All Episodes

May 15, 2024 36 mins

Jason’s getting closer to one day managing the Mets. Kirk Cousins breaks his silence on the Falcons drafting Michael Penix Jr. Plus, a GREAT moment from the end of the Nuggets/T-Wolves Game!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks for listening to The Jason Smith Show with Mike
Harmon podcast. Be sure to catch us live every weeknight
ten pm to two am Eastern seven to eleven pm
Pacific on Fox Sports Radio. Find your local station for
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Speaker 2 (00:22):
Please give this you're listening to Fox Sports Radio.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
Greetings, Welcome inside final hour tonight, the Jason Smith Show
with my base Friendmike Harmon.

Speaker 3 (00:35):

Speaker 1 (00:36):
We're live from the tirack dot com studios tyreck dot com.

Speaker 3 (00:38):
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Speaker 1 (00:39):
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Speaker 3 (00:47):
The way tire buying should be well just.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
Under two minutes left to go, and it's well just
about over.

Speaker 3 (00:55):
Well it really is over.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Denver has a one twelve ninety five lead over Minnesota.
The Nugget's gonna take their third game in a row
in this series and take a three games to two
lead as the Timberwolves try to figure out a way
heading back home to stem this tide. Because look as
good as Denver was, it really looked like they were

gonna get blown out of this series. The first two games,
Minnesota's defense looked impenetrable and it was stunning watching them
get all over the court and cause all sorts of
problems for the Nuggets, and the Nuggets were just absolutely discombobulated.
You had Jamal Murray throwing heat packs on the floor,
and you can argue whether or not he should have
played in the next game or not, but the bottom

line is these last three games, Michael Malone has figured out, Hey,
this is how we're gonna turn this around. And this
was two burials that Denver was able to turn around
into a three games to two lead. And I'll tell
you just when everybody started believing in the Timberwolves, it
was like, oh, hey, yeah, here come the defending champs
to understand, Hey, we're still in this.

Speaker 3 (01:57):
We're gonna teach you a lesson.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
They go on the road and win those two and
they win it in a style in which they make
the Timberwolves look like just another team. Like it was
such a stark contrast from what you saw in the
first two games.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
The last three games, it's like seeing the Knicks and
the Pacers.

Speaker 1 (02:13):
When you go from the Knicks playing in Madison Square
Garden to the Knicks playing in Indiana and Indiana playing
in Madison Square Garden and they're playing back home. But
I'll tell you I did not see this kind of
collapse by the Timberwolves coming to the point where you're
going home with a chance to end this series, and
instead it looks like you're going home in one more game.

Speaker 4 (02:31):
Get up to nothing. You're disrupting Jokic, you're frustrating the
ail out of Jamal Murray. Remember game two, a lot
of heavy body blows right like we've been describing the
Pacers and the Knicks series of the physicality, and that's
how they got over the first two games, and then
the reversal of the fortune and now tonight a couple
of runs by Minnesota to get back towards an eleven

point deficit, ten point deficit, but always with the answer
and Jokic with another monster game. They may not have
the same depth as last year, but that starting five,
we'll get you time and again.

Speaker 5 (03:09):
And you look at what Jokic was able to do.

Speaker 4 (03:10):
Tonight, forty thirteen assists, seven boards, playing forty minutes and
you didn't have you know, Murray ended up finishing with sixteen.
He was seven or fourteen, but a bunch of that
came late with a couple of buckets. Gordon was his
usual efficient self at eighteen and ten. They got punched,
they took the hit, and then they went on the road.

I don't know if Minnesota relaxed right. Remember Game two,
Rudy Gobert wasn't even there and they slapped him around.
And then Game three, whatever that that kill switch was,
it got turned off and they've never been able to
re establish it.

Speaker 1 (03:49):
So we'll have more on this game coming up in
a bit. Again, it is now over. Nikola Jokis with
a forty point night, although not as many points as
Jalen Brunts. Let me just point that out. But this
may be We've never seen a basketball story quite like this,
and of course it hits us right here at Fox
Sports Radio, where earlier today our colleague Doug Gottley, who

I've known for fifteen years, done shows them plenty of
times we've filling on Dan Patrick together. Doug Gottlieb was
named the new basketball head coach at University.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
Of Wisconsin Green Bay. He interviewed there.

Speaker 1 (04:23):
Last year, they gave it to somebody else After an
eighteen and fourteen season. He left to go coach Wyoming,
and Doug gets the gig. Doug has coached a lot
in the last few years, coaching the Maccabi games as
an assistant as a head coach, so he's been doing
that for a while. So here he is Wisconsin Green Bay.
It's a great story. Making it even better is he

is going to keep his Fox Sports radio daytime show
that he does for two hours two to four here
on the West coast. It's going to be but twelve
to two on the West coast, two to four in Wisconsin.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
We have never seen anything.

Speaker 1 (04:58):
Like this, where here is a head coach who is
going to keep a daily radio show firing out hot
takes and and talking about national subjects, not a local show,
not a not a local show where hey, it's all
about Wisconsin, Green Bay and these guys. It's gonna be
talking about the NBA playoffs and the NFL. We've never
seen this, and and it is just a fascinating, brilliant

social experiment. This is the newest of new school things.
And I can't wait to see how this unfolds because this,
this is I mean, there's so many people that are
already polarized by this. How does he have time to
do a radio show the middle of the day. He says,
I'm gonna take less money and I'm gonna have assistants
that do a little bit more. Okay, we've seen it,
you know how I know it might work because we
see it with Deon Sanders. He comes in and no

it didn't. It didn't translate to wins, but it translated
to relevancy. It translated to recruits. And now there's a
lot of eyeballs on Colorado because here's Deon Sanders, who
is not your same coach. He's a guy that's a
big CEO, and he you know, he doesn't have a
big system. He comes in, he does the pr stuff,
he does the interviews. He has time for interviews every day.

I got time for this today, right, that's a big thing.

Speaker 4 (06:06):
You know.

Speaker 1 (06:06):
I got time to go back and forth with you
on social media. And he's found a new way, a
new school way to coach college football. This is a
different way to coach college basketball. And yes, Doug's gonna
be on the radio every day and it's almost like
he's the Horizon League's coach Prime, Like he's gonna walk
in is the with the biggest profile of any any

coach in the Horizon League. It's gonna give him an
up on recruiting as long as there are people who
like the takes he asks. If they don't like the takes,
they're gonna go play someplace else. But I mean, look,
he's got such a huge advantage there, and it's only
he is the Horizon League's coach prime. And this is
a great chance to take by Wisconsin Green Bay because
they're grabbing relevancy, they're grabbing attention. People are going to

talk about this school because Doug's been on the national
stage for the last twenty years. He and I were
doing Game Day and all Night at ESPN Radio the
same time. And it really is gonna be something. And
I can't wait to see how this how this unfolds.
And I'm sure there's gonna be days where hey filling
in for Doug because some days where he's gonna be
on the road or he's gonna be recruiting, he's gonna

be something else. So is he gonna do it five
days a week? I would say probably not, but you know,
more often than not, especially in the off season, five days,
three four days a week. Yeah, I can't wait to
see how this unfolds. I am fascinated by this now.

Speaker 4 (07:25):
It's look, it's been in the offing for a couple
of years, a lot of rumors, conjectures, the hallways, talking
all of those things as to what that would what
would happen the day that that he would get one
of these jobs, And today we finally find out and
that he'll continue. And I heard him talking with our
guys Petros some money on a five seventy LA Sports

on his way to the airport. Earlier he chronicled the
next four days of his life. I don't think he
accounted for sleep, food, He got the gym, workout in
and everything else. Like figured out that between calls and
recruiting and you know, the boosters and whatever collectives and
all of that stuff. But certainly for us, in a

long time, Doug's been part of the national media and
he's been known to have a take that gets folks
with the eyebrows raised. So you know that part of
the personality. I don't expect that to go anywhere, And
certainly for the radio show for us here at Fox
Sports Radio, a spotlight on the network, but as you say,

for the Horizon League, certainly huge.

Speaker 5 (08:34):
Right for Green Bay.

Speaker 4 (08:35):
I mean they see the win of having a guy
with his tenure and stature in the business and the
connections and knowledge that he has to push it forward.

Speaker 5 (08:46):
Now for this first.

Speaker 4 (08:47):
Year, we'll see how it goes, right, the ebb and
flow of it, and how you're able to put the
show together, keep the quality of the show, keep the
quality of the takes there, which I have no doubt
he's already considered from a million different levels as it
goes through Jason. So, I mean, it's it's really an
interesting a day here for us here at Fox Sports Radio.

I got the text from our guy Justin Frostsberg earlier
this morning and and you know, went and saw the
the full write ups and like, all right, let's go,
let's see how this goes.

Speaker 1 (09:20):
Yeah, I mean, it's I'm so happy for Doug. You know,
he loves coaching. You know, I could see it when
we talk and he talks about kids he coaches.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
And everything else. And look at it, and there's two
big things.

Speaker 1 (09:31):
There's two big takeaways from this and now you know
to say, okay, here's reality of it, right that can't
wait to see how it goes. I would think I
would think that this is probably a one year thing.
Let's see how it goes, right if you're Wisconsin Green Bay,
because you don't know, Okay, we've never done this before.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
We'll let well, okay, do it for a year. Let's
see how it goes.

Speaker 1 (09:52):
Now, maybe something happens and everything is great, and it
works out that it's more publicity for the school than
they can imagine, they get more recruits coming in a
keep doing it. Or it could be hey, you know,
maybe it's not what we want. Maybe it's something that
maybe you know, and Doug finds it. Maybe his attention
is split a little bit too much because he's doing
a radio show.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
I mean, so anything could come up.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
But I would have to think that this is a Okay,
we'll do this for a year and then we'll see
where we're at as far as the radio part of
it goes, not not hiss head coaching thing, but as
far as the radio goes, ah where We'll see how
it goes and then we'll reevaluate. Because it could be
their side, his side, that it's not This might not
be something that goes forever. But more importantly is that
I think about this is how you know, Doug national

sports talk radio host, me, national sports talk radio. It
has been doing the same amount of time, Right, Doug
coaching youth basketball, i'd be at a higher level than
meet me coaching youth softball at a pretty high level.

Speaker 5 (10:44):
Guy who also was when he hug up his.

Speaker 4 (10:50):
Basketball shoes, was a top ten assist all time leader.

Speaker 5 (10:53):
And he's still in the top fifteen.

Speaker 3 (10:55):
I think I think he's still in the top fifteen.

Speaker 5 (10:57):
I think that's right.

Speaker 4 (10:57):
But you know, just saying, if we're going to go
resume and redis Mail, let's not forget that part of it.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
Well, he's got that, he's got that. But but here's
the thing. Now, here's where here's where I think that's different.
Doug has that right, Okay, Doug basketball play gets gets
this gig me already having the in with the Mets
and David Sterns because John Paul Morose, who joined us tonight,
we talked about it. He sends notes to David Stearns

that I send to JP. Hey, here's what I think
about the I saw this I saw he told me
he did.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
He told me sent me the note about your belief.

Speaker 1 (11:29):
He is not a liar, dude, I said to JP,
here's a note I want you to he you. I
told him I can't wait because he says he does
it all the time. He sends notes with his dad
to Tiger's managers and everything.

Speaker 5 (11:41):
Else, no matter what.

Speaker 3 (11:44):
And I said, hey, tell tell David Sterens.

Speaker 1 (11:46):
Tell Sterns he can't wait to see Christian Scott coming up,
because boy, he looks like he's ready. A week later,
Christian Scott is up, and now it looks like he's
gonna be in rotation for the next decade because the
kid is legit right, So already I have that in
if Doug can do this, I might only be a
couple of years away from managing the Mets. Man like this,
that's how close I could be. And I could do

the games and we would finish and then go right
into the show. And here's the thing about this is
that if Doug goes right from games and does his show,
he's gonna say good things about his players.

Speaker 3 (12:18):
If we have a bad game, I'll rip the crap
out of the Mets and.

Speaker 1 (12:22):
Say this guy stinks, and this guy stinks, And Lindor's
hitting two ten and Jeff McNeil's hitting one ninety in May,
and we're sliding to be five or seven games under
five hundred because our stars think, and Alonso's worried.

Speaker 3 (12:34):
About his contract.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
I mean I could just do that and say, hey,
I feel so much better because I watch you guys
just think for so long, and now I go do
a show. I think that could work. I could be
two years away from the Mets, Mike, two years away
from the Mets.

Speaker 4 (12:45):
Well, I'm rooting for Doug for Doug's sake, right, A
man who loves college basketball and the game probably about
as much as anybody I've ever met in my life,
or certainly you hear him here on Fox Sports trade uh.
And if his success then allows you to somehow continue

the disintegration of the New York Mets. Wearing the uniform
because you'd have to wear the uniform because that's the key.

Speaker 3 (13:12):
Oh yeah, you know, I wear the uniforms running around there.

Speaker 4 (13:15):
And then you start adding all sorts of George Castanz alike.

Speaker 3 (13:18):
What number would I wear? Oh my goodness, how.

Speaker 5 (13:21):
Many numbers do they have that are retired.

Speaker 3 (13:24):
No, not many, not many.

Speaker 4 (13:25):
And if they start petitioning, I want this one taking
off back into circulation.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
I would say, hey, I want to wear forty one.
But that's tom sever Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna wear forty one.
Let's take it out.

Speaker 5 (13:35):
I want to wear forty one.

Speaker 6 (13:40):
Would be mister Metz.

Speaker 3 (13:41):

Speaker 1 (13:42):
I'll make you, mister Met Frostburg, I'll give you that
get with his hand. No, dude, you can be mister
met You make a lot of money. Don't have to
worry about talking about to anybody but anything. Just walk
around the big heads and Met make I don't know.
It probably makes about fifty bucks more than the manager.
He might he is the most recognizable the organization. I mean,

mister med is mister Mett.

Speaker 6 (14:03):
If I'm mister met I'm making more than you.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Uh, you'll you'll do okay?

Speaker 3 (14:09):
How about that? You'll do okay? No, do that'll work?
You'll be okay.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
And then and then uh, and then I'll get somebody
to be missus Met, so you have somebody to talk to.
Fendley can be missus Met, or Tyshert can be missus Met.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
And then then you have a friend.

Speaker 6 (14:25):
Are you saying I'm gonna get bored talking to all
four fans.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
I'm just dude.

Speaker 1 (14:31):
Your job every day is to go find Frank the
Tank and make him laugh.

Speaker 6 (14:35):
He's your blood brother. My man has gotten way too much.
Run One day, your dad's gonna tell you. Well, there
was this night Jason.

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Exit out about of Fresca, Exit swallowed Dove.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
The Jason Smith Show with my best friend Mike Harmon
live from the Direct dot Com Studios. Coming up next,
something incredible at opening night in the w NBA. Plus,
we can answer the biggest quarterback question that's going to
be asked continuously this summer. That's next right here, Jason
and Mike Fox.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific on Fox Sports Radio and the iHeartRadio app.

Speaker 7 (15:21):
Hey, it's Ben, host of The Fifth Hour with Ben Maller.
Would mean a lot to have you join us on
our weekly auditory journey. You're asking, what in God's name
is the Fifth Hour. I'll tell you it's a spin
off of it. Ben Mather Show, a Colt hit overnights
on FSR. Why should you listen picture if you will
a world will. We chat with captains of industry in media, sports,
and more every week explore some amazing.

Speaker 3 (15:44):
Facts about human nature and more.

Speaker 7 (15:46):
Listen to the Fifth Hour with Ben Maller on the
iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
Fox Sports Radio, The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon live from the Tyraq dot com studios.

Speaker 3 (15:58):
And this news justin. I don't know if you know
this or not. What's that? But this just came in.
The Knicks one by thirty.

Speaker 4 (16:10):
No reaction, Well, I didn't know what you wanted me
to react with, because I mean, if we hadn't been
talking about the Knicks the last you know, three hours plus,
I didn't know what the punchline you were going for.
I was waiting for it.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
No, I'm just saying the Knicks one by thirty, which
is going to surprise a lot of people, because after
Game four they were done. I heard everybody telling me
that that was gonna be it, that this was it.
The Knicks couldn't play anymore. They may well not even
have guys out there. Tips may as well be playing
some minutes at point guard. You know, I would say
that means you you listen to a lot of dumb people.

Speaker 3 (16:44):
It's all No, I know, I didn't say it.

Speaker 5 (16:47):
Kind of well, you predicted the imminent demise.

Speaker 4 (16:50):
It was just a matter of whether it was the
end of this series or the you know ya ended
at some point.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Look, I mean, let's be honest, it's gonna end at
some point because you're you're playing with a lot and
you could see that there's a little bit of fatigue. Yes,
did they have enough for the pace? I said, sure
they do. Sure they have enough for this. And all
they did on Sunday was get big players a lot
of rest. Look, they lost, I'd rather them lose on
Sunday by fifty and that way, Brunson and Hart and

Devincenzo play twenty eight minutes instead of forty five rule
and they're.

Speaker 5 (17:23):
Gonna fail stagular.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Yes, you know, I mean, look, it's it's I mean,
I'd rather that happen because that's a better thing. And certainly,
who looked fresher tonight, The Knicks who looked more ready
for the game. The Knicks who did not look ready,
The Pacers. The Pacers almost looked like they said, yeah,
we got this. Now we're showing up and we're gonna win.
We got the last two games. We know how to
stop them. They're exhausted, they have nothing left. And oh

my goodness, we got punched in the mouth for three
quarters and never came back in it. It was just
repeated punchings in the mouth. It was a pow pow,
pie can't It was like it was like a fight
watching a Mike Tyson fight from like the eighties.

Speaker 3 (17:59):
Poo and the Pacers never punched back.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
And Rick Carlisle was right to say how embarrassed he
was after tonight because the Pacers got out everything by
the Knicks in game five. So also, maybe the premature
death of the Knicks is a little bit too early
to write.

Speaker 3 (18:16):
Go New York, Go New York.

Speaker 4 (18:17):

Speaker 3 (18:18):

Speaker 4 (18:18):
I mean, look, your fandom really kind of goes over
the top. And now you're taking all this stuff personally,
which is fine, I mean.

Speaker 5 (18:24):
It's good for show personally. Well here's the thing you
got to say, but you're.

Speaker 4 (18:29):
Not because you're internalizing people that are trying to write
the epitaph of this Knick squad and send them off
into the good night. You're internalizing it like it's a
personal affront to you.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
This is the best series. It's the series that the
most people are paying attention to. Don't you want to
hear from her from a Knicks fan? Really don't want
to hear him from from my perspective. My team has
been good thirty bleeping years. Come on, man, you can
give me one playoff, Mike, but I can get back in.

Speaker 4 (18:55):
The ten years we've been on air, even when we
convinced you, or should have been able to convince you
in December that they sucked, we still had to hear
about it when they won a game every other week.

Speaker 1 (19:05):
Oh look, I fall for the but of the tailpipe
all the time. But I mean, but this is the
first time we had to ride that that lightning with you.

Speaker 4 (19:11):
Frostburg and I have been here for the duration of it,
so this is nothing new to us.

Speaker 5 (19:15):
Wait wait, hang on it it's more frequent.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
Every other day from Frostburg, I get the Lakers are back.

Speaker 1 (19:20):
The Lakers are back. The Lakers are back. The Lakers
are They were back, and now they're out of the playoffs.
Now they've been gone, they've been going for a while.

Speaker 6 (19:27):
Does that have to do with your team sucking?

Speaker 3 (19:30):
What I'm saying because.

Speaker 6 (19:33):
Of knock defenses. Yeah, but what about the Lakers. We're
not talking about the Lakers?

Speaker 3 (19:37):
Do you? You make you.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Always say the same you know the plate tonight the Knicks.
If I say, hey, big win by the Lakers. It
it depends, is that is there a soft landing or
is it?

Speaker 3 (19:49):
Oh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, I'll jump. Sure we
get it on video.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
I guaranted to get there before you because I get
there before you because I don't want you get in
the big back before me.

Speaker 6 (20:00):
I don't want to.

Speaker 5 (20:01):
Tell you mac though. I mean, it's got cheese on it.

Speaker 3 (20:04):
But what if he gets it without cheese?

Speaker 5 (20:05):
You can get a big Mac without cheese.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
That's still a big macmore if you take the cheese
off it.

Speaker 5 (20:12):
Sure it is, because its the song.

Speaker 1 (20:14):
Okay, if you order it to Patty special sauce, lettuce cheese,
now you're taking the cheese out and big Mac anymore.

Speaker 3 (20:22):
Wow, you sound like Frank the Tank dude. I take
I don't get pickles.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
I don't get pinkles on it. It's still a big
Mac if you would. Okay, let's say okay, okay, here's
I'm improve my point. You go to McDonald's. Right, you
want to get a big mac without cheese?

Speaker 3 (20:36):
What do you order? What do you say when they go,
I'm welcome McDonald's. Can I take your order? What do
you say?

Speaker 5 (20:41):
Why would I do that?

Speaker 3 (20:42):
What do you want? Tell me? Tell me? How would
you or what would you say?

Speaker 5 (20:48):
I would never do it?

Speaker 1 (20:49):
Stop no answer the question? And you said you know
you would. You would say I would like a big
Mac without cheese. You wouldn't say I'd like that burger
that you have with two buns, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions,
except without the cheese.

Speaker 4 (21:03):
I'd like that famous song that sandwich. I'd like to
alter and modify that classic sandwich.

Speaker 1 (21:14):
And the person would say, so, sir, you'd like a
big Mac without cheese? And you would say yeah. Would
you say no, no, that's.

Speaker 5 (21:21):
Not I yes, I'd sheepishly say yeah, I guess of.

Speaker 3 (21:24):
Course you would.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
It's upsilla big mac without cheese. It's not as good,
it's not nearly no no, no no. You want to
get extra cheese, and you want to get extra sauce.
I told you the best way to have a big mac.
That's what you want to get. But for Frostburg, who
would have a flesh neck brace. If you have many cheese,
that would get it without you just saying.

Speaker 4 (21:41):
Though he's not racy at the bottom for that big Mac,
because you wouldn't need it without cheese. So we couldn't
goad you into jumping off said building unless there was
a pile of cheese at the bottom.

Speaker 5 (21:53):
I'd be I'd missing the point of the exercise.

Speaker 3 (21:55):
I'd be flying like Iron Man with my fists out
on a crab that's some crashed through the crowd, and
I'm gonna be eating it.

Speaker 5 (22:03):
Sounds about right.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
Go Big Mac, go big mech Go go Big Mac,
go big Meco.

Speaker 1 (22:11):
Wow, Mary Mac, very nice finding Well you know what
you know, Mary, that song came out I think probably
twenty five years before you were born.

Speaker 6 (22:20):
I said, nineteen seventy four. My mom was like born nineties.

Speaker 5 (22:23):
I was gonna say that's I was fair in existence
at that point. I don't fit like my mom was.

Speaker 6 (22:33):
Yeah, she was chilling in Africa when people were doing
the big Man jingle.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
So, and then twenty five short years later and then
what then forty.

Speaker 6 (22:42):
Five I don't even know.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
Here you are playing this song on Fox.

Speaker 6 (22:46):
Sports full circle moment a next level stuff right there.

Speaker 4 (22:51):
But yeah, I mean, look, we've had to ride the
lightning with you all the time, a lot of false hope.

Speaker 5 (22:56):
This team is pretty fun.

Speaker 4 (22:58):
Yeah, and so when folks want to bury them after
they had the thirty point laws, as I explained last night,
you can find the archives wherever you get your podcasts.
Jason Smith Show with Mike Harmon me speaking eloquently and
wisely about such things, is that the question I was
waiting for you to have another excited outburst there, Okay,

whatever's sound like you're gonna throw up the idea that
after the burial on Sunday that maybe you'd seen the
last gas from the squad, now you knew they'd fight tonight,
but would they have anything left in the tank? And
obviously they did, and they got the pacers to play
at the pace pun fully intended and the style of

a fight, all right, styles make fights. Normally we talk about,
you know, them wanting to get up and down the court,
get you into a wide open game. Instead, they tried
to play with what the knicks were flowing. The passes
weren't as crisp around the arc, all of those things,
and they got beat up, especially on the boards, which
is what the Knicks do. They played bully ball so

good they were heroes for one more day.

Speaker 3 (24:09):
Go New York, Go New York, Go Go New York,
Go New.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
So we'll have more basketball coming up in a bit,
but let's get to a big NFL story from today,
because they always say with time comes clarity, and I'm
a big proponent of that. I think sometimes you don't
see the true impact of something, or how to understand
something until you've seen some time go by and you've
had time to get away from it and then get
back at it.

Speaker 3 (24:32):
Look at it with fresh eyes.

Speaker 1 (24:34):
Today, Kirk Cousins did a podcast and spoke for the
first time about the controversy surrounding the selection of Michael
Pennix Junior by the Falcons, right after the Falcons, of course,
gave him a four year, one hundred and sixty million
dollar contract. Now, he said, it's not helpful to have
hard feelings over this, and we're trying to win a
Super Bowl, right, all the things that you would expect
kirk Cousins to say, So what he said is not

not quite any hot takeish.

Speaker 3 (24:57):
But now that we've had some time.

Speaker 1 (24:58):
Go on, and you've seen the reaction and what the
Falcons have said and what you've heard from the quarterbacks.

Speaker 3 (25:06):
This is how this is going to go.

Speaker 1 (25:09):
And it may be different from what you've heard, but
I feel pretty good that this is how the next
year is gonna unfold for the Falcons, because look, this
is a story that's gonna take over in training camp,
take over Cousins and Pennix and Penicks win the job.

Speaker 3 (25:22):
What about Cousins?

Speaker 1 (25:24):
The reason they drafted Pennix, right, Like, why would you
do this when the Falcons are.

Speaker 3 (25:29):
Hitting free agency?

Speaker 1 (25:30):
You know, Arthur Blank said after the draft, I don't
want to be in that situation we were in last
year where it was Desmond Ritter and we had nobody
else right, I don't want to do that again. I
want to be able to make sure our quarterback position
is taken care of Kirk Cousins becomes available. We love
Kirk Boom. Four years, one hundred and sixty million, we've
taken care of the quarterback position. We got to do
it here because we don't know what quite is gonna

happen in the draft. Maybe we get our guy, maybe
we don't. We're not drafting high enough to get Jayden
Daniels or Caleb Williams. Maybe we get Pennix or somebody else,
but we don't know. So we get our quarterback.

Speaker 3 (26:02):

Speaker 1 (26:02):
Then it comes up and it's well, here's a guy
we like. Atlanta was all in on Michael Pennick junior. Hey,
let's get him. So they draft Michael Pennick Junior. And
then all kinds of chaos ensued, and rightfully so, because
why would you do this, right, It didn't make any
sense to do this because you had your quarterback. If
your window is to win, now, why don't you draft
a franchise player, Because that's you're drafting in the top ten.

You're drafting a franchise player. But you drafted Michael Pennick Junior.
So here's how this is going to go, and this
is what the Falcons are going to be forced into.
Cousins will start this year, and unless he goes nuts,
and by nuts, I mean forty touchdowns and the Falcons
are in the NFC Championship game, he's gonna start this year.
Pennix will sit, which won't be the worst thing, sitting

for a year, getting his body one hundred percent healthy
because look, the guy's been hurt for every year basically
during his college football career. He needs to get it
on an NFL pro system and pro program that gets
his body built up as well as it can be
so it can withstand the poundy when he gets out
there to play. Barring that kind of season, where Cousins

is is is forty touchdowns, Falcons are in the n
NFC title game. In the off season, Cousins will be
traded and Pennix will take over. This is not a
Jordan Love type situation where oh, he's gonna sit for
two three. No, Jordan Love was a guy that the
Packers like they moved up for at the end of
the first round. He was a project who needed to sit,
and it turns out it's the best thing for his career.

Speaker 4 (27:29):
But you also had a guy that every year was
telling you he was gonna retire. Yeah, you already had
a year that went to hell when you didn't have
a backup on the roster worth anything. Sorry, Brent Huntley,
I have to throw you under the bus here. Uh
promising start that went awry when Rogers broke his collarbone, right, So,
I mean you know it was it was insurance but
with the practicality of we've been through this.

Speaker 3 (27:54):
Yeah, look, it's and it's it's not a and.

Speaker 1 (27:56):
And it's easy to say, hey, Jordan Love, you're gonna
sit behind Aaron Rodgers when he's having MVP caliber seasons.
But Love was drafted to be someone who they knew
it would be a couple of years before he played.
That's not Michael Pennix Junior. Michael Pennick Junior was taking
the top ten. When you are taking your quarterback taking
the top ten, you gotta play right away. It's gonna

be enough to keep him on the bench all year,
especially when you see him in practice and he's throwing darts.
Everybody's so impressed with them so far. Oh my goodness.
It's gonna be enough to keep him on the bench
for a year. But you could do that, You can
do that for a year after that, you can't. And
like I said, barring unbelievable success by the Falcons, Cousins
will get traded next offseason and the Falcons will feel

pretty good.

Speaker 3 (28:38):
We got a quarterback on a rookie deal. Ready to
hand it to him.

Speaker 1 (28:40):
We're gonna get a couple of good draft picks for
Kirk Cousins, because hey, there certainly will be teams that
want Kirk Cousins because he is pretty solid. He'll throw
thirty touchdowns, seven to ten picks a year, and he
does pretty well. But the Falcons have their guy now
for the next decade, not the next couple of years.
And what it will cost the Falcons is a very
odd year. This year that will be dominated by Cousins, Penick, Cousins, Pennix.

But by this time next year it will be solved.
Cousins is on a new team, Pennix is the quarterback,
and they'll have draft picks to pick.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
That's how this goes for Atlanta.

Speaker 4 (29:10):
Yeah, it'll be the curious thing as he comes out right,
obviously coming off a monster injury in his mid thirties.
So yeah, the protections are there, and it's easy to
sit here a month later and go, well, you know,
you got your insurance and in case he goes down
and all. But I'm still the belief that they should
have gone all in for this season. But hey, you

know the old we've got to be looked down in
the line to make sure we've got another quarterback. I
guess I can understand it. Not the way I would
have operated in this circumstance. But if they fell in
love with Pennix and meeting him and watching and evaluating
and all of that, then you move on.

Speaker 3 (29:50):

Speaker 4 (29:50):
You got one hundred million dollars invested in terms of guarantees,
ninety of which is the first two years. And let's
face it, unless Kirk suddenly falls off precipitously, there's gonna
be plenty of teams sniffing around next year because we
know how quickly you turn on quarterbacks. It's like coaching
at several places in the NBA, you got a year

beat it. So it's that kind of thing where we're at, right,
I mean, how many quarterbacks after two seasons anymore? We
turning the page on guys that were top end first
round picks. So yeah, for Kirk Cousins, he's got a
lot around him, got a lot of opportunity there, it
would seem, with that offense that's been put in place

to go excel, and either way puts you in a
great position, the best of positions.

Speaker 3 (30:37):

Speaker 4 (30:38):
Either he's the guy going forward and Penix becomes a
really big chip. If you decided to zag in that way,
thinking that Cousins could be a guy that plays all
four years there that with the quarterback class, that Penix
would have that kind of value in the marketplace. Or conversely,
you say, all right, who wants to come get Kirk

Cousin because Pennix is ready to go. Mean, it's potentially
a win win situation here for Atlanta if Kirk's amble
to answer the bell week one.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Get ready, that's how it goes. You like Kirk Cousins, Oh,
I kimble it. You'll be able to get him next spring,
I promise you. On the next day, final thoughts on
Caitlin Clark's WNBA debut, and way do we tell you
what happened at the end of the Nuggets win over
the Timberwolves.

Speaker 3 (31:25):
That's next right here, Jason and Mike.

Speaker 2 (31:27):
Be sure to catch live editions of The Jason Smith
Show with Mike Harmon weekdays at ten pm Eastern, seven
pm Pacific.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Harmon, you Live from the Tirech dot Com Studios. Uh,
this is a great moment from the end of the
Nuggets win over the Timberwolves tonight, and it just goes
to show you that no matter who the player is,
stats are always so unbelievably important. So Denver beats Minnesota tonight,

and the game wasn't in doubt once you got inside
the three minute mark. Right. He had a little bit
of a comeback by the t Wolves. They cut it
to twelve, but then the Nuggets push it back out
to sixteen.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
It was over.

Speaker 1 (32:11):
So Nikola Jokicic was on pace to become just the
second player ever to finish a playoff game with forty
points tennisists and no turnovers.

Speaker 3 (32:21):
Right. The only person ever do that is CP three. Right,
he got forty.

Speaker 1 (32:25):
Points tennisis no turnovers. That's how he finished the game.
So the Nuggets are dribbling out the clock. They're not
taking a shot because you know they called off the dogs.
There's about thirty seconds left to go. The Wolves are
gonna get one more possession. After the Nuggets let the
shot clock tick down to zero. Jokic has the ball

in the mid court, and what's gonna happen is, obviously
Jokic is all right, we're not gonna shoot.

Speaker 3 (32:49):
It's over. He's gonna get the turnover.

Speaker 1 (32:53):
He's gonna get the first turnover because obviously if you
have the ball in your hands and the shot clockhead zero,
it's turnover. Casey comes over and asks for the basketball,
most likely because hey, we don't want you to get
that turnover. Yo, kicch give me the ball. There's no
reason Yoki tried to give him the basketball. He just
had the ball held out so nobody would get it.

He sees KCP bounces on the ball, So I wonder
was this something that they knew on the sideline and
or is this something CACP knew?

Speaker 3 (33:24):
Was this?

Speaker 1 (33:25):
Hey when Jokich, Jokic doesn't want to get a turnover
if he doesn't have to, because he really cares about
his stats so much, but he comes over, give me
the ball.

Speaker 3 (33:33):
I'll take the turnover. This is the league where.

Speaker 1 (33:35):
Guys hate taking the turn I don't want the ball
at the end of the game. You're just gonna give
me a turnover. I try to get a contract the
end of the year. I'm gonna have like eight extra
turnovers I'm not supposed to have. But yet here's Contavious
Colbo Polk going, yeah, yeah, give me the ball, give
me the ball. You don't need that turnover. Nikola, Jokich
and Yokich is happy to pass it to him. Like
yokicch could have held onto it and said, no, it's
all good, it's all good. But no, no, I'm bouncing

you the ball, so I don't get this turnover.

Speaker 3 (33:59):
I love how much NBA players care about stats. I
just love that. It's it's so petty, but it's so
much fun.

Speaker 4 (34:06):
Well, but it's like Leverte hitting that shot at the
end of the game yesterday, right, Celtics minus.

Speaker 5 (34:12):
Eight and a half. Not so fast.

Speaker 4 (34:15):
So yeah, it's the the opportunity, uh to to kind
of ruffle some feathers, as it were. And you know,
for KCP, he's a good teammate, right, this this is
protecting your guy.

Speaker 5 (34:31):
For you. You you like talking about the stat protection. I
kind of dig.

Speaker 3 (34:35):
That that's a sound protecting. Hey.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
I want to make sure, Hey, want to make sure
you're happy. Hey, just give me the ball. I don't
want you to have the.

Speaker 4 (34:41):
Turn There probably was someone on the side, And I
got to think that Jokic is well aware that he
doesn't have a turnover in the game.

Speaker 5 (34:47):
But it is even a larger historical But.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
Does he really care? This is not like a real thing.

Speaker 1 (34:52):
It's like, hey, players an NBA history with forty points
and tennissists and no time, like you're playing stas.

Speaker 4 (34:58):
Man statsing can find it, they do it. I mean,
we talked a lot about that. Right because you make
it up doesn't mean it's a stet.

Speaker 1 (35:06):
You know, the last time a guy had thirty five
points with at least eight rebounds and seven assists in
a first playoff game in the first round, well, you know,
back to Oscar Robertson.

Speaker 3 (35:14):
It's like that that's not a real stet.

Speaker 4 (35:16):
But it's like all the stats that we had every
time Caitlin Clark hit another three point shot or had
a big scoring output down the stretch, Like she now
has more of these games than anybody in NZ double
A history. She now has more three point shots attempted
and made than anybody in NZ double A history. It's like,
all right, they're two separate sports and they've merged together

for the purpose of selling you a television show. But
now we're taking them at face back. The same thing here.
If you can go put it through stats inc. To say, hey,
how many guys have ever done this? Now you've got
a data point that you could put up as a
lower third.

Speaker 5 (35:51):
You know how this works.

Speaker 4 (35:53):
Used to do it as the as you call yourself
the best PA that ESPN ever had.

Speaker 3 (35:58):
I was best BA n AP, I was both.

Speaker 5 (36:00):
Okay, yeah, sure.

Speaker 4 (36:01):
But you I mean, part of your job was finding
these inane statistics to put up on a graphic.

Speaker 1 (36:06):
You know, last time a player in a game five
of first round had five points, eleven rebounds, and sixteen assists.
Why you gotta go back to twenty oh eight when
Ricky Rubio didn't.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
I mean, like, we're just making.

Speaker 1 (36:19):
Stuff up because we love because basketball players love stats
more than anybody, and they I can't take.

Speaker 3 (36:25):
I can't take not having a stat thing. I don't like,
I said, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (36:28):
My favorite part is the fact that KCP said give
me the ball, or the fact that he was like, yeah,
I'll give it to you, so I don't get the turnover.

Speaker 5 (36:35):
I think it would have been even cooler if KCP
would have turned and shot.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
If I'm gonna get the turnover, I may as well shoot.

Speaker 5 (36:42):
I mean, I really not get it if you get
the shot off in time.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
Exit out about of Frasca exit swelling dumb. Coming up next,
my buddy Ben Mallard.

Speaker 3 (36:50):
This is Fox,
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