Episode Transcript
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So's Toby and Chilly is crazy birthday? Hey, carry Annapolis, how are
you today? I'm peach, howabout you? Not as peachy as you,
but I'm ready to hear this amazing, crazy first date story. And
by my side is Chilia Amar.So the two of us would love it
if you would lay this story onus. Well, let's see, I
was on campus. It was afreshman guy came up and asked me out,
and it was a very small ruralcollege, and neither one of us
had a car, so we decidedto go on a walking tour of the
campus and we ended up on thefar side of the campus where there was
a historical graveyard. So we decidedwalking through and reading the headstones and noticing
dates. And the college is onthe water, and so we left the
cemetery and we laid on the grassoverlooking the water and laid down and looked
at the stars and started making out. And then both of us sent something
but we didn't want to look,and so next you know, right across
our heads, a raccoon jumps overus. And then we realized that we
didn't know, you know, howdangerous it could be, So we just
stayed still and luckily the raccoon ranoff. So it was just very freaky
number one to be in a graveyardand then to have this raccoon jump out.
Well, at least it wasn't avoyeuristic spirit or ghost. That's right.
I'm going to say it was azombie coming to get you. So
clearly the graveyard part didn't freak youout enough because you were making out with
him later on. Did the raccoonruin the rest of that dat or did
you guys continue like what happened next? Well, actually we did continue because
it wasn't like we felt the needto leave. What was kind of weird
is that, even though it wasa small campus, we did see each
other every now and then. Wenever went out again, but we had
mutual friends. We would see eachother with these mutual friends, and it
was very awkward. We just nevertalked about it with anyone. I don't
know whether anybody would have believed this. Yeah, yeah, but we never
went out again. Do you thinkthe raccoon was haunted, possessed by a
spirit, or perhaps maybe it wasjust rabbit, that's the question. You
know, you really don't, andthat raccoon sense that perhaps the two of
you really weren't meant to be andwas delivering a message from beyond. I
don't know, or maybe he justdidn't like the fact that you were distracting
his peace and his slumber and hisgreat makeout session. I had the makings
of a romantic moment with the water, the star, right up until the
graveyard and the possessed raccoons wasn't infact possessed. I'm actually pretty good that
we didn't go out again. Well, it was a crazy experience for you,
but it ends up being great.There's probably not going to be any
raccoons at the Janet Jackson concert youare going, unless, of course,
they're mock raccoons that are part ofa set on some one, which case
we hope it doesn't bring up anybad memory. It's going to be at
the Capitol One Arena July twelfth.You have between now and then to find
a plus one. Well, thankyou so much for that story. Thank
you so much again. I'm agreat week guys. Ninety sevent point one
watch them with Toby and Chilly inthe morning.