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September 6, 2023 47 mins
The Game Preview Podcast presented by Lifelock is back with Ethan Greenberg and Cynthia Frelund. They first break down what this game means for the Jets as an organization (5:35), the quarterback matchup of Aaron Rodgers vs Josh Allen (7:35) and the debut of the Legacy White jerseys (15:45). Frelund explains what is different with the Bills this season (19:15) and what's different with the Jets defense this season (27:40). In a new segment this season, Frelund and Greenberg team up to answer some trivia about Bills and Jets players (31:00). They wrap up the preview looking at Stefon Diggs' impact (40:00) and Frelund gives her lock of the week (43:00).

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Welcome to another season of The Game Preview podcast presented
by LifeLock Ethan Greenberg in the house, Cynthia Freeland back
in the fold. This is a great time of year, Cynthia.
We got to hang out, we get to talk football.
This is awesome. It's great to see you again.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
It's so good to see you. Finally real football time.
We get to stop talking about all the what IF's
in the like, we get to actually see it. We
get to put you know, football to grass. Is that
whenever people say that, I.

Speaker 1 (00:30):
Don't know, sound good?

Speaker 2 (00:33):
We get to put football to grass and is these
some first downs, some touchdowns. It's amazing. I feel like
it's it's like the shortest longest off season.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
Ever, the shortest longest off season ever. It's been like
the longest training camp ever. I feel like it has
been really long. Yeah, for sure. And if you're watching
this podcast, you see Cynthia's backgrounds a little different. If
you're listening to this podcast, the best way to describe
it is a college room dorm. Cynthia has the New

York Jets flag hanging on a white wall. In the background.
Mom and Dad would not approve of this decoration.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
Here's the thing. The internet downstairs where I usually sit
has been dicey, and I was not going to be
in week one back like this problem for our internet.
So I went with I made lemonade out of some
lemons and lovely flag here. I've got my mug here,
like we're all set.

Speaker 1 (01:30):
Okay, Uh, why do you have the flag? Though? I
feel like that's a that's an interesting core piece.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
I like it. I don't know. I like the pillows,
like I actually think my favorite stuff. You can't even
really see the two pillows that I have, the two
Jets pillows, so but you can't. They don't they're not
on set right or they're not on camera right now
because I'm sitting on them, so you know, but that's
my favorite one. They're comfy and they're adorable and back
to college for me, I'm regressing guys in my old age.

Speaker 1 (01:56):
Yeah, I'm sure. Well, I have one of the pillows
behind me right now. It's very comfortable, So it's great.
I am a big fan of the pillows. And with
that being said, you know, this year's podcast it's gonna
look a little different or sound a little different, I
should say, than previous years. But it's still gonna be fantastic.
We have a new member of the Game Preview Podcast

now that we should introduce here. That is John Polano.

Speaker 3 (02:23):
Everybody apse, thank you, thank you, please, no, I'm super
excited to be here. This is gonna be a great year.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
It's gonna be a great year. John Polano is a
Saint Bonaventure guy, very close to Syracuse, which is good
for me. Cynthia, big fan of the rock in Rochester,
where John Polano is from. Also, real quick, I meant
to ask you, Cynthia, have you ever had a garbage plate?
A garbage plate?

Speaker 3 (02:50):
Oh my goodness. The garbage plate is this incredible concoction
of food all on one plate. It is hamburgers, it
is potatoes, it is hot dogs. It's pretty much everything
you get from a barbecue or an outdoor dining situation,
and you put it all in one ball and you
cut it up and you mix it together, throw some
ketchup and some mustard. Just delicious, justious.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
I'm in. I'm in.

Speaker 1 (03:11):
I think, Cynthia, you need to make a trip to
the East coast. Will go up to Rochester. We'll indulge
in a garbage plate. Or we could somehow virtually make
garbage plates together.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
Right, I'm down. We have to We'll definitely make a
garbage plate. It sounds good to me. It sounds like
it's not too hard to make, just a lot of pieces.

Speaker 1 (03:30):
Yeah, it sounds like a lot of like what's left
it. It sounds like a Bill's tailgate, That's what it sounds like.

Speaker 3 (03:34):
Absolutely, you got to come up with an open stomach
and an open mind. And yeah, it's the perfect thing
right before kickoff, especially for Bill's jets this week.

Speaker 1 (03:41):
That's a great point. And sick Off, matsik Off, our
producer and technical director, will definitely be involved in the
cooking or the eating of it. Up to him what
he wants to do. Same with Katie Weirdo. Both Matt
Sickoff is both Katie Weirdo. Still waiting to see what
she wants to do. But she's she's not on it.
She doesn't want the garbage plate. But she said, and

I quote, it's garbage, it's trash. No, she didn't say that.
I'm just kidding. Look it's in his face. No, she
didn't say that. She's just not in the room, so
she doesn't have a say. So we got four garbage
plates coming to the game preview podcasts soon. With that
being said, Polana will check in with you in a
minute because he's got a fun segment that'll help preview
this game. Jets Bills Monday Night Football Week one, Cynthia,

Like when you're looking at the schedule when it comes
out all the way back in May, this is this
is Hollywood, isn't it.

Speaker 2 (04:33):
This is a heck of an opener. I mean, Jets
are playing so many times in primetime in these single windows.
It's so much respect, very well deserved respects. But it's
also like the first week, that first Monday you hear
like the you know, the ESPN noise like did in it,
like after Sports Center ends in the Monday night, the
whole thing, it's going to be very special.

Speaker 1 (04:53):
So I think you have unique perspective obviously covering the
NFL and then covering the Jets and the Bills a
little more closely than all thirty two teams, I would say,
And before we dive into the matchup a little bit,
just the magnitude of this game, Cynthia, for the green
and white on paper, Like when you look at it,
you have division rival, you have Aaron Rodgers in the fold,

his first game only game on TV. There's no double
header on Monday Night football anymore, and this is how
the opening slate closes for Week one in the NFL.
As you just kind of like, take a look at this.
This game is huge, But what does it actually mean
for the Jets.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
You know, it means that all of the hard work
is paying off. It also means, I mean, this gonna
sound strange to like bring a business story in there,
but I know that there's like a big cable fight
going on with Charter and with ESPN and ABC and
all the This could this game could literally change the
way we all consume TV for the rest of time. True,
I know that sounds like a big statement, but that
is the magnitude of this game. Because if you're going

to tell in New Yorkers that they can't watch the
Jets when Aaron Rodgers is making his home debut against
the Buffalo Bills, that's not gonna go. That's not gonna
go well for the I feel bad for anyone who
works for Charter who has to work in customer service
on Monday night, because that could be a not a
not a nice place to I don't want to want
to be receiving end of those phone calls.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Look, customer service in general hard, It's just a difficult job.
You probably get the stiff arm more than like welcome,
and then you factor in angry New York in customer service.
I mean, what are we talking about here? That is
a nightmare job.

Speaker 2 (06:35):
I'm telling you, though, this truly could shape the way
we all watch TV going forward, because it sounds like
that's a huge statement, but it's already been at this
like turning point where what's going on with these cord cutters,
et cetera. But this one particular game has so much
gravitas and so much meaning that it could be like
the the It's not even like the straw that broke
the camel's back. It's like the entire like a mountain

of straws that breaks the camel's back.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
A mountain of straws that breaks camel's back. I like that.
With that being said, though, when you if we're looking
at this game from a top storylines perspective, just kind
of surface level stuff, you get Rogers Allen, where do
you stand right now as we record this? Just on
that matchup? What to expect from two quarterbacks who seemingly

had down years last year compared to prior years.

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Look, there's there's two things to factor in here. One,
you know, I know that i'll gas no break is
the you know the low mantra, though I don't know
whatever mantra, but I will say, perhaps we need to
let some of the chemistry form just in general between
Rogers and his own line and also his new receivers.

So there are a mountain of expectations on this offense,
and well deserved. Aaron Rodgers a four time MVP. He
did it back to back before. People don't do stuff
like that, and it's so exciting. This is a great
time to be a Jets fan. But don't hyper analyze
every single goal. You know, if a pressure happens early
in the in the that's gonna be okay. You know,
both of these defenses are really really good, so both

sides of the ball. If you're a Bills fan, same thing, right,
you're probably not listening to this, to this podcast. But
if it doesn't look great the first few drives, it's okay.
There hasn't been a lot of time playing together in
this configuration. I mean that we will get into it,
I'm sure, but the Bills are gonna add a lot
of new looks that they never had. They played the
least amount of twelve personnel, so two tight end sets

in the whole league last season, and then they drafted
this awesome tight end the first rous so you know
they're gonna play more twelve. So there are just some
chemistry things that need to form. And with the Jets,
I think every Jet fan knows that the real question
mark for the season is gonna be the O line
and what does it really look like game speed? I
don't think I'm not uncovering or unearthing anything that anyone

doesn't already know, but is this really? Is this O
line gonna be good enough? They don't need to be great,
they just need to be good enough because Aaron Rodgers
erases a lot of mistakes along the old line. But
they need to be good enough.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
And the potential is there. We've seen sure, And like
with Mackay Beckton, that's a big piece, no pun intended
like that is a big piece of the New York Jets.
And if he's able to play somewhat like he did
as a rookie in twenty twenty at right tackle. That's
a big game changing aspect for that entire group. In
my opinion, the thing that I don't think Jets fans

talk about enough in regards to the old line is
Dwayne Brown because last year we evaluate Dwayne Brown how
he played, and we're like, I think Jets fans are like,
you know what, Like, I think he did a pretty
good job, and then you factor and he did it
with one arm that he tore his rotator cuff. Like,
Jets fans don't know what Dwayne Brown looks like fully healthy.

Granted he's coming off a major injury. I understand that.
I just think that's something important to keep in mind. Also,
Cynthia is someone who covers the Bills, like, what is
the Buffalo offensive line like in comparison to the Jets,
because it feels like there are some parallels between these
teams there.

Speaker 2 (10:04):
So the biggest question for the Bills O line this
offseason was about guard play. Their guard play was not
what they had intended to do, you know, when they
brought people in in free agency last season, So they
addressed it at the left guard position, and then they
dirafted Osiris Torrance at the right guard position. And the
one thing that I thought was interesting that people don't

talk about with Torrance as much. You know, he's a
rookie now, but last season in Florida he had zero
penalties committed, and a lot of the Bills problems come
from weird penalties. Their O line stands further apart from
each other than a lot of other O lines, and
maybe they can't hear it as well, or was space
or I'm not sure, but improving at the guard position

should really help guys like you know, James Cook and
anyone that they want to run, probably Damien Harris too.
That's why I sort of hesitated because Cook will probably
be used on the outside a little bit more. But
it was really about fortifying guard position because both of
their tackles, you know, Dean Dawkins on the left and
then Spencer Brown on the right. Spencer Brown was coming
off a back injury last year. It doesn't sound good

when you're six foot eight and you know Dion had
not participated because in the summer he was late to
camp and stuff because he had a really bad uh
COVID long COVID or I'm not a doctor, so something
a complication from COVID.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
Would you say, how do you compare the two lines, Like,
is it like in terms of a matchup? Is it
about equal all things considered? Or does one team clearly
have an advantage here?

Speaker 2 (11:35):
I think because they've played together more often. I know
they added two guards, but you know you've got three
of the you know, three of the five guys that
have continuity. It just gives them an edge from the
standpoint of they know Josh Allen's tendencies, they know like
Steffan Diggs at tendencies, and the more people play like
I think this Jets team is going to be week

one if your Bills fan is a little bit more
advantageous to play the Jets week one that it would
be to play them week nine, right, because it's going
to keep looking better and better and better. But it's
a lot of people to have new chemistry, and Aaron
Rodgers demands excellence from anyone he's ever worked with. So
it's it's just, you know, you got to got to
remember even though this I do the a lot of stuff,

or like the Senior Bowl and the East West Rine
and those guys coming to college, they don't actually know
how to take a ball from under center. Well, when
you talk to centers, it's like, well a quarterback switching teams.
It can take a minute because I don't know what
his tendency like. You have to get in the rhythm
and there's nothing you can do to simulate game speed,
even even preseason, it's just not the same. So you know,

get out there full, full tilt. And by the way,
there's some changes along the Bills. Changes are you know,
Sean mcdermot's now calling the defense, so it's probably not
going to be all the same type of five defense.
We saw nothing but nickel. They played the most nickel
last year, and you'll probably see some different looks out
of them. And they don't have Von Miller, so that's
an advantage for the New York goal line. But I

just think in general, you have a little bit more
advantage having played with each other than you do starting
from week one and went with not playing together.

Speaker 1 (13:08):
Yeah, it's a great point, and we're going to break
down momentarily like we're gonna call it what's new and
what's not for each team. But before we get there,
my biggest question about this game in general, Cynthia, it's
and it's really it regards around Josh Allen. Is Josh
Allen more like the player we saw with Brian Davel
who didn't turn the football over a whole lot, or

is he more like the player we saw before that
giant leap and last year where maybe he's prone to
some head scratching turnovers. I think, to me, that's the
biggest question, and to me, the only answer is on
game day, Like that's the only way we're going to
find that out.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
Well, remember with Kent So Sean McDermott, head coach now
taking over the play calling duties on the defense. One
of the things that he noted in his production meeting
that was, you know, the head of the games they
answer questions, they say, what's going to be different. Well,
you know, Ken Dorrisey, now in his second season calling
the offense, has a lot more autonomy just by virtue
of the fact that Sean's going to be a bit

more busy calling the defense as well. So sometimes it
will be it's kind of a learning curve for everyone involved, right,
So that will be an advantage for this Jets defense
is zero joke, Like zero joke at all, Like there
is no room for Josh Allen to turn over the
ball and probably like not even once. Like it's just

it's just not like pace. Controlling the pace of this
game will dictate who wins. And but Josh Allen could
throw off that wrench if he has an untimely turnover.
Everyone could. But Aaron can make up for it a
little bit differently than Josh can because Josh is so
reliant on his legs, So the timing is just a
little like Aaron Rodgers. You know. Look, I'm from Michigan.

I saw the Rogers to Rogers sixty yard hail Mary,
what I don't remember yards? It was a billion yard
hail Mary to gut the hearts of all Lions fans.
But Aaron Rodgers needs no time to score, where Josh
Allen sometimes needs a bit more because of his legs.

Speaker 1 (15:05):
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We're talking about this. Jets bills matchup rightly. So something
we have not brought up yet is that this will
be the debut of the Jets legacy white throwback uniforms.

And they awesome.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
They look amazing. They're awesome. I love a good uniform.
I like, it's really good.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
All right, I'm gonna bring the helmet on set right
here watching this because I mean, just look at this thing. Yeah,
this one is awesome. Like, what is not to love
about this? Look the logo, the coloring.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
I mean, I think that it's very aerodynamic. It looks
like it's be easier to take flight.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
You know, Wow, did you just drop a take flight
pun on us?

Speaker 2 (16:20):
I did, and then I had to get out of
this screen.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
Just make sure that was well done. Kudos, kudos you.
If we like had some kind of point tally for
stuff like that, like how to how to intertwine and
weave in yeah, airplane puns, you would definitely get a
decent amount of points for that.

Speaker 2 (16:37):
Thank you, thank you. I appreciate that.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
Wow. But you like the uniforms in all seriousness.

Speaker 2 (16:42):
I love them, yeah, and all seriously like I think
the all white is so clean. It's gonna look good
at night. Like that's a fun like you know, it's
a special day, like when the I went I once
went to graduation at west Point, which was really special
to attend. And they wear these like beautiful, like it's
a gray on top and white on the bottom, and
like they all look like amazing. It's gonna be like
a sea of white, just like at west Point, like

very very cool stuff, like.

Speaker 1 (17:05):
Very very cool and not for nothing. Just a odd
little coincidence. That era of uniform bes homage to like
the New York sack exchange era and the Jets D
line clearly ready to feast. I don't know what their
nickname will be in twenty twenty three, but they definitely
are like deserving of something.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
I would hope definitely they will have to think of
a good one for them.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
Yeah, this is this is a week one recording, so
we have a little bit of time.

Speaker 2 (17:31):
But right, you don't want to do it too early,
you know, you got to you gotta let them earn
their nickname.

Speaker 1 (17:35):
Do you have any nicknames growing up or anything?

Speaker 2 (17:39):
I did have a few, mostly like Sin is probably
the most cy Cynthia is a very long name, so
Sin is probably, you know, the easiest one. However, we'd
go through like the Sindo. My sister called me a
lot of weird stuff. No, you know that's Sindo. Like
that's how sisters do they call you? Weird stuff? What
about you?

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Uh? Most common is E just short? But growing up,
growing up, people did call me each train because I
was like a little chubby in football and I didn't
fall down on this one drill that everyone else fell down,
and this guy was like, Wow, we're gonna call you,
and I was like, I kind of liked that, even
though it came from a part of like, wow, you

didn't fall because you're a little chubby. But we made
it out the other side, and now I'm E Training.
Now I love the nickname, so thank you. I appreciate that.
So now I think we should go into a little
bit more what's new with each team? What's not? And
Aaron Rodgers definitely new for the Jets, but let's start
with the Bills. What's new with the Buffalo Bills, and

not necessarily new in terms of new players, maybe just
new in terms of players that the Jets didn't see
last year. Whatever. The biggest one that comes to my
mind is Micah Hyde. And Micah Hyde is a damn
good football player, one of the best safeties integral for
that defense, who lost Tremaine Edmunds to Chicago in free agency. Now,

right before we recorded this, someone reported on Twitter that
Micah Hyde is now all of a sudden dealing with
a back injury that popped up out of nowhere. Something
to monitor. How do you quantify how much Micah Hyde
means to this Buffalo Bills defense.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Well, Micah Hyde, I mean, he was out all last
year with a nick situation. That's a scary injury. I'm
almost a surprise he came back. But you know, Micah
Hyde and Jordan Poyer together that's even more compelling because
last year they were without both of them for a
long time. They also brought in Taylor Rapp to help
out in that safety situation. The difference between I mean,
they're elite in terms of the two safety duos together,

Micah and Jordan when they played together, they just haven't
played together in a really long time. In fact, the
last time we saw Micah Jordan and Tremaine Train and
Tredavius White was Thanksgiving of twenty nineteen.

Speaker 1 (19:57):

Speaker 2 (19:59):
So the second Darry's gonna look a little different. Old
things become new again. But without Micau it's hard because
the like I'm stuttering over it because a little bit
of what's hard to forecast is without Leslie Fraser. You know,
ninety four percent of the time he used five defensive backs.
I don't. I just don't think it's gonna look like that.
I think it'll look a little bit different, and I

think Sean Will will we'll focus a bit more on probably.
I mean, I would guess just I mean, look, preseason
tells us nothing, but I would guess like they're gonna
play man a little bit more. I'm just guessing. But
you know, it's it's interesting to see how they are
going to change, like the zone are the zone looks

gonna be just like I'm interested to see, especially without
von Miller, so me too.

Speaker 1 (20:47):
But what about Trenavius White, Cynthia, because he's someone obviously
who was very good before he heard his knee. And
then it feels like when you're talking about knee injuries,
it usually takes two years to come back fully healthy.
I think Saquon's probably like the easiest example in recent
years is are you expecting bounce back year from tevious White?

Because it definitely seemed like last year was not what
we're used to seeing.

Speaker 2 (21:14):
Yeah, I mean, if any if you can judge anything
by looking at like how much they're like happy on
the sideline and having fun with their friends, right, Like
Bill's had two games where it was fun for them,
meaning they won, and then one game where they were
getting the Pittsburgh Steelers were not too nice to them.
So it was interesting to see he looked like he
was back to like, you know, being more of like
the regular old Trenevius White, right, like funny and like

coaching the younger guys and trying to figure it out.
I mean, there are other corners, so there are other
starting corner. It's likely Christian Benford or maybe Dane Jackson,
but it's kind of a rotation. In Kyrie Elam, who
was a first round pick last year, it seems like
he's like third now, so it's there. It was interesting
to see him coaching up all three of those guys,

especially because I would imagine it probably doesn't feel so
great to be a first rounder and then probably be
third on the depth chart. So he was being back
to being a coach and being hit more brigary. He's
got a huge personality, so he was back to being
more full tradevious wife.

Speaker 1 (22:16):
I'm interested to see that matchup because the Jets have
a new look receiving corps with Randall Cobb in the fold,
Alan Laizard in the fold, no more Corey Davis. Of course,
Garrett Wilson is the main stay there.

Speaker 2 (22:30):
Garrett Wilson running routes amazing, like watching him, like tracking
how he runs routes and creates separation for himself. Last
year when he was getting less higher quality I mean, look,
Aaron Rodgers were the best of all time first ballot
Hall of famers, so I can safely say less high
quality balls thrown his way, he was still able to

create a lot of magic given and part of that
is how precisely and pristinely he runs routes, which is
will serve him well with Aaron Rodgers who values something
like that.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
And you think this is a potential matchup that the
Jets could have the advantage in here or this.

Speaker 2 (23:08):
Absolutely, I'm curious. Like I said, it will come down
to the chemistry because it is a close game. It's
kind of it feels fifty to fifty to me kind
of either way, right, Like I can tell you the
Vaughn on and Vaughan off the field metric in terms
of how the pressure rate goes down. We all kind
of know that, right, So okay, can they take advantage
of the fact that potentially there'll be a bit more

time for everyone to work with? Would I feel better
if Breese Hall was fully healthy? Sure? Would I feel
better if I knew how the pass catchers were gonna
kind of stack up in general, like outside of Garrett Wilson,
who we know like the rest, Like I've seen Almanzard
pop up on on the injury report as well, so
you know, we would I feel better if I was
like everyone's one hundred percent healthy, of course, but that's

every week.

Speaker 1 (23:53):
Of course it is, and injuries obviously going to be
throughout the NFL all thirty two teams. I mean we
saw it with the first game Chiefs Lions Travis Kelcey
all of a sudden hyper extended and will see what
his status is as we inch closer to the first
game in the NFL, which is awesome to say, by
the way, that the first game in the NFL is
around the corner. But for Jets Bills, it really does

feel like a fifty to fifty split and Vegas things
so too, because right now I think the spread is
like two and a half, but I think the Jets
are two and a half underdog. I will look that
up in a little bit. Yeah, okay, yeah, you know, see,
this is why we help each other, you know what
I'm saying, Like, this is great to be back in
the fold. You pick me up, I pick you up.
There were a great team. So with the Bill's offense,

so I don't really feel like there's a lot new there.
I mean, you mentioned the Guards offensive line. We understand
that the Guards are new, tackles, center remains the same,
quarterback remains the same. Running backs with the addition of
Damien Harris, pretty much the same. Like it feels like
you know what you're gonna get from Buffalo's offense, which
is why it's kind of a cool matchup because you
know what you're gonna get with the Jets defense.

Speaker 2 (25:03):
I do think Dalton Kincaid will put some new looks
in there, because I told you this team played the
fewest snaps of twelve personnel, so two tight end sets
in the entire league last season, and I think that
they'll add Dalton Kincaid in there for like an element
of disguise, although I think it's like an eleven disguises
a twelve because even though he's a tight end and
that's what he's listened at in the program, like, he'll
function probably more like your receiver. So it will be

interesting to see if that makes a big difference. And
you know, historically Sean McDermott doesn't like to play rookies
all that often. So now James cooking his second season,
I think there's some pretty big expectations there that he
takes a pretty massive step forward.

Speaker 1 (25:39):
And with Kinkaid, though, you're expecting this kind of jump
or this kind of integration in the offense, like from
the jump as early as week one, because I know that,
like for example, earlier this podcast, you were saying this
is better for the Bills not seeing the Jets when
they fully get things clicking, like you don't quite see
that with Kinkaid because he's a piece in an already

established offense.

Speaker 2 (26:03):
I think it's just a bit more about like I
think that even if he's like a decoy on the
field or the second or third option, I think the
looks will be a little the alignment is going to
be a little bit different. They don't have on tape
necessarily what they're going to do with him. They didn't
even play like they played a lot of twelve in
the preseason, But okay, what does that tell you? Like nothing,
so you know, And I saw also he in the

Pittsburgh game, although it wasn't a great game for the
Bills in general, he ran two choice routes, so of
his receptions, two of the three were on choice routes,
which you just don't typically see a rookie getting that
kind of respect against the Pittsburgh Steelers once, and that's
just why you're like, Okay, these are there ones, This
isn't there threes?

Speaker 1 (26:43):
Right, And Pittsburgh great defense, very great. Kin Cave felt
like a very good prospect coming out of Utah, and
obviously the receptions, the receiving prowess for the utes is there.
And if you're a Jets fan, somebody to keep in
mind as the Jets embark on their season against the

Buffalo Bill's Monday Night. As for the Jets defense, what's new?
There not a whole lot good news for the Jets
because it was a top five unit last year, the
expectations are big this year. The two biggest changes per
se for the Jets defense are the third linebacker spot
no longer Kwan Alexander now Jamien Sherwood. But the Jets
play a lot of nickel and a lot of big
nickel anyway, and so the biggest change comes at safety.

Marcus Joyner out Tony Adams. Cynthia, someone that we really
didn't talk a lot about at all last year seemingly
gonna be the guy. And what do you think about that?
Because if you're a Jets fan, you're like, this guy's
been tearing it up in training camp and he's doing
a good job. But as someone who covers the NFL, like,

is this a spot where you're like, Oh, I don't
quite know what to expect here.

Speaker 2 (27:56):
I mean, I would say like he's in a really
good circle, even if he's not as great as preseason
might have you think. And he had a great, a
great training camp, A great preseason. I watched all the
snaps of it, Like looks like like they obviously feel
comfortable enough if they're you know, going to be throwing
him out there. But it really helps when you have
the two outside corners being as strong and as able

to kind of direct traffic like you either need to.
Like the Jets are sort of built the opposite from
the Bills, meaning like the spine of their defense, the
safeties are more reliable for the for the Bills, and
the corners are i mean more of the question mark. Well,
it's the opposite for the Jets, right, Like the corners
feel very reliable and safety feels a little a little

bit more questionable compared to you know, the Jets are
compared to the Bills. So it's just it's to me,
I don't I think it doesn't matter because, like it,
let's look at the unit, like the whole unit of
defensive backs. I think he looks like he's got the
right amount of speed, which is what you need at
the position, and he doesn't seem to allow a lot
of yards in after contact and that's enough. One that

again we don't know from preseason, but not always the
best indicator training cam of preseason, but you know, ultimately
it feels like he has the right he has the
right makeup right, like the the the description and the
profiles there.

Speaker 1 (29:15):
And Tony Adams is one of those guys where like
on paper, you're like, how did this guy go from
an undrafted predominant special teams player as a rookie to
significant contributor and seemingly starter for a top five defense
in one year essentially? And you know, I will say
I kind of use the Bills Cynthia as like a

model of like don't be scared by where they are
or are not drafted, Like isn't Christian Benford, Like wasn't
he a mid to low round or potentially undraft round
and six round pick as a rookie last year when
the Bills draft Kiir Elom And they're like, you know what,
this guy's playing better in the NFL. We are now
there thick.

Speaker 2 (29:58):
One against the then Super Gold champions themselves, So you know,
I mean he started against the Rams when they had
Cooper Cup and they were a Super Bowl champs. So
I don't think you should don't look at his draft set,
look at like what he's actually doing and the speed
Like I said, the speeds there, the ability to limit
yards after the catch, and people aren't getting extra yards

in his contact very often. So that's those are the
things that you can go on and it seems like
all systems are a go there.

Speaker 1 (30:26):
And then of course the Jets added Adrien Amos into
the fold, who's a veteran, seemingly a pretty sure tackler
and someone that is well experienced playing with Aaron Rodgers
and in the NFC North because he was a both
a bear and a packer, and that is also what
is new to the Jets defense. But now it's time, Cynthia,
I think it's time for us to team up again,

not only like on this podcast, but now we're going
like team seption. You're ready for this. This is a new
segment on the Game Preview podcast.

Speaker 2 (30:55):
I can't wait. Let's see it. What is it? What
is it? All?

Speaker 1 (30:57):
Right? Yep? So we're going to bring in John Polano again. Yeah,
that's right, Thank you New York. And do you all right?
I'll ty, I'll tee it up, plan and then you'll
take it from there. So basically, Cynthia, you and I
are going to work on a team. John has how
many How many players we got?

Speaker 3 (31:17):
We got four?

Speaker 1 (31:17):
All right? There are four players on the team or
on in this game. We don't know if they're jets.
We don't know if their bills. We're gonna get clues
that start off difficult and then seemingly get a little
easier as and then you and I can come to
an agreement on who we guess after each clue, and
then we'll tally our points, and then we'll try to

beat that next week. All right?

Speaker 2 (31:41):
With that being, should we tank this week so that
we're better next week?

Speaker 1 (31:46):
I wish you would ask me that off camera, because
now I have to admit that in front of all followers.
If you're listening, No, we will not do that. If
you're watching, it's a good idea. Yeah, I'm gonna say,
we give this our best shot.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
You know, I'll guess no, all right, we'll give it
our best shot, all right, John, I've got some really
good faith in you. Yeah, guys, So we have four
clues for everybody, four points if you get it on
the first clue, which I have to say, these are
really vague. They can honestly go for multiple players. But
there's one in mind that I'm keeping no.

Speaker 1 (32:17):
We don't get penalized if we guess incorrectly.

Speaker 3 (32:20):
I would say no, yeah, yeah, yeah, and then obviously
we work down. So if you get in three tries
the second clue, it's three points and so on. You
guys understand how math works. Your first hint, free of charge.
These are players that could play a really big factor
in Jets Bill's week one. So I'm not gonna be
pulling out any bench guys.

Speaker 1 (32:36):
Thank you, thank you.

Speaker 3 (32:38):
So this first player, clue number one, had sixty three tackles,
three and a half tackles for loss, and five pass
defenses while playing multiple positions his senior.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
Year, his senior year of college.

Speaker 3 (32:50):
His senior year of college.

Speaker 1 (32:51):
Sixty three tackles. What was the next one?

Speaker 3 (32:54):
Three and a half tackles for loss and five pass defenses?

Speaker 1 (32:58):
Five pass defenses. Okay, well let's let's go through this.
If we're thinking tackles, I'm thinking this is like, who's
got sixty three? Like that seems like a lot for
a D lineman. But I'm thinking linebacker.

Speaker 2 (33:16):
Yeah, I'm thinking that too, Matt Milano.

Speaker 1 (33:19):
Yeah, that's where that's where I was gonna go. Is
that right?

Speaker 3 (33:21):
That's incorrect?

Speaker 1 (33:21):
Okay, all right, not sorry, that's where I was gonna
go that. That's we're aligned. We're aligned, all right. What's
the next clue? All right?

Speaker 3 (33:28):
Clue number two. So this player actually coined the term
during training camp, the term young in turned for their
defensive group.

Speaker 1 (33:37):
That's the New York Jet, Cynthia.

Speaker 2 (33:39):
Yeah, that's the New York Jets young in Turn.

Speaker 1 (33:43):
I'm young, and can I guess this one for us?

Speaker 2 (33:48):
Yes? Of course?

Speaker 1 (33:50):
Is it Tony Adams?

Speaker 3 (33:52):

Speaker 1 (33:53):
Okay, young intern, that's what Cynthia and I are too
young and young?

Speaker 3 (33:58):
Absolutely, so do and move on to the next person.
We want the rest of the clues.

Speaker 1 (34:03):
Well with Tony, we just talked about Tony Adams, so
we can move on to the next guy.

Speaker 3 (34:06):
All right, fantastic, fantastic. So the next player Clue number one. Okay,
this player committed to Florida State before de committing and
committing to a team in the SEC.

Speaker 1 (34:18):
Okay, Holy moron, Holy Doug Morone cocues a player that
initially committed to Florida, de committed, and then.

Speaker 2 (34:32):
He committed and went to an SEC school.

Speaker 1 (34:34):
Yeah, are you thinking Jets or Bills right now, Cynthia.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
I'm just like going through where everyone went to school.

Speaker 1 (34:42):
Well, that's a good well, I don't even know if
we're going as Josh.

Speaker 2 (34:46):
It's not Aaron, it's not I'm just trying to get.

Speaker 3 (34:50):
And is not C. J. Mosley. That was a good guest.

Speaker 1 (34:55):
All right, what's the next clue?

Speaker 3 (34:56):
Clue number two. In the twenty twenty two College Football
Playoff semi final, this player showcased his all purpose abilities,
leading the team with one hundred and twelve receiving yards
in a thirty four to eleven win over Michigan.

Speaker 1 (35:10):
I think Cynthia just got it. James Cook.

Speaker 3 (35:11):
James Cook absolutely duel threat for the ball.

Speaker 2 (35:14):
You should have known that Georgia. I didn't know about
the Florida State though, but it makes sense because Dalvin, Oh, you.

Speaker 1 (35:20):
Said Florida State.

Speaker 3 (35:20):
I did say Florida.

Speaker 1 (35:21):
Yeah, I've I'm not gonna lie. You said Florida State.
I heard Florida Gators. But regardless, Cynthia, you were talking
about James Cook a little bit before.

Speaker 2 (35:31):

Speaker 1 (35:31):
Sean McDermot doesn't really like playing rookies and expectations like
what are one the expectations in Buffalo for James Cook
as a sophomore in the NFL, and two like, what
do you think he's capable of? Is he as good
as Dalvin?

Speaker 2 (35:44):
Well? Yeah, I mean like it's interesting because his inside
the tackles numbers are big, like five point seven yards
per rush. That's a that's a big number. And then
they got better at the guard position. So I would
imagine he's kind of going to be their inside and
outside guy, but especially impactful inside and run behind those
guards that they that they invested in. I think it's

going to be interesting to see how he's used versus
a Damien Harris, who you know, obviously James Cook has
a lot of pass catching versatility that it's not that
Damian Harris doesn't. It's just that, you know, it just
feels like they're going to use James Cook more on
a lot of different looks. I think in this game
in particular, I think they're they're going to try to

I think it's gonna be high volume game for James Cook.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
All right, Palato, right before we get to our third player,
Just for those listening, James Cook last year five hundred
and seven rushing yards, two touchdowns, one hundred and eighty
receiving yards one touchdown. So pretty pedestrian year, but definitely
showcasing the ability to do a little bit of everything.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
Yeah, and his workload got bigger as year went along.
The first eleven weeks he was playing, he played at
most eighteen snaps, averaged eleven. The last five games he
played an average of twenty eight point six snaps. He
actually played more snaps over the final five games, and
he does it over the first eleven.

Speaker 1 (37:01):
All right, there you go, and we'll see what happens
or what's in store for him in year two. And
now let's go.

Speaker 3 (37:08):
To player number three, player number three. So this player
after being drafted, I'm gonna give you the team. After
being drafted by the New York Jets. The first thing
he did he said he would buy his grandma a car.
And he also went by the nickname Cookie.

Speaker 2 (37:25):
In middle school, Cookie Quinn Williams.

Speaker 3 (37:29):
That's right on the first clue.

Speaker 1 (37:31):
Yeah, yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
It was the grammar car thing.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
Yeah. We don't know if he's fulfilled that, but he
has gone and gotten his He has still gone by
the name Cookie in middle school.

Speaker 1 (37:43):
So so many points, so many point big, that's a
big point right there. Wait, hold on, First of all,
I didn't know, like, do you know where the origin
cookie come from?

Speaker 3 (37:53):
So apparently when he was a smaller kid, he was,
as you said, a little bit chubbier and like cookie,
and he liked cookies, so he kind of grew into it,
obviously grew into his body because he just inked a
huge deal for us this year.

Speaker 1 (38:05):
So Cynthia, hey, what is your favorite what's your favorite cookie?

Speaker 2 (38:08):
My favorite cookie chocolate chip.

Speaker 3 (38:11):
I love peanut butter, a.

Speaker 1 (38:13):
Right, peanut butter is good. But I also teamed chocolate
chip sick cough chimes in peanut butter, So we got
a tow to split here. I'm just gonna say that.
But the team with Cynthia is the team that Katie's
chocolate chip. She's back.

Speaker 2 (38:27):
She gives us the way Katie. Thank goodness.

Speaker 1 (38:29):
Yeah all right, so real quick, Cynthia, before we move
on to our final player, we have not talked about
Quinn Williams last year, career year, all Pro twelve sacks.
We expected an Encore now within seemingly improved defensive line.

Speaker 2 (38:43):
Okay, I am I'm expecting actually not even an Encore.
What's better than an Encore? Like an Encore.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
Plus sure, I'll take it.

Speaker 2 (38:52):
There's another year inside someone's system where you're really like,
now you're featured in a way that you know you
you have to stop multiple players on every day, and
he had. He's been double teamed to Ton since getting
into the league. Now he has some more tricks of
the trade on how to escape that.

Speaker 1 (39:06):
And last year against the Bills, Quinn Williams one sack
at MetLife, two sacks in Buffalo, clearly likes to get
after Josh Allen. I feel like throughout his career for
the most part. Anyway, that was a good round for
me and Cynthia.

Speaker 3 (39:20):
I'm impressed. I'm impressed. I thought that was a little
bit tougher. But yeah, I'm glad you guys fired up.
Who's uh baton clean up here? All right? So this
player is known for his style a little bit. This
might be too easy of a clue, but we'll go
with it. This player wore Adidas cleats with the famous
actor McCully Culkin's face on them.

Speaker 2 (39:40):
Gave Davis.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
Yeah, is not game Davis, Okay.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
Is not famous this. Yes, these cleats featured the home
alone theme, but.

Speaker 1 (39:47):
He is a gay Davison. It is.

Speaker 3 (39:53):
Nice, Yes, and.

Speaker 2 (39:54):
It was one of the bills receivers and gave Davis
has a like a scary joker tattoo on his uh
his calf.

Speaker 3 (40:00):
Yeah, and I believe he's finsured also featured also the
Grinch on his cleats Stefon Diggs.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
Yes, yeah, I like cleek game. I wish that I
had the ability to wear different cleats like for us,
you know, like in the press box, so I could
have cleek game, but I don't have cleek came.

Speaker 3 (40:17):
You show off on the field.

Speaker 1 (40:18):
Thank you. Look, I appreciate that. That was John Polano.
Ladies and gentlemen, John Polo Polano. You have to tally
up our points next week and let us know how
we did, and then we're gonna continue and move on
next week hopefully we get we were better. But also
I think we did a pretty damn good job.

Speaker 2 (40:37):
Started off strong. We started off strong.

Speaker 1 (40:39):
Yeah, does your back hurt after that after carrying me
in that segment or what?

Speaker 2 (40:44):
I know, a lot of weird trivia. I'm actually very
good at weird trivia. Like you give me a good
cleat story, you give me a good you know. I
remember when people buy their grandma's cars, you know, stuff
like that.

Speaker 1 (40:54):
Okay, I have I have a fun fact of a
random fact that has nothing to do with the game
preview podcasts, So I'll wait and tell you afterwards because
that's about as far as the trivia extent goes. But
in regards to Stefan Diggs, which Polano just brought up,
he obviously didn't have great games against the Jets. He's
had great games in his career. He had ninety three

yards against the Jets at MetLife. One of those was
like on a forty plus yard or right out of
the jump, no touchdowns. The matchup between Digs and Sauce
and DJ Reed again kind of like what we're talking
about with Quinn Williams. Are we expecting an encore from
Sauce and DJ against Digs or because it's Week one
and everyone's had more time to prep maybe or should

expect a couple wrinkles.

Speaker 2 (41:42):
I feel like, like, look like you have to give
Stefan Diggs his respects because he's one of the best
receivers in the league, but they have a recipe for
not allowing him to be a huge impact. Defenses have
to choose what they're going to take away and the
Jets have chosen to take away Stefan Diggs, and I
would imagine they would continue to choose that and the

talent of Sauce and DJ Reed, Like it's hard, especially
because Stefan Diggs his route is the hitch route. No player,
no single player, has had more yards on a single
route than Stefan Diggs has on the hitch. So and
that's just not an error, Like that's not a good
route against this team. It's just not like that's a
that's not a game beater, right, Like sometimes it's my
best versus your best, And it seems like the Jets

have a really good answer for the types of things
that Steffan Diggs does really well. So it's not disrespect
to Diggs. It's just more about like how much respect
the Jets put on him. They give him their best
and you know, like that is that is has not
paid off in recent.

Speaker 1 (42:42):
Seasons and with Stefan Diggs, like last year he averaged
eighty nine yards a game receiving against the Jets. Over
two games, he averaged sixty five yards, didn't score a touchdown.
Like Stefan Diggs is a great receiver. He could change
the game at any any second, any minute in a
sixty minute game. But last year that was not the
case against the Jets. So with that being said, I

said earlier that the game preview podcast presented by LifeLock,
So what I kind of want to do this year, Cynthia,
as long as you're cool with it, yeah, is give
a lock of the week. And I'm gonna go to
give you the floor. It could be Jets bills, it
could be something in the NFL. It could be Fantasy related,
it could be over underrelated. Whatever your lock of the
week is, I want you to give me your Week

one lock of the week.

Speaker 2 (43:29):
Okay, so this is this one's a little I'll go
off a little offscript that I'm gonna give you two
locks because this week one we need you. So the
first one is not a Jets Bills one. It's across
the league one, right, Like I think, well, I guess
for you guys, it's the same building. But I think
that this is the season where the New York Football

Giants beat the Dallas Cowboys in Week one at MetLife
warm it up for the Jets the next night. So
that's my first one, I think that, and that would
be an upset so a home upset of the Cowboys
for the New York Football Giants.

Speaker 1 (44:04):
I think so that just annoyed a lot of Jets fans,
But it's a lot of the week.

Speaker 2 (44:08):
So like I I just think it's Look, it's it's
not a like Jets fans should be happy, Like you
don't who you don't care what the Giants do? Right now?
Why do you care what the Giants are doing? You
know why you're not gonna like super Bowl? Sure, then
you can care what they're doing, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (44:25):
Yeah, I got conference, Yeah, totally understood, totally bragging rights
at this point and right now, the only thing the
Jets and Giants will have is their records. But October
twenty ninth, Jets Giants, that'll be a fun one. You
got to go to that.

Speaker 2 (44:40):
Sure. But even if even that game, I mean it
could it could have like implicate whatever, But like you should,
it's not a it's not a that's the game where
you can be like, I hate Giants, but until that
game or after, who cares? Just who cares? Don't you
hate the Cowboys more? Everyone hates the Cowboys?

Speaker 1 (44:58):
Oh of course, Well, if you're Giant, we ate the
Jets more than the Cowboys. You got to check yourself
because ones in your division and one you play every
four years in every preseason exactly.

Speaker 2 (45:09):
Anyways. But and then my other one, I think that
we see a very elusive Aaron Rodgers deep to probably
Garrett Wilson. So I think, like if we were looking
at just for deep passes, I think we see the
return of like a really crazy deep game targeting Garrett Wilson.
So I think that Aaron Rodgers stat line will look
pretty pretty significant. Something more. It's very hard to forecast

something in the three hundred. It's just it's not like
a that's not the way projections really go. But I
think we're we're talking about several deep receptions likely to
Garrett Wilson. But I think we get a nice deep
game from Aaron Rodgers.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
How do you what is qualified as a deep reception?
Thirty plus twenty plus air yards, twenty plus are yards.

Speaker 2 (45:54):
Downfield passes are ten plus air yards, and deep receptions
are twenty plus ariards. That's the next gen stats, all right,
I think, So whenever you hear someone say downfield passes,
those are more than ten, but air yard's not a
catch and run.

Speaker 1 (46:09):
I think you just made Jets fan smile talking about
Aaron Rodgers to Garrett Wilson multiple twenty plus.

Speaker 2 (46:17):
Yah, yeah, I think I think so. Yeah, I think so.

Speaker 1 (46:20):
And just one final question here as we wrap up
the first installment of the Game Preview podcast in twenty
twenty three, just what are your thoughts on Aaron Rodgers
against this Bill's defense? As you know, the Jets and
Jets offense looks totally different now.

Speaker 2 (46:37):
I think there's more that goes through between that man's
ears before like the ball is snapped. You've got about
two seconds before something else happens, and more go through
goes through that man's brain in those two seconds than
like a lot of us in a week. Right, So
I think that diagnosing the defense, you know, I think
as soon as he kind of sees what they're gonna
throw to him, meaning are they because it just won't

be this sim without Leslie Fraser. As soon as they
figure he figures it out, you're gonna just see this
like thing happen, and then it's gonna be like good jow,
good jow. Like he's a he's a crazy path, Like
that guy's crazy, like in a good way. Like he's
a crazy, like he's like a little like a little genius.

Speaker 1 (47:14):
Sound effects always optional.

Speaker 2 (47:17):
Always always have sound effects.

Speaker 1 (47:20):
Okay, mandatory for Cynthia, optional for Ethan. Always encouraged by
both of us. That's the perfect way to end the
first game. Treaty Podcasts presented by a LifeLock Jet fils
Monday Night under the lights. Sophia has always breaks. Talk
to You'll see you next week.

Speaker 2 (47:36):
Great to talk to you see next week. By John
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