All Episodes

March 7, 2024 52 mins

Susie Evans from The Bachelor is finally in the O.R.! We get all the juicy details on how her friendship with Justin Glaze turned into one of the most talked about relationships in Bachelor Nation!

Find out who said “I love you” first and hear the story of the EXACT moment they became “more than friends”.

Plus, Susie reveals what stopped her from becoming THE Bachelorette!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Scrubbing in Tilly and Tanya rap An iHeartRadio podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:08):
I'm still talking?

Speaker 1 (00:08):
Why are you always talking during this?

Speaker 3 (00:11):
Sorry, it's just always a little Oh, we're starting them.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
Hello, everybody, we are scrubbing it. Scrub a dub dumb.
We have a very fun guest today. I was I've
been trying to get her on the podcast for a
minute now and we finally have her in studio.

Speaker 2 (00:27):
Trying to get her in the podcast too.

Speaker 4 (00:30):
We have been trying to get her on the podcast,
and today we have Susie Evans.

Speaker 1 (00:35):

Speaker 4 (00:35):
Susie is known for being on season twenty six of
The Bachelor, which was Clayton Eckert.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Ekert season.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
In the final episode, he chose her and she rejected him,
and then they ended up dating for a little bit,
but anyways, they broke up. She's doing her own thing.
She's a very very great at making social media content.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
I love her. I love her.

Speaker 3 (00:59):
I met her at the Lemon's Foundation Taylor and Taylor
and Tay Launer have their foundation gala gala gala and
I met Susie there and one of her best friends
is a giant scrubber, and we made a video for
her and she was so cute, and I felt like
Susie and I had been friends forever.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
She's an amazing human and she seems like a girl's girl.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
She's a girl's girl. Some today we're gonna have a
girl's girl episode. So everyone please welcome Susie. Even Susie
Evans is finally scrubbing in.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
I'm here.

Speaker 2 (01:33):
How does it feel to be in the O R ther?

Speaker 1 (01:37):
Yeah, that's what this is. This is the It feels good.

Speaker 5 (01:40):
It's not like as sterile as like an er, but
it's very professional.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
Like walking in, I was like.

Speaker 5 (01:46):
I'm a professional. Yeah, and I feel very official right now.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
I have a desk, yeah, and a mike and a
gold microphone. Yeah, that's right, it's a golden microphone iconic.

Speaker 2 (01:56):
Yeah. Okay, good good.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
We're very happy to have you.

Speaker 4 (01:59):
We were saying that we have been wanting you on
the podcast for a while, and I felt like, you know,
some things take time, and it felt like this was
the right time for you to come.

Speaker 1 (02:08):
It really does feel like the right time.

Speaker 5 (02:09):
I feel like I'm in my cocoon era, Like I
think I'm gonna blossom soon. Like I feel like in
the next six months to a year will really be
like my time to shine.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
So you guys are getting me at the point of like.

Speaker 5 (02:23):
Why in the cocoon? Why why the really working on myself.
I'm just really focusing on becoming the best.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
Version of myself. I'm always doing that me too.

Speaker 5 (02:33):
I'm such a self help girly and that's why, that's
why the vibes are there. Yeah, but yeah, I just
feel like this is you've kept You've got me at
an interesting time in my life.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
What what is? What are you working on? Is it?
What are you working on? I feel like everything.

Speaker 5 (02:50):
I feel like I'm doing a lot of soul searching
and just like personal development. I feel like I've made
a lot of realizations in my in my like personal life, relationships,
my relationship with myself, even like there's so many things
that I just feel like in the past year have
kind of come to the surface and I've been like, oh,
I like really need to work on this and trying

to like figure things out. And now I'm dating somebody
and I'm like trying to like become better but also
like become a better partner. So it's like a I
feel like it's a lot happening, and I just feel
like I'm being really intentional. But it's also like the
first time in my life where I'm like, oh, I
don't know what my next step is, So it's like
it's a weird time where I'm just I feel like
I'm really just like trying to focus on myself and

in my career, but it feels like it's more about
me than my career right now, which is a weird.

Speaker 1 (03:39):
I've never really had that.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
When you because sometimes I feel like when you get
into relationship, you, especially when you're in a healthy relationship,
you start to notice patterns that you do that you
didn't know before because you were on your own and
you were independent and no one.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
Was there to call you out on it.

Speaker 4 (03:56):
And then I feel like once you get into a relationship,
you start noticing things about yourself and and it's you
can either accept it and be like, oh, this is
something where I can work on and get be better
for myself and for my partner, or you get defensive and.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
Go like you don't know what I need to face
or change. Literally literally that's me, yeah for sure.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
And but it's good because I feel like I do
feel like I'm in a healthy relationship and I think
it's funny because I feel like Justin came into my
life in a time where I was like kind of
going through like mentally, just like a really strenuous time
for myself. Like I just like within the first week
of us dating, I had like a ment to be

like full on crying, Like like just I was like,
and I haven't cried like that in probably years, But
that happened like a week into when we first started dating,
just based on my personal life, like what was happening
back home in my life and just.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
Where I was at.

Speaker 5 (04:52):
And I remember thinking, I was like, oh my gosh,
like he is going to think something is.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Very wrong with me.

Speaker 5 (04:58):
And we've been friends for a long time and he
knew the things that were happening in my life, but
it was one of those moments where I was like,
this could like really freak somebody out. But he's been
just really supportive through like kind of this whole transformation
and even yeah, like the things that are positive about me,
Like one of the things is like I'm just multi

passionate and I want to do everything, but then I'm
not like focused in on certain things. And like he's
been able to kind of he's very good at being
like focused and you know, finishing a task like yeah,
and very just like we're just very different people in that.
So he's been really good about like having intentional conversations
with me, so like, and I think that there's a

part of me that could be defensive on that and
be like, well, I'm just different than you because I
want to do everything and I'm passionate about so many things.
But instead I'm like, no, this is like a good
conversation and I need to like you are offering me
good advice and I don't like I am trying and
I'm actually not being defensive, but I'm just like, no,
you're like a good mentor in many aspects.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Of my life. So it's been an interesting time.

Speaker 3 (06:03):
That's cute. Yea, I refer to him as a mentor,
but I kind of like get it. I kind of
feel the same way. I totally understand. I've never like
heard that comparison before, but it's really cute.

Speaker 5 (06:14):
That's good, yeah, because mentor could definitely be like a
weird and he's my mentor.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
My boyfriend's my mentor.

Speaker 1 (06:20):

Speaker 3 (06:20):
It's like sweet because it's like a mentor with somebody
that kind of like guides you and helps you and
like nurtures you.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
It's like really sweet.

Speaker 5 (06:27):
Yeah, I feel like he's further along in some like
even like just career wise, like he's taken a more
traditional path, so I feel like he has more to
offer on the business side of things that I'm like,
I'm just an organism floating in the world.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
I'm just floating around. I think there's people that are
just wired. I'm wired more like you, where I'm just
kind of like it's it's not that serious.

Speaker 4 (06:51):
And also like, yeah, and Hayley's very much this is
my dream, this is why I want to accomplish it.
Like she has so much focus on her work and passion,
and I'm kind of like, we're living here, We're.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
Living ge living.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
Okay, so you and Justine, Okay, let's let's go back.

Speaker 2 (07:15):
Let's back it up here, back up. WHOA, thank you
so much.

Speaker 3 (07:22):
When I'm tired, it's some things come out of my
mouth and I'm like, just.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Go with it. Let's go back to the season of
The Bachelor that.

Speaker 3 (07:30):
You were on, right, Okay, yeah, right, yeah, So you
went on the Bachelor, you were chosen. I was the
chosen on you declined politely, politely. Yeah, then you guys
kept dating, Yeah yeah, yeah, okay, and then that did
not work out.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
Right. Are you guys still friends?

Speaker 1 (07:49):

Speaker 5 (07:49):
I would say we are friendly for sure. I think
we've held each other through a lot in the past
few years. He's actually going through like so much right
now still, and I stayed in touch with him through
a lot of that. We would be at the same events,
we'd catch up when we when he.

Speaker 1 (08:05):
Was in town.

Speaker 5 (08:07):
But now I do feel like there comes a point
when you like start a new relationship when you're like, okay,
it's like probably not super appropriate to like stay as
friendly as we were staying. So we don't really like
I don't shoot him texts or anything that we're Before
when I was single, i'd be like, hey, like I
kind of saw this, I hope you're doing. Okay, we're now.
We do like support each other on social media and whatever,
but we don't really like call each other to catch.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Up, right, Okay, So like no ill, no ill, will
not at all.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
I think of anything.

Speaker 5 (08:32):
We like really support and like love each other from
a friendship level.

Speaker 2 (08:36):
So why didn't it work?

Speaker 5 (08:38):
I think we're just so different. I think we're really
different people. I think we kind of like wanted different
things in life. And I also think that it's I
think it's almost a miracle if you make it, Like
if you're the person that ends up with the lead
on a show you barely know each other, like you
and everybody you barely know the like I feel like

the women know each other so much better than the men,
or that you know like the lead, whichever way it is,
if it's a bachelor, bachelorette, And then when you get
into the real world, like he didn't know me, I
didn't know him, and all of a sudden, we're like
living together in Virginia, and I think it's hard for him,
Like he moved into my environment like with my family
around with my friends, and it's probably really hard for

him to like build a life there and be happy.
And then for me, I think it was just like
having certain expectations of a relationship where I think I
think we just had different expectations from a partners, like
what you expect from a partner, and I just like
didn't work. And I think it would have been a
miracle if it had for anybody. Like I think it's

just you don't know each other when you come off
the show, so you're kind of like making it. I
hate to say a blind choice, but it's almost like
a blind choice, right, Like it's like.

Speaker 3 (09:51):
At the end of it, you've probably gone on like
three or four dates to a yeah.

Speaker 4 (09:55):
Yeah. I don't think people I don't think people watching
realize how little time you are with that person, right Like,
if you're watching this season or you're watching right now,
are you caught up? So Like the last episode, Daisy
was like, I don't know if I'm in love with him,
which is to me, I had the same thing on
my on my season. I couldn't The producers are like,
are you falling in love?

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Are you in love? And I'm like no, Like I've
talked to me.

Speaker 2 (10:17):
Like do I believe in love?

Speaker 1 (10:19):
Yeah? Is this love thing real? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (10:23):
It doesn't feel so cool, But when you're watching it,
it's like, how could you not be in love? Like,
look at all these dates your own, Look at all
this time you're spending together. But I think I made
it to the end and I would say that we
spent a total of.

Speaker 1 (10:37):
Twenty four hours together.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Max. It's so crazy.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
That's how I felt too.

Speaker 5 (10:41):
I was like, we've known you other, like we've been
in the same vicinity for maybe twenty four hours.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
Yeah, really, does that you understand that I have like
cartons of eggs in my refrigerator longer?

Speaker 1 (10:50):
Yeah? Literally? Really, you know those eggs better and he
knew me.

Speaker 3 (10:54):
I do know they last long far afresh.

Speaker 2 (10:58):
That's a long long time.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
So it was a breakup mutual for y'all. I think
I think at the at that point it was.

Speaker 5 (11:07):
Technically like I'm the one that brought up the conversation,
but I think he was like, thank god the thank
god you're doing it, not me.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
But I think we.

Speaker 5 (11:13):
Both were at the point where we were just we
were like just getting into little fights so much, and
it was like I also think that. I also think
that I was like embraced by Bachelor Nation, like the
audience a little bit more than he was. And doesn't
mean I didn't get like a ton of hate and
like horrible messages and all the things that come with it.

But I think I was just like I say that
because I was open to the opportunities we were getting.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
And I feel like at that point, like.

Speaker 5 (11:45):
Clayton was very anti social media, like there was a
point where he was like, I want to like delete
my Instagram, Like I don't even want to be on
social media. I don't want to take any of these
opportunities because it was really.

Speaker 1 (11:55):
Bad for his mental health.

Speaker 5 (11:57):
And I totally get that, and I remember, like the
manager I was working with was like, just like encourage
him to just try, because ten years from now, he's
going to regret not seizing the moment and like taking
the opportunity. And now, like we've since had conversations where
he's like I get it. He's like, there's so many
opportunities and even if it's not about like making money

or anything, but it's about career freedom, you know, like
being able to do something that's different. He's like doing
real estate now, and he posted these dancing videos.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
Yes, I honestly I think it's great, but.

Speaker 4 (12:32):
Yeah, he I think he found something that he enjoys doing,
and he it seems like he's not taking it so seriously.

Speaker 1 (12:38):
Right, and he's just saying, well, do dust off the
hayten because people rip him for these dance videos now.

Speaker 5 (12:43):
But he's like, bring it on, because I'm selling real
estate and you're getting me views. And that's where that's
the attitude. And he's because we have sense talked and
he's like, there's such an opportunity in social media, like
I have more financial freedom, I have more freedom in
my life. Like it has blessed him in so many
ways that he now sees. But in the moment, there

was just so much heat that I even think that
was a point of friction for us because like I
wasn't like I wasn't getting as much heat, and and
he was so like I could post and it would
be received.

Speaker 1 (13:15):
Well, he could post and it'd.

Speaker 5 (13:16):
Be horrible, like like horrible comments, like mean stuff towards him.
And I think it was just like hard to navigate
the whole thing, not just the relationship, but like being
a public couple. Now that half the people hate you,
half the people like one of you, half people like
the other.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
It's like it was so split. So it was just
a really hard thing.

Speaker 5 (13:37):
So by the time it was like, oh, like by
the time the relationship was over, we really did love
and care about each other so much, but it was
like we have just been through so much and I
think we're just different people, we want different things, and
it just didn't work.

Speaker 4 (13:52):
Yeah, yeah, you were working at a restaurant when it
was airing.

Speaker 1 (13:58):
Yes, okay, so I heard.

Speaker 4 (13:59):
I listen to Jason Tartik's podcast, so I got a
little over your backstory on this, so I know that
that's such a crazy experience to be working at the job.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
Were you there before you went on the show? Yes,
I started. So I started my business a few years prior.
But it's just it's just like hard as a videographer.
There's seasons where weddings happen, seasons really don't.

Speaker 5 (14:21):
So this summer before going on the show, I got
a job at Chick's Oyster Bar and then went on
the show. When I came back, I didn't have a
wedding for like three or four months. So I was like,
I really got to like make some money so I
could go back to wateresting.

Speaker 1 (14:33):
So I went back into the same waitress job that
I had before.

Speaker 4 (14:36):
Yeah, because I went back to my job after I
was on A two. And it was such an interesting
experience because I would be I think you mentioned this
on Jason's podcast, but every Tuesday, well every day after Monday, Yeah,
people would come in and I would be repeating the
same stories over and over again. Ask the same questions
over and over again, and in my mind, I'm like,

I know they're excited, but also this is crazy exhaust Yeah,
so that was kind of when I made that shift
of Okay, what's my next move. Did you have that
moment working at the restaurant before you moved to La Yeah.

Speaker 1 (15:09):
I definitely did. Uh.

Speaker 5 (15:12):
I've I've always loved working in restaurants, Like I've done
it since I was sixteen. I was like a hostess,
and all through college I did it. And then when
I started my business, I worked at a Hilton for
a bit, like in the restaurants, and then I worked
at Chicksoystupa, which is like just a fun local spot
in Virginia Beach. So I've just always loved hospitality. And
so even when I was like making more money, I

was like doing brand deals and I was like, I
still want to work like my one Wednesday shift at Chicks,
Like I just love it and the beach that it's
on it's called Chicks, That's why it's called Chicks.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
And so it was just like a fun vibe.

Speaker 5 (15:42):
But it started to become distracting, Like it was definitely
not like I was like, oh, like this isn't It
was probably good for the business, but it wasn't good
for like me as a waitress. Like people would people
would want pictures or they would call and be like,
as Susie working tonight and can I sit in her section?
And like it was like funny, but it was also
just like it wasn't working, and I was like how

crazy it was, Like, yeah, it was like kind of
funny because to me, I just like wanted to go
back to my life because I loved my life before
the show, Like I was living literally steps away from
the beach. I just I just like had a really
fun year the year before it was like a really
good year coming out of COVID, and then it, Yeah,
just my life was just different, and I was like, oh,

it's like not the same. Like I can't just like
have my like business and then my like side hustle job,
and it's just it just wasn't the same. So I
definitely had that realization at some point where I was
like I really can't be doing my Wednesday nights at
Chicks anymore. It's just not gonna it's just not working
for anybody.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
Yeah, So that when you moved to La, Yeah, when
did you move to La So I was planning. Clayton
and I were planning to move to Arizona because I
think it was hard for him.

Speaker 5 (16:50):
I don't know that he's like beach guy, you know,
oh interesting, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
But he's a scot stale guy, which like makes sense.

Speaker 5 (16:56):
I feel like that works for him. His brothers lived there,
so we were like okay. I was like, I'm okay
to relocate, Like, I'm okay to pivot. I can move
my business. I went, I started doing it.

Speaker 3 (17:05):
You're an organism, you can Oh, I'm on an organ
I can float. Yeah, yeah, I can float. So I
was taking no, I wasn't doing any more Virginia weddings.
I was doing only destinations, so it was taking a
lot less but they were kind of cooler, and I was.

Speaker 5 (17:19):
Like, I can fly from anywhere. So we started to
make that transition and then we broke up. So then
it was like we moved out and maybe September no,
I think it was October maybe I don't know. And
I was just kind of like, well, I'm not going
to Arizona now, and so I was like, well, I
should just like do something like should I go to
New York.

Speaker 1 (17:39):
I've always loved New York.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
The manager that I was working with and still do,
she's amazing. And she was like, honestly, I feel like La,
Like you need to be in La. It's such a vibe.
It would just like you would fit right in. It
would suit either. So many more opportunities, like you can
build something of your yourself there, Like it's just the
land of opportunities.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
And I was like, you know what, I might, I
might as well? Yeah, I did, like.

Speaker 5 (18:01):
A month Subley or no, two months Subley's in Santa Monica.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Loved it. And then while I was out here, I
looked for apartments and got a spot. So is that
when you moved in with Justin and Andrew? Okay, we
never moved in together. Oh what crazy story.

Speaker 5 (18:15):
I know everyone thinks we did because we were going
to all three be roommates. But then the Bachelor with
the Bachelorette came knocking on my door, and so I
took the like I went through the.

Speaker 2 (18:27):
Process and they wanted you to be the Bachelorette. Yeah,
and who would it be? Whose season? Would it have been?

Speaker 1 (18:33):
Charity? Yeah? So the same season as Hurt.

Speaker 5 (18:35):
Yeah, so me, Justin Andrew were literally like so close
to getting an apartment altogether and becoming roommates. And I
was like in La interviewing for the Bachelorette, and I
was like, by the way, like I'm about to move
in with Andrew and justin like there's no conflict of
interest there, right, Like that's not going to be.

Speaker 1 (18:56):
Like a bad look or something like.

Speaker 5 (18:59):
And they were like, it's maybe not the best, Like
I can't tell you yes or non obviously, like we're
not telling you if you are the bachelorrette or not,
but like may not be the best move, like it
might ruffle feathers.

Speaker 1 (19:10):
I don't know, blah blah blah.

Speaker 5 (19:12):
And so I couldn't tell the guys that I was
interviewing for it, so I just had to like kind
of bail on them. And I was like, I'm so sorry,
like something has come up with work and I don't
think I'm gonna be able to do this and whatever.
They were both kind of bitter towards me. They were
both kind of like mad at me. They were like
that They're like, oh my god, like you're so flaky
kind of you know, And I felt so bad. I
couldn't tell them I was like, I feel so bad,

but if you knew what it was like, you would
of course support me because it's a huge opportunity whatever.
So it is the day I found out I didn't
get it, they were like the second or third people
I texted. I was like, by the way, like, I
feel like such an a hole, but this is why
I couldn't, Like I've been with you guys to do
a subleast, and they were like super supportive and so
understanding and stuff, and they were my friends throughout it anyways.

Speaker 1 (19:54):
So yeah, we never lived together, but we all moved
to LA and subleased separately at the same time.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Wait, I need to back up. When they did they
tell you didn't get the Bachelorette after.

Speaker 5 (20:04):
Yeah, but it was like several months of me just
being like in limbo.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
And so when they say like, oh, sorry you didn't
get the role or like what are they say?

Speaker 5 (20:12):
Yeah, they called me, and well I had called them
at one point because I was like, I am like
spending so much money saw bleasing in Santa Monica, and
I like, you need to know if I'm getting a
permanent apartment or if I'm just gonna like write like
pick up and leave in a month or whatever, and
I was kind of like, I was like, I don't
care either.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
Way, just let me know, let me know.

Speaker 5 (20:32):
Yeah, And so then like three days later I got
a call and they were like, hey, we've decided to
go in a different direction. And then the next Monday
it was announced and I was like, okay, cool, like
I can. I just wanted to wanted to know. I
was like, I just need to know for like my
life plans.

Speaker 4 (20:44):

Speaker 1 (20:45):
They did that to me too. I don't know why
they Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 3 (20:49):
I to go in a different direction is the most
annoying word that ever.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
Literally, but my the other direction they went in was
on Caitlin and Bristow and Brent were the dual.

Speaker 1 (21:00):
I was like, honestly, I'm glad I'm.

Speaker 3 (21:02):
Not a part I hate that decided to go in
a different direction, Like really, what direction is that?

Speaker 4 (21:07):

Speaker 3 (21:07):
Not me?

Speaker 1 (21:08):
Not my direction? Not this direction?

Speaker 2 (21:10):
Yeah? Yeah, thank you for trying to us offten the blow.

Speaker 4 (21:13):
Okay, I think we need to take a break, but
I want to ask about because you and Justin were
friends and I have some questions about that time before
it became romantic.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
We'll be right back all right, we are back.

Speaker 4 (21:46):
So, your current boyfriend, Justin is who we were talking
about earlier, and you were best friends with him and Andrew.

Speaker 1 (21:53):
Like y'all were like a little trio.

Speaker 4 (21:55):
I felt like y'all were always at events together, making
videos together.

Speaker 2 (21:59):

Speaker 4 (22:00):
So were y'all open about dating? Were y'all open about
your dating lives when y'all were just friends?

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Yeah? Yeah, it's actually kind of weird. Now I'm like, oh,
I know too much, but I wanted to know.

Speaker 5 (22:15):
Yeah, I feel like I mean I say that, but
I'm like, you just when you're friends with somebody. It
was it was a good dynamic because it was Andrew
and Justin and then me, so they were like the
besties and then I was kind of like the the
addition to the group or whatever, and it was like
it just worked.

Speaker 1 (22:33):
The dynamics were well.

Speaker 5 (22:34):
It was always like them too, and then me pretty
much and until Andrew left. But yeah, I had a
boyfriend for like a hot minute there, like like I think,
well he was my boyfriend. Like we called each other
boyfriend and girlfriend. It felt a little early for me.

Speaker 1 (22:49):
I was like, it feels fait early, but we technically
were boyfriend and girlfriend. It was the airport line.

Speaker 2 (22:55):
Yes, well he made you a airport sign.

Speaker 4 (22:59):

Speaker 2 (23:00):
When he came back to Lax, Yeah, like, Zoozie, this
is for you.

Speaker 1 (23:04):
Like be my girlfriend. Yeah, that's so cute.

Speaker 5 (23:06):
I know, but like if it's the right person, and
it was just a little early, I was.

Speaker 2 (23:14):
Not long.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
I don't know. I don't know a couple of weeks,
I don't know, I don't remember. I feel bad. I
don't know something that I would.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
Do, Like, that's literally something I would do.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
Don't make the sun the dating.

Speaker 3 (23:28):
I'm like, what's your favorite cookie? I'm gonna send you
every flavor of this side.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
Of yeah west side. No, I'm the same way. I
feel like if Justin did that, I'd be like, oh,
that's so cute.

Speaker 5 (23:37):
But Justin would never do that, you know what I mean,
Like he probably never be that person, but if it, yeah,
I feel like it's if it's the right person, it's
so cute. It would be so cute. I don't know
it just the vibes, yeah, off, we're off. Yeah for
vibes don't lie, Yeah, vibes don't lie.

Speaker 1 (23:52):
But he would like come out.

Speaker 5 (23:53):
We did like an escape room all together with the guys,
like I remember.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
I met a few.

Speaker 5 (24:00):
Different ladies throughout the friendship period where with from all
the different from all the different guys, Like I met
different girls that they were dating or seeing or whatever.
So I thought there was like, certainly no interest in
me on Justin's behalf, because I'm like, no way I
would be meeting.

Speaker 1 (24:19):
Like, right, you know girls who's dating? Yeah, like girls
are dating if you're interested in me. But I guess
he just wasn't at the time. I don't know.

Speaker 2 (24:27):
And then when did that switch?

Speaker 5 (24:29):
Probably well, it was at some point after Andrew left
La and then the trio became a duo and we
were just spending so much time together. But I think
we had genuinely been just friends for so long at
that point, like coming up on a year, well coming
up on it was like, you know, eight to ten
months that we'd been like friends and doing things all

together as a group. And then it's like Justin got
his own spot and we would go look at furniture
together and we were just like hanging out all the time.
We literally go get frozen yogurt and go back to
his house watch The Bachelor The Bachelorette. On opposite end
of the couch and then after the show's every like
okay bye, Like it was literally just.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
So then when did it switch?

Speaker 5 (25:10):
Well, at some point it started to feel flirty and
it was in like October ish time frame, and then
we all went to Vegas and we like talk about
this sacred strawberry. When we were drunk one night and
we split the strawberry. We both both took a bite
of it, a chocolate covered strawberry, and we weren't like
crazy drunk, it was like tipsy. But I was like,

friends don't share strawberry. So I was like that was extra.
But then I went back to Virginia right after that
trip and then came back to La week went by,
so it'd been like two weeks since the strawberry incident,
and I'm like, I thought he was in love with.

Speaker 1 (25:47):
Me, Like we shared a strawberry good photo. We were filming,
we were filming videos in Vegas. Oh my god, you
have I'm sweating right now. It's so intimate.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
That is very intimate.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
That was not a friend That was a friend thing. No,
I don't do that with my friend. Nobody does that
with their friends.

Speaker 5 (26:13):
And we were a little tipsy, but that was like
that was as close as we got to kissing, which
is pretty close.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Girl's lips definitely touched.

Speaker 5 (26:24):
And then we just moved on with the night like
like nothing happened, and the then life went on, and
I was like thinking, I'm like I literally thought we
were about to get married and that babies like what happened,
you know, like we shared a strawberry I don't understand.

Speaker 1 (26:38):
And then like.

Speaker 5 (26:39):
Two weeks later, he tries to split a Twizzler with
me and I was like no. I was like, no,
we don't get to just split twizzlers and we've had
a few drinks, like you either love me or you don't.
Like I was basically like no, I'm not gonna like
just play these games whatever. And then it just happened
like an uber was picking us up, and at that moment,

the uber arrived and we were like, okay, well I'm
going to sit in an uber for like thirty minutes
because Justin was like, no, like I actually do feel
something like I want to talk to you about it.

Speaker 3 (27:09):
I just really want to just have the twiddler, yeahler,
And so then we're sitting in an awkward uber for
like thirty minutes like Okay, like, we don't want to
have this conversation here.

Speaker 5 (27:20):
And then we get back to Justin's house, we sit
down and he like basically on his couch, is like
very I don't want to say professional, but it was
very professional. He was just very polite about it, where
he was like, we've been friends for a long time.
I think about the qualities and the characteristics of like
the type of person I.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
Want to be with, like you have all of them.

Speaker 2 (27:39):
What does he do for a living?

Speaker 1 (27:41):
He was in finance.

Speaker 2 (27:42):
Okay, yeah, he's like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, true, Yeah, that's.

Speaker 1 (27:46):
A good point. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (27:47):
He was just like put it all out there, where
he was like, I care so much about you.

Speaker 1 (27:50):
I like you.

Speaker 5 (27:51):
I think I can see this as more, but I
don't want to freak you out, and I don't want
to make things weird, and I'm okay with going like
just moving forward friends, but just putting this out there
because I want to be respectful and I don't want
to like cross boundaries that you don't want to cross.

Speaker 1 (28:06):
But basically what he was saying is that he's in
love with.

Speaker 5 (28:09):
Me, Like that's what I heard, and so but then
in that moment, it was so funny because then we're like, oh,
like now what.

Speaker 1 (28:17):
Like do you kiss me?

Speaker 5 (28:19):
Or like right, because we're sitting here having a very
normal conversation, and then we did end up kissing, and
and we were like, Okay, let's just be like secret
about this because what if this all blows up in
two weeks and like then our friends feel weird about it,
so let's not tell anybody. And then we were like
lying to the public because it was just we were
then dating and then our close friends knew, but the
public didn't, and we were like, we should just keep

this as private as we can because people are going
to speculate, people are going to say things, and like
let's just like test this out for ourselves. And then
it was like basically I guess like four months in
when we finally were like, okay, let's say it to
the world.

Speaker 1 (28:54):
So it felt like we had been we were kind
of established.

Speaker 3 (28:56):
Right when you kiss, did you get the Fanny flutters
I was just about to ask.

Speaker 4 (29:00):
I wasn't gonna ask about Fanny Potter, so I was
going to ask what the kiss.

Speaker 1 (29:03):
Was, Like, No, it was so good, it was so good.

Speaker 5 (29:06):
Yeah, I definitely was like I was like, oh, I
didn't expect this. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (29:10):
Yeah, it was like romantic was just like a very term, very.

Speaker 2 (29:14):
Like I don't call the vagina tingled.

Speaker 1 (29:18):
Yeah that's a good one too. Yeah yeah, yeah it
was good.

Speaker 4 (29:23):
I want to go back to when you were saying
that he when he was dating women and you were
meeting the girls he was dating. Did you at that
point where you, like, did you notice something inside of
you that you were like, oh that, like I don't
like that, Like I'm jealous.

Speaker 1 (29:37):
I really I didn't.

Speaker 5 (29:39):
I mean I literally, I mean I always say I'm
like I had a boyfriend at one point. You know,
there's a period it wasn't like the strongest connection.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
I've had, but Sign guy. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
Yeah, it's sad because like that's literally me.

Speaker 1 (29:56):
Yeah yeah, but.

Speaker 5 (29:58):
Like I feel like I would like it friendship. Yeah,
and I feel like I would be Signed girl. It's
crazy that so many things in that relationship that were
actually really really good. But I just I don't know
what it can't You can't force no when it's the
wrong guy.

Speaker 3 (30:14):
Remember I didn't want to go on a second date
because a guy drank his drink through a straw. I
was like, oh that is so like sick. So I
was like, never call me again.

Speaker 4 (30:23):

Speaker 2 (30:24):
I mean, I'm drinking from a straw every day.

Speaker 1 (30:27):
Yeah, you are a straw girl.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
I'm a straw girl.

Speaker 4 (30:30):
So you'all start dating. You keep it private, but you're
filming all this content. Everyone's like, come on, yeah. Even
I saw you at the Lemon Foundation thing and I
had like something blocking our faces.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
But I was like, and I told you, right, I know.

Speaker 3 (30:46):
Yeah, I felt very privileged because you told me that
you were dating this guy.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
But I didn't know any of the backstory. I didn't know,
like it was a secret.

Speaker 3 (30:57):
I didn't know that like you were chosen on the
batchel or like I didn't know any of the backstory.
And so like a couple of weeks later or something,
I think it was that way jingle Ball. I saw
you and everybody was like, they're like Ashley. I was like,
they're totally together. I don't know what I was like,
And in my mind I was like, oh, so I
was like I was with the secret.

Speaker 2 (31:15):
Was so like honored.

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Wait, that's actually so funny. Now that I think about
It'm like that was so risky of me, but also.

Speaker 4 (31:21):
Like you I'm taking that straight to write Seacrest And.

Speaker 5 (31:28):
Wait, but that almost makes it better because you didn't
know that it was tea.

Speaker 1 (31:31):
It's like one thing about she did not know his tea.

Speaker 2 (31:36):
Not my side of the algorithm.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
Yeah that's fair. Yeah, yeah, that's amazing.

Speaker 4 (31:41):
So Okay, I have a question. This is from like
a marketing standpoint. Okay, oh yeah, because I think you're
I think you're like a brilliant content creator.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
I think you're so smart, and I think like, how
y'all have.

Speaker 4 (31:56):
Like the teas leading up to y'all announcing your relationship?

Speaker 1 (31:59):
Was I loved it? Anyways?

Speaker 4 (32:02):
Was there any intention behind when we all went public
in relation to Valentine's Day campaigns?

Speaker 1 (32:11):
Okay, So that's.

Speaker 5 (32:13):
That is a good question because it was right before
so Christmas time. Justin actually came to Virginia and I
went to Maryland, so we met each other's family. Yeah,
we like met each other's family over Christmas, and we
did have a Valentine's Day campaign with Sweethearts and it
was a situationship box. So it was like, suppose the

whole campaign is about like blurred lines. And at that point,
actually from the second he kissed me, I basically was like,
I'm your girlfriend, Like if you're kissing me, then like
that's my expectation.

Speaker 1 (32:44):
That's just how I am.

Speaker 5 (32:45):
I'm like, you can't date other people, Like yeah, I
mean I can't handle that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1 (32:49):
So if you want to date me, that's cool. But
here's like I'm your girlfriend now basically, you know, like
that was kind of the vibe. Well, this isn't a situationship.
No it's not. Basically, yeah, it wasn't a situationship.

Speaker 5 (32:59):
But we had been online like doing funny bits about
that kind of like blurredline relationships type stuff. So Sweethearts
reach out to us and we did do a campaign
with them.

Speaker 2 (33:10):
And what is Sweethearts?

Speaker 1 (33:15):
It was like such a fun They released like only.

Speaker 5 (33:18):
Three of these, like yeah yeah, and we just were
like we were actually so flattered because they wanted us
to do a bit, so like we've been doing bits
and we were like, oh my god, this is like
really cool to see that we've been putting work into
like writing funny skits and like it's working and brands
want to like hire us essentially, And so over Christmas,

we were having a conversation and Justin brought up like, well,
like when do we want to announce it, and I
was kind of shocked because I feel like a lot
of times it's guys who are more apprehensive to like
keeping a.

Speaker 1 (33:47):
Post, yeah, like they're like less likely to be like that.

Speaker 5 (33:52):
And I was very much like, oh, I don't care,
like like we could post tomorrow, like maybe we could
do New Years.

Speaker 1 (33:58):
And then Justin's like, well we do have the sweetheart
New Year new boo. Yeah exactly.

Speaker 5 (34:02):
I'm like, there's so many good ones that would have
been a great one, thank you. And Justin was like
I think I actually think he kind of got his
feelings hurt because he was like, I feel like you're
not like eager to post me, and I was like,
I post you literally every day all the time, Like
if you're all over my page, you're plastered on my page,
like nobody knows we're like technically together. We haven't said it,

but like I certainly don't like hide you, you know.
But it actually was kind of a it's like funny
now when we look back, because he I think his
feelings were kind of hurt in that moment, and I
and I remember being like, oh my god, like I
promise like I would love to, but I also don't
want to put pressure on this to post if you're
if you're wanting to wait, and like.

Speaker 2 (34:43):
You're like, I'm not going to respect you. Yeah, yeah,
I also.

Speaker 1 (34:46):
Want to respect the brow of it all, you know,
like take your time.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
But but he was like wanting to post, and I
actually thought that was like super sweet and I was
kind of like taken aback, but we did it. Ultimately
decide we're like, okay, should we just wait until after
the Sweethearts campaign because it is a situationship.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
But during that conversation.

Speaker 5 (35:05):
Where I felt like his feelings were her, I was like,
I don't care about any of the financial side of it.

Speaker 1 (35:09):
I was like, we didn't sign anything that says we
can't come.

Speaker 5 (35:11):
Out as a couple, Like we could still post the
situationship thing and the bit and like we don't have
to pretend for anything, Like we've not signed any contract
regarding our relationship, so like we need to do it's
best for us, So if we want to post on
New Year's and like we should post. But then I
just think having the conversation was good because then we
both knew it wasn't like either of us were hiding
from posting, right and then we both were like, Okay,

let's wait for the campaign to be over, and then
we did post after the campaign, but it was the
campaign was in January, so yeah, but but yeah, we
did wait until that one.

Speaker 1 (35:44):
Yeah, but strictly because.

Speaker 2 (35:45):
Look at back out with her sleuth.

Speaker 4 (35:47):
That was a good question. Yeah, so much. Yeah, I
just thought it. I was like, that was really smart.
And then I was like, I don't even know if
they did. Maybe I'm like too deep into.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
It, like smart.

Speaker 1 (35:57):
Yeah, we did, and it wasn't. I guess it wasn't.
I guess it was intentional.

Speaker 5 (36:01):
Ultimately, like we did talk about it, but leading up
to it, we almost didn't because I was like, I
remember being.

Speaker 1 (36:07):
Like, I don't want you to think I don would
opposed to you. Yeah, that's not the case at all.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
I know there was probably a level of pressure while
y'all were was a situation again, I guess secretly dating
because everyone was like, what is going on? Tellens, But
it's probably fun for y'all to kind of like, yeah,
maybe not as much pressure. Have you noticed a different
type of pressure being public now? Is there anything different?

Speaker 2 (36:48):
Like do you guys have stands?

Speaker 5 (36:50):
I guess maybe I guess, yeah, I guess we do.
I feel like, yeah, I guess comparatively with cleaning, people
were like rooting for us to break up, and now
people are happy that were to get me and Justin
are together.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
I yeah, but.

Speaker 5 (37:06):
I guess yeah, we do have people that like love
us together, which is actually really nice to get messages
that say really nice things about your partner and are like,
oh my gosh, like he's so funny, and you guys
compliment each other like that is nice to hear. So
I don't know that I feel pressure though, Like I
really don't, and I even feel like with my previous relationship,

I never felt pressure, Like I think that I'm so
resistant to that where I'm like, if anyone puts pressure
on me to do anything, I'm gonna be like absolutely not,
I'm gonna do what I want, Like that's just me,
Like I'm such a rebel.

Speaker 1 (37:38):
And that's in that sense. But I don't think I
feel pressure to like be together.

Speaker 2 (37:43):
Not so like you're not planning your wedding not yet.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
But I do I feel like I am.

Speaker 5 (37:53):
I don't know, I feel like I am at a
place where I'm intentionally dating yea, you know, like even
the boyfriend I had over the summer last year, side guy.

Speaker 1 (38:01):
Yeah, like he was a really great guy, and I
think that's.

Speaker 5 (38:04):
Why I was like, I really should like try to
see this too, because I felt like he was a
really quality person.

Speaker 2 (38:10):
Where is he now?

Speaker 1 (38:11):
You know, thriving?

Speaker 2 (38:12):
Oh good? Okay?

Speaker 1 (38:13):
It was everything on paper?

Speaker 5 (38:14):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, everything on paper kind of guy for sure,
and like quite a bit older too. I think he
was like thirty eight, which would be ideal. And now
Justin's like a year younger. And at the beginning, I
was like, I don't know if I can do this,
Like he's just a year younger than me, and then
if we break up in three years, it's not a
big deal to him, but it's a big deal to me.
Like I just was feeling that pressure, which is like scary.

Unfortunately as a woman, I hate that I feel that.

Speaker 1 (38:38):
But I do sometimes.

Speaker 5 (38:41):
But that was like it wasn't a big thing at
the beginning, but I remember when we were just friends
and everybody would ask I remember thinking I was like,
Justin's too young for me, Like I'm looking for a
guy that's like older and yeah, like ready to get
married and want kids the next whatever, however many years
and now.

Speaker 1 (38:57):
I don't know what that looks like.

Speaker 5 (38:59):
But I think I think, I mean justin knows I'm
very intentional. And he even said like when we started dating,
because I was like I asked like a thousand questions.

Speaker 1 (39:08):
I was like, okay, but do you really like me?
Or like do you just thing this is like convenient?

Speaker 5 (39:12):
Like you know, I was like freaked out because I
was like, I know, I'm you're like really close friend
out here, but like is this just convenient and that's
what this is?

Speaker 2 (39:19):
Or like are you gonna marry me?

Speaker 1 (39:21):
Like want to?

Speaker 3 (39:22):

Speaker 1 (39:23):
Like do you love me today?

Speaker 5 (39:25):
And I remember him saying to me, he was like
I respect you so much, and I think coming from
friendship and like just like a really quality friendship too,
like I really feel like we cared for each other.
And we were like I don't feel like I have
a lot of best guy actually don't have best guy friends.
But when we moved out here, it's like we really
were the only people that we kind of knew and

Andrew at the time, and then you know, it's like
you we just became so close that he was like,
I like value you that I would never do anything
to jeopardize like you as a person, or compromise our friendship,
the bottom line where all this started. So like, I
do believe him in that, but it is someames. It
is scary that he's younger.

Speaker 2 (40:04):
Hi one year.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
I know, I know it sounds that great.

Speaker 5 (40:07):
I know it sounds crazy, but I just feel like
guys have a different mentality a lot of times.

Speaker 2 (40:12):
Like how old is? How old are you? I'm thirty,
it's so he's twenty nine. Same thing.

Speaker 1 (40:16):
Have y'all said I love you? Yeah? Who said it first?
Actually I think he said it first.

Speaker 4 (40:23):
Were you like waiting for were you like determined that
you were gonna let him say it first? No?

Speaker 5 (40:27):
Wait, wait, oh my gosh. It's actually funny but really inappropriate.
So I can't tell the story. I'm so sorry, but
it happened in a really funny way. I wish I
could tell you guys, it's so funny, but it's so inappropriate,
so I can't say it.

Speaker 1 (40:39):
But it was really funny.

Speaker 5 (40:42):
It was really funny, and it was so sweet because
it was actually kind of early on. But I felt
like I felt like because we were so close before
we started dating. Yeah, it felt exodited literally it felt
expedited and like it wasn't even like, oh, we jumped
into things and were like staying all the time at
each other's houses and like we're.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
Obsessed with each other like that even though.

Speaker 5 (41:00):
I am, but like it was just more so like
we knew each other so well that when we started dating,
it was probably like like three or four weeks in
we had The way it happened was like he was
like no, I actually would say like I think I like,
I think I love you, And I was like me too,
like are we crazy? Like are we crazy that we
are this like saying that at this point, like it

felt really quick, but it I guess because we were
just so close.

Speaker 1 (41:28):
That it just felt normal. Yeah. Did you are you
watching Love Is Blind?

Speaker 3 (41:33):

Speaker 4 (41:33):
Okay, we were having this discussion in our earlier podcast
about Jimmy having best girlfriends Now that you have had
the friendship to lover experience, Yeah, how do you feel
about justin having close friends that are women?

Speaker 1 (41:51):
So I think.

Speaker 5 (41:55):
We always would say when people would ask us, even
like once we started dating, that like a relationship really
wouldn't have lasted, Like if he went and like had
a serious girlfriend, if I went and had a serious boyfriend,
Like it's not appropriate for me to like be at
his house like eating froyo, watching Bachelor on Mondays, Like
that's not appropriate, right, And I never had that while

I was dating the other guy. Like the other guy
came into the friend group and we would hang out
as friends, but I was never like one on one
with Justin while I had that boyfriend and vice versa
of Justin, he never had a serious girlfriend during the
whole time. But like it was more so like we
knew that our dynamic would have to change.

Speaker 1 (42:36):
I wouldn't be comfortable if Justin had a friend as
close as me.

Speaker 5 (42:40):
Yeah, it was absolutely not, Like no way in hell,
no way. And I think the relationship the Jimmy guy
with the other girls and the fact that he's like
been intimate with one of them and stuff, I'm like
absolutely not. Like I think it's okay to have friendships
of people, but I'm of different you know, sex or whatever.

Speaker 1 (42:58):
But I'm like, I just feel like there's you have.

Speaker 5 (43:03):
To lower the amount of opportunity there is for cheating,
Like they always say statistically, like the people that cheat
are the people that have it's more associated with like
the opportunities available to you. So if you're putting yourself
in the position to potentially cheat, then like it's more
likely to happen. Right, Obviously it comes down to your
character and choices decisions all that as well.

Speaker 1 (43:22):
But I don't think it's appropriate.

Speaker 5 (43:24):
And but I feel like when we were two single
people that moved to LA, I was like, oh, this
is like a it's weird.

Speaker 1 (43:30):
But I'm like, Chelsea, you needs.

Speaker 3 (43:32):
To call Jimmy up and say, did you see Susie
and Justine cases?

Speaker 2 (43:37):
This is why, this is why you need to take
a step back. Thank you, love Chelsea XXL.

Speaker 4 (43:42):
It takes one strawberry, Yeah, it takes strawberry friends.

Speaker 2 (43:49):

Speaker 1 (43:49):
And this.

Speaker 5 (43:50):
We were talking with Justin's brother the other day over
face time. We were talking about love is blind, and
he was like, the biggest red flog is that this
is not like a childhood best friend, Like you've been
friends there are two years and she's your best friend
that you text all day and she came she's the
one that you introduced your fiance to, Like you don't
write anybody.

Speaker 3 (44:08):
Else literally exactly what I said, and that my fiance
said the same thing.

Speaker 2 (44:12):
He was like, these are you's known these girls for
two years?

Speaker 5 (44:14):
Like, yeah, you don't have anybody else. Literally that's how
I felt. I was like, that's huge red flag, right yeah.

Speaker 4 (44:21):
Yeah, like the two people he's like, they're like, okay,
you get to pick two friends to introduce her to.

Speaker 1 (44:26):
And he's like, I got just the.

Speaker 3 (44:27):
Girls girl slept with one Like now, thanks dude.

Speaker 4 (44:32):

Speaker 1 (44:32):
Literally, I was gonna say the name really inappropriate, but yeah,
just not appropriate.

Speaker 4 (44:38):
Okay, last question, this will be more of Tanya's interest
about your relationship.

Speaker 1 (44:44):
What are your signs?

Speaker 5 (44:45):
Oh, yes, okay, I'm a Leo. Oh great, yeah, and
justin to and Gemini. I know, it's kind of like
a matchmate in hell.

Speaker 1 (44:53):
I think it is.

Speaker 2 (44:57):
Okay, so it's not a problem.

Speaker 3 (44:59):
It's okay, we can get through it. Because geminis they
have two personalities.

Speaker 1 (45:04):
Yeah he does. Oh I've met both. Okay, I've met
maybe seven or eight person.

Speaker 3 (45:12):
Because I always thought when it said like that they
had two personalities and one was like good, one it
was bad, but the two could also not be bad,
Like one could be very strong willed and the one
could be like super sensitive, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (45:23):
So it's not necessarily like a good and.

Speaker 1 (45:25):
Bad like a good and evil. It's not like a
good and evil. Yeah, it's just like Houston has this, says.

Speaker 6 (45:29):
Gemini men and Leo women form surprisingly strong bonds together
and tend to be a fantastic match. Leo will always
take the stage in the spotlight, putting on her best
for the world to see, where their friend or lover,
her Gemini partner is never far behind, and acts as
the director of her grand show.

Speaker 1 (45:43):
That is pretty good, aren't you.

Speaker 4 (45:47):
Kind of the organizative, the creative organism, and he like
directs and plans, like he's so good at the attention
to detail.

Speaker 1 (45:57):
But he's also an artist.

Speaker 5 (45:58):
Yeah, so, like he's so good when we've done like
fun projects like passion projects, or we've like created videos
together where none of us, neither of us are in it.

Speaker 1 (46:07):
I know, like a lot more of like.

Speaker 5 (46:09):
The technical side with the camera work and stuff like that.
But Justin's really good at the like set design and
like the head of details. So we really do have
an interesting dynamic with that. That's a good that's a
good little bit.

Speaker 2 (46:21):

Speaker 3 (46:22):
Yeah, we can get wiki pass the Gemini. Yeah, yeah,
if he cuts me once.

Speaker 1 (46:26):
The birthday June tenth.

Speaker 2 (46:32):

Speaker 5 (46:33):
He definitely has like I think he definitely has like
a sensitive side.

Speaker 1 (46:39):
I heard like I like, I heard the you know,
posting thing. Oh yeah, you know, like that was like
a sensitive thing.

Speaker 5 (46:46):
The other day he actually painted me a picture which
was so beautiful, and I was leaving his house in
a rush with like a thousand things in my hands,
and I forgot the painting and it hurt his feelings.

Speaker 1 (46:55):
I know, I felt so bad.

Speaker 5 (46:56):
But like that's like the Gemini and the portrait of
it was a us like he painted a picture of
so sweet?

Speaker 2 (47:02):
Can I see?

Speaker 1 (47:03):
Yeah, it's so beautiful Shu. I showed the picture that
her phone. She was looking for it.

Speaker 3 (47:08):
But yeah, after I'll say the portrait my fiance painted
of me, do you'll have Donald Trump?

Speaker 1 (47:16):
Oh my god? It was an artistic Yeah. Do y'all
have similar love languages?

Speaker 4 (47:24):
Like your top because I feel like everyone needs all
of them, but your top one.

Speaker 1 (47:28):
I think so. I feel like we're both like physical touch.
He needs his back scratch like pretty much all.

Speaker 5 (47:34):
Day, like the whole day he's like and he's also
the epitome of like you know, in the streets, like
looking like some big buff guy and then inside he's like.

Speaker 2 (47:47):
Yeah, he really is.

Speaker 1 (47:48):
Yeah, he really is.

Speaker 2 (47:50):
I have power.

Speaker 1 (47:50):
You know what you're talking. That's true. Yeah, you were
spot on. Both of y'all were spot on with this.
And then.

Speaker 5 (47:58):
What Yeah, I would say, like we are very similar.
We Yeah, I would say our love languages match.

Speaker 1 (48:04):
Up pretty well.

Speaker 5 (48:06):
I feel like communication is where we like have to work,
and I've it's like the first relationship ever where I've
just been, so I shouldn't say that I've had other
good relationships. But he's very much like I think we
both like want to be our best version and best
partner to each other, and like I will see so
often because sometimes he does get a little moody, like

especially when he's hungry, and I've told him before, I'm like, hey,
I understand if you're going to be moody, but like
I just need when you're moody like that, like it can't.

Speaker 1 (48:38):
Be like directed towards me right, Like you can.

Speaker 5 (48:40):
Be moody, but like I need the love to still
feel like you still love me right, And I will
know sometimes now, like he will be so hungry, but
then he'll like reach over and hold my hand and
it means so much. It means even more than when
he's not hungry, because I'm like, I know you're so
angry inside right now, but you're like trying to be
there for me. Yeah, that means so much because you

probably like don't want anything to do with me, but
you know it means that, Like you know, right now
is when it like shows that you're putting an effort,
and like that means so much. It's like crazy how
I'm like literally like butterflies inside and meanwhile he's like
just so angry sitting there, but we're holding hands, and I'm.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
Like, he loves me. That's so true.

Speaker 4 (49:22):
And I think expressing those things of even like I'm
sure you tell him like that makes me feel loved,
even though I know you're raging inside. Really you grab
my hand because you know it's important to me.

Speaker 5 (49:31):
I literally tell him that, Like I'll literally point out
when I know he's like feeling upset or sassy.

Speaker 1 (49:36):
Or like hungry or whatever, and I'm.

Speaker 5 (49:38):
Like, I know you're so hungry right now, but like
you're being so sweet and I love you.

Speaker 1 (49:44):
Wow, y'all are cute.

Speaker 2 (49:46):
Yeah, I'm really cute.

Speaker 1 (49:47):
Well, I'm so happy for you.

Speaker 4 (49:48):
It's been I mean I watched you on the Bachelor,
loved you on the Bachelor, and love following you on
social media, and I'm so happy that your friendship led
to a romance where we go.

Speaker 2 (50:00):
I want to give a shout out to your friend
that's a scrubber.

Speaker 1 (50:02):
Oh my god.

Speaker 5 (50:03):
I told her I was coming today and she's kind
of freaking out her giant shout out Courtney, Courtney Schultz.

Speaker 1 (50:09):
We love you, We thank you for.

Speaker 3 (50:12):
Bringing me and Susie together, because I feel like she
really brought us together, so I wanted to give her
a big shout out.

Speaker 5 (50:19):
I literally approached to the first time I met you
and was like, my best friend is usessed with you.
And I was like, I'm sorry, this is creepy, but
like I don't know you, but like my friend is obssessed.
And then you sent her a video message on my
phone and she like probably Peter Pants, Like if I
had to get you, probably Peter Pants.

Speaker 2 (50:36):
When she saw it, like she so love you.

Speaker 3 (50:39):
I love you so much and just love you, Susie,
So thank you so much for taking the time to
like come in here physically be in here and just
like share so much with us.

Speaker 2 (50:48):
Yes, why I love you guys, bye bye bye

Speaker 4 (51:00):
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