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February 20, 2024 3 mins
Christina in Glen Bernie shares her Crazy First date that started at a TGI Fridays, but his phone kept ringing. He took the call outside and just never came back!
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Episode Transcript

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And Toby and Chilly crazy first dateChristina glid Bernie, Good morning, welcome,
how are you. We can't waitto hear this crazy first date story.
I'm Toby napping, that's chilliamar andthe floor is yours. And then
I'm off a dating site. Andhe picked me up and we went to
TGI Fridays. We had good conversationin the truck, good conversation all the

way up there. When we gotthere, they said it was a thirty
minute wait. So I noticed thathis phone kept ringing and he in answered
the phone, so I didn't knowwhat was going on. They said it
was thirty minute wait. He said, can I take this Call'll be right
back and I said sure. Hewent outside. He said outside. The
starver came up to us and says, you want to be seated now,
and I said sure, he's outside. So I sat down and she asked

what do you want to drink?And I said, can I get iced
tea? And him a water?So I'm sitting there waiting the server comes
back with the drinks. He hasn'tcome back to the table yet. I
noticed. I'm like, can Igo outside and see if he's outside?
And they said sure. So Iwent outside and I noticed he got it
this truck, and he drove offand let me a TGI Friday Gone.
Didn't explain himself, just went away. He just left. He got in

the car and left so many questions, how did you end up getting home?
And did you at least try toask what the heck happened with blowing
up his spot? I kept blowingup his phone. I kept calling his
phone because he left me. Hewasn't answering it. So I called my
neighbor and asked him can he pickme up? And my neighbor said sure.
My neighbor really likes me. SoI went on that date and yeah,

he left me. So my neighborcame and got me. I kept
calling him and finally he answered,and he said, I'm so so sorry
shall I left you? I wantto take you out again? And I
just clicked and hung up the phoneagain with who kept calling him during the
date? Because this makes me verysuspicious. I don't know. I'm thinking
maybe his girlfriend or his wife,or he was married, and I didn't

know. I had no clue.Now you hinted that this neighbor kind of
was crushing on you, the onewho came and saved you. He uses
opportunity to win you over and maybehave a date we move you. Yes,
he's known me for so many years. He has tried, but we're
just friends. But sometimes the verything you're looking for is the one thing
you can't see. What if he'sgone and saved the best for less?

I don't know. I just seehim as a friend. Yeah he knows
that, all right. Well,have you moved on to find anybody else
since that terrible stant you know stoodup? Yes, I have moved on.
I feel number one bad for yourneighbor who loves you but you're not
paying attention to him. Number two, I'm sorry that that happened to you.
I hate the fact that you wereabandoned. I don't like when anybody

gets ghosted. Number three. Ireally can't stand the fact that you don't
know who it was that was blowingup the spot that caused him to ghost
on you. There's so many unansweredquestions. Christina and Glen Burnie. Oh
yeah, well there's one answer weknow for sure. That is a crazy
first Daig story. And you're gonnago see Usher in August. Thanks to
our friends at Live Nation. Yes, I always wanted to see him.
Yes, So figure out who you'regonna take with you, whether it's this

new guy you're dating, a neighborI don't know who, maybe some imaginary
friend. Bottom line is the ticketsof yours enjoy, Thank you so much.
Ninety sevent point one. Watch themwith Toby and Chilly in the morning.
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