All Episodes

May 9, 2024 42 mins

Thursday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, we’ll look at some reality TV shows that didn’t make the cut.. - Jeff Pillars ticks off a list of things that tick him off.. - Bill Silvers has the newest Ice Cream Flavors that were inspired by President Joe Biden.. - Doug Rice recaps the close finish in Kansas and looks ahead to this weekend’s race.. - Mary Jane has been doing some thinking.. - and Rev. Billy Ray looks at Mother’s Day..

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, and you got the big show on the radio.
More chance for you to win coming up after your news.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Wedthers parts, I stand on the hill, but not for
a thrill, for the breath of a fresh kill. And
never mind the man who contemplates doing away with license plates.
He stands alone anyhow, Bacon the cookies of discontent, by
the heat of the launderman vent leaving this soul and

then like in petrygo dot dot dot, you know, kind
of host set up leaving this soul, parting the waters
of the Medulla oblong Goha with John Boy and Billy
on the Big Show.

Speaker 3 (00:47):
Like that one John Boy.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
Gagaoodle noo, loving out on it is. What's the day?
Thursday's the date night that may nights a year. It's
just like I said, you just get me up on
my bicycle, push me. I'll take it from Aerica alright there.

It's making the two wheelers the call Petty and Charity
ride across America on the what is it the tenth
or twentieth anniversary of Victory Junction. It's the twentieth anniversary
Victory Junction. So raising money have they been doing over
the years. So let's see where they are. You have

been going through some big show country. So this morning
they are in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Arrived yesterday afternoon. They
will be headed to Bristol, Virginia when they pull out
a little later this morning. And then tomorrow Friday, they'll
take out of Bristol, Virginia, head toward Greensboro, North Carolina,

and they'll ride into Greensboro and celebrate another successful ride
across America. This was the twenty eighth anniversary of Kyle
Petty's charity ride across America.

Speaker 4 (02:42):
Wow, a lot of time on the bikes.

Speaker 1 (02:44):
That's dough all right, Well, wave line up if you
get a chance. We got three days in history saved up.
Get our first prize, back out and get the winning beginning.
Wake up, Big shows on the radio. Good morning, Big
shows on you. First prize pack. We got a hat,
T shirt, tumbler, and a twenty five dollars gas car

that'll fill up your motorcycle. Is all from law Tigers,
motorcycle lawyers who ride want you to win the trip
of a lifetime to the eighty fourth annual Sturgis Motorcycle
Rally and accustom Harley Davison Performance Bagger it's you. Go
to Big Show dot Com. Click on that law Tiger's
banner gets you info. Listen up to our three dates

in history where we're got our categories. When a prize
pack here May ninth, there was eighteen ninety nine. The
lawn more was patented nineteen sixty six. They'll make it
nineteen eighty six. Actor Herschel Barnard passed away. He provided

cartoon voices for the Jetsons, Charlie, the Tuna, and the
Jolly Green Giant. All right, Dick go hersh Finally, on
this date, in nineteen ninety nine, a truck carrying twenty
million bes in four hundred and fifty hives overturned and Falmouth,
Maine quit thinking. Firefighters sprayed the dumped hives with water

and make the bees think it was raining so they'd
stay inside. Five firefighters were still stung, but no one
was seriously hurt.

Speaker 5 (04:16):
Did you say quick thinking firefighters sprayed water.

Speaker 1 (04:22):
That's kind of what they do.

Speaker 6 (04:24):

Speaker 1 (04:24):
They worked out just fine, had the hoses and the water. Yeah,
everything was good. There you go. There's our three categories
one eight hundred Big Show you told free line across America.
We play Outbursts. Next Good Morning, It's a big show

on the radio. It is Thursday, made a Knife and
today's feature track from the Big Show bit Box rock
You by shot Him Motor Speedway Co Cola six hundred hap.
On Sunday, May twenty six, Reverend Billy Ray Collins Mother's
Day with Billy Ray. He's for keyword Mother's Day. Get
the Big Box at the Big Show.

Speaker 4 (05:24):

Speaker 1 (05:27):
William Upburst.

Speaker 3 (05:30):
Let's play Outburst.

Speaker 7 (05:31):
It's the game that anyone can win.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
John Boy and Billy to give.

Speaker 7 (05:38):
The prizes from the Big Prize Bad Let's go, he
contested number one.

Speaker 8 (05:44):
This should really be a lot of.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
Fun when you're playing Outburst.

Speaker 7 (05:50):
Have a hurry up and guest time you love the
best time.

Speaker 3 (05:53):
You love a big shots.

Speaker 9 (05:56):
Let's say, Hey the filla from a job George Job.

Speaker 1 (06:12):
Morning, Billy. You all right there? I do how you doing?
I'm doing good?

Speaker 10 (06:18):

Speaker 1 (06:18):
You got to take your all excited screaming your name
about this morning. Let's get you to these three categories
and awards you the big Old Log Tigers Prize pack.
You ready to go, but I'm ready to go, all right,
play along with Billy and Homer in the car. You
all give us three long tools, ready to go more

and edger Man. Now give us three cartoons ready go.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
Uh bugs, Buddy Simpsons and commentary.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
All right for the wind, three things trucks carry, ready
go produce, chickens and sewel it's over, miagin Alanda. Listen,
Tim make show Mille your prize back head down to
Atlanta for congratulations.

Speaker 6 (07:13):
Thank you, sir. I do appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (07:14):
This is the first time calling me in and I've
been a long time listener.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
Right Mill there your money. Appreciate you, Thank you, Thank
you toohn Boy. All right, just blame for the next
twenty minutes. Now it's your news. Right on the other.

Speaker 11 (07:32):
Side of our time, consul bar and the Risers and Holliver
in here, all right.

Speaker 12 (08:07):
This is the award winning Jah Boy and Billy Big Show,
the South's number one export.

Speaker 13 (08:22):
Hello, ladies, look at your man. Now, look at me.
Now back to your man, now back to me. Now,
let me take a look at your man. Your man
is actually not a bad looking guy, oh man, But
sadly he's not me. He doesn't look like me, and
he doesn't smell like me. Say is your man using
one of those lady scented body watches. Really, you know,

on him it kind of works. Where are you now,
I'm on a boat. Does your man use sunscreen? He should?
The sun does terrible things to the skin. Of course,
your man's skin is actually quite nice. What's in my hand?
It's an oyster and inside two tickets to that thing
you love. Why don't you call one of your girl
friends from work and the two of you have an
evening out on me? Look again, the tickets are now diamonds.

Maybe you and your girlfriend could sell a few and
tick up enough cash to pay for a real girl's
weekend in can cool. Oh, don't worry about leaving your
man behind. I'll be glad to keep him company. I'm
a man who enjoys hanging out with other men. Before
you go, tell me about you and your man. What's
your situation? Are the two of you, you know, serious
or is this just a casual thing? My man and

I have what we call an understanding. We know that
a man can enjoy the company of another man without
there being any heavy emotional stuff. It's like two guys
going to the gym. Now your man and I are
in a gym. The whole place is full of men
who use Lady scented body washes. Your man fits right in.
Would your man like to grab something to eat later?
I know a great little sushi place. Now your man

and I are in a great little sushi place. Your
man is freshly showered, but he still has the rosy
glow of a vigorous workout. Your man doesn't really want
to call it a night this early, does he? Does
your man like to dance? Come on, I can tell
he's got some moves. Now, your man and I in
the nightclub. We're on the dance floor. Your man is
shaking it like a polaroid picture.

Speaker 12 (10:05):

Speaker 13 (10:05):
By his phone rings, it's you calling from CanCon to
see how it's going. He lets the call go to voicemail.
I wouldn't read too much into that. Now your man
and I are doing Jaeger shots at the bar. Your
man says you're kind of stifling him lately. He says
he needs some space. He thinks once you get back
from Cankon, the two of you need to have a
serious talk. He's discovered things about himself he never knew before,

and to be perfectly honest, he's not sure you have
a place in the new life. He's planning there, he
said it. Now you're crying. Your man is apologizing. He
didn't plan this, It just kind of happened, he says.
It's not you, it's him. He's packing up his stuff
and moving out. He thinks you're a great girl and
you'll find the right guy before you know it. Your
man hates that look in your eyes. He never meant

for this to happen. But if it wasn't me, it
would have been somebody else. Your man has to be
true to who he really is. Here, I'm giving you
another handful of diamonds to cheer you up. Your man
and I will never forget you. We're riding off together
into the sunset. We're on a horse. Jaun Boy and Dilly.

Good morning radio, done right.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Good morning, big shows on the radio. It's time for Oliver.

Speaker 8 (11:53):
Will Will Will. So that old job is getting to
be quite a grime, same.

Speaker 6 (12:02):
Thing over and over again, day after day, where you
can't help but feel trapped. So it's not hard to
understand why some folks decide to just say the heck
with it, give up that old nine to five, grab
one of the old ladies pantyhose and turn to a
life of crime, and for a lot of people it's

a step up. So, after all, in prison you spend
the majority of your time in a spacious eight y
ten cell. At work, you spend the majority of your
time in a cramped little six by eight cubicle with
no bunk beds. In prison, they give you three meals

a day, and if that's not enough, you can steal
the new guy's corn bread. At work, you only get
a break for one meal a day, and you pay
for it. And if you steal the new guy's corn bread,
there's consequences and repercussions. Brother, you see, I rest my

case exactly my point, my bespectacled young friend, that's the
right way to see. In prison, good behavior is rewarded
with time off and maybe a conjugal visit. At work,
good behavior is rewarded with more work and no overtime.

So at least you're getting screwed somehow. In prison, that
nice god locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
Sometimes they even tip their hat. At work, you have
to use your security card and open all the doors yourself,
that is, if the system is even worse, and sometimes

the janitor even gives you the finger. In prison, you
only have to share the toilet with one other person.
At work, you have to share a one seater with everyone,
and you always manage to get in there after the
office cheapskate has taken all the loose toilet paper out
to the car. In prison, you get visits from family

and friends. At work, you can't even speak to your family,
but you do get to visit with that unblinking anorexic
psycho with a propeller hat.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
I'm blinking.

Speaker 8 (14:41):
This sounds like I rest my case.

Speaker 6 (14:47):
In prison, all expenses are paid by the taxpayers, including
cable TV, jim fees, and healthcare. At work, you get
to pay all your own expenses, and only after the
man takes half your paycheck to pay the prisoners tab.
That's called irony. In prison, you spend your life behind

bars waiting to get out. At work, you spend your
life wanting to get out and go inside bars. In prison,
you're surrounded by people with names like Rico, Bugsy's left eye, Killer,
and Razor.

Speaker 8 (15:34):
At work, you're surrounded by people with names like.

Speaker 6 (15:37):
Jaw Boy, Tata, Spanky, mate.

Speaker 8 (15:43):
A Man, Yogi, and Pekka from Graham.

Speaker 4 (15:50):
Certainly sound like your.

Speaker 6 (15:51):
Work in prison. You have a humorless, sadistic warden, a
real us kill, a drunk with authority, a power mad
lunatic bent on making your time there as miserable as possible.
At work, you have Randy.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
That sound is familiar. I rest my case. Good morning,
you got the big show on the radio. More chances
for you to win coming up after your news weathers mart.

Speaker 8 (16:32):
Yeah, this is your old pals.

Speaker 14 (16:33):
You stayed La Black when I'm not mooching some of
that buying Jacques Danielle Whiskey and I play a right
fine gumbo off my best friend Woodrow Boodro and that
sassy sack of wife and hes On Lizbeth.

Speaker 15 (16:44):
I'm listening to those tool wacky Caje and John Boy
and Philly right there on that there big show. Woie,
there's funny. I guary on Pete.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
Good morning. That's a make shaw on the radio. Run
in to your Thursday. This Sunday is Mother's Day. How
about a song with the old mom hit it.

Speaker 8 (17:42):
In constant sorrow.

Speaker 10 (17:46):
Through heir day, Mom, Mom of constant Sorrow, thirty name
a whole Monday bit, fairway held to real employment and

now I'm ever get.

Speaker 1 (18:14):
A race, and now she'll now ever get.

Speaker 16 (18:20):
A range.

Speaker 10 (18:23):
For six long years of either been pregnant or having
seeing like a cow. B pitchis bence thirsty for loving,

but junior on these mountains, now a junior.

Speaker 1 (18:53):
These fountains.

Speaker 16 (18:54):
Now sho sing, get your finger on your nose.

Speaker 10 (19:11):
Man man pee, don't do laundry.

Speaker 8 (19:18):
He leaves histy.

Speaker 1 (19:21):
Is mussy.

Speaker 3 (19:25):
Man had over.

Speaker 8 (19:29):
Grands have sobie moos and man o.

Speaker 1 (19:34):
Pood divers those booby die iver Sure you stay.

Speaker 16 (19:45):
Stop for winning.

Speaker 10 (19:50):
Get that peanut Butter said out of the PC arm.

Speaker 3 (19:53):
Please, these two.

Speaker 10 (20:02):
Empy things are gonna kill me if I talk.

Speaker 1 (20:09):
A good night? Sleep you who can bear?

Speaker 10 (20:16):
Remy here ride next to Walmart, joa cafe. They're resting.

Speaker 1 (20:26):
So she can fast.

Speaker 10 (20:29):

Speaker 8 (20:33):
Don't make me stop this car.

Speaker 1 (20:40):
Good morning, I got to make show on the radio.
Got the Mornus Top ten list for you. First, let
me tell you about the prize pack you can win.
You're gonna play john Boy Jeopardy in minutes. It's a
Redmax prize pack. Red Max makes the best trimmers and
floors and commercial zero turn More's got a two year
unlimited hour warn at Kawasawka engines Heavy Dude to fabricated
deck mo a Browood Redmax. Do they go on the

banner when you hit the Big Show dot com? Right now?
Listen it?

Speaker 7 (21:07):
Oh, Hollywood's writers and actors on strike. TV networks are
filling the gap with programs that don't need scripts and
use real people instead of actors.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
Which means.

Speaker 7 (21:20):
Getting ready for even more reality TV show. But wait,
there's a little bit of hope. Not every idea that
gets pitched actually makes it into production. Sometimes even the
TV people will say no. Today's Big Show Top ten list,
The top ten rejected reality show ideas Number ten, Property

Brothers Versus Sister Wives Number nine, Naked and Afraid of
Clowns Number eight, The Great British Dentistry Show. Uh, number
where are We?

Speaker 1 (22:01):
Number eight?

Speaker 7 (22:01):
Okay, sure, curb your dog's enthusiasm for leg humping. Number seven,
The Amazing Racist.

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Number six.

Speaker 7 (22:15):
America's Funniest Home Invasions. I think they shot that one
on a ring Doorbelt care Number five, RuPaul's but like
Chuggalug contests Number four, she heites creek. I think that's
some kind of international import.

Speaker 1 (22:35):
Three of them so far.

Speaker 7 (22:37):
Let's see number two Cocaine bear Grills and the number
one rejected reality show Law and Order SBD.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
Let's play John boyde all jump right in here. Oh,
we got to review yesterday's question in case you missed it,
we found out well just about everybody done it now.
But in eighteen thirty nine, Robert Cornelius became the first
person to take this kind of photograph.

Speaker 8 (23:13):
What is a selfie?

Speaker 1 (23:14):
A selfie? I'm not sure, hey, work that out, I guess,
run around front of the camera. Good work here, Robert,
Today bomb Today's John Boy Jeopardy. Scientists have shown that
once rehydrated, dried up eggs from this insect can survive
for up to five years.

Speaker 4 (23:36):
What are these crazy cicadas?

Speaker 1 (23:38):
Let's get it they loud? Yes, that's awesome. We'll have
to tell you this toy right his wife Dude's care
of the death of them? Right now, Let's play John
Boy Jeopardy. Once you got here, but this in second
one eight hundred Big Show you told free line. We
play next. Good morning, and that's a big show on

the radio. Run it to your Thursday May night. Today's
feature track from the Big Show bit Box sponsored by
shot Him on the Speedway in the Coca Cola six
hundred Sunday, May twenty six, Reverend Billy rad Collins Mother's
Day with Billy Ray search for a keyword Mother's Day
track on you, Don Boy and Billy album for that

mother on your Mother's Day list. I always thought that
was funny, but doesn't You can't get a reaction of you.
How many mothers do you have on your mother's davies?
You could have mother, grandmother, great grandmother, Yeah, mother in law. Yeah,
look at you knowing your mother's I'm saving another one
for you.

Speaker 9 (25:04):
Okay, good, but right now, let's play yeahs live across America.
It's John Boy Jeopardy and now a man who has
Mother's Day for his wife all set.

Speaker 1 (25:17):
He signed her up for something really wonderful and we're
all hoping she wins when he does the drawing tomorrow.
He's John Let my wife win. My wonderful things give
away one hundred and three. Let's go to James. He's
at a bouvert, North Carolina. Good morning, James, Good morning,

Hey buddy, you got first shot at John Boy Jeopardy today, James.
Scientists have shown that once rehydrated, dried up eggs from
this insect can survive for up to five years.

Speaker 6 (25:56):
You got psychta you going.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
With the oldatas. No, I should have been more forceful
when I was telling Marcy, no, not those agata as well. Ago. Well, James,
appreciate you playing, buddy, have a great day. We'll try
you as well. All right, Matt, let's uh go to Matt.

He is over and done, Lap Tennessee. Come on the Matt.

Speaker 15 (26:23):
Good morning.

Speaker 6 (26:24):

Speaker 1 (26:25):
All right, Matt, I hope you're paying attentions to Katas
have been guessed twice so far. Now still not right?
What you got, buddy? I think I'm gonna go with
the Skeeters. You're going with the Skeeters. Show us Mosquitos

a little annoying things. James, you got the Red Max
Prize pack for your effort this morning. Buddy. Congratulations, Well,
thank you, thank you.

Speaker 15 (26:58):
I really appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
I leave you bottom of the guy word top of
your news. Twenty minutes away from brand new top ten
list my man Bill Silver who Lotize Creams, Good morning,

This will make showing the radio Listen twenty minutes Top
ten listen Bill Silver's comedy Gold that the President Biden?
All right, now this bonus top ten list.

Speaker 6 (28:03):
Well, now you know, despite what you might think, I
stay busy, okay, always undergo rushing, running, planning my next
inevitable failure. So on of necessity. I stop at a
lot of fast food joints. FYI, there aren't enough burger kings.
I find the mascot charmingly disturbing. Just once, just once,
I'd like to hit the drive through without some annoying

dingus harshing my mellow. Can somebody give me a break?
Can I get one damn break? Here are the top
ten annoying morons in the drive through. Number ten the
stupid turd and the dots and hatchback that doesn't understand
one pull up to the second window means. Number nine

the family of four ordering enough food for forty people.
Have another drumstick tubby. Number eight the mouth breather the
things constantly honking his horn will make things move?

Speaker 1 (29:00):
How'd you like to make that sound? Walking?

Speaker 6 (29:04):
Number seven little p d peckerhead who won't move up
because he's busy watching porn on his phone.

Speaker 1 (29:10):

Speaker 6 (29:12):
Number six the spaced out doper dog trying to give
his order to the clown statue. Number five the entitled
millennial half wit with Coexist and Peace bumper stickers, screaming
obscenities at the guy with the Maga bumper sticker.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
Number four, The old guy.

Speaker 8 (29:33):
Who thinks this is the badge.

Speaker 6 (29:38):
Number three, the green freak whose electric car battery died
and is wandering around with an extension cord.

Speaker 4 (29:45):
Thanks for saving the planet.

Speaker 8 (29:47):
If five fish sandwiches pulled, it's your alf mau number two,
the fat girl having a fistfight through the.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
Window because they don't have enough chicken nikins.

Speaker 6 (30:00):
And the number one person I hate at the fast
food drive through whiz Me making another bad diet decision.

Speaker 1 (30:13):
I got a lot of problems with your feeta. Good morning.

That's a big sewan. The radio running through your Thursday
about twenty minutes on track with Doug Rise gets you
caught up in all things nest code a man, Doug right,
now bring them in.

Speaker 6 (30:55):
Greetings and salivations. Members of the great Unwashed in flyover Country,
it's your sympathetic buddy. Bill Silver's with another verbal slap
in the kisser to our commander and depends, that's right,
you guessed. Its slow Joe Biden. He's still wearing a mask.
On the campaign trail. It's not because he's a germophobe.
It just hides the duct tape Obama put over his

mouth too soon. But he's not all bad. Okay, I
can't sell that, But at least he does like ice
cream and he eats a lot of it, and why
shouldn't he. It's not like he's gonna get brain freeze. Now,
you may not be able to afford ice cream with

this inflation, but he can.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
After all, it's your money, am I right? This guy
knows what I'm talking about.

Speaker 6 (31:45):
So, in an effort to give an adaboy to dunce
master Flex from the home office somewhere behind the dumpster
in dunder Mifflin, Scranton, Pennsylvania, here are the top ten
ice creams named for Joe Biden. Number ten, Mumble Stumble Fumble,
Cookie Crumble.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
Number nine.

Speaker 6 (32:06):
G your kid's hair smells like Cuti Fruity Number eight,
skid Mark fudge, Oh we're all thinking it?

Speaker 1 (32:16):
Shut up? Shut up?

Speaker 6 (32:17):
Blondie number seven, plagiarizing passion fruits. Number six. My second
wife was our babysitter's wedding cake. Number five, Hunters white Powder,
and call Girl Party Vanilla number four, Hot Buttered fourth

Grader number three, garage full of classified documents, Truffle Shuffle.

Speaker 3 (32:52):
Number two, Rocky road to.

Speaker 6 (32:54):
World War three, and the number one ice cream named
for Joe Bite and disappointment.

Speaker 1 (33:07):
That legos they stacked.

Speaker 8 (33:09):
One on top of the other.

Speaker 1 (33:12):
Good more than everybody if My Big Show family, yours.
Thank you for listening, your listen news. What a sport's
coming up?

Speaker 8 (33:20):
Hello, listen Ricky Bates, sharp brother.

Speaker 5 (33:24):
Out you pot lickers are listening to a couple other
pot liquors, noted John boyd Philly on The Big Show.
You know, I just a guest star on the Playhouse
and the official mascot from mister Populist rest a pizza runt.

Speaker 8 (33:41):
That's just the tip of the iceberg. But this note
from John Boy keep it short.

Speaker 1 (34:19):
Good morning is a big Shaw on the radio talking
about Kyle Pettit charity ride across America. They headed out
of Bowling Green, Kentucky today, headed to Bristol, Virginia tomorrow
the head out of Bristol Cumminate Greensboro, North Carolina, talking
about motorcycles. Law Tiger's proud sponsors of the Big Show

got styling in Sturgis twenty twenty four. Once again we
teamed over our boys and give them away the ultimate
trip of a lifetime. There's a trip to the eighty
fourth Annual Sturgis Rally. Also we got a custom Harley
Davidson Performance Bagger vip Stayed Glynn Cocamping Resort custom Harley.
Told you about sound system by Rdford, Fossgate Turbo from Trash,

performance parts from JMP Cycles, firearms, You need your desert
ego from Magnum Research, about jewelry from Anvil's Cachet and
electric bikes from Soul e Bikes. All that in a video.
Chance to win. It's tiling and Sturgis dot Com. Of
course we got to set up you click on the

link when you go to the Big Show dot Com.
You'd been making the scene the eighty fourth Annywill Sturgis
Motorsaca Rally, August first through the eleven All right, click
on the link at the Big Show dot Com. Good luck,
Good morning, Big shows ONLO Radio coming up. We'll try
to beat the blonde. If you do, get you an

LS tractor prize pack in clues one year subscription to
walha Oaks Gamekeepers Magazine. LS tractor cap click on the
link at the Big Show dot Com check them out
Official tractor of Mussey Oaks Gamekeepers. And now it's time
for on Track with Doug Rice. Before we went on
the air, we got Doug to commit to coming down
and being in the studio with us before he retires

at the end of this year. I had to get
that on tape. Doug, All you're in now, Buddy.

Speaker 4 (36:17):
I appreciate that. We'll arrange transportation later, but I'd love
that and be fun. That'd be fun love. I always
liked working in.

Speaker 1 (36:24):
Studio with folks, So let's do that, all right, good deal, buddy.
All right, Well, I'm looking at Kyle Larson. He is
a top the NASCAR standings as we look ahead to
Darlington now, as he should be. Every week you.

Speaker 4 (36:38):
Go to the racetrack and if there's one team that
you can look at that you're assured he is going
to be in the mix, it's going to be Kyle Larson.
He's won a couple of times this year, He's had
half a dozen top ten finishes and there he's won
three poles and he wins the closest finish ever in
NASCAR history. This past weekend at Kansas Speedway. You know,

we always use those adjectives. An eyelash, the width of
a hair, All of those things worked out. He won
by a point zero zero one second and the first
readout on NASCAR's official scoring said point zero zero zero,
which would have been a tie. This is as close
as we've ever gotten to that as he he edged

out Chris Busher at the very end of that race.
And what was a really entertaining race and just a
magnificent finish.

Speaker 1 (37:28):
It really was. It really was Upbert, I guess over
there in Kansas. Yeah, we get my geography. That's wild man,
Doug Michael McDowell in the News of NASCAR.

Speaker 4 (37:39):
Michael McDowell, driver of the thirty four car for front
Row Motor Sports, best known for winning a Daytona five
hundred and he won last year at the Indianapolis Motor
Speedway road Course, has announced that he will be leaving
front Row Motorsports at the end of this year. He's
had some success with one of the smaller teams. A

lot of speculation that he might wind up at Spire
Motor Sports, that they may buy a charter from another
team that maybe is collapsing or folding in a little bit,
or could wind up someplace else, somebody else has a
free charter. I'm going to disappure speculation. I'm going to
speculate that his longtime sponsored Love's Travel Center will probably

stay with him. If you see the Loves trucks going
down the road, they usually have Michael's picture on him.
He's inside any of those trucks ups you stop at.
They have a great relationship with him. But that's the
first real big move in NASCAR silly season, and that
means silly season is starting in the month of May
right now. Wow, And what you get is you get

a guy that you know can win you a race,
and you also get stability. You're not going to wake
up in the morning and look on social media and
find out that Michael McGough was involved in something scandalous
and you've got to send him off for sensitivity training.
And today that's worth something.

Speaker 1 (39:01):
That's true with it. I'm just looking at the standards again,
an old gun Martin Truex junior up there right behind
Kyle Larson second place.

Speaker 4 (39:09):
Yeah, Trueex has not won this year. We've only had
seven winners in the first twelve races and I think
he will win this year, but I don't know how
many other guys are going to win races this year.
I feel like the ones that are going to win,
for the most part, have probably won. I can see
Truex coming in and winning a race. He's in a

Gibbs car maybe as a little bit of a long shot,
Ty Gibbs, Ross Chastain possibly winning a race this year.

Speaker 1 (39:38):
Since Chris Bush are just lost.

Speaker 4 (39:40):
By an eyelash, I'll put him in and Ryan Blaney.
But I think the number of teams that are going
to win this year by the time we get to
the playoffs is going to be lower. We're going to
see teams battling to get in via points at Darlington
this year, which is the cutoff race, maybe as many
as a half dozen teams fighting for playoffs spots in
the points.

Speaker 1 (40:01):
And we can say for sure that that is the
closest that Ford has come to winning a race this year.
That allies. It was a fun I was just the
first one of Ford. Wow, what you said?

Speaker 4 (40:17):
Uh, so many ways to go there, but I would
choose none of them, thank you.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
I will choose C.

Speaker 4 (40:24):
How's that anyway? Yeah? I mean it's close. The same
thing happened in Atlanta. Ryan Blaney was point zero zero
two seconds behind Daniel Suarez that won, so and Ford
could have won at Talladega, but Michael McDowell makes that
move to try to cut off Brad Keselowski and they

both crash out, so they don't win there. So they've
had some opportunities, but all of them have been really
close and they've come up just a little bit short.
We're twelve races in Ford, which, if you're a Ford person,
was fast on race day. If you're an anti Ford person,
was fixer.

Speaker 1 (41:01):
Repair daily is over twelve all right, Mother's day raising
it Darlington. The lady in black will take home this weekend.
What's you looking at?

Speaker 4 (41:10):
I don't know that anybody's taking roses to the lady
in black. And you know what they say in Casa
blanc around up the usual suspects.

Speaker 1 (41:18):
This could be a Ford week.

Speaker 4 (41:20):
Somebody could go down there and hit the handle like
a Ryan Blaney or maybe Joey Logano who is below
the cut line right now, could get hooked up. But
I'm going to look at the usual suspects here. Kyle
Larson will be in the mix to win down there.
He's very good at Darlington and could make some noise.
And Deddy Hamlin. Hamlin's won three times this year. Those

are the two locks I think will be in the mix.
If I'm looking for a dark horse, I'm going to
go Ross Chastain. Ross drives well there. Their cars are
usually competitive, he catches a little bit of luck, qualifies well.
I feel like qualifying will be key there. You don't
want to be starting back in the twenties. You need
to be up toward the front if you're going to

do well. This Sunday all right, good stuff man.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
When we had two close finishes counting the Kentucky Derby
last weekend as well, Doug, we'll have another close one,
d and.

Speaker 4 (42:13):
Eyelash one by a nose. We're running out of body.

Speaker 8 (42:16):
Well a right, somebody was excited.

Speaker 1 (42:19):
We'll we'll we'll leave that one as well.

Speaker 4 (42:23):
It's like it's like if I was in a foot race,
my belly would get there before.

Speaker 1 (42:27):
Thank you for that. Well, buddy, you have a great
Mother's Day weekend. We will see you next week, all right, guys,
take care. Thank you so much. As Doug Rise, you
can follow him on Twitter at Riceman sixty one. Alright,
let's play Beat the Blonde One. Ain't hundred big show
you told? Free line, get a contestant, Play next,
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