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March 19, 2024 50 mins

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #287 and earlier.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Brooklyn Boys Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Reactions. This podcast all depends on you, baby.

Speaker 1 (00:23):
Free and it's slice time for Brooklyn Boys Podcast episode
number two eighty seven an eighty six.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
If you're late or before or episode twelve. If that's
what you're up to, it's all good.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Somebody tweeted me a quote from like episode two forty eight.
Isn't that awesome? It's fantastic. I just don't remember it. Yeah,
like I might remember like an overall like what we
talked about, but oh, you have to be specific. If
you're like, oh my god, that card joke in two
forty eight, I can't.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Yeah, you got to tell me the whole joke. You
got to start over again. Yeah, you gotta set it up.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
That's awesome. But if I tell you how bad it
is with me, I'll I'll tell you who the slices.
I got a tweet today, I'll open up the app.
By the way, I still call it Twitter, and it's
still Twitter on my phonks. I refused to update the app.
It's okay, okay, you're like, you're not like, oh no,
brow not being judged. Okay. So Reggie at Fallow Blue twelve,

he has a very funny avatar. He said, oh my god,
David Brody the affirmative action joke from two eighty seven
of the Brooklyn Boys. Hilarious. I'm dying. I have to
go back and I must have made a joke either
about the gray parrots or black less. No, it was no,
it was.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
Okay, yes, yes, and we both screamed out reparations we
had less on the phone.

Speaker 1 (01:52):
I remember, yeah, I remember the whole where it was.
I just don't remember exactly what I said. So now
I want to go and let you know and enjoy myself,
so to speak. And out of context this sounds racist. Well,
if you want to listening to the episode, I mean,
we have no context. The awesome without any cot I
offended you. Somebody said they thought you were a little

you know, and I said, no, he's not. You know me,
I'm like, scary, isn't that way about anything? Like, don't
read too much of this, you know, you know why?
Why did? It's crazy? You think you think our slices
would know us by now and who we really are.
But well he's like, I get the impression that's scary.
I was like, no, Scary doesn't think deeply into that

at all. Like, I really don't. You have no political, racial,
religious leanings in any of That's why I'm happy, and
that's why I likes, all loves, all cares about nothing
past I've got. I've got no stress, I've got no
anxiety because I'm an even keeled guy. He's got no
strings on me. He's he's just like I'm scary. Anytime

you're like, hey, is scary something like Nope, he's not.
He's just scary. Wow.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
Well, since we're talking about the last episode before we
get to the slices slice time, where if you clicked
on that talkback microphone you were able to leave that
comment for us if you only exclusively through the iHeartRadio app.
If you listen to anywhere else, sorry, you don't get
that opportunity. So somebody wrote to us on email talking

about the separate check and it comes from Eileen Swazzo.

Speaker 1 (03:32):
She emails us Brooklyn Boys Podcast at gmail dot com.
It's the Brooklyn Boys Podcast at gmail dot com. Thank you,
I love you both. Brooklyn girl here lives in North
who lives in North Carolina. Now for twenty two years
slide Slice for Life, I have not left a callback
talkback because I don't listen on iHeart, but see exactly

what I was talking about. But here's my take on
separate checks. Absolutely fucking not. If you don't just drop
your card at the end of the evening, not only
will I not go out with you, I don't think
we could be friends. Wow. I do this on a
girl out of Brooklyn, can't take the Brooklyn do this
on girls trips as well.

Speaker 3 (04:16):
So Brody, I side with you most of the time,
but on this one, I'm all the way with Scary.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
Love you both. I lean city girl in the somewhat country.
Thank you nice, I think if I remember correctly, and
again I don't remember correctly what I what I say
half the time. I didn't say that I'm all for
separate checks all the time, just that I liked it.
The South practice is that, and it works for them.
We definitely wouldn't work in New York. It's people are
moving too fast enough time for that. Yep, all right,

and for that. And also before we get to them, Teresa,
just cleaning out the inbox, you know what I'm saying. Yep,
cleaning out my inbox. Hey, Brooklyn boys, especially Scary.

Speaker 3 (04:57):
I've attached a picture for you This was in the
newspaper here in Vero Beach, Florida.

Speaker 1 (05:02):
They run birthdays every year. Michael McDonald is definitely white.
Love you both. So they had Michael McDonald's picture wishing
him a happy birthday. Oh that's nice.

Speaker 3 (05:14):
That's Teresa Raypak, formerly from Woodbridge, New Jersey, but living
here in Vero Beach since July of twenty twenty. She
moved there for a better life. She says, all right, well,
I have some relatives the Sunshine who moved from New
Jersey to Vero Beach. Vero Beach.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
I don't know if it's still the home, but it
used to be the home of the Dodgers' spring training Yeah, Dodgertown, yep,
zero Beach. And we have one more. I might as
well just read it because I'm cleaning out the inbox.
Cleaning out that in box from Elizabeth nebell or Nebelle
a member of the Petco Palace program. And as a member,

I receive a free or discounted bag of dog food
for every ten of the same type that I buy.
She's a Petco Palace program. Yeah, but here's a scamboni.

Speaker 3 (06:02):
Every time I go into the store, they have different
flavors of the food that I buy from my pet.
The store makes it impossible to ever purchase ten bags
of the same food, hence no discount or free bag ever.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
Love you, you gotta be the same flavor. Yeah, wow,
that's ten of anything there, So she's fucked. Love you guys.
I'm up to episode one sixty where you're still masking
and deep in COVID times. Now we're in round two
making masking up again.

Speaker 3 (06:37):
Just checked out your merch shop for a mask, but
no look sold out.

Speaker 1 (06:43):
Well yeah, we used to have them. Uh, thank you
for the laughs. Is that an email? Yes, Elizabeth Anabelle,
you have any photo it to you? You have an
extra mask plan?

Speaker 4 (06:53):
No, I have.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
I have access to the email account, you know what
I have. I had a box of like four five
of them somewhere, but they were they were like really large.
They like they weren't like for a girl's face. Yeah,
although I'll give you one to Gandhi. Yeah Gandhi, Yeah,
because she she she was uh well talking about that

on the Brooklyn Boys podcast. I noticed you had a
problem with that. I did. It's like it's gotta be
I know. We'll get to the talkbacks it's gotta be
weird listening to our episodes that we recorded during the
beginning of Oh my God. Yeah, because it was a
different time. We had different equipment, Like we were like
not set up at home to sound good, and you know,
we didn't know anything. We know, we can't. We did

what we could at the time. I know, I know. Yeah,
now we'll talk about Ghan glad not to be in
that anymore. Gandhi embarrassing me. All right, So here we
go first, talkback. Here we go.

Speaker 5 (07:49):
Hey, see from the Bronx over there. Oh boy, Brody,
you're a dick. You can't dictate how he gets paid for.
He's teal already gotten your free steak dinner. It doesn't
matter that it was calm.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
We're still on this.

Speaker 5 (08:04):
You can't be a gift card, just like flagging the
other way last week.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Steve, thank you, thank you. All Right, we've beat the
dead horse. Can we please stop with steak emails and
phone calls and and and talkbacks?

Speaker 6 (08:24):

Speaker 3 (08:24):
No, just not this week? No, no, not someone who
agrees with me, I got it. Yeah, all right, seriously,
let's let's give it a rest.

Speaker 7 (08:33):
Hey, this is Manny from New York.

Speaker 8 (08:35):
I just want to say to Rock and Steve Man,
just shut the funk up, all right, because Rody deserves
the steak dinner.

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Scary's got to pay.

Speaker 7 (08:43):
For the stake.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
And that's just how it is, thank you.

Speaker 6 (08:45):
That's how it is and how.

Speaker 7 (08:46):
It was, how's gonna be until the steak dinner is
paid off.

Speaker 6 (08:49):
In addition, Scary, bring back the jingles, bring them home,
all right, bring them they belong.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
Thank you.

Speaker 3 (08:56):
Enough of this, enough of the steak dinner, still talk,
enough of that, you know what, just slices, Just so
you know, we have no way of playing these in
any order other than the order they come in.

Speaker 1 (09:05):
So the fact that Rock and Steve left that call
and then that guy responded that we had nothing to
do with that, that you didn't that is pure luck.
It's not advanced enough for us to move them around.
And let me be very clear, we Brody and I
are listening to these live, oh the first time, as
you're hearing them. We're hearing them live as I'm pressing

the play button. So we don't know what's coming up,
and that could be a bad thing.

Speaker 9 (09:32):
Hey, Brooklyn, boys, Jamie from Queen's Here, Scary, you said
that people don't have the luxury of going food shopping
at eleven am like you do.

Speaker 1 (09:39):
That's right.

Speaker 9 (09:40):
I go food shopping at eleven am.

Speaker 4 (09:42):
And I don't take two hours.

Speaker 9 (09:43):
But I guess bougie matters because I'm not in the
store looking for fucking Brooklyn Industrial Peter Malar coffee creamer
that's stored behind a velvet rope and you need an
all access VIP pass to get to. So I guess
you got to take into account for time, your bo.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
Well done, Thank you, Jamie. That's a lot of references
in one sentence, Jane, it was one complete sentence of
that was fantastic. That's great, guys.

Speaker 10 (10:12):
Manny from Brooklyn here, you got to stop with his
bomb valvet is my god, fucking nine in r row.

Speaker 11 (10:19):
It's driving me up a fucking wall. Oh shit, two
three is funny, but this is ridiculous.

Speaker 12 (10:27):
We'll go on.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
He's right over. You can't argue with a man who
says to a tree is funny? To a tree? Three
or four? Oh Pete Puma from Bugs Bunny of course.

Speaker 13 (10:39):
Rachel from New York again, definitely have to add some
more scary. You are right, there's plenty of research coming
out in the past couple of years post COVID showing
adverse effects delays and social cognitive development for example, and
a lot of other academic skills. But essentially, for two years,
kids were deprived of the opportunity to be social and

to learn how to be social during COVID.

Speaker 1 (11:05):
So yeah, yeah, but they didn't bring the virus home
and get me sick. And that's how I came.

Speaker 14 (11:10):
Rachel from New York again. Now I've got to flip
it and say that Scary is wrong.

Speaker 13 (11:14):
Oh okay, Rody is right regarding it being COVID being
treated like the flu.

Speaker 4 (11:19):
Oh my god, you two need to.

Speaker 14 (11:21):
Get it together and check your research before you go
ahead and correcting each other, because you have both been
right and both been wrong in the past sixty seconds
of what I've just listened to on the podcast.

Speaker 1 (11:32):
Well, let's let it let it be known that this
is a show for fun entertainment. And yeah, we're not
a new we're not a news we're not a news source.
We're here for editorial purposes, I know, to get our
own opinions, which, by the way, sometimes are not based
in those opinions or our opinions. And then they're not fact.
I have three kids and they were all adversely affected

by lockdowns. But you know, I don't remember lying that.
I'm just saying I have read articles, all right. Read
people could write articles that are wrong. I read articles.
I read articles. I read shit. Yeah, I had kids.

Speaker 15 (12:11):
Minded of the scamboni that happened to me and a
friend of mine years ago. We had gone out to
a hookah bar and we were there for half priced
hookah and half price drinks. My friend orders a whiskey sour.
I get a rum and coke. Okay, cool, half price
drinks awesome. Now we were there an hour before it ended.

Hang on for part two.

Speaker 16 (12:35):
Oh boy, Jamie from Queen's here Part two.

Speaker 15 (12:39):
So we find out at the end of the night
when we get our bill that the drinks weren't half
price because.

Speaker 16 (12:45):
They put top shelf alcohol in our drinks for some
reason which we didn't ask for, and that top shelf
isn't included in the half priced drinks.

Speaker 15 (12:56):
Wow, So we weren't getting a discount because they just.

Speaker 4 (13:00):
To put better alcohol. Bullshits, We didn't ask for. Scamboni.

Speaker 1 (13:04):
It's a very big scamboni.

Speaker 16 (13:06):
James and Queen's Part three. So I found out after
we got scambonied years later that they were suspected of
using illegal tobacco in their hookahs. It was in a
newspaper article in a local paper, and they were among
several hookah places in Queens named and then poof, all

of a sudden, it's shut down.

Speaker 17 (13:30):
So they were scamboning a lot of people.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Wow, And who's to say that the expensive alcohol that
was coming out of those bottles weren't mixed with cheap alcohol?
And you were getting the ship anyway, all this trick
in the book you put the old uh, the well
vodka in the expensive bottle, right, But for them to
just not tell you that they're doing that or not,
as you don't you can't remember if you tasted a

top shelf or not, Scamboni, You didn't come there for
half priced drinks because you wanted to shelf. You want
to cheap cheap buzz Hey, Yes, how you doing? It's
me again?

Speaker 6 (14:04):
You know, I'd like to give you the old air
horn right now, but I can't because my truck's in
the shop. It's getting a couple of brake chambers replaced
that are leaking air and the cheffs for getting a
couple of new steer tires UH tall rubber eleven twenty
four or five. And while I'm at it, I'm getting
the wheel alive and hopefully the suspension ain't too worn out.
And I don't wanna need any kinkpins or anything like that.

But I don't wanna give you something anyway, because I
can't let my public down.

Speaker 7 (14:30):
You know, cool, really recla.

Speaker 6 (14:39):
Not a sponsor, by the way, come on one more
time play the jingle bitch, Let's go one, two three.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Cool of a sponsor, but I wish they.

Speaker 18 (14:50):
Were because they really soothed my throat.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
How do you know that wasn't a sound effect? Hey,
speaking of of our trucker friend, Natalie Jones d m
me a screenshot from the Brooklyn Boy Slices page. It's
a guy looks like he's driving a truck. He's got
his cowboy boot up on the dashboard and it says
another day at the office, patiently waiting for the next

episode to get dropped. And he's like, I think I
found the cowboy And then I looked at his name. Scary.
His name is Benjamin Dover. Ben Dover.

Speaker 6 (15:33):
Oh, he's back. Again, what's going on? It's me again,
you know me. I don't give a shit, you know,
but all this fighting amongst the slashes, it makes miss said, man,
this ain't no place to be fan. It's a place
to get together. But you know, anyway that I had
to pick side. I have to say that that was
on Brody side most of the time. And Rock and Steve,
I'm on your side, man, Non'm going on where stay here,

but it don't go on where You're a good slash
And Madeline from omaham on your side. That Chad from
Oma Hall, he's full of shit, he is from. Yeah,
I'm a grand room there from upstate New York. And
I'm sorry Andrew and try to stay with your three
talkback room.

Speaker 7 (16:10):
But I had to come back up.

Speaker 1 (16:11):
Here and give you a shout out, you know.

Speaker 6 (16:14):
And yeah, there, don't be fighting, man, It's not cool
to be fighting, you know. And in the words of
not Joe lebre And you remember that movie there he
said in there, remember it is not polite to fight
your neighbor. Okay, all right there, so don't fight your
neighbor there, all right?

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Okay? Can you notice he went hot after chat from Omaha. Yeah, yeah,
he's and did you also notice that hispanic accent was
was very good? See goodness, Hey.

Speaker 19 (16:50):
Brooklyn boys, it's Maryland from Omaha. I'm listening to episode
two eighty six.

Speaker 12 (16:55):
And oh gandhi definitely can once blocked you, Brodie, like
thank you like she did and and she meant to
like like she totally meant to, and but I'm on
your side.

Speaker 19 (17:12):
She did, she did block you, but love you.

Speaker 1 (17:15):
Guys, you right around.

Speaker 18 (17:19):
Good morning. This is Chad from Omaha, and I would
just like, it's always going to be Brodie with Scary
or should it be Brodie with Scary? What do you think, Brodie?
Let me know which one you like best. You know,
the jingle singers always say dessert. Is it dessert or dessert?

You need to correct them if it's not right. It's
all desserts.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Good morning.

Speaker 18 (17:49):
This is Chad from Omaha, and it's always going to
be Brodie with Scary. I forgot to send my girl
Karen Lynn from Omaha a great big shout out. I
am so proud of her. It seems that she may
have gotten finally the correct dosage on her medication, as

she did not make any awful threats to this time
or get angry. Good job, Karen Lynn, Good afternoon. This
is Chad from Omaha, home of the Omaha State Company.
Not a sponsor anymore. But I was so surprised to
find out that Madelyne from Omaha's last name was Monroe.

Did you know that there was an actress named Marilyn
Monroe back in the day.

Speaker 1 (18:41):
That is quite a coincidence. Madelyne from Omaha. Okay, there
you go, Thank you so much. I gotta tell you,
the more I hear him do non trucker voice, the
more I think I know who it is. Yeah, all right,
it's another caller. Is that Wan Valdez. I'm not I'm

not ready to I'm not ready to pull that trigger
yet because I gotta say. If it is, he's got
way too much time on his hand, do it three characters.
I'm feeling inflection. Let's see what one calls like.

Speaker 20 (19:14):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, this is Nick from Washington State. Yeah,
I beliving a talk back on the damn Talkback podcast. Anyways,
Scary Jones, you just spent two hours in Whole Foods.
You came from Dominican Republic.

Speaker 1 (19:29):
I'm pretty sure you can swallow eight dollars for parking.

Speaker 20 (19:32):
Uh yeah, and nobody gives a shit how much money
you spend there, But sir, you can afford it.

Speaker 1 (19:38):
Enjoy your whole Foods grocery.

Speaker 3 (19:40):
Yeah, but it's not about It's about the principle behind it, right, Brodie,
It's not about the money, it's about the principle.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
Yes, you're with me on that. That's rude. I got fucked.

Speaker 4 (19:52):
I'm just saying, hey, Reggie.

Speaker 17 (19:56):
Here another disgusting update. Went into the library bathroom the
other day ago, and you know, mostly little kids come
in here with their parents and stuff. But on the
toilet seat there was this chunky red stuff and I'm like,
no way, someone.

Speaker 4 (20:15):
Got her period all over.

Speaker 17 (20:17):
This didn't clean it up so disgusting, But after licking
it it was strawberry jokes. All right.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
We have some stand up comedians here. Somebody told a
similar joke recently about shit and they were like, no,
it was putting. I said that that particular joke goes around.

Speaker 19 (20:39):
Hey, hey, ricklam boys, it's Marylynd from Omaha listening to
episode two eighty six and Scary's talking about taking his
time in Costco. I agree with you if you go
at the right time. It's fine to take your time
in Costco. Yeah, like, it's all good. And I ordered

one of your autographed shirts, so I hope you write
something nice on my shirt. Love you guys, You're croty Brody,
scary love you.

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Bye bye. And by the time you guys hear this,
the signature promotion at Brooklynboys dot Big Hotel dot com
will be over. We'll be done. But who else. Maybe
we'll bring it again someday, but not now, not now,
because if it's all the time, then it's.

Speaker 17 (21:25):
Yeah, scary two million dollars system and your microphone can't.

Speaker 15 (21:31):
Even reach the table for mister Brody, Like, what is this?

Speaker 1 (21:35):
Come on, I don't understand that. Oh a year ago,
when I was at your house, your apartment, we did
the podcast from there and I sat at your table.
Oh yeah, and the microphone barely reached, barely reached. Yeah,
all right, I must.

Speaker 21 (21:50):
Have referenced and scary Scary Brody, it's dead from ct
Babe dance checking voice Bruce. Last time I remember that
you said you guys are gonna have on the podcast.

Speaker 17 (21:59):
He was on a train.

Speaker 21 (22:00):
Somewhere and it would have been bad reception or whatnot.

Speaker 7 (22:03):

Speaker 21 (22:04):
He was in the checking in, checking in, just like scary,
not bringing home those fucking jingles. I bring home the
fucking jingle.

Speaker 22 (22:11):

Speaker 21 (22:12):
That makes two women from Connecticut that are yelling at
you about jingles. I still love you guys, though, slice alive.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
It is all right. Thank you. By the way, called
me yesterday, and he says this because he knows my
mind is like a computer when it comes to the
parodies I've written. He said, uh, who did our pitbull parodies?
Like twelve years ago? Well, who was the singer mc wow?
So he's like, can you name some of the parodies

you did? And and Sean Paul and shut up?

Speaker 5 (22:41):

Speaker 1 (22:42):
I was like, you mean Brandon. He's like, yes, Brandon,
so uh yeah, I have an insane memory when it
comes to the thousands of parodies I've written. He called
me about like something I wrote like twelve years ago.
Oh you know, you know you grew up listening to him.
Yeah I grew Yeah I did.

Speaker 23 (23:00):
Hello, and this is your weekly reminder to bring home
the fucking jingles. I just applied for a new position
at Disneyland. Hopefully I'll get the position. I could be
the greatest announcer in these hair parts say slice for life.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
No, you don't want to say slice for life.

Speaker 1 (23:23):
For life?

Speaker 24 (23:25):
That's it.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
Oh, d thank you Danielle. So here's a jingle right
now here. Listen to this one. Yeah, the Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Speaker 25 (23:36):
We will be right back.

Speaker 1 (23:38):
Oh. We have a lot more of these great commercials.
I don't even my favorites. And the jingles before the
commercial was fantastic. It was fantastic. We gotta wow, we
gotta plot through these well, hit them, hit them. Let's go.

Speaker 26 (23:50):
Hey, Brody and Scary. This is Samantha from Saint Louis
answering Brody's requests for our talkback on episode tw eighty
seven about height. I married the five to ten guy
and dumped the six seven guy. All right, so that's
my experience. I love you guys, but.

Speaker 3 (24:10):
You did but you did date the six seven guys. Well,
she definitely went for the tall guy, but then realized
the error of her ways. Right, five to ten baby,
But it means that you're open to dating the six
seven guy. But she didn't just baste on his height
because obviously he was but he was the mistake.

Speaker 1 (24:25):
Well, no, the issue was do you date a guy
deliberately for the height, which she didn't really respond to,
but she might have. But and then she realized, oh,
this guy sucks and dumped him for the five to
ten guy after.

Speaker 4 (24:36):
Grammar police. He just said, fails in comparison, Rachel from there,
that's fine.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Pales in comparison, right, had to be you so pales
in comparison? Did I say fails? Yeah, you must have.
That's pretty funny. I misspoke, hey, Brooklyn.

Speaker 15 (24:54):
Boys say, I hate to say it, it's scaries, right. No,
there are women who will.

Speaker 9 (25:00):
Go for the less attractive six foot five guys over
the super hot guy who's five to ten and her
height doesn't matter. There are women who were like five
two five three that still want the six foot guy.
You'd really be surprised, Brody. What other factors go into
a woman's liking men over the guy's attractiveness.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
I've got none of them. So fills in what's.

Speaker 5 (25:25):
Going on scaring Brody Rock and Steve from the Bronx
over there.

Speaker 1 (25:29):
First of all, Brody, I owe an apology. Sorry about my.

Speaker 5 (25:34):
Amazing angs. If I'm less, that's recording. Last recording I made.
I was way out of control and I'm sorry. But
with that being said, Maddie from Brooklyn, go fuck yourself, cubby.

Speaker 4 (25:51):

Speaker 1 (25:52):
Now we do not want to sil warm between I'm
calm now. Apology for you got time?

Speaker 7 (26:03):
Stop it.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
By the way, Rock and Steve, if you're from the Bronx,
you're from the Bronx over there? You really? You mean
you're from the Bronx over here? Up there? Up there? Well,
it depends on where you're living. But whoever he is,
he's up, he's there. The point was he said there,
but it's here.

Speaker 7 (26:19):
He's there from Brooklyn.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Oh somebody else.

Speaker 10 (26:23):
Guy's Vinnie from Brooklyn. I'm listening to this latest episode
and the conversation with the parrots. Whether it's understanding or association,
I think that's the key words there is. Uh, they
don't understand us. I don't think like they can't say, hey,
how are you and understand we're having a bad day,
rather than they associate words with actions or reactions.

Speaker 6 (26:49):
I hope I made myself clear.

Speaker 1 (26:51):
You did. He's he continues, though he continues Its possible
Rock and Steve is a parrot and he's just cursing
into the farm.

Speaker 11 (26:58):
Nny from Brooklyn again. Other thing I wanted to tell
you what, I've actually seen videos of dogs listening to
the sounds that their owners make in the same tones
as like, let's say sit, they say, and they still sit.

Speaker 1 (27:13):
It's the tone rather than the word. It's okay.

Speaker 11 (27:17):
Whether it's you know, one hundred percent accurate or not,
I don't know, but I've seen many videos of people
doing that.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
Nice cool, I thought. But anyhow, boy so when I
tell one of my dogs to give me a kiss,
I may end up with piss? Is that what I'm hearing?
If I say it the same way, it's always brody
and scary.

Speaker 14 (27:35):
At this time, it's especially brody and scary because scary.

Speaker 4 (27:38):
You're wrong.

Speaker 27 (27:40):
He may attract some women. But you said you see
it in bars because you only go to the bougie
bars with bottle service, or to the bougie bars at
pool side with women and bikinis. You're not hanging at
places where there's women with substance who look at other
things other than physical atments like so.

Speaker 1 (27:59):
You're show us those bars. Please, You're talking about a bar,
and it doesn't matter what you dive bar or bougie bar.
The same level of intellect I think is common.

Speaker 6 (28:09):
No, No, for both.

Speaker 1 (28:10):
You know what I'm saying. Would like to focus on
what she said, though, Where are these bars where women
of substance are looking for men of substance? Not that
I'm single, I'm just curious. I when I was single,
I never saw those bars. They'll tell you, they'll tell
you that they're looking for each other with substance. But
I'm saying, you know what you're saying, as long as
the substance is tall. No, no, no, no, I'm not nope,

not going to say another word bout my tongue on
this one is down still in your apartment? No, we're
just gonna, We're just gonna. We're just gonna move along.
Oh you wait to talk on the Brooklyn Boys about
your bed?

Speaker 24 (28:43):

Speaker 1 (28:43):
The next episode of the episode.

Speaker 4 (28:44):
Yes, all right, Yes, Brody and Scary. This is Tamara
from upstate New York. Bingham tend to be exact.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
I have nice voice singing in a while, but.

Speaker 4 (28:53):
I had to weigh in on the height thing.

Speaker 15 (28:55):
As a taller woman.

Speaker 4 (28:56):
I am five foot eight. I I agree with Brody.
I usually agree with Brody, though this is probably going
to be a two parter, and I've never done that before,
so I apologize in advance. I'm five to eight. I
would much much rather d a five or eleven very
good looking guy then six five ugly guy. I'll just

I just won't wear heels and simple. So I don't know,
that's just me. Some women might be different. I don't
know that's just me. I love you guys, obviously. I'm
a slice for life and just the quick side. Know
is less single my only chance?

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Just just wondering, but definitely into the lessness. Yeah single,
I believe he is. Yes, last check, I believe he is. Yeah.
By the way, I like that she's into less without
ever seeing him, just his personality. Yeah, there you go.
All right, that's nice.

Speaker 6 (29:55):
Uh huh.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
I will say.

Speaker 3 (29:58):
She said she's five to eight and did a guy
five eleven? Five eleven is still pretty tall. It's tall,
it's not six or five. Would she have dated a
guy who's five to five?

Speaker 1 (30:11):
Probably not. She didn't say she wouldn't if it's a guy.
If it's a guy five to five versus a guy
who's five nine, a guy hurt? I don't know.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
She said she doesn't want to wear heels and the
guy is still the guy? Where is he five three
inches taller. She's five eight, he's a five eleven. I'm
just saying five eleven is pretty tall. Full of them,
both of us.

Speaker 1 (30:29):
I'm five eleven. You are not your five to ten.
I have five eleven? Are you really? Yeah, I've always been,
even after you lose the weight five eleven all the time.
I might be scary. Yeah. But they say that when
you shrink, they say say late later in life, when
you're in the seventies eighties, you start shrinking. Is that right?
I wouldn't know, all right, I'm not that.

Speaker 28 (30:51):

Speaker 1 (30:51):
Absolutely, when people get people get hunched over that they
lose height in their in their in their vertebrae. Absolutely great.
Can't wait. You can you can lose three or four
inches and when you get a looking forward to the future.
Danny P. From Bayo, New Jersey, Slights for life, Brodie
are scary as always. Thank you scary. You're talking shit
already two minutes into the podcast. I got the jingos,

will play them later, play any fucking game every.

Speaker 4 (31:16):
Fucking week week two weeks.

Speaker 1 (31:17):
That's the third time you're pulling this ship on us, sup.

Speaker 4 (31:20):
We'll see hopefully I don't even know the fucking podcast.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
Later it's what I do.

Speaker 4 (31:25):
Hi. So this is J from Pennsylvania. Love your show.
So as far as the tall guy in the room, I.

Speaker 29 (31:31):
Did always go for the taller guys because I'm five
to nine and it was made so smaller, so that
was good. As far as the battle hap thing, I
don't think that really has anything to do with that.
I know, like what soda doesero sugars are usually black top,
but I think it doesn't really matters the top.

Speaker 3 (31:52):
Yeah, and I'm seeing that more and more. I'm trying
to do more research into that. I think someone just
took a video. But yeah, someone to a video out
there on TikTok with different color bottle caps for different color,
different types of water, and it just doesn't all match up,
and people are trying to disprove that person's theory.

Speaker 1 (32:09):
Now, was it the same girl who said that golf
was gentleman only? Like that tag means touch and go. Yeah. No, Hey, guys.

Speaker 30 (32:20):
Eric Diericho from Connecticut and I have a conspiracy theory
regarding Scary. I think that he accidentally deleted all of
the jingles and he's pretending to forget it, pretending that
he doesn't have time, pretending that he's too bougie to
get them, but in reality he accidentally deleted it and
doesn't want to admit it to us.

Speaker 1 (32:42):
It's a great theory, it's a theory, but that would
let him move to talk for being lazy, which is
that's what it is. It's a laziness forgetful problem when
it work. He's too busy.

Speaker 25 (32:51):
He's very and scary.

Speaker 15 (32:52):
Christy from Saddlebrook.

Speaker 25 (32:54):
Out of the choices Brody you listed, I would go
with a five to ten gorgeous okay, and then the six.

Speaker 4 (33:02):
Foot and then last the six foot five.

Speaker 1 (33:07):
Eh guy, Mike, okay, ride into height.

Speaker 4 (33:11):
Thank you, keep up the good work.

Speaker 1 (33:13):
She likes the hot five to ten guy.

Speaker 4 (33:17):
Oh okay.

Speaker 17 (33:18):
When somebody has like a glaring mistake in math, what
do we need to yell something? Obviously it's not braver police.
We need to yell something because the woman with the
twelve talkbacks just said, scary, you order sixty hours worth
of food. I'll order one hundred, and then instead of

you paying thirty, you can pay sixty and one hundred
is one hundred and sixty. Half of one hundred and
sixty is eighty. What is happening here?

Speaker 4 (33:55):
Why are we just why are we just saying anything?

Speaker 1 (33:58):
That's she's she's ripping her. I either either say math
fail or the math's not mathing. That's that's a social
media again. I was talking, don't worry. Oh go ahead,
No middle Maybe it didn't. Sorry, my MIC's on? Is
it delay? Okay? What are you going to say? I

just said social media says the math isn't mathing. That
seems what the expression is. I just say math fail?

Speaker 25 (34:27):
Hi bid boys, CHRISTI from Saddlebrook again that kid should
have gotten his ass out of the car said hello,
mister Brodie, sat in the back and let you sit
in the front. That is the polite, purtiest and respectful
thing to do.

Speaker 4 (34:41):
My girlfriend, who's.

Speaker 25 (34:42):
Our designated driver, her thirty two year old son will
join us sometimes and he'll sit in the back the.

Speaker 4 (34:48):
Third row of the suv.

Speaker 1 (34:49):
The damn right.

Speaker 24 (34:51):
You know, you know who does carry on?

Speaker 1 (34:52):
You know who does that? Gen xers and maybe some millennials,
but gen Z and Jen Alpha forget it, especially Jen Alpha.
They don't. They don't have that respect that we have
held shut out for five What are you talking about
thirteen fourteen? Oh they listen, that's your parents need to
get them out. Then this kid was all enough to
know on his own.

Speaker 28 (35:12):
Hey, Brooklyn boys, this is Mark from Bayshore, husband of Caitlin,
father of Luke.

Speaker 4 (35:17):
And uh, this is a response to eighty six.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
Who's your custcary?

Speaker 28 (35:21):
Why are you shopping for two hours? If you're a
single band, I don't care. If you were, you did
shop for a year, Why you're taking two hours? You
definitely were eating in the food court.

Speaker 1 (35:34):
Nah, nah, I just take my time. I read labels.
I just it's relaxing. It's relaxing for me. His wife
told him the story, and he was so moved and
shocked by it he had to call with her in
the car. But I like, they couldn't wait. But it's
true though, I really me personally, shopping doesn't bother me.
I just getting me there is the problem. But once

I'm there, I'm then paying for parking. I'm invested, you
invested in the parking lot.

Speaker 17 (36:02):
I like Slice Time, but when it starts, I have
to quickly fast forward past the theme song and the
same thing at the end, because if I hear it,
it's stuck in my head for the rest of the day, no.

Speaker 1 (36:15):
Matter what I do sorry about that. That's a good sign,
very very very catchy. When you hear the parody lyrics
more than the real lyrics, that's a good thing for me.
I thought you was gonna say she didn't like it.
I only not like that, Janle.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
It's not taking it.

Speaker 1 (36:31):
It's taking. It's taking. We hear you saying, oh crap, Yeah.

Speaker 24 (36:37):
And wife should stay at Scary's bead. Just get a mattress,
cove chan the sheets. People stay in hotels all the time.
You don't know who's been there. This is MJ from NJ.
Brody Scary, Scary Brodie. I don't know.

Speaker 9 (36:50):
I didn't do this right.

Speaker 1 (36:52):
You did have to correct it. You did that. You
did it perfect well, so much so that we're going
to hear her say the same thing next. But let's
see what she does A good job repeat it.

Speaker 24 (37:01):
Hey, Scary Brody, Brodie, scary the luck with the move, Brody.
I don't know what I'm doing. I'm trying to record this.
I can't see it.

Speaker 4 (37:08):
I don't got my glasses.

Speaker 24 (37:09):
Yes, back in the day I went out, they did.

Speaker 9 (37:11):
Look at the toll dudes.

Speaker 24 (37:12):
Absolutely, the girls went wild. They would always stand out.
They didn't have to be good looking, they would toll
and that is the truth. But that was back in
the eighties, so I don't know now. But anyway, I
also have told Darren, stay at your bed, just change
the sheets.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
Okay, thank you, m JFMJA. We got a different call
the next time. She added to it.

Speaker 7 (37:34):
Yeah, hey, b boys.

Speaker 25 (37:36):
Christy from Soddlebrook again, third times with charm.

Speaker 4 (37:39):
Sorry, lots to talk about this podcast. Very interesting, scary.

Speaker 1 (37:42):
Thank you.

Speaker 25 (37:43):
If your friends were respectful, they would not have sex
in your bed. If you want to mention that to
your friend, just to ensure that it doesn't happen. Otherwise,
don't even think about it, because the more you think
about it, the more it's gonna bug you.

Speaker 4 (37:58):
I'm a dog sitter.

Speaker 25 (37:58):
I stay at people's home and I sleep in their beds,
and I don't think about it, and I'm fine.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
Okay, maybe they banged in your kitchen. Is that worse?

Speaker 18 (38:09):
Hey, Brody, is scary? Monach I'm here from originally from Brooklyn. Scary.

Speaker 1 (38:15):
This is your weekly reminder. I'm sure I'm not the
first one. Yeah, yeah, yeah, bring them the fucking jingle,
all right, buddy, that's professional guilt, right, Thank you? Thank you.
I'm gonna have to call the jingle company and have
them send them to me to send to you. Hold on,
here's another two from Jamie from Queen's Right.

Speaker 4 (38:33):
Hi, Hey Brooklyn boys.

Speaker 15 (38:34):
Jamie from Queen's Again, Scary, I have to disagree with
you about TikTok creators magically getting the same numbers on
another app. It doesn't always happen that way. I have
a friend who's an Instagram content creator. Her original page
had great engagement, great numbers and all of that. Some
trolls got it shut down by Instagram.

Speaker 4 (38:55):
She made a new page, and now.

Speaker 15 (38:57):
Years later she is nowhere near the numbers or engagement
that the original page had.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
Oh, this was on the TikTok conversation. Scary is convinced
that another app will just go to another arap that
worked that way. Yeah, well, I don't know. I don't
know what to say on the matter. They're getting, they're
gonna get close to. Well, the Senate's not voting on
it yet, you're delaying it. They will eventually no defeat.
Listen if the people have been calling their senators and
congressmen and women and and ripping them so, I don't know,

I think they're starting to realize they're going to lose
the youth vote. It's hard enough to get them to
vote to begin with.

Speaker 31 (39:32):
This is Maddie from Brooklyn and the Bronx. Scary, I'm
a little confused. Why are you so upset about.

Speaker 7 (39:37):
Eating baby goat?

Speaker 31 (39:37):
You do know that lamb is baby sheep, right, same thing.
In fact, one might argue lamb is cuter than the goat.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
Yeah, I'm not complaining. It was good, it was tasty.
I would eat it again. So there.

Speaker 32 (39:53):
Aren't With South Florida. I actually agree with Scary on
the TikTok issue. It's discus, honestly, what the younger generations
have turned into.

Speaker 2 (40:03):
And I don't.

Speaker 32 (40:03):
I know that there's other opinions, like Brody said that
that there's good that's come out of it, but honestly,
the fact that you can now major in social media
influencing is absolutely disgusting. And people are ruining their lives
and wasting their lives trying to become something that they'll
never become.

Speaker 9 (40:18):
And I'm not trying to be down on it.

Speaker 1 (40:19):
It's just well.

Speaker 32 (40:22):
MARPs Soult Florida just wanted to finish my last thought Honestly,
social media influencers don't really provide anything to.

Speaker 1 (40:30):

Speaker 32 (40:30):
Let's be honest. And everything you can do on TikTok,
you can do anywhere else. So team's scary band TikTok,
get rid of it. There's no reason for it. It's
just corrupting young minds.

Speaker 1 (40:41):
I see, I'm gonna have to comment on that. I'm
gonna have to comm I'm gonna take scary side. I
think I don't remember what your side was. First of all,
I think the percentage of young people whose minds are
being corrupted on TikTok is nominal at this point, and
if every apps the same, then they're gonna get corupted.
They're not corrupted. I don't know what people think is
on TikTok. It's not girls dancing anymore. It's not little
kids anymore. There's adult content creators and you. First of all, influencers.

I find out what restaurants to go to, what pizza
places to try, I see car reviews, I find out
I find new music on TikTok. It look influences. I'm
telling you what kind of bronze are to use. I
don't have any use for, but maybe somebody does I
think making your life to be an influencer. Maybe it's
not the same thing as going on in law school,
but we all like movie reviewers and restaurant reviewers. And

if someone's going to review a product, I want I'm
okay with it. What do you think, Scara? I think
we should play the next one because we have about
fifty more of these. Alrighty, Then.

Speaker 32 (41:39):
Again, I wanted to think about Will Brod you would
say to me right now, oh, participate, And what I
think you would say is, what was it hum being
a social media influencer and being on our TV personality
and all that. And I really don't have an exact answer,
But there's just something about these young, young kids who
are just putting themselves out there for the world to
see without their parents knowing. You know, pairs have no

idea what they're doing behind closed doors half the time,
and it's just I just feel like it's not good
for us.

Speaker 1 (42:08):
All right, all right? He said what he said, it's lifetime,
It's lifetime. The Floors is.

Speaker 31 (42:14):
Scary and Brody. This is Maddie from Brooklyn and the Bronx.
Scary Brodie could absolutely argue the gift card both ways.
The gift card is as good as cash for payment purposes, However,
it is not as good as cash for feeling the
pain and you wallet, bro come, thank you, get your
shit together. Also, Peter Luger, it's satisfactory at best. Brodie
deserves better.

Speaker 1 (42:35):
Thank you, and I'll agree with you on that point.
It's the eighties. It's not as great as it used
to be. It's still awesome, But what is it? Schlog?
The shlog is fantastic. That is the whipped cream dessert
that they fling at your plate. The shlog is excellent.
The food it's good. It's good. It's good, it's very good.
It's good. Whatever it's used to be used to be outrageous.

Speaker 31 (42:58):
Yeah, this is not from Brooklyn and the Bronx and Brody.
If you don't devote the next fucking eight thousand episodes
of the Brooklyn Boys to the steak dinner. After that
dumb ass rant from Steve from the Bronx, I'm not
listening anymore.

Speaker 22 (43:15):
Oh don't do that is married from Marleton. I wanted
to comment about episode to eighty seven. I thought it
was really funny with the Paul Darren saying with scary
coming anything about the shore Kings sketch on SNL also scary.
I know you didn't mean too but nurse partitioners are

definitely not less than doctors. It's really just different training.

Speaker 9 (43:41):
Love you guys.

Speaker 3 (43:42):
Nurses are not well, No, they didn't get well the
different training, yes, but they don't have as much of
a degree as doctors do. I would imagine that doctors
go through sets different go through the skill set, but
they also are trained differently and they got doctor. Yeah,
but doctors also go through more rigorous schooling and have

to pass more tests.

Speaker 1 (44:07):
I would imagine into that. I would check into that.
I could be wrong, regardless if you're a first practitioner,
a nurse, a doctor. I would come in the room
chewing them like a cow. I think that's good advice
to all of them, right, But I wasn't trying to
belittle nurses. Did I say something I think you got No?
You know I never made a good point. You're fine,
you just.

Speaker 33 (44:25):
Paid Brody and scary. It's Kelly from Long Island here
about the kids sitting in the front seat. Brody, you
are absolutely correct, Thank you. He should have gotten out
of the car and moved to the back. But it's
also blame on your friend for not teaching his son
the etiquette of moving to the back seat when an
older person comes into the car.

Speaker 1 (44:48):
Yeah, agreed, I agree with you on that. Yep.

Speaker 8 (44:51):
He was going on Brooklyn Boys, he'll Ben from the
Bronx currently upstate New York, starting to realize that it's
scary sometimes lives in a dream world. Just a couple
of episodes ago, he was talking about how someone told
him that he could find the same products in a
regular supermarket way less than he would find in Whole Foods,

and he was surprised, like, really didn't know that. And
now with this whole TikTok thing, Sorry, your boy been
from the Bronx again. But yeah, now with this whole
TikTok thing, he's saying how he thinks if people lose
their TikTok, they can automatically find somewhere that they're going

to make the same amount of followers and money right away.
I understand entrepreneur mindset. Yes, you're going to find a way,
but it's not going to happen right away. Like Brody said,
it's going to take some time. You have to rebuild
your followers and rebuild your platform.

Speaker 1 (45:50):
All right.

Speaker 8 (45:50):
Last one been from the Bronx again. Well, yeah, scary,
that's going to take a while for him to rebuild it.
And also you saying that you're okay with an American
company stealing your data versus and foreign country.

Speaker 1 (46:07):
Also lesser of to evils? What's the difference lesser of
two evils? Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 8 (46:12):
Anyway, long time listener, I love you guys. Been listening
to a big show a for years, listening to this
podcast since the off air show. Yeah, sorry guys, last
time Ben from the Bronx Upstate, New York. Uh, Brody,
miss you on a big show up. Life is treating
you well, Scary. I hope you're doing well. Thank you, Brody.
A steak dinner done, Thank you, and hope to be

at the next meetup.

Speaker 1 (46:37):

Speaker 8 (46:37):
Juan Valdez my brother. Chill with the fucking rants, man. Uh,
they were funny at first and now they just getting
really fucking annoying. Keep talking back, but the rants gotta go.

Speaker 1 (46:48):
Bro Wow, Okay, sound like someone you want to disagree with,
and it's very I like it. He knows what he's
talking about. Now two people have come forward and saying
that not into the rants from Juan Valdez. I enjoy
them if they're in moderation.

Speaker 8 (47:06):
Hey, Brooklyn boys. As far as.

Speaker 1 (47:08):
Speaking of moderation, this is seven in a row for you,
my friend.

Speaker 8 (47:13):
That's Brooklyn boys right into friends sleeping over, sleeping on
the bed. Yes, sir, I guess it's fine because if
my best friend came over and literally it was only
the bed and we fucking share a bed together, Okay,
you know it's whatever. But him and his wife, you know,
you just got to expect that they're gonna smash in
your bed. They do, hopefully they keep it clean. He's

got to clean the sheets and change, get back love, y'all.
Scary Change is curtain scary a brooken boys.

Speaker 7 (47:46):
And so it's brilli and scary. I do agree more
than three talkbacks about the same dumb ass, lame story
that you're trying to tell us slow one, predictable.

Speaker 1 (48:01):
It's enough.

Speaker 7 (48:02):
You can't say any tree talkbacks, then shut the fuck
up by a broken boys and boy scary subject Suns
from your room from toll Darren, No baby.

Speaker 1 (48:22):
Scary. Jens is okay with it.

Speaker 7 (48:24):
He's totally fine. Don't worry.

Speaker 1 (48:26):
About it.

Speaker 7 (48:28):
He won't find out a broken boys about that and
always brodie scary, scary, more sounding from your room. No, baby,
he doesn't even sit at this couch. No scary gents, listen,
he doesn't even live here. He he comes in and

then goes, no, this couch is flying. We're having fun.
Look at the city, enjoy yourself. A broken he always
burn scary scary. You know what my mom used to say.
She used to say, Juan Francisco, take yeah, yeah, then

throwkay a yah, then throw.

Speaker 1 (49:10):
The this gun point.

Speaker 7 (49:13):
I find myself saying the same thing. What the foc
is inside of scary Johnson's head?

Speaker 26 (49:19):
What is it?

Speaker 7 (49:21):
Kind of crack it open just to see what's inside
for research purposes?

Speaker 1 (49:26):
All right, well, I think that's enough talkbacks for this week.
What do you think they're David?

Speaker 29 (49:30):
Is that it?

Speaker 1 (49:31):
I think that's all we got. All right. We had
a lot of We had a lot of two eighty
six is. I think people are a little delayed on
the took us a while to get to the two
eighty sevens. Yeah, let's get on that chop chop bok
the boys, We'll see you later this week. We learned
a lot this week and shod job with the feedbacks
on what we talked about.

Speaker 2 (49:51):
Reactions, This podcast all depends on you, baby.

Speaker 23 (50:00):
It would be on decisive

Speaker 7 (50:03):
For free Dozer.
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