All Episodes

May 3, 2024 34 mins

Thursday (pt 1 of 2): On today’s Late Riser’s Podcast, the NFL draft was last weekend, and Bob Ibach has a commemorative football to offer.. - We’ve got the Top 10 Catchphrases that Never Caught On.. - Mr. Rhubarb has an announcement and a history lesson regarding May 5th.. - Doug Rice fill in our NASCAR notes for the week… - Tater has the Tatertainment report.. - Hoyt tells us about going to Delbert’s family reunion.. - and we’ll wrap things up with all the details on Mr. Haney’s Doomsday Prepper Warehouse Superstore..

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good morning, a lot more Big show coming.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Up, John Boy Big, Big Show, fels picky. I'm Matthew,
Oh Marcel, you picked an awful time to call. Well,
listen to the radio. We're right in the middle of
the news intro. You boobe, no no, not, you're racing,
fat boy. Pull up a couple of chairs and get down.

Speaker 1 (00:20):

Speaker 2 (00:20):
I gotta go make coffee for the boys so they
can go on making that audio magic known as did
John Boy by.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Big Show carry on straight?

Speaker 3 (00:27):
People chicking now, chicking now now, Chicken.

Speaker 1 (01:05):
Now now now. That's the way we say. Cock a
doodle dude out of the brick.

Speaker 4 (01:13):
House on Thursday morning downhills line hording with Big Show
leading away sick good eye, chicken, chicken chicken now, chicken
now now that's what they call.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Him in Costa Rica. Chicken real what girls?

Speaker 5 (01:44):

Speaker 3 (01:44):

Speaker 1 (01:44):
Let us wake up.

Speaker 4 (01:47):
Look at the national days while we're getting funky. National
Life Insurance Day, Hey, I gotta do it, Thank you
insurance people.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
National Truffle Day.

Speaker 4 (02:00):
Celebrating truffle House, National Day of Prayer again, it's National
Day of Reason. That is something that came up in
three in response to the perceived unconstitutional National.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
Day of Prayer? Oh yes, Hank, would you like to
take this one? Why don't you just go down to
Hell and work for the devil?

Speaker 4 (02:26):
Well, we gotta have operatives on the earth and you
can see him in abundance.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
All right, so let's go with the National Day of Prayer.

Speaker 4 (02:35):
Okay, Chickie now now, now, Big Joe's on a radio.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
Good morning, got.

Speaker 4 (02:44):
A big show on the radio. Count up, we play
out birds, first thing out the door. Hopefully you want
one hundred and twenty dollars worth of Ball's Not cleaning products.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
I mean, I know you will. We get you through
the categories.

Speaker 4 (02:55):
Go to Big Show dot Com, click on that Bull's
Not banner if for bulls nott at truck stops across
America as well. All right, our three dates in history
where we get our.

Speaker 1 (03:05):
Categories, know the way we do it. It's May the second.

Speaker 4 (03:09):
It was nineteen twenty three the first coast to coast
NonStop flight left New York for California. It took twenty
seven hours to reach the Golden State. Nineteen eighty eight,
a sinkhole in seabring, Florida, over to two hundred feet.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
Wide swallowed the house.

Speaker 4 (03:30):
Finally, on this date in ninety four, a judge in
La dismissed criminal charges against actor Jack Nicholson going February eighth,
inter fit of road rage shattered the windshield of a
car with a golf club man.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
How scary would that be for you sitting in traffic? Well,
but ninety four, was that just after the shining came out?

Speaker 6 (03:51):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (03:52):
You know us before that?

Speaker 4 (03:54):
But still Florida, nickoson, we don't know what Well, it
was eight iron, you know, and I don't know.

Speaker 1 (04:00):
I know later Tiger's wife use, I.

Speaker 4 (04:04):
Think it was a nine iron on his It was
a backglass.

Speaker 3 (04:08):
Honey, Look is that track Nicholson's Yeah, he's coming over
the corner.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
Oh, I think he wants in. Al Right, there you go.
There's our categories one to eight hundred. Big Shows. You
told free Line come on and play out birds next.

Speaker 4 (04:48):
Good morning, that's a big show on the radio, Thursday morning,
May second. Today's feature track from the Big Show bit Box,
brought you by Sharla Motor Speedway and the Coca Cola
six hundred Sunday six Holocaust. Hey these doomsday prepper warehouse superstore.
There's your keyword Doomsday hit the box at the Big

Show Dot coming.

Speaker 7 (05:11):
Right up to the.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
Upburst. Let's play upburst.

Speaker 4 (05:17):
It's the game that anyone can be John Boy and Billy.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
He gave the prizes from the Big Prize be let's go.
He contested number one.

Speaker 5 (05:30):
This should it be a lot of fun when you're
playing Upburst.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
Have a hurry up and guest time you have the
best time. You have a big shots.

Speaker 4 (05:42):
Let's say, hey, William from Hot Boy, North Carolina, we have.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
A shots manager. Good morning William, Good morning. How you doing, buddy,
We're all good. Welcome in here. Wen.

Speaker 4 (06:03):
We're pulling for you to be the first winner on
the Big Show this morning.

Speaker 1 (06:08):
Are you ready?

Speaker 6 (06:10):
You bet it? You bet? I don't know, I don't know.
Maybe not.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Oh you got this.

Speaker 4 (06:19):
Just give us three things that can fly, ready go.

Speaker 6 (06:24):
Birds, planes and mosquitos.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
Mosino got you. Now give us three things you find
in the road, ready go.

Speaker 6 (06:36):
A pothole, roadkill and vehicles.

Speaker 4 (06:39):
All right for the final five seconds for the win.
Three golf clubs ready to go.

Speaker 6 (06:48):
A putter, a driver, and a nine iron. And now
you got seven.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
If you were like god nam Us on the lock
up work, Yeah, I like that that is your victories.
Bloom goes to dynamite.

Speaker 6 (07:02):
Yeah, Boom Choco like that old NBA jam kid Dom
Damn boom chocka logo. William Oh, buddy, I appreciate you
guys all every day.

Speaker 4 (07:16):
Well, I'm glad you glad you won your prize back
and playing with us. Buddy, you have a great rest
of your day. But first hang on, we'll hook you up.

Speaker 6 (07:23):
All right, Thanks buddy.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
Why do when the hours at top of your newb know,
I heard the rise was on Thursday morning and I'm capsule.

This is the award winning John Boy and Billy Big Show,
the South's number one exports.

Speaker 8 (08:24):

Speaker 1 (08:24):
Man, what's up hey doing already?

Speaker 5 (08:27):
I was in the waffle house other night about two
o'clock in the morning, of course, I mean that's when
most people end up in the waffle house, you know.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
What I mean.

Speaker 5 (08:34):
I mean, it's like they got this thing on the
menu says call ahead and your order will be ready
when you arrive. But like nobody ever plans to go
to the waffle house. It just kind of happens, you know.
I Mean, it's not the kind of thing you think
about when you're having like a big dinner party for
somebody's honey. I was thinking about having waffle house kDa.
That big cotillion we got coming up we in the
delivery area. Like that sign they have on the door

says we have menus in braille. You ever think about
I mean, the only people in the world that need
to see that sign can't see that sign. You know,
what is it with the coffee in the waffle house?
Who who's the last fresh part of coffee? They brewed
this place when they were welcoming home the troops on
V Day. Tastes like some big truck pulls up, pumps

it in there, big underground tanks like they got at
the gas station. You know, they got it in bulk.
I mean even Elieme Clampit wouldn't drink this stuff. You
know what I mean, fool because waffle house is like
soul food for white people. I mean white people go
in there. But I think I'm the only black dude
ever been in this one. You know, even know, it's
never any black people at the waffle house except maybe
that brother in the paper hat behind the counter with

the bad attitude. Because if I was working at the
waffle house, I might have an attitude.

Speaker 1 (09:42):
Too, you know.

Speaker 5 (09:43):
And then there's Bernice. I love her, the three hundred
pounds waitress. Saure's always working in there. You know, she
got that hairdo look like somebody stuck a funnel up
a button blew up her head. She kept trying to
shoot the breeze with me, so she knew me thought
I was somebody named sweetie. I don't know you ever
noticed that. They like, they like, I signed your nickname
while you're there. If you don't have one, they'll let

you borrow one for a little while as you're sweety
sweety of this and sweety of that. I mean, I
kind of felt like an outcast in there anyway, because
like I was the only dude in there didn't know
everybody else in there by name. I guess when like
when you hang out at the waffle house, you people
had to stick together, you know. I mean, I'm sorry
to me going in the waffle house it's kind of
like going in an adult bookstore. So you know, it's like, look, baby,

I'm embarrassed enough about just being in here. Don't make
me talk to you too. I think they only got
six people that worked for the entire company at the
waffle house and they just like move them around from
location to location. Because I was in the other night,
I swear the same waitress waited on me that waited
on me at the one in Myrtle Beach like three
months ago, you know, because I guess it's kind of

hard to recruit people for the waffle house. And it
was like, your career got to be in sad shape
if you think waffle house would be like a good
move for it. Oh, but here's the kapita about the
whole trip. I went in this one, I said, give
me two waffles. Bernice looked at me like I was crazy.
She said, we ain't got no waffles. She said, the
waffle line have been broke for two years. And I
started thinking about it. Yeah, you don't never see nobody

go in the waffle house and actually order waffles, you know,
I've never seen that. I was like, why did they
even call it the waffle house? What was like the
runny eggs, burnt hash browns, and toxic coffee house was
like too long to fit on the sign on the
front of the building or something.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
Y'all think about it. On my West jun Boyam dilly,
Oh there you are, Darling. I thought you'd never get here.

Speaker 9 (11:32):
Morning rad yell dumb right, Yeah, the morning I got

to make Jean the radio right, we got reving good.

Speaker 1 (12:07):
Ralph, Hey, Ralph, that's the microphone and it's own.

Speaker 6 (12:14):
Rap? Is this?

Speaker 1 (12:15):
Yes, Jean boy? Morning pills one day?

Speaker 8 (12:21):
Check yet boy Seasons one on the broadcast.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
Why you could have a lot to do it today.
I just like to say, Hi, what's happening?

Speaker 3 (12:30):
I'll find John right?

Speaker 8 (12:32):
Okay, right, So I'm just a little.

Speaker 9 (12:34):
Happy this morning.

Speaker 1 (12:35):
What what's you happy about?

Speaker 4 (12:36):

Speaker 8 (12:37):
Let me tell you I got called by the I
R S yesterday.

Speaker 1 (12:41):
And that made you happen, Yeah, and that made me happy.
We see now only a brother in my congregation.

Speaker 8 (12:47):
And I said, rav he put down here that he
contributed twenty five hundred dollars.

Speaker 1 (12:52):
To your church last year. Well, we just want to
know is it true? And I said, well, if it ain't,
it will be.

Speaker 8 (13:00):
I'm happy to do this.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
Why did I just turn it over?

Speaker 9 (13:04):
And so.

Speaker 8 (13:06):
A hey, thanks, their appreciate it.

Speaker 7 (13:09):
I'm right.

Speaker 8 (13:11):
If it ain't, it will be.

Speaker 10 (13:13):
I heard that.

Speaker 8 (13:13):
Hey, I got a store y'all listen very careful, alight.
It's a desert island store. It's a true store.

Speaker 7 (13:18):
I swear it is.

Speaker 8 (13:19):
Old boy shipwreck of a desert island off a big
old boat. The only thing that made it on that
island with him was a pig and a doll. So
already is that boy's been there three or four bucks,
ain't seen the other ship. He just knows he's just
gonna be there for the rest of his life, and
got tired chase his hand around the I you know,
d I know boys, what you think?

Speaker 1 (13:37):
I mean? It's just tough though.

Speaker 8 (13:38):
You imagine you just a load six buns and you
just don't think you ever go see another human being again.
And a man has desires, so if you don't, you
know what I mean, they just couldn't get fulfilled.

Speaker 1 (13:49):
So he started looking. He said, now, is it gonna
be the pig or the doll? Well, he decided he'd
go after the pig.

Speaker 10 (13:57):
Y'all with me.

Speaker 8 (13:59):
He suck up that pig. He grabbed that pig, and
that dog got all over his cycle.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Wait wait, how the dog? God?

Speaker 7 (14:07):
I need.

Speaker 8 (14:09):
That liked that dog was all over cycle. Run him
off the other side of the island. So I said,
I'm gonna have to have me a little playing here,
so waiting till midnight. When the dog and the pig
was asleep, stuck up, grabbed the pig, tried to lead
the pig off back in. It was that dog all
over the cycle him run him off again. So have
a little getting a little bit smarter like this. So

he called him a wild boar and killed it with
his bare hands. He killed a wild board, got the meat,
called the dog, throw it on the other side of
the island all right. When the dog was over there,
off off after the meat. He run up on that
pig again, hick up off in the diss all over
his acle, biting him the stuff, and run.

Speaker 1 (14:49):
Him off from that pig again.

Speaker 8 (14:51):
I said, for goodness sake, he's just about to give up.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
Just hand it all.

Speaker 8 (14:55):
When he heard some splashing around in the surf out there,
it was a womba's voice. Had me she would say,
I'm driving. So he run out there, grabbed her, pulled
her on the island, gave her CPR and saved her life.
Oh she's so grateful, she said, sir, you saved my life.
If there's anything I made, anything at all I can

do for you, just tell me. And he said, you
might hold.

Speaker 7 (15:21):
Of that dog for me.

Speaker 1 (15:27):
All right, Yeah, I got I get out of here.

Speaker 4 (15:34):
Good morning, you got a big show on the radio,
more chance for you to win coming up after your.

Speaker 1 (15:39):
News, weather and sports.

Speaker 7 (15:40):
Hello, it's me Spanky, you know, mister personality from the
Yellow Rose. I'm not sure why I'm doing this. It's
not like they're paying me or anything. I can't even
get the redneck to pay his tab down a car.
But you can't help but love them, no matter how
nerve racking they are. I don't even complain when they

make fun of my big head. I just wish John
Boy would give me back my memory foam pillow and
stop telling his kids that's where the comet hits.

Speaker 1 (16:45):
Good morning, there's a big show on the radio.

Speaker 4 (16:48):
Competie Churney Ride across America is gonna be going some
There's some big showed town cities and country. The starting
this Saturday, Dead What South Dakota nor Platte, Nebraska. In
the Sunday North Platte the Olma Hall, Olma Hall. The
Bunddorf iur Hit Day three is on Monday, then Tuesday

Bendingdorf out to Indianapolis, Indiana. Wednesday, Indy the Bowling Green, Kentucky.
There's a Bowling Green to Bristol, Virginia. And then on
Friday Day, seventh, May tenth, Bristol, Virginia, the Greensboro, North
Carolina celebrating Victory Johnson Gang raising.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Money in honor of Adam Petty Howl.

Speaker 4 (17:34):
So all right, don't be big, y'all, be careful out there,
and jem on shake them out at Calpetty Charity Ride
dot com. Good morning, Big Shows on the radio. Hang on,
Bob IBox on the line. First, let it tell you

about the prize pack you can win when we played
John Boy Jebity ten minutes hat t shirt up, twenty
five dollar gas card from Law Tigers, win the trip
of a lifetime till the eighty fourth Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally,
and a custom Harley Davison performance bagger. Go to the
Big Show dot com check on the Law Tigers manner
for more info. We'll learn all about it with our

boy Lionel, the Mayor of Sturgis, on tomorrow's Big Show.

Speaker 1 (18:20):
Well right now, Bob, good morning, my boy, Hey, good morning.

Speaker 10 (18:24):
I'll tell you my head's still spinning around from that
NFL draft over the weekend in Detroit, and it was
an unbelievable time, especially if you were a quarterback and
a tight end, because I'll be talking about a couple
quarterbacks and a tight end that got some history made
in the first round. And particularly for Bulldog fans, Georgia

Bulldog fans, you're gonna want to know about this Bronc
Bowers football that we have exclusive. Only twenty and twenty
four of these are being produced to raise moneys for
Get Comfortable. It's a literacy intervation program that will help
out in a lot of folks throughout the Georgia and
South Carolina and all the way down your area where

you're on the network there. And we only made twenty
and twenty four of these limited edition footballs for bront Powers.
He was drafted on the first round, the thirteenth pick
taken by the Las Vegas Raiders, So he'll be going
out to Vegas. Hopefully he doesn't spend all that money
he's going to make at the slot machines out there,

but Bronc will be going out there. Fans of the
Bulldogs remember him. He was very very important to their
two back to back championships that they had in recent
years as a tight end, and it's not often a
tight end gets drafted in the first round of an
NFL draft, so it's a very historic time for him.

The footballs are priced at one hundred and nineteen dollars
and ninety five cents each. You'll get a numbered certificate
of authenticity with each ball. Only tw twenty four of
the Rock Bowers footballs will be produced. It'll have an
action image of Boers on the on the top panel
of the football, everything is in bost You'll have the

National Championship logo there, along with some other information about
his time at Georgia. The second panel has Bower's career
awards and stats right there, and the third panel is
a panoramic photograph of the stadium right up there in
Athens where the Bulldogs play. I know a lot of

their fans have been up there and cheered on those guys.
They've had some exciting times in the last three or
four years, especially now. If you want to go ahead
and order these, there are one hundred and nineteen dollars
and ninety five cents each. The toll free number to
call is one eight hundred three four five two eight
six eight that's one, eight hundred and three, four five,

twenty eight, sixty eight, or just go to niko sports
dot com. That's the website, nikcosports dot com. That's nikcosports
dot com. These will make great gifts for Father's Day,
Mother's Day, anniversaries of graduations coming up. And I know
a lot of the Georgia Bulldog fans who got the

National Championship footballs and those back to back years that
Bowers was a big part of, they're gonna want to
get this because with only twenty and twenty four made,
these will become a real big collector's item because I
really do believe that the Brock's going to have a
great career in the NFL. Now, when you go to

that website, you'll also see there's two quarterbacks that went
high in the first round. Jayden Daniels went number two
in there, and he's going to be going off and
playing for the Washington Commanders. They have a football just
like that. He was the Heisman Trophy winner this year,
and that one's going real quick again, only two thousand

than twenty four for Jaydon Daniels. You'll see that right
on the website. Got all the same kind of information
that I talked about for the Bowers football, you'll be
able to pick that up again at one hundred and
nineteen dollars and ninety five cents. Or if you are
a fan of the Vikings, they got their new quarterback
JJ McCarthy and he directed the Michigan team this year

to the National Championship and during his career there he
was twenty seven and one for Michigan. So that's another
exciting opportunity there. You'll see that he was number he
was drafted on the number ten on the first round
and is going to be playing for the Minnesota Vikings.
So again, when you go to that website, you'll see

all three of these footballs and you could order them.
It's one hundred and nineteen dollars and ninety five cents each.
You'll get a number, certificate of authenticity. Everything on the football,
all the various panels is in Boston, so it'll keep
all these footballs looking fresh and Christine looking for years
to come. Again, that phone number to order any of

these three footballs one eight hundred three four five two
eight six eight. That's one eight hundred three four five
twenty eight sixty eight or just go to the website
nicosports dot com, nikcosports dot com. That's nikcosports dot com.
And as you guys know, over the years, Nico Sports

has raised tons of money for charities. And each one
of these items, each one of these three footballs will
be donating a portion of the proceeds to charities. And
we're up to over three point three million dollars now
for raising funds. And you guys on the network here
on the John Boy and Billion network along the southeast there,

I'll tell you what you've helped us raise a big,
big portion of all that money.

Speaker 4 (23:56):
Well, man, is that is something man? Our listeners the
best and you're gonna want these. You guys do excellent work.
So all three right there and we got it hooked
up easy to You can click on the link when
you go to the Big Show dot com.

Speaker 1 (24:09):
Bob, Thank you so much, buddy. I have a great
rest of your week.

Speaker 6 (24:12):
We'll talk soon, Okay, you guys be safe to be good.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
All right, buddy, Thank you?

Speaker 7 (24:17):
All right?

Speaker 1 (24:17):
Dear, Well, let's play some John Boy Jeopardy and get
us a.

Speaker 4 (24:20):
Winner right here. Review yesterday's question. We found out ape
researchers set up a TV in front of a gorilla
cage found the apes favorite types of shows were soap operas, weightlifting,
and this sport?

Speaker 1 (24:34):
What is auto racing? Right? Apes like racing? All right?

Speaker 4 (24:39):
Today's John Boy Jeopardy. Well, the first one of these
was written in nineteen oh seven in Newport, Rhode Island.
The man who received it was jailed for five days.
No what if y'all got one eight hundred big show
you told freeline across from America.

Speaker 1 (24:57):
We played John boyd Jeopardy.

Speaker 6 (24:59):

Speaker 1 (25:00):
Like I said, Tater is working on Jackie card, so
she'll answer the word. Okay, all right, I go. We
play right now. Good morning, It's a big show on

the radio for your Thursday.

Speaker 4 (25:37):
Made that too twenty four Today's feature track When the
Big Show bed Box brought you a Charlotte Motor Speedway
and Co Cola six D His Sunday May twenty six,
Paula Colsain, He's Doomsday Prepper Warehouse Superstore.

Speaker 1 (25:52):
There's we can't word dooms Day. Doom's Day never been
so funny.

Speaker 7 (25:57):
Said that.

Speaker 4 (26:00):
Right now, let's play yeahs Live across America.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
It's John Boy Jeopardy and now a man who gave up.

Speaker 4 (26:09):
On training to become a doomsday martial arts crime fighter
because he didn't have a good sidekick.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
He's John Boy close as I hated Bill out of Edelwah, Tennessee.

Speaker 6 (26:25):
Good morning Bill, Good morning John Boy.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
Well but to man. Hey, Hey, I'm sorry, I got
to catch you fuck George Tater. Now I've got to
cash means.

Speaker 4 (26:39):
Ah, Bill, you got the first shot at John Boy
Jeopardy this morning. The first one of these was written
in nineteen o seven in Newport, Rhode Island. The man
who received it was jailed for five days. What's your thinking, Bill, h.

Speaker 3 (26:57):
I'm thinking speeding ticket.

Speaker 1 (26:59):
You say speeding tickets, and you jailed my days in jail.

Speaker 11 (27:09):
He slipped down after that.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
He was going twelve miles an hour on main street mail.

Speaker 4 (27:16):
Good work, Bill, you got to big Lord Tiger's prize
packed eligible for styling and stursngratulations, buddy, Okay.

Speaker 3 (27:24):
Thank you, John Bray.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
Alright, boy, wantum of the hour, top of your news.
All right, bonn to stop ten list on the other side,
mister Rubarb, good morning. There's a big show on the radio.

As a joiny men, as were mister Rubar paying a visit.
Look forward to that meantime Bonus Top ten list, from
duh huh to not too good to love you mean It.

Speaker 12 (28:32):
The Big Show has generated a lot of catchy sayings
over the years, and sometimes we try out a new
one that doesn't exactly set the woods on fire.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Examples love to Here.

Speaker 12 (28:44):
There are the top ten Big Show catchphrases that didn't
really catch on. Number ten, unhand me you varlet Number
nine beans beans for every meal. Number eight, better call sal.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
Number seven. We know a thing or two because we've
seen a thing or two. I think that insurance company.
Number six.

Speaker 12 (29:16):
Well, well, if it isn't that bridge I said we'd
cross when we came to it.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
Number five. These pretzels are making me horny.

Speaker 12 (29:29):
Number four Wait, I think John Boys onto something here,
Please tell us more. Number three, Hey heard any good
music in the truck lately? Number two barbecue again. And
the number one Big Show catchphrase that didn't catch on.

We are farmers b.

Speaker 6 (30:24):
Good morning.

Speaker 4 (30:25):
There's a Big Show on the radio. And here the
one and only mister Rubarb.

Speaker 11 (30:33):
Good morning, John Boy and Billy to all the other
Big Show regulars. You've probably noticed I'm not using my
silly little goofball voice.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
This morning.

Speaker 11 (30:43):
Sure, Okay, I guess I should have seen that one come. Yes,
after reviewing the tapes of my last few appearances on
the Big Show, I've come to a disturbing revelation that
you people are trying to make me look like some
kind of an idioto and this music isn't helping you.

Speaker 7 (31:00):

Speaker 11 (31:00):
I've been part of this show for many years, but
back in the beginning, I wasn't treated like the big
shows on Personal Comedy Squeak Toy, The Spite Comedy Squeak Toys,
Squeak Toy. Despite my somewhat unusual speaking voice in the beginning,
I was afforded a bit more respect. I think it's
high time for a return to those bygone days. Okay, Today,

I'd like to inform, as well as entertain you're listening
audience with a fascinating and little known slice of American
history from the year nineteen twelve.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Ooh good, different music and everything.

Speaker 11 (31:38):
We're all familiar with Hellman's mayonnaise, but most people don't
know that in nineteen twelve, Helman's was manufactured in England.
In April of nineteen twelve, the HMS Titanic left England
for America, hearing twelve thousand jars of Helman's bound for
Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port

of call for the time Tanic. After it left New
York City, the people of Mexico eagerly awaited the first
delivery and were very upset at the news the great
ship had been sunk by an iceberg, so much that
they declared a national day of mourning to commemorate the tragedy.
It's a holiday which they still observe today. It is known,

of course as Sinco de Mayo. And now you know
the rest of the storm. Oh okay, how about this one?
What do you give a pig with a rash or ointment?
In other words, this is mister Ruthbark saying, squeak, squeak, squeak,

I'm out of here.

Speaker 1 (33:00):
Yeah, this is timmy charlenge. Whenever I want to get high,
I don't say no. I just listened to John Boy
and Billy who wrote this. Good morning, that's a big

show on the radio.

Speaker 4 (33:46):
For your Thursday and May second, the National Day of
Prayer designated by the US Conference.

Speaker 1 (33:55):
I ask people to turn to God in prayer and meditation.

Speaker 4 (33:58):
The modern law formalized in the annual National Day of
Prayer service was enacted nineteen fifty two, and each year
since the President has signed a proclamation encouraging all Americans
to pray on this day, hoping it'll happen today. And
I told you about the National Day of Reason came
around in three when they were saying.

Speaker 1 (34:20):
Huh uh, it ain't right praying, so saying this unconstitutional.

Speaker 4 (34:28):
And if you notice, if they know, guys, hey, there's
something going against the constitution.

Speaker 7 (34:35):
So watch it.

Speaker 1 (34:36):
Okay, you gotta go on, Hank, Hank still, yeah, Okay,
let me do that.

Speaker 7 (34:44):

Speaker 1 (34:45):
For his response, why don't you just go down to
hell and work for the devil?

Speaker 5 (34:49):
All right?

Speaker 10 (34:50):
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