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November 2, 2023 50 mins
The Game Preview Podcast presented by Lifelock with Ethan Greenberg and Cynthia Frelund looks ahead to the Week 9 matchup between the New York Jets and Los Angeles Chargers. 2:30 - How the Jets can attack the Chargers pass defense  5:00 - What makes the Chargers offense run  11:00 - Who to watch on the Jets offense  15:20 - Exclusive Joe Douglas interview 34:30 - Hollywood themed game

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to another episode of the Game Preview Podcast presented
by LifeLock Ethan Greenberg, Cynthia Freeland. Week nine in the NFL,
which is crazy to say. We're recording this on November first,
breaking down Jets Chargers Hollywood style.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
We'll get to that in a little bit with John Plano.

Speaker 1 (00:22):
If you're listening to this, you're gonna hear Joe Douglas
break down the first half of the season, talk about
the trade deadline and whatnot. So Cynthia, first things first,
First order of business, how's your Halloween today?

Speaker 3 (00:36):
I sent you all those I'm set you all those
scary photos. You can confirm. My neighbors are terrifying.

Speaker 4 (00:41):
They put up in terrifying. It was great. My cousins,
who they're actually from Connecticut.

Speaker 3 (00:46):
They they live about two miles away from me, so
they I went there, boys are She's got twin boys
who are six, so they were going in opposite directions.
We had so much fun. There were a ton of
haunted houses and you know the whole Like I told
them to run around in the yard after because of
the candy, and they ran around for like fifteen minutes.

Speaker 4 (01:04):
It was It was pretty impressive.

Speaker 2 (01:06):
So let me ask you this. Two miles in LA
could take up to what hour hour and a half
traffic wise.

Speaker 3 (01:15):
Luckily it's the right direction, so it only takes about
twenty minutes.

Speaker 1 (01:18):
But what is your worst traffic like horror story in
terms of LA since you've been there.

Speaker 2 (01:26):
There's got to be one. Six.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
I once tried to drive to San Diego. Don't do it,
just don't take the train, do anything. It like, it's
not that far away, and it took four hours. It's
maybe like an hour and a half, and it took
four hours. I wanted to poke my eyeballs out. It
was so it was too much. It was too much.

Speaker 4 (01:44):
Never again, never again.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
You know what, I drove from San Diego to LA
over the summer, Like it ended up being fine. I
was very concerned about that. It's funny that you said that,
because it was.

Speaker 2 (01:55):
Fine for me. But I'm not chancing my life for you.
Thank you.

Speaker 5 (01:58):
I don't really again that.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
So, speaking of chancing your luck and not doing it again,
twenty four seconds left, the New York Jets are down
against the New York Times. You don't want to be
in that situation in any game. Zach Wilson just said
the same thing to reporters. He's pretty funny about it.
Was like, like, what do you know? What do you
say about your fourth quarter comebacks and so on and whatnot?
And he was like, do I want to be twenty

Do I want to be down twenty four seconds in
the game?

Speaker 6 (02:23):

Speaker 2 (02:23):
Not really?

Speaker 1 (02:25):
So the Jets have a favorable matchup this week, to
say the least against the Chargers defense. Speaking about the
Jets offense Chargers defense, the Chargers Cynthia have the thirty
second ranked passing defense. Just has to be the most
favorable matchup the Jets have seen on the calendar so far.

Speaker 4 (02:44):

Speaker 3 (02:44):
The interesting part about the Chargers is I think people
are maybe overestimating them based on last week's win.

Speaker 4 (02:51):
But remember the Bears are kind of not in a.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
Great spot, so you got don't look at the numbers,
right like, just like, for example, don't look at how
many points they scored, just look at the trends. Meaning
they finally started passing the ball to Austin Eckler. Ah
la la, easy for me to say, but Austin Eckler,
we hadn't seen that this season. This is a guy
who last season led the league in running back receptions,

and finally last.

Speaker 4 (03:16):
Game we saw them use it again.

Speaker 3 (03:17):
So not to say that they're not good, not to
say that anything like that, but the trends are they
have some weird trends this year. And one to watch
out for though, is the Austin Eckler one.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
You know, I don't know what to make of this
Chargers team just in general, because it feels like if
you were to pull ten people, five of them would
say the Chargers have a fantastic offense led by Justin
Herbert Keenan Allen is a very good receiver, Austin Eckler
to your point of dual threat running back, one of
the best in the league.

Speaker 2 (03:47):
And then the other five would say, well, they're underachievers
and like that's just what they are.

Speaker 1 (03:52):
They don't have a good defense to have splashy plays,
but they're not consistent.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
So I don't really know what to make of this team.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
I think that's a really like it feels like on paper,
like if you list their players out and you just
look at your like, this should be a really good team,
and then you look at some weird trends like Brandon
Staley since he took over the defense has been really
vulnerable to the run. Now you add the pass to that.
This is a weird trend. It's just weird trends given
the actual names and what we think of the players

that are on the team, Like you know, Joey Bosa
hasn't even been as effective as usual.

Speaker 4 (04:25):
We actually saw.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Khaleil Mack have games with more pressures and more sex.

Speaker 4 (04:29):
So it's just a strange.

Speaker 3 (04:30):
It's very strange, and it feels like they're always plagued
with some injuries that you know, is Derwin James even healthy,
Like he's a great player, but is he fifty percent?
I mean, if he's out there, you assume it's fifty
one percent at least, But is fifty percent Drwin James
good enough to overcome like I mean, they shipped out
j C. Jackson after paying him so much Wetther's very confusing.

It's a very confusing team, and people in southern California
are very confused about them.

Speaker 1 (04:56):
Yeah, I would imagine because the people, I would say
in the Northeast are also very confused not watching them
week in and week out. It's just it's bizarre because
like Justin Herbert in primetime game since twenty twenty, he
has a seven and seven record. But the numbers are good,
Like two hundred and eighty four pass yards per game
in primetime games that's second, twenty nine touchdowns, nine interceptions

that's fifth, a passer rating of ninety six point five.
That's all in primetime games. And like, so the numbers
are good, but the results aren't there. It almost this
is gonna be a weird analogy, but I feel like
I feel like you'll agree with me, or at least
you'll help me land this plane.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
Because we've done this now for like three seasons.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
It feels like a defense that lets up a lot
of yards but doesn't let up a lot of touchdowns.
And I don't know why that seems like it's right
to me in my mind. It could be totally wrong,
but it's like the Chargers get a lot of yards,
they just don't get the win.

Speaker 3 (05:54):
Actually, you're hitting on something that's really interesting for this
entire season, and in fact, if you look at red
zone play in general, things are down, so teams are
not on the average.

Speaker 4 (06:06):
Obviously some teams are still.

Speaker 3 (06:07):
Doing it really well, but in general, red zone efficiency
is now starting to favor the defense more this year
after several years in a row of us experiencing the
offense being a lot more powerful. So the shift in
the NFL, there's always it's always a seesaw, Right, the
offense does this, then the defense does this, then not
like and it's it's just where we're at in the
seesaw as well. So some teams are better suited to

overcome that than others. And I don't know people people
say it around here is like there's always something weird
that happens with the Chargers, like a missed field goal
or like some straight but you know, like remember last
season that Jags game I I was, I mean, that's
like the biggest comeback kind of like an NFL playoff history,
So that was a not a great look for them.

And then it just feels like they haven't sorted it out.
Even with their offensive line being back last year, it
could be like, well they're O line like one guy's
biceps and other guys like this year, it's like no
the O lines there. It's just I guess Austin Egler
was out for a while, and then you don't have
Mike Williams.

Speaker 4 (07:07):
And by the way, as soon as Mike.

Speaker 3 (07:09):
Williams left this like really great connection between Keenan Allen
and Justin Herbert has started to falter more because there
isn't that real other threat that's drawing the coverages away.
So now you're it's so strange and you're just like, well,
can't now what Like isn't isn't Kellen Moore supposed to
be a genius, Like you.

Speaker 4 (07:27):
Know, it's like I don't know, Like I still don't
know what I'm looking at.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
I do know that they're throwing the ball further this
year than they did last year. Great, but Justin Herbert
was like the lowest qualified air yard thrower last year,
so you know, the only place that.

Speaker 4 (07:40):
Go is up. So I don't know, I don't know
what I'm I don't know what I'm looking at.

Speaker 3 (07:44):
Kind of week in and week out, which the element
of surprise could be a positive positive for the Jets,
right well, it could go. I think it's listen, I
already I've done my model for the week. I already
have the Jets winning, so I don't have to. I'm
just saying, sometimes sometimes chaos causes problems, like when people

do chaotic things, and we know Justin Herbert does have
a really good arm.

Speaker 4 (08:08):
This is not like the chaos Patrick Mahomes causes.

Speaker 3 (08:11):
This is like chaos where it's like, hey, like this
one bus have covered Because I don't think that this
is going to be a super high scoring game, at
least not compared to some of the other ones this week.
So I do think like, if there's some weird chaos
or some weird thing happened, you know, we saw it
go in the way of the Jets last week. You know,
let's just not keep it close in the fourth court.
Let's just run away with it a lot sooner than that.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
You kind of buried the lead there that your model
projected the New York Jets to move to two and
one in primetime games in the twenty twenty three season.

Speaker 4 (08:42):
Cynthia, That's right, That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 3 (08:45):
I'm sad I won't be there. I get so sad.
I wanted to go to Detroit this past Monday. I
want to be out there this Monday, freaking work out here,
this whole this whole cross country travel thing. Just I need,
I need, I need a concord. Do they still have those?

Speaker 2 (09:00):
A concord? Wow?

Speaker 1 (09:02):
I haven't thought about the concord in forever. Like, honestly,
it took me a minute to register and compute what
you just said.

Speaker 4 (09:10):
It's like, that's right, right, I didn't just make that up,
Like I didn't.

Speaker 2 (09:14):
I think it sounds right.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
I mean maybe everything of something totally different, But I'm
I'm picking up what you're putting down.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
John Polano probably has no idea what a conquer.

Speaker 4 (09:25):
Before my time, I wasn't saying, yeah.

Speaker 1 (09:27):
We can get his opinion when he comes back in
after he does a little more research, as they say,
a little homework in the studio here. But for the Jets, Cynthia, like,
if your model's projecting the Jets to win, obviously it's
not like a Madden simulation where like you see actually
what happens. But if you were to project like how

the Jets win this game, it's it's interesting to me
because when I think about it, you would imagine, like
most games, defense plays great Jets offense like that skates by.

Speaker 2 (09:56):
I think they'll actually move the ball pretty well.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
Hopefully the red zone opportun t unities in the red
zone efficiently or red zone efficiency spikes up, because that's
really been the Jets is I'm really trying to refrain
from saying Achilles heel, but I don't know what else
to say.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
But I know that's bad. So it's been the.

Speaker 1 (10:15):
Thing that's bitten the Jets offense in the past, how
about that?

Speaker 3 (10:19):
And so I think we feel like Achilles heels for
Jets heal faster.

Speaker 4 (10:24):
I mean, that's what I've been learning. I feel like
that's not actually a bad thing.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
That he's great, that is perfectly said.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
But it's interesting though, because I just read that in
Zach Wilson's last ten wins as starting quarterback for the
New York Jets, he has fewer than twenty past completions
in all of them. And so that would to me say,
the Jets run the ball well, they they don't throw

the ball a whole lot in order to succeed. But
this Chargers defense is last dead last in the NFL
in passing yards allowed per game, in yards allowed two
receivers per game. Like I'm expecting if you're a Jets fan,
if you're a fantasy owner, like this should be a
big Garrett Wilson game.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
I yes. So there's two things I want to point out.

Speaker 3 (11:15):
The first is, do you know who had his best
career game under pressure this past week.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
Uh, I would I'm guessing that the only player could
be would be Zach Wilson.

Speaker 4 (11:28):
That's right.

Speaker 3 (11:29):
He had one hundred and twenty two yards and a
touchdown under pressure. He had his highest passer rating as
a professional against pressure last week and by the way,
he was under pressure on almost fifty six percent of place.

Speaker 4 (11:41):
Obviously, we know Wink likes to blitz, but when.

Speaker 3 (11:43):
You're looking at that, that's a really good sign for
a number of reasons, but not the least of which
is that the Chargers don't pressure as often. And we
know what Zach Wilson could do when he's not under pressure,
but now even when he is, I'm seeing really good
adjustments by all of the receivers. But specific in this matchup,
it would seem that Garrett Wilson has a huge advantage
based on the lack of cornerbacks. I mean, again, jac

Jackson's now back in New England, so you know, freezing.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
He wore that his warm gear whatever. It was funny
after being out here in LA.

Speaker 3 (12:14):
But they don't have the personnel on the back end,
and yes, it will absolutely mean that this defense is
going to have to shore up whatever is going on
with Keenan Allen, Like wherever they would like to throw them,
they usually use him in the slot. So okay, maybe
they keep him there to try to get him away
from Sauce and DJ Reid, But even so, that's not
really a good proposition in terms of like gaining lots

of yards after the catch. So it just seems to
me like there's so many ways that the Jets, if
they control the ball, they can they stay on schedule,
like we talk about all the time, Like, you know,
is it a bad thing to be a system quarterback?

Speaker 4 (12:52):
I argue every quarterback is a system quarterback.

Speaker 3 (12:55):
The system Andy Reid created for Patrick Mahomes is the
system for him. The system for Tom Brady look very
different from Patrick Mahomes. Both system quarterbacks, in my opinion,
So I think be a system quarterback, listen to what
Nathaniel Hackett has planned for you. He's gonna be able
to get you out of any trouble that potentially happens.
Just stay ahead of the six, like don't get in
third and long, and you're gonna be in a much

better situation because they do have a couple of players,
Like you know, if Derwin James is himself.

Speaker 4 (13:21):
He's a tough safety to handle.

Speaker 3 (13:23):
So it's not like you're gonna say like this team
is just garbage, right, Like the numbers are bad, they're
thirty second against the past, but that doesn't Again, it's
not the difference between team one and team thirty two
in the NFL isn't as stark as it may seem.

Speaker 2 (13:39):
Yeah, I think it's a great point.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
I also in everything you just said, like the one
thing stood out to me when you think about last
week's game for the Jets and the Giants, we saw
Sauce Gardner line up against Darren Waller at times and
key situations. Perhaps Cynthia, if the Chargers move Keenan Allen
around like perhaps, not that Sauce is going to follow him.
I'm just saying I could see lining up in the

slot similar to what he did last week against the
New York Giants when he lined up across Darren Waller.
He could be doing the same thing this Monday night
against Keenan Allen.

Speaker 4 (14:10):
So here's an interesting part.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
You have to check my my Instagram because yesterday Marcus
on Fantasy Live, he dressed up as I saw.

Speaker 4 (14:19):
That Gardener Yeah, that was well done. Such a good
Halloween costume.

Speaker 2 (14:24):
That was very well done. I'm very upset that I
didn't think of it.

Speaker 3 (14:29):
It was really good like it was, and even brought
in a leaf blower like he went all out.

Speaker 5 (14:35):
It was good.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
Wait what did you do?

Speaker 4 (14:37):

Speaker 3 (14:38):
I was an indoor cat because we have a joke
on Fantasy Live that well. Okay, so Adam Rank calls
Jared Goff an indoor cat, but I always attribute it
to Patrick Claybond because it makes Adam mad. So I
went as an indoor cat to really make to really
drive that, you know, turn the knife a little bit
to Adam.

Speaker 5 (14:55):
I got that.

Speaker 4 (14:56):
Patrick comes up with just a better name for things.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Okay, well, well well done on Fantasy Live by Cynthia
Freeland and Sauce.

Speaker 4 (15:04):
It's a well done job.

Speaker 2 (15:08):
Round of applause for Sauce Gardener.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
And in the meantime, as we take a break, let's
listen to Joe Douglas catch up with Eric Allen talking
about all things Jets in the first half of the season,
including the trade deadline Jets GM.

Speaker 7 (15:22):
Joe Douglas, thank you so much for joining us today.

Speaker 6 (15:25):
Good to be with you.

Speaker 7 (15:26):
Eric So let's go back.

Speaker 8 (15:27):
To last Sunday to win over the Giants one of
the prettiest, ugliest games you've ever seen.

Speaker 6 (15:33):
It was a win, baby, Yeah, it was. It was
a good win against a really tough opponent and you know,
a team that you could argue should have should have
been Buffalo on two weeks ago and held Washington to
seven points so the week prior. So it was a
really good win against a really tough, tough opponent and
really tough defense, and we made we made the clutch

plays that needed to be made. It needed to be
made at the right time, and so it was a
great celebration in the locker room.

Speaker 7 (16:03):
What's going through your mind in those final moments.

Speaker 6 (16:07):
Oh, jeez, you know, it's uh, probably chaos in my mind.
You know, it's just there's there's a lot of excitement,
you know when when Zach made those two plays and
you know, hit hit the hit the play to Garrett,
hit the hit the play to Allen to get us in,
to get us in field goal range, and then to

be able to get the ball clocked and under eleven seconds.
It was just a great job by the entire unit
and something you know, it was It was a proud
problem moment for Dan Smash who handles all of our
our in game coordination decision making. So it's something that
he touched on earlier in the season. So for us

to get that done and in a timely manner in
that clutch situation was huge. And then for us to
go into overtime and defense to stop him on the
first drive and for us to make the key third
down plays to put ourselves in a position to win
the game, it was a It was a great team win.

Speaker 8 (17:07):
How about Animal's alright after you got tackled him, handled
the ball to Exavier Newman and X, who was just
elevated from the practice squad on Saturday, heaven the presence
of mind to get that thing. Basically, he got it
lined up and help the referees do their job.

Speaker 6 (17:23):
No, and it was it was a great job by
those two guys. And I know it was something that
had been discussed by by shmash Ball and Robert and
you know, the technique worked perfection and for for Allan
the handball and for for X to make sure that
it was it was properly aligned, put the ball down,

let the let the rest spot it in a quick
fashion instead of handing it and handing it back and
wasting some time. That that ended up being a pivotal,
pivotal moment.

Speaker 8 (17:52):
How would you describe these first seven games four and
three or in a three game winning streak. Aaron Rodgers
goes down on the fourth offensive snap.

Speaker 7 (18:00):
It was the third play.

Speaker 8 (18:01):
You were one and two at a point there, and
the Chiefs are up seventeen to nothing. A lot of
people at that moment probably left you, guys to die.
Can you talk about the resilience of this group?

Speaker 6 (18:14):
Yeah, you hit it. That would be the word resilience,
and lots of it from the Buffalo game to being
one and three and then this team never flinched and
they never bat it. They never blinked, and they stuck together.
They stick together through it all and they fight. And again,

it's a real credit to them. It's a real credit
to Robert and the staff. Credit to the scouting staff
for finding guys that are made of the right stuff
to add to the team. And we've got a long
way to ago, We've got ten games coming up. But
for us to fight and scratch and claw and get
to this point in the season with the adversity that

they faced. It's a credit to them.

Speaker 8 (18:58):
You guys are really the cardiac kids. Robert Sala said
the other day that character Trump's talent in the fourth quarter.

Speaker 7 (19:05):
Can you talk about that.

Speaker 8 (19:08):
It's a habit now where you guys, when you're in
a spot, it's a tough spot. You're in the five
soul and you need to make plays down the stretch,
you're coming.

Speaker 7 (19:16):
Up with them.

Speaker 6 (19:17):
Yeah, I think. I think learning to win is a
key thing when you're when you're putting a program together,
and it doesn't happen overnight, and so there's a lot
of trial and error obviously, and it doesn't always it
doesn't always go your way. But if you keep grinding
and you keep fighting, and you keep pushing yourself, you

keep having these experiences and you keep you eventually you
break through and you you know how to handle yourself
in key, key moments of important games. And I feel
like this year we've been able when when the plays
have needed to been made, we've been able to do it.

Speaker 7 (19:57):
What was the NFL trade deadline like for you? This camera?

Speaker 6 (20:02):
A lot of calls, a lot of conversations. Ultimately, we
only did one trade last week and we traded McCole
h to the Chiefs for pick flop, but ultimately there
was there was conversations and we we ended up doing
what we felt was best for the team, and there

was wasn't a lot of deals to be made for
us this year, but we were able to add some
some good pieces today through other avenues and excited to
bring in a veteran like Roger Staffold, a guy that's
played in a lot of games and played at a
high level and a lot of a lot of key
games and has a great experience with Keith Carter, our
offensive line coach. So we we feel like we're in

a good position moving forward.

Speaker 8 (20:50):
Saffold, Like you talked about how big is the continuity
in the system familiarity him walking in.

Speaker 6 (20:56):
Here, Yeah, I think that's important. I think him him
spending some of time with Keith and them having a
previous relationship, and I think they they know what to
expect from each other and everything we know about Rogers
top tier competitor, top tier person, So he's going to
be a good fit for what we're doing.

Speaker 8 (21:16):
Where have you seen the most progress from Zach Wilson
him taken over from Aaron there in weak one.

Speaker 6 (21:23):
I would say the confidence, the confidence from from taking
practice to the field on a consistent basis and watching
him grow grow with his confidence, grow mature as a leader,
and you can see the team, the team fights for him,
the team has his back, and they believe they're never
out of it. And you know, for to see where

he's come from the first two years to now again,
it's a it's a real credit to Todd Downing, to Nathaniel Hackett,
to Rob Calberys, to Aaron, you know, and the and
the time that they spent together and the mentors ship
that Aaron Aaron has provided to him as well, and
to Zach. And again I think Zach encompasses that word

of resilience. You know, he's he embodies it.

Speaker 8 (22:13):
I know, you guys never put ceilings on players, but
has briess all surprised you at all what he's been
able to do coming back from that knee entry last year?

Speaker 6 (22:21):
Number Brice's Uh, Breese is a special person and a
special player. And I think, uh, you know, nothing really
surprises me with Breese because he's he's uh, he's so
immensely talented and gifted and and such a such a
good young man and a great addition to our locker room.
And you know, he brings he brings a lot. He

brings really good energy with him and another guy that's
that's really confident in his ability, but uh and confident
but humble, you know, and uh, it's a it's it's
always great to see him busting to the second and
third level of a defense and use.

Speaker 8 (22:58):
That speed, touchdowns and three cans executive games now and
you talk about that mentality, you could say the same
thing about Garrett Wilson.

Speaker 7 (23:05):
Let's go to the other side of the ball though.
I wanted to ask you about.

Speaker 8 (23:08):
The emergence of Quincy Williams, one of the finest linebackers
in the National Football League when you claimed him off
of waivers in twenty twenty one.

Speaker 7 (23:18):
Could you ever envision this?

Speaker 6 (23:21):
Yeah, I mean there's there's been a lot of cool
player development stories on this team. Quincy's right there, right
up there. I mean, obviously there's there was We weren't
on the same team when Quincy came out of college,
you know, Roberts in San Francisco. I was with the Eagles.
So but it's funny when we get together, we talked,

talked about Quincy once we were getting ready to claim him.
You know, the thing that stood out was just how
convicted Robert was in that, how great of a fit
that Quincy Williams will be for this scheme, in this defense,
And there was just so much confidence that we are

going to get the absolute best out Quincy. And to
watch it happen over the last few years, and to
watch him go out in the field every Sunday, and
he's an absolute rocket, you know, flying around the field
and and just we we know, we know the impact
that he brings as a tackler. You know, to watch

him do his his uppercut celebration after every tackle, it's
a he's an energy giver. And you know, again it's
a it's a credit to Robert, it's a credit to Brick.

Speaker 7 (24:34):
What do you think about the Joker paycheck?

Speaker 6 (24:39):
I thought it was pretty pretty pretty realistic. I mean
it was it was movie quality makeup.

Speaker 8 (24:48):
Okay, So how about the merging young guys at defensive end.
You love your talent, you love your depth there, but
Bryce Huff becoming an every down player for you this season,
and also Jermaine Johnson, a guy you moved up for
in the draft who people forgot about in that first
round equation.

Speaker 7 (25:08):
He's really taken a leap for.

Speaker 6 (25:10):
Yeah, you know Quincy Bryce. Those are great player development stories.
And you know Bryce being an undrafted free agent out
of Memphis and you know, watching him develop over the
last three three plus years, and yeah, he's really coming
to his own as an edge player and you know,
to see to see his talent just manifests itself on

every play every Sunday. It's a really he's he's a
phenomenal competitor and he loves football. He's he's everything that
that we want when we when we when we acquire
a player for this team, you know, and then Jermaine
for him to come in and we've we have a

lot of depth on our d line for him to
come in as a rookie, learned from the vets, are
in in the in the room, and then take this
major step this year and play with the exact intensity, effort, toughness, violence.

Speaker 8 (26:12):
You know.

Speaker 6 (26:12):
Jermaine's a dog, you know, and he and he he
does it every every play, every every Sunday. And I
think that's that's just what the expectation is of the
defense from Brick and Robert and the that's the expectation
of the entire defensive line as they go out and
they play with that kind of effort and violence.

Speaker 8 (26:32):
When you were hired here, he said, what I want
to do is they have the best culture of professional sports.

Speaker 7 (26:38):
What do you think about that culture in the locker
room right now?

Speaker 8 (26:41):
And also, can you speak to somebody who I think
really embodies everything that you're doing here, CJ Moseley.

Speaker 6 (26:50):
You know, it's it's cool you bring up CJ. Because
you know, I was in Baltimore when when we drafted him,
and then he was here before I came here, and
just knowing the type of person that CJ is, you
you know exactly why he was brought here and to

watch to watch his impact, his his quiet, intense impact
on our team, and then for us to bring in
an unbelievable coaching staff, players that love the game. The
locker room. The locker room is a really good place
and those guys, those guys fight for one another. And

you know, I think you've heard me say at the
most important room in any organization is the locker room.
And you've heard Roberts say it. The best organizations or
player led organizations and teams, and you feel like we
we have that group now of guys. That's it's a
pretty cool little band of brothers vibe where everyone's everyone's

locked arms and fighting for one another.

Speaker 8 (27:55):
How much the solid ruboff on those guys because he's
always got the power of positivety no matter the situation.

Speaker 6 (28:02):
Yeah, Roberts, that's that's a superpower for Robert positivity. His
positivity is optimism and it's infectious. And he uh, you know,
he creates a belief in every single uh person that's
in this in this organization, player that's on this team
that they can go out there and achieve every single

goal that they have set. And uh, he lays that
path out for him and now it's up to you
to go do it. And so you know what with
him and Brick and Brandt, uh Nathaniel, what our stat's
been able to do to keep keep the guys together
and keep the guys fighting together. It's uh, it's been special.

Speaker 8 (28:44):
I know, no timetable on Aaron Rodgers' return, but what
have you thought about the steps he's already taken and
also the presence that he brings when he's in the building.

Speaker 6 (28:56):
Yeah, I mean his his his presence is undeniable. I mean,
he's you know, he he he has a genuine care
for others. He genuinely wants to get to know people,
who genuinely wants to build relationships with people. And I
think that's why he's been the leader that he is.
And it's it's just great having him in the building
just because he's he's another guy. He's an energy giver,

you know, and he builds confidence. I think. I think
with him and Robert and the rest of our staff,
I feel like they can walk out of a locker
room and say that we can we can take on
the world. It doesn't matter who the opponent is. And so,
you know, it's it's just great having in the building.

Speaker 7 (29:37):
You got a Monday night game coming up. What has
the environment been like a met life throughout the year.

Speaker 6 (29:44):
It's been electric, you know, and especially these night games, right,
I mean the lead into these night games has just
created so much energy and passion and the place is roaring,
the beams are shaking, you know, and and everyone's going crazy.
And the guys feed off that, you know, it's important

to them, and so I feel like that positivity is
carried over to to the to the energy in that stadium,
and it's been fantastic to see.

Speaker 8 (30:17):
Your season scouts. So let's get an advanced report on
the Chargers. What have you seen from them so far
this season?

Speaker 6 (30:24):
Yeah, Chargers are are one of the most talented teams
in in in football and you know, well coached group,
and you know, we have a lot of respect for
those guys, and they have one of the best quarterbacks
in football and Justin Herbert, and so it's going to
be a real challenge. You know. That's Uh, it's a
big game on the on the on the brightest stage

Monday night, and I know, I know they're excited, and
you know we're gonna have to be disciplined and on
top of our details because we know we've got a really,
a really good team coming in here.

Speaker 7 (30:54):
Joe, appreciate your time as always. Next time we're gonna
put you up on the news desk.

Speaker 6 (30:58):
Perfect can't wait.

Speaker 7 (30:59):
Thanks buddy.

Speaker 6 (31:00):
Thanks their.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Heads up Jets fans.

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dot com. Great stuff from Jody, Great stuff from EA.
About to have great stuff from JP back in the house.
Have you looked up what concord is or the Concorde?

Speaker 3 (31:39):

Speaker 9 (31:39):
I was scouring Google and a lot of different things
came up. I'm assuming it is this type of car
from a Chrysler Concord.

Speaker 2 (31:48):
Is that correct, Cynthia?

Speaker 4 (31:52):
No, oh, God's airplane?

Speaker 2 (31:55):
Yeah, I think this is.

Speaker 9 (31:59):
The We have one segment every show where I just
find out something new about the about ninety or.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
About life, or about date us. Don't date us, Polano,
you're dating yourself, Paal.

Speaker 5 (32:10):
All right, that's fair, that's fair.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Yeah, the concord type in the Concord airplane if my
internet would work, Okay, hold on, it looks like a
wing glider.

Speaker 5 (32:20):
Oh here we go.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
Yeah, forget Yeah, I.

Speaker 9 (32:23):
Googled concord and I've found both trains and cars.

Speaker 5 (32:27):
I did not find a concord.

Speaker 1 (32:29):
Concord isn't it also the caption the capital of New Hampshire?

Speaker 2 (32:34):
Am I making that up?

Speaker 4 (32:36):
I think you're right?

Speaker 1 (32:37):
Okay, yeah? Are you smarter than a fifth grader? We
shall see it is That's what I'm.

Speaker 5 (32:42):
Talking about, baby Concord.

Speaker 2 (32:45):
I used to take pride in the capitals as a kid.

Speaker 1 (32:48):
But the Concord, what Cynthia was referring to, is a
retired Franco British supersonic airliner jointly developed and manufactured by
sud Aviation and the British Aircraft Corporation.

Speaker 5 (33:03):
Do they still make fun?

Speaker 4 (33:03):
Why did they stop it?

Speaker 2 (33:05):

Speaker 1 (33:05):
I don't know that, but they don't make it anymore.
It's not airborne, hence the word retired.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Yeah, but anyway, think it scary because like some of
the plans you fly in are like fifty years old,
and so that one didn't left anyways. I didn't go
on it, clearly, so I'm still here.

Speaker 5 (33:22):
Well, these New York jets are not retired.

Speaker 2 (33:24):
They are not retired.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
I am learning from our producer matsick Off that it
was extremely noisy and too expensive.

Speaker 2 (33:31):
So that is why it got shut down.

Speaker 1 (33:33):
But that concord, that bird might have gone down. This
Jets team taken flight baby four and three. Entering week nine,
Monday Night Football, JP, What do you got cooking for us?

Speaker 2 (33:43):
All right?

Speaker 9 (33:43):
So obviously we're playing at home, which I argue that
New York City is the real home of movies and everything.

Speaker 5 (33:50):
But LA is Hollywood. It is all about the TV
show City of Angels.

Speaker 9 (33:54):
City of Angels. So we're gonna have a Hollywood theme
game here. I'm going to give you guys a couple
of matchups, and I want you to rate them out
of five stars. Like you're some big Hollywood producer going
to the film or you're checking out a trailer and
it's like you can be super snooty about him, or
like Hollywood critics exactly, okay, exactly, you're working for the
Hollywood reviews.

Speaker 2 (34:15):
Do we need to give the same star review?

Speaker 6 (34:17):
Absolutely not?

Speaker 5 (34:18):
Okay, that was just everybody's got their own taste buds.

Speaker 2 (34:21):
And more more importantly, are there half stars? Sure?

Speaker 9 (34:26):
Okay, all right, we're working on the fly here, Okay,
all right, fired up? All right, So coming to theaters
this Monday night. What happens when two of the league's
elite pass rushers. Try to drive down Highway seventy seven.
You will not want to miss the matchup of Chargers
pass rushers Joey Bosa and Khalil Mack versus Jets left
tackle Mackai Becton. Bosa has four sacks on the year,

three in his last three games. Mac has seven on
the season, but had six in Week four, And Becton
actually just talked to the locker room and said he
felt like he did not have his best game against
New York and is really pinpointing the matchup with Joey Bosa.

Speaker 5 (35:02):
So what do you guys think of this matchup on something?

Speaker 1 (35:04):
First of all, well done, well done on the wordplay,
coming to theaters as much. Yeah, it really gets me going.
What am I giving this out of five stars? You know,
I'm kind of a tough critic, but I'm gonna give it,
like in terms of importance, Okay, I'm gonna give it
a I'm gonna give it a three and a half
star because in my opinion, like I was debating four stars,

because I do think this is like vitally important for
the Jets chance on offense to maintain those guys I
do think it's important what you just said that Khalil
Mack has seven sacks on the air, six of them in.

Speaker 2 (35:39):
One game in Week four.

Speaker 1 (35:41):
So my thing is this, The Jets offensive line last
week against the Giants dealt with a lot of injuries.

Speaker 2 (35:48):
There's a lot of questions. As I'm saying this, I think.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
I'm bumping it up to four stars before putting it
because this is an important matchup for the Jets if
they're able to maintain Joey Bosa Khalil Mack. I like
what they can do on offense, and those guys can
be game wreckers. With Dwayne Brown returning to practice tbd
what the Jets offensive line will look like on Monday Night.
I just think that it's very important for the Jets

to maintain both of those guys or keep them in check.

Speaker 4 (36:16):
I'm with you. I think four stars.

Speaker 3 (36:18):
I could even be talked into four and a half
on this one, because even though I told you that
Zach Wilson has best game under pressure so far, I
still think that no pressure is the better way to go,
and especially if you want to get Breese Hall going
so they can control the game and not have to
worry about any Austin Eckler short passes it being a problem.

Speaker 4 (36:39):
That's the way to do it.

Speaker 3 (36:40):
So the O line being intact and staying away from
Joey and from Koweel, like just yes, stay away from
those guys, Like let's keep the quarterback, the running back,
all the skilled players away from those two specifically.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
Yeah, and I love that.

Speaker 9 (36:53):
The first thing out of Sala's mouth actually this morning
when asked about the Chargers' defense was their run defense.
So if I becinget going in whatever combination they decided
to thy're on the offensive line, it could be really nice.

Speaker 1 (37:04):
Lo Kai did a pretty nice job against Joey Bosa
his rookie year twenty twenty, like McKay's rookie year in
twenty twenty. And you know, it'll be interesting to see
what happens this Sunday, because you know, Makai tweeted about it,
He did talk about it. His game against the Giants
didn't feel like was up to his standard, So I
think that he's going to come out with a different
kind of tenacity.

Speaker 5 (37:24):
Absolutely, all right, let's roll on.

Speaker 3 (37:26):
Joey's pressure rate is down, so it's it's like if
you're looking only at relevant downs, meaning when there's the
game is still within reach and teams are still passing
on them, not like weird passes when someone's playing with
whatever some sort ofly like his pressure rate's down.

Speaker 9 (37:40):
But so hopefully that'll be a positive. Well that keeps
so too, definitely bode well for us. All right, Right
for the next one, yep, all right, let's rock. So
this one is not a movie. It's actually a five
episode Netflix series. So this show features a player who
he models his game off of the fastest land animal
on the planet, the cheetah, and he will be going
against a teammate of the Chargers that was nicknamed pound

for pound, the strongest skill player in the NFL by
his teammates. We're talking about Quincy Williams versus Chargers running
back Austin Eckler. So Williams ranks twelfth in the league
and tackles, and he's been first among linebackers and stops,
and even Quincy said also about an hour ago that
the Chargers are one of the best teams, especially Justin Herbert,
at getting their skill players in space, especially Austin Eckler,

who they specifically tried to put Onlinebackers because he is
a mismatch. But I don't think Quincy and Eckler are
really a mismatch. So what do you think of this matchup?

Speaker 1 (38:33):
Uh, yeah, I'm gonna I'm Cynthia. I'm doing this for
you because I know that you grew up in Michigan.
Similar to what Dan Campbell did a couple of weeks ago.
What did he pull out of his pocket? A five baby?
This is a five star matchup for me because Austin
Eckler to me seems like he's the straw that stirs
the drink. That took me a minute to make sure

that was like the right saying. Is that that's the
right saying. Right, He's a straw that stirs the drink.

Speaker 2 (39:00):
Thank you, thank you. I think that Austin Eckler, I understand.

Speaker 1 (39:05):
Like when you look at the numbers like I was
looking at him earlier today, right in this article, it's crazy.
He had thirty eight touchdowns over the past two seasons.
He's led the league in like scrimmage touchdowns each of
the past two seasons.

Speaker 2 (39:16):
He's been hurt.

Speaker 1 (39:17):
He's effective out of the backfield as a pass catcher,
as a running back. The rushing numbers aren't there, but
like last week he had ninety four receiving yards or
close to it against the Bears. I know the Bears
are struggling, but even still, to me, if Quincy Williams
is able to neutralize or contain Austin Eckler, I just

feel like that that is a big piece of the
Chargers offense, and that'll greatly increase the Jets defense's chances
to play a successful game, which in turn increases the
chances for the Jets to win.

Speaker 4 (39:53):
Agreed ball control in this one, to me is everything.
I'm with you, five stars.

Speaker 3 (39:57):
If either defense is on the field for a really
long time, the way that both offenses are constructed, it
will just wear them down. So and when I'm looking
at this game and I'm saying neutralized, like put two
people in Austin EKLERK, that's okay. Like the outside threat
really isn't there without Mike Williams. So I mean, maybe
just do that, you know. So, I think that the

Quincy Williams effect on this game is going to be
really like everyone whose last name is Williams and everyone
whose last name is Wilson, so like.

Speaker 4 (40:28):
All of the w players really really important.

Speaker 2 (40:31):
Before you continue Polano.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
I just want to say that if you're a Jets
fan listening to this, you need to join us at
the Verizon Visa tailgate party Saturday, November fourth for fun games, giveaways,
and a special appearance from Jets legend offensive lineman Damian
Woody Baby. The event will be from twelve pm to
four pm at the Verizon store in Hartsdale, New York.

Speaker 2 (40:56):
And I give that a five.

Speaker 5 (40:57):
Jealous, Yeah, I'm jealous.

Speaker 4 (40:59):
Why don't you like my BC alum there?

Speaker 2 (41:02):

Speaker 4 (41:02):
It would be fun. I like Verizon. You know, it
all works out.

Speaker 1 (41:07):
That is a win win situation. The only loss is
that Cynthia won't be there, and neither will we. But
you're really the star of the show there.

Speaker 2 (41:15):
You won't be there. Your fellow b C alum will
be there, though, So that's great.

Speaker 3 (41:19):
No, David's great, He's my he. I love Damien a lot.
I mean if a Brickisheff Ferguson were also there, then
now I would like I might melt over here.

Speaker 1 (41:27):
So can we all agree that with a name liked
Brikishaw Ferguson, he was either destined to be a a
football player or be a criminal.

Speaker 2 (41:37):
Defense attorney.

Speaker 5 (41:40):

Speaker 2 (41:41):
Yeah, like yeah, law firm name.

Speaker 4 (41:43):
It's funny. Last week.

Speaker 3 (41:46):
Last week, I was at the same place as the
guy who said, like, if the gloves don't fit, you
must have quit ojay.

Speaker 4 (41:52):
Yeah, it was pretty amazing.

Speaker 3 (41:54):
And he was wearing a hat with a golden hammer
on it and also versus attractive.

Speaker 4 (41:58):
It was crazy. Anyways, that's really a non sequitor.

Speaker 3 (42:01):
But I thought about the criminal defense attorneys and Robert
Shapiro right up there, totally crazy.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
For a second, I thought, you just to clarify, you
were in the same place as the attorney or oj.

Speaker 4 (42:13):
No the attorney. I don't know where OJ is right now,
isn't it j and jail?

Speaker 2 (42:16):
No, I don't think so.

Speaker 3 (42:17):
He tweets a lot, He tweets a lot no, no, no,
not oj no, no, no, the attorney and he's wearing a
golden hammer hat versace tracksuit, and it was it was incredible.
Can I should I should have taken a photo with him,
but I got I got stage fright, you know.

Speaker 1 (42:33):
Yeah, well, oh come on, Cynthia, you're on TV. You
can't get stage fright from an attorney.

Speaker 3 (42:39):
That guy that guys like, I don't know you would
have saw him, you would have been like this little well, sus.

Speaker 2 (42:45):
I'm trying fair.

Speaker 1 (42:46):
I'm trying to think of like someone who would give
me like stage fright to go up and ask for
like a selfie or something like. That's not really my vibe,
like to go up and ask for a sling. But
just like saying, I don't know, I'm trying to think,
I'll get back to you on that.

Speaker 2 (43:02):
You ready for the third movie?

Speaker 5 (43:03):
We are ready?

Speaker 2 (43:04):
Or is it a movie? Or is it? Is it
a docu series?

Speaker 5 (43:07):
This time this is a movie.

Speaker 2 (43:07):
I'm not gonna look at you.

Speaker 9 (43:08):
I don't have an awesome build up for this one,
but I do think it's a very important matchup. So
this one, you guys already talked about Zach and Brandon
Staley a little bit, but I think one specific point
I wanted to bring up was so Wilson told reporters
last week that the Chiefs game he saw it as
a turning point in his career. And since then, obviously
he's been able to execute a higher level. Three touchdowns

on one pick in the last four games, sixty two
percent completion percentage, all that great stuff. But Zach ranks
number thirty in the NFL in air guards per pass attempt,
while the Chargers are giving up I believe the third
most airyards per completion.

Speaker 5 (43:45):
They allowed the big shot, they allowed the big play.

Speaker 9 (43:48):
Zach has been a tad bit reluctant to take those
deep shots, partly because he's just playing within the offense
and which is what we love to see. But if
the defense throws something at him where there are opportunities
to take g shot deep shots, will he take them?

Speaker 7 (44:02):

Speaker 5 (44:02):
I think it's a really interesting matchup?

Speaker 2 (44:04):

Speaker 1 (44:05):
I think the short answer is yes, he will take them,
as we saw on the third down play where Malik
Taylor got called on the pass interference penalty against the Giants.
But what what star am I giving this matchup?

Speaker 2 (44:20):
Like? Like, what is the the movie here?

Speaker 1 (44:23):
It is the Jets deep shots against the Chargers past two?

Speaker 9 (44:27):
I think it's still just Zack Wilson versus Brand Staley.
What is brand stalely going to? Yeah, try and okay
hacked against those deep shots a little bit? Basically, what
is he gonna throw Zach?

Speaker 2 (44:35):
Because he's still yeah, I got you. I'm given like a.

Speaker 1 (44:40):
I'm given like a three star for now, maybe a
two and a half only because we've seen the Jets
win multiple times without Zack Wilson, like putting the team
on his back, though.

Speaker 2 (44:50):
You know what I mean.

Speaker 1 (44:51):
And I think that when what I said earlier, ten
straight wins for Zack Wilson as Jets as the New
York Jets quarterback, not in a row, just the ten
wins he's had, he has not thrown for more than
twenty passes or has more than twenty completions.

Speaker 2 (45:07):
I just think.

Speaker 1 (45:08):
That that says a lot about the Jets formula for success.
I understand like playing within the offense. And remember, like
last week, I'm not saying the Jets offense should be
a top the NFL or you should think that that
this Jets offense is just like world beaters, but last
week was a challenging matchup three offensive linemen out like

moving around in game bad weather, Win Martindale blitzing up
the wazoo with all the offensive line shuffling. I think
that the offense can have sustainable moments like we saw
against the Chiefs, like we saw against the Eagles.

Speaker 2 (45:44):
So for this game in.

Speaker 1 (45:46):
Particular, it's not what I'm focusing on because I think
there are other avenues for the Jets to win. But
I do think that it is still important to see
growth out of Zach Wilson week in and week out.

Speaker 4 (45:59):
I'm with you, give it a three star as well.

Speaker 3 (46:02):
For me, I actually am like really interested to see
what happens in those intermediate passes. I don't necessarily need
deep shots, but if you're averaging the thirtieth air yards
per attempt, thirtieth in EIR yards per attempt, it means
you're throwing really short passes. So I would just like
to see just a little bit longer passes like the
ten to nineteen air yard attempts, those ones that are

that's actually so far this season from the majority of teams.
And again we remember the big splashy ones like DeAndre
Hopkins catching like three ridiculous touchdowns, But the more the
ones that have actually caused more first downs that lead
to touchdowns are those intermediate passes. So I don't really
care about deep ones. I mean, obviously it's nice, it's fun.

We know that Zach Wilson has the arm to do it,
but like I'd rather see like like eight completion If
I saw eight completions in intermediate level, I'd be like done,
that's amazing.

Speaker 4 (46:54):
Like who cares about the one deep shot?

Speaker 3 (46:56):
When you can sustainably get those deep those intermediate it passes.

Speaker 4 (47:00):
At least take some shots there.

Speaker 2 (47:02):
I love it. We have time to rip around quickly.

Speaker 5 (47:06):
One more, well, let's just talk about and if.

Speaker 2 (47:10):
You have a fun one, you can throw that in
there too.

Speaker 9 (47:13):
I don't have a super fun one, that's fine. Would
you like me to try and come up with.

Speaker 1 (47:16):
No, no, no, I don't want you to come up with
one on the fly. I want you to pick the
best of your favorite remaining matchup.

Speaker 9 (47:22):
I just still think this comes down to the Jets
have been really good in late game execution versus the
Chargers late game struggles. Zach Wilson obviously has three fourth
quarter comebacks this year, which leads the league. The defense
has allowed two second half touchdowns entire season.

Speaker 5 (47:36):
While the Chargers have lost.

Speaker 9 (47:38):
Three games in the fourth quarter, they have blown three
three fourth court leads. And Brandon Stalely, whether it's more
of a twitter narrative or more of a media narrative,
has had these very aggressive decisions late in the fourth quarter.
And I think this is a really fascinating mess up.

Speaker 1 (47:51):
Yeah, I think that's.

Speaker 3 (47:56):
Brandon Staly versus the analytics is like the story the season, right,
this guy's gonna put it fast on game day morning
and he was like, is it week one?

Speaker 4 (48:05):
Is it week three? Is a week four? It doesn't matter?

Speaker 3 (48:07):
And I can almost guarantee you I'm gonna set the
over under here for Troy on Monday night saying the
analytics or Joe saying the analytics says here, I'm gonna
put it at three because this team has made bonehead
analytics place. Because you have to remember when they say
that the model or that sorry, I just totally like
leap Frogyrard, No.

Speaker 1 (48:25):
I love it.

Speaker 2 (48:25):
This is what we want.

Speaker 3 (48:26):
When they say that the analytics say, remember the models
that inform those are past.

Speaker 4 (48:32):
Decisions with an average of players.

Speaker 3 (48:34):
So the point is is like I use this analogy
a lot, right, Like if you want to say someone's
overpaid or you want to say someone's underpaid, you kind
of have to have an understanding what paid is in
this case, when they say the analytics says, that's the
paid line. Right, So if you are if you have
justin Tucker kick the darn freaking field goal from fifty
seven yards if you have someone who's been missing a

bunch of field goals, don't do it right.

Speaker 4 (48:57):
So know who you are relative to that average.

Speaker 3 (49:01):
And see Brandon Staley called some really weird plays like
it's third and seven, they go for earth, fourth and seven,
they go for it, then throw it behind the line
of scrimmage to someone not named Austin Eckler, and when
Austin Eckler's.

Speaker 4 (49:13):
Available, just weird, just weird decisions. So you have to
also have the right play and the right personnel.

Speaker 3 (49:20):
So again, when someone says on TV, the analytics says,
think of that as like defining the line for paid.
Now you need to know if you are the first
new falls over or under that line, know thyself.

Speaker 1 (49:31):
You know, I have nothing to add to that because
I was so well said as someone who does analytics
for a living, I have nothing to add. I'm hopping
on Cynthia's bandwagon. I'm seconding her point, I'm doubling down.
And that's the perfect way to close this episode of
the Game Preview Podcast presented by LifeLock.

Speaker 2 (49:51):
Jets Chargers. Monday Night Football Week nine, the Jets four
and three back at home, even though they were on
the road air quotes. I met lifetagle last year. They're
back under the pretty lights.

Speaker 1 (50:02):
Both teams are one and one in primetime games this year,
and we will see you next week when the Jets
take on the Las Vegas Raiders
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