All Episodes

March 29, 2024 79 mins

#289: The boys have a lot of questions about a conjoined twin who recently got married; Skeery forgot to give money to the office Powerball pool and wonders if he would still get a piece if they won; Brody got screwed at 2 pizza places; Skeery wants an "AI" massage; Brody freaks out and recounts all the rude realtors and couples poor behavior who were interested in buying his house

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Start Up, dot Up, start Up, Brooklyn Boy, start Up,
Brooklyn Boys, start up, dot Dota they Magan Noise, dotap,
start Up.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
Doda, dot Up. Episode to eighty nine The Brooklyn Boys Podcast.
Yeah it's getting a little getting hot in her getting
closer to three hundred. Yeah, I was gonna say twenty
nine is a good number. But you know, not that
I believe in that shit. You know, I did not
win the lottery this week. I did not win Mega millions.

But but the Mega millions was it? Or the powerbu
Mega millions was the one winner? Was in neptwoh, New Jersey, Yeah,
South Jersey in uh a shop right ticket was like
a little shop pot. I bought twenty tickets. I thought
I thought I had a really good shot. You know,
that's in our listening. You thought you did. I was like, oh,
I got twenty ps. I gotta win. I will say

that I'm thinking we if we don't know someone, the
person that won the slices of all of our listening
audience definitely knows the person who won. That's if the
person has the person even come forward yet and been
public about it. I don't think. I don't think they
can have. But Root sixty six. There's a shop right
right there, get your kicks there and nip to New Jersey.

That's where it was sold, the winning ticket. What do
you mean by right there, right there on Root sixty six. Oh,
the shop right, Oh, the shop right, shop right sold
the ticket. Yeah, I go to shop right. I live
in New Jersey. I didn't win, No, but it's okay.
You know there's always there's always mega a power ball
which is coming up right. I got that going for me. Yeah.

I texted my wife at like, uh, three o'clock, four
o'clock in an afternoon whatever it was, and I said, hey,
we're six hours away from being multimillionaires or whatever the
time was. She's like, oh, yeah, I'm preparing. I read
stats on this. There's just six nine trillion to one.
Oh it's awful. It's the worst odds ever. But we

still spend their money.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
I know that.

Speaker 2 (02:04):
You know what they say, the lottery is uh gambling
for people who are bad at math. Exactly. It's a
tax on people who are bad at math. Yeah, well
either one. Hey, So all right, so we have an
office pool, and we are the usual suspects we always
kick in. Now scenario it's just a scenario, hypothetical. I

forget one day. Ooops, I forgot to put in tonight.
We've had this comment you're out, you're out. That happened
to someone and she was an office worker. She always
chipped in, always three time, and either she was out
sick or whatever, or she came in late and they
didn't get her money and she was out and they're like,
but I'm always in. See you weren't work that day,
No bullshit. See. I think that if if you're always in,

then you're part of the crew. And if you forget
to put your money in this one time and that's
the time, you win. Personally, I think they should they
should split in Italy, yeah, because they're always in. Usually
you can't say always in. Usually they're always in. They're
always in. But in this one time, this one instance,

they filled fault was that they were out. They forgot. Well,
then you know they forgot. Maybe they were like, I'm
not gonna win. I'm saving my five bucks today or
twenty whatever the chip in was. I don't think deliberately.
What if they deliberately were like, nah, I'm gonna take
a week off. Then when they won, they were like,
oh I forgot. I think they're deserving of the ticket.
You throw them a million for for no, for being

a good support. Now I'm not giving up eighteen million
or whatever it is. Come on, man, you don't think so,
you don't think this is a good it's a good play,
like that's a person karma. It's good, it's good luck,
it's good. Just what karma for? You just won the lottery?
So you know a piano doesn't fall on your head
when you will leave your building. I don't know sitting

run over by a car. I'm just saying. You know,
you treat people like shit. It comes around, you go
around shit. How do you know they honestly forgot? And
more importantly, it doesn't work that way. Can imagine going
to Atlantic City and you're playing blackjack and you have
a seventeen and a dealer show in a twenty and
you wanted a hit but you didn't, And then the
next guy gets a four and you're like, oh, I

meant to hit no really they did? They go, okay, yeah,
you seem like a good guy. You meant to hit.
No problem. Well, in our office where we work, we
all agreed. Scotty agreed. Yeah, we all agreed. Yeah, I believe.

Speaker 3 (04:30):

Speaker 2 (04:31):
Now does that count for people who don't work there
anymore because I always chipped in? Yeah, but yeah, but
that's now a year and a half removed from the
last time you participated. It was a timeframe ongoing. We
are on ongoing. We were like this last three weeks.
We've been on this run where we've been getting tickets
every night. In fact, I don't think I paid now
that now that you mention it, oh, now that I well,

if you didn't pay, you have to chip, you can no, Actually,
now did you say, I'm sure Brody would like to
chip part of the Brooklyn Boys podcast. We can call
him Scotty. Scotty is the king of the latter the
ticket hold on. Say, I just a quick question for him,
because I want to let him know I'm in. I
really hope he answers. We call people blindly on this podcast.

We don't warn them. Hey, by the way, we're gonna
be giving you a call, and as we wait, this
shows you what he thinks of you. He is not
answering his phone. Yeah right, he's gonna hit the fuck
your button on me. No, he's letting a ring. No,
he's just gonna do it, all right, Well it's Scott.

Speaker 4 (05:31):
You've reached my cell phone.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
You can well, hopefully I can get in on this.
But I'm telling you, if it was me and everybody
and everybody put in and then one person didn't, and
we do this on a weekly basis, you would want
them to give you the money I get. I would
know I would want no. I would give that person
the money, the person that one. Oh, if it was me,
because because I'm a share I'm a person who likes

to share. I'm not like you know, and what's fair
is fair. I'm just saying, all right, we'll get back
to Scotty. You're out and you forgot, I give you.
I'll give you something I'm not giving you. If I
we all win eighteen million, I'll give you one. See
that's shit. But shit is seventeen million after I've been
a part of this pool every fucking week, and the

one week that I forgot to contribute, you're not gonna
give me. It depends on what you mean by forgot.
Were you in the office sitting next to everybody, or
you downstairs in the mail room when the money was
going I think Scotty sent out the group text this morning,
tomorrow's powerball. Oh yeah, see nine o'clock this morning. Now,
I was on the air right and I didn't see
this text. Tomorrow's power ball is nine hundred and thirty
five million. If you want to give me ten dollars, somehow,

get it to me somehow, and then you have a shot. Now,
if I would have forgotten, because I'm gonna s I'm
gonna vemo him now, so I don't forget. If you
already bought the tickets, you're your sol. Well that's why
I'm calling him to make sure that I'm in on
this dead Text him and he'll floor, he'll flow, he'll
flow up this bullshit. Front you the money. Now, I'm
gonna get text it that you're in, and he'll if

he buys the tickets, he'll pay pay the tickets for
you money. Powerball. Good done, Scotty B finished over done,
then mode all right, great, Now I'm in. Is Elvis playing? Yes,
Alvis always plays all the time. But my point, my
point was, if I would have forgotten, you're not going
to catch I'm not going to catch a break. We
were the group where there's ten people who always put

in if Scotty went around to everybody and then one
person was like in the bathroom and he forgot to
ask them, and it's not their fault. Absolutely cut them in, Okay,
I would need to know the circumstances. It was the
person standing there and they just were like, I'll give
you the money later and then forgot. Then that's fine.
They agreed to it. But if the person works in

the other radio station and they were supposed to come
down the hall and give you the money like clockwork
every Tuesday and they forgot, I think it's a larger conversation.
And I do think that, all right, I'll speak largely. No,
it's a larger conversation, and it's more of about a
pattern of behavior. If your pattern is that you've always participated.
Have you participated like every week for seventeen years? Yeah,

all right, all right, so then you're agreeing with me.
But if you only chip in like once every five
months when the when the jackpot is high. Yeah, and
by the way, why do you guys al why do
it's human? People have asked this question before. Oh yeah,
why does everybody chip in when it's one point one billion,
but when it's six hundred million. No one's like, no,
one needs to be bothered. It's the same odds. Never

mind the odds. You're like, yeah, I don't need to
bother for six hundred million. It's not worth my trip
to to the grocery store. I think it's because of
the advertising around it. It's the marketing, you know. It's
more of No's like, oh, it's up mega millions, up
to nine hundred million. Now, now that's a threshold. I
want to win four hundred million. It seems yeah, you're right,
you're right. And more importantly, if less people play, you

got a shot and not having to split the prize
there is lightly met although although they go weeks without winners,
if in these contents, I know, I know that's how
that's how it extraordinary it is. And if you're a
type of person that looks and goes, hey, number fourteen
hasn't come up in eight weeks, I'm gonna bet fourteen.
The machine doesn't know it hasn't come up in breaks.
It's still the same odds, same ods, or like, I

don't I don't want to pick three numbers in a row.
The machine doesn't know what balls are coming out. There's
no heightened odds of sixty seven, sixty eight, and sixty
nine coming out versus one, three and seven or whatever
the numbers are. I'll space the numbers out. It's nothing
to the machine doing. He's texting me. I'm in the
car with Cooper and I'm not really sure what you
want to talk about. Just tell him you're in. He's driving. Yeah,

I hope, he writes back, Fuck you you're out? Oh no,
oh no, I don't want to. I don't want to
be the other guy I was calling you. Yeah, So then
let him get on.

Speaker 4 (09:50):

Speaker 2 (09:50):
He's not gonna answer. He called you. Yeah, he's probably
leaving a voicemail for you.

Speaker 3 (09:55):

Speaker 2 (09:56):
Hello, Yeah, you're on the Brooklyn Boys podcast with Brody
and Scary Gary and Brody. Hey, nice, really quick now listen.
I have hypothetical about the lottery, all right, about the
powerball tomorrow? Hi, Scott?

Speaker 3 (10:09):
Okay, all right? Hey, what's up?

Speaker 2 (10:11):

Speaker 3 (10:11):
All right?

Speaker 2 (10:12):
You know you know I'm always in I'm always in
on it. Now today I forgot. I don't know if
you bought the tickets yet I did not, Thank god? Okay, good,
I just I've you ten dollars. But my question was
had I forgotten, and you bought the tickets and we won.
They won? Yeah, and they won?

Speaker 4 (10:32):

Speaker 2 (10:32):
We won? Am I am I entitled to my share
because I'm usually in but I might have forgotten to
give you money this time.

Speaker 3 (10:40):
I love you, dude, but not my share.

Speaker 2 (10:42):
Thank you. Wow, Scotty. The first thing I said, first
thing I said to him was Scotty said, yes, he goes.
Oh yeah, Scotty totally would share. I said, no, he wouldn't.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
So look, I don't, Scott. I don't want to be
a dick. But I mean, like six or seven people
maybe for got this week, so we share with everybody.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
But how does Scott, Scott, how are you supposed to
know who forgot? Who decided? Like, eh, I'm gonna take
a week go off. I lose every week.

Speaker 3 (11:10):
Exactly, so you know, I look, I totally get the argument.
I know that it's happened before in offices and stuff
like that, where one person forgot and they usually always
do it. But I mean, at what point here is
it enough?

Speaker 4 (11:22):
You know?

Speaker 3 (11:23):
I mean, I I love everybody that I work with,
but I mean I don't think that I would share
the winning.

Speaker 2 (11:28):
You know, that would cause a serious problem. Amongst us.
You know that would be he wouldn't be there anymore,
he'd have a billion dollars. You can go fuck yourself,
am I right, Scott?

Speaker 3 (11:39):
Look, I mean it wouldn't be the kind of thing
where I don't know who you guys are anymore. But
I probably would quit my job and I'll probably never
see you anymore.

Speaker 2 (11:47):
But right, exactly, Look, look, I.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
Look, I totally get Look, I get both sides of
the argument. I totally do. But I just don't think
that I wouldn't start like giving up to people that
normally put in but forgot. I wouldn't do that.

Speaker 2 (12:01):
But I never forget. I'm there every time. This is
the one time time. Well I didn't because you didn't
buy the tickets yet, so I I just venmoed you.
What doesn't matter now what we did. But the point
that the point is if you hadn't given him the money, right,
I know it was if I hadn't let me.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
Okay, all right, well let me ask you this. What if? Okay,
so what if we all bought the tickets or I
bought the tickets and we lost, but you usually put
money in, but you did it. Are you gonna give
me the money after the fact, even though we lost.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
It's a great question. No, you didn't buy me a ticket. No,
he's right, though, the mentally right if you're mentally in. Regardless,
you're mentally in. If they lose, you still all the money.
That's a horrible way of looking at this. You just
cost yourself a half a billion dollars out. Well, you're out.
Scotty's right, And by the way, I knew Scotty would

be right.

Speaker 3 (12:50):
The good news is I did not buy the tickets yet,
so you still had time. And if you've been on me,
then you'll be in. I'm gonna buy them tomorrow afternoon.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
Thank you. All right, let's go more more important. If
Scotty buys tickets for eight people and you were the
ninth and they win, then the tickets he would have
bought with your extra money were losers. Anyway, Ah, come on, man,
that my right stuff. Yeah, he would have given you
money for ten more tickets. Those were all losers.

Speaker 3 (13:16):
Yeah, that's why. That's why I have to buy them all.
At the same time. I don't ever buy any additionals.
I always buy my personal tickets separately. I don't want
any controversy. I take a picture of the ones that
I buy some work and I send them to everybody.
And that's it, because I don't want anyone accusing me of,
you know, stealing the winning tickets. That's what you gotta
be really careful with.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
My wife was at work, She's like, hey, go get tickets.
I was like, okay, how much I sent? And I
you know what, while I was there, I was like,
you know what, I got an extra five in my pocket.
So I bought a couple extra you know passes on
the side, and I said, here are the twenty, here're
the ones we chipped in for. I put some numbers
that were important to me that weren't important to her.
I figured, you know what, if I win, I went,

I'm giving the money anyway. But the point was I
sent to pictures of the numbers. Yeah, you know what.
Brodie's a a guy that if his wife didn't chip
in and he won, she wouldn't get half the half
the money. That's the kind of guy he is. Yeah,
you know, you know, legally i'd have no choice. Scary, right,
you can't. Well I didn't know that anyway, you know
the laws.

Speaker 3 (14:13):
Well, but yeah, I mean I already signed I already
signed the thing. I wouldn't have to give anything, but
I'm I'm pulling pulling it to adventure Land with.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Listen while we have you on the phone. Just want
to say that congratulations are being nominated in the iHeartRadio
Podcast of the War Awards. You didn't win this year,
but you know, nominated. Welcome to the losers club that
we were in for a while. Exactly because he guess
you know what they say. It's just you know what,
It's an honor to be nominated, isn't it in the
best food podcast category?

Speaker 4 (14:45):

Speaker 2 (14:45):
We were. We were the first ones on the show
to lose. We lost in season one, right, first year ever?

Speaker 3 (14:50):
Okay, congratulations, congratulations, Yeah, I mean, you know what, it
was just super cool. It was super cool to be there.
I didn't know who any of those fricking people were,
but somebody. Yeah, it it was fun to be amongst
the people I didn't know, but it was it was fun.
We had a good time there, but we were very
honored to be there.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
Yeah. It's a beautiful thing. And Scotty B and Andrew
on the Serial Killers podcast, make sure you check them out.
What you done with us podcast? Brothers part of the
Elvis Duran podcast network. That's correct.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
Yeah, thank you. You know what now I cannot now,
I can't wait to listen to this episode. I'm very excited.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
Yea, leave them talkbacks with the All Had radio. I
hit the microphone, leave Scott Andrew talkbacks.

Speaker 3 (15:25):
Yes, I definitely will. All right, all right, guys, Well
it was great talking to you. Happy, yes, happy.

Speaker 4 (15:35):

Speaker 3 (15:35):
That's all I do is the kiddie rides.

Speaker 2 (15:37):
Yeah, the person.

Speaker 3 (15:42):
Thank you? All right, thanks, I'm hiding. I'm hiding Easter
eggs in the backyard, all cast all cash this year.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
I'll get out. That's so cool, man, congratulating.

Speaker 3 (15:52):
I went to the I went to the bank and
I got all the stupid currencies. I got dollar coins
and half dollars and two dollar bills. And that's what's
going on in my backyard this year.

Speaker 2 (16:00):
Oh, you're the coolest dad. They love it for that.
And he's got the Catholic spirit too. I like that. Hey,
it's good Friday. Enjoy the rid. The money rises and
increases any value.

Speaker 3 (16:11):
Hi, all right, I'm gonna go. I'm going to get
my I'm gonna go get my free ham do. Great day, guys,
yea by take it.

Speaker 2 (16:19):
Love talking to Scottie Bee. You bury your two dollar
bill on Easter? Does it come back as a ten?
I would hope. So my podcast, can I tell you
a little pizza dilemma I had? Yeah? Now you know,
one of my favorite And this is not a slight
against this this organization, because I love them, I love
the owners. I don't know if I even want to

mention the name of the company. I did tweet about it.
I had a friend who lives in Manhattan who's like, oh,
why don't we get together for lunch? I said, I
don't feel like coming into the city. Is well, I
don't have a car. I can't come out to Jersey
by you. How about we meet where the train goes
to Jersey. What don't we meet Hoboken? How some pizza.
It's a great place to meet, great place, Hoboken once

once train stop out of the city. Boom right there
es centrally located. Well essential, yeah, for where we're located,
or for where you guys are you live in Long Island?
It's not so essentially no, Yeah, anyway, So I say,
you know what, let's go to Autochoke Pizza. You know
you know how. I love the owners, I love the company,
I love the vodka Sicilian, I love the regular Sailio pizza.

As we speak, Yeah, you had it this morning, had
this morning. So I say, I look up and I
see that they they open at eleven. I'm like, oh, well,
we're meeting at noon. Let's just meet there. They'll be
opening at eleven. We'll get there at noon. Perfect. So
I I drive over to Hoboken. I find a parking space.
He's waiting outside for me. We go in and the guy,

there's one guy working there, and he goes, no pizza
for a half hour. I said, what, no pizza? Well, yeah,
because they open it eleven, right, and then it takes
them the the hour and a half. Yeah, because those
pizzas take a while, you know. They they take twenty
five minutes to a half hour, or they have to
they have to heat the ovens up. Sir Bury. The
guy came in late. The guy overslept. It was obvious

what had happened. He was still like he wasn't like
there wasn't pizza in the oven. He was still like
kneading the dough in his hands. That's why he said
that no pizza for a half hour. He must have
gotten there an hour late. Maybe he didn't set his
maybe he set his clock back too early, like three
weeks too early. That's pretty shitty. Actually, if you're open

for business at eleven am, you need to do the
prep work before you open the doors. You get there
on time, you get it. You gotta be there like
nine ten o'clock getting everything ready. That's exactly right. And
you can't tell me they sold out of every slice
of pizza. But no, no, no, no, they clearly didn't
have anything ready, right, So hardly disappointed. So I'm not
going to tell you where we went, but we started

walking on Washington Boulevard Street, Washington the Street and Great
Great Street Restaurants. Was this yesterday? No, No, a couple
of weeks ago. Call me, you're in my neighborhood. Yeah,
I was out with a friend. You don't know, so
what you're in my neighborhood. You got to give me
a call like, yeah, it's scary, I'm close. I didn't
want to hang out with you. I was hanging out
with him. Yeah, but I mean, you're in my neighborhood.

When you drop by, you should actually get the area.
How many times have you been in my neighborhood and
you deliberately call me and go, dude, I'm at this
gray restaurant in your town. Dude, I'm at the catering
hall around the corner from your house. You've done that
so many times you never once say like, Hey, afterwards,
I'm going out to a bar. Why don't you hang out?

Speaker 3 (19:30):

Speaker 2 (19:30):
Hey, can I come over? I got a gift, bring
a little day fair enough. So we walked by one
pizza place. Looks trash, just trash. I know the one,
Go ahead, okay. Then we walked to another one. I
wanted to go to. Is it Tony Pepperoni's ton They're
well rated, But they were like fifteen blocks away and

over an avenue, that's correct. So somewhere around the eight
block mark, we're like, let's just go to the next
pizza place. How bad could the pizza be? Well, first
of all, before you stop right there, I already knew
the answer. We'll stop right. I know pizza can be
not great. Uh yeah, Well, before you even go any further,
I just want to say this. You could you could
have called me at least for some pizza advice, and

that could I slice apped I checked. I knew you
should have gone to this one of three places to go.
Uh but okay, which one did you go to? H
I don't want to say their name? Why not? No,
they're known for having a giant slice. Oh I know,
I know the one you went too. Yeah. And first
of all you go in, it's dumpy as hell. Well
that's the charm of the place. It's been sixties, so

it's it's nineteen seventies dumpy. Second of all, everywhere is
very nice. But I was like, I say to my friend, hey, listen,
this place is known for the big slice. I had
it once like ten years ago. It wasn't bad overrated.
That was ten years ago. Yeah. Right. So I saw
there's like a sign up with all the topics you
can buy. I was like, oh, well, you know what,
you got a sausage slice ready? No, no sosage slice.

I put the sausage on for you. So I was like, uh,
that's when they take the raw sausage and throw it
on a already cooked, sitting out all day pizza. Ah.
So I got a giant slice of shit. My friend
got a giant slight. Put peppers or mushrooms of some
vegetable on there, and it was like, you know, it
was like eating when listen, when pizza is good, I

don't care if it's small, large, medium, I'd rather have
you know, but what a pizza is not great and
it's huge, that's twice as bad. Now you've got more
of not great. So the whole time I'm sitting there
going you know whose fault this is? Don't you auto
choke pizza? Oh yeah, because the guy was slept And
I'm telling you autochoke pizza. I'm not again. It happens

people oversleep some of the best pizza on the planet.
I'm gonna say this, find a location and go. I'm
just saying I ended up with bad pizza because my
intention was to have fantastic pizza. Well you could have
called me number one. Number two. Google ratings are your
friend help not so much. Yelp is just a bunch
of fucking complainers. People just get on there just to

trash a place. Google reviews they're all complainers now too.
I will say this. I will say this Google rate
if it's Google ratings versus Yelp ratings on food places.
The Yelp people are a bunch of bastards. They're people.
Nobody's specific. It's just a certain kind of person that
I don't want to associate myself with. That leaves these

scathing reviews on Yelp, Yelp, Yelp and slices if you're
a Yelp reviewer. But I do think that Yelp tends
to really downgrade and downscore places for petty bullshit, Whereas
if I'm looking for a good spot with awesome atmosphere
and amazing food, I think the Google ratings on those

are a little bit more true to life and what
makes you what what gives you that impression that anyone
on Google is because I know it's on atmosphere five
hundred to one thousand. If I see five hundred ratings
on a on a restaurant and it's a four point
four or above, I know I'm in a good spot.
Four point four to four point five is great, four
point six and four point seven is rare. And if

you could find, if you could eat, I don't go
to four point four's. You should no, because that means
a huge percentage of people gave it a one or two.
I'm not going down no, not to no, no, No, did
would you buy something on eBay from somebody who had
an eighty nine percent rating? No, My my barometer is

usually four point fives is where is where it's at
for me? Okay, a four point four is an eighty
eight rating out of one hundred. I tell you this
right now. You're not going to find many places. Most
places you find are four point zero and above. You
don't go to four point ohs forget that. No, no, no,
you don't. And if you see a three, get the
fuck out of there, run the other way, unless it's
Chinese takeout, because everybody complains about everything with Chinese takeout.

But if you if you have, but the place also
has to have sustain that over several ratings. So if
you have nine hundred and you've maintained a four point five,
four point six, even four point seven, you're in a
very special place. I can tell you this right now.
But I still go read the negative ones first. Well,
you don't need the review. You don't get granular and

read reviews. At that point, you just you can't. You search,
but you shouldn't. It doesn't to me. It's like that's
one person through. One person had a shitty experience and
then you know they put that on the note. You
know what happens. A lot of times you'll go look
at the negative ratings and they'll say, I've been coming
here for twelve years, and since they sold the place
six months ago, it's been terrible. You got to check

for that shit. Sometimes you see a great rating and
then you go to like, oh, it's on the new management.
You didn't know and now it sucks. That's why it
went from a four to eight to a four to four.
And you're thinking, wow, they maintain a four to four.
And I do the research and I see that they
had a four to eight they dropped to a four
to four. There could be that, but I'll say that
a nah. Listen, I'm a food connoisseur. I'm a bie.

I'm a bougie bastard. Yes, I get very and I
eat a lot. Yes, And I will tell you I
go out to eat a lot, I get a lot.
I'm very very particular, and I know my ship all
right when it comes to that. I'm telling you now,
I'm telling the slices this. You listen, take this advice
the way you want whatever. You could listen to Brody,

whatever you want to do Chinese takeout. What I'm saying
is this if if you go to a restaurant, I'm
just generalizing for the moment. Okay, you never if you
look at a restaurant, it doesn't have to be pizza.
It's a restaurant that you're going out to eat. Don't
open up YELP. Open up Google Maps, okay, because Google
Maps has the ratings, has pictures, has the website, has
everything and has the on it. Okay, So so go

open Google Maps. People, listen, Google cans know how Google works. Right,
open Google Maps and type of place, use your finger
and four points. And then if you see a restaurant
that can sustain a four point five or above with
over let's call it four hundred raising ratings and above

for reviews and above. Honestly, those places right there are
really special places, and I will go to them sight unseen.
If I see a four point never had a bad
ex never zero, never, No. Because if I see a
four point seven and it has eight hundred reviews and
it's able to sustain a four point seven over eight
hundred reviews, I know, for shit, sure it's a great spot.

I just want to measure they have fire the chef
for the new owners. I've never gotten stuck, never gotten stuck.
You know, every time someplace changed his owners, it goes
right in the toilet, right. But you're not banking on that.
You're banking on the fact on that. If I'm checking
one hundred, check on it. But yeah, that's it. But
all this is minutia. Okay, dude, I'm broadstroking. Man. You
should have gone. Dude, I don't want to see you

doing that. We're on a podcast now, You're a dick.
So what you would do? What I'm telling you right
now is this, Okay, okay, okay. How many reviews are
you giving a broken pizza? Okay? Now, this is what
I would do if I were you, I would have
been in the Hoboken I would open up Google Maps.
Here I am Hobogan Beats. I did Google Maps. I

will short by places. I would filter four point five yeah,
and above four point five. Okay, mm hm m that okay.
So the places that are listed were boring the rest
of the country. I'm just taking me no, but people are.
What I'm saying is but people can apply this to

their restaurant and the locals now they totally get it.
They all got it. Slices. You're with me, you get it.
Ato strata amazing four point five. I see that place?
You didn't see it? Did you slice place? I have
to go buy a pie and sit down. Okay, Basil's
four point Oh guess what? Okay? I didn't go to
buses because it's the same. Yeah, and there were no
chairs and basilies is a rip off of a choke. Pacilis'

not going there. Okay. The one you ended up at
is a four point three with two thousand reviews. So
by your sense, it's close, wouldn't go what you said
it's close. I would go to I would have go
to the tenth Street Pizza or Flower that wasn't near
either of those. Let's move Okay, we move on. Don't oversleep.
I'm one of my pizza. You could have brought some

pizza home for me, you know I would have come
to your house and gotten it. You know what the
sad part is there was a ballion out a three
or four whole pies still sitting there on the counter.
Dur anymore. I would have taken a pie home like
I always did. You should have done that. A real
friend would have taken it. But what am I going
to see you out? Pizza? I would have been there
in a hot beeat. Oh is that what it's gonna
take for you to come to my house and autograph

these t shirts that we owe the slices? Hey, listen,
they just got to your house yesterday. Yeah, I got time,
all right? How much time you got? I said, I
come Monday? All right, Monday, Monday. It is all right,
scary and Verdie, you got my sound clips by the way,
so a few. Yeah, by the way, if you did send,
if you're waiting on your order, I just got the

shirts yesterday or two days ago, now, yeah, and uh,
here we are. So I'm gonna sign them. Berdi's gonna
sign them. We're gonna have a signing party together. Berdie's
gonna bring pizza for me. We're just gonna bring over
some lunch. You're gonna bring pizza from one of your
highly raded pizza places. Well you're gonna no, no, You're coming
with my house, so you're gonna bring me food. Oh no, no,
you're gonna have pizza ready for me because I'm making

the commute. I did the hot pat of a seconds
and tolls baby, you're gonna come to my house empty handed. No,
I'm gonna have a I'll bring a fork and a
knife with me, not for the pizza, just whatever else
you might have. I'll bring my own sodas. I'll have
to drink your five year old diet coke. It tastes
like metal. So hopefully by the end of next week,
you guys will all have your orders fulfilled. We see you,
We see you. Yeah, so you have my sound clips.

Do you want to talk about my awful home selling
experience or the story that's gonna offend people? I think
we should do a little bit of all right, shout
out and apologies in advance to anyone listening or anyone
who's friends with or related to conjoined twins. I can't
imagine anyone fits that bill on this on slices, But

we have questions. Not looking to be offensive, we have questions.
Scary one to tell the story because I've got questions. Yeah.
So I was scrolling through Instagram today and I realized,
oh my god, remember those conjoined twins that they had
on Oprah back in the nineties. Their names on Oprah
they were, of course they're conjoined Abby and Abby and Brittany.

Abby and Brittany are conjoined twins, all right, and they
they're famous and then we actually had a reality show
based on them. Uh, they're popular anyway. The thing is
they share they share every organ below the waste right
above the way, two hearts but whatever. They do share
a bloodstream, they share a blood stream and everything. They

have one button one hu haa right, I guess they
have two. They each have a pair of boobs, Yeah,
they do. They got four, yeah, because we don't know.
We don't know that they can have three. We don't know.
They said above above the waist anyway. Yeah, but that's
not all. So the news has come out and according
to social media, that conjoined twin, Abby, just one of them,

is now married to an army veteran. And there's a
picture of Abby with her arm around her husband. The
problem is Britney's arm is also around her husband. Well,
we don't know that. We don't see it. Well, actually
I have a picture that just has one of the
pictures I had not from the side, it looked like
both their arms were both I mean, if you're gonna

hug them, you gotta hug with both arms, right. The
problem is well, there's a lot of questions here, and
again we don't want to offend anybody, but Bertie and
I started talking about this off the air before we
got on here, and we're like, well, well, I have
so many, so many questions, starting with Okay, first of all,
is it possible for just one to get married? I
guess so because they consider two different people, they have

social screty numbers, they're all right, so then yeah, but
but what if the one on the left wants to
save herself for marriage and they only have one hu ha,
then the other ones having sex with.

Speaker 3 (31:58):
Her hu ha.

Speaker 2 (31:59):
Well they're both feeling it because they have just want
to imagine. So so this guy's got the both of them,
he's a lot of pressure, right, But what if you're
kissing one is the other one just there looking just
to look away and turn her head. Do you put
a cloth over her head or something or I don't know.
It's weird because but what and what if what if

the other one, the unmarried one, falls in love with
another guy? Now what do you take turns? Like the
Asian Siamese twins in the seventies, they had two families,
two houses. They would take turns whose house they lived in?
But again, like, okay, I don't know any questions. Let's say,
for instance, the one that got married, yeah, is engaging

in an oral activity with her husband. That's what I'm saying.
The other one is right there, it's right there now,
So does this guy get two from one? Well, that's
that's the ultimate head, I guess, or but or that
would that be considered chet him? I don't Is he

cheating on her with the other one? Look, I don't
want to get crude, but you know, and and why
did this guy go down this road? Was it for
that reason? I don't know what he went down. My
point is, look, he loves her, I get it. But
what if the other one hates him? She might He's
always there, he's right yeah, And I mean, is that

a threesome? Is the other one involved or she's not right?
So look, I'm not making fun I God bless them.
There the inspirational people. So Abby one of them, well,
Abby controls the right side, Britney controls the left, so
her right hand so yeah, so so she might put
her right arm around him to hug her husband, but

the left left arm doesn't hug him because she's like,
she's not married to him, or if she does, does
she does the sister feel get jealous because it's like,
get your hands off my man? But what if he's
pleasuring his wife and the other one starts feeling pleasure?
Does she say to us they share everything below the waist? Right? Well, okay,

here's another question. We're gonna go there. Oh boy, what
if the husband wants no boy something special for his birthday? Right,
and he's like, oh, let's try it over there, and
the wife is like, yeah, let's do that, and then
the sister's like, I don't want that. That's an exit,

Like who gets to you have to like talk it out,
like I'm not into that. I think I am into it.
By the way, this is what if? This is? What
if he's messy and messes on both of them? Like
is this? Well? I will say I definitely acknowledge that
the sister gets a free honeymoon for the conjoined twins. Definitely,

I'm okay with the day them pronouns on that. Yeah,
but it's it's they them, the two of them, it's
two people. Yeah, yeah, that's actually that's actually works, that
actually works really well. Well, let me ask you another question.
What if the sister decides she wants to identify as
a man, they no longer can join the Oh my god.
So that's why we have so many questions. There's so
many questions. But are they addressing this? I mean, they

had a reality show, but I don't know if I
don't know if they're gonna go What if one of
them wants to go to a nude beach other one
doesn't like? How do you work? I don't want to
know about the wedding day? Did both of them wear
the dress they had to? Yes, they both wore the dress.
I don't need one of them wore a veil. One
of them wore the veil, the other one. They wore
a dress. Okay, Now does he carry them both over

the threshold? I have to you know, Hey, what if
one of them wants to shave like her legs and
one doesn't. There's a problem there. How do they think
about basic things like like clothing? Well, what if they
don't want to I don't like that. I don't like
shure they've worked that out? Yeah? Did they compromise? But

how did they work out the stuff that we're questioning?
And again, we're just I just feel like, did that
make it fun? Abby? Just? How did they work that
out with him? That's a great question. What if she's like,
I want to go on a date tonight, the other
one's like, I got a headache. But Abby also sabotaged
her sister because now she got married. There's no hope
for her sister to get married to someone else because

she's there. Well, how is that? How is she gonna
get married to another guy? You pretty much you fucked me.
You fucked me because now literally you got married, and
now I'm not. Well, let's say another way. Your husband
always here. Let's say let's say let's say another guy
marries her. Let's just say, okay, all right, he marries
the second one. I've got crazy visuals. Okay, he's married

to the second one. If the second one has sex
with the second husband, that guy is also having sex
with the first guy, exactly. And does he have a
right to get jealous? Exactly? I don't think he's got
any rights in this case. I really marry how you
just can't marry her? Huha, that's my who ha, that's
my wife's who a. I think he's just got to

roll with the punches because he's signed up for this,
and he's like, you know what if another guy comes
into the picture, literally for for her sister, I guess
I'm gonna have to deal with it. He has no say,
he has no say over over their body. What if
the first of her but they have sex Thursday night
and the second one is like, it's my birthday, I
want to have sex tonight. Do they take turns? I

I had to have worked this out because there are
separate They are separate people would have that. You know,
they have two heads, two brains, right, two hearts, so honest.
One one is in love with the guy. The other
one has her own set of values and her own thoughts.
So what if you're watching television and your sister gets

into a fight with her husband. She wants the storm
out of the room, but you're watching TV. It's a lot.
I give the sister all the credit in the world
for well get along with this. If you want to
attempt to answer any of these questions, leave us a
talk back on the iHeart question. I got one more question,
never mind the husband, serious question. When they go to

the bathroom, do you think they have to decide whose
turn it is to wipe. Absolutely, they do because one
of them, because I did it last time. So your turn, right, fascinating,
fascinating so but but more importantly the marriage thing. Good
for them, congrat well, good for her and the guy.

Congratulations looking forward to this on slice. Okay, I can't
fathom being the other sister and the guy's there all
the time. Now this the other sister getting married definitely
through a wrench. Sleep in the bed with that now, yes,
she does, whether she likes him or not, with her
with her brother. What if the guys like, I like
this on the left side of the bed. No, not

her brother in law. That's right with you, brother in law.
It's a brother in law, brother law.

Speaker 4 (39:04):

Speaker 2 (39:05):
But what if what if he doesn't want to sleep
on the right side of the bed, he wants top
on the left side of the bed. He can't now
because there's a sister in the way. Yeah, this is
that's right. Yeah, he's got to sleep on the side.
And then whatever they're doing sexually, if she's like he's like,
one of them rolls over, I don't want has to
roll over. There's not that much give. I mean, they're
they're conjoined. Well, I'm saying, if one of them wants

to stay on their back and the other one's like
I'm resting here, I just I can't. If one of
them is asleep, like, oh my god, don't wake me
up for this, I can't. I can't wrap my head
around it. I can't. I can't. I mean, I guess
you're in an open relationship, but you're not. And again,
if if if you guys as Siamese twins listening slices,
I apologize. Siamese conjoined twins, same thing, Siamese and conjoined

to the same thing. Yes, not but cats, but yes,
really I didn't know that. Yeah, you will look that up.
Conjoined twins maybe the new nice way of saying it.
I don't know, Arah originally was Siamese twins. If that's offensive,
and I apologize. So now I'm wondering how many other
couples like this exist in this world, because I've seen
twins married twins, right, No, Yeah, but what I'm saying

is no conjoined twins, another set of twins that aren't conjoined. Oh,
but conjoined twins marrying conjoined twins. That's probably the best
matchup that you could have. Yeah, but what if you
were in love diagonally, Like what if you fall in
love with the one on the left, but you're on
the you're on the right. No, no, you're on the right.
There on the right, but when you face each other,
you're both on the right. That means you got to
come in from behind to line up. I do you imagine,

Like if if right guy meets right woman and left
guy falls in love with left woman, when you face
each other you're diagonally across, you couldn't possibly make that work.
You'd have to be behind them. I'm just my mind
is going so many places right now. And by the way,
if you look, if you look at a few places, anyone,

anyone who posted this story on a major publication, just
go right to the comment section. Don't even because the
comment section is where the comedy is. Folks. All right,
if you have questions that we that we haven't thought of,
it was to talk back. Yeah, if you have answers
on what you think the question to question, you're a
conjoined twin and you have an answer, please bring it on.

Thank you the Glen Boys Podcast. We will be right back.
I'm still reeling from before. I can't believe we covered that.
I was half joking when I said we should we
should talk about it, And now you're like, no, let
it rip. Well you and I was split on it. Well, Hio, Oh,
unlike them. You think they do the brody and scary,

scary and Brodie thing like we do. Oh hey, it's
Abby Britain and Brittany. Pretty Abby. It's happy and Brittany.
I'm married one now. Oh god, Oh, we never got
my dad on the phone. It's Easter Sunday coming up
in a couple of days. Well, it is who You

didn't want my sister to wreck her oven. It's the
dumbest thing, your father's theory. It's like people put plastic
on the furniture and don't use the furniture. You want
to get him on the phone, but I want to
talk about my home selling. I will do that areas okay,
So let me see if I can catch me forget No,
we'll do that after we get Tony on the phone
to what are you calling me for? Anthonay, what do

you do today? See full answer he usually does. Maybe
I'm watching reruns along and.

Speaker 4 (42:38):
How you doing? Hey?

Speaker 2 (42:40):
Listen, you're on the Brooklyn Boys podcast with David brody
as well.

Speaker 3 (42:44):
Oh wow, okay, all right.

Speaker 4 (42:46):
I'm on speaker phoneet, I'm in the car. I'm in
the fort right now, the fort, driving around the right now.

Speaker 2 (42:56):
Okay, okay, oh yeah, this is going to be all right.
Dont worry about it. We'll catch you a little later,
all right.

Speaker 4 (43:02):
We'll catch you a little later. All right.

Speaker 3 (43:03):
Oh okay, thanks, all right, take care.

Speaker 2 (43:06):
Of a bye bye. Get My father loves to go
to the fort. You know, guess whose father doesn't have
a three million dollar sound system. By the way, if
we would have went down that road, it would have
been it would have sounded annoying. So why did you
want to Why don't you want to? Bob pulchops. So, yeah,
he's gonna ask, he's going to ask later. What was
that all about? What did you want? Did you call me? Anthony?

Speaker 3 (43:27):

Speaker 2 (43:27):
What did you want to talk about? And you're gonna
tell me? I can't tell you that dad had a
ruined I save it for next week, Yeah, save it
for next week. I ended up I ended up getting
some catering from our friends at Brooklyn Roots. Oh, I
get it. They're on my list thanks to you. I
gotta get that. You've never been No. One of the
best restaurants in Brooklyn, Brooklyn Roots if you like. If

you're looking for Red Sauce Italian, the Son's my thing,
Red Sauce Italian, you love it. Yeah. I got a
couple of things I want to get off. The old
chest here for a second. Number one, the old chest hair. Yeah,
the old Chest hair. I did a podcast, did a
Marvel we can check my Twitter. I did a Marvel
podcast where we reviewed X Men ninety seven.

Speaker 3 (44:12):

Speaker 2 (44:12):
And I did a podcast talking with a Baseball previews
for the new season. But in the meantime, one of
the guys that did the podcast with starts the podcast
before we Go Before we Go Live, and he says,
I didn't realize I was in the presence of Royalty.
So we're all like, what is he talking about? He says,
David Brodie, I had no idea that you wrote and
produced the jar Rule Duets. And I said, yeah, like

twenty years ago. If you don't know what the jar
Rule Duets are about twenty years ago, Christine Aguilera released
a song and then it wasn't a hit, so they
added Ricky Martin to it. Four years ago. So I
did a bit called something duets, and I had I

had Ricky Martin being added to like other songs that
Christina Aguilera sang something like that. And then jar Rul
was added to an Ashanti song. It came out and
then it wasn't a hit. They added him. So then
I did a duet about I did, so I had
him adding his vocals. The bit was like, if you
like jar Rule added to Ashanti, then you'll love jar

Roul duetting with everyone. And I had him like, you know,
we played clips of real songs and he would be like,
well would I be without you? And I had him
like I had a guy who sounds like jar Rule
yep in our comedy studios come in and do and
jar Rule up like four or five songs. And that
was jar Rul Duet's two. But it was like duets too,
not jar Rul Duet's two. It was the second duets

bit I had done, and it was so popular. I
did a duets three of duets, four duets five, and
you know, Elvis played them all the time and they
were very popular. And every time, every like couple of weeks,
I would do another one with new songs, and I
you know, and he would do holla with songs that
made no sense to him to be on rock songs,
slow ballads, Kelly Clarkson songs, whatever. Anyway, unbeknownst to me,

in two thousand and four, two and whatever it was,
fifty cent came out fifty cent and G Unit and
they put up mixed Unit. Mix tapes were these cassettes
that you'd sell on the street or or CDs, and
it would be like your work or other people's work,
and you'd sell it for five bucks to get your
name out there before record labels, before Spotify and iHeart

and everything. And somebody gave him all of my jar
Rule duets, so he found them online and he put
them on there because he was feuding with jar Rule,
so it became like jar Rule disstracks. I didn't know
this until years later. They blew up on YouTube and
everyone's like, where's jar Rule Duets one? And they all
think fifty and his people created these. Oh no, the

white Jewish kid from Brooklyn created them. So oh Adam
Marvinz from the Beastie Boys. Yeah, exactly. So if you've
you've loved them and grown up on them. I wrote
and produced them, or I helped produce them. I didn't
actually work on pro tools, but I worked with the
singer and I was mine. Okay, all right, So I
would like to clear the air if you grew up
listening to them and jar Roll, if you're mad, I'm sorry.

I happened to like jar Roll very much. There's no
offense meant, but they were meant. They were put on
the mixtapes as offensive and everyone gave Fifty credit like
he's a comedic genius and he is a musical genius,
but he had nothing to do with creating those. And
I played them for him and he's like, oh man,
I didn't know that was you. So Fifty and I
are cool, but I'm just letting you know that that

was me. Next, I need to be able to go
live on the Brooklyn Boys TikTok account and David Brody
TikTok account. Yeah. Why, I would like slices we have.
We have a lot of slices. We give a lot
of slices. I would like you to follow the Brooklyn
Boys TikTok account, which is at the Brooklyn Boys. Yeah,
and I would very much, even if you don't you

know on TikTok that often. I would like you to
follow David Brody twelve on TikTok, and while you're at it,
follow at Skier Jones on TikTok because I am I
am like bringing up the rear. I was late to
the party on TikTok. I got like no followers on there. Yeah,
you can't go live unless you have a thousand followers,
so we need to up up the Oh shit, I
got more than that. Yeah, I have a few hundred,

but I had accidentally I had left it on I'd
have to approve friends, not like anyone could be a friend,
so I'd lost a couple of years of that. Anyway,
speaking of social media scaring, and I have an idea.
We haven't finalized it yet. We haven't worked out there.
We're fleshing it out, fleshing it out, and it involves
a little bit of money. Uh yeah, but we want
to see if you guys are interested in it. What

we thought we might do because a lot a lot
of people what they do is they'll do like a
bonus episode and it's only available on Patreon and got
a pay for it if you want a bonus episode.
Scary and I are too lazy to do a bonus episode.
Lazy Little are too busy. But too busy is what
I meant. We also don't really at this point, you know,
want to charge you for an episode, because if you
don't buy the episode, you're like missing part of the story.

Yeah right, However, we thought it might be fun. Let's
say we record the podcast on a Wednesday at the
seven o'clock by nine o'clock, which we never do, right,
it goes live by ten o'clock, Maybe goes live Thursday night.
Maybe maybe we announce hey Thursday at nine o'clock on

Patreon or Twitch or somewhere. We're gonna put the episode
up at exactly eight o'clock East Coast time. Whenever we
say times, it's always East Coast time. You guys do
the math. And this way, all you guys can log
into the chat room at the same time and hear
the podcast in real time and interact with ore the slices,

and then as much as we can, Skeary and I
will jump in for fifteen twenty minutes, interact with you guys,
listen along with you, answer questions. Yeah, which we can't
do while we're recording because we'd be distracted. But this way,
you're all listening and like all you talk backers that
the Slice timers you could talk to we each other,
you can interact. Oh hey shady jew, Hey, what's up?
You know, Steve from from the Bronx, what's up? You know?

As long as it's not like an opportunity to curse
at us, that'd be great. Well, we wanted to know all
your thoughts on being able to chat with Gota slices
and then you know, have us pop in an into yeah,
because because the thing it's going to be tricky is
because everyone's got a different schedule, right, which is the
beauty of our podcast is you can listen whenever you want,
so yeah, but when you want to be available, we're
wondering if, yeah, like an evening or like on a

Wednesday night, you know, if we can get something like
that going. So we want to garner I'm sorry, we
want we want to gauge your interest, gauge your interest
in that. And and because it's Patreon or Twitch, yeah,
we have to give a percentage. Do not, by the way,
don't leave talkbacks on that because that's going to crowd
up Slice Time. Why don't you send us a a

d M to the Brooklyn Boys account. Yeah, at at
the Brooklyn Boys podcast your thoughts. Oh no, you're saying
email us No, I said no, no, at the Brooklyn
Boys on Insteagram right at the Brooklyn Boys No, right right,
you said you know me and you know me and
scary and that's proper. In the spot way, it'd probably

be like a dollar, yeah, just so we can cover
the cost of the platform and whatever. So it's just
the thought because we'd have to do it on another platform,
like like a Patreon or something. Right, we have to
set up a Patreon account or whatever. So let us
know if you if you're into that idea where you
could live chat with the podcasters with all this with

us and with the slices and listen all at the
exact same time so you hear the jokes at the
same time. All that, I'm going a couple of pieces
of sound, yeah, and then I got to get to
the selling my house story. What are the two pieces
of sound? Well, we have, uh, we have Louis Taxis
here and what's the other one the startup startup? Oh,
this is the commercial where the guy's talking about, uh,
going to a bank and he's talking about the startup

companies and it sounds like our show. Yeah you want
to hear it. Yeah, he goes or boring, makes vacations,
happened early intirements and start ups start up? You do this, yeah,
and start up, startup. Yeah. Okay, So now this guy
Louis is it?

Speaker 4 (52:12):
Is it?

Speaker 2 (52:12):
The clip says Louis, Yeah, Louis is a commercial. Yeah,
this is a commercial for a company that helps you
when you're in trouble with the I R S. If
you make a mistake, you didn't make a payment one year,
you owe some money. Like, listen, we'll help you out.
I say, Louis as the mind of its own Sorry, okay,

I say when you hear what Louis has done that
he's in trouble with the I r S. Fuck him.
He deserves what he gets. Play it. Finally caught up
with Louis. I haven't paid my taxes in eight years.
He was in big trouble. We're gonna take your house, Yes,
take his house, garnish his pay. He hasn't paid his

taxes in eight years. Sure, and this company is like,
will help you out, Louis. Fuck eight years? How do
you not pay taxes for eight years. That's awful. He's called.
I can't believe you're gonna garnish for my wages. Well,
but you had an opportunity to give your wages on
your own. You didn't. What are you expecting? You're lucky.
You don't owe money to a loan shark. I didn't

pay fat Tony and in eight years he broke my legs. Yes, yes,
that's that's what Tony does. That's what that's what. But
here's a company that's gonna help you out. I didn't.
I didn't pay Jimmy the Shark for seven months, and
I owed him five grand for my lousy bets. He
stabbed me. No, Jimmy the Shark stabbed you. No, you

don't say Hi, we're we're we're uh, we're uh. Where
the Bookie where Bookies Incorporated? Did Jimmy stab you with
a knife? We can help you out, Hey, Jimmy don't.
He doesn't know you any moneymore? Okay, no problem. Yeah,
I didn't pay my taxes for eight years. Listen, slices,
I'm sure one of you is guilty of this. There
might have been a reason, but for the most part,

eight years, hey, years, they were gonna go wag. How
they're gonna get the money that's done purposefully. Well, oh yeah,
if I mean, but some people are getting over their
head with credit cards and things, and you know they're
looking for debt consolidation. That's I'm all about. I'm all
about that stuff. But you got you gotta pay taxes.

You got eight years. This person deliberately did not pay
taxes for eight years. Right, And look, I understand maybe
they have the money the first year, second year, third year.
You you got to expect it. Eventually, the government's gonna
come for the money. You're driving on their roads using
their fire department. They want the money, They want them money.
It's like, you know, I got a lottery ticket for
eight years. I never chipped in. Hey hey hey, hey,

hey hey, that's a different scenario. Yeah, hey, fuck Louis
is my point? Yeah, all right, thank you. Right, we
were just flying along here today on Good Friday. Oh
by the way, don't say happy Good Friday. People know
happy Good Friday. Let me explain. Good Friday is the

highest day on the highest holy day on the Catholic calendar.
This is the day that I guess Jesus got nailed
to the cross. And he died. So anyway, yes, no,
it's not a happy day. You do not know that happy.
This is the day happened. This is the day that
he died and rose. He rose, Yes, he's red. You
has to correct you. No, no, no, but my point
is now three days later he rose in Easter Sunday,

we celebrate. That's right, he rose. That's the that's the
happy holiday. Good Friday, Good Friday. Good good Friday is
a somber holiday. It's also the highest holyday on the
Catholic calendar, the highest. Yeah, good Friday. Anyway, Yeah, it
would be like Jews a young jump kapoor. You don't
say happy, it's m kapoor. But America is say a

young kapoor. It's a day of atonement when you were repent.
Feed this, Yeah, you don't eat you fast. Yeah, it's
a day of like punishment, happy kipper punishment in the camp.
Tell people have an easy fast. You go, I hope
you have an easy fast. Well, I'm not supposed to
be eating meat today because it's a good Friday, but
I already ate pepperoni pizza, so I'm dead. Anyway, I

saw that artificial intelligence has taken it a step further.
Everyone's worried that AI is coming for your job, they're
taking your jobs away. Well, AI is coming over the border.
Well i'll tell you what. I think that there's one
job that it's coming for. And you got to be
careful if you're do this for a living. This jockey,
well that too. Uh mosus professional massuse because they're saying

that the artificial intelligence it knows you so well. I mean,
it does like a scan of who you are and
where your pains are. It'll get to know you so
well that it will give you a better massage than
a human possibly could. And it doesn't tire. It doesn't tire,
it doesn't tire out. It doesn't you know if somebody,

let's say, you like the eighth customer for the of
the day for a massuse. Now listen, I'm not trying
to like throw shade at professional messuses, but just know,
massus is assus. I I don't mean to throw shade
at you all, but just know that I this is
one of those things that can probably be replaced. What

I see is, uh, it's an arm. It's like a plastic,
a rubber arm. I don't know what it's made of
with like like the shape of a hand of sorts,
almost like a like what Barbie World would be like.
Not you know where Ken doesn't have a penis, but
it's like the shape of one. It's kind of like
a general a mannequin type thing. Right, So you lay
on the you lay on the bed just like you

would in a massage situation, and this mechanical elbow and
arm and hand comes down and we'll give you a massage.
And it knows the type of pressure to apply. It
knows where your your spot the spots are on you
that you know because it has done a scam on
you to see where you need it most, where the

knots are. I'm willing to bet by the way, I've
been obsessed with wanting to get one of these since
you know we at the beginning of a sentence as
in not going to do it. Come on, you wouldn't
trust artificial intelligence. I've seen West World, the original movie
on the TV show. What if the robot goes bad
and crushes you? Here's a better question, can you get

an AI happy ending? That was my next thing? You
stole that from me, but that's okay. But no, I
didn't know I don't get. But the thing is, I
don't I hate massages overall. But yeah, I know the
haha happy ending. That's what Pete, that's the joke, right,
but well yeah, yeah I made it right. You made
the joke right. But I don't like regular massages. I
don't like massages at all. So I feel like I

want to get one of these because I want to
see if it really can give me a better quality.
But you've gone massages on cruises. I know you have.
I have, but will unwillingly or they were free. Oh
fair enough, I've gotten free free massages. I don't right
in here? Yeah yeah, same. You know we got credit.
Oh what do you mean? I got on board credit?
Fuck what I'm going to I get that Manny Petty

right now? Yeah, I got a facial no jokes. Well
so so yeah, so what do you you? You really
wouldn't let an ai uh no work you No. I
would feel like it was a thing from Adams family.
You know, the hand that just walks around. They say,
don't knock it till you try it. I don't know
anyway they're giving they are, they are out there. How

about this? Let me ask you a question. Hold on
what if the what if the husband of the conjoined
twins wants a massage? Does the left handed Brittany have
to give a massage or does he get a one
hand massage. He's gonna have to because the other girls
is gonna be like, take a walk, but you can't.
Here it is robotic messuse uses AI to tailor massage

to users preferences. This is amazing and the users needs
tailor massage. By the way, my favorite counchy tailor massage. Yeah,
I'm look at this. This thing is working. Look at
this working. This guy we're doing it. We're doing an
audio podcast.

Speaker 4 (01:00:05):
I know.

Speaker 2 (01:00:05):
Oh that's right. We're not on video because you won't
you won't let us. Yeah that's right. Anyway, this thing
looks like it knows exactly all the spots to hit.
I can't wait. I want to get one of these.
I wonder if anyway one of the someone's gonna be
listening to this five years into the future hearing this
conversation and we're talking about it like it's so feign,

But it's gonna be people didn't have robots give them
a massage. Yeah, every day, it's gonna be a good
every day thing. Oh my god, I just knowed something.
What's that? What if the conjoined twin gets pregnant, they
both have to go through childbirth? Oh my god, you're right.
Oh and what if what if the other one didn't
want kids right or doesn't want to go through the
pain of childbirth? Does she have to help breastfeed the kid?

And I don't know if she's capable. I'm just saying
if they were so many quests, I go back to that.
I go back all day to the topic, so many questions.
Let me tell you about my home my home selling experience.
First of all, I want to shout out one of
our newest slices. Well not newest, because he's been he's
been hooked since December. Maybe that is my real tour.

What about real tour. He's a real toys he's up
to speed on the Brooking Boys. He and his wife
are big fans, really big fans. Yeah, his wife was
a big Morning show fan, the big show off air
show head fan, off air note Nope, the Elvis Terran
Morning Show big fan. My realtor was not. But they
are both big slices. Now, good, well, thank you. I

want to I want to shout out the man who
got me a bunch more money from my house than
what I was asking. Yes, I I already wrote him
very nice reviews, but I'm going to shout him out.
His name is Andrew Allen. All Right, Andrew. He looks
like Anderson Cooper, although he you know, he also looks
like Andy Cohen. I think he prefers the Andy Cohen reference. Yeah,

all right, he's He's very good at what he does.
He's also he's also fun and personable, and I genuinely
think he gives a shit about his client. It's nice,
is why to meet you?

Speaker 4 (01:02:02):

Speaker 2 (01:02:02):
I met him. I met him like thirteen years ago
at an open house, and I kept his number because
I really liked him, And then when it's time to
sell the house, I called him. It'sirre to find people
like that. At some point, I would say early April,
I will put his information up in the link in
my bio on Instagram. So if you want to look
him up, if you're selling a house in North Jersey,
he's someone you should at least you should talk to

because he he did a great job with us. Couldn't
be any happier. However, because my wife was at work
and I'm a lazy stay home I had to handle
all of the home showings, meaning when people want to
come see the house during the week, I either have
to make so I had to make sure the house
is clean. I had to get up, make the beds.

But you got to do it all. I staged the
house and did everything every day, like every day stage
the house. And then the way it's all digitalized now
is I get a text message saying there's a request
for Tuesday at ten thirty. All the appointments of fifteen
minutes or a half hour, the realtor schedules them for
their client. So I were like, okay, I have to

be out of the house for a half hour. So
this was in December January. So I get in my
car and by the way, you could you could never
be home while they showing the show because they'll ask
your questions you don't want to have to answer. Plus
they feel uncomfortable. You can't be in the house. So
I get the dogs, I get in my car and
I sit at the end of the block. Now end
of the block I lived on. I lived on a

cul de sack and my house was two houses away
from the cul to sack. So when I sit in
the cul de sack, the house wasn't that far away.
I could see everybody going in the house. And it's
weird when you watch people go into your house. It's
weird because you're not home. You're like, they're in your stuff. Now, look,
I've shopped for homes. I've gone into other people's homes.
You open the closets, what do you do have to

open them? Scary? Close them? You close, You close the closet.
If you open the blinds, you lower the blinds, you
turn the lights on, you turn the lights off. Nope, Nope,
that's not the way people are these days. They are intrusive. Fox.
The majority of people that went into my house were
rude and obnoxious. I'm gonna give you some stories. Fifteen

minutes or a half hour. You have an option. Don't
make a fifteen minute appointment and stay an hour. People did.
They stand in the kitchen talking for forty five minutes,
and I'm in my car freezing my ass off because
I'm not going to run the engine for forty five
minutes an hour. I'll run the engine for fifteen minutes,
but then at like the half hour, markt like, my
tank's gonna be empty. I had dogs in the car.

This is fucking bullshit. Okay, So I had the people
who one family. You and I were going to podcast.
We were podcasting, and I said I had to be
done by three o'clock. I remember this day right, because
I had a three thirty appointment. Yeah, they showed up
at two forty. Now two of the dogs were in

the podcast room with me. One of my dogs was
in the window. They saw the dog in the w window.
He barked at them in the window. Now, when you
sell your home, there's those lock boxes outside on you,
on you on your porch or whatever, in front of
your house. Yeah, and the realtor can open them and
take the key front. Of course, of course the realtor
saw the dog in the window, saw my car on

the driveway, opened the door. Wow, while you and I
were podcasting. I ran downstairs to like, what are you doing?
My dog was outside. My dog ran outside because they
didn't let they didn't think to block the door. That
for the dog to run out with the dog they
saw in the window. Miserable, don't show up forty minutes
early or whatever? Fuck you? Okay, all right then I

had these people come. They spent fifteen minutes in my house.
Fifteen minutes. That's it. Now, have you spent fifteen minutes?
That means you're not really that interested in the house. Yeah,
you just want to get back yard. You're like, yeah,
let's get an idea of what a house this this
much money costs. Like I don't like the bathrooms, I
like the kitchen. It's not not for us. Fifteen minutes
they were in the house. These motherfuckers opened up every

one of my closets and left them open. If your
biggest concern in my house is my closets, fuck, you
don't buy my house. Like, what are you doing? I
I it's one one of my bedrooms has sliding doors
in the closets, right, they slid both of them open.
It would kill you to close them? What?

Speaker 3 (01:06:26):

Speaker 2 (01:06:26):
What fucking family? Not only I felt like Goldilocks. Now
I felt like the three bears. Excuse me with Goldilocks
in the house. I come home, I go back in
the house. After they leave, the pillows on my couch
are all moved. They fucking sat on my couch. They
went in my podcast room and sat in the chair
because I had the chair to under the desk, the

chair you're sitting in right now. They pulled the chair
out and turned it. Did they see the repeat? No,
I hit that I had that. I was all gone,
I don't anybody know where I live. I don't want
to they fuck with your your two dollars equipment over there? No,
fuck you, it's not four million dollars. It's decent anyway.
The point is, who goes to someone's house to buy
a house. They go through your medicine cabinet. You're buying

a house because of the inside of my medicine cabinet.
You're fucking weird. They took it by the They definitely
took a picture in your chair with the microphone next
to it. Yeah, that's probably what they did. That's a
great point. Somewhere there's a picture of someone else, someone
other than Brody's sitting in his chair. I had one
one family. They were scheduled for one o'clock. Okay, my

last appointment a day was one o'clock, right, it was them. Yeah,
they don't show up, so we're like, they must have canceled.
They're not coming, So they didn't bother putting it in
the computer that they canceled. So I go back at
my house at one forty. When I realized they're not coming,
I'm sitting on the couch. I'm chilling. At two thirty,
they show up. I go, excuse me, what are you doing? Oh,

we're here for our appointment. Your appointment was an hour
and a half ago. Yeah, no, we wanted to see
the house. No, no you don't let him in. No, no,
you don't show But an hour and a half late?
Were they went the realtor?

Speaker 1 (01:08:05):

Speaker 2 (01:08:06):
I was like, why didn't you call? You have a
You could have rescheduled the appointment in the computer and
said we want to request two thirty. I would have said, okay,
no problem, because I would have had the dogs ready.
It would have the doors already in for the night.
They're done. Yeah, that's some balls, man. Then I had
a family. They showed up twenty minutes late. They were
there an hour scary an hour, So that's an hour

and twenty. I'm in my car. Yeah, I see the
guy go into my bathroom because the window faces were unparked.
He sits down on the toilet. This guy took a
shit in your toilet. He ran into my bathroom my
private bathroom. So at this point, it's an hour and
fifteen minutes. So I go to my door my house.

I knock on the door. The reltor comes to the door.
He says, gonna help you. You ran up to interrupted
the showing. Yes, because they were there an hour and
fifteen minutes whatever, twenty minutes. Team in an appoyment. You
have binoculars or a telescope? What doing scary? I'm two
houses of way staring at my house. They're supposed to
be gone after twenty minutes. So the realtor comes to

the front doors, is can I help you? I said, yeah,
I'm the homeowner. I would like to come into the house.
It's it's five thirty and when I have dinner. You
guys are here over an hour. He goes, oh, I'm
sorry that we were talking. I go, yeah, but you're
talking in my kitchen, right, I said, Plus, the guy
took a dump in my toilet. No he didn't. He
sat down on my toilet for eight minutes and didn't

take a dump. You were not supposed to go into
people's bathrooms. And you know what, the sad Paul was scary.
God's honest truth. This is not for the podcast. Okay,
I hid every roll of toilet paper and every box
of tissues in my house. He wiped his as on
your towel. I don't know what I hid the towels.

There was nothing to wipe with. I don't mind if
you pee, but I know what people do. There was
no toilet. It was all hidden in the garage. Guy,
I think I think you might have wiped it under
your dog. Is it one of your dogs? Brown now dogs?

Speaker 4 (01:10:08):
In my car?

Speaker 2 (01:10:09):
Genius kill so so so. Then there was one couple.
They came to the house for again, a half hour appointment.
They scheduled a double appointment. I'm in I'm in my

car again. They were the last appointment of the day.
You're hour an hour in the house. Then they come
out of the house. They do what everyone does. You
stand in front of the house and talk about it.
I get it. Then she goes around to my backyard
and she's touching every bush on the side of my house.
She's touching the leaves, she's feeling them, she's looking at

it like every like, what are you doing? Wanted to
because she wanted to become one with nature, bro one
with nature. So I'm waiting to go in my house.
She's she's hand jobbing my bushes, which you know hashtag
ham drob my bushes. Feel My Bush. That's the name
of this podcast. Yeah, feel my bush, Feel my Bush. Okay, wait,

by the way, you're you're like visibly angry, all right, slices,
I gotta say something here. He's basically angry. Fucking this
guy is fuming right now. You're working yourself up on this.
You realize this. You worked you worked yourself up, you
wrote this down, and now you're reliving it. And I
can imagine how you were fuming on those days when
this was these wor things were. Now, look, I'm trying

to be nice because I want these people to buy
my house. You see, you have to put up with assholes,
So I give you another one. This guy shows up
with his reeltor with his clients. The realtor shows up
with his clients. They're thirty five minutes late. Yeah. Now again,
that means I had to leave at ten minutes before
the appointment, so I'm out of the house, so I'm
in my car for forty five minutes. They show up
thirty five minutes late. As I'm walking back to the

front of my house. So I see him, like, excuse me,
Can I help you now? At this point I already
called Andrew. My realtor said, Andrew, these people are not here.
Can I go back in the house. He will give
them five more minutes. I go, okay. At the thirty
five minute mark, I'm like, fuck it. They're late. They're
not coming. So I said, Andrew, they didn't call you.
They didn't didn't into the into the computer, they didn't
do anything. No. So when I go up to the
front door, I said, can I help you? Yeah, we're

here for our appointment. What time was your appointment? One o'clock?
I said, you know it's one thirty five, right, Yeah,
you were running little late. I called Andrew. I let
him know, really, because I just got off the phone. Andrew,
you didn't call him? He goes, oh, I guess I
must have called it different. Was called a different reeltor. Yeah.
I said, well, I can't show you the house. He goes, well,
it came all the way from Brooklyn. I go, well, then,

why didn't you tell me you were running late? Oh?
Did you let did you let him in the house?
I let them in because they were from Brooklyn. Okay,
I said, Oh, I'm gonna say from brook from Brooklyn,
this namesake of this podcast. You know, the b of course,
you know now the weirdest couple. I got one more couple.
Ask me a question, scary again. Did you ever think
that that because your house is for sale trying to

unload it, that you you should maybe be able to
put up a little bit with people's short coming and
their and their lateness and their stupidity. Take it a
little bit more like a sponge. You know, good things
are gonna happen. You are, but things can't picture perfect.
Every time I showed my house over sixty times by

the time we were done, right about sixty two appointments, Roughly,
we got an offer on the first day. Like I
could have called it quits, but I put up with it.
And every day I would complain to Andrew and God
bless him again. Andrew Allen, my realtor. I would complain
to him. He's like, save it for the podcast, David,
save it for the podcast. And I'm like, I'm gonna
save it for the podcast, Andrew, but I'm going Okay,

He's like, only a couple more days, give it a
couple more days. I know you're going through this. One
couple goes into the house with their realtor, and I
see the realtors downstairs with the wife, right because I
see them in the window in the kitchen and through
the dining room window, the living room window, and I
see the husband is going in every bedroom and taking

pictures of every corner, every light fixture, every piece of furniture.
That's how some people shop, though. They have to know
what they're buying. Fuming my house. Okay, that's totally fine.
I got no problem with that. He's not taking He's
not like the guy that took the ship in your toilet. No,
but why do you have a problem with that? They
need to know what they're buying. So, you know, maybe

he's got to have never seen anyone take pictures of
every wall. There was no cracks. It wasn't like he
was taking pictures of cracks. He's like, I want to
have this crack looked at. Well, he wants to remember
every room and he opened every closet. Maybe he's got
short term memory, so maybe he wants to remind himself
of what that All four walls are gray. Okay, so
what is a conspiracy against you, Brody? Is that what

he's documenting? Your house? By the way, and in thirty
days you knew that that wasn't going to be your
house anymore. There was still The point is he was
looking at my things. My things photograph he's face for,
he's photographic my computer desk that has like bobble heads
on it. I'd like I left a couple of bottle
heads because I so you have to take everything out.
I took all the pictures off the walls. I I,

you know, what, are you just weird? What do you
think he did with I don't know these pictures. I
don't know. Plus I didn't want anyone to like know
it was by my house. I felt weird, like like, oh,
it was in Brodie's house. I took up Goroop's bedroom.
It was just weird. Also, the last thing I'll tell you,
you know, I sleep late, So I told Andrew don't
make any appointments to me before eleven am. He's like,

all right, no problem, eleven am will be your first appointment.
I'm sleeping, okay, I'm sleeping in my underwear. That's it.
And just wear my underwear because again, my wife's at work.
I'm right in sure. So it's it's ten twenty five.
I gotta get up, get dressed. I got an eleven
fifteen appointment, so I got plenty of time to get

up and get out. Ten thirty I hear the front
door open. I'm in my underwear, so I throw on
pants like there's a fire, and I and the dogs
are all in the rooms. I throw a T shirt on.
I said, can I help you? Yeah, I'm here for
my appointment. What time's your appointment? Eleven fifteen? It's ten thirty.

Speaker 4 (01:16:11):

Speaker 2 (01:16:11):
I wanted to come in and get a look at
the place beforehand, just look around, give myself a tour,
oh by myself? Yeah, so, I said, you're a realtor. Yeah,
so you know how this works, right, You make an appointment,
you come at your appointment time. Well, you say to me,
you call and you say, can I come early? I'm
in my underwear. What are you doing? You're forty five

minutes early. I wanted to give myself a tour. Well,
go give yourself a tour on the outside of the house.
You fuck. So, I will tell you that. Andrews said,
most of what I complained about is common, but that
no one should show up forty five minutes early. Of course. Yeah,
if I was late, I get it all. Yes, yes, yes,

but you got You're dealing with the public. You're trying
to have a very very big piece of you know, yeah,
piece of property. You're probably the biggest ask that you own.
Right it was yeah everyone right. So but you sold
your house, congratulations? Yes, I sold my house thanks to Andrew.
And I'm telling you I would have killed myself with
someone else it wasn't for him. But man, oh man,
interfacing with these people, uh, you know, listen, you gotta

have a little bit of I don't even know what
it is, just patience, humility, I don't know what you
want to call it, but just plan, plan for the worst.
And you know under they say in the world of sales,
under promise and over deliver, right, But in this case,
expect the least of people and then you won't be

so I expect you the least as in the least
you could do is not sit in my office chair.
How would you feel if you came home and all
your shit was moved? I'd be fucking angry. That isn't
related to buying a house, but taking this in my
podcast chair. But to buy a house, there's got to
be a reason behind taking pictures of every corner. Maybe
he's trying to figure out where he would put his furniture.

I don't know. I'm not trying to make excuses for
these people. You had to sit in a chair to
figure out where he put his furniture. How is that
a thing? You need to cool down and have yourself
a weekend? Bertie, You want me to cool down? Yeah,
my dog won't even cool down. Dogs are barking as
we speak. My dogs are always barking. Did they get
the dog get the brown stained off his fur? Oh? Stop?

Andrew works for Compass Realties. Compass Compass shout out to
Compass and Andrew. But that's it again. If I had any
if I had a let's say I had like a
guy like me as my realtor. Like if a hearty
guy like, hey, I like you, you're from Brooklyn, he
would have been like, get the fuck off my property, Like,
my guy doesn't want to sell the house to you, asshole.
Luck a guy who was like, I'm down, It'll be fine.

This is what's to be expected. If they like that,
if they stay an hour and a half. They're probably
gonna put a bit on the house. So he's able
to calm me down, but scary in the moment. Dude,
you know me, Oh, I know you, Oh, I know you.
Then touching my cabinets, you gotta go. I gotta have myself.
I lived in the living in Brooklyn. I have these problems.

I have to have myself. A good Friday, Boys, Brooklyn
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