All Episodes

May 14, 2024 42 mins

Thoughts on the amount of power Aaron Rodgers has in New York

More on the NFL schedule this coming season

Colin compares Jared Goff to other QBs in the NFL


Guest: Albert Breer

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Herd podcast. Be sure to
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Speaker 2 (00:21):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:26):
Oh here we go our number. They live in Los Angeles.
It's the hurd. You know, it's so great to be
in a city with good NFL football, Harball, Herbert McVay, Stafford.
Can you imagine being in New York. We're just awful

for a decade live, I mean, the whole fall and
now the Mets stink again. The whole fall is dispect
to me. The best time of the year is fault
all my favorite sports. The weather cools down from the summer,
kids go back to school, so you can go to
a restaurant and not have brats everywhere. It's the best
time of the year the fall. In the summer, it

gets a little hot and the kids are out, you know,
they get in the way of a good time. And
now in the fall, can you imagine in our our
fall will be USC, UCLA, and LA to the Big Ten. Awesome,
regardless of how they do. Awesome, Harbaugh, Herbert McVeigh, Stafford,
How lucky are we? That's gonna be incredible here. And

by the way, everywhere I've worked, you know, you watch
a lot of the local team. When I was in Connecticut,
I watched every Patriots game, every Patriots exhibition game, it's
on television.

Speaker 3 (01:39):
Well, I'll also be rooting for the Jets, the best
football team in New York. I know they know, Baffle Jersey. No,
the Jets are better.

Speaker 2 (01:46):

Speaker 3 (01:48):
By the way, have you have you internalized anything I've
said the last like forty eight hours on the Jets.
So much good stuff, yet here you are bashing now.

Speaker 1 (01:55):
I was thinking about this. I was thinking about this.
I was talking to one of the executives today. They're
probably heading off to another vacation. Before they got out
the door, I spent about five minutes with them, and
I said, I have this theory that men screw up
men's lives. My dad used to say men manage money
better than themselves. That's why Wall Street and prisons are

full of men. And a prime example is think about women.
When women do things that like they like to do
with other women. They're healthy, Let's go get therapy or
go to a spa, and they treat each other well.
You know, men it's like, hey, let's smoke a cigar,
drink and buy a cyber truck. Men are just dumb,

right Like men do things to be more masculine, get
a gun, eat poorly, drink too much. You know, women
tend to do things that are like for the soul
and smarter. And I was thinking about this. Men get
in their own way more than women get in their
own way. We die sooner. There's a reason for it.

But I was thinking about this with Aaron Rodgers. Obviously,
Aaron's a smart guy, you know, regardless of anything else,
whether I agree or disagree. I don't think he's a dummy,
little conspiratorial for my you know, taste, but whatever that
sets his opinion. A lot of people push back in
the vaccine. He wasn't the only one. But it's interesting.

I saw this story this morning. The Jets attempted to
replace offensive coordinator Nathaniel Hacket this offseason with somebody who
could actually run the show. Interesting. So do I blame
Aaron Rodgers for that, or do I blame the Jets.
So I want you to think about something. We tend

to think of the NBA as a dynasty league, but
it's really the NFL. Go look at the last two
Go look at the AFC. For the last twenty three years,
two teams had been in eighteen of the twenty three
AFC championships once together, New England and Kansas City. That's insane.

Nineteen of twenty three last AFC championships. Chiefs of the
Patriots are in it. And despite that, even though Brady
and Mahomes have much better careers than Aaron, New England
and Kansas City never relinquished the power to the quarterback. Oh,
they'd ask Mahomes what he thinks about a wide receiver,
but they never relinquished power. The Jets, a desperate franchise

did for Aaron. You want Alan Lazard, bring him in.
We'll pay him a ton. He was benched by Thanksgiving,
a healthy scratch. You want Randall Cobb, bring him in. Aaron,
he's your buddy. Five catches all season. Want to bring
in Tim Boyle quarterback? Do you watch those two starts? Brutal?

Let's bring in Nathaniel Hacket Aaron's buddy disaster, Like, should
I blame Aaron because Kansas City and New England and
maybe Brady and Mahomes didn't want the power and nor
did they ask for it. Maybe not, but they were
never granted that Aaron, I think, wanted more of a

say when he didn't get it. This is well chronicled.
He would passively aggressive, take shots at the organization and
push back. So be careful what you root for. That
vanity that id all of Aaron's great moves, they've all backfired.
Wizard overpaid. We told you Cobb, you know he's a buddy,

but it's over Boyle Hackett. None worked, so three words,
it doesn't work. And it's funny to me. I think
about this all the time. In the NFL, if owners
just owned gms, just GMed, coaches just coached, and quarterbacks
just quarterbacked, it works. That's what the Patriots did for

most of their dynasty. Just that everybody stayed in their lane.

Speaker 4 (06:07):
At the end.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
One time Kraft said let's trade Garoppolo and Brady was right.
But that's what Kansas City does. Now, that's what New
England did. Then, that's what Green Bay has historically done.
No owner, the front office does their thing, the coach
does his thing, the quarterback does his thing. But in
Green Bay with both Farv who later in his career

said I don't want to learn a new system, and Aaron,
I want more power. Green Bay's like, we don't really
want to relinquish it. And you had these two and
three year struggles with farvn Rodgers at the end. But
the truth is the organization in Green Bay is right.
It doesn't work in the league Dallas, by the way,
it's lobsided. The owner wants to be GM. Cincinnati for

years can't get a Super Bowl. The owner wants to
be GM. Like if you look around the league, when
the structure is just guys not trampling on another guy's
real estate, it works. And in New York when they
gave now maybe Aaron wanted that power. I think he
wanted some I understand it made a stack of money,

had a Super Bowl. Green Bay didn't give it to him.
He wants more. I get a little bit of it.
And Brady, by the way, when he went to Tampa,
wanted a little more. Say should be acknowledged he won
a Super Bowl. Aaron's first season injury disaster. So it's
not necessarily a shot. But it's like guys get in
their own way. If you would have let them go

draft another receiver and not bring in two receivers that
were buddies, and if you would have gotten a legitimate, young,
super savvy, highly coveted offensive coordinator Aaron and just gotten
out of your own way, he had a more successful season. Now,
obviously there's the injury. But by the way, even Aaron
later in the year watching the games, did not like

apparently Aaron and Hackett. This was reported by other people.
Aaron didn't like certain formations and sets that he thought
left him vulnerable and in the end get the right OC.
Maybe you don't have those little border skirmishes between OC
and quarterback. Just a thought, What do I know? By

the way the NFL released, you know the games are
trickling out, schedule release tomorrow. We'll talk about it tomorrow
and Thursday a lot. But the Packers, we know they
start in Brazil, Aaron's former team, the Jets, will open
the season in San Francisco. So I don't know how

year two is going to go for the Jets, but
I would argue they're underdogs by somewhere between five and
a half and six and a half points. The Jets
are in San Francisco, they will not be that big
of an underdog if Aaron is healthy all year. So
the NFL, nick Wright suggested earlier. They did it because
they don't know if Aaron's going to be Hell, let's

get him in a big TV game of the Niners
week one. That's a new old line, a rebuilt offensive line,
some older offensive lineman. Let's just get Aaron on TV
in a big game early. We don't know if he's
same with Joe Burrow. Let's pay Kansas City early. Joe's
had injuries. We want to make sure that game matters.
We get Burrow versus Mahomes. Maybe that's it, but you
could not have picked a tougher opener for the Jets

on the road against an offensive coach, a loaded team
with new weapons via the draft, keeping Deebo and Ayyuk.
Offensive coaches McVeigh Reied Shanahan tend to do better early
in the season, unveiling some new tricks they've worked on
in the offseason, a rebuilt Jets oul line that's never

played together, and because veterans don't plan the preseason anymore,
they'll be working through their chemistry week one, two, three, four, five,
just saying that is a tough opener for the Jets.
J Max said earlier up to a six to a
six and a half point dog. NFL did no favors
for the New York Jets. Jets, Jets, Jets, no favors.

Speaker 4 (10:05):
Not a big deal.

Speaker 3 (10:06):
Get the tough one out of the way first and
we move on. Maybe they go sixteen to one, you know,
with the one loss of the Niners.

Speaker 5 (10:13):
No, I'm just kidding obviously.

Speaker 3 (10:14):
But that's listen. I have no problem with that. You
go on the road, test them early, and we're gonna
find out if Robert sala is gonna be the guy
coaching this team all season long.

Speaker 1 (10:22):
Years ago, twenty years ago, when I started doing this thing,
I loved the draft, loved it. And I remember being
told by people in the industry, you talk too much draft,
and now everybody likes it. And I remember years ago saying, God,
I loved the schedule release, and ten years ago to

ESPN the other place, they would say, you're kind of
obsessed with the schedule release. I feel like with both
people have caught up that the draft is absolutely riveting TV,
and the schedule release is wildly underrated. I you and
I both believe this. It as matters. Miami would much

rather play New England, the Jets and the Bills early
in the season. You don't want to go up there
when it's twelve degrees and so in Miami. I always
look at Miami and think, when do they have to
go up north? I think you do not want to
play Denver or excuse me, you do not want to
play Kansas City early or McVeigh early.

Speaker 3 (11:23):
We also don't want to go to Denver for altitude
in September. Historically, Denver's done well, not a full preseason.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
If I'm a West Coast team that plays in a
dome or warm weather like the Rams of the Chargers,
and I have to go east, I would rather do
it pre Thanksgiving.

Speaker 3 (11:37):
Yeah you know, I mean, nobody wants to go outdoors
into New York and Buffalo in late December early January.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Just don't want to. So it does matter. Yeah, stuff
creeping out Albert Brewby joining us.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
and neon eastern non am Pacific on Fox Sports Radio.
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Speaker 1 (11:59):
Jamak says, keep your eye that Lebron hanging out on
the floor at the Calves game, sending a message. I
think Lebron is pretty strategic. He was sending a message
to the Lakers. You know, Cleveland's got a lot of
good players. I can fit right in here, take a
little bit of a haircut financially and fit right in.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
There's no way he's taking a haircut as long as
Dan Gilbert's the owner in Cleveland and not in la either.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
Yeah, let's go to Albert Breer joining us live Monday Morning.
Quarterback covered the NFL for since two thousand and five,
so I thought this was kind of interesting story out
Nathaniel Hackett. Jets looked to replace him, so thelizard thing
didn't work. Cobbs at the end of his career, Hackett
was a miss. Is that signal anything beyond we got

to get better at OC? Does it signal now a
team saying yeah, we're gonna take a little bit back
the football back, We're gonna make the decisions. What do
you make of that story?

Speaker 4 (12:56):
I mean, I think he can tied to something else
to happen this offseason and two, which was the tackle
need right and one of Aaron Rodgers' closest friends and
a guy who's a former All Pro, and David back
Tari was going to become available and the Jets didn't
wait for him. And you know, I think if this
was a year ago, you might have seen that where
the Jets would have waited for David back Tar and
signed David back to URI because that's what, what, what

what Aaron would have wanted. Instead, they go out and
get Tyrone Smith and Morgan Moses and they draft Olufashanu.
So yeah, I mean, I think there's some degree they've
taken their foot off the pedal a little bit when
it comes to just appeasing Aaron. But look like a
big part of that is that the evidence they have
now to present to Aaron on the way some of

those things went last year. So I think you are
onto a little something there, you know, Colin, I don't
think it's totally you know, no, we're not doing these
sorts of things for you, Aaron at all anymore. But
you know, certainly I think just bringing in his buddies
maybe the the the what we'll be just saying that
the ballooms off the flower a little, but there I

might have mixed that one up, but over there.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
Yeah, you know it's I was saying this. I saw
a story about the quarterback room for the Bears and
Justin Fields and listen, I've found in my years of
doing this, uh, and it's why I do a segment
Colin Wright Colin Wrong. Fans believe in quarterbacks and they
just won't move off them, right, Like, this is my guy.

I said he was going to be a star, and
at some point you have to admit, like Justin Field
just didn't get better. And the story that comes out
in the quarterback room is that two of the least
polarizing personalities in the last twenty years, Nick Foles and
Andy Dalton, tried to help him, and he's like, no,
I'm not interested. And I think word travels fast in

this league. Maybe that got out because reportedly the quarterback room,
which is it's hard to think of Andy Dalton and
toxic in the same sentence. What do you make of
that story on Fields?

Speaker 4 (15:00):
So like, I would say, there's part of it that
really rang true, which is the thing about his eyes, right,
like that is really the primary problem with him as
a player. And even guys who really like him as
a person would tell you he doesn't see it fast
enough and you have to find a way. And it's
hard with a quarterback to get him to see it
faster so he can play faster. And that's where a

lot of the holding the ball and not seeing things
happen in front of him came into play. So I
think the criticism in that from that story on his
eyes was one hundred percent where it needed to be,
like that's that's that's criticism that has circulated an NFL
circles for a while. Now. The other part of it,
the stuff about his attitude and personality, I haven't heard

as much, you know, And I just you know, I
go back to, you know, what the coaches at Ohio
State thought of him, and then a lot of the
coaches who've been with the Bears the last few years
thought of him, and even what Ryan Poles thought of him,
and consistently saying we want to do right by justin.
Like the people I've talked to, you know, that have
been with the Bears the last few years have pretty
consistently said to me, like, this is a kid who

does everything right, that has the right attitude, that's a
good teammate, that's a good worker, that wants to get better,
and it just didn't happen at a fast enough rate
to prevent them from from going in on Caleb Williams.

Speaker 1 (16:17):

Speaker 4 (16:18):
In fact, there's a story from last year, and I
don't know if you remember this, Colin, but this story
was was was out there and and caused quite a stir.
I think it was in October where Justin Field said
something in a press conference that was mildly critical of
the coaching, and you know, got out there on social
media and really kind of took on a life of

its own quickly. And the story I heard was Justin
you know, saw it on his phone that that that
social media had picked it up and that you know,
a narrative was starting to be spun there, and he
almost immediately like sprinted like sprinted down the hall to
Luke Getzi, the offensive coordinator's office, to go and apologize
to him. So, you know, again, this is a guy

who I think was pretty well liked in the in
the Bears building. And I'm not saying that the stuff
that was in there from his rookie year at Dalton
in Folds is completely untrue. I'm not sure about that,
but this is a kid who had a pretty good
reputation in the Bears building, and you know that's one
reason why the Bears wanted to do right by him
when they were offloading him back in the spring.

Speaker 1 (17:20):
Speaking of offloading him, they sent him to Pittsburgh with
Russell Wilson, and I kind of went on a tangent
a rant last week. I said, Russell Wilson is so
unique that everything on his resume tells you eight or
nine Pro Bowls, two Super Bowl appearances, holds a trophy
All Timer. You almost never see anybody criticize publicly an

All Timer quarterback. You know, Harris, the cornerback who played
in Denver, came out and said, you know, he holds
the ball too long. It didn't work, he miss his plays.
And I'm like, could somebody give Russell a break?

Speaker 6 (17:58):

Speaker 1 (17:59):
What is it that? Maybe it's because Russell never pokes back,
but I do think the Russell Fields component that at
Coumbo is fascinating because I don't think that Russell would
go there unless he got guarantees. And I don't think
Justin Fields would be as optimistic as he's been if
he didn't think he was going to get a shot,

how do you think it plays out?

Speaker 4 (18:23):
So let's start with the Russell component. I think one
of the issues Russell's had over the years, and this is,
you know, I think proven true is with two different
teams now, is with relating with his teammates. And you know,
I think one of the superpowers that a lot of
the truly great quarterbacks is they can be like the
celebrity over here, right and then over here, be a

normal guy in the locker room. And Tom Brady was
great with this, right like, where he was a celebrity
outside of the locker room, but just another player inside
the locker room to his teammates. Josh Allen is great
with that. Patrick Mahomes is great with that. See those
two guys, you know, with the twelve pack of corps
light playing golf in the cart right like, and that's

really who they are, you know, and that's how they
come off to their teammates, and you know, their ability
to be a regular guy something that Russell's never really had,
which I think has caused him problems with some of
these teams. And what exacerbates it is things like having
the office in Denver. Right, So Kenny break down those
walls with his teammates in Pittsburgh. I think that'll be

a very real question. How do his coaches receive him.
That's a real question. And so what Russell was promised
coming into all of this was you have pole position.
That means you're going to get the first snap in
the spring when they start OTA's and next week Russell
Wilson will get the first snap and he'll be working
with the first team through OTAs and into the summer.

He is their starter right now. But Mike Tomlin's gone
back on these things in the past, right and look
at Kenny Pickett two years ago. He was running with
the threes for all of training camp. By week four
he was the starting quarterback there. So, while I think
Mike Tomlin's very much a man of his word and
will give Russell Wilson every shot to be the starter

for the entire year, for the entirety of the twenty
twenty fourth season, he's also got, you know, this duty
to the other fifty one players on the team that
he's going to do what's right for them, and if
what's right for them come July or August, is for
Justin Fields to be getting raps or competing for the job.
I don't think Tomlin would be shy about pivoting again.

He did it two years ago, you know, coming out
of the Ben Roethlisberger era, and when with Kenny Pickett
on the roster, Pickett was working behind Mason Rudolph and
mitched Trubisky through all of training camp and wound up
being the starter by early October. Not impossible to see
a similar scenario unfolding with Justin Fields if Russell Wilson
has some of the issues in Pittsburgh that he had

in Denver.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
So I I'll make this argument, you could not give
Aaron Rodgers a tougher opener than Monday night football across
the country. And among the other things is if I
have a defensive coach, asked Pete Carroll last year in
the opener against Sean McVay or anybody that faces Andy
Reid in September. Offensive coaches come into the season with

new wrinkles, and they have an advantage. Absolutely. Also, the
weather's better, it's easier on quarterbacks. September is a offensive
head coach month, and increasingly in football, by the end
of the year, it's offensive coaches that meet in the
final four. But the other thing that jumps out to
me with Aaron is there are three new offensive linemen
and a rookie four total on the old line. The

on line is understood, Albert always understood in football, it's
the chemistry unit and the hardest to develop with new players.
Asking Aaron with three new pieces in a rookie to
go to the Bay against Bosa and the Niners, that
is a tough ask. Is that not a rough opening

week for Aaron and the Jet.

Speaker 4 (22:04):
I almost think the worst thing about it, Colin is
having to come back on a short week from the
West coast, going west to east, right like, so you
know you're back like Tuesday morning. Your Tuesday is sort
of blown up in shots. So now you've lost Monday
and Tuesday preparing for your Week two opponent. I've actually
actually meant when I saw that earlier today, to go

back and take a look at the first Monday night
game and how often they've asked a team to go
from east to west and then come back west to
east on that Tuesday. I actually think that might be
the toughest element of it. I think all the things
you're mentioning are certainly valid. They also have a little
bit more time to prepare for the Niners and have

time to focus on the Niners a little bit more.
But yeah, it's definitely a tricky one for the Jets.
And don't forget this too. I mean, there's the whole
storyline of it being the Monday night week one that
Aaron got hurt, you know, And so we've got all
of that build up in all those reminders of what
September eleventh was last year, you know for the Jets,

where on that Monday night Aaron Rodgers goes out and
blows his achilles what was it four or five plays in,
you know. So in a lot of different ways, this
does feel like not the ideal scenario for the Jets,
for your reasons and for a couple of the ones
I just laid out too.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
Monday morning quarterback, it's not long before Albert Breer hedge
to Nantucket and looks has Tan is sitting up there.

Speaker 4 (23:32):
I'm already working on it anything.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
I'm looking ahead to.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
Albert Brewery, so I'll get you live from the deck.
Then we're gonna have to set something up where I'll
be coming live from the deck, right, so you get
the sunshine in the background and the boats and all that.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
I'm jelly. I'll say it right now. I'm not a
man of envy, but every time I do a live
shot with you in the summer, I am very envious.
Good scene.

Speaker 4 (23:55):
If you live in the South Bay, I mean, I
don't know.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
You got me?

Speaker 4 (23:58):
You got me? What fifty fifty weeks out of the year,
I can get you for two or three?

Speaker 1 (24:02):
Fair enough? Fair enough? Albert Breer joining us live. Yeah,
that's interesting. If what if the Jets got this? What
if Aaron and the Jets in week two? So his
proposition is, you think that's bad, you blow the first
two days coming back. What if Week two for the
Jets Miami on the road.

Speaker 5 (24:22):
No, it's not Miami. Buffalo is playing Miami week two.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
Here are the.

Speaker 3 (24:25):
Choices, Colts, me let me write them down. These are
the Jets home games for twenty twenty four.

Speaker 1 (24:31):
They could face the.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
Colts in week two the Broncos and they're five and
a half win total. That'd be a great matchup. Give
me that. That's a Jets by two touchdowns.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
Patriots tire fire, picky quarterbacks. Those are good ones.

Speaker 3 (24:43):
I don't want to see the Rams in week two.

Speaker 1 (24:44):
Okay, so let me let me ask you this, what
would be the game in week two for the Jets
that you would not want to face?

Speaker 3 (24:51):
Since we know Buffalo Miami and playing week two. I
don't well, I don't mind seeing the Texans in week two.
About I don't want to face the Rams in week two?

Speaker 1 (24:58):
So you stay out west and face the Rams and
mcveigh's Brook.

Speaker 3 (25:03):
Oh, they would not do that to the Jets. Two
West Coast games to start the season.

Speaker 4 (25:07):
That would be dirt.

Speaker 3 (25:08):
No, no, no, no.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
Alex just said in our earpiece, where are the Rams at? Yes,
Oh it's a Jets home game.

Speaker 3 (25:15):
Yeah, Jets are at home, so they'll face I think
it's gonna be Patriots or Broncos, one of those.

Speaker 5 (25:19):
It's going to be a layup for the Jets in
the tough one.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
To start the season, bounce back thirty four to thirteen win.

Speaker 1 (25:24):
I'm just I'm not trying to be negative. Yes you are.

Speaker 3 (25:27):
I keep finding the hardest games all in the show.
With an eight minute rant about Aaron Rodgers not trying
to be negative, guys, I'm not.

Speaker 1 (25:34):
How about this, let's called gas this one. Go look
at that, Look at that schedule. How about week two
go down to the heat in Jville, Jacksonville. That's that's
a rough one. It better be a home game. You
have you ever been in early September? Hell no, I've
never been in Florida. So didn't your family live in Orlando?

Speaker 3 (25:54):
I don't go there in the brutal months unless I
absolutely have to.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
September. It is an absolute advantage.

Speaker 3 (26:01):
It's oppressive. That's what the head.

Speaker 1 (26:03):
First of all, by May. It's oppressive.

Speaker 6 (26:07):
You know.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
My mom, I hope I'm not revealing to my mom
called me. She's like, it's ninety seven degrees here. This
is like two days ago. She's like, so we don't
go outside. We walk around in the mall to get
like exercise ninety seven degrees.

Speaker 1 (26:19):
Hey, yeah, what do you think? It's like September at
least one two at least and the water now and
it's like hurricane season.

Speaker 3 (26:26):
Let's just not talk about Florida anymore.

Speaker 1 (26:27):
Come on, okay, Jmack with the news. Turn on the news.

Speaker 2 (26:34):
This is the headline news.

Speaker 3 (26:36):
Right. Let's start with I don't know, I mean, you
love all the quarterbacks in this class Jayden Daniels.

Speaker 1 (26:40):
Boy, have you seen the video?

Speaker 3 (26:42):
Oh god, he was totally dominating the show Rookie Mini Camp.
Like what I see here, firing on all cylinders.

Speaker 1 (26:48):
I'm so excited to watch him play.

Speaker 3 (26:50):
Dan Quinn got to see his quarterback in action and
had this to say about the rookies presence.

Speaker 6 (26:55):
What you don't see on the tape is like how
much this guy loves football. He works so hard at
Nikky that like it's one of the things that makes
my heart smile about him, just like the type of
competitor is and the way he goes about his business.
And so I don't know if it was the work
he put in, but like the command of everyone else.
And so sometimes as a quarterback, it's not just what
you're doing, it's making sure the formation is said, it's

starting emotion, it's you know, getting a correction. That's when
you know you have full command, not just what your
responsibility is here, but what the others.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
Are looks like an NFL coach, Dan, You see he
flipped his hat around a little wonky flipped it around.
Now I believe him. Let's have our staff work on this.
Some interweb stuff darkweb dot com go to the internet
and get me more Jaden Daniel's practice video, because I'm
telling you that thing had a contrail. Okay, he was

slinging it. What's a contrail like a jet? It was
super sonic. The ball was flying, popping out of his hand.

Speaker 3 (27:52):

Speaker 1 (27:52):
Look at this stretching, dude, I am so excited to
watch him play.

Speaker 3 (27:55):
Look at this stretching.

Speaker 5 (27:56):
He's just unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (27:58):
Watch this ball off, look at that.

Speaker 3 (28:01):
Just lock it up. Hey, so who has a better season?
Caleb william I'm sorry not kill Jaden Daniels year one
or Bryce Young year two.

Speaker 1 (28:11):
Jaden Daniels year one.

Speaker 3 (28:12):
Fake false news?

Speaker 1 (28:14):
What do you mean?

Speaker 3 (28:14):
Totally disagree? I think Bryce Young bounces back big time
defensive coach.

Speaker 1 (28:19):
Here, come on, nobody's experience been to a Super Bowl
defensive coach with a great play caller. I don't know
about their old line. I worry about Washington's old line.
Mary sus but but sus very mid uh but but
Jaden will run around create some space.

Speaker 3 (28:34):
That's healthy.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
As Robert, I'm really everybody's into Caleb. I get that too.
I really want to see Jaden Daniels play. I think
Washington's personnel is better than everybody gives as.

Speaker 3 (28:43):
A hot take.

Speaker 5 (28:44):
But I want to see Bryce Young way more than
Jadon Daniels.

Speaker 3 (28:47):
I've never heard anybody say that exactly by low you know,
or no, by low sell high.

Speaker 1 (28:56):
Yeah, I'm buying the one.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
He's a penny stock.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
You know, there's a reason he's a penny star. Yeah,
I'm not gonna tell what's the high end? Eight cents?

Speaker 3 (29:06):
You heard that, Dave Canalis. Let's go to the w NBA.
Kate Le Clark her anticipated regular season debut tonight for
the Indie.

Speaker 4 (29:14):
At a Fever.

Speaker 3 (29:15):
The Fever are five and a half point underdogs against
the Connecticut Sun.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
So it's on the road, right, it is on the road.

Speaker 3 (29:21):
Yeah. Here's what she had to say about her big
debut tonight.

Speaker 7 (29:25):
I'm really excited. I think, you know, preseason games like
you try to be as competitive as possible, but you're
still trying to figure it out, try a different lineup.
So I feel now like getting out there for the
first time, it's really exciting and it'll be super special.
This is what you've kind of worked for and dreamed of,
and now you gotta put your jersey on for like
the first real time and go out there and play.
So I think, more than anything, just soak in the moment.

You know, we're gonna play on the biggest stage. There's
gonna be a lot of people there. It's gonna be loud.
But you only play your first w NBA game once.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
Well, I just bought Sling TV last night. Let me
see if she's on.

Speaker 3 (29:57):
Well, it's funny. My daughter is like, Dad, we need
to watch the game. This is before school today. She's like,
what time does it start? What channel and all that.

Speaker 1 (30:04):
So it's Connecticut, so it'll probably start. Game will be
on ESPN two. They still have that thing and Disney Plus.

Speaker 3 (30:13):
Okay, we have Disney Plus. Yeah, I'm excited.

Speaker 1 (30:15):
Well I'll go.

Speaker 3 (30:17):
I'll go eighteen and nine for Caitlin Clark tonight, eighteen
points nine.

Speaker 1 (30:21):
I don't even know what it's gonna look like. I
can't make any predict. I don't know what's gonna look like. Why, well,
I don't know. I don't watch the NBA.

Speaker 4 (30:27):
If to I know what.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
Yeah, but you're willing to just throw it out there.
I need. I am kind of a research guy. I
mean fine, I can pull up somebody the way we're
going head to head with a Pacers game. So it's
not gonna it's not gonna beat the Pacers game, probably
because New York's involved, But I bet you it gets
a little bit of a number.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Listen, it's twenty twenty four. We have multiple TVs. We
can watch both.

Speaker 8 (30:47):
Is it that?

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Have you ever done this before? Like I don't. When
I used to be more collaborative with the audience on
social media, you'd say, oh, you guys watching that, and
they're like, how are you not watching that game? I'm like,
I'm a sportscaster. You think I got one TV in
the house. The people are nuts on that on Sundays.
I literally have phone iPad red Zone.

Speaker 3 (31:10):
I got.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
You know, yeah, we can watch more than one thing,
so can you.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
I don't know if the fever are gonna be good,
but I'm not gonna lie. I'm excited to see what
Kate ln Clark can do. You know it's gonna be fun.
Final story is college football. Big Noon Saturday has announced
three massive games this college football season. Number one is
Texas at Michigan September seventh. Texas gonna win that game
as well, even on the road. Alabama Wisconsin September fourteenth.

Speaker 5 (31:37):
Now, Alabama has a new head coach.

Speaker 3 (31:40):
They do have a quarterback that a lot of people
like mil Roe who was in and out last year.

Speaker 1 (31:43):
Yeah. Do you like Alabama on that one? Well, I
think Michigan takes a huge step back.

Speaker 3 (31:48):
No, No, I said Alabama. Wisconsin.

Speaker 1 (31:50):
Yeah, I take Bama. Okay, I think their coach is
I'll take Texas, Bama and Ohio State in those games.
I think Ohio State is gonna win the Natty. I
think Texas will meet them in the and I think
that hold. You have Texas in the National TV Spicy No, Georgia, No,
although I think Georgia's I think the three best teams

are Ohio State, Georgia, Texas's right.

Speaker 3 (32:14):
Pretty I think that's pretty clear.

Speaker 1 (32:15):
That four I don't even know. I just have to
watch it. That could be Alabama.

Speaker 3 (32:18):
Kalyn for Portal has made it tough to I don't know. Yeah,
there's so much movement. I would just keep an eye
on Alabama. Wisconsin Badgers can be frisky.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
Here's their quarterback.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
Don't know.

Speaker 1 (32:31):
You know you ever been to Camp Randall?

Speaker 3 (32:33):
I have not. Is it near the Dells?

Speaker 1 (32:36):
It's not that far from the Dells in Madison's. Madison
is a it gets a little chilly in the winter,
but that is a one of America's great summer town You.

Speaker 3 (32:46):
One of my neighbors is going to Their daughter is
a senior in high school going to Wisconsin next year
school and.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
That's like a big party school. Well it's also a
great academic school.

Speaker 3 (32:57):
Okay, don't take your word for it, but.

Speaker 1 (32:59):
Madison, your kids can do worse than going to Madison.
That's a good school.

Speaker 3 (33:03):
I just don't understand leaving California for Wisconsin.

Speaker 1 (33:06):
You know how cold the winter's going to be there,
But your first of all that our buildings are brick.
You won't be cold in your dorm roomty I think
if I was going to college again, Wisconsin will be
my top five or six to five.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
Wow, who else you got in there?

Speaker 1 (33:23):
Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas? This cold weather, Michigan, Wisconsin, Texas. I'd
probably get a free ride at Princeton, So I probably
put that on the Hey, my bat Tyler van Dyck
transferred from Miami to Wisconsin. Wiley Wisconsin, Wisconsin only gets
good quarterbacks. When they transferred Russell Wilson, Tyler baby he's
an interesting quarterback. He's pretty good Badger's money line. That'll

be interesting, you know.

Speaker 3 (33:47):
Can we do one show for Vegas this summer and
just go to the naked Loonta?

Speaker 1 (33:50):
Why would you want to be in Vegas in the summer?

Speaker 3 (33:52):
Well, the full scene. I'm married, I got nineteen kids.
You're married, a come on, have fun.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
Literally, let me tell you two words I'm never going
to experience in my life again. Pool scene. I'm like Whirlpool.
You gotta work on you.

Speaker 4 (34:13):
You gotta work on your tan like Breer.

Speaker 3 (34:15):
Maybe a little fake and bake action before you go.

Speaker 1 (34:17):
No, you're off the rails today.

Speaker 4 (34:21):
It's all your fault.

Speaker 1 (34:22):
J Mack with the News.

Speaker 2 (34:24):
Well that's the news, and thanks for stopping by the lie.

Speaker 1 (34:28):
I'm thinking if I if qualify, if I qualified for everything,
Princeton supposed to be My wife used to have to
go to that area of New Jersey is supposed to
be great. We lived near there.

Speaker 3 (34:39):
It's awesome.

Speaker 1 (34:39):
So I would go to Princeton, Michigan, Texas. I think
Wisconsin if I probably, if I just had Michigan, i'd
cancel Wisconsin because I'd want one big ten school. That's
the one I'd go to you know, northwesterns in Chicago.
Maybe Northwestern, as you is too hot for me. Pool
scene jeez, yeah, yeah, you know it's uh, that's where

I go.

Speaker 3 (35:06):
You're just out of the mostly out on the northeast.
Now you're no.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
I think I think the America's best universities are mostly
northern universities. Yeah, I think that's you know.

Speaker 3 (35:14):
I thought I kind of picture you as a Columbia guy.

Speaker 1 (35:16):
That's not that's too close to the city. Princeton's supposed
to be gorgeous, you said you used to live. Now there, yes,
supposed to be is it. It's called Princeton, New Jersey.
That's the Princeton, New Jersey. Yeah, it's supposed to be amazing.
All right, we'll just keep rambling. Uh live an L. Aansler.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Herd weekdays
in noon eastern non a em Pacific.

Speaker 8 (35:37):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben
Maller with me and a lot to have you joined
us on our weekly auditory journey. You're asking, what in
God's name is the Fifth Hour. I'll tell you it's
a spin off of that Ben Maler show. A cult
hit overnights on fs AR. Why should you listen? Picture
if you will a world will? We chat with captains
of industry in media, sports and war every week explore

some amazing facts about human nature and more. Listen to
the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller on the iHeartRadio app, Apple.

Speaker 1 (36:04):
Podcast or wherever you get your podcast. I told my
mom wants I wanted to be a pilot, and she said,
you're too scatterbrained to be a pilot. Just talk about sports.
But in today's segment, take Golf or take Off, I
will choose Jared Goff or this other elite quarterback if
I had to pick one to lead my franchise this

point forward. My hat is slightly askew. But uh, you know,
maybe I spent a little bit too much time at
the lounge, the Continental Lounge before I got on the flight.
Be you ready to go?

Speaker 3 (36:38):
Admirals Club was just jumping off this morning.

Speaker 2 (36:40):
Uh take off, Take.

Speaker 5 (36:42):
Golf, make take off? Jared Goff or Lamar Jackson.

Speaker 1 (36:47):
I would take Lamar because I think he is the system,
and I think Goff is a little bit dependent on
the right protection and the right system. Lamar is just
gonna just do what Lamar is gonna do, so both.
I would take Lamar Okay, Jared Goff or Jalen Hurts.
I'm worried about Jalen's injuries. Goff I think sees the

field better, bigger, taller. I think I would take Goff.
I'm worried Ali. I've said this before. I like Jalen Hurts.
Jalen Hurts without Shane steik In calling the plays is
not the same as Jalen Hurts with Shane stike In
calling the plays. I may change my mind on this
by Thanksgiving.

Speaker 3 (37:29):
Okay, take golf or take off Jared Goff or Dak
Prescott golf easy.

Speaker 1 (37:36):
I think he's getting better as he gets older, especially
in the postseason. I think Dak a few injuries, has
hit a ceiling, hit a wall, this is what he is.
I also think Goff is going to have better protection
and more weapons. The Cowboys will be very Dak reliant.
And when he throws forty or more times, he is
eight and eighteen, so I think GoF will have a

much better year.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
Take golf or take off Jared Goff or Justin Herbert Well.

Speaker 1 (38:04):
Even though Herbert Well, Goff's got a little bit of
a tailwind. He's got a little more menum going for him,
but I'm gonna take Herbert Bigger, stronger, taller, more mobile.
Doesn't have a lot of momentum currently. He's gonna have
to create that with the Jim Harbaugh, but I think
it'll happen very early.

Speaker 4 (38:23):
Jared Goff or Jordan Love.

Speaker 1 (38:26):
I'm still not sure about the landing with Jordan Love.

Speaker 3 (38:31):
I don't know where he's gonna land.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
I would take today, I would take Goff, but again
I have the right to change my opinion. I just
would like another six to eight starts from Jared Goff.
But his mobility and the way he ate of the
last nine weeks operated that offense with all those young
receivers kids really impressive. Today. I take Goff. This is

a tough one for me because I'm on the looks
like Jordan Love's a top ten guy.

Speaker 3 (38:58):
Trade take golf or take off jured golf or Joe Burrow.

Speaker 1 (39:05):
This is the hardest one. Burrow is better. Burrow has
four straight year with injuries. Golf never gets hurt. I'd
go golf, and I love Burrow, But aren't you concerned
about Burrow's injuries? When's the last time you had a
good September. You can even go back to golf. I
know I'm getting a little erratic for a pilot, you

can go back. I want to be stately. I want
to be like Sully Sullenberger, like the plane goes a
little sideways. I can this, gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
I can land it. But like you're getting to a
point where Joe Burrow is, the injuries are now part
of it, like you have to bake it in. This
is me. People always bang on Lamar Jackson for being hurt. Well, okay,

then Joe Burrow gets hurt. So if you're asking me
today who I would take this moment very close gets golf.
And again I know Burrows better. I'm not denying that.
I'm not in any way more mobile. I think he
says good to third down quarterback as the league has.

But all things considered, I'm really worried about Burrow's health.

Speaker 3 (40:12):
Right running out of time. This is the toughest one.
Jared goff Er Brock Perdy.

Speaker 1 (40:17):
Goff, that's the easiest one. Goff got the Lions to
win a playoff game for the first time in thirty
two years, you know how hard it is to break
a losing culture. That is tough. Purdy took over a
franchise that just wins a lot that's stacked and kept winning.

Not that it's unimpressive, it's just not as impressive. You
got anymore.

Speaker 3 (40:45):
Final one Jared Goff or Kirk Cousins.

Speaker 1 (40:48):
Well, I think Goff is. I think he's a number
one pick for a reason, and Kirk's a fourth rounder
for a reason. I think natural talent golf's better. Also,
kaugh Cousins has to kind of familiar as himself, new staff,
new system, new players. I don't think it'll be it'll
be a little bumpy for him.

Speaker 3 (41:05):
I think, right, let's you one more hold up Jared
Goff or Matt Stafford.

Speaker 1 (41:09):
Closer than people think. I'd take Stafford now again, he
and Burrow. There's injuries, but Burrow's injuries are consistent. Stafford
has healthy year banged up healthy, banged Depp. So I
think this is closer than you think. I think Stafford
just a better arm talent. If you took Mahomes out
and Josh Allen out, I think Stafford's the third best

what you would call arm talent in the league. I
think he's that good. You do too, by the way.

Speaker 3 (41:36):
So I don't know, man. You know Jared gofson Gage,
we might have to tell his fiance. Hey, look out.
Colin Coward is just absolutely head over heels in love
with your I don't think anyone loves the guy as
much as you do. This is some of these are
absolutely bonkers.

Speaker 1 (41:49):

Speaker 3 (41:50):
Jared Goff over Joe Burrow.

Speaker 1 (41:52):
Again, I can textualize it. It's an injury thing. Go
look at golf back at cal he got pummeled, never hurt.
The I just is despite his frame. Jared Goff is tough,
he plays hurt. He never missed his games. We always
say this reliability availability. Can't win if you're sitting golf's

always starting. It's like Eli Manning got criticism. He was
there every Sunday. Brett Farv was there every Sunday. That counts.
That's twenty five percent. And I think Burrows better. But
when you're giving me twelve starts and I get seventeen
or eighteen, I'm taking golf. Was your pilot. I think
we landed that thing. Listen, gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.

We had a little turbulence with Burrow Golf
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