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May 3, 2024 30 mins

Ray-Ray McCloud III On Playing For Black Coaches Vs White Coaches, Being An Athlete-Musician + More

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Its way up with Angela Yee. I'm Angela Yee and
Ray Ray McCloud is here with me today.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
What's up? What's good? What you doing?

Speaker 2 (00:10):
I know people are surprised, like Angela is talking about
about football a little bit, but we're really talking about music.

Speaker 1 (00:15):
Today, music and life. Yeah. Music.

Speaker 2 (00:19):
But you know, first of all, we were talking about
you being in New York. It's a really active time.
Do you like New York a lot?

Speaker 1 (00:25):
I love New York, I would say my back. I'm
from Florida.

Speaker 3 (00:29):
I'm a Florida boy from heart and but my family,
most of my family from New York, oh what part
from Bronx and my grandma from Queens. Okay, but that
boss man so all moved down there. He that's where
you come from.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
How do you feel about how people talk about Florida
people being crazy?

Speaker 3 (00:45):
You know Florida people is it's different down there. You
have a different, different age, a different different mindset down there.

Speaker 2 (00:54):
Yeah, and everybody always likes to travel to Florida's no
matter what people say.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
You know, y'all, we're gonna see y'all somewhere down there.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
All right, Well, let's talk about everything that you have
going on because it's so much. You're in Atlanta now
you're playing for the Falcons and you have it. Do
you have a studio in Atlanta too? I do, so
it kind of worked out.

Speaker 3 (01:13):
It's like an airbn beard studio and it's like people
ran off for like two weeks in court projects if
that makes sense. Has like four rooms, podcast rooms, you
got the whole bangs still getting done up.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
You know, got takes the process. So how long have
you had that? Two years?

Speaker 2 (01:30):
So you had that before you even knew you were
going to be playing for the Falcons. That's so it
really is kind of an ideal situation for you.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
Yeah, like second home, Yeah, got work some serious way.
You got to balance it. I guess I would say
balancing right. You structure right and strategic about things you do.
But you're always gonna get critics from anything you do,
no matter if you're doing good or bad.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
They going with got something to say. That's the world
we live in now.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
But and I mean now being in Atlanta you have a.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
Black head coach also? Is that? Yeah? Yeah?

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Second is that significant for you though? Like how do
you feel about that? Because there's only I think six
now I.

Speaker 3 (02:06):
Think a coach is a coach, you know what I mean.
Coaches and good people coming all colors, but just having
someone that can relate to you, which was I had
Mike t back in I want to say twenty twenty one, I.

Speaker 1 (02:20):
Had them too.

Speaker 3 (02:21):
I mean I had him and I got Rannie Morris
and they actually coached together a while back, and they're
similar in so many ways. And like just to be
able to walk in my shoes comfortable, not I have
to act a little bit is a different feeling. And
now I can just go there. I go to work.
I dry to work every morning, have it like I'm
about to go have fun. I love football like I

always love it. But sometimes you know, you go to
where I gotta work, this person leave, I gotta see
this person. Never had that feeling going to work when
I was at Pittsburgh.

Speaker 1 (02:51):
Or right now. That's a good thing. I've had other places,
but we do not gonna speak on that.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
But okay, now, because our boss up here as a
black woman, and this is the first time I ever
had a black woman, we call her coach also, and
so it is a different feeling when somebody could relate
to you in a different way, you know, Like you said,
work is work, coaching is coaching, but being able to
have somebody that you feel like has more of a connection.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
It was like I used to feel like I have
to like watch what I do, like to be myself.
Like sometimes I used to have my hair braided and
wear hat, so it's like my hair is not loud,
Like I'm not in the room being extra, you know.
Now like when I was at Pittsburgh, seriously black coach,
It's like I can't go to practice.

Speaker 1 (03:33):
How I want to go.

Speaker 3 (03:33):
I call my du rag ifone mydg right, my coach
were a dog. But it's more of just the life
I live in. Life lifestyle I'm in. I'm in entertainment.
I've been in that since I've to before football and
h because my family, my dad was into it and
that's what I was born into it, you know, So
I'm used to that, used to dressing, used to I

always had a chain. I got trouble with my rookie year, like,
oh you this is what you spend your money, Like
I had this in college.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
I came like this, Yeah, it's like I had high school.

Speaker 3 (04:04):
But uh, that's always been who I am and sometimes
I get in trouble for that, for being who I am,
you know.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Right, but now you feel and you in Atlanta, I mean,
Atlanta is going to be lit for you with the music.
I know you said your dad has been in music
and he's worked with some legendary artists too.

Speaker 1 (04:20):
So let's get.

Speaker 2 (04:21):
Into the background of how you kind of grew up
in this music business.

Speaker 3 (04:26):
Well, my dad played ball and heard me and he
was back and forth traveling with the ball in this
and actually my uncle, my mom's brother, was He was
a beach K before they kind of took off, and
he wanted to be a solo Carl Anderson baby.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
Baby face for a while. Wait, he was in B
two K before they took off and everything what happened
that made him leave headed very hard. And that's the
one that's the worst one. Music. That's how my dad
got into music.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
To him, he was manag gym and music took off
for him and he stopped with the ball and uh
his entrepreneurship. He had a daycare, going music restaurant and
it just was everything was going good.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
He was able to see me every day. He spend
telling me I was a daddy's bos I was always
wearing He walked out at three in the morning. Where
you going, I'm going with you? Like so uh that was.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
One of the reasons he got into it and went
for years and just lead ended up got built in
my house.

Speaker 1 (05:23):
That's huge.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
They lived with us for like eight eight or nine
years probably so damn So it was always I was always.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
So, were you learning how to produce and do things
just from watching?

Speaker 1 (05:34):
Sometimes at a young age. I was, but my dad
made me stop doing music. He stopped.

Speaker 3 (05:38):
He got out of music for like when I was
about eleven twelve, and then I focused on I was
always focused on sports, but he was like, and it
is life stressful, and we focused on ball where he
focused on ball with me and just we ran with it.
And here now and one of my artists, Ronte he
right here. My dad was like, I'll get back into

it if y'all take it seriously, y'all show me y'all
want it. So for years we had to do it
on our own. Were always throwing parties in high school and.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
Doing all that. But we wasn't.

Speaker 3 (06:06):
We ain't have our own music yet, and we was
playing around with it. But once he started taking to
see it and my dad was like, man, I hope
y'all get back into it and we're here now.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
We took so many leaps.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
We uh just got the papers for a deal. We
just got h were merging with so with Virgin Who Version, version,
record label, Versions, recor label. Okay, CB watching miss up
and uh and yeah we thank don't believing in my vision.
I had this visions I was like fifteen, so it's
coming intuition.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
So that's interesting that when it was a choice between
music and sports, your dad wanted you to go more
for football.

Speaker 3 (06:44):
Football was always my main thing, no, but you know,
he was in the music life, so I was around
it and I was that was around the Romeo bow
Wow era, so he was really yeah, it's not. Me
and Snoop had a relationship because of that Snoop Dogg
because he was in the football and we played against
each other.

Speaker 1 (06:59):
So him, me and Cordell his son, so.

Speaker 2 (07:02):
Well, that is an amazing way to grow up. This
is kind of like and to have your foot in
both things. Because people might think, Okay, he's focused on
doing music now, you know, aside from doing but you
always were doing music first and maybe people didn't know that, and.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
That'd be the hard part with football because you not
like everybody trying to say rappers want to be artist's
gonna be athletes.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Athletes be artists, and there's not a lot of great
athletes that become artists.

Speaker 3 (07:24):
And I was really doing this before. It's like a thing,
like a trend. Everybody want to do music all of
a sudden, you know, which is nothing wrong with that,
but I was.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Like, you get you get critic. Everybody got something to
say about everybody in my opinion, right, So you.

Speaker 3 (07:38):
Gotta be strategic how you put it out, strategic, how
you do it, and you just can't come out playing.
You gotta be like the big boys stamp, gotta be
on it. And that's why I ain't never really you
can't just look up my music yet because when you
see it, it's gonna be it's gonna be stamped, and
it's gonna be correct, and everything's gonna be a one.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
What NFL players also did music that were good? I
mean Melvin ingra okay, Major nine.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
Oh okay, what about Deon Sanders?

Speaker 1 (08:07):
Did he do music? Yeah? Yeah, that's my favorite athlete.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Okay, As I remember back in the day, they had
did NFL. Yeah, Basketball Shock did. He was outstanding.

Speaker 1 (08:24):
Remember that this did another little verse An album and
DJ Shock do DJ.

Speaker 2 (08:33):
Yeah. It's a risky thing though, because no matter what,
people are already coming to kind of hate on it
a little bit like when you start.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
They're gonna hate it, like we're only supposed to go
that one thing or something but not multiple things.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
Grind that it consistent and you get better and better
and better than all of the sudden.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
People believe in you always seen it.

Speaker 2 (08:52):
But you play your music in the locker room like
when when you are getting ready to let everybody here.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
Depends on the mood, like we're getting crunk and all that.
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
It depends I'll play one of my son I ain't
got multiple songs of that type of energy.

Speaker 1 (09:02):
You know.

Speaker 3 (09:02):
It depends on the vibe we all kicking involving Yea,
I'm gonna play my music. I make more like vibe
is I'm saying more vibe music, you know.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
So you know it's interesting.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
Like you said, you want to make sure that you
come out correct, and I know you also put out
like a documentary on to B as well. Yeah, docuseries
and so it feels like that was a way for
you to kind of get your music and get situated too.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
So can you talk about that crazy We shot that
about four years ago? Oh really yeah, okay, and so
Toby's doing a lot right now too. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (09:38):
So when we put that together, it was some We
didn't think it was gonna go to tob We thought
it was gonna get it longer and we still add
to and stuff, but uh, it's doing well.

Speaker 1 (09:47):
You know. We had why we did that.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
In between we had music going on BTDT plus or
soundtracks of movies and that's kind of w were scoring
movies for a minute, and U that the two we
thing came about, and it was just like a big
deal for us, you know, just having our own own
thing on a platform to be able to be seen.
And I'm excited to see the growth of where we

go next with it next and that and that. Uh
in that field the field, how.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
Is your time restraints, Because clearly there's a lot of
dedication when it comes to sports, but also a lot
of dedication when it comes to music.

Speaker 1 (10:24):
Balance having a team.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
I think having a team probably the biggest, the biggest
key to be able to balance anything because you can't
wear every hat and play ball because the ball part
take over eighty five percent to be real.

Speaker 2 (10:39):
And it's also hard because you've had to move around
a lot too. Yeah, so you know, being able to
be stable and to be some place in Atlanta where everybody's.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Going to be everything right there, you know. So it's
I mean focused, yeah, and on whatever.

Speaker 3 (10:52):
How I'm doing that though, I'm putting everything in ball
and like little pieces that come, uh piece it like
that and less slowly. See, I'm a balancing and structure
like that, because that life could take over and football
get extracted, and I will never allow that.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
It's always football, football, football first.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
I say no to everything until I figure out how
I want it to be, you know, right, I won't
to just jump into it because it's a good idea
to do for the music stuff, you know, right now
at least.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
That's a good smart strategy though, because basically football is
the center of everything that you do. But you have
a team of people that's setting everything up so that
later on, because it is time to start thinking about
like life.

Speaker 1 (11:30):
After football too.

Speaker 2 (11:31):
Of course, you know, when you think about how long
you'll be playing for in your head, do you have
a number thirteen thirteen years?

Speaker 1 (11:40):
Okay, I want to push it to twelve thirteen.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
Okay, yeah, you feel good about that. What about the
position that you play? Have you ever felt like, okay,
I would like to switch to defense or yeah?

Speaker 3 (11:52):
I played both ways in college, in high school, my
whole Life'll played both ways, like my first two years
in the league.

Speaker 1 (11:58):
What do you prefer offense? Like the ball of my ass? Okay,
but I like playing ball, so don't period. Yeah, well,
I don't think I'm switching no time. So it's too
late for that.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Now, it's not too late, but I'm just so locked
in right now, receiver. I don't want to folkus no
one else.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
Right because and people really love you and know you
for that position.

Speaker 1 (12:18):

Speaker 2 (12:20):
Look, I tell you I'm not a big sports person.

Speaker 1 (12:21):
I'm really here to talk.

Speaker 2 (12:22):
About the music. But but you know, I pay attention
to what's going on.

Speaker 1 (12:26):
So let's talk about the single that you have.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
It's not even out yet, and like you said, it's
hard to google to find some of the music. When
when are you going to be able to be like Okay,
I'm ready to put this out there for people to
be able to listen because the song is called give
Me Them Keys, and it's on your page, it's on
your Instagram.

Speaker 1 (12:44):
That's one of our singles.

Speaker 3 (12:46):
We actually had three singles that dropped from the project,
uh stud and Don't Call Don't Call Me Taler yaweh
h And those are two singles on there that we
had like a multiple people on and then the rest
of us, me and him in our project called day
once Give Me the Keys probably our main single we
probably pushed and any day now for real, I mean, uh,

we just got it. We just got to sign these papers.
What a deal we're just going through. Thank god, you
know it's nears, it's up.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
You know what I'm saying. We got and we really
got videos for all of our stuff.

Speaker 2 (13:20):
Right and damn y'all got all this? Is it hard
to know that you have all this in the stash
and you got.

Speaker 1 (13:25):
We'll be watching it like bring the drop right now.
But you want to you gotta do it right, you
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3 (13:31):
You want to be strategic with it, and you want
to be you know what I'm saying, professional your craft
mm hmm.

Speaker 2 (13:36):
And Isaac rantaid, like you said, he's here, he's your artist.
So tell me how that happened, the true story or
the true story?

Speaker 1 (13:43):
Would I not want the true story? He was for real?
It was growing up. Explain this, Okay.

Speaker 3 (13:50):
So he played, he played on he played on the
opposite team. Growing up, we were trying to country podcast.
There was a Seahawks South Temple and uh, you know,
I was a big dog and sat ball world. You know,
I was, Uh, everybody wanted to beat me. And the
girl that cheered on my team played on his team
or went to school with him. Sorry, she's always very

rayed this ray raised that. And then you know, hey,
here man, I beat that one. I'm like, who you
She'll come back and who are you talking about? And
so she told me. I guess showed me he was
One day. I was like, he's talking about that white boy,
I said, but I don't care about that bro, Like
I'm not. So after I realized that, well, I started
seeing him in more more like basketball games and all that.

We started playing each other. We're just that's the only thing.
He ever beat me in one basketball game.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
Which is one out of the ready okay.

Speaker 3 (14:38):
And then he ended up playing for my same litle
league team a few years later. We were like twelve,
and my cousin one day was just like he lived me.
I was like, man, you're hanging out with the ops
too much, bro, like my cousin hanging out with him
and my cousin like a teddy bear. One day he
just caught me over like this my cousin, and we
wrapped it up. And ever since then we been together

day for real.

Speaker 1 (15:00):
That's that's cute girl now she she gang, she cool.
It ain't nothing like that at his people. That that
was his.

Speaker 3 (15:12):
Nah. But and then uh, when I was hanging out
with him as he used to sing like he was
singing ne Yo, Esse McCartney, Bobby Valentino, and I was like,
I grew up watching my uncle.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
Sing like and I'm like, bro, you you got like you.

Speaker 3 (15:27):
Need to take that serious, but start recording. And he
used to like I used to like not throw him
in the fire. We'll be around like me and like
me and him and like nine girls and like I
was brother sing bro, And then.

Speaker 1 (15:38):
They all be talking about music like my dog is
sing for real.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
And nah nah, yeah, I'm ready to leave.

Speaker 1 (15:44):
I'm ready to leave, but come ready to go home.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
And so that is embarrassing to start singing in front
of the girls while hanging.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
But the thing was, the thing was it was a
girl though, like that one talking though that she she
won't speak the whole time. She had little boyfriend, so
she was being respectful. She didn't say one word the
whole time any of us is there. As soon as
I said my brother singing, she jumped up.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
I'm like, you can.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
Sing, And that's the girl he was talking about all night.
I said, not you got She locked in now tying up,
So we end up leaving. I'm like, bro, you folded, bro.
Like So that was like ninth grade, I think, and
then uh, and.

Speaker 1 (16:18):
Then fast forward to like senior year.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
Nothing incident on the cruise and uh it was getting
better though, And so I guess when the girls is
like he was trying to mess with her. He was like,
she said, if he's sinking running, can have my baby
or something.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
So he went to the room.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
He was practicing, practice his boys, setting his voice. It's
not hitting right now, bro, And so uh.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
Uh long story short man. He went to call. He
went through college. You played ball too.

Speaker 3 (16:46):
He was my quarterback in high school after running back,
so uh, we always playing around with the music stuff.
I was throwing parties. I was doing YouTube we ain't
having so I got in trouble for like if you
go on Clemson's page right now, a lot of stuff
I was trying to do before I was leaving out,
you know, like the vlogging, Like vlogging fits through the week,
getting a player and people want to see the lifestyle. Uh,

and they kind of so I kind of think my
ideas I had or golden I just.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Couldn't do it, so they wouldn't let you do it.

Speaker 3 (17:15):
I got in trouble to do a lot of my
YouTube stuff, same thing destroying. I don't know if you
know the YouTube are destroying. He went through, but he
chose YouTube. I kind of was in the same trying
to do the same thing.

Speaker 1 (17:25):
Why wouldn't they let you do that?

Speaker 3 (17:26):
And you can't get paid for us can't get paid
now you do whatever. But as it went on, he
was in school. Uh, hell with the spring break, we'll
go record with we're throwing parties, you know, I know
I was leaving. I threw a letting try party and
I had artists live with me. One of them is
a little dang little babies cousin right here, a little

baby all the time with my good friends.

Speaker 1 (17:50):

Speaker 3 (17:51):
He lived with me, uh where they lived in like
a big mansion. I lived on campus, but they lived
like a big mansion down in Clemson. And I threw
a party one time on homecoming night and we were
like number one the nation at the time, so.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
They didn't show up.

Speaker 3 (18:06):
So I was like, man, see this is why I
got I already got people in my circle that do music.
I just need them to take it serious. And so
once we got like a spring break or something off time,
we came. We went to Atlanta, where we're at now,
just where it started at. Yeah, And so we went
to rock Nation and they were like trying to charge
like two thousands of track this and that.

Speaker 4 (18:26):

Speaker 1 (18:26):
I'm like, hold up, we don't even know if he
loved it. Yeah, let's see if you want to do this.
And so.

Speaker 3 (18:32):
When I said, he write his own music, and so
he went into his own song and they were kind
of upset because he brought all these writers in to
like help us out, like.

Speaker 1 (18:39):
We ain't need he do. He has his own stuff going.
And once they heard.

Speaker 3 (18:43):
Him sing, it was like, oh, well, bring them back,
bring them back, and the writers in the writing for
free and gave we bought the we paid the producer,
We paid the producer, they gave him a song. They
end up staying like Tim Moor hours. I ended up
believing it was too long much singing for me.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Uh nah.

Speaker 3 (18:59):
But so full circle back and I went back home.
When I said, my dad said, when I'll take it serious,
I lock back in with y'all and he started building
our team. We had Blaywell Muhammad who was a gramment
writer as well co partner.

Speaker 1 (19:14):
We had in Vestor and it just from there.

Speaker 3 (19:16):
It just started taking so many leaps in a full
six months year making the document document series of one
of my artists, J three hundred. He's not wrong right now,
but he's he's an artist that he's a jewel. That's
what I working on right now.

Speaker 2 (19:36):
So now Isaac Erona, Mike, you have an opportunity to
defend yourself against some of these allegations.

Speaker 4 (19:43):
Which when we starting now, so you're.

Speaker 2 (19:47):
The shy brother that doesn't like to sing in front
of the ladies.

Speaker 4 (19:51):
Nah, it ain't like that.

Speaker 5 (19:52):
It was just at the time I played football, that's
what I was known for. Like now, it's more like
nowadays you see people do all kinds and stuff on
the internet, But back then I was like I was
playing football, like it was mainly I didn't want to
sing and all that.

Speaker 2 (20:03):
Like, okay, so it's the perception of being the R
and B guy.

Speaker 5 (20:07):
Yeah, yeah, I ain't want that on because in my mind,
I'm going to the league, like you know what I'm saying,
Like I'm playing football.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
So but you were in Okay, even in ninth grade
you felt like that, like you knew you were going
to the league.

Speaker 5 (20:20):
Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to play NFL. I don't
want to be singing and all that.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
But not even for the ladies.

Speaker 5 (20:25):
Nah, I wasn't. Yeah, but now it is what it is.
I gotta do what I gotta do.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
And then how is it being friends and doing business
together because sometimes that's hard too, and being able to
be like critiquing.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
Things or a bug. He is a bug. He is
a big bug.

Speaker 1 (20:40):
I'm very particular and very like I got I had
this business. I was fifteen. We in high school.

Speaker 3 (20:47):
We had all the girls throwing l's he's throwing parties
every week at the games. We went to a party
school high school, so like we was always throwing parties
and everybody throwing. And I always had a vision. It
just little things like everywhere I go, I'm gonna look
a certain way, you know what I'm saying. You gotta
like look at certain way. I'm not I go to
grocery store. I'm it's not MEAs I grab it and go,

but it's I'm gonna look a certain way. You never
know who you're run into. You never know what comes
along throughout your life or your way.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
Day. They be getting mad at me about that. They'll
be trying to be chilled. You take forever to get ready,
take forever.

Speaker 3 (21:22):
You just must have laid out in the morning, even
before games.

Speaker 1 (21:29):
I got I got pictures on my phone, like my
whole outfit laid out.

Speaker 3 (21:31):
I go warm up, come back and just throw it
on my helmet from my head, bam, sock somewhere later.

Speaker 1 (21:37):
Like some type of O.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
C D.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
Yeah you got that.

Speaker 3 (21:40):
But yeah, but I like greatness, you know what I'm saying.
For it to work and go where it go, you
gotta have a certain have a certain standard, you know
what I'm saying. That's how that's a great teams in football.
We use football terminology in real life, right.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
No, that makes sense. It is.

Speaker 2 (21:56):
And when it comes to football, it's a lot of discipline. Clearly,
anybody that's gonna make get to that level, there's no
way you can do that without having a level of discipline.

Speaker 3 (22:04):
And no, he's easy for real, not not the best
frien part, but that's my brother, but not the artist
part of it. And that's what of the reason my
dad got back into it. It's like I'm not doing
the headaches no more. That's why he got out of it,
so I'll get back to it. Because he lists, He coachable,
you know what I'm saying, not me, but if it's dumb,
he Listensas the process been for.

Speaker 4 (22:24):
You, I mean it's been good. We've been going good.

Speaker 5 (22:28):
Later, like you said, we got the deal and everything,
so now be able to do what we need to
do and the music part.

Speaker 4 (22:33):
Of it.

Speaker 5 (22:35):
As an artists, it's been It's been hard, but it's
been easy to at the same time because he provides
me with avenues that certain artists can't reach, right, you
know what I'm saying. So yeah, so I'm just grateful
right now.

Speaker 1 (22:47):
So what's the plan now moving forward? Are you signing?

Speaker 2 (22:49):
How many artists do you have signed to the label.

Speaker 1 (22:52):
Sign far pushing too, Okay, okay?

Speaker 3 (22:56):
Three sorry one from New Orleans. And then I'm Sonning.
I got a list of artists that I'm already on
the work. So Soning, I just had a lot of
stuff I had. My foundation had to get built so
I can go and do that. Okay, I want to
being his brother Ron Dallar.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
He he looks so your real brother. Okay?

Speaker 4 (23:15):
Same who wants to stop playing? Wants?

Speaker 1 (23:24):
He said? You see who won Dre Drey?

Speaker 5 (23:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (23:29):
The battle hasn't hasn't ended yet, has I mean?

Speaker 4 (23:33):
He winning right now?

Speaker 1 (23:33):
All right?

Speaker 2 (23:34):
So winning over Ken Drake, winning over Rick Ross, winning
over everybody everybody.

Speaker 4 (23:39):
Okay, that's that dude right now.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
You can But that's your guy too, right like you.
As far as I.

Speaker 5 (23:45):
Just respect, I just respect him. That's not my favorite artist,
but I respect him like he do what you gotta do?

Speaker 1 (23:49):
What about future? You guys are in Atlanta.

Speaker 4 (23:52):
That's his favorite artist. So we go back and forth
all the time.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
So what are the goals for you when it comes
to this music?

Speaker 2 (23:59):
This? What do you see yourself? What would mean success
for what it is that you've been doing?

Speaker 3 (24:08):
Ideal what fifty doing and what Cash Money Records was,
uh cash money part he had most of artists going
at once uh fifty in the film world. My second
passion music, music is probably like my third or fourth,
but like my film, my me and my my passion

is film creating, film creating visions, very visionary, so that's
kind of what I'm into. I've been acting classes and
everything for like two years, but I want I want
to make my own avenue like what ice Cube was doing.
He made his own lane, He built his own heype
through Friday, which was he wrote and everything, and I
wrote a few movies probably six years ago until now.

I've been writing for a long time, but I never
really wanted to sell it. I want to be part
of it, directed or going back going that lane. But
my time holds me back for a lot of things,
which I'm okay with because I love balls.

Speaker 1 (25:05):
So that at the end one.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Day and you feel like that's not going anywhere.

Speaker 1 (25:08):
Yeah that's not going nowhere. Yeah that's not going nowhere.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
And I got two kids now, one being two a
three month old, so I can't wait today like at
the age of they can be part of things you know.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Yeah, And I'm sure for you seeing having your dad
that was like your hero and in your life growing
up and helping you, that makes you be wanting to
emulate that when it comes to your kids too.

Speaker 3 (25:30):
Yeah, of course, yeah he got he I salute to
him though, because it's like people ask me, like, yo,
dad need.

Speaker 1 (25:36):
To write a book, like you have a book? Guy
like about because.

Speaker 3 (25:39):
He got he got me me another brother going to
the draft next year and one at Clemson where I went. Uh,
he'd be about two years after into the draft and
then on my little sister team like number three or
four in the nation in soccer, going to spend so
he has Yeah, he knows what he's doing some way,

somebody know what he do need.

Speaker 1 (26:01):
Getting it done. That's amazing.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
And I used to get joked on, but like my dad,
like my daddy like ty me up and slap me
back of the head and do all my friend of
like my dogs.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
And you know what I'm saying that is so embarrassed.

Speaker 3 (26:13):
I'll be like why you laughing, I'll whoop you though,
Like but nah, my dad was the.

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Best thing ever happened to him and my mom.

Speaker 3 (26:22):
They both My mom was more to school, and she'd
be like, get right, I'm gonna tell your daddy, Like.

Speaker 1 (26:29):
But nah, he was. He was the best thing ever
happened to me and got me where I'm at.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
You know, that's interesting that you say that, because a
lot of people when you hear like, even if you
look at Serena Williams and Venus Williams and watch their movie,
some people felt like their father was too strict and
like pushing them too hard. But some people will say
kids need that, like in order to be able to
achieve a certain level of excellence, and if it's something
that he knows that you love doing, sometimes it is

pushing you hard.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Taught me how to sacrifice.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
Parties, friends, events because in the time it may not
feel good.

Speaker 1 (27:05):
Like I remember one time I had the Nike Open.

Speaker 3 (27:08):
It's called Nike Opening, Like the best players in the
world go to like the Nike headquarters and play against
each other. I seen all my friends go at a
younger age, which was like nineteenth grade, because they were
good enough to go play against twelfth grade and eleventh grade,
so they got invited to go, which I was one
of those players, but I wasn't allowed to go. I
was I was allowed to go, but I went to

a church retrieval instead, which was already set a mission
missionary trip, and I went to that. And then the
next year I went, which had been like tenth grade
going to eleventh.

Speaker 1 (27:38):
And I went MVP at the opening and it.

Speaker 3 (27:41):
Was just it was just show a full circle. How
I had to wait that year to sit down. And
I went the next year and I went MVP receiver,
you know, and it was just shows that what he
was building and the discipline and sacrifice and knowing what
got to sit down now and see the greatest later.

Speaker 1 (28:01):
And that's what we are right now. Musically.

Speaker 2 (28:03):
Yeah, I was gonna say, you hear that, Isaac, you
gotta sit down right now to wait for that greatness to.

Speaker 4 (28:09):
Come sitting at that time.

Speaker 2 (28:13):
You know, Well, no, honestly, like we cannot wait for
this music to come out. I got a little bit
of an exclusive and if we look at your page,
we can see some snippets not the full thing, and
you can also watch the movie the series running underduct
story that sound to be right now. Is there anything
that we missed that we want to make sure that
we talk about.

Speaker 1 (28:36):

Speaker 3 (28:36):
You have a single right now that's the main focus
for real. That's the project with the main for him. Yeah,
it's called that niggah. That's that's that one though. That's
when it still go through. That's the one. We gonna
put us time behind the project just for y'all, like know,

like you know, you like a song, like a person
like that, want more music. You got out, you got
something to go. Look at you some of the fun
because it really had me a lot of music, but
we took it down.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
So it's like, let's refuel it. Let's refuel it, take off. Now,
who's that song about? Ain't me?

Speaker 4 (29:13):
What are you saying?

Speaker 1 (29:13):
That name? That was good?

Speaker 4 (29:21):
Ain't about nobody?

Speaker 3 (29:22):

Speaker 4 (29:23):
It was just a song? Ain't about nobody?

Speaker 1 (29:25):
I'm sure you had to who was from somewhere? It
was to someone.

Speaker 4 (29:31):
It wasn't about it was to somebody.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
Yeah, yeah, okay, all right, all right, Well, thank you
guys both so much for joining us, and make sure
give out your how people can follow you and pay
attention to make sure they stay up on everything that's
happening with the label.

Speaker 1 (29:44):
With the music.

Speaker 5 (29:46):
Oh I g is Isaac Rante underscore and then everything
else same thing, okay.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
And then I'm on everything, McLeod the third, Just like that,
just like that, just like that.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
All right, Well, thank you guys so muchppreciate you, Rary, McLeod,
Isaac Grante appreciate it

Speaker 1 (30:05):

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