemen
plus j Mack, a rookie offensive lineman. You think they're
going to be humming week one against that pass rush.

No chance. That is the toughest game on their schedule.
Look at this too, because I don't believe Aaron's driving
business anymore. Mahomes is lamar is alan Is, Cowboys are
Packers are What did they do to the brand friendly

Patrick Mahomes in the first two weeks two division row
home games. They got Patrick Mahomes gets to fate my bad.
Patrick Mahomes gets two home games to start. He gets
little Joe Burrow to start. Lamar Jackson, so brand friendly,

Kansas City Mahomes the biggest rock star, Taylor Swift. They
get him at home and it's friendly. Aaron Rodgers three
thousand mile flight rebuilt O line offensive coach. I think
it's a coincidence. Think it's a zany win. So that's
Kansas City brand friendly. Put him at home. Everybody wants

to start the season off right arrowhead. They win like
seventy five eighty percent of their games. Think I'm crazy
Shanahan knows Sala's defense back and forth. I know what
you're saying, Colin, that is that is way out there.
I've watched this league manipulate networks, free agency, Christmas Day,

the draft. They are constantly aware of who is helping
the league and who's potentially a pain in the butt.
Jets owen one off the front page. Back to another
losing season. I know it stings j Mack, but it
seems to me the NFL put him in San Francisco

to start, and that, by the way, Monday Night Football
not the early window, not the late afternoon. No, the
two toughest places to win in this league are Sunday
night football on the road and Monday night football on
the road. Not a coincidence. You could have buried that
thing in late October, given air and a couple of

nice couple of nice games, couple of home games and
winning street. No, you could have had the Niners, you know,
coming off the road. Send them out road, Send them
road road. Now the Jets rode no rested offensive coach
at home with, by the way, another clever receiving weapon
in Ricky Pierso. All sorts of tricks for Shanahan to

play with. Okay, congrats to OKC. They, unlike Dallas, hit
their free throws. They, unlike Dallas, did not make mistakes.
The young team, the young OKC did all the things
right late in the game. Congrats to the msga's remarkable player.
But I was thinking about this, is that at any

one time, the NBA's got about a dozen what you
would call stars. Like right now they've got ab a
dozen stars, and Luke is a star, and Yannis and
Embad and yeah, you know the group aunt is becoming
us Hatum's a star, SGA's a star. In any one time,
there's ten to twelve stars, and usually I'm all in
on almost all of them, but there's always one, maybe

two tops that I'm a little reluctant to embrace. Blake
Griffin was one I didn't embrace. I said, take away
the dunks, what do I get? Can't shoot a jumper.
Carmelo Anthony I didn't embrace, won't defend, low efficiency jump shooter.
I'm not sure he's in great shape, not easy to

play with. Derek Rose I wouldn't embrace. Hyper athletic, can't shoot,
not sustainable if you have to score at the rim.
Westbrook same thing, hyper athletic, not a great shooter, and
when the ball's not in his hands, he's not very effective.
By the way, those guys no titles. I think one

finals appearance, Like Griffin, Mellow, Rose, Westbrook, I just wasn't
in for it. Luca is not quite there yet. But
I'm getting really close to saying that about Luca. Yeah,
I mean I compared him to Mellow when he came

into the league. I think he's better than Mellow, better
three point shooter, although he's having a terrible three point
shooting run. But watch Luca when he doesn't have the ball.
Sometimes you can't find him on the TV screen. He disengages.
He doesn't move like a Steph Curry, whereas a Steph

Curry and a Yokich, who have combined for five titles
five MVPs in counting, constantly create value when they don't
have the ball. When Luca doesn't have it, yeah, whatever,
you guys, do your thing. That's the difference between Yokich
and Curry and Luca. They add tremendous value to a

team even when they don't have the ball. He just
screams selfish to me. I want him to be part
of the offense. He wants to be the offense, almost
like when you get that report card. At least I
did when I was like fifth sixth grade. Doesn't play
well with others. Mom saw it. I had to shape up.

Like what are you gonna tell him? How are you
gonna teach him? I mean again, since he was like
sixteen years old. He's the team, he's the offense, he's
the scorer. He is almost indifferent to the team when
he doesn't have the ball. He could go to the corner,
the closest three doesn't work for it. I think I
saw this morning, like ninety two of ninety six threes

are non corner threes. Why why isn't he working to
get those threes? Those are the easiest threes. Because when
he doesn't have the ball, he doesn't play well with others,
and that really defines beyond their great talent. Curry and
Jokic again, five titles, five MVPs. So I'm not saying

stars can't have off nights. That happens all the time.
Jokic didn't play well in the first couple games in Minnesota,
got pushed around, rebounded, and I'm sure Luca will have
great other games. But between the I mean, one of
the reasons they're kind they're kind of in a tough
spot in Dallas, so they don't want Luca to have
the ball as much because they're like nine to zero

when his usage rate is under thirty percent. But when
he doesn't have the ball, he's a fairly useless player
who doesn't play well with others. Here's Luca on he
and Kyrie struggling offensively in a loss.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
What's been so difficult for you guys to get in
a groove? You know, specifically tonight, but really all serious law.

Speaker 4 (12:00):
I think they're so focused on us they collapse the
pain very well, you know when we will drive it
and they collects the paint, collapse the pain or almost
five guys. So I think that's been difficult for us.
We just gotta find open teammates.

Speaker 1 (12:19):
Gotta find open teammates. Just a thought. Now, I know,
Jay Mac, I'm watching you over there, roll your eyes
on that. And again, it's just a conspiracy theory by me.
There's nothing concrete, there's no there's no email from Roger
Goodell to the schedule maker, there's no proof I'm right.

But I mean, who knows Salah better than Shanahan. What
you don't want to face in the opener is Monday
night football, cross country on the road, with a rebuilt
all Wine that won't play much in the preseason, and
an offensive coach known for creativity. McVeigh reed, Sean Payton
Shanahan of the guys, I don't want to open the

season with I'll open it with other coaches, but offensive coaches.
You want to face Andy Reid in the opener or
off a bye, no thank you.

Speaker 5 (13:11):
So I know your summer calendar is filling up quickly
with vacations. I think you might need to bake in
a darkness retreat because the stuff you're saying right now
with about the Jets like this is silly color. First
of all, their offensive line's gonna be healthy in week one.
The old guys that you say are never healthy, just
like how the Lakers should face the Nuggets in the
first round because the Lakers are fresh and healthy. The

Jets Moses and Tyron Smith, they're gonna be healthy. I mean,
they're not gonna play in the preseason. They're gonna be fine.
I just looked at the line. I saw an opener
of five in the desert, and then other places are
saying forty nine ers six and a half.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
Do you think the Jets will be a six and
a half point dog at any point in this season?
And I'm gonna answer for you. No.

Speaker 5 (13:51):
Yeah, great, get the toughest game out of the way,
right out the gate. I don't mind we start ozing one.
Not the end of the world. It's fine.

Speaker 1 (13:56):
But what's interesting is what if Week two is in Buffalo.

Speaker 5 (14:01):
We'll get the schedule. No, No, Buffalo's Miami week too, so
we don't have to worry about it. They will get
the Patriots in week two a cupcake? How about that one?
An easy? Well lay up a rookie quarterback against Robert
Sala's defense. Boy, this schedule stuff is it's exciting. You know,
you can start to pencil in games that you gotta
watch and put stuff in the count. Do you do
a shared calendar with your wife by any chance?

Speaker 1 (14:23):
A shared calendar?

Speaker 5 (14:24):
Yeah, where I'll put like Jets game I cannot miss, like,
don't schedule me for anything, can't do dinner like.

Speaker 1 (14:30):
I put in September and October unavailable.

Speaker 5 (14:34):
Just two months blocked off.

Speaker 1 (14:38):
So I love, I love the schedules coming now. It's
gonna leak out. So by tomorrow's show, we'll have all
the big games because the networks, you know they get
a Fox will come out with their stuff and a
Sunday Night Football will come out with their stuff. But
I'm just saying this league is strategic. They put games

on Christmas Day for reason. They saw weakness with the
very rapidly international NBA having a little weakness with star
power Lebron step kd aging, and they went right after
the NBA.

Speaker 5 (15:11):
Did you see they put games up I believe two
games up against the College Football Playoff.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
Did you see that the NFL. Nothing is random, nothing's
a coincidence except.

Speaker 5 (15:23):
Friday night lights. They don't do Friday night football for
high school.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
You know, they no, no, And I think that's that's
very appropriate. And I also think they understand America. The
NFL understands that, hey, we're not gonna screw with high
school kids. Those dads and those sons they watch us
on Sunday. We're not gonna screw with those people. College
football will go after NBA. Absolutely, Hockey's not a threat.
So we don't care personally.

Speaker 5 (15:44):
We have remote controls and you know that they are.
I'm gonna get batteries, change the channel. It's not the
end of the world.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
You know what I bought the other day, sling? I
do a monthly Oh okay, I know, I bought another
app because I like, you know, they had some NBA stuff.
All right, interesting wording. Now, on this show, we often
say stuff only gets out when somebody wants it out.

And that's not a knock on woes Jay Glazer, Peter Schrager,
great reporters. But stuff gets out when people want it out.
If they don't want it out, You're not getting it
interesting what got out yesterday? Anybody else noticed that somebody

wanted it out and it got out, And uh, we'll
talk about that next.

Speaker 2 (16:41):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
in noon Easter not a em Pacific on Fox Sports
Radio FS one and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
So, uh, stuff gets out when people or organizations or
leagues want it out.

Speaker 2 (17:00):

Speaker 1 (17:01):
Very very connected NBA reporter talked about Rob Polenka in
the Lakers in conversations with officials across the league said
the Lakers were looking for quote a grinder as their
next head coach. I mean, that's not even subtle. They're

just saying Darvin Ham didn't put in the hours. Here's
what's interesting. Made a couple calls. So Darvin Ham worked
with Budenholzer in Atlanta and Milwaukee. That was the knock.
Remember the knock on Budenholzer staff in Milwaukee is that
in playoff basketball they would get worked poor execution. Now,

remember the regular season, you don't play the same team
for two weeks. It's about attrition, staying healthy, managing your roster,
kind of figuring out what you are especially first third
to two thirds of the season. Right down the stretch,
you start putting your rotations into feel like playoff basketball.

That's different coaching playoff basketball, coaching Spolster, Steve Kerr, the
difference makers. That's about adjustments. That's about sleeping about four
hours a night late April May in early June. That's
different basketball. Go google the criticisms of Boudenholzer and Darvin
Ham in Atlanta and the criticisms of boh Budenholzer and Ham,

and it was mostly Budenholzer in Milwaukee. Remember that series.
Ham was gone by that time. Remember that series against
the Heat when Jimmy Butler was averaging almost forty and
they didn't make adjustments. That got Botenholzer run out of town.
But if you look at the criticism of Darvin Ham
with the Lakers, and I defended him. I thought he

was good enough. It's a rookie head coach, a rookie
anything you're learning on the job. I thought he was
good enough. But the knock was he stuck to things,
he didn't make adjustments. They out played Denver for seventy
percent of the series, and it was a gentleman's suite.
They couldn't beat Denver by the way Denver well coached,

better roster, but excellent at adjustments. How do I know that?
Have you watched the Minnesota series. Look at the adjustments
Malone and the Denver staff have made in that series.
The last two games don't even look like the first two.
It's like a different sport. That's adjustment. Steve kerb beating
Boston in the finals. They flew out to Boston. The

series by game four on didn't even look like the
first three games. Spolster's legendary at this Popovich was where
you can be outplayed for several games and then tweak
adjust rotation changes, offensive changes, and you take the series over.
It's never been Budenholzer's thing. So it is interesting the

Lakers wanted that out. We're looking for a grinder. If
if I got replaced and Fox said, you know, we're
looking for somebody that really is committed to the craft,
probably mean I mailed it in, didn't do prep, showed
up just on time for the show. So this is

go back and look google it yourself. All the stories
on the Ham Budenholzer relationship Atlanta Milwaukee. That was a
little bit, and I know it's sort of you know
in the Beltway, you know, inside baseball talk. But the
knock was it wasn't a great adjusting staff. They were
just getting worked in big spots. I don't know, maybe

I'm reading too much into it, but when you get
replaced and something gets out about your new your old
employers looking for sort of a new type of employee.
I mean, if if you get fired and your former
employer says, you know, we're looking for somebody that gets
along well with others, you probably didn't. We're looking for

somebody who's willing to adjust on the fly. You probably
were rigid. So that's just when I saw that term
that got out, that is something the Lakers wanted out.
For the record, JJ Reddick, Sam Cassell Schams has it

out three names up for the Laker job. The first
one listed JJ Reddick. Have to have a conversation with
JJ when he gets that job that first press conference.
Hopefully's got that hat in the right direction. J Mack
with a news.

Speaker 2 (21:50):
No, no, no, this is the headline.

Speaker 1 (21:54):
News all right. Listen.

Speaker 5 (21:57):
Well, well we'll talk about Lebron in a moment, but uh,
start with the atletic Falcons. They went from having no
quarterback four months ago to being loaded at the position
now with Kirk Cousins in a free agency and then
drafting Michael Pennix junior. Cousins was confused and frustrated at
the time of the pick, and was recently asked whether
there was any beef with Atlanta for the move. He said,

I don't think it's helpful. We're trying to win a
Super Bowl and it's hard enough. This isn't a foreign concept.
There's an awareness that this is the NFL, and.

Speaker 2 (22:28):
He think can happen.

Speaker 5 (22:29):
Kirk being very very diplomatic, Colin, this continues to be
a big water.

Speaker 6 (22:35):
Cooler top and I think around anything, if you've made
more than Tom Brady in your career and have never
sniffed a Super Bowl, I don't want to hear about
your discomfort about a talented backup when you're an old
guy off a Kiley surgery.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
Get over it. I like Kirk, Get over it. You
have monetized the position as well as anybody and you
deserve respect for that. I like Kirk he is. I've
said before he gets all all the worship and love
Dak gets and they're the same quarterback. Kirk's a better thrower,
Dak's a better mover. Same quarterback. One is a star

in the helmet. Kirks does a really good job. But
you don't, as an older quarterback off an achille surgery,
who can't win multiple playoff games when you've had great
talent around you at times, you don't get this complaint. Yeah,
I'm gonna have a backup who if you go down
again or in camp it feels like two or three
games in. I mean, what if Aaron doesn't feel like

three games in? You're like, Aaron is not leaving the pocket.
You know, the Jets are gonna have to say trade deadline,
do we want to go get a young guy in
case Aaron goes down. So it's like, I'm sorry being
a little quarterback heavy in the quarterback room. I'm okay
with it. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (23:41):
By the way, who's the highest paid guy on the
Falcons roster? You're gonna take a crazy guess, Kirk Cousins.
Oh yeah, interesting, So it came time to draft another
quarterback and they didn't check in with their highest paid
employee on the roster. I mean, we're talking about a
front office hold on a front office who has accomplished
Jack squat in the NFL. Find somebody in that front
office who's done anything they could have had Bill Belichick.

This guy who he's been in the brains behind what's
half a dozen Super Bowls in New Orleans.

Speaker 2 (24:08):
He's won a lot.

Speaker 5 (24:09):
You think Bill Belichick would have done this nonsense?

Speaker 1 (24:12):
Raem Morris age doesn't start with seven. I'm sorry.

Speaker 5 (24:18):
Defensive coachs your favorite. You love a good defensive coach.
I'm listen, I get it. Hey, listen, I've said I'm
dying on this hill. Atlanta's gonna win the division and
by Thanksgiving you're gonna be like, they were probably gonna
win the division without Pennix, right, if they got Kirk Cousins,
their win total was gonna go up there.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
And then they'll go to the playoffs, lose the first game.
Cousins will be flummoxed. Then you'll be like, hey, it
was worth it now, Kirk, you back up and let's
go with Michael Oh.

Speaker 5 (24:44):
After one year, you're dusting him, so you're gonna have
pay him one hundred million for one year of service.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
You gotta be somewhat emotionally remote if you're a GM
in the NFL, you can't be buddies with your players.
It's not the job, not the NBA. We're not coddling you.
It's like, hey, we cut people here, just like checking.
Brady never had dinner, by the way, in twenty years,
didn't have dinner one time. And I'm worried about kirk
cousins feelings. I mean, Brady literally did a documentary after

twenty years where teammates like Wes Welker said he was
treated like a dog. It was embarrassing. I think Kirk
can be okay being a little uncomfortable and camp for
an hour.

Speaker 5 (25:21):
All right, Let's move on to the Boston Celtics, who
go up three to one last night with they went
over the the hobbled Calves. Donald Mitchell did not play,
which was extremely disappointed. Tatum had thirty three, eleven and five.
I guess you can't pick him apart today.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
Well good against the backup, so the good.

Speaker 5 (25:38):
Performance Jaylen Brown had twenty seven. Celtics go up three
to one. They should ice the series in Boston on Monday,
I'm sorry, on Wednesday, and it's weird. Their path is
going to be like a cake walk to the finals.

Speaker 1 (25:56):
Well, yeah, because and it's beat up Butler, no Donovan,
Mitchell at the end, maybe no O g Healthy, Brunson, Hobble,
Julius Randall, Mitchell Robinson. Yeah, they're gonna there's no but
they would I think they would have done this mostly anyway.
But my question is when it's this easy, what happens
when your face minute Denver Minnesota, Okay, see that have

been in these battles, in these physical combative series and
you're out there cake walking past the Calves without Donovan.

Speaker 5 (26:28):
Well, it's worded. They got christaphfer porzingis coming back for
the finals. I mean, I know we're penciling them in,
but no, I mean Boston. I think I think Boston's
probably probably should win the title, right, I mean, Denver's
going to be spent from the series and then they're
going to struggle with the MAVs next round. Yeah, the
Mas in there.

Speaker 1 (26:47):
Okay, I'll be honest. I don't. I don't I root
for stories. You and I root for stories. I don't.
I don't care about teams. I root for stories. It
didn't break my heart when the Lakers didn't make the finals.
I think the Nicks are a much better story were
than the Lakers. The Knicks feeding Indiana is better for us,
so that I'm rooting for stories. I don't care about
cities and teams right like Boston, New York and the

Eastern Conference finals, that's good for us.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
That's indeed, Boston is not.

Speaker 1 (27:14):
Not really so I mean, but but I will tell
you this, I think Oklahoma City is much easier to
root for for me than Dallas. Young kind of considering
how young they were, like so one dimensional. I mean,
it was SGA and that's it that seemed to work
last night. One team can hit free throws. There's just

when you.

Speaker 5 (27:37):
Want me to unload on Luca because you know that's
my guy. But I I gotta keep it.

Speaker 1 (27:40):
Real, like I will you like a lot of guys
that don't pan out.

Speaker 5 (27:44):
I mean, he I murdered him on my podcast this morning.
I had I'm sorry, and I'll kill him here in
the air. He was terrible last night.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
But don't get me started.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
Here's how about this interesting third story, Colin. Yeah, so
Lebron was spotted last night in Cleveland. Yes, he took
in the Calves Boston game with his wife, and he
brought his own bottle of wine. I don't know if
you saw that kind of funny. Obviously, anything lebron does
is going to drive speculation. The crowd went wild.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Well, maybe he just wants to go to the game
and there's nothing to read into it.

Speaker 5 (28:15):
He flew to Cleveland to go to a basketball game.

Speaker 1 (28:18):
He's got a home there. Yes, also accurate by the way.
I love his wife's hat. She doesn't look that happy
to be there. Maybe it was a business trip. Oh,
recruiting got him in miss She doesn't look that happy.
Maybe she'd rather be doing something else. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
Maybe it's tough.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
I mean, he could have sat in a suite, but
he went courtside. He very high profile, made sure everybody
knew he was there, moving traveling out east.

Speaker 5 (28:46):
And it was the same day his son Bronni was
at the combine yesterday we talked about his measures.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
Hey, how about that? Do you hear the story about that?

Speaker 5 (28:53):
Well, his vertical forty and a half, that's great, that's
really done during a three point drow. We got video
here shot nineteen of twenty five. I have a very
macin tire ish night bide. That is why people like him.
He's a willing defender. Smart kid can shoot threes. You
know what, the Lakers need somebody that can shoot threes.
Let's settle down whether or not he's going to help
the Lakers immediately.

Speaker 1 (29:14):
More interestingly, spot up three shooter. This team they're getting,
they're moving off d low. They need three shooters. I
don't I really don't have a problem with Brownie being
on this team. Well wait, wait, I think you're jumping
the gun here.

Speaker 5 (29:26):
What if the Cavs said, you know what, hometown story
Bronni and Lebron could we get them here? Hey, Lebron,
we will draft Bronnie. What if the Cavs said that
we will take him? Will you come here? Is there
a world where Lebron ends up in Cleveland next year
and we're just speculating.

Speaker 1 (29:43):
I just looked at his wife. She didn't look happy
in Cleveland.

Speaker 5 (29:45):
She's stay in LA and you know, like hang out
with Lebron and on weekends, like you know, you go
to Chicago all the time. I'm not going to totally
rule out Cleveland. This is a very high profile. Hey, everybody,
I'm drinking.

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Wine courts, but that would be listen. I'm pro Lebron
and I'm pro mobility. Cleveland, Miami, Cleveland, LA. Back to Cleveland.
That's durantish, like he's in LA. It's great for the brand.
They get into the playoffs. He's living in a mansion
in Beverly Hills. Life's pretty good. I'm not bouncing around

the country for another title. You might not what if
he wants to well, I don't know that he. I
think he would like as a coach, give.

Speaker 5 (30:26):
Me everything I want. Please, thank you.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
I'm Lebron.

Speaker 5 (30:29):
Oh, that's nothing wrong with that.

Speaker 1 (30:31):
Well, you can ask for everything, doesn't mean you're gonna
get everything.

Speaker 5 (30:34):
I ask for everything all the time. I'm very demanding.

Speaker 1 (30:37):
Lebron's opt out date is June twenty ninth, NBA Draft
a couple of days earlier. Yeah, I guarantee you. If
the Lakers can get Browny, let's put it down their
draft in Browny.

Speaker 5 (30:49):
I don't know. I need to go in the calendar.
I think I might be hosting the show that day.
June twenty nine is Saturday. But June twenty eight.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
You're certainly welcome to host the show. Eight that won't
be on. You can make believes I will be.

Speaker 5 (31:02):
Oh, I can't wait. The Lebron speculation and the Olympics.

Speaker 1 (31:06):
Oh Jmack with the news.

Speaker 2 (31:09):
Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping by The
Herdline news.

Speaker 1 (31:14):
A weird headline and I want to discuss it.

Speaker 2 (31:18):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and Noone Eastern non a em Pacific.

Speaker 7 (31:23):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben
Maller with me and a lot to have you join
us on our weekly auditory journey.

Speaker 3 (31:30):
You're asking, what in God's name is the Fifth Hour.

Speaker 7 (31:32):
I'll tell you it's a spin off of it Ben
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Speaker 3 (31:37):
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Speaker 7 (31:39):
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Speaker 3 (31:44):
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Speaker 7 (31:47):
Listen to The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller on the
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Speaker 3 (31:50):
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Speaker 5 (31:53):
The big announcement yesterday, the Cowboys will visit the Browns
in America's Game of the Week on Fox on sepent
Brad It'll also be Tom Brady's debut in the broadcast
booth alongside Kevin Burkhart. The entire NFL schedule will be
released Wednesday night on NFL netwank.

Speaker 1 (32:13):
Hmm. A lot of pressure on those two teams. That's
that's the pressure game of the weekend Dallas with Mike McCarthy.
There's some real pressure to win and win early because
we know Philadelphia has improved, Washington will be better, and
Cleveland Deshaun Watson, Joe Burrows back, Baltimore's rolling Russell Wilson
and Pittsburgh. That that is the pressure game in the league.

The only person that's really safe. We know that Kevin Stefanski,
the coach of Cleveland, is excellent. So is the GM
a pressure in that game? So I saw this headline,
this interesting headline, and I don't we talked about this
last week. One of the things I hear all the
time is well, next man up to get the bag. No,
that's not that's not That's not the way it works.

The next quarterback contract up does not automatically get the bag.
You should overwhelmingly strongly consider drafting another quarterback before giving
a good quarterback the bag. And so Jared Goff got
a two hundred and twelve million dollar extension by the Lions.

Appropriate and the right call to a very very sharp
young front office. The headline says, well, where does that
leave Dak Prescott and the Cowboys. I don't know. Those
are two different conversations because Jared Gof's a much better
quarterback than Dak Prescott. Jared Goff's been to a Super Bowl,

into two NFC championship, same conference, rams in the same
conference as Dallas Lions in the same conference, can't argue about, well,
that guy did it there at no NFC two NFC championships.
Gof's done it with two head coach, multiple coordinators, two rosters,

two different divisions. Goff says, much better throw over the football.
Goff's contract extension should not look like Daks because they're
not the same player. In fact, I would argue, as
Goff has become a steady veteran, better than steady, he's
progressed in his career, gotten older. He's actually gotten better

in the playoffs. His last five playoff games six touchdowns,
no picks, and a passer rating at one zero three.
So as Goff is learning the position, he's become more dependable,
more reliable, a better playoff quarterback. The opposite it's been
true for Dak. He is plateaued, and I'd argue he's
getting worse in the playoffs. If you look at Dak's

last four playoff games, three of the four he's had
a passer rating under ninety two of the four under seventy.

Speaker 5 (34:56):

Speaker 1 (34:59):
So those are differentsations. This idea, well, he's next. What
about Kirk Cousins Kirk Cousins contract. Go look at Kirk
Cousins deal Atlanta in a horrible division. Kirk Cousins can
be an absolute difference maker, as Jared Goff has been
a difference maker in Detroit winning playoff games. So this

idea that as well. I mean Goff got his, then
Dak should cross his fingers that he gets an extension.
Now I'm not saying Dak won't have a market. I
mean the Raiders didn't get a quarterback. They're gonna need one.
They absolutely he would create stability like Kirk Cousins will
create stability for Atlanta, not greatness, but stability. Dak could

create stability for an unstable franchise, the Raiders. But you know,
Detroit hadn't won a playoff game in thirty two years,
and GoF goes into town and between him and Dan
Campbell have created a culture of toughness and stability that
the city and the franchise are feeding off of. What's

interesting is, don't even consider Goff and Dact the same
start considering considering Goff and Matt Stafford much closer. Yes,
I said it now, I think Stafford is a greater
overall talent. Both are number one picks. But Jared Goff

and Matthew Stafford since the trade where Stafford went to
a franchise with momentum and McVeigh and Goff went to
a tire fire with a young Dan Campbell, who we
all thought the opening press conference was a little amateurish.
Both Stafford and Goff have twenty four wins. Goff is

more accurate with completion percentage. Goff has more touchdown passes
the same number of giveaways. So Goff and Stafford are
a much closer comp than Goff and Dak. The numbers,
I'll tell you, Dak's comp is Kirk Cousins. Goff's comp
statistically is Matt Stafford, and I would argue Stafford's got

the better coach. Now, okay, now Detroit's got the better
old line. Although last year the Rams rebuilt the old
line and this year looks really good. But you know this,
this idea in pro sports, pay great money very infrequently.
And if you do that and pay it, like in Detroit,

to omor On Saint Brown, Penay Seouol, Jared Goff, maybe
a great pass rusher, that will ensure that a franchise
has flexibility going forward. When you're Dallas and you overpay DAK,
they have no cap space. They got no cap space.

Or if you're like New Orleans, you kept kicking it
down the road, they got no cap space. They can't
make any move for Derek Carr. So you have to
pay the right select people. Very few in Detroit. You
pay GoF, you pay Pena Suwel, you pay a star weapon,
and you pay a pass rusher, maybe a center if

you love him. But there's about five guys in this
league you pay. What you don't do is overpay a
money for a B quarterback. I don't consider GoF to
be a B quarterback. I consider him to be an
A quarterback. And that's I've been going back and forth
on this for years. I think Goff is a top
ten quarterback. Now he may be closer to ten than five,

But I don't buy for a second. Both he and
Stafford are number one picks for a reason. Dak was
a fourth round pick for a reason. Kirk Cousins was
a fourth round pick for a reason. So don't you
think it's interesting that DAK and Kirk Cousins both fourth
round picks. Their stats are dead even after all these years,
and that Stafford and GoF both number one picks all
these years later. Their stats are because their talents closer.

Goff and Stafford are different than Cousins and Dak. They're different,
They're better, they throw better football. Jmack, you look at
me inquisitively today, Nick, right next hour, GoF is better
than Dak. That that's that's not even close. You say that, Okay, Yeah,
I mean go look at GoF got basically fifty three
million a year, and I think that's in the marketplace

relative to the stars. He shouldn't get Mahomes or Alan
or Lamarre. But I think fifty three low fifties is
where GoF should be.

Speaker 5 (39:32):
So based on what Golf got, where do you put
dak intua A relative to.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
What golf Bak I would do Closer to forty three,
Tua would be in the three.

Speaker 5 (39:42):
With forty three. So Goff is a ten million dollars
a year better quarterback than Dak.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
Yeah, well, isn't.

Speaker 5 (39:49):
This You just said he was closer to ten and
Dak is like twelve. How could that be a ten?

Speaker 1 (39:54):
You put Dak at twelve. I think Goff's top ten.
I don't think Dak is top. I don't think Dak
as a top ten quarterback.

Speaker 5 (40:01):
Okay, fine, but let's think you have golf nine. Dak
can't be much further than eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.

Speaker 1 (40:07):
Right, big get between nine, eight, nine or fourteen fifteen.
That's a big size. One guy's average, one guy's elite.
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