All Episodes

May 3, 2024 50 mins

This week you will discover the love and hugs in the afterlife along with tips to create Heaven on Earth!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
And you're here.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Thanks for choosing the iHeartRadio and Coast to Ghost Day
and Paranormal Podcast Network. Your quest for podcasts of the paranormal, supernatural,
and the unexplained ends here. We invite you to enjoy
all our shows we have on this network, and right now,
let's start with Chase of the Afterlife with Santra Champlain.

Speaker 1 (00:21):
Welcome to our podcast. Please be aware the thoughts and
opinions expressed by the host are their thoughts and opinions
only and do not reflect those of iHeartMedia, iHeartRadio, Coast
to Coast, am employees of Premiere Networks, or their sponsors
and associates. We would like to encourage you to do

your own research and discover the subject matter for yourself. Hi,
I'm Sandra Champlain. For over twenty five years, I've been
on a journey to prove the existence of life after death.
Each episode will discuss the reasons we now know that

our loved ones have survived physical death and so will we.
Welcome to Shades of the Afterlife. Today, you'll hear three
new accounts of near death experiences. They all share a
common bond of either seeing or feeling their deceased loved

ones when they make that transition. I'm always fascinated by
near death experiences. If you remember, six months ago, back
on episode one fifty seven, I spoke with the director
and the producer of the big movie After Death. It

was in movie theaters. It was great on the big screen.
It gave me chills how many experiences were featured in
the movie, and not only that they were verifiable near
death experiences. The film is now streaming. You can find
After Death on Amazon, Prime, YouTube, Apple TV, and others.

Before we go to our first story, I'm really happy
about something that I want to share with you. You
may have heard a couple episodes ago that I had
entered a story about my mom in a contest. While
that story became a chapter of a book. And although
the book is just a couple of weeks old, it's

already hit number seven on Amazon out of thirty eight
million books. It's being shared all over television. It's called
Love Mom by doctor Nicole Sapphire. The book is empowering
and one of the biggest things I want to do

is when you believe in the reality of the afterlife,
you live a much more powerful life. One of my
direction you don't take things as seriously all the time.
There's forgiveness and so much more. And this book has
beautiful stories that empower. And here's one little secret. The

title of my book, We Don't Die, a skeptics discovery
of life after death, is included in the chapter about
my Mom. It's happened in the past that people have
asked Siri on their phone for some news and an
episode of Shades of the Afterlife comes on. It's happened

with people who have a smart TV that all of
a sudden, one of my Sunday Gathering episodes are playing.
I think our loved ones in spirit direct us to
things that can help with healing. So I have every
finger and toe cross that out of the hundreds of

thousands of people that will read the story about my
Mom Marian in the Love Mom book, that those grieving
will see that book title and not only read my book,
but come join us in our Shades of the Afterlife
family and ultimately get some much needed support through their loss,

through their grieving and know that their loved ones are
still alive and that they'll see them again. So thank
you for letting me share that the book is titled
Love Mom by doctor Nicole Sapphire, and my mom's chapter
is number ten, and I can tell you I have
one happy mother, as she had no idea I was

entering my story about her in this contest. If you're
looking for a great birthday present, anniversary gift, Mother's Day gift,
or holiday gift, or just a gift that's said I
love you. Love Mom is sold wherever you buy books.
So really, thank you for letting me share that. It's

a big deal to me. Okay, let's hear our first story.
This is the story of mister John Carter in his
words told by me. The year was twenty twenty, and
it wasn't a very good year for a lot of
people due to COVID, but it definitely wasn't a good
year for me. In fact, I collapsed in my home

from sepsis poisoning. And when I collapsed, I wasn't found
right away. When they finally did, I was rushed to
the hospital and I died on the emergency table. I
know this as I was watching the whole experience from
the ceiling. I was looking down and I was thinking,
no big deal, I must be dead. I wasn't upset.

In fact, I was very much at peace. The doctors
and the nurses were running around my body. One nurse
was putting a needle into my arm. The other one
put something over my face and was squeezing a bulb
type thing, and the doctor said clear. Then he hit
me with those pads on my chest. I remember initially

shooting back into my body, and I could feel my
soul just being sucked right back into the body, and
then all of a sudden, boom, I was back on
the ceiling again. This time I started traveling through this
long tube that maybe was twenty feet wide and twenty
feet tall. I'm not quite sure, but it was spherical

in shape, and on the walls was my life. And
as I'm slowly passing through this tube, it was like
technicolor on the walls, like a movie of all the
happy things that occurred in my life. I saw a
year after year and experience after experience, being in childhood,

been teenage, years, young, adulthood, and so forth until my
present age of sixty one. All this time I'm traveling
towards this bright light. Soon the tunnel ends and a
veil opens, and I realize I'm spiritually sick. I was
thirsty for some meaning and something greater in my life.

On Earth, I was lying on the ground and someone
was holding me in their arms. I looked up and
it was Jesus Christ. I actually freaked out because I
never thought i'd see him. Then I looked at the
sky and it was a completely different color blue than
anything I've ever seen before. We don't have that color

blue here on Earth. It was absolutely gorgeous. Jesus had
a wooden spoon and dipped it down into an old
wooden bucket. He gave me water to drink and said,
in the name of the Father. The water was refreshing,
and it flowed down my throat, some over my head,

down my face, down into my soul completely. All I
could feel was love, And as I looked into his eyes,
I could see so much love and compassion and kindness
and generosity. It moved me to my core. My heart
grew with love. I felt like my heart grew fifty

times its normal size. And Jesus helped me to my feet,
and in front of me were gorgeous rolling hills with
beautiful flowers and plants, again, all seeming so alive with
colors I've never seen before. Jesus turned my head, and
then I saw a huge crowd of people, probably, I

don't know, ten thousand people in this field. In the
front of the group were relatives of mine who had passed.
They were all there. I got a chance to see
my mom and my dad, and my aunts and my uncles.
But before I could say hello to them, immediately to
my left, I saw a huge angel. His wings were

just so white and pure. He had beautiful blonde hair.
He had an armored chest plate and armor anklets over
his ankles, and he had a sword on his left side.
And he smiled to me, and I said, Jesus, my gosh,
that's a beautiful angel. Who is that And he said,

that's Michael. He's my archangel. He is the one who
brought you here. John. And I said, Jesus, I don't
think I'm worthy to be here. I was a pretty
bad sinner on earth. I did things that I know
you wouldn't be proud of. Jesus smiled at me with
that loving smile in those eyes of his and he said, John,
the first shall be the last, and the last shall

be first. I remember thinking what does that mean? Then
he said, John, and my father house. There are many mansions.
There's a place for you, your family, all of your
friends and their family as well. I felt very happy,
and then I got a chance to meet Saint Francis
of Assissi. I also got to meet Padre Pio, who

gave me a big hug, but I didn't know who
he was. I researched him when I got back, saw
his picture and said, oh my gosh, that's the guy
I met in heaven. Jesus finally led me to the
crowd and I hugged them all. First, it was my
mom and dad.

Speaker 3 (10:37):

Speaker 1 (10:37):
I was just so happy to see them. My mom
was so happy to see me too, and she gave
me the biggest hug, and my dad too. Then I
saw my niece, who had died of a diabetic coma
when she was just nine years old. She said hi,
Uncle Johnny and gave me another big hug. Then Jesus

told me, I want you to know something. He said,
I'm not very happy right now with the way the
world is. There's too much hate in the world. I'm
going to send you back and I want you to
give a message to people on earth. And he told
me it may take a while. Even my whole life.
I want you to tell people to love one another

and to take care of one another, and to be
kind to one another, and always love another and look
out for one another as I love you all. He
spoke of that same love that a three year old
child would bring their mother or father, and that they
would have for the child, innocent love. No matter who

people are, or what they believe or what they do,
they are worthy of love. And then I was taken
aback by the fact that he said, now I'm going
to send you back. After he told me all this,
I thought, oh boy, how is this going to work.
Even though I was confused and overwhelmed, I felt a

little tired, and I fell asleep in the field. That's
when I woke up in the intensive care unit. Through
the glass, I could see my daughter and my son
looking at me, crying, smiling, and I gave them a
thumbs up, letting them know that I'll be okay. After
that experience, I lived my life humbly, and I know

that it's okay not to be perfect, and that we
all make mistakes. I wasn't religious before this experience, but
I know and believe Jesus wants us all to know
that we are loved very much. But the real message
is he wants us all to learn to love each other.

And that experience again is by John Carter. Let's go
to our first break and then we'll be back with
another amazing and near death experience. You're listening to Shades
of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
am Pironormal Podcast Network. Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife.

I'm Sandra Champlain. Here is your next near death experience.
This is told by Vincent Tolman, who had a near
death experience at the age of twenty five. He was
found dead in the bathroom of a small restaurant, and
he had been dead for over a half an hour.
When the paramedics arrived. They put him in a body

bag and took him away. Thankfully, a rookie paramedic had
a feeling to risk his career, break all protocols and
try to resuscitate Vincent. He started Vincent's heart and Vincent
was in a coma for three days. Here's Vincent's story.
I died on the bathroom floor of a Utah dairy

queen on a cold night in January. My friend and
I had taken a weight loss supplement that we had
bought online, but the moment we consumed it, I knew
that there was something wrong. We rushed to the closest
restaurant in the hope that some food would make us
feel better. Instead, I started to feel extremely nauseous, so

I locked myself in a bathroom cubicle. Suddenly, an ice
cold chill came over my body, rushing over my thighs
and into my chest, and then the world began to spin.
I collapsed, and the next thing I knew, I was
looking down at myself from above. This world felt like
it had no ceiling, and as I watched, calmly, paramedics

rushed into the bathroom and worked on my body. I
describe it as the body because I didn't recognize myself
at first. The person I saw didn't look like me.
His face was bright purple and had specks of yellow
in it. It looked like a fake dead body. I
watched his Emergency services tried to resuscitate the man, but

shortly after they stopped and gave up. They zipped him
up in a bright yellow body bag and carried him
into the back of an ambulance. I kept following the
man as the ambulance drove off. About forty five minutes
into the journey to the hospital, a medic who was
on his first week of the job, decided to try

to feel for a pulse one more time. After several
minutes of checking and rechecking, the medics said he felt
a faint pulse on my leg. He jumped into action
and started feeding oxygen into my lungs and hooked up
a defibrillator. There were no results after the first shock wave,
but after the second round he got one heartbeat, and

after that another until he finally got a steady heartbeat.
It was faint, but it was steady, and it was
enough that it was sustaining life. When they wheeled the
body into the hospital, it started seizing and vomiting. In
an effort to restrain the arms and legs, they strapped
them all on a bed. Suddenly, I felt someone strapping

my left arm and it hit me the body was,
in fact my own. It felt so gut wrenching. How
could I have been watching my own death this whole time.
I was in a coma for three days, officially declared
brain dead by the doctors. They told my family that
I had little chance of survival. But in those three days,

I believe I traveled to the other side. I first
felt warmth starting to come from behind me, warming my back,
and then all of a sudden, I could feel how
important I was, and I could feel how loved I was.
There was nothing I could do to make myself more
important or less important. I started seeing all of the

good things I ever did. There was a lot of
really good things I had done that I had forgotten about.
There were times where I didn't know I was doing good,
but I was doing good. So I got to see
there was far more good than there was bad, and
I started to feel that I was worth salvaging. And
that's when I realized that this love was coming from

the direction behind me. So I turned around and I
saw this man there, this amazing man, just dressed in white.
And the first thought I had was this is God.
And he laughed and said, no, I'm not God. I'm
just your guide. I'm here to help you go wherever
you want to go. And that's when we began our journey.

So he went ahead and helped me understand I could
go back to my body or I could go anywhere
in the universe. I felt this profound love coming from him,
and as I felt that love, I knew that was
something I really needed. It was something I didn't have
in my life. So I asked him where's this energy

coming from? And he explained that that was the energy
of home. So I proceeded to say, Hey, let's go home.
I want to go home. This life on earth was
a life of abuse and trauma, and this love felt
healing to me. My guide said I was already home
and there was no place to go. Then he introduced

himself as Drake. Drake helped me understand that the most
important thing in this life is being authentic, and I
needed to find out who I authentically was. He helped
me see that in my life there were different versions
of me. One version of who I'd be with my
mom and dad, another version of who I'd be with

my friends, and another version of who I would be
going to work. He helped me understand that I could
stitch together a core of who I was between all
of these situations, and that was my true authentic self.
Drake said, we can all grow the authentic aspects of
who we are and that gets us ready to go

home to heaven, because that's where we're all going. There's
divine purpose in our life. The earth is like a classroom,
not a courtroom. No matter what religion teaches you, it's
always been a classroom. But it's one of the hardest
schools there is because there's so much resistance and so
much hardship. You live a lot harder life here on earth,

but you gain so much more than you do in
other schools. I also learned that love was so important
in life. Drake helped me understand that we can't feel
love or even share love until we can be authentic
and understand who we are and why we're here. Once
I put those two things together, I could actually love

someone else and love myself. He helped me understand that
our creator loves us all so much that our Creator
has left us all with an inner voice. It could
be called the spirit, It could be called intuition, and
it could be called gut instinct. And if we want to,
we can turn it on and we can strengthen it. Also.

He also spoke about technology. Technology can either lift us
up or tear us down. And if you're not sure
what it's doing to you, it's probably tearing you down.
Technology is a form of energy, something that could be
used for greater good or greater bad. The difference is
up to us. I personally subscribe to something called the

hour of Power, where I will make sure whatever I'm
doing first thing in the morning for thirty minutes and
the last thing I do for thirty minutes of the
day is sacred time for me to remember who I am.
We all are spiritual beings living a physical experience, so
it's important for us to really set an intention and

set into motion love in that sacred space. And as
we do that, we put really good stuff in there.
We start transforming into a better person, into a great being,
into the life we want to have, and it puts
us in the driver's seat and not like. Drake helped

me understand that this midway point of going to heaven,
there's a fence in the middle, and the fence that
slows everyone down is called prejudice. He helped me understand
that I needed to release all prejudice. And I said, Drake,
you're talking to the one guy who has no prejudice

in his life. I really believed that at the time
I have two Korean sisters. I felt that I was
the least racist person I knew and the least prejudiced
person in the whole world. And he lovingly put his
arm on my shoulder and said, Vinnie, I'm so grateful
that you feel you don't have any prejudice, But how

do you feel about people who do have prejudices? And
that's when I said, I'll tell you about prejudiced people.
They are so closed minded, they're ridiculous. I can't believe
they choose race or religion or lifestyle and ostracize and
cut other people out. I told him I hated prejudiced people,

so they should just let me get into heaven. He
lovingly showed me that I was joining the prejudice team
by hating prejudiced people. Then Drake showed me one of
the most prejudiced people I knew in my life. He
showed me that other person's path and said, if I
could walk a mile in their shoes, I would understand

their feelings and why they are the way they are.
But I still didn't agree with them in any shape
or form, but I understood. He taught me that we
can show love and poor love on the most prejudiced
people in the world, and we can pull them out.
There's power in us, there's power in creation. There's power

in our thoughts that we literally create with our thoughts.
If we can control our thoughts, we can control our
creation no matter what life is throwing at us. If
we can control our thoughts, we can control the outcome.
The next step towards my progress was to understand that
if my thoughts could create, how important would it be

for me to avoid negative influences? Because if I put
negative influences on my thoughts, I'll start thinking about negative things,
and so I need to really seek out positive influences
and experiences and avoid negative ones in all their forms.
Negative influences can be entertainment, can be the news, they

can be some friends. There are different apps on our
phone that increase trauma or increase reactivity to another and
that was really important for me to understand that as
we avoid negative influences, we also find that negativity has
a purpose. Without a bad choice, there is no good choice.

It's very important that we have the option of the
negative so that we get to choose, because if we
remove all bad choices, if we remove the negative, there's
nothing to be learned. We are here to learn. This
is a classroom. The last thing I learned with Drake
before I got into heaven was that we are all one.

We're not one being, but we're one in unity, in purpose,
in light, and in love. And for us to hurt
or harm another, it only hurts ourselves. There's not a
way to win. Everyone loses in the war. This is
a good time to take our break. Before he starts
his next topic, Vincent continues his story of his near

death experience, his insights from it, finding heaven on Earth,
and who Drake ended up being. Let's go to the
break and we'll be right back. You're listening to Shades
of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast,
a m paranormal podcast Network. Welcome back to Shades of

the Afterlife, Sandra Champlain. I'm telling the story of Vincent Tolman,
who had a near death experience after taking a weight
loss supplement at the age of twenty five. Paramedics had
put him in a body bag thinking he was dead,
and thankfully one paramedic knew better and was able to

bring him back. Incredible story. Last he was talking about
some insights while he was on the other side, including
that our life is a classroom here on Earth, not
a courtroom, so let's continue. By the time I finished
that last principle or understanding with Drake, I actually touched

down in this tremendous place that's heaven, and yes, it's
a very real place. I saw the most beautiful hills
and mountains, and I could feel the love of our
creator from just the grass. The grass itself loved every
cell of who I was. I could feel the individual
perception and understanding of each blade of grass. It was

life changing because as I touched down into space, I
felt connection. I actually felt like I was a phone
on low battery. There was a missing charger, and when
I plugged in there, I felt like I was home,
like that was my charger, and I could feel the
energy exchange that was happening and all the healing that

was happening to me. I got to see the trees
and the flowers. I got to see the water. The
water was my favorite of all of it. As I
approached this edge of the little stream, the water asked
me if it wanted it on me. Of course I
wanted it. I wanted the whole experience, whatever version I

could get. I said, yes, yes, I want this, And
so the water darted at my toes and started going
all over my body. But it wasn't making me feel
wet whatsoever. It made me feel warm but also cool.
And everywhere that water touched I became whole and felt loved.

I became perfected, and I became free of defect from
this life, this human life. And you know, I was
raised in a very rough upbringing, so I had a
lot of cracks and holes and abuse that needed healing.
And I was allowed to receive this healing. And as
I was experiencing all of that, my guide Drake came

up to me, put his arm around me and looked
me straight in the eyes and said, Bennie, this is
going to be hard, but it is going to be
worth it. And as he said that, I could feel
him like reaching into my soul and brought me into
this giant hug. What we do on Earth when we connect,

or we have sex or hug or have any it's
just a tiny mimic of what a hug feels like
in Heaven. It's way more beautiful than anything you can
experience on this earthly plane, and right as we were
ending that hug and starting to come apart, I heard

this special blessing being given to my body. Now, meanwhile,
I was in a coma for three days, and at
the end of my third day, my brother was in
my hospital room and he was giving my body a
special prayer. As he was saying that prayer, I was
hearing it in my ear. I could see him standing
by my body and saying a prayer over my body.

I felt the tremendous love that my brother had for me.
You know, my brother and me, we didn't always see
eye to eye, but I felt so strongly how much
he loved me. I felt the power of that love.
And as I felt that power, I felt something pulling
me and yanking me from my heaven space where I

wanted to stay, and forcing me back into my body.
And by the time he said amen, I was back
in my body. I woke up at one eleven in
the morning. I yanked out all of the tubes that
were going into me because I was extremely claustrophobic. I
wanted out of that hospital, but it took about six

and a half hours of them testing me to make
sure I was okay and doing paperwork for me being released.
That was three days I was in the coma and
after that I was completely fine and healed. I was
even described as a miracle by my neurologist. That's where
my experience takes a hard turn, because after that experience,

I felt extremely depressed. I had been in heaven and
now I'm on earth. I didn't want to be alive.
I wanted to go back to my home. I didn't
want to be here, and I kept hearing Drake in
my mind saying, Vinnie, remember this is going to be
very hard, but it's going to be worth it. So

I stuck it out until I met my wife, Andrea,
and she was my saving grace. She was the one
who helped me realize that there was heaven here on earth,
and in her eyes I could see heaven. Then the
strangest thing happened. I was at this little town in
Wyoming where my grandmother lived, and I saw a history presentation.

Then I saw my guide, Drake's picture come up on
the screen. Now, it was just an old black and
white photo, but it was him, no doubt about it.
But it didn't say his name was Drake. It said
his name was Charles, but I recognized the last name
and I knew it was my grandmother's maiden name. So

I went to my grandmother and said, who is this Charles?
And her exact response was, oh, you mean great Grandpa Drake.
He's famous in our family. And my mind was blown.
That did it. This was all a very real experience.
It wasn't a delusion, and it wasn't my imagination. And

now I was fully able to take it and do
something with it and make a difference for people with it.
I am often asked if there is anything that happened
during my experience that I don't normally talk about, and
yes there is. I saw our future as a society
and it looks way different than we are right now,

and it's taken years and years for me to unpack
how that transition happens from who we are now to
who we become. No matter what the news wants to
tell you, no matter what Chicken Little is saying about
the sky falling, I want you to know that our
future is absolutely right and freaking amazing. Now, society and

humanity choose the light. They choose not to exist in
a cage of fear because if you allow fear to
cage you, it will. And so somehow we get out
of all of these cages of fear and we start
building communities all over the world in love. These special locations,

build cities of light. That's our future, and I feel
that it will start in my lifetime and we'll see
those cities come together and start forming. I've now seen
how that process happens. But the scary part is for
most of the world is the process of getting ready
for those cities of light. There's going to be a

very big separation between fear and love. Most of the
earth right now chooses the fear path. We jump into
those cages of fear for safety. But for me, I
choose love because knowing that we don't die is one
of the best gifts. I'm so excited when I get

to finally go back home. I really wanted to stay
in heaven. And when I have friends die or family
members die, I know I will feel sad and feel
sad for the survivors, absolutely, but I know they live
on right now. I do have jealousy when someone dies,
I know where they are. If you had my experience,

you'd feel the same way. You'd want to be back
there with them celebrating. And that story is from a
Vincent Tolman, and he has written a book and it's
called The Light After Death, My Journey to Heaven and Back. Next,
you'll hear Nurse Wanda Hawk tell her story. She does

have a bird in the room, so if you hear
some chirps in the background, you know what it is.

Speaker 3 (34:57):
When I was just nine years old, there was a
family picnic where my father and his best friend and
his family and a couple of other people went up
to a lake. We ended up having a very bad
boating accident where we ended up losing my father's friend's wife.

Her name was Nora, my father, and then also my
older sister, Debbie, who was not quite twelve at the time.
The boat was just a little fishing boat that was
only supposed to hold five, and it was overloaded with
eight of us. There was Bob and his wife, and
there two very small children who were still in diapers

at the time, my mother and us three children. Oh,
my brother was younger than me and he was in
the boat also, So there was eight of us in
the boat and we started out for a boat ride
and somewhere along the way, the motor conked out and
the boat flipped over and nobody could swim. What I
was told happened was my brother had a fake leather

jacket that he's got really tight, and it got un
air underneath it and acted as a life jacket for him,
and apparently I was hanging on to him somehow underneath
the water. They did what they had to to find everybody.
When they found me, I was lifeless. I didn't see
a light, I didn't see a stairway or anything like that.

I ended up being in this room that was in
semi darkness. There were lots and lots of people in
this room. I describe it now as a family reunion.
It was like everybody knew me, and everybody was related
to me, and some were friends and some were family,
and there was just so much love. And it was

like sitting by a fireplace with a warm quilt on.
It was that much love. So I'm looking around and
I'm a little confused, but I'm also very happy. And
suddenly I hear my grandmother's voice. Granny had died the
year before, and she said to me, Wanda, it's not
your time. You have to go back and I said
to her, but Granny, I want to stay with you.

And then I heard my father's voice, which was very
confusing to me, and he said, no, one, it's time
for you to go back, and I need you to
promise me that you'll take care of your mother. I said, okay, Daddy,
but I want to stay, and he said, no, it's
time to go back. I wanted to tell you what
I was told happened while I was on the other side.

The motor comped doubt, the boat started taking on water.
My mother and Norah started to panic and they stood
up when they realized the water was coming in the boat,
and it was there standing up that flipped the boat
and it was, as you know, capsized and the bottom
was on the top. Nobody could swim, not Bob, not

my mother, not Norah. None of us children had ever
had swimming lessons at the time.

Speaker 1 (37:51):
I'd like to take our break here. When we get back,
she'll continue the boating story and tell us of her
second near death experience. Right back. You're listening to Shades
of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
AM Paranormal Podcast Network. Welcome back to Shades of the Afterlife.

I'm Sandra Champlain. We'll continue with the words of nurse Wanda,
who shared about her near death experience when a family
boat capsized, killing her dad, her sister, and her dad's
best friend.

Speaker 3 (38:42):
Nobody could swim, not Bob, not my mother, not Norah.
None of us children had ever had swimming lessons at
the time. What I was told was my sister Debbie
started to panic and as they say, you're ten times
stronger when you panic. In her panicking, she grabbed onto Nora,
and we were told that that's how Nara drowned was

Debbie pulled her under on the other side. While things
were happening and the people realized that there had been
an accident, my father and the two men also ran
around to try to get closer to the area. They
were able to find another boat eventually and get everybody
as they could, but they didn't put mother back into
the boat because they were afraid that that boat was

also going to capsize. They were able to find Nora
right away when the alarm was sounded, but it took
over two days for them to find my father and
my sister. I just think it just shows the love
that my father sacrificed to be able to get to
my sister, because when they didn't find him, he was
floating by this point, and when they went to pick

him up, he literally had his arms around my sister
and they were able to get them both together that way.
It took maybe three days before I even saw my
mother again. One of my uncles came up and brought
my brother and I back to the city, and we
stayed with them until mother was able to come and

tell us that Dad and Debbie were no longer with us.
With the boat accident, Nora, she drowned, my sister drowned,
and my father also, even though he was on the shore,
ran around the lake and jumped past a swampy area
and jumped into a boat that had no oars, so
he started swimming towards where the boat had been overturned. Now,

my father was a very good swimmer. He used to
swim the width of a river that she near our place,
the Ottawa River, as a teenager, just for fun, so
he was a very good swimmer. But by the time
he had gotten to the boat, my sister had panicked
and had already pulled down Bob's wife, Norah and as
I said, she drowned. By the time my father got

to Debbie, she also pulled him under and he also died.
So in that day we lost three people. But I
had this really amazing life changing visions, near death experience,
whatever people want to call it. People have told me
all kinds of things over the years, but that was
my first one as a child, and it really changed

my life because as a nine ten year old girl,
I would get myself up on Sundays and take myself
to Sunday school. Religion was a very strong part of
my life for the whole of my life, and I
really feel it's because of that interaction with minor death experience.
I didn't see anybody that I would say was God

or angels or anything like that. I think what I
mostly felt was the overwhelming love, whether it come from
my reunion family or from a higher source. Because I
was so young, I really couldn't tell you that. But
as I said, because of that experience, it really did

change my life life, believing in God and doing good
things for people throughout my life. So this is my
second near death. I was very young. I was twenty
twenty two, maybe working as a nurse full time and
I needed to have my wisdom teeth out, but I
was asthmatic at the time, and the dentist wasn't comfortable

with doing it in the office, so he made arrangements
for me to go to day surgery have all four
of my wisdom teeth out, then they could monitor me
before they sent me home. So the day came and
we ended up having to go to a small town
about two hours from here in order to have it
done because the waiting list was way too long for

another to go to a hospital here in Ottawa. So
I went and it was your usual prep and things
went well in the surgery. I guess what happened was
because of the anesthesia, I'd stopped breathing and my heart
had stopped. In the recovery room, and remember I was
a nursed at the time. All the bells and whistles

going off, and somebody bringing the crash cart over to
the patient in the bed. I was standing in the
corner and I was watching this and I'm thinking, oh,
I better get over there and do my job. So
I went over to the bed and I was getting
very angry because I couldn't get in close to the
bed to the patient. The people were all doing their

things around me and get me this, and get me that,
and keep doing this, and okay, take over CPR, you know,
the whole thing. But they wouldn't let me do my job,
and it was really starting to piss me off. But
the next thing you know, I'm up on the ceiling
or from a higher plane and I'm looking down and
it was like, oh, that's me. So I'm watching them
working on me, and I'm listening to what they're saying,

and I'm thinking wow, And I just watched from there.
And so next thing you know, wop, I'm back in
my body and I wake up and they say, take
it easy. You had a little complication after, but you're fine. Now.
We're going to keep you under observation for a little
while and then we're going to send you home. And
I said, did my heart stop? I said, I died?

And the doctor looked at me and said, what are
you talking about? And I said, my heart stopped. I said,
I saw you do the CPR. And he said, what
do you mean. I said, I saw the crash card.
I saw you guys working on me. He said, no, no, no, no,
you didn't see any of that. He said, Wanda, your nurse.
You know how it goes the steps to get somebody going.
You weren't gone for that long, but we got you
going again, and you're fine. And then I looked at
him straight in the eye and I said, now, I

don't remember what I told him, but I told him
something that he'd said to a nurse in the room
while this was all going, and it was something that
wasn't normal, not something that you would normally say in
a code. And he looked at me and his face
just went white. He said, oh, and he couldn't get
out of there fast enough. So I thought that was
very interesting. I told my mother on the way home,

and she had the same reaction as the doctor, and
so I really didn't think much of it. But that
really changed my life also, because, as I said, I
was nursing at the time, and whenever I got the
chance and there was a patient that I knew was
near dying a few days away, or they didn't have
a lot of family or that type of thing, the

staff knew where to find me. All the time. I
would always be in that room, and I always found
they were more peaceful, and so was I when I
was in the room with them, And I'm not saying
it's because it was me that was in the room,
but it was because there was somebody there that cared,
even if I had just met them the night before,
or they came in three days ago, or they'd been

in with us for a month actively dying. I spent
that time with them, gently talking to them, assuring them
that things are all right. Soon they would be out
of pain, and I'm right here, and anything I could
do that I could think would make them comfortable. But
mostly I just sat there and talked quietly or read
a book. Sometimes I would just bring a book with

me if it was the middle of the night. Which
brings me to a very interesting phenomenon that happened not once,
but twice. And I honestly believe that I saw two
souls leave their body at the moment of death, and
both times were different. The first time, again, like I said,
it was at the moment of death. Nurses know and

practisers know that there's noises that bodies makes, and you know,
the settling, and I hate the word, but they call
it the death rattle. The first patient I saw something,
it was just very much like, think of somebody who's vaping,
who's just taken a big puff of their ease cigarette

and they're letting you go. And that's what I saw,
was this mist rose from the body near the heart
and it just floated and then dissipated in the air.
And I thought, wow, And I took my stethoscope and
put it on their heart and checked the time of death,
the usual nursing things. The second time, I was again

with a patient, and this time it was a woman.
She was very chatty and very friendly when she was
with us before, and that type of thing, and you
get to know their families. The family had decided that
they were going to go and have a meal or
go and get some rest or whatever, and I said,
don't worry, I'm here. I'll watch over her. And so
I did have a few minutes and I snuck into

her room and I was sitting beside her, and I said, hey,
miss Is, I'm here. The family's just gone out, but
i'll be with you while you're here. And as I
was sitting there, out of the corner of my eye,
I literally see her sit up, not her the body,
but her an essence of her. I don't want to
use the term ghost, but that's the best way I

could describe it. It was just an essence of her.
She literally sat up in the bed and she looked around,
and then she got up on a plane that I
didn't see, a level that I wasn't seeing myself. She
stood straight up, and she turned around and she looked
at herself, and then she just walked off. And again

I checked her pulse and I checked her heart rate,
and she was gone. That was very profound to me.
Sitting with the patients and being with them near their
time was very special to me, and I found comfort
for myself and I found a lot of peace with it.

I don't necessarily tell that story very often, but when
I say that I found it very peaceful to be
sitting with dying patients, they think I'm crazy. But I've
noticed a trend in the last i don't know, ten
or fifteen years that now there's something called a death doula,
and I really feel like that's something that I would

love to do, and I would love to be able
to be given that chance and be able to have
the gift of being with people as they are near
the end and crossing over to their side and to
their family, and to whatever they say is heaven to them.

I guess the biggest message I could give to anybody
is you shouldn't fear dying. This is just an outer casing.
This is just the wrapping that you happen to have
in this lifetime. I always try to remind people that
they're human. Don't look down on homeless people because they're
human too. And they had family in front. They were

somebody's son, they were somebody's daughter, They somebody's mother or father.
They need to be treated with respect and dignity also.
And it's the hardest job I've ever loved.

Speaker 1 (49:54):
Wonderful words from Wanda Hawk. And remember you don't need
to have a near death experience to glean the benefits
of it. The afterlife is real and someday you'll be
greeted with loving arms, but not too soon. Your life
here is important. If these episodes make a difference for you,
could I ask that you leave a review. You never

know who needs to hear just what you have to say.
Please come visit me at We Don't Die dot com.
I'm Sandra Champlain. Thank you so much for listening to
Shades of the Afterlife on the iHeartRadio and Coast to
Coast am Paranormal Podcast Network.

Speaker 2 (50:41):
Thanks for listening to the iHeartRadio and Coast to Coast
Day and Paranormal Podcast Network. Make sure and check out
all our shows on the iHeartRadio app or by going
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