Episode Transcript
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Toby and Chili Mornings on Demand onninety seven point one washefout? So you
know what gave me some joy yesterday? Hi, We're Toby and Chilly in
the morning. It's ninety seven pointone wash FM. Taking an actual power
nap during the time I'm supposed totake it. It really is the little
things. I can't tell you howrefreshed and recharged I was to take on
the rest of the day. Andit was a little steamy, but it
was nice. So having that napallowed me to get out and enjoy the
evening air and get a good walkin and get some cardio in the weather
was a little steamy though while Iwas asleep. Here's the thing, though,
steamy to me has a component ofhumidity to it when I hear that
word. And yesterday, albeit itwas hot, it didn't feel uncomfortable if
you're just sitting in the shade inthe truth thick of it in DC in
the summer, even shade is uncomfortable, do you know what I mean?
When it's like ninety degrees outside.So for me, I was just on
the deck having a nice beverage,watching the kids play in the hood.
I loved it. Yeah. II will tell you this growing up in
the heat of Texas and then livingin Florida during my career, where heat
and humidity go hand in hand,you can't have one without the other.
Yesterday, it might have been inthe nineties, but it felt like it
was like in the high seventies.And I know you agree with what I'm
about to say. Pool should beopen. They'll get to that eventually.
Tomorrow is May one. Toby andChilly in the Morning. Can you believe
we're already through April? Ninety sevenpoint one WASHFMBC. How are you this
morning? Want to hear from youthis morning? If you're a DJ,
a wedding DJ, there's a listfloating around the Internet of things that's gone
viral. Songs people request that apparentlyyou hate playing. What made the list?
You'll find out in minutes is Tobyand Tilly in the Morning continues on
a Tuesday, and the headline isI'm a wedding DJ. This is the
one song that we wedding DJs hateplaying the most. Ninety seven point one
WASHFM Toby and Chilly in the Morning. They break down the list on this
article that we've posted on the Tobyand chillipage at washchefm dot com. I've
never been married before, so Idon't really know very much about planning a
wedding or instructing a DJ on whatsongs to play or what not to play.
But is there anything on this listthat made you raise an eyebrow?
There a person who's been married before. The number one song they said was
the Cha Cha Song, and it'sone of those line dancy songs, you
know, like a makarena whatever yourelectric slide, and it's just kind of
overdone. I don't know why theDJ hates it if it gets people on
the dance floor, but for ourwedding, we just are not a fan.
My husband and I of those ofthose kind of like, yeah,
I personally believe that they do getpeople on the dance floor, and therefore
you they serve a purpose. I'venever been married, but I know that
when I've been like whispering to theDJ and I've noticed the dance floor is
a little dead, I'll be like, yo, go play Cupid, shuffle
something along those lines. And Iknow people can get very picky, controlling,
I don't know when it comes totheir own wedding about a set list
of songs they do or don't wantplayed. Yeah, take a look at
the list and the number is eightsix six wash FM, the number one.
I see Robert is on the phonealready this morning from Damascus. Robert,
what do you think about the listso far? I love all music.
I've heard Donna Summer's Last Dance atthe end of literally every party I've
ever been to. It's become likea signal that the party is over.
I can't have that one in mywedding. It's a fair thought there,
Robert. But what Chilly you havethis look like you want to say something.
Well, you know, you wantto get started with your honeymoon night.
So maybe it is a good thingto signal for people to go home.
That's one way to do it.Eight six six ninet two seven forty
three sixty one talkback, microphone open. Is there a song that you just
can't stand when it pops up duringyour wedding? Tell us all about it
and we'll circle back on this conversationcoming up in a little bit. It's
Toby and Chilly in the Morning continues, How is your mind this morning?
Can we help you change that?Mindset as you get ready for a Tuesday,
and perhaps we will be able towith a quote in Just a Feeling
Toby and Chilly in the Morning onninety seven point one wash FM. Thank
you for waking up with us onthis the last day of April. It's
time now to check your mind Howis your mindset this morning? Well,
hopefully make it better with this quote, Nikki this morning, check this.
Everything will change, she says.The only question is growing up or decaying.
Look, everything in life is goingto change. You control nothing.
The only question is when you change. And when change comes, will you
grow up or will you decay?I don't know about you, but I'd
choose growing up through the changes goodor bad, because well that's not the
converse, and I'm not about theconverse you, Nikki Giovanni, Everything will
change. The only question is growingup or the king. Think about it
today, drop a comments and shareit with someone who needs to hear it.
And if you've got some words thatinspire you, tell us all about
it and we could feature you inan upcoming morning mindset right here on ninety
seven point one wash FM. Comingup in a few minutes, some entertainment
news show biz buzz. What's goingon? Oh, sources are saying the
Britney Spears is quote completely dysfunctional andin serious danger. Yeah this may not
be a good thing, but we'veseen this story before, only there's a
twist. Stay there for more.It's ninety seven point one wash INGFM.
Good morning here ninety seven point oneWASHCHEFM with Toby and Chilly in the morning.
We call your entertainment news showbiz buzz. Here's what you need to know
on this Tuesday morning. Sources aresaying that Britney Spears is completely dysfunctional and
in serious danger. According to theseinsiders, she's got no supervision and she's
got these radical mood swings that areshocking since her conservatorship ended, not even
sure if she's taking her medication,and she's also reportedly spending a fortune as
and is in danger of going broke. Ryan Reynolds and Rob mckellennie are fast
becoming sports moguls. The two whoare already own the English soccer team Rexham
AFC, have now purchased a stakein Club Nkosa. I think that's how
you say it, the century oldMexican soccer team that's also partly owned by
Eva Longoria. Let's keep talking aboutsports, shall we. There's some network
NFL pregame shows that are going throughmajor shakeups. At CBS, former QBS
boomeriss Iasin and Phil Sims are outat NFL today and coming in will be
quarterback Matt Ryan and Hall of Famedefensive end JJ Watt replacing them. Meanwhile,
at ESPN, former Philadelphia Eagle CenterJason Kelsey will be joining Monday Night
Countdown program. NBC Universal's Peacock streamingservices is gonna cost you more right before
this summer Olympics. The monthly subscriptionfee for Peacock Premium is gonna jump two
bucks to seventh ninety nine starting Julyeighteenth for new subscribers. And then the
price for the mostly ad free PeacockPremium Plus we'll go up to thirteen ninety
nine a month. And finally,locally, the organization that puts on the
Grammys is honoring Eryl Crow and anevent here in DC, The annual Grammys
on the Hill Gathering will be heldat the Hamilton tonight. And that is
your showbus buzz and now you knowand if you need more news, We've
got you covered top stories at thetop of the hour. That's on the
way minutes with ninety seven point onewashef vest top stories top of the hour.
Four law enforcement officers are dead atleast four others are injured after a
shootout in Charlotte, North Carolina.They were part of a fugitive task force
or serving a warrant at the homewhen a suspect opened fire. That suspect
was killed, but another person insidethe home soon started firing. Metro officials
are warning riders about safety after somebodywas spotted riding on the outside of a
railcar yesterday. Photographs showed that theperson was clinging on to the back of
a Silver Line train at McPherson Squarestation. Police attempted to find the person,
but that person had gone by thetime officers arrived. Montgomery County police
searching for a suspect who's accused ofstealing items from an Amazon fresh market at
least thirty six times. Investigators saythe suspect has taken about seven thousand dollars
in merchandise from the store on WisconsinAvenue in Chevy Chase. A group tasked
with reviewing the Louden County School district'ssafety protocols recommends adding security at elementary schools
and also boosting security at after schoolevents. Some other recommendations include making sure
there's Wi Fi coverage in the entireschool building and making sure that SROs are
involved in every threat assessment. Andaccording to a recent survey, sixty percent
of moms spending Mother's Day surrounded bya family is better than anything. Fifteen
percent would like them alone time,and thirty percent of moms would love to
have a spotless home for Mother's Daywithout having to do the cleaning themselves.
Forecast for today, it's going tobe another hot day. The clouds will
roll in later. There is aslight chance of a shower. Highs around
eighty six right now sixty four inchevy chair. Speaking of parents, eight
sixty six nine two seven forty threesixty one is the number. Talkback microphone
wide open too. If you're sendingto your ieheart app. Want to hear
from you parents. If you havesome thoughts on a parenting survey, the
it's come out about how you feel, what you feel, and what you're
going through as a parent. We'lltell you some of the highlights will tell
you what they mean to both ofus as parents. But more importantly,
we want to hear from you abouthow this affects you. So stay there.
We'll get to that in minutes.As Toby and Chilly in the Morning
continues on this Tuesday, it's notover yet. Taylor Swift ninety seven point
one wash FM, Toby and Chiliin the Morning eight sixty six nine two
seven forty three sixty When is thenumber jump in? If you've got some
thoughts on this, parents, you'refeeling very lonely, but that's the tip
of the iceberg. There's a studyout and a list out that shows what
parents are feeling these days and whatthey're going through. Chili, you've got
a couple of the highlights. Yeah, so two in three parents feel only
isolated, sixty two percent are burnedout by the demands of parenting, and
thirty eight percent feel they don't haveanyone to support them as a parent.
It's at an all time high rentalburnout. Yes, it is, It
definitely is. I don't know,do you ever. I mean, I
feel burnt out, but it's notfrom parenting. I think I feel burnt
out sometimes just from life. It'sOh no, I definitely feel burned out
from parenting. Actually, that's theone of those three buckets that has stayed
with me since the beginning when myson was born a decade ago. The
lonely in isolation was initial, likewhen you first have a kid and you're
like, gosh, I have friends, but why do I feel so lonely?
Do you remember the first time yousort of felt like on an island?
I wouldn't say that I was isolated, but I will say that the
first time I had like an anxietyattack, uh, was when my daughter,
Kyla, who's you know now twentyin college, came back to me
when her mom and I had splitup. She had moved to like the
New England area and ended up comingback to me in South Carolina, where
I was living alone with no family, no friends, new job, big
responsibilities, first time doing something,and here I am trying to dealing with
this parenting, dealing with this parentingstuff. And all I remember from that
moment is feeling just so overwhelmed thatmy daughter and I sat on the floor
after her mom left and we pusheda ball back and forth, and I
was just like I pushed it overto her and I was like, well,
what do we do now? Andshe pushed it back and she kind
of put both of her arms upand as if to say, I don't
know, and she was like oneand a half. Oh my god.
So it was like, you know, here, I am a guy trying
to figure all of that out.So that was really the closest. No,
that was a full blown exact everything. It was like just unreal.
No, it's true, it was. It was a lone meets scared meats
all of the above. So Ifeel you on the isolation thing, but
then dial it up a little bit. Yeah, and you know, having
family or friends, you build avillage at some point in life and get
the support hopefully that you desperately need. And that's where you were fortunate if
you had your village kind of aroundyou, if you grew up here.
Yeah, I had to assemble avillage quickly. And that was another part
of that whole thing. It wasjust you know, hey, life shows
up and you have to deal withlife. But man, when you throw
in the pressures of parenting to itall plus work plus life, life plus
other stuff in life, oh lordbaby, heyes, thinking about it right
now is taking MEAs hold on,I know, but it's still a wonderful
gift. Or talk anybody. No. If you're thinking about starting a family,
do it. Just realize there arethings that come with it and you
are not alone. There you go. If you want to read the list
we got you covered Tylby and Chilipage at waschefm dot com. You want
to play the game, you needto call now Kelby and Chili's nearly impossible
question. What is a question today, ma'am? Twenty three percent of Americans
day they use this personal product multipletimes a day? What is it?
Eight six six nine two seven fortythree sixty one. You are playing today
for tickets to see heart cfg BankArena. If you want to go in
May Wow, it's in just thirteenfourteen days or so. Call eight six
six ninety twenty seven washefm the numberone. Here's the question again, twenty
three percent of Americans day they usethis personal product multiple times a day.
What is it? Call now?Get it right when it's the nearly impossible
question for Tuesday, April thirtieth,and it's on Kelby and Chili's nearly Impossible
Question. Good morning, Jennifer andCheverley how you doing. What are you
doing? Everything's good. I'm withmy boys heading to work, so you
know, I know that's a littlestressed. Hopefully not too distracted this morning,
will welcome. Here comes your question. Twenty three percent of Americans day
they use this personal product multiple timesa day. What is it? My
cash is chapstick? How many timesa day do you think you use it?
If at all? Sometimes a lot, sometimes done. I don't know.
Interesting chapstick. Yeah, I'm oneof those people that's got one in
every component of my life, mypurse, my car, my home,
next to my path. I endup throwing them all out because they end
up in random nooks and crannies inthe car. Then by the time I
find them, they're no good.Oh man, Chapstick is a great answer.
It's also the correct answer, whichmeans you're going to Baltimore to see
Heart. Congratulations, Thank you,tickets yours right now, Jennifer All because
you knew about chapstick. Who knewthis chapstick was Some people are addicted to
it. I think they purposely putan ingredient in there because they want you
to keep putting it on your mouth, so you keep buying it. Yeah,
something very addictive like sugar. Ohstop, straight up sugar stimulates the
mind. Well, enjoy the show. Congratulations from what station? Thank you?
I siven plenty one. Watch upwith more tickets to see hard tomorrow
morning right around six twenty five,six twenty six twenty five with another round
of your kneeling impossible question and withthe news on the way Top Stories at
the top of the hour, stayright there, Top Stories, top of
the hour. A shootout in Charlotte, North Carolina, is left four law
enforcement officers dead and at least fourothers injured. They were all part of
the fugitive task for serving a warrantat a home yesterday when a suspect open
fire. French George's County Police arrestedtwo teens in connection with the shooting at
a green Belt park earlier this month, back on April nineteenth. The shooting
was part of a Senior Skip Dayevent that ended when five people were wounded
at Scroma Hills Park. Police areoffering a reward for information after a fifteen
year old boy was stabbed at theSaint Charlestown Center Saturday that had been linked
to a fight between a group ofteens and the mall's lower parking lot.
Kaiser Permanente announcing a major data breachthat may have included some members personal information.
The information released apparently included IP addresses, names, information in caating a
member's indicating rather a member or patient'saccess to Kaiser's services, and also search
terms used in the health encyclopedia.The Michelin Guide is giving its first ever
ratings to hotels in DC. Therankings are based on a hotel's architecture,
interior design, service, and ofcourse value for the money. The Rosewood
Washington Hotel in Georgetown and the JeffersonHotel in Downtown were the top ranked hotels
in DC, receiving two keys.And according to a recent survey, twenty
five percent of Americans are worried aboutlosing their jobs in the next year,
twenty two percent believe they work inan unstable industry, and over half think
their skills are outdated. For castfor today, it's gonna be cloudy but
still hot eighty six the high maybea slight chance of a passing shower.
Right now, it's sixty three inAshburn. Want to hear from you if
you have any thoughts on what youwould do if you had to live off
the grid? Eight sixty six ninetwo seven forty three sixty one talk back
microphone wide open. If you're listeningto ninety seven point whe wash FM,
signed into your iHeart apsent its avoice note. What would you bring to
the table if you had to liveoff the grid? What skills do you
have? Maybe you learned them asa kid, maybe you pick them up
in life. You would survive becauseof these skills. We'll talk about it
coming up. There's a couple thatditched big city living to live in the
peaceful swamp to go off the grid, and oh boy, have they gone
off the grid? Now. Ifind that there's some irony here. The
fact that this couple they're splits,has been documented on YouTube makes me wonder
how off the grid they really are. But hey, ninety seven point one
washfm're Toby and Chilly in themorning. Nonetheless, they're off the grid
and people are talking about it.Well off the grid enough that they're eating
rats. I mean, they're huntingfor their own food, they're building their
own whatever home foraging. Thank youright? Yeah, So they may have
access to certain things like technology,but man if I have to go kill
my own food. That's just notgonna happen. Well, I mean sometimes
you have to. If you're offthe gridding, you've got to survive and
you need some venison or something.I mean, hypothetically, let's play this
little game here. Okay, allright, you and I were to go
quote unquote off the grid and livein some swamp land. Honestly, what
are you bringing to the table forsurvival? Many things. Because I was
a boy Scout. I could fish, I could start the fire, I
could find things that would help toget us water and purify it. I
learned these things in my Boy Scoutmanual. Well, I'm so glad that
what you learned at ten years oldwould help to survive. Well, you
know what, if it'll work,then it'll work. Now, well,
good, I'm glad one of uswould know. Minus the Internet of things.
Why you know how to cook?You're really good in the kitchen spices
and recipes, but not out inthe skit. You don't have all these
Okay, you don't need the spicesand whatever to survive it. If I
bring you a fish, can youcook it? Yes? But if I'm
being truly honest, if anybody hadto depend on me for survival. We're
not making it past two days.Sorry, that's it. I can kill,
that's survival. I can keep ourencampment organized. I can get us
into a routine of things. Butas far as what did you call foraging,
No, that's not me. Yeah. I would need like then to
get some emergency flares so I couldsearch for a rescue. I was stranded
with you, Michael and Fairfax.Thank you for calling. Eight sixty six
nine two seven forty three sixty one. Do you have thoughts on this?
I'm a really good fisherman. Itook to it when I was a kid,
and I know how to do itwith minimal equipment. I think I
could provide us with plenty of fishif it came down to it. Well,
great, you and Toby could gofishing and I'll make you some blo
and dinner. There's nothing wrong withbland if it's going to keep you alive.
Chili, a little sumac might benice, but still eight sixty six
ninety two seven forty three sixty one. Talk back microphon if you've got thoughts.
What would you bring to the tableif you had to go off the
grid and survive. We'll get backto this coming up in minutes as Toby
and Chilly in the Morning continues.But coming up first, another one of
your crazy first date stories next toninety seven point one Washup m Melissa and
Gainesville is on a date with aguy. Everything was going well until her
parents almost called the cops. Whydid they almost call the cops? You've
got to hear this crazy in minutes? Well, listen, Gainsville is the
caller there. Good morning, Hello, good morning, good morning. You
have a crazy first date story forChili and I. Good are bad laying
honest? Please? My crazy firstdate was ten years ago. I decided
to go the online dating route whileI was in grad school and living at
home. I had been using eHarmony for about a year and it was
that date. After that date,I usually had my excuses ready for why
I needed to jump ship, andmy dates never lasted more than forty five
minutes. Fast forward to my crazydate. We met at a really nice
restaurant. We hit it off.We were deep in conversation, and then
the restaurant manager came over to meand asked if I was Melissa. I
told her I was and they saidthere was a phone call for me at
the host station. I was purplusedwhould be calling me, and my date
joked that it was my rescue phonecall to get out of the date,
which wasn't far from the truth.It's done something like that before. Turns
out it was my parents calling becauseI had been gone for so long,
and then my other dates had everlasted this long. Apparently, the first
time they called the restaurant, theyasked if the girl who met my description
was there, and the restaurant saidno. My parents told them they better
check again before they called the police. Now I had the short walk back
to the table to figure out whatI was going to tell my date about
who was on the phone. Iwas too embarrassed to say that my parents
were checking on me, so,being the bad liar that I am,
I told him that my dad sitson the ice and fell, which had
happened, but it was a fewday earlier, and of course, being
the nice guy he was, hewas concerned and said, oh, you
should get home to help him,and I said, oh, he'll be
fine. What order dessert? Andmy date gave me a very perplexed look.
A few days later I revealed thetruth to him and he was said
he was thinking at the time,man, I hope I never fall on
the ice. But now ten yearslater, my date is now my husband,
and we still joke about the story, and in fact, we told
it at our wedding. When yougot to the phone with your parents after
they called, what did you tellthem? Everything is going great? Leave
me alone? Like? What didyou say to them? Something along those
lines. I've been like, calloff the hounds, everything's great, Dude,
is a gentleman might say something?Don't ruin it for me? Now,
I know? Right, Obviously yourdate took it while you revealed that
now he is your husband, right, Yeah, I'm surprised I got a
second date after that one. Yeah, you're less than honest about dad falling
on the ice. What else willyou be dishonest about? You? But
it doesn't matter because it seems we'redad. It seems it all worked out
in the end though, So itlooks like that little white line may not
have been that big of a dealafter all. Right, And because you
shared that crazy first did story withus, we'd love to send you both
to go see Alanis Morris set MerriweatherPost Pavilion, June thirtieth. Thanks to
our friends at Live Nation. Thankyou so much. It's so exciting.
And because your husband is your husband, you won't have to use any like
I need to get out of thisdate. Shenanigan hoot Nanny's story on it.
Yeah, that's right. I havetwo tickets now right by changing with
me. Congratulations to you. Thankyou so much. And if you've been
on a crazy first date, tellus that story and you too could win
some tickets to see Alantis Moore set. Thanks to Live Nation, So give
us a call right now. Eightsixty six nine two, seven, four
three six one Top Stories Top ofthe Hour. Four law enforcement officers are
dead at least four others are injuredafter a shootout this and in Charlotte,
North Carolina. The officers were partof a fugitive task force that were serving
a warrant at the home when asuspect opened fire. Metro officials warning people
about safety after somebody was spotted ridingon the outside of a railcar yesterday.
There are pictures that show the personclinging to the back of a Silver Line
train at the McPherson Square Metro station. Montgomery County police searching for a suspect
who was accused of sealing items froman Amazon Fresh market at least thirty six
times. Investigators say the suspect hastaken about seven thousand dollars in merchandise from
the store located on Wisconsin Avenue inChevy Chase, while the FCC has levied
fines totaling two hundred million dollars againstmajor wireless carriers for unlawfully sharing customers location
information without consent. Real time locationinformation can unveil personal details, making its
protection crucial. And while it upwell, they just came out with the
list of the best and worst statesfor working moms and based on things like
childcare cost, pediatricians per capita median, women's salary, and parental leave policy.
Massachusetts wins the best date, followedby Rhode Island and DC came in
third. As for the worst statefor working moms, that's Alabama. Forecast
for today, it's going to beanother hot day, cloudy highs around eighty
six with a slight chance of ashower later on. Right now, it's
sixty five degrees in Alexandria and thenumber is eight six six ninety seven forty
three sixty one. It's ninety sevenpoint one wash FM. Where we want
to talk about if you had tolive off the grid, what skill would
you bring to the table. Whatcould you bring to the equation to make
sure that you survived, but notjust survived, thrive thoughts. What skill
did you pick up as a scoutor maybe just recently, we'll get into
it. Next to Tybey and Chillyin the Morning continues, Hey, let's
get back to this chat we werehaving earlier about the skills you would bring
to the table if you had togo off the d and survive. Toby
and Chilly in the Morning, ninetyseven point one WASHFM. There's a story
going around the Internet of Things abouta couple that decided to give away life
in the big city so that theycould go and make a living and a
life and just find peace in theswamp. A swamp land, yes,
like yet the marshes outside of Gnoll. And we're not just talking like digitally
disconnecting. No, no, no, they are hunting for their own food,
eating rats, if that's what they'recatching. I mean, this is
a little beyond just your regular offthe grid situation. If you're going to
go off the grid, wouldn't youwant to be like near an ocean or
something. You would ca swamps andbugs and grossness, no thing, some
sort of water, you know whatI mean, even if that were the
ocean, I mean, because thenat least you know you have a sustainable
amount of food I e. FishRight and earlier, when we were talking
about you and I potentially living offthe grid in a place like this,
it was established that I would diewithin two days because I'm just not the
foraging type of person. And Iwould boil and purify the water, albeit
salt water or water from the nastybayous of the swamp. Because you're convinced
your Boy Scout teachings would save yourlife, Never question the Boy Scout Manual
eight six, six nine two sevenforty three sixty one. Leslie, listening
to us and Warranton this morning,what would you bring to the table if
you lived off the grid? Hunting? I grew up with five brothers and
I was the youngest of them all, and all of them are hunters,
including my dad. So I learnedsome hunting skills growing up, you know,
due to them, I think itwould become a really good asset to
have when living off the grid.Leslie, thank you for jumping into the
conversation. But there's more to itthan just that, right, Well,
and you gotta go fill the animal, then you gotta prepare said animals.
And they don't come like in alittle celliphane wrap like they do at the
grocery. Yeah. No, youdon't just go to the grocery store and
get ground chuck eighty twenty leans again, I'm out, I'm dead. No,
you have to actually go and finda bison. Leave that out of
necessity. You could probably pull itoff, Chili, even though you might
not find it to be that muchfun on the surface. No, no,
no, you see my luck.I say, well, it's not
a nice looking berry, and it'spoisonous. Right what more? Toby and
Jilly head over to washfm dot comor the iHeartRadio app.