All Episodes

June 20, 2019 44 mins

A bonus episode that somehow escaped the vault. Ron plans an interview with Alex Rodriguez, and takes his cooking skills to the next level with Jon & Vinny. 


Ron Burgundy: Host, Writer, Executive Producer

Carolina Barlow: Co-Host, Writer, and Producer.

Producers: Whitney Hodack, Jack O’Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick Stumpf

Executive Producer: Mike Farah

Consulting Producer: Andrew Steele

Associate Producer: Anna Hossnieh

Writer: Jake Fogelnest

Production Supervisor: Colin MacDougall

This episode was Engineered, Mixed and Edited by: Nick Stumpf

Music Clearance by Suzanne Coffman

Guest Experts: Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Oh ROMBERGNY podcast. Hey mama, I am so excited for
today's guest. Ah, what an extraordinary get for the podcast

for the Ron Burgundy Podcast. Ladies and gentlemen, coming to
our studio today in studio. Major League ball player Alex Rodriguez.
You know him as a rod. He played twenty two
seasons in the Major League Baseball for teams such as
the Seattle Mariners, the Texas Rangers, and maybe you've heard

of this team before, Carolina, the New York Yankees, of course, yeah. Yeah.
And when I asked him, he was so excited to
be on our podcast, it was beautiful. It was kind
of a beautiful thing he was. He was laughing out
of disbelief, you know, just like a young child. And
I think he was in in some sort of dream state.

And I told him, no, I'm not kidding, I want you.
But he was just so ecstatic. I mean, he wasn't
calming down. No, SERI manic. I mean you could. You
could have gone through a talent booker to book camp. Nope, nope.
I ran into him at a Gelson's and we spoke
in person. We've spoken, we speak because we speak, Yeah, yeah,

we speak. A Rod and I a few times a week. Yeah, yeah,
I know. He's uh, well, he has more time now
that he's not in the big leagues right now he's retired.
He's more of a commentator. So we speak. We speak
a couple of times a week, and he actually he
actually comes to me for advice sometimes, but he comes
to you. Yes, but I won't give it. But so

he's your friend, but you won't give him advice. No, No,
I'm too scared too, I'm too scared. I mean, it's
a rod. What if my advice is wrong? Listen to me, Caroline.
Even when your friends desperately need your guidance, when they're
banging down your door at dawn needing someone to talk
to you, don't give it to them. Don't give him advice.

It's a setup. I don't know about that. I mean,
I know it is. What if they just want to
get another opinion from someone who's close. Nope, Nope, nope, nope.
They're tricking you. They're trying to trick you. They are
just setting you up for you to tell them things
like you know, like yes, Roger, I think you should
invest your savings in a button factory, because you're right,

nobody makes cool buttons anymore. And yes, they're in so
many pieces of clothing. And then flash forward to three
years later. You know, now you find Roger in a
tunnel under the four or five and he's just walks
around with a cardboard sign that says, fuck you. Oh God,

you ruin my life. I mean, the button industry is thickle, Carolina.
It is fickle. Sometimes it doesn't pay out. But if
you strike while the iron is hot, you might buy
yourself a farm. That's the allure of the of the
button industry. It doesn't see that glamorous or dramatic. It's
not glamorous. It's hard work. The button game. They chew

you up and spit you out. How many buttons startups
have you heard in the last couple of years? Hundreds? Right, hundreds.
That's why when I watched CNNBC, I'm always looking for
the new button factory stocks and there there's always a
new one every day. Anyway, or we all set up

for a rod. He should be here soon. I can't
believe it. Are Does my suit look okay? Oh my god? Yeah,
you were great. I'm excited too, Thank you, thank you?
And do you look good? Um? Yeah? I think I
look fine. Okay, are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. Do
you want to go check. There's a bathroom down the

hall and has a mirror in it. Oh no, I'm fine.
One Carolina. Do you know who a Rod is? Have
you seen a picture of him? He's not your average
sloppy Joe. This man's got glass. I know what he
looks like. I still think I look fine. And you've
seen his girlfriend, Jennifer Lopez. You've watched the wedding planner. Yes,
she's very beautiful. I'm sure he's seen women who aren't

as pretty as Jennifer Lopez. He won't freak out if
I just look fine. He might. He might, and then
I'll freak out. Okay, if it means so much, I'll
just don't put my hair up one second. Thank you.
I appreciate that. Oh my god, what is that on
your forehead? This it's oh my god, this is my birthmark.

I was It's just a small birth I was boring
with it. I I like it. I think it's get
symptoms stomach, you know. No, I like it too. Can
I just see you again with your hair over it?
Should we have someone in the crew, Can anyone run
down to save on drugs and pick up some rouge

for Carolina's cheeks, maybe a hair brush. You know what,
You're being incredibly insulting. Oh my god, oh my god,
what is it okay to our listeners out there. I
do not want to alarm you, but there is a
bee in the studio today, and I'm not trying to
cry wolf. If you are listening with your children, please

take your remote and turn the machine I'm speaking from
off now to find the machine where my voice is
coming from and turn it off. Tell the crew to
go home. They should be with their families. And just
open that window behind. We have to move really very slowly.
Five arm, it's on your arm. Don't move, it's on

your arm. Got a bottle? You get this roun breathe?
I need you to breathe. O Carolina, it's not moving.
Are you packing packing? What I mean? Do you have

a pistol on? You? Take out your revolver? A gun?
I don't have a gun. You ron, You hate guns.
I hate bees. Look, just take this magazine here, you
go here, take this. I am no mood to read
the Vogue profile on Amy Adams. I'm saving it for later.
Hit with it, that it hit the bee with it. Carolina.
If I don't make it, you're being incredibly dramatic. Will

you still a rod? What's up? From me? What's up? Yes?
Just say Ron couldn't make it, but wanted to say.
What's app It's It's how athletes talk to each other.
You know what you're going to be Okay? Oh my god?
Wait sorry, Ron, Oh my god, it's on the back
of your head. Just don't move, just don't turn. You
know what this year sucked, Dick. A rod is late,

my producer isn't packing, and the bee is nursing on
my scalp. I'll tell you if I if I wasn't
getting my podcast check today. We don't get paid today.
What do you mean? What do you mean? What do
you mean? Get just one second? Yes, we get paid
every two weeks on Friday. So this Friday we're not
getting paid, but next Friday we are. We need to
cut to commercial. I need to talk to my producers.

Can we get the suits in here? Let's go, Let's
go to commercial. All right, and we're back Ron Burgundy
podcast And I'm having a hard time over here. I
just I just heard my actual salary um, and some

of my outgoing checks might bounce. So I've got to
call my landlord and the guy I bought those huffer
fish from for my aquarium. Is is the b still
on me? Yeah? Sorry, it's still just it's boeing, boeing, boeing.
That's the sound of my checks bouncing. Maybe they'll offer

us more once we get this. A Rod interview in
the bag right? Maybe where is he? Um? You know
what I think he's He must be running away. I
just texted his publicist to see you. Okay, have an
e t A. Let's some in that case, Let's let's
run over my questions for him. I'm gonna let's run
over those. Grab those. Um. The first one just says

A Rod, I need help with rent anyway you could
throw me a bone. That was That was an off
air question. Having that many money preps. It's the other
pile of note cards those questions. Yes, that's for a
fair questions and airs. Okay, okay, um, this is the
on air. Um. No, I'm not ignoring you. I'm not

having money. I'm not having abnormal money problems. I mean
everyone has money problems. He isn't know people, you know
A lot of people will make sure they put them
away in their savings for, you know, a rainy day.
I'm average. I carry eight, eight to ten credit cards.
I rotate them constantly. I'd say right in the middle
of well, how many do you have? I have one

credit card. I pay the bills like a debit card.
How do you do it? You know, I just remember
the date every month. That's no fun. You don't get
to rotate them and show them off. Oh I don't
think if I need to show off my master Card,
Visa Merry Express Regular, Platinum, Regular, diners Club, American Airlines

purple Platinum, I'm not familiar. Southwest Airlines, Visa Rose Colored. Okay,
so those are just some of them. Okay, so what
my next question? My next on air question? Don't read
the off fair questions. Fair questions are private. I understand
Rod and I on the air question. Hey a Rod,

what's it like to play baseball in front of a
bunch of people? Really? This is that was your question?
I thought that'd be a good place to start. You
don't have to start every question with saying a Rod, Um, Okay, well,
this one's all right. I guess I just think in
the future. I think we should go with more hard
hitting questions. Oh you mean like this? Oh, now for

our listeners, I did not hit Carolina. Okay, I tried
to swap the b No, I did not. Well, Um,
while we still have telescope. Onto the next on air question,
Hey a Rod, when the bat hits the ball and
it goes crack, you must really love that. I cannot
wait to hear his answer to that one. I bet

I'll just say yes. Oh, I don't know. That could
be an interesting answer. I mean we could dive deep
into that one. We actually should leave ten minutes for
that question so we don't go over Yes, what is
that like? You know, the crack of the bat. Yeah,
the ball goes flying. Okay, I'll market as in a
post wine really love it? Oh my god, please keep

going fuck fuck so sorry. The be just flew right
by my face. The door is open, it'll fly out
on its own sound. No not this guy, no, no, no, no,
I've imprinted on him. He knows only one of us
is leaving the room. I don't think bees are that intelligent.
Or next question, okay, um, hey a Rod, does Jlo

have a sister or a mom? I could meet. You
know what, that can be moved to the off air questions. Okay,
I mean I put that in the off air stick.
I don't think you should save your sister or mom.
You know it makes you sound, it sounds it seems inappropriate. Okay.
Next on air question is, hey, a Rod, do you
get tired from running so fast during games? And that

is where we get in. That's where we get the scoop.
These just sound like very generic questions. I just do
you see the pattern I've done. I've done some just
easy what are called softball questions. Then get him in
a great mood, and then I hit him where it counts.
I of course he probably gets tired from running so
fast during baseball games. Athletes are probably always tired after

a game. See that would be fascinating to hear out
of his mouth, not so much out of yours, but
from from a Rod. My man. All right, I guess
we can explore that and see if there. Look, I'm
gonna be honest. I wrote these last night, right as
I was falling asleep, and I was in what I

call the in between world, the in between world. Yes,
when when you're in between being awake and falling asleep
and all the dream thoughts start coming in. You know,
you know what. I don't need to explain myself to you.
It's called the in between world, okay, and it comforts me. Okay, Um, anyway,

let's Oh my god, look I think a rod is
pulling up parking spot. Are you serious? Oh I'm so,
I'm are you okay? Oh my god, I think he's coming.
Someone's getting out of the car. All right, I swallowed it.
I swallowed that thing the b. Oh no, you didn't.

It's right there on the chair right next year. Well,
then I swallowed another b. Maybe you just swallowed your
own spit or something. Oh wait, look outside? Wait? Is
that is that a rod? Right there? I don't is it?
I don't think so. I think, I honestly think in
the Captain's head, I think that might be our p

a in a corn dog. It's Leonard. For our listeners, Um,
that is not a rod. It's a share our very
um sweet p a Leonard, who was bringing us lunch.
I hate Leonard. N he's going to listen to this
later today. Well I don't like him. Hate his grubby,
sweaty little fingers and his glasses are always fogged up.

What is with that? You know? I think he just
breathes heavy and fast. A rod is not coming, is he? Well? Okay,
to be honest, his publicist just texted yes and said
he wasn't booked. So I don't know if you guys,
if there was a misunderstanding or but he doesn't even
know about our podcast. Well, that's certainly not true. I mean,

I actually met up with him, as I was saying,
I'm met him at a Gilson's and we purchased a
few few items together and then we we drove on
a tandem bicycle uh down to the park where we
ordered smoothies by the lake, and we were sitting there,

and we were sitting with all the presidents of the
United States. Some were deceased, some were living. We're having
a wonderful conversation. Then the smoothies turn to cherry wine
and it turns into a bacchanal celebration with the presidents

and just telling wonderful stories and letting the wine feed
our expression. And next you know, people were taking their
clothes off and it got wild. I think that there
and there were paparazzi and Alexander the Great ah, oh,

I see now I was in the in between place,
so you I think, Um, what happened? You booked a
rod in your head right before falling asleep? Yes, yes,
you have to understand. The in between place can feel
very real. I can. Yeah, sometimes you can be in
the sort of refuge state. You know what? Though, maybe
here you will still show up. Is there a chance

of that? I don't think, So let's give him five
more minutes. Luckily we have recorded this week a cooking
segment with John and Vinnie, successful restauranturs. Please stick with
us while we learn how to make a tomato sauce.

We have with us now two fabulous chefs, John and Vinny.
John and Vinny, welcome to the show. Guys, Thank you
so much for joining us. Thanks for having us for
you know what. I just know you guys as John
and Vinny. John, what's your last name? Chuck Shook? And
Vinny do Tolo? Do tolo? So you're not brothers? No,

we are because I kept referring to you guys as
the Dotto brothers. That's but Vinny, you probably have a
do you have siblings? That's actually John that you're talking to.
Oh but no, Cassie. Look, you've done this to me before,
and because I have a doppelganger as well. In fact,
my neighbor ted it looks very similar to me. I'm

having an issue with my neighbor. What's going on? I
don't want to get into it. I don't want to
waste your time. Um, he's just he's being a jerk.
What do you do? He just he's called the police
on me like eighteen times about what parties. Things like that.
You spell in his lawn with fire ship face. Yeah,

that was intense. I would scare anybody. I had to
send a message. It was a shot across the bow.
I want to do that to my neighbor. Sometimes I
wouldn't recommend it. When they call about my music, what
sort of music is it? Believe it or not, it'll
be like Miles Davis. They'll call me, oh and they
get they get hyped up over Miles Davis, Saturday's Saturday's neighborhood.

That seems a little next. I understand getting I right
over Charlie Parker, but not to Miles Davis. Yeah, yeah,
that makes sense. Guys. Let me start by asking where
in Italy are you from? We're actually not from Italy.
I'm actually from Rome. John doesn't know that I'm not
even Italian. What what what's your ethnic makeup? What's your background?

I mean I am a mutton basically kind of. But um,
I guess many many ancestors ago Russian. I've been talking
about doing that kind of DNA test. You ever done
that where you swabbed the inside of your butt cheeks?
Do you know what it's your I've I've done the
DNA test a handful of times, and I've swabbed the

inside of my butt cheeks and then I get no
read out that just comes back fecal matter. Yeah. But
so you guys grew up here in the state you're
you're American. Yeah, we're both from Florida, Okay, Carolina. She
loves Florida. I love for the state of high cuisine.
She goes to Disney World at least once a month.

Once a month. I mean, it is the happiest place
on that right. It gets me like a little bit
of relief. I go alone. I don't want anyone bring
me down. What's your favorite ride? It's a small world,
probably because I think it's true. It is. Yet you
ever been roun I refused to go on It's a
Small World because I find those little people creepy. Ron

screamed at them the whole time we went through that ride.
I'm just a teacup guy again and again and again
because I don't I don't get dizzy. No, because I
know I know how to spot like a ballerina, you
just pick a I get on one of those with
my kids, I'm like, quit spinning it. I'm holding on
for dear life. Yeah, if you have to build up

the stamina, you really do. Yeah. The fish, the fish
and chips at the Epcot Center worth having, Yeah, they're good. Okay,
they're good. Been trying to get a free ride down there. Yeah,
well we'll talk about it. Wasn't it? Uh? The food
critic who just passed away, Jonathan Gold, said that some
music party had the best corn dogs. Was it not

Sperry for It or Disneyland? It wasn't Disney. I've never
had a corner. Someone was saying. He praised the corn
dogs there. Hm, but I'll eat as far as I'm concerned.
Bad corn dog is an oxymoron, it doesn't exist. Nope,
I'll still eat it. And we cooked way too long

I'll double upright. So guys, you you met in Florida
somehow you you both were with chefs. Oh, in culinary school.
And culinary school is uh school? Or you study food? Okay, okay, good, good,
that's what I thought it was. No, I just I'm

I'm too afraid to admit. I thought it was shoe cobblers.
I thought, if you want to be a cobbler, I
thought you went to coliner school. But now I know
it's cooking school. Are you making fun of our height?
So you no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not
why you think I'm referring to is like the Keebler
elves or something? No, no, no, not at all. You're

not a little Cobblers, even though there'd be a keeperould
be a neat nickname from your next restaurant, a little Cobbler,
Little Cobblers Baker, the little Cobbler's Bakery, and you serve
nothing but cobbler. But you have to hire real elves
to run. It only open on Christmas Day, one day year,

but you have to pay for the property year round.
But it's worth it. We don't know how Christmas I mean,
people would flock to it. It's pretty much like honey
baked tam right, yes, yes, you're there once a year.
I used to think that honey baked Ham was the
honey bank. I thought it was a bank, But it's
honey baked Ham. I was always misreading that anyway, delightful

little antidotes here. So you guys teamed up. And how
many restaurants do you have? Now? So we we chaff
at four places and then we uh partner with a
handful of other chefs here in l A and together
we have nine restaurants. And what type of food? Everything
from Italian, Middle Eastern, French? Wild game? Um, not really,

it's hard to get wild game actually out here in
the West Coast. Have you ever cooked a camel? No?
I'ld like to. It would be a challenge, right, big time.
It's a big animal. Which hump would you take? Front back?
Front front? Hop it tender tender meat exactly, That's what

I think. That'd be a good challenge, hump. It would
be a good challenge. Um. The policy no shoes, no shirt,
no problem is that? Is that what you guys lived
by only in Florida. In Florida, but here here it's
strict health code violation seeing that sign. Have you have

you guys ever gotten a B or a C restaurants?
Be honest, we take it very seriously. You take it
down though, if you wouldn't put a plant in front
of yes, yes, I mean anything below would be is
really dangerous to eat at. I would just let you
know what, what is the lowest grade that they let

you still operate? See, so you're not going to see
a restaurant with a D rating, no clo you're close. Yeah,
you're gonna see a man in orange in prison. So
you're going to take us through one of your recipes today,

I understand. What were you thinking that we would talk
about just making a basic red sauce? Wait, what's a
hold on? I'm jumping around here because I'm excited to
talk to a show. What's a ragou? Usually consists of
a slow cooked meat, but typically I mean now, it's
usually used and basically it's like a be a mixture

of things that could be like a mixture of ingredients
like mushroom and asparagus. Ragou. People would say, we worked
we worked at a restaurant in Florida where they used
to call these, you know, ragu or they'd call it
a hash, but it wasn't really so false advertising. Okay,
So no Pomadora sauce is a red sauce is red sauce,

and you guys probably make a lot of it, a
lot of it. Are there be honest with me? Are
there nights where you guys just pour a bunch of
cans of shift Boyardi into the bat and say let
it ride? There's days where I'd like to, but you don't.
But I don't. See you're a better man than I would,

because I would get lazy. I go. They can't tell
the difference, can't tell the difference. So a pomadoro describe
to me, take us through the process basic red sauce.
Basically the way that we make ours. Since we take
cold pan with cold olive oil, slice garlic and crushed chili.
We bring it up and then a cold pan, cold pan. Yeah,

because we're trying to use the so you keep the
pan in the So basically we take the pan out
of refrigerator, the refrigerator, well maybe not the refrigerator, but
but okay, got it out of your cabinet wherever you're
storing it. We put it on the stove I store
my pans in my boot of my car trunk. They

might be hot. If it's hot, Yeah, I need to
not store them there. Yeah. I just never know if
I need to cook on the road or if I'm
had a house and they don't have a saucepot. Would
you need to cook on the road. I don't know.
I just gotta be prepared. What's your favorite pot? I
like a well, I like a skillet. I have iron skillets.
That's why I get terrible gas miles because they wait
down the trunk of my car. Um and I like

a what's the big soup pot? Like for for gumbo?
Stop stockpot gumbo? What are you making the stockpot? Um Bra?
And bone broth is really taken off in Yeah, bone broth.
I'll find old bones over by the but the train tracks. Yeah,

vermin bones, and I'll boil that down. It makes a
pretty hearty broth, A little sweet, a little bit sweet
at times. Yep, yep. Yeah. So back to Palmadoro. A
little garlic is Palmado a region in Italy? Is that
where it comes from? I'm gonna check on my BlackBerry hair.

It's okay, tomato okay, So garlic told you we weren't
from Italy? Garlic. Do you use a rabbit's foot at
any point? Only in my pocket? Okay? So, which is
very common. You know a lot of chefs, a lot
of do you carry rabbit foot in your pocket? I don't.
But is that that's not a myth, that that's a
true thing, not a myath, true thing. And that's just

so you you have a lucky night with your cooking
every night. Yeah, I mean cooking super opinionated. So you know,
depending on a person's opinion, they might like or hate
your stuff no matter what you're doing. So the rabbit
foot is a trick, excellent. I also I love rabbit.
Have you ever eaten rabbit? I have eaten a whole rabbit. Yes,
it's delicious, delicious, right down to the eyeballs. And I

never had I never had any rabbit. And I like
the sweetmeats, but like rabbit brain, the liver, the kidney,
and gold ladder. Yeah, go old school, old school man.
So then and the oil kind of comes up from
the cold pan, which kind of infuses the garlic. Can
we cook it right now here in our kitchen? Yeah? Yeah.
So let me start with slicing some garlic. Here, John's

got a bag of garlic. I love that we brought
some garlic. I mean, ron, you bought enough garlic for
for an army, So we're just gonna slice it up.
There we go, Thank you, slicing up the garlict. What
you're hearing right now is the slicing of garlic. Garlic.
Thank you. And you're you're slicing the garlic way for

thin I've noticed. Yeah, it should be relatively thin, not
too thin, because you don't want it to burn or
but you wanted to be translucent in the pan once opaque, Yes,
as you start to cook. Do you cook a lot
of Italian ron? I just know I just like saying
that word opaque. Yeah, I use it probably ten times
a day. It's a great explanation of understanding how to cook.

That's why I asked, So, then should I ask a question?
What's your favorite kind of can tomatoes do you use?
I use usually use Anderson's Anderson's I've never seen, I've
never seen, and really that a local San Diego brand.
Why what do you guys use? We use Chris Bianco's tomatoes,

Bianco's napoly Still after the scandal. You still are going
to go with him. I think you've got Chris and
Mario batally mixed up. Chris is the nice, nice guy
in Arizona. Yes, I did, actually to clear that up.
We'll clear that one. Yeah. So Chris is a sweet

guy in Arizona. He's growing these up in northern California.
They're delicious, very um neutral taste. I think a lot
of can tomatoes get kind of um. So he grows them.
He has his own canning operation. He partnered with a
farmer up there and then boom robbed the Napoli. You
guys ship him down to so then he ships them
down to us. We had we go through about a

pallet of tomatoes a month at each Shona Minny. So
any of those stolen, I hope not. That's an instant
termination at our So if you steal stuff time, Oh yeah,
so I believe it. Definitely. We did have one guy
came the son of a gun one time. We haven't

we've never caught him. It was a customer pretending to
be a customer. You never even sat down the eight right,
and he literally stole our toothpick holder off the hostess stand.
I got a video of it if I posted it
on my my Instagram, ran out the door. That was it.
You know what? Sounds like he took the toothpicks too,

though my neighbor ted it might have been him. Got
a big holder collection that will make your headspin. It's
pretty amazing. We have. We have a reward out actually
for it, chicken sandwiches in off to send you a
picture of the holder one chicken sandwiches to be redeemed

at any time, anytime you want. It's not like one
of those restaurants in the middle of Texas where you
have to eat them all in one sitting. It's that
son of and you can just so you just have
a coupon book you basically, it's like a credit card
that you'll get that when you get a hundred chicken sandwiches,
the value of a hundred chicken sandwiches. You know what.
I'm just gonna start bringing people in off the street
until we find this this toothpick bandit. I'll show you.

I'll show you a picture of him run so you
can take a look. Maybe maybe it's your neighbor. Do
you have an artists caricature drawing of him? No, we
actually have a video. You have the videos, you really
do know what he looks like security cameras boom. I
love it. We haven't got him. Now, don't go to
son of a gun. If yeah, if you're that guy,
go to Son of go go. I'm gonna be waiting

for you in the bushes. I'm gonna throw you in
a burlap sack over them. We need more people like
you were on in our lives. I'm very vigilant. So
let's get back to the I don't want it to burn.
But basically, uh, you know, I added the tomatoes to
the garlic already and now looking beautiful, we're basically less wonderful.

Thank you, thank you. We're gonna let this kind of
come up to heat and then we're gonna turn it
down and cook for only like twenty or thirty minutes,
because uh, we're not making like a Sunday gravy. We're
just making a quick pomadoro sauce. And then uh, after
it's turned down, then we're gonna season it. And I
think that's one of the and eventually, what are you
gonna do with this pomadoro sauce? I mean, it's it's

in our eyes. It's kind of the mother sauce of
Jhona Vinney's restaurant. You know, we use it for braising
the meatballs, we use it in making our different kinds
of tomato, but never use it in a glass straight
from the pan and just drink it like a milkshake.
I mean, there's days that I want to do that
because it's that delicious. But you know, my biggest thing

is that they always hate is I always like to
come and dip the bread in it because I'm don't
do that. Yeah, that's not sanitary. That'll get you a D.
It would get you a D for sure. Yeah. So
sometimes I just put a little bit in a cup
and I walk around with, you know, chunk of bread.
It's similar to drinking it, of course. So that's it.

It's a very basic tomato sauce. Anybody can make it
at their house. You know. You can start with good
ingredients and uh you know, and then you've got a
good base to being able to do a lot of
other cool And how how long will that sauce keep
a year? Uh? Well, if you jar it, you could
make it and then re jar it. But if I
just keep it on the kitchen counter. Oh no, you
need to cool it down, keep it out in temperature
danger zone, keep it in the refrigerator. So don't keep

it in the backyard unless you got a fridge back there,
or or if you live somewhere words very cold and
like Montana, like Montana, and keep it outside of Montana.
And it's the winner. Okay, you know, sometimes this is confusing.
This is what a lot of people aren't cooks. What's
crazy about it is is not really that hard, but
it's very intimidating for so many people. So it looks

like it's it's it's sizzling rather nice and can can
we try some of the pomadoro sauce? Yeah, let me
just turn it down and I'm gonna season it with us.
I like to use kosher salt and I kind of
balance it. We actually all should taste it, make sure
it tastes crap. I would love to just be careful. Ron.
It's really hot. I'm gonna oh it is hot. Oh
my god, I told you I thought you were joking.

Then get him a glass of water, help him out.
Oh my god, it's scalding hot. That's the so I
thought you met medium hot It is delicious, though I
hate when that happens, when you burn your tongue because
then it's like you can't taste anything for like a week.
Oh yeah, let let's let that cool down. For sure.

I think it needs just a little bit more salt,
A little more salt, maybe some cinnamon, no sentiment, cardaman,
no cardaman, Nutmeg, no nutmeg, no, never mind. I feel
like you name like every spice you know, Ron, that's it,

the four spices. That's all I have in my spice rack.
Do you ever do this? I've noted in restaurants one
of the one of the things is to offer truffles,
and they'll shave truffles over a dish, right, you pay
extra in this A truffle is a exotic um root

fungus fungus like a mushroom family discovered by pigs, typically
typical because the pigs were eating them. Those those pigs
aren't living anymore. Wow, somebody like that pig. Those pigs
are now on your Western bacon cheeseburger's right there? Y are?

Do you guys ever shave your leg hairs and just
braise it over someone's dish? Now? Okay, you know there's gourmet.
We never know what's it's so funny. Hair such a
sensitive thing when it comes to hair, But there's so
many worse things I think that could be found in food.
Hair is really not first like stories in terms of

what you guys have heard found in random things kind
of happened at the restaurant where you can't kind of
prevent it, where the dishwasher washes a pan with a
steel wool and a piece of the steel wool gets
caught in the rivet of the pan, and then when
they go to make the sauce or something, it falls
into the sauce and it's it's happened to us, and

it's a it's a honest mistake, but people think you're
trying to kill them. But then you like random ones,
like we had somebody emailed the restaurant a picture of
a four inch nail, rusty nail in there's not a
rusty nail at all in this building, you know, like,

I know that's not from us, um, but it's all
part of it. Does anyone ever find like a lost
piece of jewelry in a dish No, typically not, But
if you were is that like finders keepers? Uh said? Oh,
my gosh, my engagement ring. I found it. Like nope, sorry, Bob,

dumb enough to let your engagement ring fall into the sauce.
I think it's Finder's Keeper exactly. Just so you know,
you know what. Carolina is a terrible cook. I'm not great.
I'm not great. I cook alone a little bit, but
and I always say, cook with someone else, make it
more fun, right, don't cook alone? That's why. Don't cook alone.

I mean, yeah, I cook. I can cook like eggs
and toast and who can who can't. I can cook cereal.
I can cook ritz crackers out of a box and
I'm doing my work. I can cook an apple that
I got out of the refrigerator. Don't think it's like

that necessarily. I mean it takes a lot of time
and effort. Sorry, Ron, are you in a colt? I um,
I might be coming down with something. Yes, yeah. Is
palmadoras as good for fighting the common cold? The garlic
is the garlic. You get a lot of vitamin see

from the tomatoes. Make some garlic water, it's very good.
I might make some garlic. We have so much garlic left,
a lot of garlic. This is good for which are
fine because we've there's been a lot of vampire sightings
in this neighborhood as well, so we can we can
use it to keep people, keep people away. Um, I

put the garlic with the bones that you're finding by
the tracks you're on something. All of our vampire sightings
have been Byron though. When he says there's been a
lot in our neighborhood, I'm up at odd hours when
a lot of people aren't out. Yeah, So so are

we in the restaurant business? And I actually you know
so who is? And I'm gonna ask you this last question.
We'll let you guys go. We really appreciate your time,
thank you for coming by. And who's the biggest celebrity
you were most excited to serve? Anyone that we're looking
most forward to and we hope it happens is let

me guess Kid Rock totally? No, No, I think nobu. Mate,
he's our unicorn and you have served him or you're waiting.
We're waiting. We're waiting. Yeah, we go eat his restaurant
like once a week and asked him to come in,
but he hasn't come. Wow, Yeah he's our guy. Will

you scream like small school children? In the back of
the house here at his restaurant. We're like, man, that's
like a unicorn sighting. We get excited. Don't scream at
your employees, don't get two tents. If he douyes, come by,
you know what I mean? Yeah, for sure, we asked.

We asked him every time we see him, so it's
only just a matter of time. I guess the pressure
is on No Boo to come by and pay homage
to the great John and Vinnie combine. It needs to happen.
We need to get no boobie and we need to
get the toothpick bandit. We gotta catch, you gotta catch.
And I need those chicken sandwiches. I would get them

all at one sitting, but I think I would lay
them all in my bed and roll around them. Decent proposal.
On that note, we'd like to say thank you, Thank
you guys. If you find yourself in the Los Angeles area,
please check out some of John Vinnie's amazing restaurants, Animal

Son of a Gun, John and Veni's Pizzeria Ta mec Petite,
Ta Ta Familia, and Kiss Met. This is Ron Burgundy
here listening to the Ron Burgundy podcast, and here are
my final thoughts this one. You know, we thought we

were going to have a Rosny. It didn't pan out.
And yet, of course we also had some extenuating circumstances.
We had to deal with that, a live b in
the studio. In the studio and I created a little
bit of havoc and um. And yet at the same time,
a couple of things happened. Just just by talking about

a Rod and sharing his essence, relating stories about him,
I felt like he was here. I felt like, even
though he wasn't here, I could feel him sitting in
that chair across from me. I felt very much that
he wasn't here. I think A Rod would have been
proud of today. And when he listens to this, he's

gonna have a big old fat smile on his face though,
and say, Ronnie, you did me right. Yeah. Also in
my final thoughts, I like to recognize that cooking is
to life what breathing is. Two. Do you have something No, gosh,

I should write it out ahead of time. You have
the first part down, and I just think it's going
to flow through me in it. It never does. It's
not like one out of twenty, it just never does.
It happens, Well, it does happen this time. At least
you stay in the room instead of leaving mid sentence. Right, No,

learning every day, learning every day. Well, I think today
I overcame a massive fear of bees. You definitely did.
I went from wanting to shut this place down and
run out, take my pants off and pull the fire
alarm to just accepting the fact that that be is

one of God's beautiful creatures. Absolutely, and even though you
did nothing but sit there helplessly while your boss was
in the grips of terror. I think I overcame that
I was the bigger person. I don't think I was
a smaller person. But I think in summation, even when

you don't have a rod, or you have a wild
African be staring at you on the tip of a
microphone and you want to maybe just go home and
call it today, it's worth persevering. So this episode was
It's about perseverance and the feeling you get when you

hear the crack of the bat. Right, you wouldn't know,
but you know who would a rod. Thank you for listening.
This is Ron Burberdy, Have a pleasant good night. The
Ron Burgundy Podcast is a production of I Heart Radio

podcast Network and Funnier Die. I'm Ron Burgundy. I'm the host,
writer and executive producer. Carolina Barlow is my co host,
writer and producer. The show was also produced by Whitney Hodeck,
Jack O'Brien, Miles Gray, and Nick Stump. Our executive producer
is Mike Farrell. Our consulting producer is Andrew Steel. Our
associate producer is Anna Hosni. Our writer is Jake Fogolis.

Our production supervisor is Colin MacDougall. This episode was engineered, mixed,
and edited by Nick Stump. Until next time, This is
Ron Burgundy.
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