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December 21, 2023 37 mins
The Game Preview Podcast presented by Lifelock with Ethan Greenberg and Cynthia Frelund looks ahead to matchup between the New York Jets and Washington Commanders. 5:40 - Look at the adjustments from the Jets offensive line against the Commanders defensive line 11:15 - What the Jets secondary is facing in quarterback Sam Howell 17:00 - How the leadership will step up in the last three games 24:05 - Exclusive interview with Robert Saleh 34:20 - Holiday plans for the crew

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome to another episode the Game Preview Podcast, presented by
LifeLock Jets Commanders. Week sixteen, METT Live Stadium, the Jets
their final home game of the twenty twenty three season.
Cynthia Freeland joins us as always. John Polano baton leadoff.
How do you feel about that?

Speaker 2 (00:21):
Feels good. I've always been a contact guy, so I
love I love it.

Speaker 1 (00:25):
Were you a baseball player growing up?

Speaker 2 (00:27):
I don't know if I was the worst baseball player
in the playfe but I definitely was up there, was
up there, So you were the nine hitter I was. Yeah,
I don't even want to talk about it. We can't
watch that bad it was.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
It was really nine hitter right field little league.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
Yeah, you could have given me two minutes. I still
couldn't have caught the ball.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
Oh my god, Cynthia, we gotta do something about this guy.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
I mean, I just I appreciate his honesty because I
hate those people who come out and they're like, oh,
but for this one injury in seventh grade, I would
have been a pro. You know. No, you wouldn't have,
you know, so I'd ratherly just come out and be
honest with it. Don't live the glory days of like
middle and or early high school.

Speaker 1 (01:10):
Okay, so we know, Cynthia before we move on to
Jets Commanders that you are an avid marathon runner. But
what sports did you play growing up?

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Volleyball and soccer. In Michigan where I was growing up,
soccer was the ish you always played soccer. Oh and
I also was a competitive figure skater.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
I was gonna ask, there has to be something hockey
or skating, competitive figure skater.

Speaker 3 (01:34):
I was, yeah, no, it was. It was. It was something.
It was I gotta find it. We'd have like all
these it was. It was a lot of sequence, a
lot of weird outfits, and no, I really liked it.
It's hard to go ice skating now because I can't
do any of the things that I used to be
able to do. So he's like, what's this going around
in some sort of circle for But you.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
Know, it was, it was okay? And how how many
years did the ice skating career.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
Until high school soccer? Because I was like going before
school and then I was like exhausted, and then I
was like I'm going to be cool and play high
school soccer.

Speaker 1 (02:10):
High school soccer, Okay, rock and roll.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
So do teams have high school figure skating teams.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
That's a good question question.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
You have to like do it all like and then
you have these like competitions on the weekends. It's it's
a it's a whole it's a whole thing, you know.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
Yeah, I feel like I have a thousand questions.

Speaker 2 (02:27):
About it, though we can do a whole, separate prod.

Speaker 1 (02:30):
It is great. It does seem like great exercise because
skating is like, like you use leg muscles you never
even knew existed until you start skating and growing up
in Michigan. It makes a lot of sense. Like to
Pilano's point, we can do a whole podcast on this.
We have a thousand questions, but you're in the lead
off chair right now. I've down coined this the lead
off chair today, so lead us off Jet's Commanders Week sixteen.

Let me just say this, as we are recording this,
no word on if Zach Wilson is going to start.
He's in the concussion protocol. Trevor Simeon would be the
next in line to start. Robert Sallas and Aaron Rodgers
will be activated, so that way he can keep on practicing,
but he will not play in the twenty twenty three season,
and assuming or operating under the assumption that Wilson will

not play, Trevor Simeon would most likely get the start,
and then Brett Rippen would become the backup quarterback.

Speaker 2 (03:25):
That all makes sense. I mean, I have a couple
of matchups for us to run through, and I'm kind
of staying in the known, staying out that gray area,
staying in the green, staying out in the nice. But
so obviously it's a holiday game. We're playing on December
twenty fourth, and I want to be very inclusive of
all the holidays that happened around this time, not just
the twenty fourth. So for all these holidays, it is

the season of giving, in the season of being thankful,
and your gift from us is going to be these
two giving very good advice on this matchups, giving your
takes because it's gonna be great. So I have a
couple I want to run through and just get your
guys thoughts.

Speaker 1 (04:02):
Yeah, I'm down with that. I thought there was gonna
be like a Sam Howe turnover flair to that, like
the Giving season, you get an interception, you get an
interception because he leads the league with fifteen, but you're
just being nice to us instead.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
We're really the only defense that takes away.

Speaker 1 (04:17):
So okay, what do you get to do? All right?
Fair enough, all.

Speaker 2 (04:20):
Right, So let's start with this first one. And you
actually mentioned this kind of off camera, but now that
we're on, I want to talk about it. First matchup
is kind of what Washington's only strength on defense, which
is the interior of the defensive line, versus the interior
of our offensive line, which has been super banged up
this year. The two guys that you hit on, like
before we came on were Deron Payne and Jonathan Allen.
Do you know a ton about those guys?

Speaker 1 (04:43):
Alabama boys. There's a lot of Alabama interior defensive linemen
in this game. Yeah, And I would say, what else
do I know? Payne wears ninety four, Allen wears ninety three.
They're both very good. I don't know their stats off
the top of my head.

Speaker 2 (04:59):
Well, yeah, so basically, the interior of their d line
has been Their secondary has been kind of atrocious, but
the interior has had twelve sacks in the last four
games during drown. Payn's had three in the last four games.
And there are they are. This is a fun fact.
They are allowing one hundred yards per game rushing in
their last six games, so that's been a place where
they've had a little bit of strength and while on

the Jets side, it's a continually continuously flipping offensive line.
Last week they started Tomlinson, Tipman and Hanson, but they
really struggled to protect the passer against Miami Ethan. As
a guy who works in house, do you think there
will be any adjustments this week.

Speaker 1 (05:36):
With the old line? Yeah, well, left tackle through center.

Speaker 4 (05:40):

Speaker 1 (05:41):
I guess it depends on the status of Max Mitchell.
For me, like, I think if Max Mitchell is healthy
enough to play, will play over Billy Turner. And same
thing with Carter Warren because Carter Warren was starting in
that spot. But if they're not, then no, and it
would it wouldn't totally shock me. Look, I know nothing
about really offensive line play, like just watching I haven't

like watched the all twenty two of the Dolphins game.
I know that the Dolphins had six sacks, but it
wouldn't be a total surprise to me if maybe the
Jets wanted to shake something up and play either Xavier
Newman at right guard he's done that before the season,
or potentially if we're getting crazy, Roger Saffold's been on
the practice quad a while, they wanted to elevate him

and play him there they could. I don't know what
the likelihood of that is, considering he's like an older
player in the league, and I feel like when you're
eliminated from the playoffs, you start to want to see
like maybe what some younger guys are capable of. So
I wouldn't be surprised if the Jets do shake it
up from Jake Cansen and Billy Turner, but I think
a lot of that is injury dependent.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
Yeah, that just felt like a place in Miami where
the game kind of was just won and lost super quickly. Cynthia,
do you think this is a place where they could
win and lose it again against this Commander's team? Like
is there intir line that good?

Speaker 3 (06:55):
Their interior line is good. I think that you'll see
a little bit more like some of the tricks, like,
for example, they'll probably steal Actually some of the things
that Miami was doing, so mixing up looks with where
running backs are pre snap, how many running backs are
on the field at the same time, asking tight ends
to do some different stuff in terms of blocking to
help out so that you can have more focus on

that middle because there really isn't anyone coming on the
edge that's as scary. I mean, that guy's out in
San Francisco now, So let's be honest, Like, I think
that there'll be adjustments that are more schematic. I don't
know necessarily if they pull someone off the practice squad,
et cetera, but I think there's some scheme things that
you can do to open up some outside runs, Like
outside zone is something that they know how to run,
and Breeze Hall is very well suited to do it,

so even if it's short passes or if it's you know,
we saw a lot of like really interesting looks, like
actually Miami was doing some of them right, like putting
their tight ends and certain spots asking you know, like
twenty one looks that are like very different like stuff
like that. So I think we see some some trickeration.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
Yeah, and that was just a really tough spot last week.
I mean, O line, despite all the movement, felt like
it's still hold up pretty consistently over the weeks. Would
you agree with that, peeple, what you said, did you
feel like the O line is still held up despite
all that movement for the last couple weeks. It almost
felt like last week the damn maybe kind of broke.

Speaker 1 (08:11):
A little bit. Yeah. I feel like in the end, yes,
But I also feel like in the NFL, when there
is how do I want to phrase this, I feel
like when as fans, right, like, if you're a fan
and you watch the game and you're like, Wow, the
offensive line didn't really play well today, Just imagine what
the players and coaches feel and are thinking. I think
that that's going to be obviously under a microscope on

how to fix it, so I fully expect that group
to play at a much better level. I understand that
the Commander's defense isn't good statistically, they're dead last until
in terms of total yards allowed per game, But to
what we're talking about, like, they have very good players,
especially in the interior. It's a little bit of a
different story without Chase Young and Montest Sweat who are

traded at the deadline. But for me, I think that
this offense of line, the Jets one has talent on it,
like we've seen Mackay, Beckton, Laken, Tomlinson, and Joe Tipman.
Those three guys specifically play well. Over the course of
the twenty twenty three season, Max Mitchell has had spurts
of playing well. The right guard position has just been

a revolving door for the Jets. But I think that
it goes back to where Robert Sala has consistently said,
they like the guys, but there's just no continuity because
especially on the right side, there's always a change. There's
been eleven games. The last time the Jets started two
of the same lines was the Denver game Denver in Denver,

it feels like years ago.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Well, and also remember look, the Dolphins had the advantage
of knowing that it was a passing down because of
the score, So that also changes things too. If you
know what the offense is going to do, you can
strategically run your guys in spots that are a little
different too.

Speaker 2 (09:59):
Definitely feels like a place it could potentially be. Just
all right, let's swing on a number two here.

Speaker 3 (10:02):
I'm not worried about I'm not worried about the Jets
win this game for me. I mean, obviously, let's just
put a little asterisk there, depending on health and quarterback
and what's going on.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
But I mean love Jets win this game. That's what
we'd love to hear. All right. We obviously you mentioned
the quarterback there who's going to play. We know who's
playing for Washington, Sam Howell. Despite getting bench in the
fourth quarter last week against the Rams, coach Ran Rivera
said that he will be starting the rest of the
year because they kind of want to get an evaluation,
get a full season out of him. So my second
matchup is the Jets secondary versus Sam Howell Jet secondary.

I know it maybe had a little bit of an
issue last week in Miami, but it felt like maybe
just kind of everybody was a little off. They still
they've gone thirty two straight games without allowing a three
hundred dard passer, which is just absolutely ridiculous. And then
since their Week seven by they're allowing one hundred and
thirty five point eight passing yards per game, which would
lead the league if it was for a full season, right,

but just absolutely incredible. I kind of want to ask
more Cynthia here as somebody who doesn't watch the Commander's
day in day out. Sam Howell's numbers are so random
in terms of where they rank in the league. He
leads the league in attempts, but he has nineteen touchdown passes,
but he leads the league interceptions. What have they seen
from here this year? What caused the benching last week?

Speaker 3 (11:15):
Do you remember Jamis Winston the year that he threw
the most touchdowns and interceptions? Do you remember, Like you
can close your eyes and you can think of that
Bucks team. That's kind of what we're seeing. I mean,
obviously they're not the same person, they don't run the
same way. But I mean, if you need a comp
like we love comps, right, Sam Howell has a very
strong arm the deep balls there, and they found Terry
mcclaurin more recently. But it seems like they weren't even

using their best number one wide receiver for a long time.
As someone who and again, like I was kind of
forced to watch some of the games. Was a little
rough sometimes, but you know, it's like the easier stuff
to like occur to Samue or stuff he doesn't I
don't know, if he doesn't see it or he doesn't
take it. I'm not sure why I'm not in his head.
I can't, you know, pretend to know. But you have
a lot of plays where an easier pass is actually available,

but he's looking at whatever the I don't know what
he's look at, but looking at a deeper pass it
doesn't go well. But oftentimes it's been gamescript that he's
been forced to throw these crazy amounts of passes. It's
better if they could run, but they've had a lot
of injuries to the run game. This O line is
not the it's not a it's not a top ten,
top half of the league O line. So he's kind

of been on the under a lot of pressure too.
So it's interesting because but he's a gambler man, he's
got to give it to him. He's got a lot
of hutzpah, right, so you're not afraid to to slang it.

Speaker 1 (12:32):
Does Sam Howell also lick his fingers when they win,
like Jameis Winston the w oh yeah you remember that
James Sam.

Speaker 3 (12:41):
Sam owl, Yeah, the samehowl is like a good unc boy.
You know, he's like a good he you know, nice kid.
Very I can tell you a lot of nice things
about him from from his personality, but he's he's a gambler.
He's a gambler.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
He is a gambler.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
I love that one. Quick question for you before we
show in the last matchup you were in Miami. You're
at pretty much you're at all these home games you've
been around for this thirty two game stretch of secondary play.
Just how dominant is this jet secondary? What stands out
to You've seen a lot of good secondaries play, you
can yeah for a while. What stands out?

Speaker 1 (13:14):
I think, I almost think is what doesn't stand out,
like all of a sudden, like the end of the game,
you're like wow, like they didn't do XYZ and specifically
with Sauce, like, no one really, I don't think talks
about how well he's playing because he doesn't get the targets,
like he wasn't targeted last week against the Dolphins. He's

been in the league two years. There's been two games
of his career now where he's taken at least twenty
coverage snaps and has not been targeted. For someone to
be so young and so effective is incredible, and so
for me, it's like, I think the Jalen Waddle performance
last week, specifically the long touchdown pass with DJ reading coverage,

that's the anomaly. Like when that happened, I was like,
oh wow, like that hasn't happened in a long time
to this Jet secondary. I think that it's just it's
a well schemed group, like the talents there and this
pre date Sauce in DJ Reid, like you go back
to thirty two games or before that, the twenty twenty
one season, like Robert Solas defense which started Brandon Eckles,

rookie sixth round pick MC two fifth round pick rookie
at the time in Bryce Hall, who was coming off
a six game stretch coming off an ACL or a
leg injury out of college. Like that group didn't allow
a ton of three hundred yard passers either. So for me,
I just think that the group knows what it's doing.

They play sound, technical football, and I think the next
step for the group, and this is what Robert Salas
said in the offseason, it's just gonna be taking the
ball away, whether that's Sauce, whether that's DJ. When they
start to take the ball away, that'll just propel this
defense to another level. So the short answer is, I
don't even think something stands out. I think it's like

I'm almost kind of taking an offensive lineman approach when
you're like you don't hear your number. You're doing a
good job. Yeah, it's kind of like that for me.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
Absolutely, Cy indeed, have anything to add there before the
last one.

Speaker 3 (15:14):
Yeah, the only thing I'll add is with Tyreek Hill
warming up and thinking he was going to play. I
think that part of the problem with that game, in
the Jalen Waddle kind of deep passes that felt so
weird and not jet defense like, was that they were
actually using way different alignments than anything that was on film.
You would have had to go back to like a
lot of films, Like they didn't know Tyreek Hill was

gonna like they thought he might go. I believe that.
I'm not suggesting anything weird. I am suggesting though, that
there was a lot of formations. Like if you watch
like all fifteen weeks of the of what the Dolphins
are doing alignment wise, there were some new stuff, way
different looks, and then you know, Jalen Waddle hasn't had
the type of season that it looked like he had
last week. So sometimes you just have like really good

couple of breaks there that work out well for you
and then it kind of gets away from you. So
there was some new stuff there, for sure.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
No, I agree, I definitely agree with that. So we're
thinking Jets defense dominant performance against Samhowe. Is that how
we're all feeling.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Yeah, i'd say so. I hope. So, well, let's let's
manifest it speaking into existence. And I'm sorry for people
who are Jets fans who are like, no, lose, lose
the game, lose the next game, lose the next game,
better draft pick for whoever you want. I understand that.

Speaker 3 (16:32):
But you're you don't need a quarterback, it doesn't matter.
Don't lose. If you need a quarterback, then lose. You
don't need a quarterback. You got one. He's really really good,
so don't lose.

Speaker 1 (16:43):
That's great.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
Yeah, that's a perfect segue into what my last matchup was.
This doesn't include literal people, but is the drive to
compete versus complacency. And it doesn't seem like there's that
does sound cool. It doesn't seem like at least being
around the building last three days doesn't seem like there's
a sniff of complacency.

Speaker 1 (16:59):
No. I I agree with that, And I think if
you're people, often people talk about leadership and how whether
it's a business, whether it's a football team, you start
to take on like the qualities of your leaders. You know,

Robert sala is not not quitting, but okay, you don't
want to include him. That's fine because he's a coach,
and players coaches coach players play. It's easy to say
what you want people to do. It's different when you're
the one putting on the paget hitting people. That brings
me to CJ. Moseley, the captain of this team. If
there's one player in the NFL let alone, the New

York Jets, that I would bet money would play one
hundred and ten percent and give one hundred and ten
percent effort regardless if you're up by thirty, down by thirty,
undefeated or winless. That's CJ. Mosley, and that's the captain
of the New York Jets. So I fully expect this
Jets team, specifically on defense, to come out with its

hair on fire and to play a very good brand
of football. This is the last game, by the way,
that the Jets will play in front of their home
crowd in twenty twenty three. I don't know if that
necessarily means something, but you always want to end the
year on a good note. Four snaps into the Jets season,
a lightning Rod got sent through the expectations understood. Why

don't you close it on a nice note in front
of your fans who have been there at snap four
in the regular season and snap four hundred seventy four.
I made that up, but that's Sunday close.

Speaker 3 (18:41):
Yeah. Look, there's a couple of things. Let's do like
the math, right, if you lose versus if you win,
you still don't control. You don't get number one like that,
that's not what's happening here. So there's a couple of things. One,
you have so many players that are on rookie deal
still I think Garrett Wilson to be okay, called Jeetah,
and then you got Sauce, and then you got Breeze

and then you got you know, there's a lot of
people on this team, young people that are still like,
you're not gonna your cap is okay, you have a
quarterback like stop it. Figure out how to evaluate the
assets that are really up for discussion and do that
by playing your butt off. I understand that this game
might not be for any sort of playoff implications, but

pride is huge, and people talk about momentum and like
a lot of analytics people myself included, are like, Momentum's
not real. But the thing is is psychology is real. Right,
Like momentum, I don't know how people define it, but
psychology like understanding how to win? What are we doing?
Are we all united and aligned with what we're trying
to do. That creates a culture, and that culture dictates

how hard you work, how you learn, all the different
things that lead to wins. So maybe you can call
that momentum if you want to, But like play X
doesn't mean play why next? That's that's not how that works.
So the truth is is you're I'm not gonna You're
not sucking for luck. Remember that a long time you're like, oh,
fuck for what? You're not doing that. And by the way,
we don't even know how this draft will net out,

Like if you were a team that needs a quarterback,
like sometimes people say Caleb Williams, sometimes people say Drake
May then they'll be this and then this and the this,
and like everything will change between now and then. There
are a number of good offensive linemen in this draft class.
There are and you know who knows that, Joe Douglas, Right,
so stop worrying about it, Like win that's it.

Speaker 1 (20:29):
Also, just for the to Cynthia's point, just real quick,
whoever's being discussed as a prospect right now, I understand
that they're talented players. There will be like ten to
fifteen more players that come out of nowhere and shoot
up into the top ten. This is the way the
draft always works. So obviously, being well invested in Jets, Twitter,

everyone's like, Joe All, sign them up, Notre Dame left tackle.
He's gonna be He's twenty years old, he's six 's
eight blue chip prospect. I understand all that. I think
fans are concerned, like, you win game, you're gonna you're
gonna miss out on Joe All. There's inevitably going to
be somebody who's going to shoot out of nowhere, potentially
overtake whoever it is as the number one tackle prospect

or be right there with them. So let's just see
where the chips fall.

Speaker 3 (21:16):
Free call the number one with the number one running
back taken in his.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Class exactly right? No, exactly?

Speaker 3 (21:23):
And would you would you like someone else? Also? No?
So like relax, like it's it's just too much, there's
too much time. And again the only time, like if
I'm Carolina. That's interesting because like, obviously the Bears get
their pick, but like they're not getting out of that spot.
They're already locked in. It sucks to be in their building.
I can tell you they're not having fun. Like it's
not like they're like, hey, things are gonna be great.

We're giving this pick to the Chicago then we're gonna
have another one that's also well, like no one's happy there,
Like that stinks. That's really hard to live with. So
don't wish it on anyone. Try to win. We only
get a few more of these games, we get three
more rolls of the dice, like we're good. It'll be fun.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
I think it goes back to where Aaron Rodgers was saying,
Jets fans, it'll be a long offseason, but it'll be
worth it in the end. Like Aaron Rodgers coming back,
the defense has almost all of its pieces coming back,
obviously obviously, like there's gonna be guys that come and
go sure whatever, totally understand most of the defense is
coming back. It's a great group you reload on offense.

I think Garrett Wilson just immediately gets better with a
guy like Aaron Rodgers under center. No doubt about it.
We saw like glimpses of it in the preseason. To
have that over eighteen weeks, seventeen games, good things are
gonna happen to the New York Jets. Whether they win
this game has no impact on that. Okay, Okay, So
that's okay.

Speaker 3 (22:42):
I can solve other problems of the world.

Speaker 2 (22:43):
Now, we're Yeah, if I can just add one more thing.
In my mind just keeps going back to this place.
But I keep going back to the Detroit Lions of
last year. They get to that final game in a
week eighteen, they think they still have a shot. Obviously,
they had some great momentum winning a bunch of games
down the stretch, but they get eliminated right before the
game by the four o'clock hour. And then they play
the Agreement Packers, who have a shot to make it
into the postseason. Sorry Rogers, I know it's our guy now,

but they play their asses off and it translates straight
into the next season where they just have expectations, they
feel good about themselves, and I don't see why we
can't do that. Yeah, I think it's definitely a very
different scenario.

Speaker 1 (23:17):
I know, Yeah, I was gonna say different scenario, but
you know what, yeah, and no.

Speaker 3 (23:21):
I think the analogy holds.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and you close like yeah.

Speaker 3 (23:26):
Right, Like all you want to do is find a
team of guys that you want to be playing with alongside. Like,
trust me, there are a lot of teams with not
the good juju going on right now. You guys have
like the team likes each other and everyone as soon
as Aaron gets back, like I mean, I know he's there,
but as soon as he's on the field, you're gonna
see also like some swagger, some extra swagger, and it's

gonna be fun.

Speaker 1 (23:47):
Yeah, I'm excited to see what happens. And you know,
for more on not really this matchup as a whole,
but just messaging to the team. Where the Jets stand
looking a little bit into twenty twenty four and a
little match flair. Here is head coach Robert Salah.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
Aaron Rodgers indicated earlier this week that he won't play
this season, But what can you say about how hard
he worked himself to get to a point where it
was even a consideration.

Speaker 5 (24:16):
It's amazing, Like I've said, you can you can question
someone's why and all the narratives around it, but you
cannot question his heart and his desire to get back
here as quickly as he can. And you know, and
he's not even going to stop yet. I mean he's
not he's not calling it quits in terms of just
trying to coast through. He's grinding. He wants to make
sure he has an unbelievable offseason. His intent is to

win a championship. And I believe him.

Speaker 4 (24:45):
Put your reaction when he talks about not only playing
in twenty twenty four but beyond that, I don't know.

Speaker 5 (24:50):
I'm not surprised. I always thought he's he was going
to try to. I think he's going to play further
than twenty five. Be honest with you, I think he'll
play until till his wiels fall off. And he's just
that type of competitive person. But you know, he's got obviously,
he's got his You gotta talk to him, obviously, but
I think he'll go as long as he can.

Speaker 4 (25:11):
What is he provided on the practice field, Just watching
him go through individual drills, take the snaps from under center,
go on to boots and just throw the ball in.

Speaker 5 (25:20):
That stuff is good. It's obviously, it's part of the
part of the job. Quote unquote, but you know what,
I think what people miss he brings life to the
group in terms of just the little side conversations, the
smack talking with the defense, the interaction that he has
with his teammates, playing a prank on a coach, you know,

whatever it might be, just to keep guys engaged, keep
guys having fun out there, which is always the one
thing that you can can lose in this game once
in a while. But just as it's his presence and
just knowing how to be a good human and a
good teammate.

Speaker 4 (25:58):
It was improbable going into last week. But once you
guys are officially eliminated from postseason contention, what do you
say to the guys when they get back here.

Speaker 5 (26:07):
The message doesn't change. You know, we're still preparing for
something bigger. I know it may not happen this year,
but there's there's things that we're all playing for. Whether
you're still in your contract year, whether it's still a
young guy trying to find a way to get better,
to propel himself into twenty twenty four, whatever your why is,
it's really important that guys could connect to that and

understand that. You know, at the end of the day.
You know, I've never subscribed to the idea that players
stop playing. They get it when you step across the
white line and you put a helmet on, your resume
is being built. And so I've never ever prescribed to
even the thought that a player quits. They go out
there every time they step on the field, they play
their absolute best, and you know, sometimes it's good, sometimes

it's not. But I have yet to come across a
player who has quit just because the season was over.

Speaker 4 (26:58):
Can you speak to the roller coaster that it is
the National Football League? One week, you guys are trouncing
the Houston Texans at home, and then obviously you don't
play up to your standards against the Dolphins.

Speaker 5 (27:08):
Yeah, it's it's a week to week league, and no
one understands that more than the athlete and the coach.
You know, every week is independent of one another, and
just as high and as good as we felt after
the Houston game and the week leading up to the
Miami game, it's flipped. But you got to hit the

reset button. You got to get yourself ready to play.
And like I said, you're you know, all it takes
is one week and everything flips again.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
Let me ask you about some young guys who continue
to send Jeremy Ruckert. I think he's got about sixteen
catches now, but eleven of them have come in the
last five games.

Speaker 5 (27:43):
What do you see from rock Ruck's been outstanding since
the day he walked in this building. You know, you
know what's impressive about him is that it feels like
he's getting stronger as here is going on. I think
he's done a great job taking care of his body.
But in the past game, his ability to get those
contested catches and giving those quarterbacks confidence. If you just

put in his vicinity, he'll go find a way to
pluck it, finding extra yards when he does catch the ball,
to drop step, get vertical and uh and try to
drag defenders. But he's he's been awesome. He's been an
awesome teammate and uh, you know, really excited about about
him and how he can finish the season.

Speaker 4 (28:21):
Is he a Vanaconda? He's getting some touches here down
the stretch, A rookie and a very talented backfield behind
Bresall and Dalvin Cook. What do you like from is Ian?

Speaker 1 (28:32):

Speaker 4 (28:32):
Can you talk about his process that he's gone through.

Speaker 5 (28:35):
Yeah, I love is he juice, his speed. He's a
good young man. He's been working hard, and he's been patient,
obviously he and throughout the year for his opportunity. But
you know he's gonna get more opportunities. And and he's
been he's been straining, trying to figure out ways to
get onto the football field. And he's got a lot
of juice. Uh, just on a few touches he had

in the Miami game and you could see a lot
of his speed and his jews show up. And so
excited about his progress in the direction he's going to
flip it too.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
The defensive side of the ball. We often talk about
Bryce off. If I told you before the season he
was going to lead your team with three games remaining
with eight sacks. He was second in the National Football
League in sacks among underrafted free agents. What would he
have said?

Speaker 5 (29:18):
Not surprised. Bryce is a darn good football player. Now,
what's great about Bryce is he's kind of evolved this
game to be more reliable and first and second down,
but still not sacrificing his ability to throw that fastball,
which is his ability to pass to rush the passer.
And but he's he's been working hard at it. He's

a good young man and you know, he's a guy
that will continue to get better as his career.

Speaker 4 (29:45):
Progressis Solomon Thomas, He's not an old guy. He's not
quite a young guy either. Career high five sacks kind
of flies under the radar, doesn't he. And you're going
to have to depend on him even more here down
to stretch with some injuries in the middle.

Speaker 5 (30:00):
Yeah, and he's been hurting too, you know, but he's
he finds uh, he's been finding a way to get
himself prepared to play every week and himself to Sunday,
taking care of his body, being a pro and really
excited for Sally. You know, it's known it. We drafted
him in San Francisco with the third overall pick and
thought he did a really nice job in San Francisco.

But the one thing I think that has always eluded
him was were those sack numbers. And it's great to
see him get those opportunities and be able to get
to the quarterback and he gets to it just by
his sheer heart and determination and the way he plays.
He's absolutely relentless and it's awesome to see him. I'm
obviously one of Sally's biggest fans, so he's uh, he's awesome.

Speaker 4 (30:42):
How about Tia here in that starting spot it's safety
position out of camp, and now he's been a regular
and defensive backfield.

Speaker 5 (30:49):
Yes, t A again. We you know, we joke around,
but it's not a joke. He's an energy giver. He
plays with so much juice and energy. The guys love him.
He communicates really well. He's had some battle scars this year,
but to be expected on a first year of safety.
But at the same time, he's gotten better and better
and better, and he's made some really good place for us.
And he's a guy that I think is going to

continue to ascend in the right way and he's going
to be a staple here for a while.

Speaker 4 (31:14):
How do you go about preparing for the commanders because
last week they played both young quarterback Sam Howe and
also Jacob Rebsett.

Speaker 5 (31:23):
Go off of the information we got and you know
we're anticipating Sam obviously, but either way, they've got a
system that they run. They're both effective at running it.
Sam has gotten a lot better just watching the tape.
He's a good little quarterback. They've got a good offense.
Eric is doing a really nice job over there orchestrating

the concepts and the run game and all that. But
talented group, and it's going to be a challenge.

Speaker 4 (31:48):
How does be on me try to attack now? I mean,
obviously he's got a different situation. No Patrick mahomes there.
But and you talked about the young quarterback, but they
seem like they slinging around quite a bit.

Speaker 5 (31:58):
Oh yeah, and they do a job with it. Concepts
they run are difficult. Not going to get into the
to what kind of concepts we're seeing, but you know,
quarterback is doing a really nice job standing in the
pocket and delivering the football and he can make every
throw on the field. And you know, like I said,
he's an impressive young man. Watching tape, I wasn't expecting
much and what I've seen is a dude that's got

a definite future in this league as a starter.

Speaker 4 (32:23):
Well offensively. For you guys, is it just a matter
of confidence and making sure, hey listen, just file the
call to carry your own job and then we'll go
from there.

Speaker 2 (32:32):
Yeah, it was.

Speaker 5 (32:34):
It wasn't long ago, about ten days ago that we
put thirty and a half, right, So there's there's confidence there.
It's just consistently doing it again and trusting in yourself,
trusting in your teammate, and being responsible for your for
your job and your job only. And then from there,
if everyone takes care of their job, everything will be fine.

And but you know, we've we've got a lot of
faith in our guys and we're going to have an
opportunity to strap it up and go at it again.
And uh and if we play consistent, we feel good
about our chances.

Speaker 4 (33:06):
Let's end here. What are the challenges for a coaching
staff that you play Sunday, which is Christmas Eve? Christmas
is Monday, then I guess you have a full day Tuesday,
you got to travel to Cleveland on Wednesday, you play
the Browns on Thursday.

Speaker 5 (33:21):
Coaching staff is easy for the players, it's it's really uh,
you know, we're we're kind of always in the office anyway.
But for everyone else, you know, just uh, you know,
Christmas falling on a Monday, obviously, I'm sure it'll be
hard for some guys. But but at the same time,
I think our families understand that we got we got
some work to do, we got some unfinished business, and uh,

we'll still have opportunities to celebrate celebrate Christmas in the
solid household might not be on Monday, but it could
be on Sunday night. Thanks Coach, Thank you.

Speaker 1 (33:52):
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Great stuff from Coach Sala. From EA Cynthia, I just
want to close with this on this episode of the
Game Preview Podcast presented by LifeLock. You had mentioned earlier
that you got a Jets win despite the fact Jets

this is the first game where they've officially been eliminated
from playoff contention, so no postseason hopes, no postseason dreams
again for the Green and White. What makes you confident
that this group can win Sunday and close out their
home slate in front of their crowd with a w.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
The defense defense, I understand, you know, like the offense
needs to score some points, but that defense makes the
so much different. Washington's defense has been so vulnerable, you know.
Rewatching the game against the Rams, there were some interesting
spots like if you watch, it's kind of like the
Rams sort of like let their foot off the gas
after a while. And so don't look at the final

score and say that's indicative of how this Washington team
can play, because it's not. It was. It was a
far more lopsided game if you watch all of the snaps.

Speaker 1 (35:24):
Yeah, I think that you know, this is definitely a
very winnable game for the Jets. Wuldn't you agree? Plano?

Speaker 2 (35:29):
Absolutely, it feels good.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
Yeah, so you know, we'll see what happens. I think
that I think you'll have a good feeling on it
if the Jets will win this game early, because I
think you'll if they come out fiery, which we expect
them to do. I think that you'll get a sense like, Okay,
Jets are here, Jets are closing the season strong. Let's
rock and roll before we close close obviously Christmas Eve

is a twenty fourth. We'll start in Rochester lead off chair,
the leadoff chair. You're going back to Rochester the Rock.

Speaker 2 (36:00):
Yeah, so we play it one obviously. Yeah, hopefully we
wrap up maybe like six o'clock, nine o'clock. Sure, sure,
hop in the the old Honda Sieve, rip down the
don't know what the name of the street is, get
rip rip out of Medlife Stadium and all the way
back to the Rock for a little home cooking.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
And we're not stopping. Are we stopping on the road
like maybe you know, bathroom break, take some water or
trying to power through.

Speaker 2 (36:26):
Man, if I've probably driven back and forth maybe like
ten times in the last couple of months, I think
I probably nine other ten times I don't stop, So
we'll see.

Speaker 1 (36:33):
Yeah, I'm more of a power through Cynthia. What about you?
You got the family in town.

Speaker 3 (36:39):
Yeah, there's eight of us. So luckily, my dad's finally
my dad had not been feeling so great for the
past couple of years, but he finally feels well enough
to attend a football game. So the Chargers play the
Bills on the twenty third, and my whole family, there's
eight of us are gonna all go to the game.
I'm I'm feeling so lucky that like my dad, like
I said, he hasn't really wanted to, hasn't been up

for it. He's been so but he told me he's like,
I'm ready to go to a game again. So we
get to all spend the day watching a football game
in person at Sofi Stadium. So I just feel so
lucky that he's finally feeling well enough to do it.

Speaker 1 (37:13):
I think that is the perfect way to close there.
I'm not doing anything. I will be sitting in my
apartment hanging out, and my parents are actually going out
to your neck of the woods because my mom's birthday
that week. So there's like, you know what, Ethan, I'm
sorry it's cold here, it's warm there. We'll see you
when we see you. So we're gonna hang out Saturday

and Friday and then that's about it, and then they'll
enjoy the la weather. So on that note, I hope
both you have a very wonderful holiday. Enjoy the game, Cynthia, Well,
we're going to enjoy the Sunday game and then we'll
rock and roll on a short week when the Jets
take on the Cleveland Browns on Thursday Night football
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