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September 28, 2023 50 mins
The Game Preview Podcast presented by Lifelock with Ethan Greenberg and Cynthia Frelund looks ahead to the Week 4 matchup between the New York Jets and Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs on Sunday Night Football. 1:30: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce 7:00: Breaking down the Chiefs defense  11:30: What makes the Jets defense so tough to play against?  17:00: Exclusive interview with Jets head coach Robert Saleh  30:10: Using Mad Libs to preview Sunday's game

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Speaker 1 (00:03):
Welcome to another episode of the Game Preview Podcast presented
by LifeLock Jets Chiefs Week four, Sunday Night Football, Ethan Greenberg,
Cynthia Freeland back in the house. This is a big
week for the Jets, Cynthia, not only because it's Sunday
Night Football, it's Jets Chiefs, but it's the first time
in like a decade that the Jets will be on
Sunday Night Football. So this is gonna be big news

for the Jets. And before we get started into the matchup,
let's bring in John Polano right off the top.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
Yeah that's right, baby.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
Nice to see you again.

Speaker 2 (00:35):
Oh thank you.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
I see you every day. Cynthia only sees you once.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
A week, so I'm just really here to hang out
with Cynthia.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
Understood. So this is the appropriate time to talk about,
in my opinion, Taylor Swift, Travis Kelcey, and I know
this is a Jets preview podcast, so we definitely need
to discuss what's gonna happen on the football field, and
we'll talk about it for sure. But Cynthia, do we
like the potential power couple of Travis Kelcey and Taylor Swift?

Speaker 3 (01:05):
Listen whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter.
There are two key things that I think are important
about this number. One, you know, I'm going to bring
you some numbers about it. And if you look at
the uptick in Jersey sales in follows on Instagram, Swifties
came out hard.

Speaker 4 (01:20):
Also, there's this podcast Travis Kelcey does.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
They drop it on the pre tape it and then
they drop it on Wednesdays or Tuesday nights or something,
and usually they get like, you know, maybe fifty thousand
streams for the entire week, they had eighty thousand concurrents.
So the point is is the numbers seem to suggest
that it's interesting, and I always love anything that's gonna
make more women interested in football or especially like maybe

stats or like how numbers kind of tie into all
of it. Allegedly, this is unconfirmed, but I'm gonna go
with that it's confirmed. We can on this podcast. It's
confirmed that this is This is Taylor Swift's thirteenth boyfriend
public boyfriend, and that's apparently a very big number for her.
So they were both born in nineteen eighty nine. There's
so much number magic to this couple. So I do appreciate,

like the business sense and the numerical value of it,
I don't appreciate. And you guys better hope she doesn't
come to your game because that traffic is going to
be an absolute nightmare. And I hope she doesn't come
to the game here at LA because the traffic when
she was in concert at Sofi was like it made
me want to poke my eyeballs out, and it's gonna

be even worse if.

Speaker 4 (02:28):
Both you get chiefs and this whole thing.

Speaker 3 (02:30):
So let's just you know, hopefully she's back on tour
then I don't know her tour dates, but hopefully she's
like you know, be able to watch remotely.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate here for a minute, because
if there is a lot of traffic going into the
stadium because Taylor Swift is in attendance, which we have
no idea if she will be, that means the crowd
will be absolutely electric, Absolutely.

Speaker 4 (02:50):
Well, the crowd will be electric.

Speaker 3 (02:51):
But like, let's like, you know, I'm just I'm just
sitting here being like, listen, you're not going to meet her.
If you go there, chances are maybe in the elevator,
go right, But I think that the Jets fans do
a really good job of coming out whether or not
Taylor Swift is there.

Speaker 4 (03:07):
So that's what I'm not worried about.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
Right like other places maybe not, but like Met Life,
you're gonna be rocking either way. And that man with
the hat, like, what if he blocks Taylor Swift view,
like this could be bad?

Speaker 4 (03:18):
Let's just go Jets fans only. Like yet, I see
what you're saying.

Speaker 1 (03:22):
You're watching the game at home. Fireman Ed is getting
the crowd pumped up, but he circle in the fire
and it just like consistently blocking.

Speaker 4 (03:29):
Love his I guess if he didn't.

Speaker 3 (03:32):
Can you imagine what would happen if Fireman Ed blocked
Taylor swifts view?

Speaker 4 (03:37):
That would be America would be up in arms?

Speaker 1 (03:39):
Are you the biggest Swifty of the three of us,
John Plano?

Speaker 5 (03:42):
I think you might, maybe just because of my age,
I know all of her songs and stuff. I'm just
awesome that we get so we're like the first team
to really be able to embrace this like as an opponent, right,
and we get to take like all the advantages I
heard people even talking about here about like Kelsey drops
a ball, We play a little Taylor Swift over the mic.
Who knows Wow, Wow, wow, I think that's pretty funny.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
That's really funny.

Speaker 1 (04:04):
Actually, I remember in twenty eighteen, Uh, this is not great. Well,
first of all, in Dallas, you know, Skiee has been
like claimed as like the Jets song because of Hard Knocks.
In Dallas, they started playing it when they were up
against the Jets. And in twenty eighteen, Oh, this is
a bad memory. But in twenty eighteen in Jacksonville, Cynthia,

the Jacksonville Jaguars had their mascot like parachute down from
I don't know what in a ghost costume because it
happened right after the Ghost game. So talk about Peggy.

Speaker 3 (04:39):
I mean that's actually kind of dangerous, Like what's like
shooting in from places like that's like a really like
that's a lot of like effort in order to make
fun of Like that's interesting. But I will say, if
I have to hear one more time, remember when this
dealers that like Black and Yellow Saints song came out
like Maganiell and you're like enough, like done, We're done

with that. We don't need to hear to get like
I get it, Like Darreonoyd with it too, so whatever,
and then they embraced it.

Speaker 4 (05:08):
I don't know that whole thing. I was just I
was over that one too.

Speaker 1 (05:10):
So Taylor Swift's next to or day, November ninth in Argentine.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
Oh god, so we got like a lot good. That's
good for me.

Speaker 3 (05:17):
I don't think they play out here in LA for
a while. Yeah, Oh god, I'm just selfish, you know.

Speaker 4 (05:22):
So like Taylor Swift. Don't get me wrong, I like
the whole thing.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
I just it's it's you know, we were talking about
epic concerts we've been to before, and like, nothing compares
to Prince right, nothing compares to seeing Prince of the
Joe Louis Arena, So like, you.

Speaker 4 (05:35):
Know, it's it's not that, it's it's just I'm old.
Who knows?

Speaker 1 (05:38):
Okay, Plana will check in with you for mad libs.
We got a loaded show. We just did a little
Taylor Swift talk off the top, like why would we not?
We kind of had to. It felt necessary, have To's
got to strike while the iron is hot. For the record,
my biggest question is how long has just been going on?
Because for Taylor Swift to be in the suite with
Donna Kelcey. I don't know if it's like a second

date or like, I mean, I understand she needs to
have like being a suite be amongst friends and family,
have the viewing experience. Just felt like, you know, I
understand it's a different world when you're in the sports
world and you got to go for a game. Just
felt like, you know, it's kind of early to be
meeting Mama Kelsey. You know, I don't know that. That's
what I'm curious.

Speaker 3 (06:19):
So not in the Midwest, honey, in the Midwest two,
you know, like Midwestern situation. We just we just go quick.

Speaker 4 (06:29):
You know.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
How about this? My mom and Taylor Swift both from
reading Pennsylvania. So Taylor Swift, if I were to see
her Sunday, I would not be shy to tell her
that she is the second most important person to come
from reading Pennsylvania. So anyway, let's talk about Jets Chiefs.
You're gonna hear from Robert sala in just a little bit.
But this matchup, Cynthia, I don't think we really need

to dive into necessarily what makes Patrick Mahomes so great,
what makes Travis Kelsey so so great? People know, if
you follow. You know, what people don't know or maybe
don't pay as much attention to, is the Chiefs defense
because they are a top ten unit right now. Chris
Jones is a stallion. Legerius Snead is having like a

really good year though at corner. If you're the Jets,
how do you beat the Champs on Sunday Night football?
I've at Life Stadium.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
I mean, the interesting part about this defense is usually
we see a Steve Spagnolo led defense take like eight
or nine weeks before you're seeing this kind of like
cohesion and working together. It's a more complicated Obviously, Giants
fans know this. It's a more complicated strategy. It doesn't
necessarily like they get better as the season goes along.

It's just a historical trend with the type of defense
he teaches. Now, they do have more continuity this year
than they've had in seasons past, so you're seeing a
lot of the concepts come quicker.

Speaker 4 (07:56):
You know.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
Trent McDuffie is a great example. He's obviously a younger.
He did get hurt last year, which was his first
year in the season in the league. So when you're
looking at like how all everyone's playing together.

Speaker 4 (08:08):
It's coming together a bit faster. Now. I'm I still
don't know if we know what.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
This defense is And I say that because the tests
haven't been complicated and like to put into perspective. We know,
we saw this this dolphin score of like seventy to twenty. Right,
had the fifty yard Marquez Veldez scantling touchdown not been

called back, the Chiefs would have had the highest scoring
half in NFL history, even while that other team was
scoring seventy total points. So the truth is is we're
not sure what the defense looks like yet. Because it's
no shade to the Bears, but that was confusing. Plus

they were coming off a really weird week where they
lost their defensive coordinator like sort of last So I
don't know if we know what this defense is about yet.
So it we'll see, you know, like they have not
seen a receiver of the caliber of Garrett Wilson.

Speaker 4 (09:12):
They haven't, So I mean, look, I think they're very good.
Let me be clear. I think they're a very good unit,
and they get better as.

Speaker 3 (09:19):
A season goes on typically, but I don't know if
they've been like that is not a that was not
a test for them and the Jags.

Speaker 4 (09:26):
The Jags have been confusing too.

Speaker 3 (09:28):
I mean, heck, they lost to the Texans without four
of their starting five offensive.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
Linemen, So we don't know what we're looking at here,
you know, Yeah, I.

Speaker 1 (09:37):
Think it's I agree with you because when you look
at the numbers, you're like, Okay, the Chiefs ranked six
in the NFL and total defense. Then you're like, well
they play the Jaguars who lost to the Texans, and well.

Speaker 4 (09:49):
The Jaguars are like, they're kind of good, but their
defense is not.

Speaker 3 (09:52):
Their defense can't get pressure and opposing quarterback, so it
makes it easier for your Like the point is complimentary
football is a big deal. We all know this, right,
So I don't know what I'm looking at there. And
the Lions that first week, like no Travis Kelce at
the very last minute, it probably changes the game plan.

Speaker 4 (10:07):
Like there's just a lot of like like.

Speaker 3 (10:10):
Like we're so early in the season that asterix is
still there for me, I just haven't I don't know
what I'm looking at yet, right, Like Chris Jones, by
the way, wasn't playing in that week one outing against
the Lions, so who, I don't know if this is
like the world beating defense that it looks like on
you know, with the tiniest amount of sample size for

you know.

Speaker 4 (10:32):
I just I don't know. I'm I'm not sold yet.

Speaker 1 (10:35):
And I feel like when you were talking about complimentary football,
it's almost like the Jets defense and the Chiefs defense
are living polar opposite world. The Chiefs defense has the
benefit of Patrick Mahomes the Chiefs offense and Travis Kelce,
where the Jets offense is figuring or it's finding its
footing or trying to find its footing.

Speaker 4 (10:53):

Speaker 1 (10:54):
Obviously thrown for a big loop when Aaron Rodgers is
no longer the quarterback. But I think it was dan
Orlowski who said this. He posted a clip on Twitter
and he was saying I think it was on NFL
Live that he was saying, like this Jets defense hasn't
been able to attack and be in attack mode. So like,
how much of a how much of a difference is

that in your opinion, in the style of play for
the Jets defense, which by the way, only let up
one touchdown last week against the Patriots.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
Yeah, the Jets defense is not the problem.

Speaker 3 (11:27):
Nobody thinks that, like nobody's sitting here being like I'm
worried about No, uhh, that ain't it. But the thing
is is the thing that is it is that you
have to look.

Speaker 4 (11:36):
I don't momentum. We can get into this.

Speaker 3 (11:38):
I'm an analytic expertsor I don't believe in the word
momentum as most people currently define it. However, taking quality
reps to keep those quality reps going in a mindset
that inspires confidence that I believe in. And that's more
of a psychological thing that's really hard to prove. But
being able to see things, let things unfold, get your footing,

get a sort of heads We all know this, like
we can we all can experience this in our own life,
like when you know what something looks like and you're
having Oh I've seen this before, been there, done that.

Speaker 4 (12:09):
Right, we've taken some reps together.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
We know how this safety does in this I know
I know this guy's Tennessee chemistry, whatever you want to
call it.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
The Jets have not been in situations.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
Due to all of the mayhem that have allowed this
defense to really show you what it's got like. If this,
if we were somehow able to cut and paste the
Jets defense with given Patrick Mahomes. Well, okay, like you know,
if we were somehow able to cut and paste that offense,
it would look a lot even better. And this is
already an amazing unit, right, so it would look even

better if they had a chance to sort of let
it come to them from the standpoint of like the
psychology of working together. That's why you always see these
teams who early in the season they you know, you
kind of they win kind of that extra one or
they get that extra like that, you know that, like
it'll help the Chargers that they won that last possession
Banana's game, even despite some suspects play calling, right, Like

that will help them because now they've been there before,
they know it, psychologically, they've seen it, they can relive it.

Speaker 4 (13:04):

Speaker 3 (13:04):
So this Jets defense, I mean, the fact that Sauce
Gardner doesn't ever go in the slot, and we're always
being like, yeah, but even slot receiver in this matchup,
bit like, don't I don't want to use them in fantasy? Right,
that's because it's a lot of respect to everyone around
the whole defense. It's still a thing like fantasy pundits
will talk about it all the time, like I'm not
picking any of my receivers against the Jets if I

can help it.

Speaker 1 (13:27):
I think what you just said, though, is so interesting
about Sauce. And I looked this up because I was curious.
Like Week one, twenty twenty two, Sauce's first game, there
were a couple plays where he lined up against Mark Andrews,
and you're like, whoa, Okay, that's.

Speaker 4 (13:39):
Like maybe five? Was it like five? Ors? It's like
a handful, a literal hand.

Speaker 1 (13:44):
So I looked it up and based on what I
could find from last year, it was nine. That was
the most out of any Jets defender. Though, well, five
is pretty.

Speaker 4 (13:54):
Two handsful, two handsful, two full hands.

Speaker 3 (13:57):
Yes, but literally it's under I do know that as
a percentage of total snaps he's played in the NFL,
it is under a half a percent.

Speaker 1 (14:06):
Yes, yes, so negligible and like it didn't specify for example,
like where Mark Andrews lined up against Sauce, like if
he were split out wide. All I'm saying is that
if you're an NFL fan or you're a Jets fan,
you're probably thinking, like, without going too much into the matchup, right,
Like I'm trying to put myself into the shoes of

a fan. You're probably thinking, put sauce on Travis Kelcey,
like strength on strength, let's see what happens. I'm not
so sure that's gonna happen, but I will say, like
that would be get your popcorn ready matchup stuff. Because
when you look at the Chiefs receiving corps, like I
understand that they got a lot of players. I saw
that Patrick Mahomes has completed the most amount of passes

to the most amount of different receivers in the NFL.
But like, to me, that just says you're find you're
trying to find what works for you and from where
you sit, Cynthia, this Chief Thief's receiving core seems to
be like okay, right, like that that's the word to
describe them. Okay.

Speaker 4 (15:07):
Yeah, So here's there's two things that I look at.

Speaker 3 (15:10):
The first thing is in that game without Travis Kelcey,
we got a lot of interesting information, meaning we saw
a ton of drops. And what were those drops about? Well,
I would imagine they're about two things. One, guys are
running routes that they weren't necessarily used to where they
weren't exactly ready or they weren't exactly lined up in
a way that made a lot of sense, right.

Speaker 4 (15:28):
And then two, now you've got guys.

Speaker 3 (15:30):
So you saw that fifty yarder Marcus Velda scantling situation,
and we're used to seeing Andy Reid offense. Is that
leverage catch and run, So it's Travis kelcey and then
some catch and run guys to overly simplify what we see. Right,
this year, you haven't really seen that. So now you're
starting to see it come together a little bit more.

Speaker 4 (15:48):
But good luck doing that against the Jets. That's why
you don't.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
I mean, it'd be great TV to watch Sauce go
up against Travis kelce but it's not really the way
this defense operates, and it's not really the way it
sort of should in the sense of, you know, you
put Sauce out wide and you figure out how to
you know, you keep the perimeter guys on the perimeter
because they do have a ton of speed still, right,
Sky Morris is still very fast.

Speaker 4 (16:11):
Same with MBS.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
So you got to figure out a way to play
make them play Jets football, not let not Jets. You
can't just say like we're going to adapt and do
that our personnel is good. Like, it's not like you're
a crappy team trying to figure something out.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
Right, Like, it's not like like.

Speaker 3 (16:28):
Weird stuff we saw from the Cardinals where literally it's like,
is that even a play in a normal play?

Speaker 4 (16:32):
But it's not that.

Speaker 3 (16:33):
This is a really good defense that doesn't need to
force something that's that's artificial.

Speaker 1 (16:38):
Look, the Chiefs are superbly talented, especially on offense. And
Robert Sala was talking about the Chiefs O line and
in his media press conference and he was saying, how
you know, that's a very good front. And actually, for
more of a preview on Jets Chiefs and just all
things Jets, here's Eric Allen with coach Sala.

Speaker 6 (16:59):
What's the message to the guys after the hell Mary
falls incomplete and you guys are wanted.

Speaker 7 (17:04):
To you know, you got to stay the course. Uh,
continue to support one another. We've got a good football
team and uh, you know, we we had our opportunities
last week and we're gonna have opportunities again this week,
and uh to to keep each other's back and keep
moving forward.

Speaker 6 (17:19):
Can you talk about the challenge of forging an offensive identity.

Speaker 7 (17:25):
You know, and it's current state, it's always it's always tough,
you know, like I said, it's got a new play caller,
a lot of new players on the offensive line. We're
shuffling people, gott new receivers, and so you're trying to
figure out how to best utilize everyone. And uh so
we're you know, you're you're adjusting everything on the fly.
But at the same time, I think, you know, between
the players and the staff, everyone's working really hard to

try to get this figured out. And uh, like I said,
I you know, you saw a little bit of it,
a glimpse of it. In the fourth quarter, it felt
like our offense was starting to pick up. I don't
know if there was a person on the sideline, and
I didn't think we're gonna win when we had the
ball at midfield, we going forty to go. But like
I said, it's it's a process and hopefully we can

continue to find ways to take advantage and move the
ball and score points.

Speaker 6 (18:09):
What's it like on a Monday when you watch Zach
like fire that third down completion to Allen Wizard, or
you review that drive where you go seven to ten
on that possession that culminates on the touchdown by Nick bohon.

Speaker 7 (18:23):
A lot of good stuff, a lot of things that
we need to improve on. It's always going to be
that way, wind loser draw and you know, so he's
he showed a lot of good things, especially in that
fourth quarter, and a couple of things that we need
to get better at. And you know, it's continuing to
find the things that he's good with, comfortable with, find
things that the receivers are good with, the alliance, good

with the running backs, and find ways to coach it
a lot better and execute it a lot better and
see if we can get it going for four quarters.

Speaker 6 (18:52):
What does that say about him mentally? The way he
stuck with it though.

Speaker 7 (18:55):
I think, like I said, I think he's so much
further along than he was a year ago from a
mental standpoint. You know, uh, you know, a year ago
at this, I feel like a year ago after a
couple of games, he was ditching the ball, it was
landing at people's feed it was inaccurate, a lot of
inaccurate passes, and where I'm not feeling that, you know,
I'm you know, he's throwing really good, accurate passes, especially

when he's in timing and rhythm and has the protection
that he's uh, that we're looking for. And like I said,
from a coaching standpoint, we got to find more things
that he's comfortable with.

Speaker 4 (19:26):

Speaker 7 (19:26):
We got to continue to communicate not only as players
but as coaches to to find what the offense can
excel at. And as we continue to build this thing,
we'll we'll continue to find ways to get better.

Speaker 6 (19:36):
What do you hope Trevor Simon, a veteran presence adds
to that room.

Speaker 7 (19:40):
Yeah, he's you know, he's a good young man. We
played him last year. You know, he's a veteran quarterback,
has a lot of a lot of games under his belt.
Just making sure that we have we have three guys
on the roster and uh, you know, he's he's a
really good dude from my understanding, and uh, he's gonna
be a welcome addition to that room.

Speaker 6 (19:56):
Can you talk about I think something that flew under
the radar Sunday all that offensive line shuffling. How those
three guys did. Let's start with makay back then switching
back to the left hack.

Speaker 7 (20:07):
Yeah, thought mckaye did did pretty good. Obviously, we you
know he had the uh, the the one play in
the fourth quarter that I know he wishes he had back,
but I thought he held up pretty well. I felt
like Joe Tipman did a really nice job in his
first start, a really nice job. Things that he's gonna
have to improve on, But there's if there's one thing
that you love about him, is that he's got elite
strain and effort and it's really important to him. And uh,

and he may not always win the physical battle at
this young stage in his career, but he is gonna
he's gonna win with effort and strain, and he's going
to get stronger, he's going to get better. He's going
to get more knowledgeable on how to play on the
interior and the game within the game that's played with
d Lineman. So really excited about him. He's gonna be
a good player for a while.

Speaker 1 (20:49):

Speaker 7 (20:49):
And then obviously AVT thought he slid out there and
looked so comfortable at right tackle. I mean, he's he's
a gifted young man. And uh, I'm glad we have him.

Speaker 6 (20:57):
What about Tipman's ability to move and in the system.

Speaker 7 (21:01):
Yeah, that you know, that's one of his One of
the traits that attracted us to him so much is
that he's a tremendous athlete for a big man. He's
got great feet, and like I said, he's got elite
strain and effort. And you know, I've always argued that
if if you've got good feet, then you strain, and
you've got effort, and you've got half a brain, you
can play for a long time in this league. And
he's got thankfully he's got a full brain. But uh,

he's he's gonna be a good player.

Speaker 6 (21:25):
Saw it seems like a hurdle each week that he
jumps over. Well, his pitch count continue to increase. Is
a season of progressive for sure.

Speaker 7 (21:36):
You know, I don't even know if he's on a
pitch count anymore. To be honest with you, he's, uh,
you know, he looks comfortable out there. He still don't
want to overload guys. And you know, it's the beauty
of having the backfield and the players that we haven't.
I don't think anyone needs to be the single bellcow.
But at the same time, you know, feeling comfortable to
get him in there, get him the ball, and let
him toete the rock as many times as possible. But uh,

you know, I know we got we got him a
lot more touches last week. Now we got to find
a way to get more production.

Speaker 6 (22:05):
Let's go to the other side of the ball. Has
Quincy Williams taking his game to the next level he.

Speaker 7 (22:11):
Has we're knocking wood on that one. You know, your
three in the system for him now, he had a
little bit of it in Jacksonville. We run a different variation,
but you know he's coming to his own and you know,
same thing. It's important to him. He plays his tail off. Obviously,
he's got great length, speed, explosiveness, and you know, it's

always been our philosophy that if you can put a
guy in repeat over and over and over again and
just let him do the same three or four things
over and over again, they can become really good. And
he's like the perfect example. He's a third round pick,
gets cut after his second season in the league or
whatever it was, and comes here and he's just been
lights out. So just super excited that we have him here.

Speaker 6 (22:55):
What does it say about the defense that people are
asking you questions about them When you give up thirteen
points and you give yourself an opportunity to win a game.

Speaker 7 (23:03):
For sure, that's the standard. You know, you want to
pitch a shut out. You know, we had some opportunities
to you know, I feel like we had about three
or four turnover worthy passes come our way we just
didn't come away with. And you know, you had the
really bad play on the on the on the big
touchdown that we wish we had back. But you know,

I'm still proud of the defense. You know, there it's
to hold an NFL team the thirteen points is not easy.
Fifteen include the safety. But at the same time, you know,
we you don't want them pressing to make plays because
that's when you give up more plays, obviously, But at
the same time, you know, it's a great young, young,
young group, and they play hard, they play for each other,

they're selfless, and the fact that they go out there
and they just ball with the mindset to get the
ball back for the offense. There's no whining, there's no complaining,
and it's just a special group to be around.

Speaker 6 (23:58):
How unique is saw Us in terms of his length
at the cornerback position.

Speaker 4 (24:03):
He is.

Speaker 7 (24:05):
You know, you usually get long corners. They're usually a
little bit leggy and they're not very good and not
a transition. But he's not one of those guys. He's
got great he's got great length and strain, and he
can get in out of his breaks, you know, and
he's he's another one. When someone catches the ball, it's like,
oh my god, he's having a sophomore slum. But he's

still playing at a high level. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (24:27):
The reason why I asked you about him is that
obviously he's got some flexibility. We saw that early how
much faith you had in him as a rookie when
you went against Mark Andrews early on.

Speaker 7 (24:38):
Yeah. No, you know, we will do that. I know
a lot of people don't see it, but there are
times where we we do certain things to put him
in an advantageous situation. But you know, we're not reluctant,
but we you know, we're we pick and choose because
we have all the faith in dj read too. You know,
he can lock down people and play and he plays
at a high level. And you know, we feel fortunate

that we have really good corners that that strain the
way they do and both of them can cover at
a at a very high level.

Speaker 6 (25:05):
You've been doing this for a long time. I've had
some battles against Andy Reid. When you think about him,
what stands out and now he's fourth all time in
terms of victories as a high coach.

Speaker 7 (25:16):
Yeah, you know, he's it's always an adventure because you're
always going to see about twenty plays that you never
saw on tape. You know, he's they're always drawings. If
I feel like, they just draw stuff in the dirt
and they throw it on the tape and it's like
guys just running all over the place. It's it's fun
to watch, not fun to play against. But you know,
we're it's gonna be a fun challenge. Uh, I think

our guys will be up for it. Stud he's an
absolute stud. He's uh. He is the heartbeat of that team.
I feel like on the especially on the offensive side
of the ball. His juice, his energy, his playmaking ability,
his strain, his I mean, the volume at which he
plays on the silent tape is is pretty cool.

Speaker 6 (25:58):
Let's go to the other side of the ball. For years,
everybody's been talking about homes of course, and for good
good reason, and what Andy has done with him. But
how good is this defense and what kind of level
or they playing at?

Speaker 7 (26:10):
Yeah? They so they're going. I think that's year five
for them now of being together under Spags and Spags
is doing a great job with that group. Man, they
play fast, they're very tight, a lot of tight window throws.
I think they're in the top ten right now on defense.
And you know, they they held on a really explosive
Detroit team. They held Jacksonville under ten and then obviously

they did what they did last week to Chicago. But
it's a it's a talented group. Chris Jones is a
is as good as anybody on the interior. He is
up there with Quinnin and you know and Aaron Donald.
Those three are are the kreme de la creme, if
you will, of interior interior pass rush. And Bolton has

become a number thirty two. He's a he's a heck
of a linebacker. It's a good group. It's a really
good group. So it's it's gonna be a challenge, another challenge.

Speaker 6 (26:59):
For from a fans perspective, how much would you enjoy
if you could sit back and watch this game on
the interior? Mentioned Chris Jones, and you've got the guy
yourself in Quinna Wims.

Speaker 7 (27:12):
From fan perspective, never want to be a fan because
we're the lucky ones. We get to be on the
sideline and no offense. But you know it's, uh, we
got the best seat in the house and hopefully our
guys do a little bit.

Speaker 6 (27:24):
Better well, Quinning last week career high seven quarterback brushers.

Speaker 7 (27:28):
Yeah, you know, it's been that way. It's you know,
it's funny, you you know from family and friends, like, man,
you guys aren't hitting the quarterback. Well we are. He's
just getting rid of it so darn fast. And you know,
over the last couple of weeks, they've done a really
nice job with what they have. I think now this
offensive line that we're playing is probably the best group
that we've played all year over the first the course

of the first three games. So it's going to be
a challenge for our d line. But you know, we're
getting the quarterback. We're affecting them. Like I said, the ball.
When when you feel like the quarterback speeding up his rhythm,
you're gonna get some turnover worthy throws, which we've had
opportunities the last couple weeks. You know, we had a
couple versus Dallas that we can come down with. We
had a couple, like I said, against I think Amos

had an opportunity at one. Michael Carter had an opportunity
at one, and so did Jordan Whitehead. And you know,
so we're getting these turnover worthy opportunities because they're speeding
up the cadence and they're speeding up the cadence because
of the their their rhythm, because of the defensive line.
And you know, as long as we keep rushing the
way we are, if they if they feel like hitching,
they're going to go down and if they want to

speed up the rhythm, and we got to take advantage
when they throw it to us.

Speaker 6 (28:36):
What's it like competing against Patrick Mahomes in the past,
you said he's relentless.

Speaker 7 (28:41):
Yeah, he's a nightmare because it's he is the ultimate.
You know, it's like talking about Josh Allen. You know,
you got the first play and then you got the
second plane, you got the second place, So you got
the first plane rhythm and then the second play, which
is all schedule, which is no defense for And so
we got to be really, really cognizant where we are
in our rush lines. We've got to be in where
we are on the field and coverage and you know

it forever with Andy, it's been put the fastest humans
in the world on the field and run as far
as you can and then mahomes will throw to you.
And even back in Philadelphia it was McNabb and then
he had Vic and all these big arm talent guys
and uh, you know, so his formula works for him,
and you know, we just got to find a way
to combat it.

Speaker 6 (29:22):
Anything you can say about the old man jog.

Speaker 7 (29:25):
Oh yeah him, Uh, the loon will lull you asleep.
He definitely uh when he gets his little trot going
at his Uh, he looks like his feet hurt, but
but he's just lullly to sleep because his feet don't hurt.
He moves just as good as anybody.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
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Go to LifeLock dot com, slash jets or use promo
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dot com. Welcome back to the Game Preview Podcast presented
by LifeLock. That was coach Sala and Ea breaking it
down Jets chiefs as they always do. Great stuff from
both of those guys. John Pilano back in the house,

which means it's time, I think for mad lips today.
That's what we're doing. But first, before you start, because
I know he's itching to get going here. Cynthia, you see,
you told us before we started that you had something
for us. You didn't really say what it was. But
we're ready. We're a little nervous over here in Flora Park,
but we're ready.

Speaker 4 (30:41):
So first of all, I need to point out where
is Robert Sala.

Speaker 1 (30:45):
From dearborn, Michigan.

Speaker 3 (30:48):
That's right, that's about forty five fifty miles away from
where I'm from.

Speaker 4 (30:51):
Just so good Michiganders.

Speaker 3 (30:53):
Like, that's a lot of Michigan representation on one pod.
I'm just saying, you know, like for a you know,
for York pod, like, this is a lot of good
Michigan stuff. Although I do have a New York dad,
so whatever, I don't know what that means. But here's
what I want to tell you. Do you know what
else Robert Sala and I have in common?

Speaker 2 (31:10):
You're not both bold.

Speaker 1 (31:12):
That's literally where I was. Are you gonna pull off? Like,
are you gonna tell us that you're wearing a weave
or something?

Speaker 4 (31:17):
I'm wearing a No. We both love to play chess.
And do you know who else loves to play chess?
From your team? Good old Chess?

Speaker 3 (31:25):
And he played in a competition this past summer on
chess dot Com. I hosted it and it was so
much fun. The winner came from the Chiefs. Now Chess
played really well, by the way, but came from the chiefs.

Speaker 1 (31:38):
Uh huh, Okay, we're on a.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
First name basis. Now come off with chess like we're
basically grand masters.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
Did you watch the Queen's Gambit?

Speaker 4 (31:49):
Of course I went. I watched the Queen's Gambit.

Speaker 1 (31:52):
Yeah, it was great show. You watched Queen's Gambit?

Speaker 4 (31:53):
Pull off swift.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Just for the record, when I hear chas, I think
of chess Michael Michaels from Blades of Glory. How could
I not you know?

Speaker 4 (32:05):
Close? Close?

Speaker 3 (32:07):
Very Okay, So the one of the Chiefs players actually won.
And you guess that chief. Now, all right, I'm gonna well, see,
I give you one guess. It's it's a it's a
player who wasn't drafted by the Chiefs.

Speaker 4 (32:23):
I'll go with that. And he went to Notre Dame.
I'll give you those two things.

Speaker 1 (32:28):
He went to Notre Dame.

Speaker 3 (32:30):
Okay, and he wasn't originally drafted. He's actually a new chief.
He's a chief this year. He was a another team
that will really.

Speaker 4 (32:37):
Give it away.

Speaker 1 (32:38):
Okay, well you're really helping us out here.

Speaker 2 (32:40):
But yeah, the team.

Speaker 3 (32:43):
The other team was the Chargers. He came from the Chargers.
Now he's a chief.

Speaker 1 (32:50):
Okay. Is he a starter?

Speaker 4 (32:53):
I think so rotational?

Speaker 3 (32:55):
But yeah, he's not like he's not like the most
name brand name. But when I say, you'll be like,
oh I know that guy.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Not sure, No, it's definitely him because he used to
be a Charger. Drew trankwill yeah, flying back, nice, very nice,
very nice.

Speaker 3 (33:11):
Plow on I for we are literally not playing chess
in this game.

Speaker 4 (33:15):
We are playing We're not playing checkers. We're playing chess
in this guy.

Speaker 1 (33:17):
Yeah, that's right, baby, all right. That was that was great.
That was a good way to get the trivia juices
flowing here. We're good.

Speaker 2 (33:24):
I know you're working hard on that.

Speaker 1 (33:25):
Yeah, I know, I know, but that's why Cynthia and
I are usually the teammates. So you threw us for
a loop here. Polano and I work together mostly in everything,
just not necessarily on the game preview podcast. Now we're
working together. You threw us for a loop. So with
that being said, Polano, the floor is yours. What do
we got cooking today?

Speaker 2 (33:42):
Yeah, we got some Matt Lewis.

Speaker 5 (33:43):
Podcasts are tough for trivia because you got these thoughts
running through your head and they can't see you, so
you're just like silent for like minutes at a time.

Speaker 2 (33:51):
So I just like didn't even know what to say there.

Speaker 4 (33:53):
I was.

Speaker 1 (33:54):
I was listening to ESPN Radio this morning and they
do like a trivia segment that's with Dave Roethenberg, and
he's very good at talking his thoughts through, but he
can be a little more eclectic.

Speaker 2 (34:05):
Yeah, no, to say the least, the least, but fired up.

Speaker 4 (34:08):
I don't know what that means, but you'll have to
tell me later.

Speaker 2 (34:11):
Okay, So we got some mad libs.

Speaker 5 (34:13):
We have our offensive and defensive game plan, and there
is a trend among these. Let's see if you guys
can kind of figure it out as we go. But
it's as normal. I'm going to ask you for a
player from whether it be a position group or a
scenario whatever, and then we're going to stick them into
the mad lib.

Speaker 1 (34:29):
Sound good, yep?

Speaker 2 (34:30):
All right, So Cynthia, can you give me a Jets
offensive lineman?

Speaker 4 (34:36):
The Big Ticket? Gave me some Makai Beckton, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
I love it.

Speaker 1 (34:39):
Did you see him holding a baseball yesterday at the
Mets game.

Speaker 2 (34:42):
It's like you're holding like, I don't know, like a
marketing pong ball.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Yeah, it looked like me holding a pee, you know,
Like I.

Speaker 4 (34:50):
Was like what I was like, is he playing beer pong?
What's going on? What is going on here?

Speaker 2 (34:55):
If he played, he might not even need a mint.
He just has that hand out there.

Speaker 1 (34:58):
He's got the bear.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
Yeah, it's unreal. But yes, m guy back then.

Speaker 4 (35:02):
Like his hands like he's crazy.

Speaker 1 (35:04):
The Big Ticket.

Speaker 4 (35:05):
I want to see it.

Speaker 3 (35:06):
It's like this, you can't see, but it looks like
like I'm using the you know the perspective of the
lens WI putting my hand up very close.

Speaker 2 (35:12):
Yeah, but so Highway seventy seven, as our good friend
Baldy likes to call him.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
But he is good friend Baldy too.

Speaker 3 (35:19):
Yes, all these fingers are nuts. Have you seen Baldi's hands?

Speaker 6 (35:22):

Speaker 1 (35:23):
I have?

Speaker 2 (35:24):
They are not parallel.

Speaker 1 (35:25):
Yeah, I love. There's a photo of Baldy doing like
the surfer like like the dude surfer thing and his
pinky it is straight up like an up and down
line because of his pinky. It is so funny.

Speaker 5 (35:39):
No, he's the best. He's the best, and you can
catch him this week on the Robertson.

Speaker 1 (35:43):
That's right, all right, what's the mad Live?

Speaker 2 (35:45):
So here's the mad Lib.

Speaker 5 (35:46):
Defensive lineman Chris Jones and the Chiefs had some bad
blood this soft season while they were trying to negotiate
a new contract. However, after a cruel summer, Joanes agreed
to a one year deal and returned the lineup in
Week two. After two games, the all Pro defensive lineman
has two and a half sex and two tackles, and
with Jones coming to town, McKay Beckton will need to

be at his best to ensure Zach Wilson has kept
safe and sound.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
Oh okay, man, he really is the biggest.

Speaker 3 (36:15):
Swing fairness, I should have gone with Elijah rat Tacker
a little more interior pressure. But you know details that
was a perfect mad lib with all the Taylor swift.

Speaker 1 (36:22):
It was I think that is going to be the
theme of the mad lib. Am I right on? But
Mackay beck did I mean, first of all, going he
flipped from right to left tackle last week, Cynthia, Jets
had a big reshuffling. If you could rework your answer,
you're probably Honestly, I'm gonna use it as a way
to talk about Joe Tipman because Joe Tipman played right

guard and he started as a rookie. It's he didn't
play right guard at Wisconsin. I'm gonna tell you that
right now. He played center for the Wisconsin Badgers. What
did you make of the way the Jets all line
like as a whole molded on short notice with Dwayne
Brown going to IR.

Speaker 3 (37:00):
Yeah, well, first of all, the Dwayne Brown going to
IR was like a like that stinks. I really like
Dayne and I wanted him have this like resurgent year.
So I really think that it shows the versatil. So
Mackay Beckton, when you when you read the notes on
him coming out of college, even I know it was
a long time ago, but still, you know, his athleticism
and his quickness, like his quick twitch muscle fibers or

whatever that is are like extra And that is a
very like to it's not easy to switch sides. People
sometimes underestimate like what it takes to switch Some people
can't even do it, like they just can't. So that
was a very encouraging like sign. He looked good, like
I think, And and Tipman, by the way, center is

a really hard thing for people to understand. And right
guard is right or left guard is probably like the
second hardest.

Speaker 4 (37:47):
Thing for people to understand. So he's done.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
Really like these are all really encouraging things. After you know,
the Dwayne he hasn't been healthy, but you know it's
that was that's a bummer, but it's been it's been nice,
like to see McKay Beckton out there and you know,
participating in being showing his athleticism and switching sides and
still being super athletics.

Speaker 4 (38:07):
So it's it's been very encouraging.

Speaker 1 (38:09):
I like watching mackay pancake people like it's just so fun.
He's so big, he shouldn't be that powerful, so big,
like it's just incredible, and Sala and the Jets coaching
staff really like one. Joe Tipman's athleticism for being six six,
which is a tall center for what it's worth. But
he got the job done with the mullet, of course,
and they really love and they kept saying this in

the preseason. They love his strain and the way that
he's able to perform on like a snap in and
snap out basis. So that was a good first mad lib.
That was good. Yeah, thank you, well well done, well done.

Speaker 5 (38:43):
Chris Jan's also six y six, which makes him a
real issue to mess with. So Tipman being at that size,
that's definitely yep. Yeah, if anybody's because.

Speaker 3 (38:51):
Jones typically lines up inside, so the you know that
interior pressure is usually a bit faster than the outside
pressure comes faster because you're closer.

Speaker 2 (39:01):
No, absolutely, absolutely, should we get to the next one.

Speaker 1 (39:03):

Speaker 5 (39:04):
All right, awesome, Ethan, I'm gonna need you to send
me over a running back for the New York Jets.

Speaker 1 (39:09):
A running back for the New York Jets.

Speaker 2 (39:10):
We've got some good ones.

Speaker 1 (39:12):
Yeah they do. I'm not gonna go Israel about a conda,
but I needed to say it exactly, I needed to
say Izzy about a Conda. But I'm gonna go Dalvin
Cook because I feel like we talk a lot about
Breeze Hall lately.

Speaker 4 (39:26):

Speaker 5 (39:26):
Absolutely, let's so let's throw Devin Cook in this mad lib.
The Jets offense ran for just thirty eight yards against
the New England Patriots and also sixty four against the
Dallas Cowboys. Despite some poor performances, the Jets plan to
shake it off and lean on Dalvin Cook in the
run game come Sunday.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
Okay, applicable, applicable absolutely. I think, you know, obviously, like
any one of the Jets running backs who have been
active between Michael Carter, Dalvin Cook, Breese Hall would have
fit there. I think with the Chiefs defense, like if
you can keep Patrick Mahomes off the field by eating
up the clock and running the football, well why not, right?

And you know that the Jets want to establish the
run to try to alleviate some of the pressure and
open things up in the back end for Zach Wilson.
So in my opinion, I could see the Jets trying
and run the ball, but you know, they really haven't
had the success doing so in the past. Couple weeks.
I will say that if you're a team game planning
for the Jets and like you're the Patriots, you wanted

to see what Zack had, you know, So I understand
why the Patriots game plan the way that they did,
and we'll see what happens. But I'm hoping that I
would imagine Cynthia that I know we're talking about the
run game, but even like quick passes that we've talked
about in previous seasons, as like the cousin of a run,

that's got to be in the play cards, right, especially
if you go with the pony package with cook a
haul at the same time like that, that could be
some really good offensive personnel groupings.

Speaker 3 (40:54):
Yeah, and I think that the interesting part here is
if you look at Chris Jones historically, and this guy
gets pressures in fourth quarters, and a lot of that
is because the game script is teams are throwing more
in fourth quarters against the Chiefs, but it also shows
that he gets sort of stronger as the game goes,
like it's the fatigue factor is less for him than
for other players. Last year, he had eight more pressures

in fourth quarters than the next closest guy, So it's
interesting to see, Okay, if you can get the run
game going and you're not asking you know, like obvious
downs and distances with throws, like don't ask anyone to
do that against the Chiefs. But let's like put everything
into perspective and lean on the strength. So some of
these shorter passes and catch and run. We see Garrett

Wilson is a good catch and run runner too, And
so we're these more experienced guys that have a lot
of you know, if you look at the motions that
like the Packers used to do that, these former Packer
players who are now Jets are.

Speaker 4 (41:51):
Used to doing.

Speaker 3 (41:51):
That's actually a way to help alleviate pressure and open
up running lanes. So, you know, a little misdirection, a
little bit of a queue for Zach Wilson as to
what the defense is thinking, kind of getting there, getting
him the opportunity to say, okay, this is my first read,
this is my second one, and I have way more
space here, so let's do that and just buying him.
Like it sounds weird to be like a half a second,

but truly a half a second makes a huge difference
in terms of connecting on a quick pass or not
you know, a sack or holding on to it too long.

Speaker 1 (42:21):
Plana pick your next best mad Live because we got
time for one more.

Speaker 7 (42:26):
Oh absolutely?

Speaker 6 (42:27):

Speaker 4 (42:28):
Oh sorry, I'm talking going to you?

Speaker 1 (42:30):
What'd you say?

Speaker 4 (42:32):
I'm talking too much today? Apologize?

Speaker 1 (42:34):
Oh you're not talking too much. You're just jacked up.
You're you're just excited, kicked up. Sunday Night football, jetch Chiefs.
I mean, what's not to long?

Speaker 4 (42:41):
Yeah, it's a full Sunday night treatment. That's a great broadcast.
I love it. Carrie Underwood sings the open. You know,
it's all good.

Speaker 5 (42:49):
So I know you guys wanted to not necessarily avoid
Patrick Mahomes during this because.

Speaker 2 (42:53):
Everybody kind of knows who he is.

Speaker 5 (42:54):
But I think we do need to address him because
he's probably the best player in football right now. So
could you, Cynthia give me a Jets defender that will
be crucial in containing mister Patrick Mahomes?

Speaker 4 (43:06):
Ooh crucial. I'm trying to go like I'm not going
saus because we talked about him enough. Let's go with
a little Moseley action.

Speaker 1 (43:14):
You love that? Oh?

Speaker 2 (43:16):
Yes, CJ.

Speaker 5 (43:17):
Mosely never has talked about enough, and he gets talked
about a little yit so now raining. So the raigning
NFL MVP Patrick Mahomes does not need any introduction in
his Welcome to New York. In his five scenes at
the starter, Mahomes has one hundred and ninety two touchdown
passes and a regular season record of sixty six and seventeen.
The Jets know all too well that's stopping the two
times Super Bowl MVP will be a daunting task, but CJ.

Moseley will be up to the challenge in slowing the
two time All Pro.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
I love it works.

Speaker 4 (43:45):
I think it works.

Speaker 1 (43:47):
I think it works.

Speaker 2 (43:48):
It works absolutely.

Speaker 1 (43:49):
Did you just say it's beautiful?

Speaker 2 (43:51):
It is beautiful tier to tier to my eye?

Speaker 1 (43:53):
Yeah. Well, also, can we shout out quickly Quincy Williams.
I mean, I'm pretty sure he's PFF's top yes flybacker
and terms of coverage grade, Like, this is a guy
who you got it. This is where you tip your
hat to Joe Douglas Waiver claim in twenty nineteen first year,
you saw some flashes and now we're at the point
where he gets paid in the off season and he's

playing at a better level than he was last year,
and he was pretty damn good for the Jets last year. Cynthia,
that's right.

Speaker 3 (44:21):
Yeah, absolutely, there's a lot of people like this whole front.
You could say that about you know, maybe it does not.
They don't all have the story of getting paid or
whatever or being claimed off waivers. But you know, I
feel like the front is like really like they figured
some stuff out, even more so than they and they
already were great last season.

Speaker 1 (44:38):
Okay, Polano, you did a great job on the Mad
Lives Round for John Plano.

Speaker 4 (44:43):
Woo, you gotta get my hands holding my mug. I
don't want to.

Speaker 1 (44:46):
Oh yeah, yeah, don't mess up the mug. Don't mess
up the mug.

Speaker 4 (44:49):
No, my Jets mug. It's my favorite, of course, well
second favorite.

Speaker 3 (44:53):
I have one with Gordy on it. That's the favorite.
But you know whatever, non Gordy mug.

Speaker 1 (44:57):
All allow it. Didn't know where you were going with that,
but I'll anyway.

Speaker 3 (45:01):
I mean, anything with Gordy on it is gonna be
my favorite. It just is like it's my baby. He's
my baby dog.

Speaker 1 (45:07):
I understand. So let's wrap up the game preview podcasts
with this, Cynthia. We just talked about Mahomes Kelsey, we
talked about more of his personal life than we did
his actual football and his football life, I guess. But yeah,
this is gonna sound like a silly question, but like,

what why are the Chiefs so good outside of Patrick Mahomes? Like,
there's two parts that stand out to me before you
answer your the question here. One is, it doesn't seem
like the old line, specifically the interior doesn't get enough credit.
Just putting that out there. I feel like Patrick Mahomes
gets so much credit because he's so good that you're
kind of like, oh, the Chiefs have like the Chiefs

have Mahomes, they have Kelsey, and then like just do
they just like a bunch of guys, But that's not
really the case. One two is why in the world
is trap is Kelsey? What everyone knows? Where the where
the ball is going to go? Who he wants to
throw to it? Why is he always just open?

Speaker 4 (46:09):
Well, there's two things.

Speaker 3 (46:10):
First other, so I'm gonna say the one thing to
keep an eye out for is their right tackle who
it's very confounding. He lines up incorrectly a lot and
they call it intermittently, which is a little confusing. But
that's something to watch going forward. Okay, And I'm with
you on the interior line being good. The two things

that we have seen consistently and now usually it works
for like a couple of games, like four or five games,
until there's enough film on it. But the thing that
Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes have figured out is different alignments,
so you quality control people. They're tasked with saying, okay,
when it's eleven personnel and so and so's in the slot,

and Travis Cazader it's typically a run or whatever. Right,
I'm oversimplifying that too, but they're they're charged with trying
to help with tendency.

Speaker 4 (47:00):
Well, the thing is is they have a lot of.

Speaker 3 (47:02):
Tendency busters, meaning they're they're not looking like last year
Travis Kelcey started lining up in places he literally had
never lined up before in his career and he's not
new right, So that's the first thing alignments looking different.
And then second they do a lot of spread and
then compressed alignments in quick transition tempo.

Speaker 4 (47:22):
So typically what will happen.

Speaker 3 (47:24):
Is if you're you know, if you're playing a like
a two minute offense, which usually do when you have
time issues, not you know the beginning of halves like
you're trying to you're trying to get the wrong defensive personnel,
and so the mismatch works in your offensive favor. And
they do that masterfully.

Speaker 4 (47:40):
Like watch how.

Speaker 3 (47:41):
Far apart they are on first down, and then on
second down it'll be a compressed formation and then open close.

Speaker 4 (47:46):
Oh but like, but they do it.

Speaker 3 (47:48):
So fast the defense can't really switch off the front
the way that you would like to if you have
like all the time in the world to figure that out.
That's two things that really keep them kind of rolling
at the same pace that we see them rolling at.
And then the third thing whenever when things aren't working,
the threat of Patrick Mahomes doing is just something ridiculous

that has to keep defense defenses honest.

Speaker 4 (48:13):
So even if it's like you.

Speaker 3 (48:14):
See it on third and like look at their third
down splits, they're they're almost the same on like third
and two as they are on third and fifteen, meaning
they're they're not really like typically you see like a
massive drop off, like converting on third and one is
like sixty percent or whatever, fifty percent, and then it
goes down to they're like they had points last season

where they were better converting on third and and six
plus than they were on third and four, like it
was insane. So basically, the threat of him keeps defenses honest.
And there's always that weird like Andy Reid moment where
a running back just has like some ridiculous they have
some ridiculous play for a running back that like no
one's expecting because you're just thinking Patrick's gonna go deep,

and he somehow rushes for like on third and fifteen
he rushes for like twenty.

Speaker 4 (48:59):
Seven years like that.

Speaker 3 (49:00):
So the truth is is it's the compression to throw
the defense off so you don't have the right numbers
in the box that you'd like to have.

Speaker 1 (49:09):
That is a it's funny because that's like, no, no,
it's it's a synopsis. It's like a snaff shot of
what makes them so good. But it's also like it's
a lot of information. It's a lot of fantastic information.
And I think if you're a Jets fan, like, let's
see what happened Sunday, right, Like at the end of
the day, the Jets are one and two, they have

a chance to knock off the Super Bowl defending champs,
Like I understand what the spread is if I were
a betting man. I would understand what that meant, but
that's a word that people say, like, look I understand
what the at like what the perception of this game is.
But look what happened last week in Arizona. You know,
like you never know what's going to happen. The Jets
have the talent on both sides of the ball, so

pull off an upset so we'll see what happens. That's
all we have for the game preview podcasts presented by
LifeLock Cynthia. As always, we appreciate you will talk. You sweet,
that good
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