All Episodes

September 21, 2020 48 mins

Clay Travis interviewed President Donald Trump twice in as many months on Outkick the Coverage with Clay Travis on FOX Sports Radio. He wants to make sure everybody can hear and revisit these groundbreaking interviews whenever they want, so we have dropped them here for your listening enjoyment. Some amazing stuff about sports and politics in these unfiltered interviews with the most powerful man on the planet.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Clay Travis here, and we got a lot of requests
for this, so I thought it made sense. We do
a lot on the Wins and Losses podcast where it's
a long form conversation, and one reason I like to
do it is because you're able to go back and
listen to it, and they're really kind of timeless. Well,
we've had the President of the United States on twice
and we've spent nearly an hour with him, right around

fifty minutes, and I thought, what if we have for
perpetuity those interviews, so you can go here what that
interview sounded like, and there's an easy way to find
them in the years ahead as a part of the
Wins and lost His podcast. So we are putting together
Donald Trump from August of on our radio program, and

we're also putting Donald Trump from September of our radio program,
combining both of those. You can listen to them now
in one place, as many of you are doing, and
that podcast will begin now. Fox Sports Radio has the
best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of
our shows that Fox sports Radio dot com and within

the I Heart Radio app search f s are to
listen live. We are joined now by the President of
the United States, Donald Trump, Mr President, thanks for starting
your morning with us. We're excited to have you. Well,
thank you very much, Clay. It's an honor. You have
a great show. Well, I appreciate that. Now. I know
you're a long time sports fan. So there's a lot
of things I want to get into with you, but
I want to start. You've been a big supporter of

Tom Brady for a very long time. What were your
thoughts when he decided to move to Tampa Bay And
what do you think he's going to be capable of
down there? Will you be rooting for him? Well, I
think he's going to do a great job. You know,
he's a winner. He knows how to win. That's a
big thing. And he's just been a great quarterback with
a great coach. It's a great combination and a great

owner in Bob Kraft. Frankly, and he probably wanted to change.
He wanted to change, and I think, you know, he
had plenty of teams to go to, and then he
picked one with from what I understand, a good offensive
line and very good receivers. He looked at that closely.
I think he probably had other choices where they had players.
I think his biggest thing is he wants to win.

And from what I know, and I know the ownership
of the team, they'll do whatever they have to because
they're fantastic people, the owners of the team at the
Tom's own now and uh. I think he's going to
do well in Tampa Bay. I think he'll do well.
I think he'll I don't know why it would be
a surprise, but perhaps it will be. But I think
he's going to surprise a lot of people. I think
he's going to do great. We're talking to the President

of the United States, Donald Trump, Mr President, What do
you hear about the NFL. I know there's been a
lot of talk. You mentioned that you talked to several
different owners, Bob Kraft in particular. How confident are you
that come September ten, with the schedule the opener between
the Texans and the Chiefs, that the NFL will be
underway and everybody out there who's an NFL fan will
be able to watch. Well. They want to open, and

they want to open badly, and they've been working with government.
I would say this, if they don't stand for the
national anthem, I hope they don't open but other than that,
I'd love to see the open and we're doing everything
possible for getting them open. And they can protest in
other ways. They shouldn't protest our flag or our country.
Have you talked have you talked with owners about your

hope that they're going to stand for the national anthem?
The players, Uh, they know my they know my my
feelings very well. They've been expressed. I think it's been
horrible for basketball. Look at the basketball writings that down
down to very low numbers, very very low. People are
angry about it. They don't realize that they don't want

They have enough politics with guys like me, they don't
need more. As they're driving down going up for the shot,
you know, they don't need it. And there was a
nastiness about the NBA the way it was done too.
So I think that they the NBA is in trouble.
I think it's in big trouble, bigger trouble that they understand.
And frankly, ice hockey, which is doing very well, they

didn't do that. They respected the more as they respected
what they're supposed to be doing, and they're actually doing
very well. As I understand it, I don't have much
time to be watching this stuff. Just so you understand,
it's just what I'm reading and what I'm seeing. But
I saw he was with respect. I did not like
what baseball did even a little bit. And again, you

have to stand for your flag, and you have to
respect your flag and your country. You're making millions of
dollars a year to be playing the sport you'd be
playing anyway. If you didn't make they'd be playing it
on the weekends. And they got to They have to
respect their country. And if they don't, frankly, if the
NFL didn't open, I'd be very happy. If they don't
stand for the flag and stand strongly, I would be

very happy if they didn't open with without that. And
with that being said, i'd love to see them open.
We're talking to Donald Trump, the President of the United States,
and President Trump. When you look at the n b
A and you just reference the n b A and
all of the political statements that they're making, it seems
like every time you send a tweet, a executive, a coach,

a player, somebody will come out and immediately fire back
at you. But yet the NBA is taking billions of
dollars from China. There are all sorts of human rights
violations going on in China right now, and none of
the players and none of the coaches will say a
word about that. Does it feel hypocritical that they will
rip the United States, they won't stand for the anthem,

they'll rip you as the president, but they won't say
a negative word about China at all. Well, I haven't
noticed them sending things back at me, but I will
say that, you know, I wouldn't be that surprised. Some
are very nasty, very very nasty, and frankly, very dumb.
But I haven't noticed that. But I will say this,
the way they the way they catered to China, the

way they bowed to China, it's a disgrace, frankly. And
they make a lot more money here than they do
from China. But we have a system that allows you
to disrespect your system. And that's uh. Too bad for them,
Too bad for them. They don't appreciate what they have here.
But no that what they did with China, and what
China did to us with the with the China virus,

and and the rest of the world, by the way,
you know, I mean the whole rest of the world.
They stopped it from going in and spreading in China,
but they didn't stop it from spreading in the US
and in other parts of the world, including Europe, but
other parts in the world countries. So Uh, I watched
that whole thing with the general manager of the team

was at Houston. Yeah, Darryl Moore, the general manager who
said that he wanted to free Hong Kong. And speaking
of Hong Kong right now, you've got I see the
front page of the Wall Street Journal. The China went
in and arrested a ton of pro democracy media members, uh,
including Jimmy Lai, I believe, who was one of the
most active participants in all of the Hong Kong democracy movement.

For people out there who aren't paying attention, why should
Americans care about what China is doing in in Hong
Kong and maybe the threats to Taiwan as well well. Look,
for years, Hong Kong was making a lot of money
that we could have been made, that we could have
been making in the New York Stock Exchange and our
great exchanges. You know, we have the biggest exchanges. We
have the Great Dollar, the dollar, which I've made stronger,

much stronger, than it used to be. I hope people
recognize that in the world of sports, our country is
in good shape and we're coming back so strong. It's
incredible when you look at the numbers that we're producing
and putting up. We're coming back very strong. And we
say millions and millions of lives by closing down and restarting.
But I will say that with Hong Kong, we gave
tremendous incentives and costs us a fortune to keep Hong

Kong viable and going. And now what we've done, I've
ended everything. I've ended all of that. There's no incentive whatsoever.
We're not sending money through incentives back to Hong Kong.
We're gonna make a lot more money because they're not
going to be competitive. It won't be a competitive market,
can't be with the government running it, so they're going

to have a different kind of a deal. And we're
not participating from the standpoint of we're not we're not
spending you know, billions of dollars on making life comfortable
with them for freedom. And that was okay, we do
that if they were free, but they're not free. You know,
it's a part, it's a part when you look, I mean,
take a look at a map. It's attached to China.

You know. So it's a little bit tough from certain standpoints,
but we will do very well by not having a
good competitor. I guess it'll be a competitor, but on
a much smoiler scale. I know you have a good
relationship with Chairman z over in China, but you mentioned
the China virus, the virus that is obviously swept around
the nation. You mentioned Hong Kong and the challenge to

democracy there. Do you feel a bit disappointed in your
friend Chairman z and how he has responded with China
with the virus and also with Hong Kong. Well, I
used to have a very good relationship with him. We
made a trade deal. It was a great deal for us,
you know. To look, China's ripped off our country for
thirty years, like nobody ever, Nobody's ever done anything like

what I've done, And we had a bunch of people
sitting in the office that I'm in now that allowed
it to happen. We're losing we were losing five hundred billion,
six hundred billion, billion, not million billion dollars a year
in trade with China. The deficit was massive, probably averaged

two or three hundred billion dollars. Over many years, we
we helped rebuild China. Look, if it wasn't for us,
they wouldn't have China as you know it today. We
gave so much money so stupidly. How these people allowed
it to happen. And I came in and I charged
him tariffs and even more than that. And but I
had a great relationship with presidents she I like them,
But I don't feel the same way now. I've you know,

every once in a while you will say, and you've
had it, You've had it very well and play. I understand.
I know you indirectly. I know you, and you have
your likes and dislikes very strongly. So do I. But
I didn't like what what took place. This is not
trade this is this is a thousand times the trade deal.
What happened with all of the death and all of

the world, I mean, the world had to shut down.
It's a disgrace what happened. You look at some of
these countries in Europe, which is devastated. Look at what's
going on in Africa with this horrible disease. So you know,
I certainly feel I certainly feel differently. I had a
very very good relationship and I haven't spoken to him
in a long time. It's a different it's a much different.

We have a much different relationship with China now than
we did for years where they ripped us off and
then I stopped that. They were having the worst year
they had in sixty seven years because I charged them
tariffs and we're making a lot of money. I was
giving a lot of money to farmers. They were targeted.
They were targeting farmers. I gave twenty eight billion dollars,
that was the amount, and it came all out of China,

and the farmers are doing great because of it. Otherwise
they would have been all out of business. But you know,
I treated them as you would do it. But I
still had a good relationship. But once the once the
plague came in from China, I go at the plague.
But once the plague came in from China, the relationship changed,
no question about it. It It would be it would be

hard to believe that it wouldn't change. We're talking to
the President of the United States, Donald Trump, Mr President,
much less serious in terms of the plague. Although the
virus is impacting many different parts of sports in America,
including potentially college football. I know you're a big college
football fan. You went to the L. S U Alabama

game this past year, Joe Burrow against two of talking
about low a great game. You went to the national
title game where Clemson played against L. S U. Why
is it important for college football to be played and
what do you think you can do to help that happen. Well,
first of all, those those people, the people in that sport,
it's just like incredible people. And you know, like some

of the coaches like Nick Saban and coach Oh, how
about coach O. He's amazing, he's central casting. Right, you're
doing a football movie. You got to pick him as
you coach, right, and did put him in the movie? Uh?
And Lou Holtz is just a fantastic guy, a friend
of mine who has been a supporter from the beginning.
And you know, just just so many others. They're they're

just great people and they want to play football and
they know better than anyone else. The other thing is
that somebody who's explaining I had actually a great one
of the great doctors said, these people are so powerful
and so strong, not lots of body fat, although you
could take a couple of offensive alignemen perhaps and dispute that,
but not a lot of body fat. Maybe none in

some cases, you know, and they're very healthy people. They
you know, people don't realize it's a tiny percentage of
people that that get sick and uh, they're old. It
just attacks old people, especially old people with bad heart
diabetes or some kind of a physical problem, a weight problem.

Is there wonderful that I'm of a perfect perfect physic
osfestim and so great? Right, that's right? I was zero percent.
Didn't have zero per somebody? Somebody said zero percent body fat?
Wouldn't that be nice? But no, But this attacks older
people very viciously, by the way it can be if
it's the wrong person. But you know, these football players

are very young, strong people and physically, I mean the
physically an extraordinary shape. So they're not going to have
a problem. You're not going to see people, you know,
couldn't it be? Could it happened? But I doubt it.
You're not going to see people dying. And many people
get it, and they have like kids, they get it.
They have the sniffles young kids. Almost none you have

a serious problem with it. I mean literally, you look,
I think I said, the state of California, almost nobody
that's young had a like zero had a problem with
meaning a serious problem with this disease. I mean, they
get better very quickly, if they get it at all.
So I think football's making a tragic mistake. And you know,

it's interesting when it opens. When I went to that game,
it was incredible. I went to a couple of them,
and I never really did the big time college football.
I went to an ivy League school, it wasn't quite
the same. But when I went to Alabama and I
went to L s U. And you know, these stadiums
are massive. You have no idea about that. There's much

bigger crowds in the NFL. You know, in the NFL
you have sixty and here we had I think a
hundred and fifteen thousand people. And you go to see
these games and it's it's it's brilliant football. It's great football.
It's the atmosphere. There's nothing like it. And you can't
have empty seats. You know, if I had five empty seats,

for instance, they said, when I do a rally, sir,
the reason I won't do them, because you can't have
one seat and then seven around that seat, sir, have
to be empty. Oh that'll look great. You know, you
have one person and everything's very empty around them. You
can't do that. Uh, And I don't think. I'm not
sure that college football can do it. But we'll have
to see, you know, some sports I see. I think

golf has not been hurt visually by In fact, I
think golf looks more beautiful if you want to know
the truth, you know, instead of a lot of people.
You know, the cheering is good, and certainly I guess
the income is good and all. But golf works. You
know what works as UFC works very well. UFC. I
watched that the other night, and they light up the stage,
they light up the cage and it's, you know, really bright.

They darken the arena, maybe put a little silk around it.
Who knows, But that works, and other sports don't work.
Basketball is not working. I think basketball is not working
because of the way they treated our flag and our anthem.
If you want another truth, but it doesn't seem to
have anything. And I just I looked at it and
I couldn't watch it. And baseball I haven't I haven't

made a ruling on that yet. In terms of my
own I haven't had much of a chance to watch it.
But some sports are working okay and some sports aren't.
But I thought golf look really good for the p
g A. I didn't miss the fans, and I think that,
uh probably UFC was a very good one. I am

not impressed. Somebody tell me hockey works okay, and but
those sports are meant more for fans. I really believe that.
I think they meant more for spans. I think basketball
is going to need its fans back. From what I'm saying,
it looks very dull. I know. I know you're ready
for the economy to be back rolling in. Sports are
a big part of that, and schools opening are also

a big part of that. I'm gonna ask you about both.
But I also wonder do you ever think to yourself,
I should play a trick on the media and say
the exact opposite of what I actually believe so they'll
support it. Because it seems like every time you come
out like you say schools should open, and the media
immediately says, oh, schools can open. But if you had said, hey,
we can't open schools I feel like the media would

have said, oh, we gotta open schools. The president's crazy.
Do you ever think about that because they talk about
it all the time. Nobody else does. I say, Look,
I could have had the wall built very easy. You know,
we're building a wall. But it was getting it like
was pulling teeth, and the Democrats opposed, etcetera, etcetera. Like
you know, you watched that, and now it's being built
up to two and fifties, two hundred and seventy seven miles.

It will be done by the end of the year,
a little bit after the end of the year. It's
incredible the impact it said. Anyway, if I would have
said I don't want a wall, they would have given
it to immediately. If I this hydroxychloroquine, A lot of
doctors swear by it, by my saying it's good. I
took it for two weeks. You know, there's a little
outbreak around Washington, and I said, let me have something.
And I took it for two weeks and it was fine.

You know, it was great. I didn't have it, I
didn't get it, and I had no problem whatsoever with it.
You know, it's been around for a long time. It's
a hilaria pill actually and lupus and it causes no problem.
But as soon as I came out with it, they said, oh,
it doesn't work, and they went crazy. They still are
on Twitter. It's number one all the time, which is phony.

It's number one all the time and trending hydroxy you know,
negative hydroxy stuff. If I would have said I don't
believe in hydroxychloroque and it's terrible with zinc and with
you know, the ZPEC is this remind said. If I
would have said I don't believe in it, it doesn't work,
it would be the hottest thing going right now. Uh No, No,
I say it. I say it all the time. We

could say it about a lot of different things, even religion.
I when I held the Bible in front of a
church that the the agitators and anarchists, you know they
call them protesters, they tried to burn down a church
and I held a Bible up in front of the church,
and they said it was a terrible thing I did so,
I said, I even affect religion negatively, Okay. I hold
the Bible in front of a church that they tried

to burn down the day before, and they say, isn't
he a terrible human being? And I said, I've affected religion,
hydroxy and just about anything else, maybe even your show
after today, that will be the end. You've got these
great ratings going. I see Clay, and you have the
hell of your show. Maybe I will have destroyed your show.

But you know the injuriesult Our country now is so sot.
Our military has been rebuilt, our taxes have been cut
way back, and regulations and what I've done for the
vets nobody's ever done, nobody has ever even come close
to doing. And you know so many other things We've
done more than anybody, including even space force right space.
So we've done a lot. But we have to fight hard.

Probably I have to fight harder than a lot of
other people. Last question for you, because I know you've
got a ton of things to go. There's talk that
Joe Biden is going to announce his vice president either
today or tomorrow. It seems like it's dragged on for
some time. Who do you think he's gonna pick? Who
should he pick? I know you like playing the political game.
You weren't a politician for a long time. If you

were sitting back on your couch watching television and following
this election, what do you think he's gonna do? What
do you think he should do? Well? I think that
I would be inclined to go a different route than
what he's done, you know, doing it the way he
First of all, he roped himself into uh, you know,
a certain group of people would he said he had
to pick a woman. He said that, and you know,

some people would say that men are insulted by that,
and some people would say it's fine. I don't know,
I will say this, people don't vote for the you know,
this is history. This isn't necessarily mean this is history
because we have a great vice president. Mike Pence has
been incredible. Actually he's been a great vice president and
done a really really good job and everything I've given him.

And but people don't vote for the vice president. They
really don't. They don't vote for the vice president. Like
you can pick George Washington to be your vice president.
Let's pick up Abraham Lincoln coming back from the dead.
They just don't seem to vote for the vice president.
Now in this case, you know, because Joe's got some
some things going on. Let's not kid ourselves unless you

I don't know where your politics are, but Joe's got
some pretty big things going on, so you know, this
is going to be a very very important pick, and
it'll be interesting to see who he who he chooses.
I'm interested to see. Also in the end, I don't
think it's gonna matter. Joe's gonna have to stand in
his zone two feet and we're doing very well. Our
poll numbers have really come up. You know, we got

hit by We were unbeatable, and then we got hit
by the China, by the China plague, by the China virus,
and and obviously we got hit hard. And that affects
a politician. You know, look at look all over the world.
When you get hit it affects a politician. So we fought,
and we've done a really good job with that and
every other thing. And now the economy has come back

so strong, and my poll numbers are are good. They're
getting very good. I think they're gonna go even much higher.
People appreciate what we're doing. So I don't know who
he's going to pick. In theory it doesn't matter much,
but maybe with him it probably matters much more than
it normally does. For the obvious reason. I know I
said last question, and I hit you with a sports
question on your way out. The number one debate among

sports fans for the last ten years probably has been
who is better as a basketball player, Michael Jordan's or
Lebron James. Which do you think no doubt in your mind? Well,
I've seen him both. Michael Jordan's is plus he wasn't political,
so people like him better. That is a perfect answer.
Donald Trump, President Trump, I appreciate you coming on. You're

happy to have welcome to come on any time to
talk sports with us. Thank you for the time this morning, sir,
and good luck the rest of your term and maybe
the next one to thank you very much. Great, thank you.
Be sure to catch live editions about Kicked the Coverage
with Clay Travis weekdays at six am Eastern three am Pacific.
It's always fun to say, joined now by the President
of the United States, Donald Trump. President Trump, appreciate you

joining us. You're gonna be watching the US Open at all.
Have you played winged Foot before? I'm actually a member
of Wingfoot. That's pretty good any times. It's a great place.
What do you think, well, the score of the winner
at the US Open, given how challenging those conditions are.
Last time it was plus five. Do you think someone
will go under par or do you think it will

be as the players are so good and they're so deep,
so you would think so it was one of the
higher scores. I guess that's right. It was plus five,
which you don't see anymore. So let's see, I mean
between the players and technology and everything else. But Wingfoot
is great and the rough is very tough looking. If
they hit the fairway, they'll be okay. If they don't,
they're gonna be in big trouble. But it's gonna be

a great open. What's the best store you ever had
in around? You? Remember there? What's the best you've ever done?
And Wingfoot, I'd say low seventies quite a bit. Low
seventies would be what I what I've been remember there
a long time and I could I could get it.
I could do pretty well. But it's but it is

just a great It's a great place. It's a wonderful place.
I've I've enjoyed it for a long time. You've played
with a lot of the top golfers in the world.
Many of them will be playing at wingfoot. What's one
of the most fun rounds you've had with the Tiger
Woods or Rory McElroy And what's that experience like getting
to play with a top golfer as a president. Well,
the experience is terrible because you realize how bad you are.

You know, there there is a big difference. I mean,
you can be a good golfer and when you play
with these top people, even anybody on tour. I always say,
if there's anybody on tour, even somebody that you've never
never heard of, I have a little expression. You know,
the first team always take the tour player always because
they're really good and they're they're better. You know, it's

very hard to get on tour. It's very hard to
stay on tour. So if you have the option, always
take play the tour player. You'll very rarely do badly.
I found that over the years. You've played a lot
of golf over the years. But you know, I'm not
very good. I'm an awful golfer. But every now and
then you have a good round going and somebody sees
you and like they pull you up and they say, hey,
you can play through, And you know, you get nervous

because you're like, if you get called up to get
played through, you don't want to shank one. You don't
want to hit a bad shot. When you're playing with
the Tiger Woods or Rory McElroy, even as often as
you have played, do you get nervous in the tea
box team off with them? Yeah, I think a little bit.
But know you're always a little bit nervous when you're
in something that depends. I think the most nervous you
get in golf is when you play in the club championships.

That's our major, okay, I club you know, without strokes
or anything, when you're playing in the club championship. To me,
I think that's the most. I have friends that are
very very good golfers, scratch players, and they almost can't
play in the club championship. They don't play well and
they just can't do it. It's the pressure, and I
have I've had a lot of a lot of friends

that just can't do it. I think that's our that's
our major, right, and that's like a big deal. But
you certainly get a little nervous. I play with Tiger
a lot. Actually, he's a great guy, really a great guy,
and it was amazing that he won the Master so recently,
and you know, to me, it was one of the
great achievements. But he's he's a wonderful person. Actually people

don't know him. Uh, They're all good. You know. It's
interesting when I play with golfers, I find them all
to be very high quality. That's very rarely play with
a tour player or something that that you don't like.
I just find very nicely. Now nice Now you know
they're playing with the president, so perhaps they're in good behavior.
I don't know, but but this was before I became president.

I just find golfers to be a very high quality
group of people. You ever, I've played a few pro
ams and you know, they announced your name, and you
come up and you take a practice swing and there's
people lined up, and I always think, I just don't
want to kill someone, you know, by shanking one with
people lined up really close to you. You ever hit
somebody and have to sign a golf you know, like
they always signed the golf gloves, you know, if you

hit somebody down there. You ever had a bad pro
am experience. I've had bad experiences, but not hitting people
bad because I'll play badly or something, but not for
hitting people. Proms are okay because usually you have three
or four amateurs and the pro and there's always somebody
to lips you up right if you're not playing well.
But but pro ams are great. There are a lot
of fun. But no, gerald Ford was famous for hitting people, right.

That's right, that's exactly. Don't know what happened. He would
always every time he played, he had a he had
a propensity for seeing to do He's actually a good athlete.
I don't know if he was a good golfer, but
he was a very good athlete. But he had a
tendency to do that. It's an easy transition there because
gerald Ford was a huge University of Michigan fan, Like
he would have them play Hell to the Victors I

think instead of Hell to the Chief a lot of
times when he would walk around because he was such
a big Wolverine fan. You have been instrumental and your
administration has been instrumental in helping to get big ten
football back. Tell me about your call with Karen Kevin Warren,
what the experience was like to help to make what
became yesterday a reality. All these kids, all these schools,

all these athletes, not just football, a lot of people
not talking about it, but fall sports in the big
ten back and able to now play. How proud of
you are of that accomplishment and what went into it? Well,
I'm really proud of it because it was dead, it
was totally dead. And I told my people, look, we
got a call. I say, who am I going to call?
Who's the head of it? And was Kevin Warren who

who really turned out to be very open about it.
And I said, Kevin, look, we'll help you with testing,
will help you, will get you everything that you need,
but you've got to get it back for those states.
Those states wanted. They're real football states, as you can understand,
and you know, great teams and very unfair to players.
It may be their last chance to show their you know,
their skills to the NFL, and so they wouldn't get that.

And I'll tell you a group of people came together
so fast once we started it because they they sort
of gave up, although I will tell you didn't give up.
The parents didn't give up, and the players didn't give up.
They just wanted to play and enough with this stuff.
And I called Kevin. He was open to it. We
started talking real fast and hard and they ended up

it culminated and getting it done. And we we have
somebody Tim Pataki, who did a really fantastic job, a
young guy who works at the White House. He did
a great job. He really did that full time. Now
we're gonna work on pack twelve. I mean, there's no
reason why they shouldn't be but now they're the only
ones are just about and they should be playing. Now
maybe you can't, I don't know. I mean, maybe you

can't at this point. It's getting a little bit late,
but they should be playing football. It's ridiculous. They may
have a problem with their venues, who knows, you know,
and some of them have a problem with governors. The
governors had to come together and we had some governors
that our Democrats and it wasn't easy, but we got it.
We got it done, and you've got you can have

some great football, big ten football. It's it's really terrific.
We're talking to the President of the United States, Donald Trump,
and I know based on my background interacting with him.
Tim Pataki did an incredible job. Who you just gave
a shout out. He's an Ohio State grad over three
d calls because some people out there, you know how
it goes, and the media are going to say, oh,
the White House had nothing to do with this, They
had no impact. You guys were very helpful and impactful

in making this a reality. I know that personally, but
certainly the evidence reflects how hard Tim Pattack he worked
and other members of your administration. And I understand now
there has been contact between the White House and the
Pack twelve to also offer the same amount of help.
If the Pack twelve needs any assistance in order to
be able to play this fall, well they I can
tell you Big ten just needed some confidence in it

and some backing. But we really were given a lot
of backing. No without us. I'm not saying this for
any reason. It was a terrible thing. You know. We
did it that, We absolutely did it. If we didn't
get involved, you wouldn't even be talking about Big ten
right now. They had no chance of playing. They weren't
going to play. And as soon as we did it
for political reasons, a couple of people said, oh, they
had nothing to do with it. They had nothing to do.

And I'll tell you when I don't have something to do,
sometimes they get credit for something I shouldn't. In all fairness,
that's okay too, I'll take it. But in this case,
we we I mean Tim and his whole group and
and me meant a lot of calls to a lot
of people to get this thing done. And sort of
sad when you do something and then you have a
Democrat or you know, opponents saying well, they had nothing

to do, and they know it's not true. We got
it going, we got it started. We were able to
show him the different testings, and they knew a lot
about the testing anyway, but they just decided to go closed.
And it was just not a good decision. And and
Kevin Warrent did a fantastic job, by the way, gave
a lot of credit. He got out and he just
they just did a big reversal. And it's hard to

do a reversal. You know, you make a decision and
now you have to say the decision we're going to change.
So it's it's really a hard thing to do. But
Kevin was fantastic and some of the people we worked
with were great. But no, we got that one open,
and we're gonna try and we're gonna see what we
can do. I hear there's a little flexibility in fact wealth.
So I don't want to get people's hopes up too high,

but there's a little bit of flexibility that we'll see
if we can do it. When you look at the
decisions that are being made in general, like Joe Biden
ran television advertisements blaming you, I think it was in Michigan, Wisconsin, UH,
in Pennsylvania for their not being big ten football. Do
you think that he will apologize now that you've helped
to make big ten football reality, maybe start running ads

praising you. Well, they did worse as they did. Work
adds that I said horrible things about UH soldiers who
had died, and that turned out to be a totally
false story. It was made up. It's called disinformation if
you know what that is in the sports world. They
made up a lie and they went with it. It's
a disgusting that was worse, but you know with and

that was just a terrible thing to do. That's a
real there's a real low lass. That's why I take
off the gloves because you know, Joe is not equipped
mentally equipped to be president. That I can tell you
right now. He wasn't twenty five years ago. But you know,
I think I can take the gloves of because when
they did that, but they also did it in football.
I hear somebody says it's too bad about football, though,
what do you like football? So sure I do why

they're taking adds in very important states, you know when
you when you're talking about the states you mentioned are
very important states, big powerful swing states. And he's taken
adds that it's your fault that that Big ten isn't opened.
I said, you gotta be kidding. And I put very
light pressure on Big ten even before I started this
heavy preyer yourself, and I said, you gotta be kidding.

I got a hold of the ad and I said,
what a lie. It's just a lie, and they do
it was a lie. They made it up. They make
up stores the worst campaign, most of this honest campaign
I've ever seen. And the ballots sending what do you
see that these unsolicited ballots? What do you see the
mess that they want? They wanted to be a mess.
It's the only way they're gonna win. It's the only

way they can win is to cheat, in my opinion,
So that sounds that sounds See, football is a much
nicer a much more genteel sport than politics, I can
tell you, but I really believe that they want to
do that. I know they want to do they want
to make it a mess. But what happened. I saw
the ad and that's actually what got me into gear
because I said, oh, edny minute, I wanted to happen,

but I really didn't think about getting involved. When I
saw the end, I said, let's get involved to get
it open. So that add is one of the reasons
I got it open, because I just wanted to show
that this was that was such a dirty thing to do.
And uh, when everyone I was publicly record, as you know,
Clay saying, you know you guys want to get to
play and it, but you said it on my show.

That's why who doesn't even pay much attention to politics?
She said, wait a minute. The president came on your
show last month before the big ten in the Pack
twelve shut down. Instead, it would be a tragic mistake
if they didn't play, and then they blamed you for
the for the games not being played. Absolutely, it's a hud.
And tell your wife I appreciate her good memory because

some people don't remember so well. Your wife has the memory.
You probably don't remember it, and she does and so
your marriage, yeah, you know how marriage goes. She remembers
everything I've ever done. It's not perfect, but it was
such a bad it was so egregious and it was terrible.
And because of that, I actually activated and and we
got it done. So I'm very happy. A lot of
people are really happy about it. I was gonna tell

you this last time when you came on, but you
came on in August and my nine year old son
when I said, hey, you know, the President is going
to come on Dad's radio show. I swear to god
President Trump, the first thing he said was, wow, he
knows Vince mcmah And that was his reaction. When the
president is going to come on the radio show. He's
such a w W E fan and his first reaction,

you know, yeah, you can share that with Vince. That
the first thought from my nine year old Um when
you when you look you you mentioned Joe Biden in
the debate over Big ten football and everything else. How
excited are you? It's like a big sporting event for
many people. On September twenty nine, when the first debate happens,

are you prepping how do you get ready? It's almost
like a sporting event, right, debate is considered in many
schools to be a sport. How do you prep who's
playing the role of Joe Biden in the White House?
What's that experience like, And how's it different to be
prepping as a president as opposed to a contender when
you were doing it last time against Hillary. Well, I
think in many ways it could be easier. But they'll

make up stories like they did about Big ten and
other things, and you know, they can hit you with
different kinds of things. But we've done oh well, I
mean until this pandemic came, and we had the greatest
economy in the history of our country, and now we're
building it back to a point where we're gonna have
it again. All the states that you just mentioned had
the best economy they've ever had last year, and now

it's heading back to that again. You know, the stock
markets doing great, a lot of things are doing great,
and we're and we have vaccines coming very shortly. I
mean literally in a matter of weeks, we're gonna have
vaccines coming. So I really think that, uh, I think
I think it would be a little bit easier I
think I can't tell you who's going to show up

with Joe because i've seen him where he's grossly incompetent
that i've seen seen him where he's sort of normal.
Like against Bernie, he debated normally. I don't know what
he did, but he debated normally. But I've watched some
of the other debates where he had the large number
of Democrats, and I mean, he couldn't he couldn't put
three words together. It was terrible. So I don't know,
you know, I don't know who's going to show up,

do you. I saw what you said you would show
up for Joe Rogan if he did a he suggested
a four hour debate between you and Joe Biden. How
do you think it would go if Joe Biden and
you showed up for a four hour debate with Joe Rogan. Well,
it was sort of done in jest at all, but
I would. I mean, I think it's good. I think
Joe has to be exposed and we'll see. Look with me,

you know what you have, and we've done incredible deals
with the even Big ten. I got Big ten. No
other president would have gotten involved in that. As an example,
there's no other president play that would have you understand
that they would have Can you imagine Obama wouldn't have
done it, just wouldn't have done it, and it just
is not in the makeup and they can you imagine
Biden doing it. He's a low energy person. I used

to call Jeb Bush low energy, but I mean, if
you compare the two, Jeb is extraordinarily energetic compared to
sleepy Joe. So you know, I mean, Joe is not
going to be doing that kind of stuff. And it's
sort of fun because you know, I have this platform,
and it's it's sort of easy to do when you
have we have this great platform. You're president of the

United States. We hear that football all over these incredible
states and all of the people that are affected by it, everybody,
even in the stands of people that work their stands, everybody,
so many people, so many jobs, so many everything. And
you have this platform and you go out and you
use it and you use it for good. But I
don't think a lot of people would do that, And
I think a lot of people, if they did it,

they wouldn't know how to do it. I think you're right,
and it's it's crazy to me that you get criticized
for getting football back, right. I mean, like some of
the media out there, they're upset because you got it back.
And this goes to my mom. I mentioned my my
wife earlier, but she said, hey, make sure you tell
the president this for me. So she's a big supporter.
Um and uh. And she said the other day, you
know if President Trump went out on a boat, uh

and uh. And you know, somebody's hat blew off, and
he stepped out of the boat, walked on water and
picked up the hat and brought it back to the
to the fisherman. Uh. The New York Times front page
would say that Trump can't swim. So, you know, it's
funny kind of the way sometimes the media plays like
you bring football back and are mad about it. Well,
I'll tell you I have. The vaccine is way ahead

of schedule. And now I'm being criticized on the vaccine
because they're petrified that the vaccine comes in, you know,
before the election. And I view it differently. I view
it like, we're gonna save lives. It's you know, I
think it's gonna be a great vaccine and we're going
to save lives. Many great companies really close and probably
have it, and they're in tests right now. But I'm

being criticized for bringing it back too fast. And one
of the doctors said, you know, it's a crazy world politics.
Everybody wanted to get a vaccine as fast as possible.
President Trump gets it ready fast, and they're criticizing them.
You know, it's wild. Do you expect a vaccine to
be ready before the election by late October Halloween? It
could be Uh, it will be right there. I mean,

it's right in that vicinity before a little or just
shortly after, which is years ahead of schedule. You know,
if you look at if you look at what was
going on with vaccines, there was no chance if you
go back to another administration, and I'm not just talking
about Obama, if you go back to another administration, play

there's no chance that this would have been to three
or four years. Because I've energized the FDA and we're
proving things faster and safely. It's all it has to
be under present safe. But I've energized the FDA, which
would have taken to three years, and we're going to
have something in a matter of weeks. But it's amazing.
This never happened until a few weeks ago when they

started criticizing the whole concept of this vaccine only because
I did it. If it wasn't me, it was somebody else,
they'd say, Oh, this is unbelievable. The vaccine is going
to be here so early. Uh, and it's people are
very aware of what's going on. They see what's happening.
This is all done by the Democrats. Are very upset
that we've done such a good job with a vaccine.

They're very upset that we've done such a great job
with like the ventilators, when you had no ventilators that
all of a sudden we started producing. You know, we've
done a good job in the COVID. This was given
to us by China. Shouldn't have happened. Should have never happened.
They stopped it from coming into China, but they let
it go to the world. The whole world is suffering
because of it. It's a disgrace. But we've done a

great job. But the new thing is the vaccine. And
they're very very they're very angry, and you should they
should be happy because we're talking about saving a lot
of lives. But that's the world of politics, lay one
of the world of politics. That's crazy to me, speaking
of the way that the media has covered the coronavirus
in general, um is they have praised Andrew Cuomo, who

statistically has the worst death rate in the world President Trump.
I mean, that's not that he's writing a book about
what a good job he did. You look at other
states Florida, Arizona, Texas Republican governors, They've all done far
better from a per capita perspective, and you would think
that those guys have done awful jobs. All that matters

is the difference between Republican and Democrat. I look at
it like it's a scoreboard, like let's use data and
actually use it. Like. It's wild to me that Andrew
Cuomo is considered to be like the greatest governor in
the history mankind. When you look at his record, it's
it's awful. Yeah, he had a hard time. He had
a hard time, and I mean I can tell you
the story. I know the story better than anybody. I

won't say it, but I thought he definitely had a
hard time. A lot of people died, unfortunately, and one
of the decisions, obviously was the nursing home, which I
think needs to get looked into. But that seems to
be a huge part of this is a huge majority
of the deaths in many countries are coming out of
nursing homes, and nearly fifty in the United States, and
it's only point six percent of the population. Right, we

have the nursing home. Look. It affects elderly people, especially
if you have a heart problem or diabetes in particular,
but other things too. But it turned out that they're
vulnerable and young kids, if you have kids, I mean,
it's incredible. Their immune system is stronger. Who would have thought,
and the younger the better. But they have statistics where
a certain state had many thousands of death, thousands of

and not one death under eight think of it. Not one.
Now my three kids are all back in school, which
is why I've been arguing, we need sports, we need
people back at work, and all three of my kids
are back in person schooling, and I think that's important.
Uh yeah, and thank you for helping to make that happen.
Question for you, and this is a little bit interesting.
I don't know, in the grand scheme of things, Kim
Jong un, there's been all sorts of questions about what's

going on in North Korea, and I'm curious what you
think about his health. But also roar is that he
is a big American sports fan, that he loved the
Chicago Bulls, Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan's. Have you ever talked
with Kim Jong n about the nineties Bulls and what
did he say? What kind of conversation did you? Guy
really does like Dennis Rudman. I will tell you it's

it's sort of great. I always said Dennis would be
better than some of these stiffs that they used to
send over to get to know him. And they send
these people over and they went to Harvard and they
are great students and great everything, but they have no
chemistry whatsoever. He really did like Dennis Rodman. Dennis good
guy too, And they said, uh, we should maybe use

him instead of somebody that graduated number one at Harvard.
Maybe we should use Dennis. I thought about that, but
we have I have a very good relationship with him.
He does love basketball and he really does like Dennis. Uh.
And so I always thought, like, man, if you could
just bring him over here to go meet Michael Jordan's,
like we might be able to get a great piece
of cord, not to be based on how much he

loved the bulls. Well, we've done well, we have a
good relationship, and frankly, nothing's happened. If Hillary would have
gotten in, or if you had a longer term Obama,
you would have been in a war with them as
sure as you're sitting there, and you would have had
a war that would have been a really bad one,
a lot of nuclear weapons, a lot of bad things
would have happened. And we're right now. Just hey, whatever

happened to that war, right and I have a relationship.
We'll see what happens. I mean, I'm not saying we
did a great thing the other day with Israel. With
Israel and Bahrain, you saw a new a And that's
just the beginning. We have a lot of other countries
that want to sign into that. You'll end up in
peace in the Middle East. And people are even the
New York Times is giving that one Rave reviews, which
is shocking. They said, if you moved the embassy to Jerusalem,

everything would fall apart. Instead, it seems like it might.
It might actually have helped in a major way, which
is a counterintuitive. Um. The last couple of questions for
you here. Did you watch Tom Brady at all play
with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I did, I watched, But
football's way down. Ratings was way down because people are
not going to stand for this stuff anymore. Well, were

there not respecting our flag and our national anthem? They're
just not going to stand for Ratings were way down.
I did watch Tom, and I like Tom a lot,
and I think he'll be fine. It was, you know,
I guess it was a break in game. The other
team is a good team, good quarterback. Uh and uh,

it was an interesting game. What did you think? I
don't you know. I think the big it's like a divorce,
right Belichick and Brady, and which one's going to have
a better post divorced life? And I liked the way
that Cam played for the Patriots in Belichick. And if
you were buying stock in Belichick right now or in
Brady right now for this season, which one do you
think is the better buy? Well, they're friends of mine,

but I will tell you this, he's some coach. He's
a very good friend of mine, and he's tough, and
he endorsed me, and you know, he endorsed me the
first time too, and he said he, I mean, you
know some people don't want to get involved, Okay, they
just so he doesn't care. He couldn't care less. He
wants to do whatever's right. He's a tough guy, and
and he's just a great Coach's remember when he said

the field goal against Atlantic, go for the field goal.
They were getting killed. They had a chance for a
touchdown or a field goal, and he kicked the field
goal and school like seven to three down. Yeah, yeah,
and he kicks a field goal, And I said, geez,
that's not a good decision. It tended up to be
a perfect decision because they had what tied and then

they ended up winning the game. If he doesn't have
that field god, now maybe they would have been a
touch ten. You know, who knows what happens. But there's
a case where you would have said that's too conservative, right,
And but he is a great coach. I've watched him
win games that other coaches just wouldn't win. But he's
a great guy too, no doubt. Last question for you,
does it seem as crazy to you as it does
too many people in my audience that for high school

football in particular, you've helped to get the Big ten back.
We may end up with Pack twelve playing Mountain West.
Other conferences could be coming back. But if you look
at the data in different states for high school kids,
whether they have a Democrat governor or a Republican governor,
in many respects seems to be deciding whether high school
kids should be able to play football or sports in

the fall. In general, should it kids be able to
play sports regardless of whether the governor is a Democrat
or Republican. Well, it's too bad, it has to be
that way. But if you look at these states with
high crime, they're run by democrats. You look at the
cities with high crime, they're run by democrats. And the
Democrats tell you what their philosophy they're not working too well,

and certainly their philosophies on law and order are working
very badly. You look at all of the places that
have problems. Uh, you know Portland, Look at that, it's
run by these radical left Democrats. It's a disaster. We
go and I could fix that up in half an hour.
We'll send in the National Guard. They have to ask us,
it has to be requested. But but all of these

places are run by liberal Democrats, and so I don't know.
It's sort of it should be easy. We're going to
find out whether or not people agree with me. Last question,
did you tell my producer Danny g that he deserved
a raise when you called last time? Absolutely? I said,
you got the president, but you really do. You have
a great show and he's a nice guy. But I said,
you got the president of the phone. You deserve a raise.

I haven't done too many of these calls lately. I
appreciate it, sir. We'd love to have you back on
anytime you want to come on. Keep doing good work,
and thanks for the work you did for the Big Ten.
Thank you very much. Like everyone, have a good time.
Thank you. That is the President of the United States,
Donald Trump.
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